Beastars 119

>It's a Haru chapter
Oh boy.

Attached: haru2_2.jpg (209x279, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Eleven chapters without even a mention of Haru
Welp, it was a good run.
I wanted a Haru chapter but I know fags here would endlessly bitch about it.

Keyman is the superior furry manga.

Good, I like the slut even if Sebun is superior. I've been wondering about her POV.

>her POV
I'd assume it'd be dependent of position but mostly a bunch of differnet grunting/moaning males and her sheets/pillows

fuck, meant for

chapter 120 when

I have it. It's also a Haru chapter :^)


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Fucking finally.

This cant be real

>that twist

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I can't believe Louis is dead.

Damn Haru is going to end up being a huge masochist.

Just pretend it doesn't exist.


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What am i looking at?

Paru being Paru, three chapters in a row.

No i mean i cant navigate the site

Good thing Sebun's an new character and probably won't be in the anime, would hate to see her fluff ruined by omg houseki no kuni looked so good Beastars is going to be great studio

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haru pls go

I want to touch her floof

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Good, whether or not you personally like her she's an important character who's been sidelined hard recently

Tell me

I love this stupid manga and Legosi is one of my favorite characters out of any series but him pulling his fangs out made me want to stop reading.

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I love Haru

I know what you mean user.

Wait what ? Why? Are you white? Carnivorous furries should be ashamed
They are the reason black market exist in first place

>Oh no unlikable characters are disliked how dare you say you dislike it! I bet you're just a misogynist incel!
Stay mad bitch nigga.

You seem to have problems. Maybe this isn't the right website for you.

I wanna see him fight Yahya

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fucking bitch.

Yafya is too gay for him to fight. That’s why he’ll fight Legosi

Gosha can't beat Yafya in a fair fight.
If Grandpa wants to win he will have to give him a poisonous kiss, defeating him by doing what Yafya always desired.

Jack used to be so tiny

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That's just his autism

>Unfounded anger over an innocuous post
>Immediate strammaning and putting words in others mouths
>Buzzwords over actual substantive complaints
This site is made for idiots like him god have mercy on the rest of us

This arc better end in a 2v1 fight between Legosi and Gosha fighting Yahya

i miss jack, i hope we can see more of jack. always thought jack was a key element to legosi's character but apparently he was discarded, not even a chapter dedicating to him visiting legosi

So this is what you get when the gay horse is not around

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Anyone got links to the raws?

Why did Legosi rip his teeth out?

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What the fuck do you mean?

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to handicapped himself and stay on the same level of a herbivore

>madpanda is back
hooray! i missed that grumpy ol' doctor

But he was already doing that by abstaining from meat, his jaw strength was feckin pitiful, he tore out his teeth for no fucking reason and now he has a speech impediment like nigga what the fuck

Dumb question but does anyone have any Beastars wallpapers?

legosi is too autistic and yafya holds a grudge on his grandpa because they didn't get gay married with him so now he humiliate all carnivores in spite of that.

It's about goddamn time, maybe legosi will learn to fucking talk to his girlfriend

google translate it, it's pretty clear...

Well Legosi hurting himself unjustly or thinking worse of himself because of some fag who was upset he couldn't fuck his grandpa upsets me greatly

same, but legosi acts like a cuck thinking that degrading himself can please the herbivores. hope he can get his fangs back

user I looked it up they can't grow their fangs back
: ^(

i guess madpanda will find a way

Ahaha, Haru's new friend on uni (a rabbit) has a lion for a boyfriend.

He could activate his Komodo Trigger.
"They have about 60 frequently replaced serrated teeth"

now that i think about it, he doesn't seem to have any poison in his saliva, what does he inherited from his reptile grandpa?

he has komodo spit and komodo facial structure, I don't see why not komodo teeth

He's immune to the venom, so he's got that going for him.

thanks anons you made me feel better, still upset that Legosi could do this to himself. I'll be a little bit upset if it's the komodo dragon bullshit that lets his teeth grow back because then the entire act is pointless but he shouldn't have done it in the first place.
: ^)

I forgot about this. Shit got weird really fast in the latter parts. The frenchmen getting blown the fuck out by gay crossdressers was funny though

I wouldn't mind the CGI animation if they portrayed Legosi's autism well

He's inmune to Komodo venom and it's very likely that he also inhereted the ability to regrow teeth.

