Finding your Thread in the Kemurikusa!

Finding your Thread in the Kemurikusa!

Attached: ritsu.jpg (223x235, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How the fuck did this happen?

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aren't those giant blue roots?

Attached: Kemurikusa ep 6 old tree.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

don't worry, someone is flipping through several botanic encyclopedias to find a picture of vegetable tissue that looks just like that, which won't really answer your question

"There's still 3 other Rina-chans left-na. You're such a crybaby, Wakaba-na."

"But I...wish me and you"

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemurikusa - 09 [720p].mkv-00_14_11error773.png (1280x720, 364K)

>What's wrong, Wakaba? Seen a ghost or what?

Attached: Kemurikusa ep 9 what's wrong hallucinating.png (1366x768, 1.19M)

I have no clue what's going on and I like it

Stop, I don't want to hurt inside.
That one user should have probably bet on Rinas dying instead of Ritsu

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Over the line.

Literally 1 sec after calling her hot-tempered

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>the meanie Rina dies first

As it should be

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Location found (not by me

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Post leafpussy

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>they're in a copy of Japan created by blue kemurikusa, a space habitat or something
>it's being removed by red kemurikusa, probably by someone's order after blue kemurikusa started malfunctioning and growing all that big trees like on the island 6


Attached: Kemurikusa ep 8 Rin mad at Wakaba.png (1366x768, 959K)

Rin's faces are golden

god that's so bad

same same the slow reveal is so pleasing

Probably, though Rin commented they are wrong color, likely tainted by red fog already just like the wall with Nushi.
Anyway the city is fucked.

Ryoku is so pretty.

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Those hands tho.

If Rina ate Shiro would she be able to copy the little bot in large amounts or does her ability only works with 'dead' metal and stuff like that?

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Meme magic can kill a cat, it better damn well keep one alive too.

she's not copying, she's just taking out whatever she ate before

I'm still unsure if Shiro is actually metal. Maybe (if it is) then Rina can spit out shells of Shiro but not a live one?

What a weird coincidence. Hexagons must be the go-to shape for sci-fi shit nowadays or something.

Imagine all the things she could do with those hands of hers.

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She copied herself 6 times so it has to work on kemurikusa too but it probably takes gigantic amount of energy (read snacks) compared to pulling out a few rails or water containers.
Also army of little robots on demand would be cheating.

>Ryo sniffs wakaba and thinks he smell nice
>Riku enjoys touching and feeling his body
>Ryoku gets excited while talking to him about things to learn

Why do Rin sisters like to cuck her?

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I think Midori was just trying to make a good husband for all the girls

They are her user. She has the first person's leave, they are all her fragments.

The white bugs aren't actual robots, they're also similar to the sisters in that their real bodies are their leaves. You saw a bunch of them meld together and come apart last episode, so it must be that all kemurikusa lifeforms mimic either humans or robots, but aren't actually either. If weakened or dying kemurikusa lifeforms can merge their leaves together to survive or grow stronger, then it must be that they're actually the CLOTHES Rin is wearing and are gattaiing similarly to the white bugs. If/when Rin is wearing all her sisters, she might transform entirely to become someone else.

I mean, in the end they're all the same person

They had three phone booths for water that seemed to be copied

I still wonder if Ritsu would cuddle up to his chest to listen to his heartbeat as she falls asleep

They have been forever. Hexagons=future.

yeah the bots only have shapes that are optimal for their function (whatever it is) and we've sen how they can even alter that, but still within some rules of design, the way Ritsu manipulates Midori's shape according to her needs (or the red roots move) might have to do with this, as well as the actuall mission of the First Person or even Wakaba, they have humanoid shape for some clear purpose we'll be told later

>chrome hexagons everywhere

That's Kemono friends 2?
Looks so soulless

My prostate is quivering.

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How did it get into the wall? I guess the blue walls don't release blue mist as a defense mechanism until someone tries to damage it, red bugs included.

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The PPP dance has been the best animated part so far too.

I see, thank you for enlightening me.

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Didn't the roots help?
Like growing inside the wall and releasing the bug in there?

The walls are Kemurikusa, and so are the bugs (see how the bossus melted into each other to gattai). So it stands to reason that its not actually a solid, and the bug can partially merge itself into the wall.

Maybe the blue wall needs water to stay up indefinitely, unlike blue handheld kemurikusa which generates shield and fades after few seconds of use.
The roots under the mountain are all parts of the wall.
Rin said they have wrong color because of the red fog and read root all around.
So the blue roots and wall got slowly invaded by red fog until finally a big bug could get through.

Roomba bossu is too cute

the wall looks dead. It's been infected by red roots, so they probably spawned the nushi directly inside it.
Compare with the living wall in ep 7

>only princess hair had any elasticity
why the hell?

>the wall looks dead
Probably this.
There were no big DANGER labels even when the gang attacked the wall and it didn't release any blue fog either.

If the wall is dead how does it still react to Wakaban's touch

Good point.
Maybe the smartphone interface was left intact as bait for Nushi prey? No idea.

