Can one of you who has a 200 iq, go in-depth to explain what made darling in the franxx so popular? What did it do...

Can one of you who has a 200 iq, go in-depth to explain what made darling in the franxx so popular? What did it do, that most anime failed to achieve, that led to so much shitposting and hype.

Attached: darling franxx.jpg (1200x675, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Good marketing + Otakubait premise + good waifus + luck

Started extremely good and then legit went Soul Eater Not tier out of nowhere.

Cringy retarded humor for NPCs, le epic meme faces, dumb gay romance plot.

it was just memed into popularity

>Believe it!

It was always shit. That's why I dropped it on the first ep.

popular things last
ditf fizzled out the second it ended, never to be seen again.
a true trigger anime.

For some reason, TRIGGER shows seem to become extremely popular even when they are just mediocre. I blame the marketing. When a TRIGGER show gets made, you ARE going to learn about it. Doesn't help that you fags only seem to like to talk about the girls in those shows, too.

>popular things last
OP did use past tense.

Shitposting in pseudo-anime form

go home

Same, i don't even finished the first episode

Haven't even watched it but apparently Trigger+omnipandering.

Pure fun anime kino and not formulaic generic shit that retards here worship

Personally it was great up until around 16 and then went downhill. Hated the fucking ending. Hiro and Zero two were the best parts imo so the ending fucking sucked for me.

Neither did I, I reached my limit when the MC's hand found its way to Zero2's panties.

If you're gonna pander to fujos you need to at least build a meaningful relationship between two men. Just inserting a Kaworu clone isn't enough. Hell it's pathetic, I feel insulted.

>simple, cute characters
>easy to follow plots
>doesn't take itself seriously
>fanservice up the ass
>very strong female characters
It doesn't take a genius to figure out

It start out quite strong with a well-worn mecha plot as the basic framework, but with a certain air of mystery since they only showed the world bits at a time. People got invested speculating in what would happen next. Unfortunately it pissed away its early advantage by flailing around starting about halfway through; the plot right up to the final episode was an incoherent mess, and the ending was not brilliant and therefore unable to cover up for its other failings.

This, no one really gave a shit about the flaws of DiTF other than the trolls who want to be contrarian. People just wanted something different that broke the mold and DiTF achieved exactly that. The dumb fags of Yea Forums never get tired of their high school romance with same exact overused concepts

>easy to follow plot

spotted a newfag, most threads were filled with confused people you stupid fucker

Manga chapter 41 in 2 days and 19 hours!

Reminder that Yabuki is fixing Nishigori's shit

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>Trigger x A-1 Pictures Collab
>Cursed/Infamous Mecha and Scifi genres (See Aldnoah, Valvrape and Re:Creators)
>Gainax Staff and good marketing as next TTGL
>Good chara designs by Your Name designer Masayoshi Tanaka
>Idolmaster Director
>Some big name VAs like Tomato
>Zero Two, mostly Zero Two
>and tons of advertising and shilling by Aniplex and Crunchyfaggots

as for me it was the super cute and mysterious female lead. I really like this kind of waifus, such a shame that there aren't that many out there. Seems to be a bit of a niche.

You are a retard that doesn't understand my post.

it was always shit, it just appeared right when there was no real good anime to watch at that time, on top of the fact that 2018 was the year were most highschool bullies and stacies started getting into anime, and a shit tier love triangle story with such a bitchy and "bold" beautiful girl being mean for no reason baited all of them, even the fucking kardashians talked about being inspired by zero two on fucking instagram

It was absolute pure luck

>anime original
>sex metaphor

it had all the elements to make it be the most discussed anime on Yea Forums since Code Geass

Attached: 1520514596640.gif (268x302, 1.91M)

>meme girl
>anime original
For some reason all of these elements result in guaranteed shitposting and spam.

wasn't she voted best girl of 2018 or something? Mech isn't a very popular genre these days. Writers just put all their effort into writing a character that would get the masses to drool over her. So much effort that they forgot to write a fucking story, hence the reason why it was a giant cluster fuck at the end.

It's easy to follow a plot when there's none until episode 13 after first few episodes. Show that doesn't take itself too seriously? That's Kill La Kill and Gurren Lagann. Franxx took itself very seriously or I have been given very different message. Cute designs were it strong point. Franxx always had good designs and artwork, shame the story couldn't follow it. Fanservice: too much. I'm not gay but if I wanna fap I just watch something else. All that pervert stuff just eats the experience and it was unneeded. And lastly about those strong female characters
>Zero Two: Muh Hiro! (specially after episode 15)
>Ichigo: Muh Hiro! (seemingly strong leader but sucks our boring MCs dick harder than anyone)
>Kokoro: Mitsuru-kun!! (also timid and shy, the usual flower girl)
and then you have two annoying angry and salty bitches that are probably lesbians. But that's realistic I guess

Those 3 things were all it needed.
And then after ep14 when 02 and Hiro's character arcs ended, the show plummeting in approval.

>Franxx took itself very seriously or I have been given very different message.
Eh, haven't seen Franxx, was planning to but after seeing KLK, LWA and Gridman I think I am done with trigger.

She lost all the polls I know of to Violet or Mai Sakurajima. Even her popularity took a giant hit from the ending. She's the only thing keeping Franxx from fading into obscurity. One wrong step and it would have just been another Aldnoah or even Egao no Daiga

>Zero Two, mostly Zero Two

99% Zero Two, 1% doggy-style positioning inside the cockpit

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Yeah me too. Gridman was okay I guess but after some mediocre titles and Franxxturd I don't know anymore. Even mecha doesn't seem to interest me anymore besides old mecha shows. I should rewatch Evangelion or original Gundam some day. I can only hope Promare can bring back the Gainax spirit but I'm skeptical

>bring back the Gainax spirit
Even entertaining the thought sounds optimistic as fuck.

Still think it's funny there were a boatload of Rikka/Akane figs announced at WonFes but very little 02.

klaxosaur pink haired gril showed bobz and tried to seduce a virgin so kids were fantasising much

Bland, introverted, "literally me" type protagonist. Outgoing, assertive, love interest who for no actual reason likes said protagonist and always approaches him, so it provides a perfect wish-fulfilment scenario for the audience of shy nerds who would love to be around that type of girl because they wouldn't have to change their personality but just be themselves because the girl does all the work. Add to that slightly shoujo-ish relationshit drama regarding the rest of the cast. Mecha action, etc. - it's an amalgamation of popular things, like Gundam Seed or Code Geass for example, which were widely popular too. Franxx ended up alienating the audience through too much NTR drama and a retarded plot. I've rarely seen a series that was so popular plummet in popularity so fast. It was completely forgotten in Japan almost immediately after it aired.

