
How do you find your True Will? Are magic names in this series represent the True Will of each and every magicians?? Fortis, Salvare, Basis, etc

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Other urls found in this thread:


Aleister had the big gay

It’s supposed to be their purpose so yea probably

Your true will finds you more than you find it. Magic names are close, but more a stated goal than a core of who you are. "To be the strongest" "to save people" etc.

Raildex thread

Re: VN
Where are you user?

>no subject, not continuing a conversation, just generally asking if another user is around
For what purpose

Read bible once.
Gay Sex.
More Alcohol.
More shrooms.

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>Your true will finds you more than you find it.
How is this possible? Are super successful people simply those who found their True Wills (either accidental or deliberate)??

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The subject is Visual Novel

Thats not a subject. You havent raised anything to talk about. "Raildex, fighter, go" isnt exactly a topic

Is found before we dead
Dead give clarity

Its like how you dont find your waifu she finds you. You don't really run outside and find a purpose or a will. You just notice one day that you've become x sort of person or that you have that drive.

We should just make our own meme/lewd VN just for us. All we need is a competent writefag and one of our resident drawfags to make 2-3 lewds for each route

Why am I not allowed to be a Toumafag in R/a/ildex?
Not only I got piled on, someone called me a falseflagger and it cut deep

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I'd really love a figther, as long as it's made by arc sys and the characters are balanced, I would buy that. Here's hoping to 15 anouncements at the spring fest.

Like what you like, just don’t be an obnoxious faggot. Also stop caring about what others think, this is Yea Forums not fagbook

It's a reference about the topic about a visual novel in the previus thread

I dont think that we can to be like Yea Forums with KS

>like Yea Forums with KS
I really hope you’re baiting

Yes, about what esl? "Visual novel" is not a subject. It simply isnt. You need more than two words to start a conversation, I get that you want to see other people talk about it and dont actually want to put any effort in yourself but you need to at the bare minimum raise what part of the conversation you were interested in. Rather than just awkwardly shuffle around and go "so how about that weather we've been having?"

But you need tremendous amount of reflection and a sense of knowing oneself to do that. How many percent of people managed to achieve finding even a fraction of their true wills?

Yea Forums made KS, not fucking Yea Forums

>tfw the actual country you live in was founded by Crowley and then fought for by members of the Golden Dawn

I like Raildex, but Jesus Christ it does not capture the true insanity of the real life occult world we live in.

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Cool, we get that it bothers you. I’m sure user learned his lesson now and we can all move on and talk about Raildex now rather than pointlessly metaposting. Thanks!

Sorry, man
My error
Now, what do you think about a possible visual novel in the To Aru verse?

>These digits
To Aru NEEDS to be a VN

Dubs arent that impressive these days user

I know it!

Toumaniggers absolutely SEETHING

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Well reality is being twisted into a nightmare realm that makes lovecraft look fluffy so this is no surprise.

It’s tripdubs

>3D PD
Cringe, unbased and bluepilled

How insane is it?

Because you are in fact falseflagging, you retarded falseflagger. Here, I'll say it one more time: you are a falseflagger. Good day to you.

user, I’m coming over there right now and you’re going to fuck my ass. I’m already applying the peanut butter and astroglide right now as we speak

>series literally based off of that guy
Get with the program user, you’ll never find your True Will if you’re getting hung up over frivolous shit like this

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Crowley has a way with words, didn’t he?

Aleister Crowley was literally added later because the author wanted a huge twist.

This is his 2D version. A rapist loli.

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Hey I think he thinks you're me

"True Will does not spring from conscious intent, but from the interplay between the deepest Self and the entire Universe."

It is basically the highest self accomplishment of purpose in life for any magician. As well as following this purpose in alignment with density without the lust for result.

Or as Crowley said " "Do What Thou Wilt".

[Spoiler] ミルラ3568 [Spoiler]

You know what? Maybe I should do what the other user said and just not care. Keep posting that word till your heart's content

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Toumafags confirmed the biggest shitposters.

user please kiss me

>the mc of a VN doesnt usually radically change from route to route, just the event
Cough emiya shirou cough
Who was the user who wrote these

I can summon janny, wanna see

Then Will is Master templi?


Well, considering Touma, Mikoto, and Accelerator are the three most popular characters with little "space" between them, yes, most shitposters are indeed likely to be a Toumafag, Mikotofag, or Accelfag.

But that's just statistics. It doesn't mean they are shitposting about their favorite character.

It would just be a shitty Unist ripoff.

I still suprised that Index doesnt have vn game on ps vita with routes like index misaka and itsuwa

>getting juggled across both sides of the stage back and forth by Thors
I can see it now. I'd also be fine with a 3D one along the lines of jump force, it does a decent job of making the different special moves feel like they're coming from the series

Maybe Kamachi wants most things he writs to be cannon, unless it's obviously a parody. If he wrote multiple routes some would have to be non-cannon.

Doesn't the VO game have multiple routes

Isnt every vn game that based on anime are not cannon like nisekoi,code geas,oregairu and kokoro connect.

>multiple routes means some need to be non canon
Visual novels can do both "true end" or "all ends are different what if" ends. Or you can go full nutter and do "every bad end and good end is canon at the same time, because the main character is a 4th dimensional observer"

VO would be cannon to itself, not the rest of the the Raildex franchise.
Yeah, and if Kamachi wanted most serious things he writes to be cannon he would not want a VN or routes where some or all routes are non-cannon.
Touma doesn't have CHIM Or does he? It's refereed to as dragon break in TES.

>VO is canon to itself
What did user mean by this. And what does it have to do with it having multiple routes

That wasnt the reference I was making but good on you for trying

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>O MY UNLIMITED ASSPULL WORKS is hailed as great writing

Absolute state of this franchise.

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>when you're so starved for attention you quote things that werent even said so you have something to shitpost about
Just make two seperate posts and pretend they arent both you next time.

>the same exact post and picture and filename
Kek the absolute STATE of this guy, Raildex is living rent free inside his head and he can’t help but post in every single thread. Watch, I bet he won’t even be able to ignore me, he’s going to reply to me and give me free (You)s like a good little cuck

What did the retard mean by this?

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That they run in parallel. They never intersect, thus what happens in VO doesn't matter to LN, anime etc.
Shouldn't have said anything really, was about to post and saw your post and made a quick reply. And I still don't get what you were referencing.

Zashiki Warashi already did multiple routes though.

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(You) can stop posting.

Then everything is canon to itself, idol is canon to itself, the crossovers are canon to themselves, most people just call that "non canon".

Can you explain?

What a clusterfuck.

Kek look at that, he gave you a (You). What an absolute cuck

I thought it was a pretty simple post, do you really need it spelled out for you?
>no one said anything about it being a great work of writing
>still greentext that people are saying that to have a strawman to attack
>would have been more effective if you had just made an anonymous post stating whatever strawman you want to attack
Easy enough this time?

