Boku no Hero Academia

I did not wish
To be a fish.
It was a fish, for which I did not wish.

Why papa, must I hate
this inhuman fishy state.
What on earth is the point of a mutants life
if it's to be one filled with strife?
For my quirk, I can only use
it to get free internet (You)'s

Post interesting background characters that you've seen, maybe we can strike up some new discussion around them

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Other urls found in this thread:

The canadian. She is pretty hot.

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Oh hey, it's the previous series' best girl.

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she got stained


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She isn't the only one from the zoo; I noticed Takahiro (ProtoHawks) made it into the movie.

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Takahiro also was supposed to be Hawks at first. Shame though that Hori hasn´t used Shiina again.

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Gang Orca, Snake Hair bitch are also from the old one.

Curator, Bearman and Hana (But with white hair...yeah.) also been in some japanese only game.

Has anybody read OmaZoo? Is it decent, I might pick it up provided it ened at a decent-ish point.

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Kinda wish there was still a faction that hated/disliked quirks. There is a lot of stuff you could do with that, like having a few characters with legitimately horrifying quirks wanting to get rid of them completely and bring everyone back onto an even playing field so to speak.
Also could have some good introspection from the whole cast about this topic in general.

i have a feeling that those background characters will be relevant later

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is he an even bigger NEET then Shiggy?

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Its solid, nothing outstanding but was entertaining with what a maniac Shiina was at times. It was a bit open ended and the last arc was kinda eh, but the Aquarium arc had Gang Orca and overall the best stuff. its basically 3 arcs: Shenanigans first, then the Aquarium and then the circus.

Gang Orca also calls himself "Da Gangsta of da Sea", he´s just as great in it as in MHA.

I doubt it, but he might also posess NEET speed to a degree.

Well it's been shown that Kai definitely got away and there are 5 other precepts to the known Yakuza organisation outside of Kai, Chrono and Mimic; so we might still yet be in for Yakuza 2: Electric Boogaloo. Concept: During the/a prison break everybody escapes the pound; including members from the LoV, Yakuza, possibly the CoD depending on this arc and any other new factions. I mean, Rappa's gotta get out somehow,

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Yes, this is rather cute and canon if I do say so myself.

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Is it just my League bias, or is does it seem like the Destro kids might be getting into a bit of a pickle if they attack the league? The Destro gang may own at least one skyscraper, but the league has a man who can level mountains.

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poor bastards
if only there were someone who could save them

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Is that reviewbrah Destro Jr?

>it's been shown that Kai definitely got away
When? How?

Nope, its pretty much guaranteed that they´re being used to show Shiggys growth in having him turn it around and make Destro Jr and Friends his bitches.

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That could be possible yeah, it just feels like we havn't got a villain that wasn't obviously evil and wrong. Stain was the closest we got but his ideology didn't make any hero's pause and think you know?

Also, they made one High End.
Who's to say they can't make another?
Something tells me Destro Jr. won't put up as much of a fight as Endeavor did.

>Sees the new, censored Version of Destros book.
>My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

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Based. AfO is the true hero.

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But the other kids might. Remember, the ones at the table might not all be fighters, but they sure seem to have some lackeys.
I wanna see what Shiggy has up his sleeve, I bet it's more High ends, but I wanna see what he himself could do too. I also want to see what the fuck Calamity man is doing, I mean the last Tartarus scene sort of implied he's gonna send Tartarus flying, so that'd probably put the League in a strong recruiting position.

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>havn't got a villain that wasn't obviously evil and wrong
>who is AfO

What type of Creatura is this?

I wonder if children of depowered mutants would still inherit mutations?

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kaminari likes him

The Tartarus scene was misinterpreted i think, they only mentioned how AFO was moving due to him being excited.


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i mean, the destro kid are not stupid, they must know how dangerous they are

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I assume not because AfO literally changes their genetic structure when it removes the quirk, considering that he can remove disfiguring mutations that then don't grow back.

It's gween

>I mean the last Tartarus scene sort of implied he's gonna send Tartarus flying
No, the scene only existed to remind us that Giga is a thing in this manga and to give people something to talk about since that arc was shit

We just don't know. I mean it depends on how the lord´s quirk works. If it only removes the quirk factor and the potential for an individual to use their quirk, then it should remain in the genes. But if it removes all the traces of said quirk from the genes, it would render the person genetically quirkles too...
No, it said Gigantomachia.
They have the resources to pull some bullshit for sure. Destro might've even met AFO so they might know about some of the older members like AFO and maybe Giga or Kurogiri.

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what is Reviewbrah's Quirk

>that mirio
shit tier

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He caused quite alot of deaths, and while he could have a good goal (Like trying to take control of society in order to progress technologically again) so far his actions paint him as obviously evil despite helping those two in the flashback.

Cheap food location.

he can control and manipulate radio waves

>tfw AfO literally absorbs mutie DNA into himself just to save people from the curse
Truly he is saint.

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how does he not become a mutie

Didn't he just think he was cool? I don't think he agreed with his ideals (Although if he did and just didn't tell anyone about it and became a traitor later it would be cool)

Reminder that stretchy bodyparts was one of the OfA quirks, and All Might used it without realising. He immediately lost his neck after passing the power on to Deku, as he monologued about fading embers a few chapters later.

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>AFO is a good guy guys
>AFO was a Hero wrongfully accused by the NWO that used All Might as a pawn to establish present day society
>the people AFO helps out are well adjusted good citizens

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That doesn't even match the aesthetic of the fantasy AU.
This looks like some Kingdom Hearts shit.

He seemingly can deactivate stolen quirks. That would explain why he didn't get fucked up jaw.

I think he looks hot

I don´t see your problem, this man clearly is just a little excited.

Momos hymen and womb belong to Mineta.

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he stores the quirks, he doesn't have to use them
or perhaps he found a quirk that lets him remove the physical effects.
perhaps he just has so much control over his quirk now that he can will those quirks not to manifest
any of these would work

he did just think he was cool, but considering that he couldn't just come out and say "I think stain is right" "he's cool" is about the highest praise kaminari could realistically give in that scenario

It doesn't work, so who cares

these are both great.