>Trigger, ZeroTwo, Clean artstyle and clean designs, relatable themes, sex metaphors, viral marketing.

meme and waifubait with good marketing, that's all it take to bait normalfags and r/animemes

Normalfags are still somewhat okay, but don't bring r/anime or r/animeme's subhumans here. I regret I have even used that site long ago in the past

Mechs with boobs

>Normalfags are still somewhat okay

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>so popular

It peaked on pic related then nosedived to the planet's core

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>Cloverworks wrote an anime series about adolescent sexuality and queer identity
>none of the writers have had sex or knew anything about relationships

I applaud them for trying but holy shit they fell on their asses in the latter half of the season

Hiro and Zero Two.

Zero Two is great, but every single show has a meme waifu, that's not a selling point these days that's a standard. It was the fact that Hiro was also charismatic and that their dynamic was so well done and their flaws complemented each other. You wanted to root for them.

It's not a coincidence that the portion of the show that blew up was episode 12-15, that segment of the show is entirely about Hiro and Zero Two, where everything else is secondary at most. It's not a coincidence that there was a meltdown with death threats when Ichigo made her move in episode 14, she was the interloper when Hiro and Zero Two were in their critical stage.

Pic related, the scene that painted BOTH Hiro and Zero Two as 100% certifiably batshit insane and thus worth investing in.

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Hopefully we'll actually get a better ending for Zero two and Hiro and a better one overall.

>their flaws complemented each other
Show me one flaw in Zero Two.

Hint: You can't

I wish they didn't go all ayy lmao during the last couple of episodes, it killed off all the interest I had in the show.

The term flaw here is a bit of a misnomer, I mean it entirely as a positive.

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Remove Hiro from that. He is just bland self-insert. It could have been anyone. Even Code 90-kun. If you look by the fanart and exposure, Zero Two did all the work and is the core of the series. Hiro is just there to fill the MC spot

yes and don't you forget it

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I know the manga is deviating a fair amount from the anime so far. Will Hir02's relationship be changed drastically or will they still become a couple so to speak.

>Anime original, so nobody knew what was going to happen
>Vague worlbuilding and references allowed for easy speculation
>Top tier waifu design, character and voice for the main girl
>things actually happened early on in the plot, and then to compound on that, some of things ended up being meme triggers
>trigger animation style, with the usual bombastic overtones
>core shitposting legion which built up into a snowball effect when later episodes came round (people shitposting because everyone else was shitposting)
It was a pretty well designed perfect storm of funposting potential

I just want to rape Ikuno.

Attached: __ikuno_darling_in_the_franxx_drawn_by_ichikawayan__sample-49f25231f2007ea6f89ee2d897c6fdf0.jpg (850x1202, 89K)

If Hiro wasn't an absolute madlad, the show would never have gotten as far as it did. Zero Two was great, Hiro made her better. The combination had to be right to make such a good badgirl story.

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there you are

We don't know what's gonna happen nigga, it's less than halfway through the story. But Hir02 will obviously still be a couple, that's basically the core of the series, it might just be done a bit differently. We'll just have to keep reading and see

That's true. I'm just interested to see where it goes. Getting my hopes up for a better story.

>madman showing up on a training mech and eating dirt as a result

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Any of you...happen to have the collection of the mechs in bikinis? i've been searching for the shit for like ever and can't seem to find it.

It's not that hard to tell why. It was great despite some ups and downs for a decent while and was also an original with elements of fairly mainstream appeal to draw in a crowd (Trigger's name, romance, an attractive female lead, mecha, coming of age, sci-fi). Being original is very important since it allows for speculation and theories and excitement about what would happen next, those things basically don't exist for adaptations. Furthermore since on Yea Forums there is no separation between anime-only and original source material discussion, the people who actually get into the story are actively driven away from discussion since it is inevitably rife with spoilers from people who have read the source material. This means that most adaptations only get discussion from old fans and newcomers who hardly give a fuck about the story (if they cared, they would avoid spoilers). Such discussion is inevitably complete garbage and cannot draw a large, enduring crowd and as such being an original story is key.

When the anime veered further and further towards being just shit as the ending neared, most people were probably too invested to give up on it and either stuck around hoping for an ending which would redeem it or just because they wanted to see the whole thing anyway.

As for shitposters, those are easy to explain. They gravitate towards anything which has sufficient popularity in order to get enough retards in the threads who respond to their shitty bait.

You mean that Koyama book? I have the pics of it

Attached: 1531325452769.png (940x1080, 855K)

I need manga spoilers so badly, fuck. I hate waiting 2 weeks every time

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I think that may be it yes.

good directing

02 was cute
in my opinion more anime should feature 02 being cute

triggerfags like hype more than they anime

On Yea Forums, it was popular because of marketing, because of drama (those two generated awesome amounts of butthurt), because of waifus, and because of shitposting and bullyposting at each another. It had shitty fighting animation for what was supposed to be a 2D mecha anime done by three well-liked animation studios, and the story crashed and burned.
But dear lord, the way it crashed and burned was awesome.

It was a good communal fun on Yea Forums, and that is what matters.

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Was never "popular". Newfags didn't know how to use the catalog spammed threads like retards. Just like Devilman it was just seasonal horse shit.

By stealing Coconas Design.

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The first half a lot of things that equal popular like a relatively high amount of main characters that are teenagers, robots, a hot main girl, a coming-of-age story, drama, shipping and a sense of "what is going on and how will it affect these kids". Also, Trigger's name on the project alongside it being anime-original

Now it definitely pissed most of this away but all of this together gets you some attention

I will only upload 1 page from the book, you fags can starve finding the others.

Attached: 1542864706788.jpg (2447x1736, 409K)

>One wrong step and it would have just been another Aldnoah or even Egao no Daiga
It basically is another Aldnoah at this point

Yeah thats it!

1. waifu bait
2. unexplored sexual connotations
3. teen drama made by and for horny idiots
4. forced humor
5. le epic reaction faces
6. porn
7. irl celebs tweeting about it

You can't be serious. Hiro? Charismatic? He's just average mecha MC. The relationship was solely carried on the mysterious femme fatale dynamic between regular guy and hot dino girl. 02 was 100% carrying the appeal of that relationship.

That's why after episode 15 when her personality basically becomes "cute waifu", she's less interesting

>Newfags didn't know how to use the catalog spammed threads like retards.
Bruh, this happens with basically any anime that gets a lot of hype. There's always at least one of these a year

How do you think Franxx will be remembered? Will anyone still give a shit in like 5 years?


I'll add that it had great music besides the rap in the close melting episode

Yes because we'll get a remake anime of the second half based on the manga

Yeah, what the fuck was that

there was no rap in the anime

The Trigger studio being stupid and incompetent like always.
Always remember.
Anything that happens to be good/not bad in Darling in the Franxx is made by A-1/CloverWorks. If it's bad or utterly shit, then it was made by Trigger.

Episode 8 during the battle

I mean that would be great. Are the chances of that high or is it just people wanting it?