>If weakened or dying kemurikusa lifeforms can merge their leaves together to survive or grow stronger, then it must be that they're actually the CLOTHES Rin is wearing and are gattaiing similarly to the white bugs.
That makes a lot of sense. That's probably it and how Rin gained their clothes and also how Ryoku said Rin gained her eyes. Only question is what those crystallized leaves in the bucket are exactly if this is the case.

Agreed. I'm totally disappointed in
S2, but that song/dance was actually good.

>Only question is what those crystallized leaves in the bucket are exactly if this is the case.
Girls are kind of special, human shaped kemurikusa beings.
They probably leave them after death with a record, some kind of final save state and may be revived by using proper tech.
That's what I wish would happen.

the sisters got copied into the memory leaf just by being around it, or it was made to work like that, we unfortunately need to see another sister completely dying to see if Rin changes at all, or if they enter the same state as the other 3

because it was made by other people dedicated to make those dances for anime and games that require it

Did Yaoyorozu do the dance sequence in KF1 by themselves too? I never actually thought too much about them outsourcing.

i don't know yet but i found this one while searching and now i feel a little better

I'm actually disappointed they focused all the framerate on that part while the s1 did the opposite. Though I'm also amused because it made shut up people who defended the choppy frames saying it was a stylistic choice.

She didn't even get an entire episode worth of content but this is already my favorite leaf, ja. Also it's good to see that the Tatsuki hands are still around.

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If the sisters are inside Rin, isn't the perspective wrong here?

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it's fucking weeds, i ain't gonna explain shit

>Tatsuki caring about stuff like that.

did wakaba smoke too much weed

Man, why did all of the hot sisters have to be deceased at the start of the show?

please let's not talk about perspective in Tatsuki's works, they're naturally iffy, but Midori is consistently moving to that side so i don't see the problem

>Tatsuki hands
Can't unsee

IMAGINE how the First Person looks

I know. They reek of soul.

>If the sisters are inside Rin
I think you take this stuff too literally.
The night before Rin was nowhere near the wall, sleeping in the cabin, same with ep.6 and Riku appearing so it has nothing to do with perspective but probably more to do with Wababa, since they all focus on him and Rin only needs to be in general vicinity.

The weird pose

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At 20:28 you can see her mouth slightly move.
If I had to guess she was probably saying 'gomen'

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemurikusa - 09 [720p]-19-03-06_20.12.05.935.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

she's a goddamn babe

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>Ritsu's model stops moving
>the tiniest amount of movement happens only on the outline of her mouth
oh fuck off with this you might be right
god my heart

Her voice does sound familiar, who is her VA?


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Someone post the webm please.


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So according to Japan other than Tatsuki's show and Tatsuki's former show this season could very well not exist.

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Is that a horse taking a dump?


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemurikusa - 09 [720p].webm (1280x720, 259K)

giraffe, just drinking, nothing lewd about that, no sir

Now I'm sad.

What does Rin's memory leaf feel like?

Must be some kind of mistake, please tell me that's just a mistake.

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never been on 2chan , are those numbers 7974 , 4616 , 3912 ect the post count?
and i thought getting through a 550 post thread on Yea Forums was a slog already at times

It's nice that they didn't forget about Hululu's Hululuness.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 08 [720p]-[19.34.758-19.37.344].webm (1280x720, 1.34M)


kemurikusa is prequel to kf s1


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thank you Tatsuki

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Nah. Threads max out at 2000 which is why multiple threads of the show are on the front page. Popular threads go by incredibly quickly, compared to Yea Forums at least.

2000 is the limit on 2chan. I think that one counts all threads of the day. Kemurikusa just aired so it makes sense.

I see Kaguya and Shield Hero from this season too, but all the controversy over Kemono Friends over there must be overwhelming.

I want to give her a hug. Weed mom shouldn't suffer like this.

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People in the KF thread the other day were saying that that was an unintentional slip up from the girl who they were modelling the cgi dance choreography from, but they kept it in because it was funny and fit the character.

Some say this was a mistake during the mocap. Seeing it was Hululu the production went with that performance.

It is. Constantly daily threads that max out thanks to shitposting.

I bet that Midori is going to sacrifice itself in the finale and that kemurikusa Wakaba is growing will replace it.

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They take it a step further and threaten the staff personally.

Sekine Akira

reminder that taking care of Midori IS the thing Ritsu likes the most, and that we've been told time and time again that finding this thing is EVERYTHING for them to feel happy in the remnants of this world

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Why does she have yaoi hands?

I swear to God if Ritsu or any Rina get harm or die I will fucking kill everyone in this thread! Be aware nerds!

we'll just get stored and post whenever you're asleep

>get (5*ammount of weeks Ritsu stays alive) bucks
>fucking die

Boy I sure wish weed cat mom stays well

next episode lads, my time to shine

Attached: Kemurikusa Ritsu dead next episode.jpg (1671x938, 339K)

Why do I care about Shiro more than Rin and the Rina's

It's like the doggy of the show
well, the doggy of the doggy of the show but still a doggy

Prepare to be wrong again nerd.