Reminder that Touma x Othinus is an asspull.

Why are you trying to reason with a subhuman? You know he can’t understand

Your girl gave me head. What an absolute cuck.

But that was what I was arguing for? Calling it cannon to itself is a convoluted way of saying non- cannon to the original series that it's based on.

Thought in Steins:Gate and Steins:Gate 0
Steins:Gate is canon in the rute named Steins:Gate and Steins:Gate 0 is canon in itsself(specialy in the principal rute)

Kek stay mad

Ok but, what does that have to do with the idea that kamachi doesnt like writing about non canon things when he clearly has on multiple occasions? It sounds like semantics to try and not have it mess with your idea that kamachi hates the idea of alternate what ifs for some reason.

Thats either just "one is not canon" or "they are two different series", its just semantics to say "they're both canon but only canon to themselves and not to each other". This is like saying "idol accelerator is indeed canon, but its only canon in the world where the level 6 shift was about getting fans instead of killing clones"

Its can be non canon to accelerator, but acceleratos is canon


Try that post again champ

Very. So much so that I have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes on many subjects. Still not sure if the occult is 'real' or not, but it's a fact that it has had a major effect on world history to the point that it's almost comical.

Pic related is a good rule of thumb.

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Will Coronzon survive?

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Last boss that could manipulate fate used all of the possible bad ends to try and stop the MC, all of his versions from those routes stepped in to show how they turned those bad ends into good ends and take the fear out of him so he could do what he needed to.

Yes. There's room for Coronzon to be redeemed, or at least be powered down enough to not be a threat rather than being outright killed.
545 is proof demons can be good. Coronzon's attachment to her body is also an emotional vulnerability that can be exploited.

Can you at least hope to stop this terrible demon?

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ohnonono raildexbros..


>Then everything is canon
This is true. All that is related to Index and is written by Kamachi - Canon. Is it somewhere written that these are non-canonical stories? At least one time? This is just stupid.

>There's room for Coronzon to be redeemed
Not really no. All she wants is dispersion and despair. And since her own body is her own, and not an avatar, even worrying about that isnt a possibility for compassion since its inherently selfish.

Accelerator-sama is not canon in ToAruverse, yes; but kagaku no accelerator is canon in ToAruverse

>is it written somewhere that idol accel is non canon?
It doesnt need to be, it should have been obvious. This still doesnt give me any reason to believe your odd notion that Kamachi would be against a VN.

This is Kamachi we're talking about. Every character has room for redemption, or at least a chance to keep living.

Does Kamachi know about this? I'm sure he would be surprised.

>this is kamachi
Yes, the same kamachi that had terra die without redemption, that had mathers spam spells to kill a baby and never really regret it, that had marian never really regret that she was doing obscure body horror to people, etc.

Okay, I should narrow it down a bit and clarify. I haven't read much from Kamachi outside of Index so my argument was for Index, not all of Kamachi's works.
The main reason I meant that Kamachi doesn't want multiple routes for Index is that it breaks much of what Touma fought for in NT9. If alternative routes were introduced, why couldn't Othinus just leave him in an alternative world and go on with her dream in another world? It's not about if that's how her power works or not but the importance of the one world leaves on the reader. That Touma's choice to return to his own world carried consequences for the perfect world, otherwise Touma's wish to return to his world isn't so important, because the perfect world would still exist. But it doesn't, it was erased for Touma's original world.
It may be a stretch but I think this is important to Kamachi for the Index series. Introducing alternative routes would also diminish the importance of the characters' choices and actions.

>who are the kiharas

And the same series that gives no fucks about all of the dead children in Alister's city now that he's a loli.

Everything in the so-called occult is real. The occult itself as a concept isn't anymore. There is nothing hidden from us at all. The problem nowadays is we are like fish in water - so immersed in the environment we don't even notice. We see it, but we don't notice.

You find your will by exerting it. You are constantly doing it anyway - that's how you stay alive - and humans find themselves by practice. The more you practice "being alive" the more you find out about yourself.

This is how Raildex works.

Characters like Terra and Frenda who actually die are in the extreme minority. Your other two examples might as well be considered a work in progress since they were left alive.
There are humans who have committed more crimes than a demon like Coronzon ever will in his other series and they still continue to live.

>nt9 again
It really really doesnt interfere with that in the slightest.
>why didnt othinus do something that is beyond the scope of her power?
Tough one.
>Its not about her being unable to do it
>but that the reader will think in exactly this way
The reader should be able to understand that the characters are constrained to one world even if the series at large is not.

Kiharas clearly aren't absolute evil from what we've seen of Noukan and Kagun.

>mathers was left alive
>there are humans who have commited more crimes than coronzon
Oh nevermind I see where this is going now

I mixed that up but it's extremely likely Mathers is coming back with all the foreshadowing he got.
As for the second point, read his other series.

Not all kiharas are, but amata and byouri clearly never got redeemed, so saying "kamachi will redeem coronzon because he's kamachi" is silly.

>idol accel
This is just a parody story. Approximately the same as "funny events" in the FGO.
At least all books written by Kamachi are by far the canon. The reverse is not even supposed. You can call it Kamachiland. Or as you like. Kamachiverse etc.

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>all the books written by kamachi are canon
So you're telling me aogami actually is the final boss and innocentius actually did confess to touma? Kamachi can write non canon stuff, where on earth did you guys get the dumb notion he cannot?

The power that Magic Gods posses is decided by the author. Everything in the series is decided by the author. If Kamachi had wanted his Magic Gods to be able to make alternative timelines he could easily do that, he bullshits his science and magic is fictional in the first place so he can do whatever.

>kamachi could make the magic gods more powerful
Ok? He didnt though. He constrained them all to one world and they cannot make alternate timelines. Whats your point?

>aogami actually is the final boss
Sounds good to me.


The point is that there isn't such thing as absolute evil in the series. Yes, minor 1-volume characters can get killed off before they can go that route, but for someone as major as Coronzon it's highly unlikely she won't be given the chance in a series that highly values having your illusions broken and living your life correctly.

>there isnt an absolute evil except those guys that dont count
>this means everyone gets redeemed except those guys that also dont count
Remind me when mathers got to redeem himself?

Wait for the arc to actually be over before making conclusions.

Crossover between characters is canon. VO too. VN too. Movie canon too by the way although it is anime.

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>minor one volume characters cant get redeemed but everyone else is
Kakine still hasnt been (though he isnt dead). Gensei never got redeemed and he's brain dead. Mugino never got redeemed. Amata is a bit unfair to call "minor" and both he and Terra technically are in more than one volume. Cutting down all antagonists to "it doesnt count if they werent the focus in multiple volumes" cuts everything down to like, 3 characters anyways which is too small a sample size to decisively say he's definitely going to redeem someone he's shown no good sides at all to. I could believe it if we were talking about Mathers, because as much of a cunt as he is, at least he cares for a couple other people and was shown being a normal autist a few times. Coronzon's "humanizing moment" was "oh shit I dont want to die that sounds real inconvenient". Forgive me if I dont hold my breath for her to suddenly 180 into being sympathetic after kamachi has nailed into us over and over that it only gets off on other peoples suffering.