>tfw 150iq brainlet

The manga sells like hotcakes so who knows, if subsequent volumes continue to be successful maybe. It's all about money after all

Hiro was a wonderful main character. He seems so nice, but he's selfish and looks down on his friends even more than Zero Two. His obsession with Zero Two and his readiness to give up his humanity at the drop of a hat was fascinating.

He wasn't a regular guy, he was a loony who looked like a regular guy.

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>but don't bring r/anime or r/animeme's subhumans here
No, Anonymous, you are the subhuman that has come.

Well, here are the scans/photos. Took a while to find them. Commencing dump now

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some images are blurry because different anons

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First spread

Attached: 1536285507551.jpg (2459x1728, 558K)

Thank you kind user!

2nd spread

Attached: 1536285258711.jpg (2437x1724, 489K)

3rd spread (if you want better images you can akways buy one)

Attached: IMG_20181009_024316.jpg (1086x1932, 239K)

4rd spread

Attached: 1534897542007.jpg (2443x1723, 374K)

5th spread

Attached: 1536285873841.jpg (960x1280, 226K)


6th spread

Attached: IMG_20181009_024355.jpg (1086x1932, 201K)

Cute mechs with faces and tits
Doggystyle piloting
Darling unmei ga
Cute girl with horns

I actually have a 200IQ. I don’t know why the rest of you bothered to post.

7th spread

Attached: IMG_20181009_024339.jpg (1932x1086, 256K)

The theme is something that's important to people today. I think it's awful how media outlets, governed by people who are older and more experienced, are used primarily to exacerbate the battle of the sexes. Anyone who doesn't have their head disingenuously shoved up their ideological asses understands that men and women should be supportive of each other and coax the best out of one another, and that all of this shit in the internet is youthful confusion, similar to swan pairs, which start viciously fighting each other at the beginning of mating season. It's normal, but it's not normal to have some mainstream outlet broadcasting doctrines of sterility.

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8th spread (Different quality because one just took photos and one partially scanned them)

Attached: IMG_20181009_023715.jpg (1932x1086, 191K)

Last spread (found better version of Argentea so will post that too)

Attached: IMG_20181009_024411.jpg (1086x1932, 216K)

>giving up your humanity for this fucking thing is lunacy

Attached: 1524330144485.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Yeah thats true. Well I'll be hoping for it.

Better Argentea to finish it off (there are no better scans/photos than these, but these are all of them from Koyamas robot book from C94)
Someone already posted that. it's this one: So have Genista without that armor instead (from Trigger panel)

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FranXX will be remembered as the show that finally killed the shitty mecha genre for good. thank you for your sacrifice, FranXX.

Zero Blue?
More like Zero IQ.

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I just thought how I couldn't get into mecha anymore thanks for Franxx killing my interest. What was supposed to revitalize the genre ended up killing it for good. New Gundam kinda looks good, but it's Unicorn anyways (so it's actually good)

Thank you kind user!

bump. cmon franxxbros, we need to get to at least the bump limit.

Did anyone else unironically fall for the Abe meme watching this show? I unironically want to a have a kid so fucking bad now. Raising a family sound beautiful and so rewarding.

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Yea Forums eats whatever trigger shits out

Ningen were a mistake

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When are we going to see her again?

It's all marketing and nothing more. Nothing else matters. Fucking Eromanga-sensei was popular, and that's the ultimate shit tier. But the funny maymay made people go haha, so it was popular.

>Show tries to make you appreciate the power of humans
>By making dinosaurs the only people worth fighting for and disgusting Ningen a scourge on the Earth

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There are far better mecha to watch than Franxx ever was. Majestic Prince, Planet With, Outlaw Star, ZOE, even IBO was better. Just go on /m/ and ask for recs.

I'm not very smart but im sure it was just waifubait and marketing

Based and klaxxopilled
She is in Delta's body now

Why do I have such an urge to rewatch Franxx? It was shit yet I want to go back and see it again.

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>She is in Delta's body now
Delta ate Hime, what the fuck. Dropped

Don't do it to yourself. It's seriously not worth it. You will waste good time you could use to watch actually good series (like Mob or Dororo) or draw, listen music, exersice and so on

>People still talking about ditf a year later

It was actually good for the first 15 episodes.

Gainax needs to stay dead. They went to shit since 2004

That sounds retarded. What could Hime possibly gain by transferring her mind into a much weaker body?

Attached: confused.jpg (362x346, 38K)

It's just one really obsessed group who want the shitpost fest to continue more than actually liking it, and a handful hoping the manga will be better.

A feminine penis

But tentacles are better

NOBODY makes female designs like trigger
they are absolutely fucking retarded when it comes to plot, but when it comes to female character design, they always deliver
02 is best girl and i dont care what any of you fuck niggas have to say

02 is not even the best girl in her own show.

I dunno, the girls in Promare look like absolute garbage

i'm still trying to catch up. Hopefully I'm up to date by tomorrow.

Basically episode 1 is evangelion ripped off. Then it kinda went out of control from there. In fact its basically a 1:1 ratio of evangelion.

t. ichigofag
the most delusional of all fags
promare looks like trash in general, witch academy also had lame character designs
trigger has been lost ever since klk, they made their magnum opus and now they're just waiting to die out or get split up

can someone pls tell me where the story diverges from the anime so I know where to pick this up? I tried reading the manga version of events i've already seen in the anime, and I just can't keep doing it.

Pink hair is shit and so is your opinion.

he clearly said he doesn't care what any of you fuck niggas have to say

>ichigofag coping 7 months later

Chapter 37, but you need to read the whole thing, as there are some "small" changes in earlier chapters that will make a big difference later on. For example, Mitsuru never rides with 02. This will cause the whole partner swap thing to play out very differently. And there was other stuff too. Up to what chapter did you read?

And yet I'm reaping in the (you)s

>witch academy also had lame character designs
Diana and Sucy are hot as fuck
What's with the hate for pink hair? Can someone explain? Or is it just one autistic guy who keeps shitting on it every thread?

I'm not the one who has to cope with their character's personality being dragged through the gutter.

>Or is it just one autistic guy who keeps shitting on it every thread?
probably ffxv-kun since he got banned from Yea Forums for being too autistic

>doesn't deny being an ichigofag
the absolute state of (You)

aww fuck, really?
i went up to chapter 02 btw

I have no idea who you're talking about.
I don't usually care about hair color I admit but if I had to pick the most retarded one it would be pink.

Wholesome main couple, very rarely that the main heroine of the show is the best girl. That with the tends of dense MCs and drag-on harems, you can see easily why the popularity came about.

Hiro is a pretty generic MC, but his interactions with Zero Two along with Zero Two herself carried the show.

>implying there is something wrong with being an ichigofag
He is clearly the better option

Well the first 2 chapters are pretty damn long. Don't worry, the rest of the chapters are only about 20 pages or so

And why is that?