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Enough anons replied to the first post to last the season

Just kill the 5 dollar user, I don't want them to die either and I probably can't offer up my body.


And Ritsu is going to pay the ultimate price for it.


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you lie, pancake boss

Thanks, I hate it

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you're welcome

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Yaoyorozu would have unironically made a better Berserk adaptation.

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I love her so much!

>Ah. Demo...

>Wakaba's scream when Ryoku said she'd kill him
My sides, god damn

I love ore girls

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>Wall Nushi's theme when it shows up
Totally felt like Metroid Prime, god damn

Did Wakaba fucking stop the Nushi?

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best voice

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This hole was made for me!

best voice

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How is the KF2 director doing after Tatsuki shatted on him?

Now with subs and Wakaba's scream.

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best voice

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I had to pause the episode because i started to laugh really hard that my sides started to hurt a little. I was expecting a message like "beware ahead" or something to feed the atmosphere of uneasiness, but this roombossu just gave a ^_^ that I just couldn't handle.

Also Rinaji is super smart, she was able to figure out pictorical representations like emojis without knowing about written language.

>Wakaba you must touch my sister to contributing to the knowledge
What did she mean by this?

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cho cho cho cho cho!

My megane leaf is THICC

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She's secretly a shape shifted Abe.

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>Oblivious boy reading a shy chuuni girl's diary
>Chuuni girl gets scary, boy freaks out with the most glorious scream
God I love this show.

She can't die because then they can't move Midori without her
The moment Wakaba figures out how to install an engine on that train she's dead tho

I love her

>Tatsuki shatted on him

With all these death flags I'm calling it now, Wakaba's going to sacrifice himself trying to destroy the red root and just before dying the other sisters are gonna come and save him, and then die.

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>the other sisters die trying to save Wakaba but also force Rin to stay behind

Wakabster has a perfect chemistry with another nerd compared to other leaves.

>Expects her to continuously call him idiot just like she does with her sisters
>Excitedly talk about understanding the world to a fellow Kininaru

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Is Ryoku really sure she gave Rin her eyes and not her incredibly thick and plump thighs?

thank you for alerting me she does have a modest bush, that i didnt notice at first
now i like that picture even more

dumb cat

el goblino...

dumb user

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Reminder that Rin is the body, she is literally being clothed in her dead sisters.

>I think you take this stuff too literally.
>Rin only needs to be in general vicinity.
So how you say they are working? They are like ghosts that appear randomly near wakaba and Rin?
That's not like "inside Rin" for me.

I do not believe they are inside Rin, but when people say they are inside her, they must mean its working like the changing shapes it was shown this episode.

>every girl is best girl
>every girl also has a screw loose
I like this show!

This is fucking sad

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>it's a ryou episode
Thanks based tatsuki, I didn't even know I wanted it that bad.

Is it just me, or is the animation/quality getting a little better?

Oh boy! I love it in shows when the frame rate changes.

Ritsu is going to die along with Midori, screen cap this!

HOLY SHIT I finally figured it out!
The reason behind Rin's masive ass is because her dead sisters are stored in it!

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I'm very glad big IQ anons like you help me understand the series

If she weren't so dummy thicc the clap of her asscheeks would stop alerting the Nushi


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Now you're thinking. As for myself, I only just noticed that Wakaba isn't wearing the rope around him anymore. It's busy being used for the water-tanks on top of the bus. That's way past slow poke territory.

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>expected things to simmer down
>it gets more depressing
Tatsuki please! Why all the despair?


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I know, i know, Kusofure posting here, but i think this is a bit of important info.
>Friendly reminder that aside from saying that anyone can make Kemono Friends popular, Kimura also stated that they would focus on the healing elements of the show.

>Are you feeling healed after watching this show, anons?

I can't believe Serval is fucking dead.

Boy howdy they really fucked up in that department and all the others

For big handjobs.

So we were Kill la Kill all along?

Fuck off with your anituber shit

>Rin is the body
fuck, I read it as "Rin is the booty"


Where is the lie

Don't do this to me. All the tiny details in this show are pretty amazing. You can meme about "high IQ show" but there's lots of minor details most people will probably miss

For every dead sister she absorbed, her ass gets bigger

This is only a hypothesis, I know. But when ritsu kick the bucket we will be able to confirm it!

Shiro will sacrifice it's self to save wakaba in the last episode.
Screencap this.

I can't believe Ritsu fucking didn't die

How did she die again?

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Is it just me or did we loose a Rina between episode 8 and 9? Rinaji and Rinachi are there and I think that's Rinamu on top of the bus so where did Rinayo go?

Stayed up too long making diary and died of exhaustion

Dorked too hard

So which Rina is the smartest anyways?


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The one who's pretending to sleep so she doesn't have to do any work

Really makes you think

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How can you even tell them apart?

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Keifuku-san is so cute. I really want her to get a full anime.

Did this ever get subbed?

Didn't you get the picture user?
she is the one in charge of make anime

crop the whole tree? ok
use the leaves for minor cuts and almost everything else? ok
chop steps into it's trunk and merge it with a rusty tram? ok
use a tiny little bit of the root for the sake of the group? not ok

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oh wait there's a scene at the very end of the episode showing all four still alive.