Misaki a pile of best.

*pile of fat

Only in the right places, gaylord.

Othinus never had any humanizing or sympathetic moments before NT9 and Kamachi still let her off the hook, didn't even technically give her redemption. I don't want Coronzon to be given a second chance either but I wouldn't be surprised if Kamachi tried to weed something in there.

>Literally described as a blob of fat in the narration and is canonically winded by going up a set of stairs
If you want to waifu the chairman of China, Winnie the who? go right ahead.

Kamachi let her off the hook because she was intended to become another Toumadrone. Coronzon won't have the same fate since that spot is taken.

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Othinus had barely any character before nt9. She had what, 4 lines?

>literally described as a blob of fat
Your mama is a blob of fat. Find me one instance of the narration calling her anything but perfect or at least model-like as opposed to characters being biased and I'll concede. Otherwise, you're just venting your headcanon for who knows what butthurt reasons.

How will Misakifags ever recover?

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hi mp

>as opposed to characters being biased
Are you illiterate? That other mongoloid user claimed the narration called her fat, which of course never happened. Meanwhile, from Virtual-On AS
> She had long and flowing honey-blonde hair and curvy proportions that could charm anyone regardless of sex or age

I wasn't replying to you, you fucking retard.

This about the multiples trues en Kamachiland

That isnt MP and he's right. She didnt have much character at all prior to NT9

Going through all the fujo fanart of HO to get to the good ones is gonna turn me gay

This about the multiples truths en Kamachiland

*Virtual-On SS
From Railgun's newest novel
>That Queen of largest clique had waist-length hair and model-like proportions

Your shitfu is fat. Stay forever assblasted.

based and redpilled

Bro the pile of fat comment was just banter, don't get so asshurt

Your post was still retarded considering the discussion so if the shoe fits, shove it down your asshole, faggot.

Post underrated Raildexes

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>A character having firsthand experience using Misaki's out of shape body doesn't count because I said so!
The lengths Misakifags will go to defend their pig. Yikes.

Misaki is fat. Stay forever assblasted

She had plenty of focus on her in NT8, and there's literally nothing sympathetic about her actions throughout the majority of NT9. The point still stands.

Byouri does strange things to my dick.

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We only see othinus fight fiamma and ollerus in nt8. We see no personality and no motive

Othinus should have died at the end of NT10 and the novel was ruined because of it.

>the novel was ruined because an entirely avoidable death wasn't permanent
It would have been pretty horseshit for othinus to have died just because touma didnt think to take out the spear sooner

>the novel
you mean the entire arc

When you have an option that will definitely work versus one that may not work, it's pretty reasonable to try the one that will work first.

I'm not talking about the actual specific way she died. I'm talking about the entire message of the novel being that even if Touma fights and beats the entire world he can't save those who don't want to be saved.
It would have fit very well with NT9's message that Touma needs to stop acting like a hero all time and that other people must atone for their sins instead of him atoning for them. Mikoto even brought this up in NT 10

That wasn't the message of the novel

Well that's what I took away from it.

Saying she's fat is banter. Say the narration backs up that claim is a blatant lie. To be fair I'm only keeping this up because I'm bored and to remind myself how reiterative Kamachi can get about his character's descriptions.

>a character who needed to get an insult in because she was having a discussion with Misaki can't possibly give a flawed account
So Misaki was being factual when she called Mikoto a gorilla, right?

Death isn't atonement

Uh, yes it is. Especially in that context.

No burger it isnt

Atone for your existence right now.

>Despite all that, you chose to face the world, Othinus! You decided to become ‘normal’ and ‘average’!! So don’t run. Don’t run from paying for your sins, Othinus!! Don’t turn your back on happiness!! That’s…That’s not humility and it’s not justice. You’re not saving anyone like this. You’re just running from a painful journey!!
It's not

Well Mikoto has no style, and she has no grace.
She also has a funny face so I guess Misaki is being factual.

It may be her fault he's on the edge in the first place, but she's not very helpful in keeping Touma from snapping if she's dead.

I already and unironically did, which is the opposite of what Othinus has done. Her death can't repay her deeds, but it's the very least she can do since Kamachi removed her ability to make right by the atrocities she commited, and also because her death was the poethic justice and cathartic thing to do. Othinusfags are just too blinded by waifufaggotry to realize that.

>death is a way to atone for sins
Did you just miss accelerators entire story or what

Atone for who? For Touma? That's going to have the opposite effect. It will ruin his life if that happened.

Sometimes it feels like people have a weekly quota for shitting on certain girls. Like they notice discussion is slow so they just bring up a girl out of nowhere and take a dump on her or her fans.

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I want to agree, but the core of this discussion is really about characters having flawed perspectives vs a narrator having either omniscience, or at the very least a far more objective perspective than them. You're very welcomed to post the biri rap though.

Well yea, thats what shitposters do user

Gotta put those waifufags in their place or they'll get too uppity.

I don't know what your trying to project onto me right now. It feels like anybody who argues against you you just deem them automatically as a waifufag which sours most of your arguments if you're not bothering to take it seriously.

Nah most of the time the fags that bring them up get BTFO and then they sperg and start spamming Yea Forums images.

Mikoto taking Misaki out of the Tomabowl by fucking her till she's lesbian for her while remaining completely straight for Touma when?

>You're very welcomed to post the biri rap though.

Is Komoe hot?
I think Komoe is super hot.

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Looks more like Uiharu with those proportions

I'm a Misakifag, but if someone were to call her a lazy sociopathic asshole I couldn't factually defend her. Those are indeed flaws in her character. Also, if someone is enough of a queer to actually deem her fat they can go right ahead, but don't go around claiming easily spotted bullshit like claiming that's her factual physical description in any source.


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I accidentally misquoted you, you nerd. That post was meant as a reply to

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Mikoto already made Misaki cum three times in NT21 onscreen

Cute penguin

Accelerator is doing the complete opposite of what Othinus did. He actually feels guilty, trying to make amendments and at no point of his story so far was there ever anything as close as a perfect setting for his death just to throw it all away just to keep him around in a flipflop chickenshit manner like Kamachi did with her.

Komoe is a fully grown woman, logic follows that she has full and wide hips that are ready to pop out a baby at a moment's notice. Frankly her body should be begging to carry a baby at her age.