It was barely popular at episode 14 or something and descended into nothing. I would not describe it as popular.

It's the most ridiculous color?
What the hell do you want? A thesis?
It's the most unnatural and garish color.

But seriously, how will the manga even handle the partner shuffle? The whole reason Kokoro partnered up with Mitsuru was because she wanted to save him, but now there's nothing to save him from as he never rode with 02. Last chapter also implied that Miku might change partners

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ok thanks based user
hopefully i can find the time to sit down and read the manga soon, I look forward to what's in store
fucking hell, I enjoyed the show way too much even though I didn't end up watching it until September

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>Miku might change partners
>ZoroMiku may no longer be a thing
no no no no no
what the fuck are you doing

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Anyone got that pic where 02 asks Hiro to touch her anywhere he liked and he touches her horns?

Maybe we get MikuKoko yuri as they ride together.

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It will probably just be a temporary thing. She'll realize how much she really needs Zorome and come back crying into his arms

Two pistils can't ride together

In the anime they couldn't. I don't think the manga has said anything about that yet

Mods should delete these threads on sight.


it'd better. Zorome and Miku were literally made for each other.

Why? If anything, VEG threads should be deleted on sight.


thats all you need

Franxx was basically just an excuse to host a reunion between ex-Gainaxfags at A1, Trigger and Khara. The show itself is mostly recycled tropes from other Gainaxshit.

I never knew how much I needed this

>Miku partnerswapping to stupid sexy Goro in order to make Ichigo jealous

Attached: miku ichigoro.jpg (1920x1080, 267K)

>zorome riding Ichigo
make it happen

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>VEG threads
There are no VEG threads because VEGfags have learned to let go.

>double jealousy to the point of othello syndrome
>"let's agree to never do this again."
fund it.

>VEGfags have learned to let go
I'll take "complete and utter horseshit" for 1000

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>queer identity
Please go kill yourself

There's something extra hot when the smaller one is the dominant one and the larger one is shy and submissive. Like just imagine....

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Aren't they about the same size? And I wouldn't really call Miku dominant, desu. And we know Kokoro can be assertive, like she was with Mitsuru


Idk, I watched 10 episodes so far, and I'm liking it.
There's a few things that kinda turned me off though, like the NTR vibes at the beginning of the show or the way in which Hiro ridiculously miraculously gets back on his feet after that blue tumor like thingy appeared in the battle against the first Guttenberg class klaxosaur.

I hope it stays as enjoyable as the rest has been, but I heard that things go downhill around Episode 15 or so, so I'm kind of scared.

>Normalfags are still somewhat okay
Kill yourself.

oh no
don't look now, but the feels train is coming for you
also, episode 15 is the last canon episode of the show. everything else is just bad fanfiction Nishigori, being the fuckwit that he is, had almost nothing planned after ep 15 except for """"""""true"""""""" apus, so eps 16-24 were almost entirely made up as the staff went along. things go relatively okay for eps 16-18, but say goodbye to zero-two as you know her by ep 16. ep 19 is total horse shit, don't watch it. eps 20-21 are actually kinda decent imo, but after the title card at the end, that's when the ride derails, gets truck-kun'd twice, and is dragged into a back alley and raped into a stupor.

Attached: i'm sorry you what.png (1366x768, 1.24M)

Devilman is kino though, please don’t compare it to the trashfire that is Franxx

higher quality version of this screenshot

Attached: DITFscreenshot.jpg (1098x799, 145K)

It's fun and entertaining, which is the reason people watch anime


>There are no VEG threads
user, I...

Attached: nandatte.png (346x409, 100K)

Miku is much more likeable than Asucunt
And before you call me a Reifag, I hate everyone in Eva

I hate everything about you

I hate everything about you

I love everything about you

all of you, kill yourselves

yeah pretty much this

Attached: DeadInside.png (500x737, 522K)

You gotta suck this dick first

most VEG threads are just shitposting. FranXX threads have actual discussion.

shut up and check these fucking dubs

Like this one right?

ADMIT IT TRIGGER IS Yea Forums's STUDIO.Stats don't lie.

this one has better discussion than VEG threads, I can guarantee you that much. Most VEG threads are just trying to bait other fans to shitpost.

the manga chapter threads do

Both VEG threads and Franxx threads are nothing but shitposting because they are filled with retards who bet all their money on promising looking franchises and ended up losing it all, leaving them to be ultimately buttdevastated about it and unable to let go. Myself included.


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fuck off VEGtard, go to your own threads. Oh wait, you have none.

I have two threads.

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That's because a lot of flashy effects and boobs

plagiarism called

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conformed for having seen 5 animu at most

fuck off

>source: my ass

Fuck off back to Yea Forums, cancer.

I've been to those threads, they are literally nothing but shitposting. VEG threads decrease overall board quality.

>says the studio that copied Fate

>source: my ass

Fatefag doesn't even know where the inspiration for her uniform came from. Sasuga eroge connoisseur.

Fate is mankind's highest achievement, you know this to be true

But Soul Eater Not was a million times better than this.

You mean Soul Eater Not! (Anime).

god i hate VEGfags so much
going around derailing threads with their potent autism
they should be banned on sight

Attached: a being of pure salt.png (1366x768, 1.37M)

Actually prototype Franxx used to have lots of swinging between partners (seemingly to find better sync)
>Goro and Miku
>Zorome and Kokoro
>Hiro and Ichigo
>Mitsuru and Zero Two
No info about fatty, but he used to be Kokoros partner. Final partners were the same though and Mitsuru/Kokoro partnerswap was always supposed to happen. Source: If you wanna know more, then buy the Step XX Step book

how do we feel about yuri?

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get 02 away from that autist.

If this came out 20 years ago it would've shown the main couple fucking (the actual main couple, not those retards Mitsuru and Kokoro)

>Violet with hands

It's from a spin-off where she had a normal childhood. ;_;

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Heroine was actually great.
Protagonist was proactive enough.
The entire cast was a goldmine of memes and jokes.
The plot was actually going somewhere before the Borg hijacked it.
If it didn't shit itself with the last arc this could've easily been a classic, such a waste.

Except the mainstream media outlets are all about sex. Both regarding the male-female cooperation and the orders from above, the anime was the reverse of our real world. Only thing that exists in both worlds is the romance (which unfortunately doesn't exist in the world of the otaku that watches it). There was no agenda other than perhaps "Japan please have babies". The anime was made mainly for our enjoyment alone.

>everyone hooks up in the end except Miku and Zorome, the objectively best side character couple.
Really rustled me tbqh.

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One day user, one day. A couple of years from now maybe

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This user thinks Yabuki and Jump are gonna bother with this shit more than a year. How delusional can one be

It'll keep going as long as it makes money, and it's already been over a year

The rest of the cast should just grab them and mutually rape them with each other.