It's not pointless if he gets more and more abilities due to his mixed heritage
It's kind of showcasing how helpful interspecies relationships can be, which is literally what the manga is about

the act itself is moot, but it stands for something greater


why does he do a lot of things?

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prosthetic the lion mayor

Alex vs Legosi
Who is the cuter MC?

I can see this ending in three ways and I don't particularly like any of them.
1. He gets "herbivore dentures" like that lion which would make him look like a pussy and flies in the face of all of his character development of him understanding his identity as a large, powerful carnivore ("Carnivores have claws and fangs so they can protect what's dear to them")
2. He gets carnivore implants to match his old fangs which means it was a pointless gesture and a waste of time
3. His fangs grow back because his grandpa is a Komodo which is dumb dumb retarded

I swore to protect this smile.

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Suffering, Haru remembers how she cucked herself with his "boyfriend's" autism and sees it reflected by the lion/rabbit couple

oh fuck i forgot that she saw Legosi and Sebun and she assumed they were dating


I want his new implants to look like this.

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so Legosi will recover his fangs due to komodo gene, right?

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nice meme

Did you made it user? Looks good

thanks, was afraid the thread will get canned before finishing it


>the angery sebun
truly the rarest one of all

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Just let the disappointment flow through you

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shit man, i was looking like crazy the name of that manga, i stopped reading it but couldn't remember the name to continue, thanks

Sheep girl > rabbit girl

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okay that's pretty goof


how can hxh fags ever recover?

all right, that's pretty good

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im glad gouhin returns, legosi and gouhin have a solid chemistry

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The beastars! The beastars!

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together they make the best chapters

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Nice pic

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thanks,i wanted to make as many oc as possible before the anime airs and threads are ruined with furfaggotry

Doing gods work user

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thanks,i'll do as much as i can

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>komodo facial structure

Made me laugh, thanks.

good edit

>search for some spoilers on twitter
oh uh
this will not be a wholesome chapter
not wholesome at all

Ok this is pretty funny

well shit

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As far as I read, which was about 30ish chapters, Keyman is kind of mediocrely written. Maybe it gets better, but something about the way it comes together just isn't as enthralling as I expected. It's strange, because I really like everything about it aesthetically speaking and really really wish it was good, but somehow it just doesn't "click" while reading it. Am I crazy?

Welp, looks like pred/prey relationships don't work. Juno was right, segregation is the solution.

>even fish are sapient beings in beastars
well shit
>and there could be dolphins who do this

imagine newspapers in the sea that reports pufferfish kidnapping and trafficking by dolphin rape gangs

>try to make out with bunny
>accidentally bite a chunk out of her
Well shit.

Nah, the bunny was telling him off for being too beta even for a bunny, so he went for a passionate kiss.


Top kek

Source pls, or dump the raws here

>Haru imagining all the times Legosi will have to have perfect control in order to not crush her into red paste by accident
Jesus that can't be good.

You told me there would be a chapter?!?

What a cute couple, I hope nothing bad happens to them...

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Someone who can read moonrunes, what does this say? Paru said something about his hair...

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I like Haru

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It sohuldn't be CLANG-tier, but it's still a bit sad. I can see why they went with CGI, but still.

>Haru's back
Im happy now

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You won't be happy when she gets a glimpse of her future with Legosi in

Legosi is a good boi

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Haru the homewrecker. literally killed her best friend.

Are you telling me he didnt do nuthing?

Good thing he ripped out all his teeth then huh Haru

>fucking huntertards in my beastars threads
It was only a matter of time with anime announced, but it still hurts.

Based Hunterchad

what does it say about his benis?

I know what you mean. It was super retarded.

probably right about it being fur-related. i hope.

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When will scans be available?

If you subscribe to HCS newsletter, you'll get an email notification when the chapter is out.

not anymore

Is it broken?

He cant access it correctly anymore
No notifications for about 10 chaps or so

They only established it to subvert it later, this chapter cemented my worst fear of Haru winning even more. I hope the author pulls a 180 and kills her off instead.