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I was talking about her boobs being bigger than they should be

Not a single part of your post supports the idea that death is atonement

Misaki's the one (successfully) pulling the longcon, either that or the phrasing in the VO SS is supposed to be foreshadowing see

She has noticeable lumps

Attached: komoo.png (1111x979, 351K)

She is literally a blob of fat

And she's so Touma-sexual that she didn't even think that there was anything erotic about it. When she's not being an autistic, beta orbiting dork around Touma Mikoto is the biggest Stacy possible.

"Kongou..*sob*..called me..*munch*..fat!!!" cried Misaka. Just then, she let out a gassy fart which filled the room. Kuroko instinctively put her hand over her nose.

One month later, and Misaka has kept her word. Not only has she not left the room, she has not even left the bed. Her stench is now incredibly pungent. Especially when addded to Kuroko's. Between getting ingredients and cooking for Misaka, she hadn't had time to bathe herself. She was similarly covered in sweat. She had hit 300lbs, and she struggled to fit through most doors. The slick coat of sweat helped in that regard. Misaka was a different story.
Since the Kongou incident, Misaka had reached new heights of gluttony, demanding food at all times, and for Kuroko to feed it to her. Her size was now so large that Kuroko had to climb on top of her to feed her. Neither of the two had any manners at this point, and regularly belched and farted at will.
"Kuroko! Hurry up and feed me my cake!" Misaka bellowed.
"Right away, Onee-sama!" Kuroko waddled through, squeezing through the kitchen door and making her way to Misaka. Kuroko began to climb on top of Misaka with the cake, slipping slightly on the sweat coating both of their bodies. She fed the cake to Misaka in large slices, which were wolfed down greedily. Kuroko laid back on Misaka's soft flesh and smiled. This was her dream, to have Misaka under her constant care, and to be this close to her. But there was one more thing that she wanted. she turneed over, and, before Misaka could react, kissed her on the lips.
"Wha-?" Floundered Misaka, her round face flushed.
"Onee-sama? Did you dislike that?"
"Well, not really..."
"Then, would you consider becoming my gilfriend?"
"Well...uh...su-sure. I do l-like you too, you know?"
"Then it's settled! I'll cook up a big meal to celebrate!"
"One more thing first" said Misaka, before kissing Kuroko again. "Just so you know it's not one-sided" Misaka said with a smile.

Misaki is fat. Stay forever asspained.

You mean Chad because Mikoto has the biggest dick in all the series

Komoe is such a best Sensei. The series really needs more of her.

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You know, all the way back in Volume One Kamachi explained that esper powers work by affecting quantum phenomena to produce macroscopic change.
It literally reads like a VN premise.
>read the Bible exactly once to know all the atheist criticism and not actually understand anything
How could one man be so based?

Heres some more Komoe-sensei just for the Hell of it.

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Rude. Why would you call a surfboard like Mikoto a literal blob of fat?

because you cant read


Edward was possibly the world's first modern fedora tipping neck beard.
>Claimed Christianity was evil
>Invented his own fanficti- I mean religion
>Gave himself a shitty edgy name with a weird German spelling for maximum chunnin
>Wrote shit loads of crappy erotic novels
>Thought Japan was better than his own country.
>Most importantly, wanted to transform himself into a small girl and fuck the nearest guy to him.
I understand why this place likes him so much

how are they not kicked out of tokaiwadi for their putrid smells or absence from class

One last Komoe-senpai. You behave now, Kamijou-chan!

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How can I get a near death experience?

Yeah, because I'm totally going the take the word of some autistic retard over a Laosian hat-knitting forum over the author's deliberate and reiterated description any day. Misaki is so perfect she even turns other girls considered hot gay for her, deal with it.

Aleister Crowley does sound sleek. Not as refined as Edward Alexander, but definitely smoother.
This is completely off-topic, but it reminds me of how Muhammed Ali was born Cassius Clay. Cassius Clay is such an absolutely god-tier name that I to date can't comprehend what the fuck he was thinking.

get sat on by your mum lol

Komoe is such a nice and supportive teacher it's baffling how she doesn't have at least a dozen guys constantly asking to marry her

Attached: __tsukuyomi_komoe_uchi_no_hime_sama_ga_ichiban_kawaii_and_etc__4b4d3cf7dcf4f3f04cfa9f7f77eb7b76.jpg (3357x4502, 639K)


Misaki is FAT, stay forever assblasted

Misaki is FAT, stay forever assblasted

Well, I'd say that it has something to do with her looking like a 5 year old. Yeah she may indeed be one of the oldest characters amongst the cast, but ask yourself this...If you saw a grown man walking down the street being overly flirty/intimate with a person who notice...doesn't look like a dwarf, but like an actual child...What would you say to that? That would certainly throw you off wouldn't it? I mean yeah, if it was an actuality, true she's technically legal...but...I'd be weird, wouldn't it?

Attached: __tsukuyomi_komoe_uchi_no_hime_sama_ga_ichiban_kawaii_and_etc__sample-5c16edbfa29aa548aa007f428233ea (850x1140, 119K)

Its AC though

>Crowleyland, where you can snort cocaine off a five year old's washboard

And Index too!

Misaki is PERFECT. Keep seething, inferiorgirlfag.

My favorite girl is Sherry but you tried but.

It's not going to be effective

epic fail

I mean that when people are about to die they realize what is most important to them, and most of them reevaluate their lives

Let’s not get crazy homie. At least he didn’t admit to liking Othinus.

I’m kind of disappointed you even said her name.

Misaki is perfect for Mikoto to use as a sextoy when she gets frustrated of another day passing without getting Touma's tadpoles and nothing else.

He was just following his true will
>Cassius clay is an evil whitey name
>muh African Muslim brethren

Perfectly fat

The Nigress slag? Well, at least she's not Othinus.

You mean to warm her up for Kuroko aka our girl?

I would think that whoever was flirting with her is one lucky bastard. But why hasn't she found a man who looks like a shota? Surely they exist in AC.

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>when people are about to die they realize what is most important to them
I just figured that my mom would kick my ass if I died and crawled my ass out of that half frozen embankment. Guess those were my priorities as a kid.

Attached: Odin take me now.jpg (374x377, 50K)

Well, I did hear that usually people who experienced NDE turned a new leaf or suddenly they would make a 180 degrees change from who they were. Is that "true will-ish"?

*Perfectly hot

Hello, reddit.

She should go out with Stiyl. He looks like he’s in his thirties but he’s fourteen!

Attached: 2BB1207D-9189-4627-B254-4D5849D7B342.jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

Cuckroko is no girl of mine, fag.

Ehhh, at least Index looks to be somewhere in the age range between 12-14 to me, MOST of the time...So...at least in Japan, while still disturbing to those with their lofty morals, even she would be much less likely to be given too awful many second glances if in actuality she went about doing the same above situation I gave with Komoe.