I find it funny that there's still someone that is hoping for a better ending. At least two year of wait until this manga is over just to get the same ending, how lovely.

He changed a lot of things already, why wouldn't he change the ending too?

So now I am hyped about Genista without a helmet.

It was Garden State for weebs. Eo To is a "safe" slutty Zooey Deschanel that will fucking kill you.

Because the changes he's made so far are petty. He's just taking a different route to reach the same destination. Klaxxohime is going to die, the Nines are going to die, and to stay true to the anime and its themes, Hiro and 02 are going to die.
Or just one of them, in case Yabuki liked the very first idea for the ending.

>this kills the franxxfag

Fanservice and Ichigo kissing Cucklord made the internet sperg out.

it's not hard, it was simply making a twilight series for guys. It focused on the romantic feelings romantic issues guys go through and or want happen to them. that's all.

Japs disliked the ending, if Yabu has even a single cell in his brain then he will change it. Besides, it would be pretty fucking pointless and dumb to even bother writing a different route if the result is the same, he wouldn't put forth that much effort for nothing

>Japs disliked the ending
So? The sales for the series are still decent, both for the BDs and the manga and most importantly for the merchandise.
>if Yabu has even a single cell in his brain then he will change it
He doesn't necessarily have to. He's probably just going to expand it a bit more.
>Besides, it would be pretty fucking pointless and dumb to even bother writing a different route if the result is the same
Not really. What he's doing right now is just expanding the plot at a much slower pace compared to the anime. An adaptation doesn't necessarily have to tell a completely different story.

K-K-Kokoro, can I borrow one of your dresses?

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based Violetchad

Drama and good character designs. Almost every episode had NTR bait or some melodramatic shit to get people talking. Also it aped off a lot of popular mecha/sci-fi series.

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What would having Hime as your wife be like?

they'll get there eventually

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This basically. All the great episodes are in the first half bar 1, and even then episode 22 is not as good as episode 5,12 or 13.

Tfw Eureka 7 was so much better ?

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It was, but DitF had a better main couple and if it had literally the same ending as E7 even with the flaws of the second half I'd have put it at around the same level.

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Maybe yes

I prefer the plot and themes of E7 desu, it was much more optimistic than DitF.

Also Dominic and Anemone are based kino that's why Hir02 was good.

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>we didn't even get Hir02 raping each other into a stupor
So many wasted opportunities.

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You mean this ?

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There are a few reasons. Anime Originals always tend to generate a lot of interest even before they air, and the show being co-made by TRIGGER helped with that. I guess some of the more quirky stuff like Doggy Style Mech Piloting also got people interested.
Then the first cour happened and it was genuinely great. The directing was great and refreshing. Letterboxing important scenes was a nice way to convey a sense of importance and focus on what's happening; the voice actors all did fantastic jobs; the world was interesting and they managed to give us enough information to keep us interested and speculating without under-explaining or over-explaining things, which in the age of exposition dumps is a nice thing. They kept the narrative and themes consistent and while applying symbolism avoided the pit fall of being too on the nose (with the exception of doggy style piloting, which didn't happen that often). The main girl was genuinely interesting and her character progression was great. Her dynamic with Hiro was also amazing and probably the best part of the show. They started out as opposites (Hiro being a shy, reserved and depressed boy who bends to rules; Zero Two being confronting, unabashed and extroverted and generally not caring about rules) and eventually changed and bled into each other.
Episode 13 was genuinely one of the best episodes of any anime. Directing, voice acting and the narrative were incredibly on point and left people feeling all warm and fuzzy. Then episode 14 turned that around and gave us a ton of suspension, which continued into episode 15 where it finally released into a cathartic and almost cataclysmic reunion.
And that's where the problems start but I'll elaborate on that in the next post.

The reason I'm saying the problems start with episode 15 is precisely that all that pressure, all that suspense they built was entirely based on the dynamic between Hiro and Zero Two. Releasing all of that in the short span of a few minutes, even faster than the underlying conflict was built up to, made the entire ordeal incredibly climactic, which in itself is not a bad thing. But as mentioned earlier, their relationship dynamic was what mostly carried the entire narrative up to that point. With the high quality of the first cour, especially the last three episodes, they should have carefully planned what to do next because it would be incredibly hard to keep that amount quality writing and directing.
Episode 16 wasn't even so bad. A "soft reset" of sorts, showing how things have changed after the climax of the first cour in a low-stakes environment, allowing the viewer to take it all in and adjust. Everything after that, however, was trash and completely shat on all the carefully built, minute structure of the first cour. Zero Two's character shift was way too on the nose and her instant change into a happy-go-lucky, content house wife type of character completely ruined her. She finally felt like she belonged somewhere, like she was human, but for some reason they felt the need that to convey that they have to take away all the things that made her interesting. There was NO reason make her lose her playfulness, her unabashedness and her extroversion to the degree they did. Hiro was handled way better since we actually see his progress from a depressed, introverted, rule-abiding man to someone who has regained his sense of self-worth and developed a strong enough will to not be bogged down by the oppressive system around them anymore.
And that's not all, sadly. There's an entire bag of problems, more on that in the third and last post.

Lastly, I mentioned how the narrative in the first cour was subtly and carefully constructed, with Hiro and Zero Two's relationship dynamic as the core of it. That subtlety was completely lost in the second cour and it was at times cringy to watch. A good example for this is Mitsuru and Kokoro. It's obvious that they were supposed to be a foil to Hiro and Zero Two, and there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, that could have been done in a way that didn't largely ruin the entire experience. One such way would have been giving them way less screen time, because let's be honest here, neither of them were nearly as well developed and characterized as Hiro and Zero Two were. The insane amount of focus that Mitsuru and Kokoro got was entirely unjustified and I'm sure it wouldn't have left such a bad taste if their relationship arc had been done mostly in the background, keeping focus on what got people hooked on the show in the first place - Hiro and Zero Two (while giving them ample time to develop, talk it out like Hiro said they should, and try to deal with this new form of their relationship while the world around them changes rapidly and they learn that everything they have been told was one big lie). Rehashing the memory wipe plot was so openly dumb and on the nose that I can't fathom how they thought this was even remotely a good idea.
And to put the cherry on top of the shit sundae, they completely changed the tone of the show. True Apus isn't the only example, but it's certainly the point where I (and I'd assume most other viewers) were robbed of any doubt that the show not only jumped the shark, but did a double summersault over a genetically modified killer megalodon with laser guns strapped to its fins. The show turned from a serious character drama with a few quirky elements into a completely ridiculous shitshow that just could not possibly be taken seriously anymore. It took everything that made the first cour great and completely shat on it.

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02 is the ultimate waifubait

Great analysis user.

In the trash where she belong

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Best post

Also didn't read. Shorten it to 30 words or less. No one can bother with that Great wall of text

Fine, here's something for your short attention span:

The first cour was fantastic and carefully crafted, the second cour completely shits on it.

