Can we agree already that by today's standards, Haruhi is an average show at best?

Can we agree already that by today's standards, Haruhi is an average show at best?

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Show yes, but Dissapearance is still pretty great

At least Protagonist here can wear a bikini...unlike Most of the other Moeshits.

Haruhi will always be Queen of Yea Forums, Peasant...

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It's still much better than Oreimo and Oregairu.

Yuki best girl

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Can we agree on anything?


maybe the first season, the second season is sub standard at best.

Character design has aged like milk.

>by today's standards
Are you suggesting that anime is getting better?

>by today's standards
Without Haruhi there would be no "today's standards," you ignorant fuck.

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nigger do you even watch the light novel shit that gets put out nowadays

Haruhi is moeshit, Yuki is just a pity parody on Rei

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By anytime's standards it was. In fact I'd say today's standards are even lower than back then.

Still better and meaningful than those moe shit and isekai these day.

Yuki is also very cute

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What happened to tanigawa nigger?

>Implying all modern anime is as good or better than Haruhi
I don't see it being as popular as Haruhi, so what's your point

Endless Eight was a fantastic experience that will never happen again.

The movie holds up

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The movie doesn't just "hold up," the movie is excellent. The show is still excellent for that matter, even watching it again after years. Haruhi hasn't gotten any worse, barring the obvious with the Endless Eight. Barring them, the entire thing is as rock-solid as it was before.

Show is great, Disappearance is kino

But the best part is still Intrigues-Dissociation.

Show me a single anime that have done anything Haruhi did that even compares to the quality of Haruhi.