Attached: As-Index-sees-it.png (550x450, 451K)

>tfw everyone shitting on the anime
>NT adaptation comes and it has amazing animations
>also the op will be so good it will become a meme
cant wait

You are forgetting that a decent adaptation of NT would have the first ten episodes dedicated to NT 1&2 and therefore be even more boring than Nagaifiller

>Mikoto needs more power
>doesnt even has a katana or can go devil mode
When will she get motivated?

I'll blog a little bit and say my friend was in basically this situation (dating a girl that looked super young, but was like 23) and got looks all the time and one time some lady tried to intervene.
So it definitely throws people but also guys would for sure be into it, just for the novelty.
So basically you're both wrong.

But she’s a nun. Don’t forget about that. You’ll never see anybody kissing a fourteen year old nun in the streets user. You’ve got to realize that’s something we all desire.

>a decent adaptation would spend 5 episodes on nt2
I cant imagine why

I was going to argue but now that I think about I’m pretty sure all of us individually would like that.

This fact still trips the everloving shit out of me when I recall and think on it for a bit. Dude, I'd love to have been built like, and have the stature such as that when I was 14 fucking years old!

Its crazy though, if you look at their ages really logically and only numerically, if someone was to be considered a "deviant" between the two of them, Komoe and whoever it may be...chances are SHE'S going to to be the one that, if someone was looking to assign deviance regarding age difference in the relationship, poor Komoe would be the one who would actually be "taking advantage" of the other, if her partner was say, Stiyl. She's like 40 something right? He's 14...Komoe-sensei, HENTAI!!!!

Attached: __tsukuyomi_komoe_to_aru_majutsu_no_index_drawn_by_date_senpen__ce726d588b9a724690bc5cd006f60082.jpg (651x750, 208K)

Bit of hyperbole but adapting that book faithfully into anime would be just a bunch of smucks sitting around a table dropping massive amounts of world building and lore which doesn't make for a interesting experience. You'd either have to cut it down or be okay with putting the majority of the audience to sleep for 2-3 episodes

do not forget the survival instinct
Maybe, its depends about several factors

Attached: 73550716_p1.png (2129x4104, 3.08M)

Attached: 73550716_p0.png (2129x4104, 2.94M)

Okay so you get to pick only one.

A: Kiss Saten Ruiko under the mistletoe on New Years

B: Go on a date with index in AC

C: Suck Kamijou’s dick but you get to ask Aleister one question and he must answer truthfully

D: awkward sleepover with Kuroko

Trust me, when I speak on this situation, I'm also thinking deep down about how SHE feels! I mean just because of her looks, she doesn't deserve to be ostracized by men of all ages, shapes and size...I mean the poor thing spends most of her off time at home getting wasted and smoking...She's desperately lonely, and for someone as sweet as her, that's simply not fair!

Attached: __tsukuyomi_komoe_to_aru_kagaku_no_railgun_and_etc_drawn_by_hinato__422b204d7287b7c6c37d9eb7cf21a6ab (500x907, 209K)

Considering anything regarding Grenshit and Shitinus was a gigantic waste of time that Kamachi is still sweeping under the rug, I'd say NT To Aru anime could be even shorter than SIII as long as JC staff skips it/breezes through it like it deserves.

I'd breed this rabbit like one

Date with Index. Each and every time. Yeah, she can be annoying, but she's cute, and loyal.

Attached: Kawaii-Nun.jpg (640x360, 32K)

I’m pretty sure you know which one we’d pick as devoted LN readers.

Lot of hyperbole. If you unironically wanted to just sit around a table and lore dump you could probably get it done in one episode. Have another episode maybe two to have the shenanigans and mjolnir bit and you're good to move on. NT2 was hella short

Why did we have to waste the "Touma vs The World" plot line on the dumpster fire of a novel that is NT 10.

yeah that's true. she deserves someone nice. she definitely needs to stop drinking so much

D. Level up this situacion in the night

Obviously the awkward sleepover with Kuroko.

Crowley please, Touma would kill you if you went for it.

Attached: 067BE095-AFEF-4348-B9FC-76917F87F4B0.jpg (1989x900, 364K)

It may be odd, but I've always found this randomly controlled girl to be awful cute.

Attached: NT_Index_v07_037.png (1088x1600, 694K)

I felt the pain of missing those digits, even though I didnt go for them.


The awkwardness makes it better.

I want to introduce Komoe to deep end coffee culture and watch her make cute faces while she tries to use a pump espresso machine!

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Yes, she had a god design

Aiwass wrote a new grimoire via Mina's hands. Is there going to be a separate book by the author on that one?

I don't know, but you can tell Kamachi regrets even now.

At least you got those ones.

what is deep end coffee culture? drinking coffee in the while treading water?


Attached: 13F74864-6743-4191-90F5-5AFD25619C9C.jpg (900x1100, 146K)

We should be getting Accel/Railgun info soon

Uh, what? Literally the only remarkable thing about her design are the starry-eyes, which just a result of Misaki's control.

A: guaranteed kiss
B: possible kiss / sex (unlikely)
C: Guaranteed dick sucking and knowledge about the series others don’t know
D: possible kiss / sex or death

Yeah, easy is exactly the world I'd use when describing her.

The japanese have an extremely deep coffee culture that puts the italians to shame. They fucking hog all the Jamacian Blue Mountain coffee, they roast their own beans at home, they have bizzare siphon filter systems and other such contraptions. It's probably the second biggest food culture rabbit hole in japan. The first one being japanese snack foods and Fanta.

C no doubt

Let’s be honest. Most of us here aren’t attractive or interesting enough to take chances. I think A is the only option available for the majority.

Sorry, good not god

Sounds like C is the way to go

Would Touma forgive Mikoto if she killed?

D. Easy come easy go

Hey now...! I still think she's quite dashing. Yeah, the pose and the charisma may not actually belong to her, but Hell if I wouldn't make sweet and tender love to that random brainwashed girl 2-3 times in quick succession if I found myself ever having the ability to do so!

Could Girl in the Dress (Measure Heart) be number six?

>I'd fuck any random girl given the chance provided she's not butt-ugly
That's basically all of us. The request was about underrated raildexes but by your metric that's anyone not named Mikoto/Misaki/Othinus/Index.

Attached: teiko kakine.png (400x400, 186K)

She looks very cute and I want to hug her

How does one go about enunciating this

I bet she'll make a play for the Board of Directors.

If by that you mean the number of old, fat and ugly dudes wth money she goes through every afternoon, then sure.

She doesnt seem good hearted enough to go about handing people her name. Not to mention the sixth is a guy

He had Accel and Hamazura in his living room. I think he'd get over it.

She hasn't been mentioned since OT?

I wouldn’t call that a living room but okay.

I cant believe I'm the only one who would choose to go on the Date with Index...Oh well! More for me!

Attached: __index_to_aru_majutsu_no_index_drawn_by_meuneyu__c0567539ed39af15ddb98363471cdea2.png (600x789, 426K)

Patrician Ship

Attached: Touma X Saten 8.jpg (960x540, 243K)

Why does she feel nothing for him?