I really need to catch up on the latest chapters, I just haven’t read em

>get mugged by a bunch of fucking muties
>they fucking hold you down and beat you up
>they take all your fucking money
nothing wrong with dispensing justice to criminals, user

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You're taking his reaction out of context.
He was assaulted by muties, and now he's just very excited that he doesn't have to be scared anymore.

Pick 1
>bakuwank arc
>Deku portals in the middle of the intrigue
>misdirection for AfO/LoV arc

>all of the above

>Also, they made one High End.
>Who's to say they can't make another?
Gonna guess the name now: Dead End.
Later, the League's magnum opus Nomu will simply be called "The End".

Imagine the amount of bullying that mutants get.

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i'd fuck that 4 armed girl

>Shigaraki is going to reveal their newest, next level Nomu: Endgame.
>It is revealed being the videogame refrencing idiot he is he still got another Nomu called "Postgame" in the making.
>USJ was late game.
>Hosu was early game.

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There's probably mutant trafficking rings all over the MHA world.

Why was the brother screaming like that? It was 100% good for them, I don't think they ever wanted to turn back. And it's not like AFO forced people to help him.

>After Postgame, he's got plans for a "DLC" Nomu and an "Expansion Pack" Nomu.

Did we get a summary yet? Saw SNK losing their shit

I want to receive Aizawa's validation!

The worldbuilding in this series UTTER SHIT that's being made up as it goes along which makes these new groups of villains feel like filler as they seem to pop out of nowhere into sudden relevancy because of how little we know about the world AND HOW LITTLE THEY MATTERED before.

We don't even know how hero society came into being. All we know is apparently there were too many people running around who used their newly found powers to do bad things so some other people stepped up and took matters into their hands. Then TA - DA!! that's how hero society came into being like wtf?? There's way too many things skipped there for the series to act like this is some sort of logical progression of things, very POOR EXECUTION in worldbuilding.

It doesn't even make sense because if you're saying that the situation was solved because of people taking matters into their hands instead of relying on the gov't then hero society is like the opposite of that. So how the fuck does that work and how the fuck can they even enforce the "you can't use your quirk" thing or even know what exact quirk people have if they just lie about it?

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>Spinner suggests a Free to Play Nomu and is immediatley executed for treason.

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Did Manlet actually die?

He may or may not have lived, could be a technical victory for manletkind.

Mirio x Eri is the only canon ship approved by Hori himself

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"blocks your path"

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Seems that way


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Also the military is completely ignored. So what if a few people could punch like a gorilla or manipulate milk? Society and the government wouldnt go down to that. AFO came to put a stop to that chaos but I wager a few helicopters and assault rifles would have done the job.

Does Japan have an army?

Mirio and Eri out on a double date with Amajiki and Nejire

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>Amajiki and Nejire
Doesn't Nejire already have a girlfriend?

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because the brother is the villain
we get told AfO is the villain but we have quite literally never seen him kill or directly attack someone who didn't attack him first. even back in the day his supporters only blew up that rebel group because they thought he would like it, not because he ordered it. all in all it seemed like he was once a good guy, if possessing slightly loose morals on how the good is done, and only became something approaching a villain AFTER all might tore his fucking face off and killed/imprisoned all his friends
I guess the saying "the winners write the history books" applies here

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All Might VS Nomu was literally the 3rd Hokage VS Orochimaru holy shit

do you think Eri has trouble taking in Mirio's massive dick?

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Nomupocalypse. High Ends in every block of every city.

This manga is fucking shit

>yfw eugenics is the only way to beat the nomupocalypse
>yfw endeavour was right all along

I wish

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What's the number of suddenly manifesting quirks it will take for everyone to start saying this kid is very obviously an employee of All For One's?

With how dumb everyone is probably 4 at minimum

Whenever I think about the possibility of multiple High-Ends, I think of the Tanks from this trailer:

Just the simple fear of "oh fuck, now there's more of them".

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Eri takes an inch at the time and Mirio cheers her on

I think we'll see more Nomus soon. I mean there's whatever Dabi is making with the doctor coupled with the Destro gang coming after the league. I have a feeling the Nomus are also being made by the doctor utilizing kidnapped peoples quirks explaining why Giga is looking for famous heroes in public, meaning that there are also missing people and stuff that could get Hawks and other government entities involved too, prompting the league to use Nomus.
Man I haven't played L4D in a while

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Top 10 ships of Herocaca:


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Jokes aside, poor Eri. She was always on edge ;_;

>on edge
desu I don't think they cared when she came


I read a nip theorizing Mirio wouldn't accept the serum to turn him back to normal because it was made with Eri's blood, and he'd be using her torture to heal himself so he is just gonna wait until she learns to control her quirk, cruelty free and I honestly can see that happening.

Headcannon: Dr. Tsubasa's quirk allows him to duplicate quirks.
>Multiple Nomus have Super-Regeneration, despite it only being found very recently (this was also before Twice joined, which would have made All for One duplicates possible)
>All for One and Ujiko both have the same quirk

It's conspicuous in this manga how nobody asks or comes to conclusions about things that have only been explained to Deku (or even just All Might). Nobody asks what the fuck nomus are, why they have multiple quirks, who the villain that knew All Might was or how HE had so many quirks. It's been nearly a year but none of the kids have said "hey Mr Aizawa/All Might, what was multi-quirk monster that attacked at USJ" - they literally don't ask or seem to care afterward about events that threatened their lives.

All Might made a big deal about keeping secrets but nobody's even looking.

What the fuck was Hori thinking drawing this?
>no, it must go longer

These are also supposed to be twenty of the top forty hero students of their year in the entire country. Even Kaminari and Mina, the ones singled out as the "class dumbasses," aren't dumb, just lazy.

Cute and canon

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Hori should show us Momo's room having an ongoing investigation of all this on her wall to remedy this. Make her the investigator kid since somehow no one else is.

Is AM a virgin?

Yes, he's too busy saving people to have sex.

Imagine their real honeymoon.
Mirio would be such a gentle lover, kissing all her limbs and then her c

What a fag

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thank you

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everyday until canon

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Are you ready for more Hawks? He was mentioned in the spoiler

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Literally every manga except boku no boredom is doing something right now. What's Hori's holdup?