This is the true list: 1-5 good, 6 O MY POWER OF LOVE, 7-11 filler from okay to meh, 12 fine, 13 great, 14 WTF WHY (also pointless so filler), 15 DARLING ZERO TWO (kinda good), 16-17 nice SOL, 18 - bad, 19 - Very bad, 20 - okayish, 21 - turbo bad, 22- pointless filler and bad, 23 - AHAHAHAHAHA, 24 - meh, could be worse also absolutely horrific

So, in short, nothing new.

I was one the the biggest franxxfag before but I can clearly say that the first part was far from perfect, you can excuse E7 to have pointless fillers because it has 50 fucking episodes, FranXX had only 24 but a quarter of the show was boring fillers, like wtf ?

Well, tell it to yourself if it makes you feel better. Although first cour wasnt even that special. First episodes that builded the world maybe, but 1st cour had plenty of bad writing and pointless scenes and lazy storytelling. Calling it fantastic is really stretching it but I guess Zero Two waifufagging and shitposting has clouded your judgement

So fucking true, but you know franxxfag are underaged newfag we can't blame them.

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Indeed, maybe they wouldn't have been pointless if it had pay off. Which it didn't have. You can do characterization outside fillers too and if you are gonna do one anyways make it fun. Not pervy shit like episode 8, thats not fun at all. I'm maybe the only one that hated that ep

That's not how you spell touhou

Oh no, I hate episode 8 too (beside the scene with Hiro and Zero Two), episode 7 was finally pointless (the city changed nothing to the plot, episode 9 was okayish, episode 10 was good at first but like episode 7 it has been no use, episode 11 was shit NTR and also the end of edgy Mitsuru (sadly), episode 12 was good, episode 13 was really good, episode 14 was fine, episode 15 was great.

>rebellion arc, allying with Hime, and redpilling the normie parasites
>surprise dinobabies
>all was part of Hakase's keikaku
>final showdown with Nines and Papa's space station
have saved it?

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200 iq here
The answer is underage posters

It would have fit the ending they were going for
It's not fair that the only dinos left on the universe die just because fuck dinos
Also VIRM surviving is also a low blow

Possibly or at least made it okay solid 7 show

I did save it, thnx

>Hiro got kidnaped by Hime
>They talk together and realize they have a common ennemies
>He creates a plan to reveal to all the parasites the Truth
>The Rebellion has started but Ape control Zero Two and made her and the Nines pilots a giant mecha called "Hringhorni".
>Hiro and Hime pilots a Klaxo and fight Hringhorni in the stratosphere
>Zero Two escape Hringhorni falling in the void, Hiro too jump out to take Zero Two in flight

>Mondai Nai, we VIRM don't possess physical body anyways so we are immortal

>nuke their entire planet
>"t'is but a scratch"

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>tfw Werner told 02 it was impossible for her to make babies with her human darling

Attached: 02 fertility.jpg (3840x3240, 1.36M)

>Hime call Strelezia that come take Hiro and Zero Two before they die from falling
>APE activate they ultimate plan, destorying earth
>Hime sacrifice herself to give them time
>Hiro is now full madlad Oni, they unless Strelezia True Form, every steel part broke unleashing the beast
>They fly into the stratosphere screaming
>They destroy "cosmos" and APE with it
>The war is finally ended, Hiro and Zero
>Hiro and Zero Two look at the planet Earth, marveling, their two hands tied
>They get their weeding at episode 7 beach

>TRIGGER involved
>Hand drawn "mechs"
>Top teir waifus (Zero Two and the other girls besides Ikuno and Kokoro)
>Top teir waifuwars (Zero Two Vs Ichigo)
>NTR drama
>Actual romantic progression later on
>High production values at the start
>Interesting premise at the start
>Good music
>Alot of symbolism and mystery in its presentation lead to actual discussion among the sea of memes (The spider, zero two's past, implications of the design of the klaxosaurs, floral imagery, nomenclature of the main cast)
>high meme potential due to being a zany over the top unapologetic anime

Besides all those bullet points, the Two biggest reasons I think were that for a lot of people, the show was genuinely enjoyable and "good" when it started. The other reason is in the same vein as Kill la Kill, TTGL or Code Geass it had that air of zany original anime that was pushing the bar with what it did every week. There was always shit to talk about and speculate about.

No don't get me wrong it did not turn out to be anywhere near as good as those other shows, but I had that same feel. Anime with a capital A so to speak. A kind of show we have been absolutely starved for as of late. Such wasted fucking potential to be a classic.

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kill yourself waifufag

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me ?? waifufag ?? kek

>not a waifufag

02 gives me a bonerin my heart

I'm not I think Hiro and Zero Two alone are boring af.
I can agree with you that 99% of self proclamed "Hir02fag" are only just 02waifufag, but I'm not user, I prefer 3D girl.

>I can agree with you that 99% of self proclamed "Hir02fag" are only just 02waifufag
so you are admitting that you're a waifufag

No, I prefer OG Zero Two

Attached: Anemone.jpg (1400x1050, 88K)

you're just proving my point, you're a waifufag

>since Code Geass
Wrong. You must have missed out on KlK and Re: Zero. Among others that I wasn't there for either.

But you're right otherwise. I did forget how much the butt-controls/sex metaphor did for the show did to boost its word of mouth spread.

Liking a character doesn't mean you're a waifufag, but seeing the way you're acting you probably are.

Drop the buzzwords. I'll admit fantastic is a stretch, but it was still very good and got people emotionally invested to a high degree.

>Liking a character doesn't mean you're a waifufag
You just implied it yourself user.
>I can agree with you that 99% of self proclamed "Hir02fag" are only just 02waifufag
You like Hir02, so you're a waifufag.

stfu waifufag

>t.seething waifufag

Does anyone have the invite for the discord channel?


I mean let's start by asking why girls have to be in front of boys?

Attached: Darling-In-The-FranXX-China.jpg (1600x900, 125K)

Fuck off, you cancerous newfag.

They are multiple discord, which one do you want to join ?

Fuck off

The Yea Forums channel

Oh you mean fr/a/nxx ?

I think so

They don't invite anyone, I'm on another one.

Attached: Discard.png (500x64, 8K)

Oh shame, can you ask them if they're going to invite more people?

Maybe if you send them PM on discord

And who should i PM?

>Bland, introverted, "literally me" type protagonist.

lol, he was the leader the group, everyone always counted on him

where can i buy it?

>(like Mob

Attached: ebony.gif (320x240, 2.65M)

That side of his was only developed throughout the plot when the audience had already bitten. He was established as a loser so the audience could identify. Not to mention that even as a leader he was most of the time introverted and timid.

>Actually prototype Franxx used to have lots of swinging between partners

how do you know that?

Did someone here order some eggs?