Have no fear, Louis will win the Legosi bowl in the end.


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First it was herbivore pussy, then it was herbivore justice, now it's herbivore pride. Where will he stop?

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fucking kek
im gonna miss these threads once the anime airs and these threads becomes another furry porn dump central

blame it on louise who encourage his fetish for herbivores although i don't know if fetish was the right word to encapsulate his fascination for them or who knows, legosi is a weeaboo but for herbivores, a herviboo?


We won't be able to pretend it doesn't exist for very long though.
The secound it comes out the threads will be shat up worse then the Goblin Slayer ones



Species indentity disorder

> that dead bunny is not haru
what a shame. Sad

lmao simple yet so good

Somehow this is still Haru's fault

harufag detected

>This arc better end in a 2v1 fight between Legosi and Gosha fighting Yahya
homo horse has stronger end-boss vibes

legosi andgouhin will fight yafya, but yafya of course beats both then louis appears, gives some motivational words and will let legosi eat his other foot making legosi defeat yafya

His komodo genes manifested there I guess

Well you can still subscribe to them on Mangadex

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Tell me why, 'cause I don't understand it. Was it for budget reasons?

maybe because the style is too difficult to simulate in hand drawn animation kinda like how jojo bizarre adventure the first arc was too weird to look at because the style did not work well but manage to work with it. maybe making them cgi will hep them focus more on visual effects and filters like how the manga always has

Haru seems to be making friends in college. Thank god her reputation didn't follow her.

carnivores rise up!

What are you talking about, she's making sure everyone knows where cheap, easy rabbit pussy is at.

Did the Golden Kamui thread recover from the initial onslaught of BEARposting?

Why have I never heard if this before? I'm really enjoying it.

even better

his dad was a wolf/shark hybrid and Legosi has SHARK TEETH and HIDDEN GILLS that he will reveal in the sea arc when he has to save his new nudist friend from the Orca Mafia.

It's Orange, we're ok (but they could still improve though)

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Comence dumping.

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On the bright side, out of all the cheap CGI studios in Japan, Orange probably is the best in the industry right now so at least it wont be that bad.

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Thank you.

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Look at how miserable she is seeing other people happy. She really is best girl.

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It´s from houseki studio
so, i still high hopes here

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You misspelled slut

God I'm loving some of these haru reaction images

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I honestly like how Haru is written.

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Lion guy looks cute

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Oh that just ends poorly

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Fug the bun

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I-is she okay?

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She s just on her period

Everyone catches a case of being dead someday, user. She'll walk it off though, no sweat.

>That tear
Ouch, you can tell he feels bad about accidentally eating her face.

She's not dead yet.

OK never mind, she might live

If only you knew how bad things really are

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Damn, that's heavy

She will, but it just further cemented Haru's train of thought
>can you love even the part of him that keeps wanting meat?

Getting tired of killing you herbivore partner while making out?
Check out this genious trick invented by wolf guy

Haru dumping Legosi incoming.

>those gashes
Is she dead? Those look pretty intense.

Well Legosi can't do that at least anymore

Yes she's dead

Still breathing.

The realtionship was already abusive. You can clearly see her having a black eye

>Still has little speech bubbles coming from her
Gee, what do you think?

His teeth will grow back.

That's just her fur pattern

This fits for the womans day.

should've had a safe word just in case

I found this funnier than I should have

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>Golden Kamuy

I haven't seen a proper thread on that in a while, despite it getting really good lately.

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took this from this chapter, hope you like it

does she still believe Legosi dumped her for Sebun?

Probably since this is the first chapter she's shown up in since she saw them together

>no panda wolf shenanigans this chapter

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Next chapter for sure


Read the chapter in English.
Haru basically gaslit this situation because she was jealous and upset at Legosi.

What a total cunt


I tried

theres another Beastars thread at let this die and not clog the catalog thanks.

This: Land of the Lustrous looked great despite being CG. I was freaked out too until I realized that studio was doing it.

Can you really blame a girl for getting jealous when her boyfriend has barely even talked to her in months?

latest chapter is basically burn the coal meme

Keyman feels like it should be so much better than it is, but it's really missing something.

No, it's rather flawed.

i love the lineart on keyman and sometimes how the women are drawn

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