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More fujoshit always welcome

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You were never welcome. GO fucking die.



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Why is it always Mina?

what are you talking about? hes developing one of the best villains in any shonen right now

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why have you lost your way?

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>a villain

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>Rapist and an abuser
Sounds like a villain

Hori was on his art A-game in those chapters

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Explain to me why the symbolism in this show is good and appeals to you. Otherwise, it's a fucking trash anime. Give me a real fucking example. Show me that the general fucking intelligence of ths fanbase isn't fucking 2IQ.

Endeavor is neither a villain, nor developed

No proofs
People love those

There is no symbolism in hero academia


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Mirio is a groomer, but a cute one.

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>Explain to me why the symbolism in this show is good and appeals to you. Otherwise, it's a fucking trash anime.

And this is why it's fucking stupid.

It looks like he had the panel compositions planned out vaguely in his mind with the body in one panel, and head in the corner of the above. Then after he realised just how far the panels really were, said fuck it and kept it anyway.

>can't do it

Endeavor just fucking sucks, if there's no real #1 hero why force it honestly. Should have just left #1 blank and started rankings at #2 this time around.

>identical intro to chisaki
Yeah okay. See you in 6 months


Explain to me why the symbolism in this show is bad and doesn't appeal to you. Otherwise, it's a fucking average anime. Give me a real fucking example. Show me that the general fucking intelligence of ths non-fanbase isn't 3IQ.

Haven't seen any symbolism in it at all. Looking to be proven wrong.

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kill yourself brainlet

Bitch is crazy

How can hero chicks even compete?

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By being in a manga that’s actually relevant

If there isn't any symbolism at all in this shit manga. Why do you even read it? Why do you even take up thread space on Yea Forums?


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Why not?

I am not sure what you are looking for
On the nose literal symbolism like the fire and torch for OfA? Or more subtle stuff like Deku's blood type and Stain.
Of course there is some symbolism in every story
Its pretty much impossible to write a story and not accidentally bleed in symbolism just from your own associations.

But I wouldn't say its in any way the draw of Hero academia.

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Is there a character worst than Endeavor?

Why? It's fucking shonen. If you are in the regular habit of accidentally thinking any shonen is deep or intelligent, get a fucking buzzer installed to alert your nurse at onset while you can still move.

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Reminder fujos are so retarded they think the pounding mochi euphemism applies to kiribaku despite neither being the mochi, kek.



Rei enjoyed Endeavor's fire cock and went crazy because he stopped fucking her after Shoto was born.

>can't do it

I bet this symbolism guy is the Hunterfag who got exposed as having never actually read HxH yesterday


Every single villain that followed AfO has either been a complete goofball for faggots or has gotten BTFO like a bitch. Nobody has faith in Hori's ability to make a good antagonist.

If you want to be delusional go to r/myheroacademia like the rest of the manchildren

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Top fucking kek

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>Literally every manga except boku no boredom
yeah, that wasn't bait at all! cry moar and then kill yourself

>ITT no one knows what jobbing, asspull, or symbolism means

She's perfect.

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>SnK about to kill Levi
>BC anime doing good
>Promised Neverland having a crisis
>Wan piss being Wan piss
>Made in Abyss getting crazy again

Levi is not dead, Hanji is saving him like the good wife she is.


Its almost like this site is full of underage!

I love how you mentioned stuff happening in the manga then said
>BC anime doing good

School shooting arc when?

>Still giving Jimbo (you)s when it's so obvious whenever he posts

we need more art of her getting off to melting guys' dicks as she rides them

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The BC manga is still on the elf arc. Have been for 60 or so chapters.

>BC anime doing good
>BC anime doing good
>BC anime doing good
>BC anime doing good
>BC anime doing good

i love you so much that please kill yourself

mina is a hero
she wouldn't get off to something so villainous

Mina literally tortured Mineta like 2 chapters ago

he's just upset that Hori is doing the based thing of making fun of baldies with the new Villain.

he had it coming desu

user the number 1 hero did forced marriage

What a fucking boring, uninspired piece of shit.

BC anime is airing. Yours isn't.

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The peach is ripe

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Yeah but maybe he'll have more than one joke on repeat finally

That is the price for quality

All Might? More like All Mom-less

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>Lunch-Rush might have a cooking based Quirk
do you think there are toilet cleaning(Excluding Mirio) Quirks out there?

Is that her favorite position?

I've been calling her Cherry Child

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Whatever Wash does has a good chance of being applicable to that

One thing I've noticed is that while Deku does indeed get constant power ups with his quirks - his body gets damaged. Sometimes it's told to us explicitly, sometimes you have to infer it from stuff like "Shinso is now strong enough to beat Deku 1v1 when quirks are not a factor."

But Hori has said this explicitly is part of the manga, that AM and Deku keep injuring themselves.

That is not symbolism

i don't think so. he's a top 10 hero and putting meme power of getting him there to the side he's a washing machine mutant or halfman halfmachine. if Lunch-Rush is a thing i'm sure there are even more useless Quirks out there tailor made for Cleaning Toilets.

Imagine the handjobs

>That comic
Okay but why though?

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Time to show some love to your favorite character

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imagine the stillborns abortions or failed breeding between mutants.

Probably will get flamed for this, but is the dub of the movie available yet? Anyone know?

Everyday until canon.

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Truly Rice Master and Grain Hater will appear once again

>it took over a year to happen so it has to be good!

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But it can't be long running and good

Don't you think its a bit too coincidental for both Tsuyu's and Toru's parents to have the same exact quirk even though they've all been living in the same city all their lives?

>tfw Wall Might would be a more interesting hero than All Might

One piece begs to differ.

Could mirio do it? Is damage to the quirk factor the same as altering dna?

Let's ask Eri

I like the manga
HATE the annime

>Literal video games designs
Ok dave, I see why you feel the need to critique these costume choices

>All Might (7'2") 256 kg>Wall Might (6'3") 119kg
manlet gainlets when will they learn

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I don't think Overhaul would wear all black in a Fantasy setting.

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what is angry Bald Man's quirk

When it comes to heroism, always remember the three " i "s!
Izuku, Inko, and incest!