Attached: tamago.png (133x168, 32K)

I have the making of book called Step XX Step from C95

Mandarake has it and they will ship internationally without proxies. Just type Franxx on their english site version

where can i download it?

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Nice quads. Here have an egg.

Attached: ogamat.png (132x167, 31K)

You can't, no one has scanned or taken photos from it. You need a copy if you want to see it or ask if someone would take scans/pics
>Tip: I won't do that

well at least tell me where can i buy it, looks interesting

Well seems nobody here ordered any eggs. So what am I supposed to do with these eggs now?

Attached: freshly_laid_eggs_delivered_by_02.png (500x500, 42K)

Mandarake should still have it, I recommend that for same reasons as listed above. Just type Franxx and you should find it "Step XX Step" is the name of the book

Fine I'll give one to this red dino over here.

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Seems she is hungry as she wanted more.

Attached: eo-to's_favorite_egg_flavored_candy.png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

This girl is a bit too crazy about eggs.

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>a mecha drinking a martini

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The first few episodes focused mostly on the connection between darling and 02
The middle part seemed like it would build up to something good
The last part with the ayy lmao plot twists was simply too unrealistic, like reading a shitty fanfiction

Does anyone have mato's twitter gifs/webms?

>made to be enjoyed by both genders
>mysterious dystopian teenbait setting
>romance and love triangles, not harem shit

This is all appealing to emo teens, it's an adequate teen drama, irregardless of anime, which is why some normies heard of it

>>rebellion arc, allying with Hime, and redpilling the normie parasites
>>final showdown with Nines and Papa's space station
these two alone would have turned this anime into a 10/10 masterpiece for me. I'm still trying to figure out what was trigger thinking when doing ep 16 and onward, and I'm still mad for the wasted potential that this anime was

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I went and rewatched the first 15 the other week and I can't even tell you what the levels of obsession it did when it first aired. Call it mass hysteria.

The absolute ridiculousness of it all. Also completely original so speculations were thrown about with gay abandon.

I watched the first three Eps, dumped it after that.
REALLY cute female lead
Tacky "piloting" concept is barely-disguised sex scenes, more or less

Not much substance to it, enemies were crude angular geometric designs
Tacky "piloting" concept is barely-disguised sex scenes

tl;dr = Too shallow to be a real drama, too reserved to be outright smut

imagine cracking open her eggs and frying em in a pan while she watches and cries.

Hiro is a bland fucking biscuit who offs himself at the end.
He's made for self inserts.

t. didnt watch the show

I can't, I dropped it on episode 5

I did though.
Hiro's only defining characteristics is his pathological depression which he copes using 02, i.e. heroin, until it finally kills him.

I hope nobody forgets the internet shitstorm that happened after episode 14.

It was good for exposing the 02fags as the unhinged lunatics that they are.

By being the AOTY obviously

Dont forget the "we fucked up, let's film VAs in birdcages" waste of episodes.

it was popular because it was made by Trigger aka reddit's favourite studio

IT WASN'T A FUCKING TRIGGER SHOW, it was A-1/Cloverworks. Trigger did some planning and animated less than half the eps but they left after ep 15.

chrono trigger

Is the manga worth reading?

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Yes. And Yabuki is an ichigofag so if you're an Ichigofag you'll enjoy it even more. Now go read it

New chapter in 1 day and 20 hours!

I wont mind different manga ending on condition its better than anime and I get to approve it first.

off by one kenobi

It will obviously be better than the anime

does this mean that Hiro and Ichigo will hook up?
I hope so

A true Ichigofag would never let Strawberry get with Hiro.
He's a fucking psychological mess and moving past him is the best thing for her.

Don't forget boring

We'll have to wait and see

Attached: manga chapter 30.png (822x1200, 1.25M)

see He iss showing it early because he wants to focus on it more

Why would you even want this to happen? Those two have no chemistry and are boring as hell characters

Could someone please kill Fatoshi already?

Attached: Fatoshi.png (822x1200, 1.11M)

they look cute together

Sure but I'm with Hopeful Goro and Ichigo will get more of a focus.

It won't happen no matter how much Yabuki wants it to happen, unless he actually wants someone to burn down his house
I think he just wanted to get it out of the way earlier. So if the manga has an episode 14 equivalent it might be very different from the anime.

Goro doesn't really fit well with Ichigo, look at the show. The interactions between him and Ichigo were annoying

All the show couple interactions were annoying.
I though the point was the manga would be better.

In the manga it's the same shit with the interactions between Hiro and Ichigo being far better than Goro and the strawberry

I'm seriously hoping he dies, he makes me sick and I'm not even a Kokorofag

And please Yabuki just show us what the fuck Hime is doing already, she gets this cool custom Franxx and then disappears for 2 consecutive chapters. Hope we find out this Saturday

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He better get NTR'd again

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He will, but this time Kokoro will go for someone else instead of Mitsuru

Hiro and Ichigo interactions in the anime were good?
Hiro was a brick wall.

Still better than Ichigo and Goro

Not really no.

Ichigo a cute

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It actually is

I hope Klaxxohime put a dino baby inside her

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>missed last chapter before
Oh, so Nines are practicaly eliminated alreayd here, some even confirmed dead, thats substantial change.

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And here you see Yea Forums in its native state, going full hipster and no longer able to understand why people, many of whom include themselves, ever enjoyed a series that got popular while circle jerking about why they liked it before it was cool and how it turned to shit as soon as it got popular.

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People started to hate it because it turned out to be shit, not because it ended up popular. Not to mention that during the second half it massively declined in popularity and when it ended people hardly even remembered it had aired at all - especially in Japan. If anything, Yea Forums should like it now, because it's not popular any more and pretty much all websites unanimously agree that it was shit.


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it was a good 16 episode anime, idk what you're talking about user.

It already declined after episode 5 when instead of making Hiro become an Oni they decided to focus on the shitty side characters instead. Two highlight episodes about Hiro and 02 can't make up for that.

The two remaining ones have no choice but to live with P13 now, that will lead to some fuckery for sure

Of the sexual kind I hope.

It was shit from the start with boring generic MC to stupid fanservice and filler episodes. Fuck your "good 16 episode anime" when first half was also bad. Zero Two can't salvage a sinking titanic and in the end even she turned into shit

Delta will finally ride Alpha as everybody wanted

Nah m8. Delta with put her feminine penis inside every single P13 female, knock them up, and not take responsibility!

why do stupid people keep saying this?

It was good because Serotsu exploded and died in space with her stamen.

It is going to be better in the manga when Hiro drops her for Ichigo
Yabuki is an Ichigofag
prove me wrong

Because that is the studio that produced it?

Okay but is he also going to drop his codependency?
Because that's what the anime was lacking.

codependency from what?