Rinaji is a bit more smarter than the others.
Rinachi likes eating things a bit more than the others.
Rinayo likes bullying Wakaba a bit more than the others.
Rinamu sleeps a lot more than the others.
Also Rinako who died episode 1 is a bit more childish than the others.


She used part of midori's main body, I guess It weakens it a lot more than just using the normal leaves and branches.

ask youtube

She's Tatsuki's self-insert.
Oh boy.


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Someone post that gif/webm of Rina turning and nodding her head, it always makes me laugh for some reason


1. Ryoku
2. Rinaji
3. Rinacchi
4. Ritsu
5. Riku
6. Ryou
7. Rinayo
8. Shiro
9. Wakaba

9999. Rin

99999999. Rinamu

The most powerful is Rin's Ass.

>99999999. Rinamu

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Has the sense of sight.
Needs glasses.

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It's part of the charm

she gave her eyes to rin.


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Midori chan is so ugly and lame!

She had the glasses before she "died".

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Looks like the coating fell off after some fog exposure. Shabby workmanship. I bet they used the cheapest Romanian subcontractor on the list for that mountain.

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All you nerds been worrying about sleepy cat but I'm the only one who's been worried about Midori-chan this whole time, get on my level of suffering

Is that a giraffe?

Dead Rinas?

user calm down, grey is ok.
If they were glowing purple, fuming and shedding leaves that would be bad.

So the whole world is just a layer on top of gigantic kemurikusa trees?

The sound effect when they switch is weird.


There were 5 Rinas, in episode 1.

So honest talk here, why does Rin gets hot close to Wakaba? Do they really have functioning sexual organs or it's a chemical reaction related to another factor?


And how can they blush when they have no blood?

You know the way it's being played, we'll get new Rina during the very last scene of last episode after credits roll.
If you look at the scenes it's always Wakaba being helpful, few times to the levels of endangering himself, appreciative and caring.
Whoever designed human shaped kemurikusa went to great lengths to make them look and behave as close as possible.
The part where one being is split into several doesn't really help though.

They reproduce by grinding their Kemurikusa together.

Was undivided Rina more onee-chanish than imoutish?

The tsundere archetype transcends the body and the physical laws.

Openly badmouthing your wife and then blaming it on a vacuum is a genius move.

Thanks roomba

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What the fuck the silhouettes of the dead sisters are there too. How did I not notice this until now?

>Doubting our Lord and Savior would prevent anyone from dying

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...I know what's right and wha's wrong.
What I've protected until now, and what I want to protect right now.
I know which choice is correct, and which is wrong.
With that in mind, I------------

1. ...Persist on being a real human being.
2. I want to protect Ritsu.
3. I want to protect the Rinas.

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looks like some people can't get enough of highschool setting

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>Not raping Rinas on the train

>put penis in one Rina
>hear four moans

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>put penis in one Rina
>every Rina can now summon Unlimited Penis Works

Why is everyone saying this is an isekai, i'm being 100% honest here, it never went through my mind it had any to do with isekai, not even a little hint of it, then why.

Do they?
I saw very few retards at the beginning call KK isekai and harm but they wanished after ep.2 or 3.

People who call Kemurikusa an Isekai are legitimate shitposters and should not be listened to.

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>isekai and harm
Did you mean harem or haram?


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I don't understand how anyone is saying it's isekai either, though I don't see many people make the claim. I think it might be because Wakaba appears "out of nowhere" but that doesn't make something isekai and is a stupid claim to make

>the smile of a winner

The nativity of Kemurikusa iskeainess depends on Wakaba nativity.

I hope your leaf shrivels and starts to bubble soon.

He's obviously from their world, you idiot. It's whether he's a reincarnated body or a fruit from Midori-chan is the question.

While the show has no overt harem situations, the setup is very close to one and harem ending is not out of question for now. Look at the sheer insertfaggotry and shippingfaggotry in these threads as of recent. I find comparisons with Shirou especially amusing, as it's a textbook character who, by all internal writing logic, should never be treated as a harem protagonist, but half of the fanbase still does anyway just because one boy + multiple girls = harem.

>Look at the sheer insertfaggotry and shippingfaggotry in these threads
Anons' behavior is always the same and has very little to do with the actual content of the show and reality presented in it.
It was always the case and it will likely stay that way for a long time to come.

>the setup is very close to one and harem ending is not out of question for now
>harem ending where harem is actually one person
Now that would be something.

>a textbook character who, by all internal writing logic, should never be treated as a harem protagonist
u wot m8

>solipsist harem ending

she was trying to communicate with the red bugs when an arrow decapitated her

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Sorry I have not been following the threads, did someone already make a "Kemurikusa? more like kemurikuso" joke?

You are the first.


Wait, you don't believe in sultan potential of our roomba?

Don't be mean to newfriends, we were all there once.

>user you're such a faggot nyaa!

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I hope you get red misted

Don't cry because it's over, cry because you're a dumb cat who's gonna die, nya


Who knows?