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Stop posting

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Tell them to fix KOF then

>When reading the hero academy of my hero, I tend to frown, sigh, and rotate my eyes upwards. In order to make me feel better, I began to read the black clover, headaches were resolved, immersed in a story without conspiracy, a foresightful and correct behavior, and indeed personality, in fact the things in the story I get a character to play.

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Imagine if your quirk was just being a clown.

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Get out of here, kiddo. Mirio and Eri's love will be quite fruitful.

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does his quirk have the properties of rubber and gum?

Mirio's children probably wouldn't inherit his quirk.
Overhaul said that Eri's quirk could rewind a human into a monkey, a previous stage in evolution.
That's probably what happened with Mirio. He was rewinded to a point before humans had quirks.


Imagine the meltdown when anime onlies find out about this
>b-but muh mha is unique and subverts shonen tropes



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>Wan piss being Wan piss
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

But user, they also developed a serum to turn them back to normal with Eri's quirk.
If Eri learns to control her quirk and make Mirio younger, to the point in time when he still had his quirk then it shouldn't be a problem.

If there's anyone Eri is going to make younger, then it's going to be Deku albeit unintentionally

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>some fucking tard from Philly sperging out about footfags
cringe and sasuga-pilled

Based and cutepilled

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Did I say he had the fuck the kid you irrepressible twat? I was just asking if he could pass on his power or a variant thereof

Bryce Harper contract lol

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Buh, retard.

We'll find out after Eri has his child

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>Erases OFA from existence


Only 24 hours until crippling disappointment

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>Don't worry Eri... I'll definitely save you!

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New to this series, about to start watching the anime. Just want to know one thing, is Boku as gay as everyone says it is?

Everyone knows Mirio is only capable of breeding with eri and nobody else. So when you talk about his future children you're also adding eri-chan into the mix.

This is now a lioness thread

Attached: lioness.jpg (600x425, 51K)

>Erases Deku from existence

>enter common place quirk marriage
>wife physically buses and permanently deforms son

This is so sad


>not being numb to it by now

Why does Eri look professional here? Or is that just me?

Attached: 1529017310592.jpg (600x862, 93K)

Eri is the new recovery girl

Attached: 1551848959379.jpg (1536x2048, 304K)

>Rei self-inserters

>Rei self-inserter

Attached: RT.png (825x826, 387K)

You see this is why will never be a thing.
Mirio is already her friend and protector, no need to look for that somewhere else.

How old is Rei?
What if Endeavor was a shota when they first met, and the reason she burned Todoroki was because she was afraid that another cute shota would grow into a monster if she didn't do something?

Yes, it absolutely is. The red guy and angry blonde are 100% in homo love with each other and the whole fanbase agrees. Just search for Kirishima Eijirou fanart on google and you will see nothing but gay shit of the two of them. Anons on here will disagree with this vehemently, but they're just in denial. The two characters even openly hold hands in public at one point. Plus they share a bed in a love hotel and wear matchung suits with roses on them in the movie. They are without a doubt the two gayest characters in shonen to ever exist. If you don't like gay shit in your animu then I suggest you don't watch it.
Beyond that though, it's pretty good. Would reccomend.

Attached: 1b31e85fddb39f6a32427eb7e3fd2ddfba818fc8.jpg (1050x650, 148K)

she will grow into a healthy woman

Attached: tumblr_pnfruct9TL1x465deo1_1280.png (1280x1088, 384K)

She was his childhood friend


>Just want to know one thing, is Boku as gay as everyone says it is?
Its even gayer.

No, there's nothing gay in the manga itself. Don't listen to the delusional fujoshit


way to expose yourself

Attached: 1551378957178.jpg (443x336, 36K)

I want Deku to walk into his room only to find Bakugo fucking Ochako on his bed!

>all that trauma
I doubt shed be healthy or stable.

Lions are cute but eagles are cuter

Attached: 15538547285.jpg (588x1057, 376K)

Okay, but consider a griffin.

I don't think it would be comfortable enough to have sex if you were surrounded by dozens of All Might merchandise smiling at you.

i guess there's no other option then

Attached: 1536373707112.jpg (794x1200, 169K)

>Just search for Kirishima Eijirou fanart on google
wow you weren't kidding, holy shit
>Plus they share a bed in a love hotel and wear matching suits with roses on them in the movie
Proof? I'm having a really hard time believing you. If true, that's pretty gay desu
>there's nothing gay in the manga itself
So is it just in the anime then? Wouldn't that be going against the wishes of the original creator though?

This is unrealistic. Bakugou would never give up his virginity since that would mean he would lose.

Attached: 1517357512575.jpg (1500x1050, 280K)

Eri's face here is priceless

It's very real. This is an image of stills taken from the movie. They are unironically in gay love.

Attached: hotel_scene.png (1251x707, 1.26M)

Nag mate, this would be his other option.

Attached: 0c0.jpg (1920x2626, 849K)

MHA will be the First.


Attached: 47585106_1972369599512794_7947931989583542477_n.jpg (480x480, 34K)

Mirio is going to fill her with his love

>these threads

Attached: help.jpg (195x255, 12K)

...huh. Wow, that's pretty blatant for a shonen
Ok, well thanks for letting me know. I'm still planning on watching it since the gay shit doesn't really bother me, I just wanted to know without getting spoiled.
I thought all my friends were bullshitting me

Attached: heh.jpg (751x592, 310K)

Indeed it will be my friend. Indeed it will.
Also, checked.

Attached: D0hZrGyWkAMzfyJ.jpg (450x277, 21K)

>Decuck self inserters

Nothing gay happens in the manga.
It's all just pandering that Hori allows because he wants more money to buy Spiderman toys.
There's nothing indicating that he wants any gay shit in the actual story.



Attached: 1530512037880.jpg (1920x1080, 506K)

Two confirmed trannies are pretty gay desu, even if one of them exploded. Three actually, if you count Magne's friend. Plus there's Nejire's "best friend" who's clearly a lesbian.

Attached: 1535884818425.png (691x850, 654K)


Attached: 1551922315585.jpg (464x825, 69K)

don't forget Tamaki's whole hero name being based off of Mirio and their dynamic. that being Suneater calling Mirio "his Sun". kind of like Mitsuki and Bort.

