It's been a while since we've eaten together.
It's been a while since we've eaten together
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Sauce, nigga
Liru is such a overrated meme girl that only the western furfags care about, I'm glad Japan loves Uma more, Out of all the girls she has the most fanart on Pixiv and she's also the cutest.
Fucking retard.
packy > liru
Uma > Everyone else.
wait so that game was based on an actual anime character?!
You dingus
Be honest. Ma***oka is just about as obscure as it gets. It's a bit of a "meme" here on Yea Forums, but literally no one else knows about it except for the people who browse hentai forums and know about the Liru game.
Speak for yourself
never forget bros
Also crab
Liru a shit, Uma is best girl by far.
same could be said about any anime that aired 5+ years ago and didn't air on toonami
She's the cutest.
even if that were true, it being a meme on Yea Forums is reason enough to shit on people who do not know it, thats the point of niche communities
you've got a point. gatekeeping is fun. But people who liked darling in the franxx are also on this board, so it clearly there needs to be more of it.
The fujo professor did nothing wrong, she was just trying to stop magical c***y from being live broadcast across Japan. Those idols weren't "magic" they were just shameless smut-peddlers.
shhhh the girls are asleep
Pachira is a slut
Best Uma pic
I want to marry Liru
This show was so good.
Art from last comiket
Apparently it may have been drawn by an illustrator of magipoka
I'll never forget my last dinner with Liru that one Christmas.
More great things have been done in the name of Liru than arguably any other anime character.
People dont remember back too far here.
Bustin' makes me feel good!
Crap this shit made me laugh for about 10 minutes on my first watch.
Liru is a beautiful werewolf princess who has influenced the lives of many for well over a decade.
Every day is a gift from Bob Ross that we have Liru in our lives.
Seismic better make a game for the other girls too.
Reminder she's Texan.
*Has a friend in Texas
She is from the Netherworld.
Did Zone even make anything since that klk flash?
I miss this show.
Did you play the Christmas update?
There really should have been sequels.
I want my own robot maid.
Even the fuckers who know about the Liru game don't fucking know about Magipoka. Kind of a travesty, frankly.
Y'all are faggots. Keimie was the hottest. Also best OP:
>tfw no Liru gf
Robot maids have low hardware, I mean that one ran off only 4 gigs of system RAM. Even budget builds have better hardware than that these days!
The butcher... who is he?
>pick up Magipoka
>suddenly Yea Forums starts talking about it
the anime was made when 2 gigs of ram was a luxury
Every time.
Still haven't seen the show, still haven't even played seismic's game. I need to fix that at some point.
Liru a cute
>100 k units sold
Uma's butt.
Liru has the perfect body
>Liru saves her life
>Try to NTR her later
What the fuck is wrong with Pachira?
i will now watch this show
Im gonna cum inside till you get pregnant liru
She is making my dick hard.
Is she a vampire or a succubus?
and here I thought only 7chan loved Liru still
But vampires don't make penises hard.
So she must be a succubus!
Besides being the chief animation director and the character designer he did work on individual episodes as well.
Liru's as mainstream as it gets when there's some fucking meme video on youtube about her hentai game. Those are the kind of people who don't even know Magipoka and thought it was a fucking hentai anime.