Wakaba might've been close to the first person and came to save her through time travel bullshit but got amnesia along the way?

First Person is such a joker, ahahah

Attached: Kemurikusa First Person erasing her instructions Ryoku mad.jpg (612x1200, 116K)

Attached: Kemurikusa Ryoku smug sitting next Wakaba.jpg (846x1200, 129K)

Attached: 1549898280495.jpg (914x1200, 104K)

truly, Kemurikusa is the Dark Souls of anime

Attached: Kemurikusa Rin x Dark Souls.jpg (1200x675, 98K)

>first 'harem' and 'isekai' fags
>now Yea Forumstards
you know, despite the interfaces being similar that is Bloodborne, not DS, check top right Blood echoes and Insight icons

Why is she such a dork?

I don't know shit about mainstream videogames except some memes, never touched a dark souls or bloodborne game, i just posted it for the meme

Is there any kemurikusa fanmade/official plushie line? I want debt user to buy a Ritsu plushie if she lives by episode 11!

Attached: IMG_20190307_054135.jpg (1200x840, 113K)

I want a plushie of debt user so I can punch his face every time someone posts about Ritsu dying.

Does anyone have a picture with the complete list of all the places they went to?
Or even just snippets

*chuckles* I'm in danger

Attached: Phos weird laugh.png (376x635, 59K)


I still don't understand what Tatsuki is trying to tell me with each episode.

Remember to drink water

That you should treasure your grandma while she is still alive.

So what went wrong? How did KF2 turned out so much better than Kemurikusa? I thought Tatsuki wasn't supposed to be a hack, bros...

Is great isn't it?

I don't want to alarm you guys, but it seems that a red bug... has infiltrated this thread!

We need a real human being to save us! Who could we call for help? I wonder...

Whoa. You mean the guy who makes these actually went for Kemurikusa too?

Attached: 1492168466_anime-kemono-friends-crossover-bloodborne-3783898.jpg (811x570, 611K)

Here's a new chapter.

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Attached: stares.png (321x238, 90K)

Attached: page 5.png (752x1079, 711K)

>Does anyone have a picture
At home, making a map of the journey but it went something like this as far as sightseeig spots are concerned:
Island 1: Hashima / Gunnkanjima
Island 3 beginning: Space world amusement park
Island 3 -> Island 4 Oonaruto bridge (called Sky bridge in anime - where fight with Nushi happened)
Island 6 beginning: Hankyu Umeda station (underground where Wkaba met Riku)
Island 8 : Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route - mountain route with underground tunels they went into after Shiro brought map.
Island 8: Kurobe dam, where they met the flatbot squad and Wakaba became Captain (at the end they continued on the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route through some tunnels)
Island 9: Mt.Fuji
Compared to Ritsu's map of Island 1-6 some of those routes varry greatly in length compared to their IRL counterparts but Wakaba was talking about some fuckups like that due to earthquakes and who knows what.

Attached: page 6.png (752x1079, 629K)

Attached: page 7.png (752x1079, 723K)

That's all. If anyone who knows Japanese or at least English could proofread this and point out mistakes, it'd be nice.

Attached: page 8.png (752x1079, 713K)

Rinas are cute! CUTE!

Thanks user.

Attached: Captain Rina.png (898x850, 329K)

rinamu is a eldritch god tier powerhouse , but only when she is awake

that was cute, thanks user!

Attached: Kemurikusa Ritsu pat.jpg (951x1199, 124K)

how do you niggers tell the difference between the Rinas?

Needs :^) edit.

small typo in top right bubble

Fug. Thanks.

What are the odds we have an actual, satisfying ending and not open-ended sequel-bait followed by Tatsuki getting fired for the noodle commercial?

Attached: DsSkljuWkAMFZDW.jpg large.jpg (641x640, 96K)

>Tatsuki getting fired

>anons still haven't figured out how you can distinguish the Rinas

I'll give you a hint: look at their clothing

My wife is a dorky nerd and I love her!

Attached: 1551882254284.png (1269x2137, 1.67M)

your wife is dead

We'll surely get the red tree fight.
Whether all the world mysteries will be revealed is anyone's guess but I wouldn't mind S2.
>Tatsuki getting fired for the noodle commercial?
Are you joking?
It's his own story this time.

She's just sharing space with her sisters at the moment.
>Ywn have a monogamous polygamous marriage with a leaf.

what will be sadder? Ritsu dying, or Midori dying?

>golum monologue.mp4

Attached: 2019_03_07_15.01.42.jpg (1920x1080, 496K)

>your wife takes all her sisters in a bed.
>but you are even cooler and take your roomba in a bed!

I want a pet roomba now. Why do they have to cost $500? I can manage $100 at best.

/3/ here, Why does the manga look like it just uses the badly weighted models from the tv show with a grayscale filter instead of it being hand drawn instead?


Because it's hard to hand-draw masterpieces like picrelated.