Because he’s really not all that. Her attitude towards him is realistic compared to the other girls.

Whores have no emotions.

Mikoot is factually best girl

He hasn't saved her yet. Actually, the problem is Saten's non-canon status.

She has the luck of the Irish. She finds her way out of sticky situations without him.

C. Can I kill Kuroko?

Just out of curiousity, though she was 23, how young did she look to you?

Attached: Ecchi-Sensei.jpg (704x400, 34K)

If that festival thing played out and Touma's life wasn't fucked from top to bottom, he could have had the most normal and natural romance with her aside from Fukiyose.

Attached: Sealed forehead.jpg (474x606, 47K)

Nobody in this series can.


Attached: e2805b2b8012569c970cd6725a5b00a4a7d34bb3_hq.jpg (1024x576, 67K)

Everybody in this series can.


That only makes her better though

Why is Touma X Saten appealing?

Because similarity attracts. Pretty much they are the only normal people in the series

What if I go deep enough?


>is Index here

>she’s out right now. Want something to drink

>no thanks. I’m going to get going. Bye.

What kind of STD will I catch if I were to fuck Saten?

True love.





Dont you have when Kamachi does this shit?

We already got that just by looking at her. It’s airborn.

Have what?

It's only 3 times.

The question should not be "What kind", it should be "How many"
And the answer to that may shock you
Protip:Its all of them and more, her esper power is also to create STD's that didn't exist until she made them

Attached: smug.jpg (249x202, 14K)

A girl like Saten to stand by your side and grow old with.

I love having it yes

I just can't stop having it.

I meant hate fuck

Who doesnt love a good hate fuck

It's cooler in Japanese.

prove it

I don't have to prove anything.

Not half as annoying as "For example" x3. I guess he considers his readers idiots.

Spoilers soon bros

What's his power level?

Haimura did another semen demon

Attached: d4b5c9401fd054fa.png (225x700, 66K)

Wew that belly


Based Successmura


Shit taste desu

Is this Purple Fran?

Some shitposter tried to slander artists by adding hack in their name so I did the opposite.

Over 9,000

that ninjaboy

PLEASE tell me it has a dick

I didn't see this but you could think she was like anywhere 12 - 16
Not like a toddler but a good ten years younger than what she was. She learned to look older through womanly wiles like makeup and shoes and shit.

A few more days until you fags start sucking Kakine's dick
Be prepared, you faggots, cause he's going to make you a real faggot

Attached: 2e915a59.jpg (1196x675, 213K)

Only if you bring DM frenda alongside

I love how you faggots were talking about Poseidon Kakine, but in reality he's going to become the Abyss master. Imagine flooding the world with creatures of the Abyss

Attached: bishikakine.jpg (1024x576, 83K)

Touma will cross the Abyss and slay the demon.

Hey Faggots,
My name is Kakine, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, level zeroes who spend every second of their day complaining about the city treating you unfairly. You are everything bad in Academy city. Honestly, have any of you ever leveled up? I mean, I guess it’s fun trying to act like tough guys because of your weak personal reality, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than being a non-esper.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I am THE TRUE NUMBER ONE esper, and the leader of my own organisation named SCHOOL which can directly interact or interfere into matters beyond your threshold of understanding. Where do you stand, other than being “the mook of a nobody gang like Skill-Out”? I also datamined UNDERLINE, and I have a second rate servant (I just beat him up; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my servant

Attached: God.jpg (460x171, 24K)

Cringy Shitmura

Hey faggots, my name is Mary Ann, and I don't care about a single one of you. All of you are fanatic, uncreative summoners who spend every second of their day trying to butter up to me. I mean, I guess it's appealing to try to summon the peak because of your own insecurities, but you all take it to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to statues of me in floating cities. Don't be a coward. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm literally perfect. I'm the peak of the Unexplored-class, and ruler of all that exists. What have you even accomplished other than delude yourselves into thinking I'll actually help you? I also know literally everything, and have an absolutely amazing brother (he just screamed at me, it was SO cute.) You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic related, it's me and my dear brother.

Attached: BloodSign_v02_243.jpg (1120x1600, 356K)

Based Godmura.

Mugino should be tossed into a furnace.

Attached: nice girl.jpg (1088x1600, 1.02M)

>That dumbass that always posts the opposite and gets ignored actually thinks he's accomplishing something


Attached: redrinsmug.jfif.jpg (225x225, 5K)

You already recognized him and if you bothered to be in these threads more, there's usually more than 1. Me included.

You're right. I'm glad people are ignoring the negative shitposter this time and combating with positive opposite without directly replying to them.

Yeah glad we're dealing with shitposters like accordingly.


>If you don't bend over to suck the creators' cock you are a shitposter

Shills, everyone.

Indeed. Forcing you to admit you were pretending to be retarded was really easy. Now we can continue doing what you said to you!


Fuck the baiting shitposters. That godlike belly needs a preggo edit ASAP.

Attached: 1551677968536.jpg (1920x1080, 1.11M)

Do it so I can get the janny in here.

Indeed so you can get banned.

Jannies can't ban dumbass

So yeah so you can get banned

>This is a typical "quality" Raildex thread

I'll try working on one if our regular user doesn't get to it. It's a pretty delicious belly.

Yeah, it fucking annoys me. Maybe it's a quirk in the language but goddamn.

That's just Fran.

Attached: cry more fag.jpg (529x492, 68K)

Sorry I was eating peanuts

Attached: semom demom.jpg (225x700, 107K)

Thanks. Get fucked shitposters, go tattle tale.

What's the context of this image?

You know there's some pathetic shitposters when they have to go cry to their mommy to make something happen.

Kakine overwhelmingly slaughtered Accel's butthole and made him a personal sex slave.


Idol Accel manga where they are in a drama and have to pretend their in good terms.

Only when he does it too frequently. Which he does. Should start mixing it up by having double and quadruple ands in addition to the classic triple.

I love it.

You cant go around making everything pregnant

I'm ready for him boys

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Based Lordmura.

He does when touma is about show his power


Attached: ThisIsDarkMatter.jpg (680x1176, 99K)

How'd that go?


Attached: D09x3SiVAAA07fi.jpg (1024x520, 91K)

Attached: haimura_kiyotaka heels mahou_shoujo_(raita) nitta_yui no_bra pantsu weapon wings.jpg (1051x1500, 376K)

Why does Mikoto look like she's going to pounce on Index's big butt there?

Disgusting fat pig.

Touma, I don't know how to describe it, its kind of like he got jumpscared but is not really scared, he's just faking it.
Mikoto is ready to pounce on Mikoto's ass
Accelerator is staring at Shirou's ass who is staring at Rin's ass

Accel near Shiro and not Touma, sword autist looks as if he was pulled from a shoujo.
Rin wont be dumb enough to give a universal negate’er a gem.
No Archer to shit on all of them with RAW smug.
No Sakura vs Misaki boob contest for Mikoto & Rin to whine about.
Ark is not a neko, Shiki looks even nerdier then he is.
At least Saber & Index are eating.
1 TypeMeme out of 10.