>a tranny thats is splattered into every nook and cranny
>a joke
>only implication
>no actual faggots

Attached: 1529432987368.jpg (698x601, 110K)

Where are her panties?

I remember that there was a period that Toga getting beaten by deku pics would be posted often. I want that back.

underwear doesn't exist in BC

He's not eating Mirio, but people like Mirio.
Reminder he also called kirishima a sun, those are the kind of people he looks up to.

Vanessa is wearing underwear the first time you see her

But she is getting beaten in that pic

god i want to be beaten by deku

Attached: 1534811565511.jpg (603x591, 244K)

That's a swimsuit

We did it, We're number one on Reddit now

go back there

Attached: 1504809446544.jpg (616x319, 81K)

That's just one tranny though, Tiger is still very much alive and was very successful in his transformation from female to male. Plus he's a hero, so he could be considered a positive representation.

I'd beat you

Mirio pounding Eri like a rabid lunatic when?

Who else excited for more BakuGOD this chapter?

Attached: D06Kx2QU8AAKEOr.png (600x570, 295K)

>went to thailand lmao
>previous design was female
>common joke in nippon and around the world
>"Its totally real guys! This is the author representing trannies!"
Back to tumblr.

Attached: 380849b3ecab30e3880ddc362fafc3774205d5d5e61a9732d14fc557798e9c4e.jpg (1280x1280, 185K)

What would happen if Tamaki ate a plant, then used the plant's ability of photosynthesis to eat sunlight?
Would he become a literal suneater and gain the powers of the sun?









sounds like a cool thing that Hori would never think of

I don't think I've ever been as unexcited for an action scene. Hori better just skip it, show a text box "Todoroki and Bakugo absolutely steamrolled some low-level enemies" and move on.

But user, it is real. He is clearly stated to be have been a women, and then "took a trip to Thailand" to become a man by Hori himself. There's no denying this. Even if it's meant to be a joke, it still happened. He's still a confirmed tranny in the manga, and a positive character.

You call this a swimsuit?

Attached: IMG_20190307_044040.jpg (2048x1388, 494K)

>fucks A little girl

more excited for Shoto and FlashFire

Seriously though Patreak needs to fuck off




You fuck off

Jump in front of a bus you worthless pedo fuck

He doesn't know it yet

More excited for Shoto doing a Prominence Burn and a Prominence Freeze simultaneously and maintaining them indefinitely.

>pedo for 2d

At what point are you no longer identified as a Human?

Attached: 1546795579854.jpg (255x255, 14K)

Vanessa made her own underwear using string magic.
She invented underwear.

*eats mantis shrimp*
*eats pistol shrimp*

GG villains

Attached: suneater.jpg (480x360, 33K)

What would happen if this thing then got nomuified?

>Ctrl + F Frog
>zero posts

Attached: 1460483482320.png (184x159, 11K)

Two creatures are part of the same species when they can breed with each other and produce fertile offspring.
Even the most horrendous muties are technically human because you can fuck any of them and still make a child that can proceed to make more children.

Good, she belongs in the trash

...Do you have any on you by chance?

Attached: 8cfa9f69b53a98d81d102841ed526845.jpg (830x2048, 262K)

snail kaiju

Friendly reminder that four arm lady will win the Dekubowl.

Attached: 1Illidan.gif (360x202, 672K)

spoilers when?

Attached: destrojr.png (860x788, 460K)

Eri is such a lucky girl getting plowed by Mirio's thick 9 incher every night

Attached: 1548270819683.png (560x562, 281K)



Is this guy our equivalent of the waffle house index? As in if he doesn't post that means something really bad has happened?

What if he hurts her?



Attached: 218.jpg (105x235, 18K)

Attached: Die.png (262x192, 11K)

What is this image from? New merch?

He never does because he's a kind caring husband, Eri enjoys it and always begs for more.





>he doesn't know about kendoufag
fucking tourist

The fuck is Mirio

Attached: b6a.jpg (640x360, 18K)

Mirio is so hideous. I cringe everytime I see him.

Digits decide who dies this arc


All Might

Attached: 1532219548149.png (1280x1128, 620K)


New merch.

Attached: new merch.jpg (408x428, 23K)

Bakugou's dignity






All Might

No lewding Deku please.

Attached: Disturbing.png (595x282, 150K)

Naomasa Tsukauchi




Momo jobs to death


Attached: 013-26.jpg (640x922, 130K)

The Mirioeri pedo


No it's not, it's from this fanart here.

Attached: eeabbb79838a980fe429d7027ccb85ef.jpg (474x681, 70K)

All Might

>The smug Deku pic is from fucking gay shit


my interest

>Deku had Al For One as a child
>AFO had multiple kids with different women as a back up to see if he could have spawn with his quirk and take their quirks to make AFO stronger

>Either that or those quirks were used to make the Nomuus.


This here, is a smug Deku.

Attached: 1548741381465.jpg (580x737, 421K)



Welp, we have a winner.

Attached: dc273e61a80cc94191a232a9bd8b926b.jpg (474x766, 39K)

Thank god


Attached: 0147-015.jpg (861x1248, 199K)

Aizawa hasn't been alive for ages

Attached: 1521659326476.jpg (1024x1024, 120K)


This is actually really good news

honestly it makes sense with all these flashbacks and shinsou being aizawa 2.0

Digits Decide the new Class 1A Sensei now that King Jobber jobbed his last.

Attached: 1542999036729.png (638x587, 443K)

>surrounded by 10,000 cocks

all might, he'll die later too


Attached: DekuFuyumi.png (1000x1000, 519K)


All For One

Attached: 1529524779776.jpg (429x604, 48K)

Attached: Delet.jpg (884x583, 258K)

Gran Torino



How do I know a spic drew this

Shiggy could've killed those fucks if he really wanted to.

That would be awkward for Deku to have his dad be his class's homeroom teacher.

Attached: pm2wqeuAGR1y13nnbo1_1280.png (1085x1920, 443K)


Lunch Rush


Attached: sero.png (1267x959, 615K)

It was a request from a drawthread though.
Well crap.