Attached: nya.png (280x800, 19K)

what a cute cat

Oh I would love to see how SEETHING /3/ is at KF1 and KK. Must drive them nuts thinking they can probably design better models but they don't have any of the creative talent necessary to make something as beloved as these series.

no mangaka greed to draw it for the budget they had (4 peanuts and half used pencil)

happiest cat in the world

Attached: Kemurikusa Ritsu tired dead inside.jpg (970x1200, 54K)

I bet there are a lot of KF fan mangakas who would consider it an honor to draw Tatsuki's manga but he doesn't want to give his characters to anyone.

Well if you check the W.memos they aren't really a proper manga, just some short sidenotes.

Why is smut like this allowed to air?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemurikusa - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.31_[2019.03.07_17.16.34].jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Isn't he more similar to Shirou in that they're both fuckbois that progressively come forward to kcik ass? also Wakaba did prepare them food in the commercial, even adding his own touch

It's a show about family, not a harem you dimwit.

It's ok, the balls aren't touching.

Blue board user. No NSFW.

Just what kind of plant Midori is to make Ritsu look high as fuck?

Midori-chan is a green kemurikusa tree. You should really pay attention to the show this is obvious.

"Yeah, cause it's a bright idea to use brute force against a girl who possess the strength of 182 men and eats Nushi for breakfast while I was barely able to lift a train wheel. Seems like you lost more than just the sense of sight!"

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemurikusa - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.10_[2019.03.07_16.31.14].jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Nothing can't beat the D though.

>Wakaba grabs Rin by the wrists to hold her down
The poison would drain all the strength in her body. He could do anything to her, but that'd be awful.

Not physical force, but romantic force.

How lewd will the Wakaba touching Rin's leaf scene be?

Lewd enough to require an OVA to show it

uncensored in BDs amount of lewd

Attached: Kemurikusa Rin womb leaf.png (473x688, 89K)

>Wakaba about to touch Rin's leaf
>a giant badly animated 3DCG dragon comes out of Rin's chest and eats Wakaba
>Wakaba about to touch Rin's leaf
>badly animated 3DCG dolphins happen

I can't, every time I try to imagine them they're full nude.

This is a special, special roombossu.


Super cute

holy fuck anime is real


It's simple really. Push her down and she will stop thinking.

Attached: 60515351.jpg (512x288, 35K)

Don't underestimate the TSUN.

Attached: 2.webm (640x360, 225K)

Old Rin was unironically a cunt.
New Rin is autisticdere. She doesn't even know what is happening with her emotions and canonically she's also a crybaby.

Man, ONA Rin was such a bitch. She cared more about protecting the base (to protect her siblings) than protecting her siblings (ironically enough).

Attached: 1551152266460.png (1015x1200, 993K)

Attached: D1DBHT7VsAEkNarge.jpg (1400x1000, 167K)

>Old Rin was unironically a cunt.
Not really. She was just much more stone faced and suffered inside without showing it.
Also more direct and not a bit less caring though she didn't show that openly too.
Which kind of makes sense especially when she already made different decision once and it ended with one of her sisters dying because of it.

"how much for a foursome?"
"of the Rinas while i just watch"

At what point did Wakaba stop wearing the ropes around his body?

What is the significance of the red dot on his shirt?

C/u/cks not welcome.

people asking this about the vines is really bugging me by now, did you not see them falling off?
also, what red dot? oh god i'm doing the same thing aren't i?

He didn't have a red dot on his shirt back then it's probably just the shirt's design

Attached: 1550693568669.gif (640x360, 2.94M)

is the plant in the title representing the memory leaf?

She copied using Momo. I'm not sure if that's connected to the skirt-bots or the matter replication. It could be 1, 2 or 3 distinct effects.

Who made this?

Attached: 1550676652734.webm (1280x720, 111K)

Wakaba needs to fix his posture. His neck is at a 45 degree angle, that seems uncomfortable.

Probably some anonymous nip on one of their imageboards.

Maybe he spent his past life hunched over in front of computer monitors animating CG kemonomimi girls

Third image where he rubs Rina sexually and Rin watches where?

Into the trash

Attached: rin_and_wakaba_kemurikusa_drawn_by_rousetsu__sample-bf29e079f99307e76e034c76d7ddb525.png (850x1205, 1.52M)

she's just padding her chest with her skirt drones as a prank

You're just trying to trick me into rewatching every scene with a Rina, struggling because there's never a completely clear side-by-side 360 view of two Rinas so it's hard to falsify your "theory"?

classic rina

Attached: 1549674421621.jpg (1200x1193, 127K)

My dick, my soul...

Attached: 1551966683895.jpg (1400x1000, 341K)

Why would you tell lies?

... was way more sexy.

Attached: D1Etr64Urge.png (900x799, 698K)

I want to rub Ritsu's ears.

Attached: 1551263927858.gif (484x384, 410K)

Did he get REALLY fucking strong?

Attached: 1551880651534.jpg (1594x884, 200K)

All he did was freeze the Nushi into the kemurikusa ice wall kind of like how cirno freezes frogs

Attached: D1D2S0yVYAAXZ_2.jpg large.jpg (1548x2048, 336K)

Attached: D1DrmCwU8AIUge.png (600x800, 264K)

>they're too loud
>my eyes hurt
>this wall is too big
>I wish I was home reading kemurikusa

I want to enter this deep, endless, dark void.