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There's not enough art of bandaged sisters.

Not well

We have canon at least.

Attached: Nothing sexual at all.png (763x1200, 328K)

This art is an insult to the Fate franchise.

Didn't think so. Who rage-quit first?

>an insult to the Fate franchise

Attached: thingen shero.jpg (347x315, 16K)


>right hand

Attached: 1540506289734.jpg (610x610, 122K)

Sounds like you havent met hypnosis anob.

I cant tell if thats supposed to be shiki or kokutou honestly.

Attached: 1549154937788.png (333x462, 133K)

Abyss-Master Kakine in a few days.

Attached: NumberOne.jpg (530x815, 79K)

Can Touma use a sword. Can Shirou cook a full meal with only rice and salt. Can raildexfags stop making threads

Interesting user. Indeed, I bet that WAS weird on occasions...

Attached: Komoe-unnerved.jpg (900x563, 86K)

>Can raildexfags stop making threads
We can't and there's nothing you can do about it

NT Touma can use any weapon or object, not in a cool style, but effectively relative to his physical stats. Fuck, give him anything at all and he finds a way to use it in combat.
Shirou can cook air if he needs to and it will be tasty. His true NP is Unlimited Kitchen Works.

Attached: Best Mum.jpg (300x168, 8K)

Misaki a pile of shit

Does he ever get tired?

>Can raildexfags stop making threads
You know they can't.

Raildexfags are like taxes, they just won't stop.

>not Enshuu
You're fucking gay if you don't even immediately cum at the thought of Enshuu

What is she looking at?


Your back account.


Attached: 1453053956697.png (840x1120, 1.24M)

>Impregnate a Saint out of wedlock and then marry her 5 years later.
Based artist.

Attached: 1542852050522.png (840x1120, 865K)

Shounen Gangan -April Issue- 2019
Cover : A Certain Magical Index

Attached: gangan.jpg (348x500, 59K)

>Can raildexfags stop making threads
you can't stop Bruce Wayne making more than $32 billion

Can spoilers even salvage it at this point? Feels like it will just be people shitting over eveything anyway. I'm tired.

Attached: Frenda Seivelun 004.png (988x561, 595K)

Frenda will soon be replaced by misaki/othinus as the front-facing blonde of Ingun

Better quality

Attached: gangan 2.jpg (891x1280, 245K)

Cover makes it look like they're about to gang up on something instead of the childish tantrum that it is.

Why is mugino so weak and useless?

She is cute and beautiful.

Cover for upcoming BR in manga?
If the manga would have came first, could we have had a change at a better adaption of it ?


Attached: No.jpg (190x266, 6K)

If there was enough time between manga and anime, it would probably have helped. But part of why Chuuya's BR is so good is probably that he knows exactly what to avoid thanks to the anime.

I wish to be reborn as frenda's comb.

Post the hover-hand panel.


Attached: revenge!.gif (240x196, 1.13M)

NT Anime shill soon

Attached: hawaiianshithoodiekoto.jpg (888x500, 73K)

If I'd ever wish to be someones hair accesory or care tool there is only one true option.

Attached: Shortcake first. Souls later.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

Based comfy Hawaii adventures soon.

Misaka CUTE in 25 hours

Attached: D1Dfk8JU4AAQh2m.jpg (1200x675, 97K)

>one of MPs posts from last night got deleted

Imagine Kuroko and Mikoto doing teleport shenanigans.

>Whining about a literal feature of the site
Who's the pathetic one?

When will the new OST be released? Do we know what BD will it be?

BD5, which comes out April 30th.

You aren't going to buy it, so why are you asking?

Because someone else will anyway and I asked about the date, since I want to know when we will get the OSTs? Didn't you read my post?

Right, so when we report (You) for actual spam and such, we’re pathetic chicks. But when you fags report something that literally breaks no rules at all because you’re asspained that people are having fun, it’s perfectly acceptable? Yea no, cry more little babby.

I am, no need to project.

He’s just going to sperg or try to justify his shit behavior for 100+ posts, don’t even bother. You can’t fix stupid user.

Is Russian Mikoto best outfit?

Yea, you’re right.

No, it's Birthday Suit Mikoto.

No her terrorist outfit is.

I haven't spammed anything so I don't see your point? Anyway, this conversation should have ended last night.

If Touma used Othinus as a condom to fuck Lessar, would it be considered unbirthing, cuckqueening, or just a straight threesome?

user asking the important questions.

Well you’ll have to excuse me for assuming, people usually don’t defend spam but call non spammers cucks unless they themselves are butthurt spammers. The point is, preggo edits are in no way breaking any rules and can not be equivocate to something like WIIIIRRRRRR Yea Forums spam, of which the guy doing it calls us cucks when we report him. I agree the conversation should have been over long ago, but to be fair you brought it back up. Anyway this is dumb so I’m not gonna talk about it any more.


Spank every girl in ITEM.

I never thought about it like that.

Attached: 1514821802351.png (375x413, 87K)

Did mugino ever came into direct conflict with saiai?

She was conveniently somewhere else, so Saiai's the only member of her own team she never tried to murder.

but She like boy down-there
and I think that canon?


Why does she have a murder boner?

Saiai is also the only member of her team who ever did her job right

Threesome, more so it would be as vanilla as a /d/ threesome can get.

Attached: 1542492391284.png (314x330, 162K)

Which one?


Attached: 188.png (350x582, 150K)

Mango lessar

Imagine Lessar using her tail to stroke your dong while verbally berating you for being a lolicon.

Mugino is the best level 5 female. She can stand alongside the great ones without being overshadowed or treated like a mere love interest.

Attached: nt6hq.jpg (700x1003, 620K)

where the fuck are my spoiler illustrations


Theres a tiny chance they'll come out tonight but place your bets on in the morning

>23h 42m from digital
more or less 20h from physical-copy (or not?)
the most bloodiest light novel Kamachi ever write about

i'm betting everything on tonight boss

Alright, spoil me AR. Who else gets btfo?

That'll only happen if someone in Japan gets the book early AND posts spoilers before NEXT midnight (not the midnight that's about to happen in Japan, but the one in almost 24 hours)

That spoiler though.
Dis volume is definitely going to be fun.

Attached: 1551761214977.jpg (335x371, 24K)

I don't think any raildex volume will ever reach the body counts HO volumes have

Should we even trust that? While AnonRaildex is usually trustworthy, they have been known to shitpost/be wrong as well. Then again, if Kamachi's just gonna have Hamazura reset the world and part 3 deals with that, he could in theory kill of everyone

A couple of days ago he(they?) already said that he ''thought'' that Mikoto would be the next to die, so he's just guessing I think.