Attached: Deku nani.png (943x1077, 840K)

present Mic


Hot. I hope its bloody and violent

Class is now in session, our first topic will be psychological warfare.

Attached: afo.jpg (1260x1680, 162K)

Attached: 1508676487754.png (706x455, 383K)

He should take every student's quirk and redistribute them for maximum efficiency.

I can't believe Deku's dad is going to be his homeroom teacher. He would be a better teacher than All Might anyway.

Attached: DuTV3JHUwAE0Ot9.png (874x874, 215K)

reminder that afo will arrange a marriage between his son deku and toga

>Each of you will find under your desk a villain's baby. You will be responsible for raising this child to

Can only assume this means when Aizawa dies we get a panel like this of present mic in the home room

Attached: all according to plan.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Excuse Mr. All for One, how should I properly torment villains mentally while chasing them down?

>AFO is Deku's Dad

>Both named Hisashi.

Why would he let his son marry a crazy chick? AfO would make him marry pic relate by force to get back at his son's bully.

Attached: 01e.jpg (627x868, 82K)


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So what's his grand plan?

Attached: D01FRDmUcAEAra2.jpg (768x1024, 121K)


Attached: 1551484333449.png (862x787, 357K)

Digits will predict what will happen in this week's chapter

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true freedom, every enemies shall be destroyed

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Attached: 1520925213550.jpg (228x226, 14K)

But that's gay.

Mirio x Eri = cute, canon, and wholesome

Deku x any girl = self inserting virgins

Any fujo ship = degenerate trash

Attached: 1550034636280.jpg (800x960, 125K)

>Heh it's completely normal what I do
Go back

Looks like I'm gonna need a bigger canvas

Attached: Bakugou_Is_For_Rape.jpg (1080x1920, 1.39M)

>Deku x any girl = self inserting virgins
>He doesn't self insert as the girl

Attached: Pathetic.jpg (792x631, 272K)

In other words, no more digit fishing

could Bakugo beat Inasa in a fight

>any ship at all = degenerate trash


Attached: 1540498543752.jpg (600x950, 61K)


night, toganon

Attached: 1549238338393.jpg (472x766, 105K)

>let's do it again Mirio-senpai!

Attached: 1550711156883.jpg (850x1200, 123K)

good night Toganon

Ok that's a little gay

Sleep tight Toganon, _do_ let the bedbugs bite

Did you pass?

>Shame though that Hori hasn´t used Shiina again.
I think you're wrong here, user

Attached: CldofK_VAAApOXF.jpg (1200x675, 90K)

Could Bakugou's autism beat Inasa's autism in a fight?

Deku will end up with her on his own. The hero dicking the evil out of the crazy chick is the most patrician of tastes.

Attached: cateyes.jpg (240x240, 18K)

Quit talking to yourself delusional schizo

wow an actual decent thread how did this happen

>The hero dicking the evil out of the crazy chick is the most patrician of tastes.

Attached: 1508986546985.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

Attached: 1548813625789.png (1476x753, 658K)

Deku does have a messiah complex so it wouldn't be so surprising.

Attached: 1541398580843.png (392x500, 133K)

I enjoy the brt tamer fetish too, user. I just thing you're wrong, and a good Toga would be borring and won't happen. (Plus I love my schoolgirls sadistic and evil)

Attached: bfd9762867db3ae0403d47df02faec45--roads-d-gray-man.jpg (236x282, 17K)

are you serious we dont know anything about them this guy could be like FTL or something and we wouldnt know

Attached: mysterious boy.png (143x200, 39K)

He looks like a junkified Vicious from Cowboy Bebop.

>digits posting

I want them to be a threat because of financial and political power and how well they are organized. Unfortunately, that's more of a seinen plot which the editors might not allow, but I still believe in Hori.

based and canon

the angry kidlet

Attached: chain chomper.jpg (474x697, 102K)

I mean, if my dick could exorcize the evil and crazy out of women. I'd do everything in my power to.

>dicking the evil out of the crazy chick
Shit taste.
The hero should fuck the evil chick while she remains evil.
True love knows no alignment.

Hug the Frog!
>blocks your path

Attached: 1550052031607.png (708x876, 440K)

Will he have a useless quirk or an overpowered limited-use nuke quirk

Attached: spinner.png (302x557, 49K)

it'll be as broken lame as Giga's Quirk

Attached: Giga.jpg (593x378, 93K)

he's a lizard, what else do you want?

It's possible, as long as Deku offers Toga something she wants/needs besides his cock. She doesn't even have to stop being crazy, she just needs to stop being evil.
It's happened or is happening in other series, like pic related

Attached: AstaSally.png (1862x1300, 642K)

Now this I can call "based"

Attached: large (3).jpg (500x288, 62K)

I still don't like it. This user is right.

Burgers are asleep

Attached: Mount Lady eats the protag.png (1200x1600, 767K)

for him to restore Honor to his House.

Attached: Spinner's Aniki.jpg (1920x1090, 137K)

He can spin things.
He'll be a joke at first, then he gets good and learns how to snap necks by poking people and spinning their heads.

quirk singularity is scary

Attached: fuckyoufaggot.jpg (394x136, 9K)

>evil girl isn't actually evil, she's just autistic and gets talked out of it by the hero convincing her that people will stop bothering her if she stops doing bad things
kind of silly, but also based

Attached: Clown toga seeing the edits we've made.png (603x591, 398K)

>it took him 11 minutes to edit the (You)s

Deku x Toga is the greatest love story ever told.

I want it to be some sort of ultra regeneration that allows him to be pretty strong and be ripped a part and then regen back again. Probably won't happen because of the guro potential.

I posted the wrong picture

Attached: Yet another clown toga inspired by that anon.png (225x350, 94K)

This appeases my clown fetish.

oh like zombieman from opm
that would be pretty cool

I will disagree with you here, user. D.Gray Man had it better. The first time Road meet Allen, she nailed him to a wall and gouged out his eye with a candlestick (he got better later).