Attached: Rina lick.webm (640x360, 374K)

no dude, it was retreating into the wall to not get hit by midori's explosion, Wakaba really did stop it in it's tracks if he isn't strong as fuck then he literally ordered it to stop the moment he touched it without having to imput anything through a leaf, kinda like Shiro obeys his commands without more than his voice

He did carry that train wheel earlier.

Just goes to show again that Wakaba isn't really human either. What color do you get when you combine pink and green?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemurikusa - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.16.667.jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

Do you think she would write kemurikusa smut?

oh yeah, we needed confirmation on that as well

>fish kemurikusa x Midori-chan tentacle doujinshi
>blue fog NTR with white bug and red bug
>green kemurikusa x rubble vanilla
>blue kemurikusa x yellow-orange kemurikusa rape
>white kemurikusa x black
kemurikusa gangbang mindbreak rape
Lewd. I bet she likes to borrow kemurikusa from Riku and make them rub against each other while salivating and muttering to herself pervertedly.

Attached: 1550202354895.jpg (864x1152, 90K)

Rina needs one of those frilly topped bikinis

Attached: D02S2u3VYAAqge.jpg (2048x1450, 463K)

>Kemurikusa rape
I mean...
>Mfw she would write yuri fanfics of Riku "touching" Rin's leaf

Attached: 1551886359548.png (1262x2137, 1.71M)

Tsuchinoko is Ryoku's geekiness with Riku's attitude

Wakaba strikes me as the kind of guy that works as a greengrocer part-time, rides a scooter, and volunteers at animal sanctuaries on the weekend, for some reason.

I approve of this

I KWEN she looked like someone in Kemono Friends.


>Are you joking?

Yeah I was.

No matter how strong he is, I don't know how it's possible given the pose he was in. He's not applying any counter-force with his feet. Unless he's simply so heavy that the nushi couldn't lift him, it doesn't appear he actually is restraining it at all.


>Rinas are building railroads
>Keifuku is about train conductors

So is this official? And there's more?

It's drawn by Tatsuki.

I love trains and I love japanese for being autistic enough to love trains, too.



Attached: serval03.png (542x720, 244K)

El hermano de wakaba

The best kind of NTR.

>たつき監督自ら描く「ケムリクサ わかばメモ」

Attached: p0.png (761x1079, 694K)

I don't kwon how someone could typo that bad, but I think user meant "I knew"

Oh no it's spreading

I'm not saying it's not Tatsuki, I'm saying it isn't drawn.

Qetiu a gdoo sterce cedo ayllautc.

He is able to lift a train wheel like nothing so he isn't a weakling this is for sure.

kwon-kun denwa

Is what I believe user was referring to. However 描く doesn't necessarily mean actually "draw" draw. It can be more abstract.

>womb leaf

Attached: Untitled.png (467x446, 61K)

"illustrating" has a broad meaning after all

Thanks user, you're an angel

Attached: 72875017_p0.png (3975x2718, 443K)

His shirt had a red dot before, just got covered by the ropes

Attached: dot.png (1280x720, 515K)

>he don't kwen

Ritsu is the only leaf sister that I’m not intimidated by the prospect of fucking.

Attached: 862E6ECD-FCB9-40A0-8D53-3A34FBE43857.jpg (977x1200, 77K)

Wakachad looking even more like a chad, fuck im wet

Attached: Kemurikusa Wakaba smug.jpg (886x1200, 111K)

why is she pouting?


ONA Wakaba and Rin look like heroes from another age serving as the main antagonists.

Attached: 1551027086542.jpg (1310x951, 136K)

The Rinas would be the annoying first-year imoutos who joined the cosplay club.
Ritsu would be the senior senpai working part-time as a miko in her local temple, because she loves taking care of the garden.
Ryou enlisted in the JSDF after graduation, Ryoku is a college student who studies in the capital and moved away from the crew's hometown, and Riku is a electrician.
Rin would be a second-year worried about her future but who can't decide on what career to pursue.

Attached: Kemurikusa Wakaba consider the following.jpg (1344x756, 156K)


>Dorky and super chuuny
>Extremely bullyable
>Extremely IMAGINable

>Ryou and Riku not being the leaders of a local gang keeping tabs on other delincuents

also about that pic, it really looks like someone drew a dick on that page

>when she becomes happy she starts talking a little fast
Is this true? Have I just been too stupid to notice this pattern?

Sounds comfy. Doesn't Ryoku wear a high school uniform though? She probably moved to Tokyo to live with their aunt to attend high school there in hopes of getting into a prestigious college in the capital.

What are the chances that Rin has a split personality due to having the Memory Leaf that awakens when she's asleep? The sisters only showed up when she was out cold, and the Leaf maybe activated itself. The actual body that Wakaba sees when he's talking to the sisters is actually Rin's.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemurikusa - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.11.047.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

And as we all know Cirno is very strong so Wakaba must be too

I see what you're trying to go for, but I don't believe Ryou and Ryoku would go against the law

Attached: Kemurikusa mafia sisters.jpg (1200x848, 193K)

The answer is Colombia

Attached: rakugaki-j-32.jpg (350x300, 18K)


Attached: genbaneko.jpg (243x216, 10K)

She's the main body, after all. Makes sense that they manifest in her.