But user no one dies in Kamachi works.

Yeah I was here for that. They also said they had insider info and that NT22 isn't gonna have a happy end. But then again, it could all be shitposting, or maybe someone's shitposting them


Attached: 73562732_p0.jpg (2132x1912, 2.13M)

I'm a bit skeptical, but her dying next could make sense as we've seen how emotionally retarded she is, and I could also believe that it won't have a happy ending, there's 3 entities capable of retconning the events of the volume so that could come into play.

EVERYONE but Mikoto gets dispersed

>Oneesama, I don't feel so good.

What if we get a world reset that sets us all the way back to OT1, except everyone around Touma makes different choices.

Example: Accelerator is genuinely evil this time, Stiyl and Kanzaki don't care about Index as a person, Mikoto is nearly as insane as the Accelerator, Frenda was dead long before she ever even met Mugino or joined ITEM because AC is even crueler

>all examples are just characters and setting being darker
Atleast vary it a little you edgy faggot, like Mugino not being nuts, Index not being a headcrab, Floris wanting to fuck Touma while Lessar is the tsundere, etc

Who has the higher powerlevel

>reset with different choices
Kuroko never obsessed over Mikoto and instead fell in love with Touma after he saved her from some dire situation. KamiKuro endgame.

My frienda!

Holy shit, it was just examples, no need to act like I've written a 10,000 word fanfiction full of 12 year old edge and have endlessly shilled the link here. Get a grip and chill/

Can’t say since we’ve never seen Aiwass with an Avatar

If there is a reset of any kind I'm dropping the series and moving on

You need to chill user, I just called you an edgy faggot. I didn’t mean that much by it, jesus. It’s not like I went on a tirade about how you are an emo chunni cocksucking self inserting blah blah blah extensive adhominem etc. Get some thicker skin.

For me, it depends on how it's done. I won't like it very much if Kamachi uses it to have a "slaughter nearly everyone except Hamazura and the magic gods to wank to edge, then reset to undo the edgewank because happy end is preferred even though must get in edgewank"

Yes, make it happen Kamachi

I'm not upset, really. Just telling you they were just examples of a scenario that's unlikely to begin with and you shouldn't get that upset over it. Have a good rest of your day.

KamiKuro always finds a way

>yfw it will be Toaru Majutsu no Index: New 52
You ready user?

Fucking based

>What is NT9

Alright. Same to you faggot

Touma is already dead, regardless of how well it works for Coronzon she got him dead at least once.
If he stays that way for longer than a second, MisaMisa goes apeshit. Oh-shithinus cometh. Breedway and Index duo is also within reach. Number №1 fan is right there too. Any combination of these can flip & sink the Bongland, literally.
Coronzon is doing victory laps at mach 9 dabbing on Aleistar and is guaranteed to split open anything that was helping him or Maters. Currently only Neph and Niang have any chance against her and even that is questionable.
There is also about 7 or so Aleistar possibilities left that were mentioned with a clear description but absolutely no information was given on their location or what the fuck they were doing so this entire situation might even be “Keikaku doori“™ more so they might even recollect into something funny.
Mikoto’s father is also there.
Why Accel has 545 around is out of my understanding, she is an artificial demon created by the fucking lord of Dispersion who has MIND CONTROL AS A PASSIVE.
Before his death Touma finally let his desire to reap and tear out.

And yes Shigae just lost one of his favorite wheels, he got on the volume cover and his feet hurt.
Shit is about to go down regardless.

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Aogami will win with the power of the Dick


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It will be epic and you will like it.


>Aogami will "pierce" Coronzon and defeat her.
Excellent foreshadowing Kamachi 10/10

Oh I agree that shit's about to happen. I just don't know if anyone's actually gonna die - for all we know, the very next line could "- or so the Great Demon thought. Much to her surprise, that boy stood there, defiant and in one peice."

Still you. Last I checked, it's not a feature.

They are fucked.
And then fucked again.

Attached: This is not even my REAL sword.jpg (445x389, 32K)

As expected of the great Peverted Gentleman

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Sasuga #6

No one remembers the older black dude from HO who died. fuck the traitor spic though

I want to fuck this Misuzu and Raildex Misuzu!

>replying hours later
Bad user, don’t make me get the spray bottle out

I want the spray bottle! Fair enough I'm a retard for that one.

Sounds based

>that boy stood there, defiant and in one peice
Wouldn’t make much sense regarding the whole
>A moment later, everyone witnessed that instant.
>With a dull sound, that right hand and Kamijou Touma himself were utterly destroyed.
But if he manages to instantly recover from ashes he ether will have a lot of explaining or a lot of ass wooping to do. Both are acceptable outcomes.

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I doubt it given it pointed out everyone saw it and Othinus even mentioned it. Kamachi loves doing that but he does it when it's perfectly manageable unlike here.

I mean, I personally doubt it too, but it's possible

Every Mikoto outfit is best outfit

Mikoto is actually a descendant of Allan Bennet

Nuitkoto soon

To be honest, I wish I still had the same love for Mikoto that you guys still have. I was a huge Mikoto/kamikoto fag when I first got into the series, but now I’m just sort of burned out on it. Like I don’t mean it any ill will and would be moderately happy with a kamikoto end, but I’m just sort of indifferent to her and the ship overall any more.

He did fuck off to Asia, and there's no law that says Mikoto's great great granddaddy wasn't European

Pretty sure it's just 1 spammer.

It is just one or two guys.

What does Kakine want to negotiate with Crowley about?

it’s mostly just the same 2-3 fags posting the same thing. There’s more mikotofags than that obviously, but they’ve expressed that they find the spam of her to be annoying and distance themselves from that behavior

Join the kamikuro group instead, or the toumafrenda club

I dunno user.

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Wrong thread baka

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Wonder which one, the spammers or the real fans, got bothered by us making Denki Kong jokes. They retaliated with all that "Misaki is fat" but it felt all so petty.

Nobody in their right mind cares about the denki kong name my dude, it's fucking funny.


It did happen though so I was curious.


Denki Kongers cared.

NT adaptation by SHAFT when?

There was atleast one guy annoyed by it that didn’t seem to be falseflagging. But yea, I think most of the mikotofags took it in stride because it was legitimately funny.

Denki Kong is not even a joke. She can lift Touma with one arm while running on the vertical wall.
Not to mention her being the sports freak and training try hard on electro steroids.

Misaki would be a regular flatty but one, god blesses his soul, “Normal High School Boy” had to tell her that he prefers bigger ones. If I had to guess subconscious liquid manipulation within her body during puberty allowed her to reach FAR GREATER results then whatever nature intended for her.

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Yeah so I'm not remembering wrong. One dude was legit mad, was pretty weird since it's a harmless in series joke.

Bless the jokes turning into something good.