Attached: Road-road-kamelot-32710695-500-230 (2).gif (500x230, 1001K)

Toga x Twice is canon

I'm pretty sure his quirk is that he can learn real-life skills from video games, and that's why he shouted "GRAND THEFT AUTO" while he was driving.
Dabi complained about the bumpy ride, but he was a good enough driver that Dabi and Compress didn't fall out of the open door and Shigaraki didn't fall off of the top.

Maybe not, but it's pretty fun even like that.

Attached: KJ4dDEhjaUg.jpg (564x676, 114K)

>Spinner spends all of his time making the rest of the League face him in Heritage For the Future until he can get good enough at DIO to ROAD ROLLA people irl

This. Imagine one of Deku's 7 quirks being regeneration, so he allows Toga to torment him and tear him apart until he's at the brink of death all she wants.

What if he can copy shit from videogames even if it's not a skill? And he was only able to wield that retarded sword because of his DMC autism?


>Eventually learns that he can replicate aimbot programming and becomes the gunplay master of the world
Wow snipe why do you even exist

So far we only know that it's gonna be about Spinner

Destro Junior no-diffs Shigaraki

Why does that kid look like a mini T4?

all might is kidnapped

Mirio and Eri on their honeymoon

Attached: 1547952264139.png (583x493, 327K)

>evil girl isn't actually evil, she's just autistic and gets talked out of it by the hero convincing her that his dick is more important than murdering
kind of based, but also silly

source? No one is posting one

My ass


Attached: locked.png (468x258, 75K)

No, he's grievously wounded but Hange saved him

They're both the right picture to me, clowntoganon.

Attached: brgr.png (900x1260, 520K)

it's Dabi and Destro

kind of weird hori left them a mystery when they're long dead.

Actually, that's Obito and Destro

Bak - u - gou
Back you go

please delete. thank you.

Attached: oh.png (348x242, 96K)

A almost love how stupid that theory is.

Done. There's gonna be different spoilers today now.

Attached: 3701518c2e258abbae2fdb1741de4a0a856a2c02_hq.gif (540x280, 1.91M)

>Haha yeah guys that's totally not Bakugo there with nearly identical hair, collarpiece, and big ass gauntlets
Damn Hori is a hack

Attached: 1551572616806.png (665x526, 406K)

Deku and Bakugou finally collaborating to bring back their dad

Satanic Trips confirm it

Bakugo is the 5th OFA holder screencap this

Attached: BAK-U-GO.png (1036x404, 147K)

The gauntlets I give you that but the hair is also Dabi's, I hope he surprises us and it's like something totally different from Bakugou

Mirio x Eri is eternal

Like a Batman and Catwoman thing?
I can dig it.

Eri doujin never deliver
Setsuna doujin never deliver

I hope All Might is in next chapter. I want to kiss him

Unironically yes and some more yes.

Would be down for Deku and Toga team-up this arc

I can stand the seven quirks thing and if OfA turns out be Deku's father/related to him, but if Bakugo does turn out to be a former OfA holder through time travel bullshit that's when I quit

That's Sen ya bozo

Attached: Sen_Kaibara_manga_intro.png (365x400, 203K)

don't fight the truth user

Attached: quirk wars.jpg (540x670, 56K)

Eri idc but Setsuna or EVEN KENDOU! she used to be popular, come on! Class B even has furry bait. Class B will stay irrelevant but every girl in any anime gets porn and doujins. Not even Mina has doujins and she's the one Hori has a hard-on for and keeps drawing her all erotic.

what a fag

Mina has a futa doujin

Hori has good taste.

Yeah I wonder why he did that? It almost makes one wonder if they're not actually dead yet?

>you can turn your arm into a drill
To honest that's a pretty cool power.

Yes please. During the overhaul arc Toga literally became Deku, and she realized just how strong he is. I'd be surprised if her feelings for him haven't changed since then.

Attached: yandereyes.jpg (502x294, 39K)

No, that's retarded.

You're gonna love it even more when this stupid theory is actually confirmed.

Unironically liking Toga requires one to be mentally handicapped in the first place.

Yeah I saw it, it was done by a bakudeku doujin artist, she has flawless taste but I wanted something about the girls being fucked, I get my dosis of Bakugou porn with bakudeku. I'm disappointed with the lack of good doujins, the Momo ones are terrible, Ochako bores me, Tsuyu too and she's always ooc, and fucking Toga doujins are all about her transforming in Ochako. Japanese dudes are not even touching straight ships either

Why though? She's very entertaining.

t. asshurt fujo

don't bother trying to reason with jealous roasties

I hate fujoshits but I also think Toga is shit.

It's almost done, don't worry.

Attached: lizard.png (605x863, 353K)

When Endeavor have more quality doujins than the girls, you know something is wrong, then again power of fujo

Yes, some shows just have mostly hetero doujins, some have a majority gay doujins. Once that imbalance is established, it is difficult to change.

shut up fujo

Can she do Mami from Madoka?

Fuck off fujoshit

Wrong. She should disguise herself as Ochako and bear Deku's child without any of them knowing, only for the kid to reappear in Deku's life and fuck Ochako up mentality just when she thought she could live a decent life with Deku and their kids.

Attached: my-hero-academia-himiko-toga-bisexual-sexuality-1158341.jpg (696x390, 51K)


Attached: 1480960828297.jpg (960x960, 64K)

Who are the bottom 2 impressions?


>everyone who doesnt like my "lol im so cuhraaazi" waifu is a fujoshit
bakugou is literally a trash character

That's cute as fuck

You're a boring person, user

>1 minute and 1 second apart
nice try idiot

Mineta will end up with a harem

Why are fujos so fucking based?

ok retard
inb4 "u use photoshop!!!"

Attached: Capture.png (340x117, 4K)

Can they clone only the right hand now?

Attached: tonight.png (162x261, 13K)

They aren't, and the "fuck off fujo" falseflag spam is also gay, we know its you.

Those aren't impressions. Just the two at the top. I should have cropped them out.

She most likely could.

They aren't.

congratulations on knowing how to use inspect element

congratulations on not learning how to accept that people can dislike fujoshits and also dislike your trash waifu

>pretending people are dumb enough to forget your other devices and proxy hopping.