Attached: pink+green.png (878x568, 24K)

not that extreme of a gang

Attached: sakys.png (500x720, 205K)

just like his hair! coincidence? I think the fuck not

Attached: Kemurikusa ep 4 Wakaba is alerted.png (1366x768, 810K)

I find it difficult because they seem to lack information about where/how are Rin and the others when they were talking with wakaba.
If they wake when Rin is sleeping they should be able to know that and also that wakaba was with them from the beginning.
Also from the position where Rin was sleeping to where he found the dead ones, they would need to pass wakaba without him noticing them.

Wilhelm scream!

It's just hallucinations, physical position doesn't matter.


Attached: IMG_20190307_154701.jpg (2309x3276, 2.09M)

NA.. NA!

I imagine Tatsuki explaining to seyuus how exactly they should scream, and screaming himself until they get the right tone.

Well I doubt hallucinations could carry a kemurikusa with them and interact with other ones.

Attached: D06IoZPVYAAe.jpg (1920x1080, 401K)

Oh right, so obviously Rin transformed into Ryou, stood behind Wakaba, and then transformed and RAN REALLY FAST to get back in front of him without him seeing. Ok.

He doesn't need to explain shit. He picks the seiyu based in how they are IRL. They just behave naturally and the magic comes for itself.

based tkmiz

>Kemurikusa can summon a shield out of nowhere
>it can't summon a girl made of gray mud.

That's exactly what hallucinations can do. They're not purely visual, you know this right?

Rina's voice is so good.

They aren't connected like that, this episode had one of the Rinas eating something surreptitiously but the other Rinas could only tell because she didn't hide it well enough.

A tested, tried and true method for VA hiring. Working with or at Yaoyorozu must be really interesting, especially since they do a lot of things differently compared to the rest of the anime industry.

I mean when they're 'stacked' together like they sometimes like to do, you put your penis inside the stack. There's no way they're just hiding behind each other.


Nee-chan is had a hard life.

Attached: 1549511494537.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

Time to kill bet-user.

>In the final episode, Shiro turns into a massive Nushi piloted by Wakaba to fight against the red tree and the red insects

Attached: MGS4.gif (240x162, 405K)

Attached: 1550671708996.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

>Crushing balls

> Green thumb

Rin by Space-jin when?

He's /OURGUY/?!

Do not summon him

Reminds me of those old comic books for Western cartoons that were just screenshots from the cartoons in comic book form.

Stand still, Riku.

>while Rin fights the memory leaf that goes on a rampage as it remembers their real purpose

Attached: D1AhB7PUcAEbxVs.png:orig.png (504x504, 100K)

>A leaf loli will never dance on your back

Attached: 1551971404549.gif (480x270, 1.79M)

>a girl split herself into 6 new girls
>5 of them are hags but suddenly a loli pops up

Is there any meaning to the girls' names all starting with り?

no man, the Original Big Rina was a lot like the rest, but she divided into 6 smaller Rina's herself

Does that dork look strong to you?

Recuscent Sigil. Originization 13 is watching them.


Attached: __hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_rei_and_sananana_cookie_touhou_and_touhou_drawn_by_akabeco__e5e5b3ed (1181x1748, 1.59M)

She doesn't look any different in the shorts though, and that's pre-split.

look at the ED

so inmu user wasn't only on the KF2 threads

Tabenaide kudasai!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemurikusa - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.47_[2019.03.08_13.41.28].jpg (1280x720, 259K)

>this entire world is a simulation to heal DID of the girl now known as first person
>something went wrong and caused her personalities to split even further, to the point of becoming separate entities
>the entire simulation is fucked, virus (red kemurikusa) made it go completely out of control
>the AI controlling simulation created an avatar based on it's knowlege of humans as it's last attempt to regain control, but the avatar was separated from the core and lost it's memory while being created

Attached: s-l640.jpg (453x640, 74K)

I guess she's bigger. I can't really tell

Attached: Untitled.png (957x540, 555K)

Man, think about the possibilities
>a bunch of loli catgirls
>a bunch of loli Rin

>loli Rin
Oh my...

>last episode
>they find a door
>Wakaba Rosso appears and kills Wakaba

Attached: image (65).jpg (2142x3056, 3M)

I mistook with ghosts my bad.
But since hallucinations depends on the mind of the one hallucinating, are you saying that the girls inside Rin that is far away from wakaba at those moments are affecting his mind and giving him new information?

I never said that and I don't agree that all of them are inside Rin.

>the loli is synchronized
>the background isn't
quite strange, since in almost 99% of anime the background is just a static picture.

making loops out of a scene like that would be a pain in the ass, considering they're on a moving midoribus

Attached: midoribus.png (1280x720, 643K)

Make the background swing along with Rina.