>no u!
worked and seething, try tumblr instead of 4channel, sweetie

>pretending anyone cares enough about proving some dude with absolute garbage taste in waifus wrong to do more than snip it

target locked on

Attached: possible mommy villain.png (542x300, 133K)

>pretending unemployed autists collecting handicap benefits don't care enough to do that faggoty shit.

It's funny bc I can't find those, the one people uploaded was badly drawn. Western fujoshis are shit because they think Endeavor is problematic. I have to find a way to get those EndHawk doujins, I'm curious about them

>background villain
not even real villain

this is basically what happens if you think about bnha's world building, character progression, or literally any technical part of bnha other than character design. but at least it's fun i guess, plus the porn's good

My pants are unzipped. Hopefully more sauce on her this week.

>more quality................
>falseflagging faggot spotted.

You just learned that you have absolute abhorrent taste in female characters, and that is terrible. But don't worry, not all is lost. You can still read more than 5 manga in total and find out that there are thousands of female characters that are vastly superior in terms of design, personality and backstory.
I am there for you, to support and guide you in these trying times.


To be fair, all the girls are shit in BNHA so it’s not unlikely that he chose whoever the form meme waifu was.

Fair point.

>pic related
You dumbasses will be peddling this fucking AFO dad nonsense till the end of the series. Fuck off with that shitty ass theory. It don't make any damn sense. AFO had a fuckin' face until a mere 5 years prior to the fucking story you retards. his ass would have been noticed.

imagine having such a hard time reading a shonen battle manga. imagine not believing this or Bak U Go.

Attached: 1527908806259.png (540x440, 167K)

>man who has many quirks doesn't have some form of disguise quirk

Good thing trips are as retarded a fiction as killing off the best and main character, Seethe harder.retards. I hope your favorite series drops even lower in the rankings and gets canceled.

How can someone be such a cute shota and a beefy hunk at the same time???

Attached: the same character.jpg (1282x1066, 652K)

finally, someone with some sense

Attached: AFO disguise.png (239x586, 58K)

fuck off fujo

Huntermumblers btfo.

>Imagine having nothing to go on with a retarded ass theory other than "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, It would really match nicely with Star Wars.".
Could you shovel less turds in your mouth? Its causing brain damage.

checked and canon

bet you know all about shoveling doodoo in your mouth

I am just eating shit ironically jeez.

From watching you, yes.

>they still don't believe in this theory even after the countless posts backing it with evidence

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fuck off bakufujo

y'all are just going to call Hori a hack when he confirms it even after dropping more hints.

They don't have numbers in their names though

He is a hack Bakufujo.

Yeah they do, go=5 shi=6, shima means "time killer" too, check for yourself on Google

>5 in bakugo
>four and time in kirishima

I meant shi=4, excuse me

>ironically says killing off main character of series I like would be funny because it's fucking ridiculous
>2IQ poster thinks I am serious

I wish I wasn't so invested in this series (mostly just for context in porn) because this show and it's fanbase are fucking stupid

did you find your symbolism yet

Gou also means synthesis

wrong kanji retards
五 is the kanji for five and 四 is the kanji for four
豪 is the kanji used in Bakugo and 島 used in Kirishima

It doesn't matter because the 6th OFA user was revealed to be Nana's master, the dude with the coat

im not that guy from earlier kek

im stupid too, i just wasted a bunch of money on dakimakura and basically spent months obsessed with this show and the fan material even though it's honestly garbage. but it's still fun so i don't really care

get pooped on dumb head

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>didn't even have a sensing quirk until Ragdoll's quirk, nor a regeneration quirk prior to getting BTFO by All Might a mere five years earlier, but please do believe he has every contingency quirk known to man to make my shitty theory real.
>shown no shapeshifting ability ever and goes around looking like Deadpool's fucked up looking cousin.
>stole a regeneration quirk just to try and revert his fucked up looking head instead of using the appearance altering quirk that HE TOTALLY HAS GUYS, just trust ME!.

"Gou" also shares the same kanji with "Ato" which has all of pic related's definitions

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>being too brainlet and cucked to leave a series I hate
Fuck off back to your ghetto and await the canceling of the actual series you like, faggot.

>more hints
Go on so I can blow this the fuck out yet again.

right here dumb head

i don't want bnha cancelled, i just wish the writing was better and people in the fanbase weren't so shit, mostly referring to the fucking tumblr kids that get mad about momo's costume or whatever the fuck. this thread has been pretty good, except you basically (and symbolism poster).

im gonna keep fucking with you since you're getting mad so easily, idk why you care so much

So more of your shit eating. Thanks for proving me right yet again.

It already started, Bakugou fucked by Deku's whips kek

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You're not slick, faggot. Go back your thread and prepare thine anus.

>still no Nejire Doujin
>still no Ryukyu Doujin
>still no Miruko doujin

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>eijirou is a homophone with ecchi ro
>meaning erotic

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someone please ban this underage, im begging you

GO means 5 and SHI means 4.
And those are 2 of the 3 numbers not covered (the other being 3).

Delete this. Shouji is a good mutie.

>yes, the writing is so bad, it needs to follow my shitty series writing and my fanfictions, or else it will never be successful..........

checked and bak u go-pilled

what kind

This kind, I bet.

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Why do you geniuses keep trying to insert Kirishima into the retarded Bak U Go theory? The silhouette next to the supposed Bakugo silhouette doesn't even look like him, and he isn't needed. The only reason to put him there is to force a dumbass self-insert gay ship, IE, repugnant and irrelevant shit.

bnha is extremely successful, you don't even make sense. the writing is full of holes and has really weak in-universe explanations that even get retconned, but overall, like most shounen, it doesn't matter because the character writing is solid enough that your investment in the characters is enough to make you ignore flaws in the consistency of established logic within the manga. it's good, just not an amazing example of solid writing.

or are you just upset because bnha receiving any criticism is somehow a personal insult to you

why would i spend my money on the second worst ship in the entire franchise

because, shi means 4, you can see the gears of his hero costume in the outline, and even a spike from his face mask, and the hair isn't much different and could be achieved by him pulling it back in a ponytail tail or something. And we already know he's wildly changed his hair once, so it wouldn't be out of character for him to do it again.

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you're a dick and killed the thread but fucking checked