Double partner switch this saturday with Mitsuru and Kokoro + Alpha and Delta
It's Yabuki so he will probably tone it down a bit, but I'm still gonna enjoy it. Seeing the fatty in pain and misery pleases me. I would feel empathy for him if he weren't such a ugly annoying fat brown hamster who can't keep his dick in his pants

on what not from what.
And 02.

He was forced to have it because she is the only one he can pilot with, the manga is also going for a different thing and Yabuki will show it

>Double partner switch this saturday with Mitsuru and Kokoro + Alpha and Delta
Mitsuru will ride with Alpha

Nah, he'll get Miku and Kokoro at the same time. Zorome can have Futoshi, and Ikuro can start dying from Child Fever Aids now.

What the hell kind of bullshit is that?
He wasn't forced to have anything.
He just decided that nothing in life matters if he doesn't get to ride. He decided that killing himself over it is perfectly fine, everyone else's opinion notwithstanding.
02 enabled all of that.
And then in the end when it looked like maybe he got past it 02 left and he went right back to the same shit.
And then he went and killed himself because that's the only thing he knows how to do.

Ichigo dodged a bullet there.

I just hope the sex scene stays in and its a lot more graphic this time. I really need to know if Mitsuru is hung.

They would have to move the manga to a different magazine for that to happen, I doubt Jump would allow it

he was forced to pilot with 02 because she is the only one he can do it with. if he could pilot with Ichigo he would have done that. Since Hiro in the manga didn't show any interest for 02 and the kiss scene happened earlier it is obvious that the end game is Hiro with Ichigo.
This is Yabuki, not Nishigori
Nishigori is a 02fag, Yabuki a Ichigofag

I personally can't wait for the wedding to see pic related again

Attached: Fucking In Front Of Futoshi.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

It was a co-production, and Trigger worked on like 3 episodes.

>Hiro (aka Setsuna 2.0): Sorry, Zero Two! I said I loved you, but actually I just wanted to ride Strelitzia. Ah, it's so profoundly beautiful. I love Franxx!
Nice triples by the way, 1 away from Kokoro

>Sorry, Zero Two! I said I loved you
literally when? He never said it

I wish for these if it would happen (as if): Leglock, Handholding, Intense kissing, namecalling and maximum eyefuckery

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First of all him being unable to pilot with Ichigo was his own damn fault.
He managed to do it fine in episode 15.

And he could just not pilot. That's always an option.
In the anime there is something pathologically wrong with Hiro and it's never addressed.

People shouldn't depend on others for their happiness. People shouldn't destroy their bodies for happiness.
Do you even know what codependency is?

>First of all him being unable to pilot with Ichigo was his own damn fault.
because he liked 02 back then. this meant that he was forced to pilot with 02 no matter what, even if retards pretend that he loved her when pic related proved them wrong.
>In the anime there is something pathologically wrong with Hiro and it's never addressed.
and this manga is written by Yabuki who is an Ichigofag
cope harder

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>And he could just not pilot. That's always an option.
I'm sure turning into Onions is a much better option.
>B-but he could have chosen not to follow 02 in space and die like a retard
He could've, sure. Just to die a few months later for the ayylmao's invasion. If the other could (but not really) choose what to do with their lives, Hiro was mostly forced to act like that.
>le Hiro is a twisted fucking sociopath meme
Nice to see you again user-kun

Cute girl

>pilot with 02 no matter what
Then explain him piloting with Ichigo in episode 15.
It has nothing to do with love. Kokoro and Futoshi were not in love and they could pilot just fine. It has to do with him not putting in the effort.

I have no idea what the manga is like because I have not read it. I probably will when it's finished. This is based of show only.

Except that not only does he not know people unable to pilot get killed but it's also not what happens anyways.
They think they just go off to a farm upstate.
He just doesn't want to do that because "I must fly and kill bad guys and be the hero"

Hiro went into a fucking depression and did nothing for however long that whole time period was, ill be honest I was only half paying attention at this point.
He went back to being his depressed emo self showing he gained nothing from how he started the series.
He was ecstatic to go get himself killed with 02 as some kind of fucking hero.
>le strawmen meme
He's not a psychopath or twisted. He's pathologically codependent on 02 to fuel his ego.

02 was the only one he could pilot with

He literally piloted with Ichigo in episode 15.
It canonically happened.
What are you trying to say here?

That Hiro never had feelings for 02 and that manga Hiro is going to end with Ichigo because Yabuki is a Ichigofag, are you retarded?

I have no idea about the manga. I thought I made it clear that I'm talking about the anime only here.
Are you retarded?

the argument started with the manga, you're retarded

I need spoilers already

>Except that not only does he not know people unable to pilot get killed but it's also not what happens anyways.
They surely do not know what happens, but as Ikuno implies in episode 1 (it's been months since I last watched it, maybe it was another one) but they have suspicious about the poor bastards' fate. Which turned out to be a completely different thing anyway, and I honestly forgot about it.
>He just doesn't want to do that because "I must fly and kill bad guys and be the hero"
And? He's never been taught anything else, just like every other member of his squad. He wanted to stay true to his...Fame?
>Hiro went into a fucking depression and did nothing for however long that whole time period was, ill be honest I was only half paying attention at this point.
Because there was literally nothing he could do. He couldn't pilot with anyone without putting a strain on his partner (and to answer to what happened in episode 15, he was just there sitting in the stamen position, Ichigo was the one moving the Franxx and doing everything).
He literally had no reason to live.
>He went back to being his depressed emo self showing he gained nothing from how he started the series.
If you're talking about the episode 21-23 arc, well, his girlfriend (unless you believe to this retard's shit ) was pretty much braindead, with no signs of healing, and also getting wounded out of nowhere. I would be depressed too if that were to happen to my half.
>He was ecstatic to go get himself killed with 02 as some kind of fucking hero.
Did he have any other choice there? He just wanted to enjoy the last moments of his life with his now 10 km tall partner.
>He's not a psychopath or twisted. He's pathologically codependent on 02 to fuel his ego.
Maybe. For the first 6 episodes I agree with you. But then he finally understands that there's more to life other than piloting, and that is staying with Zero Two.

I'm not expecting you to read this long ass post.

stay delusional Hir02tard

Nobody else was fucking piloting. What was there to pilot against?
They were rebuilding the fucking world. He just mopped around because he couldn't fly with 02 anymore so obviously life wasn't worth living anymore.
He was completely fucking pathetic and honestly I was not sad to see him finally succeed in killing himself.
>I would be depressed too if that were to happen to my half.
>But then he finally understands that there's more to life other than piloting, and that is staying with Zero Two.

That's the fucking point. Putting half, or lets be honest here all, of yourself into another person, basing all your happiness and all you motivation on them is so fucking unhealthy.
You need to live for yourself first, not for someone else. Hiro an 02's relationship was a fucking mess for the whole series.
It was fine if it started out like that and eventually Hiro found some intrinsic meaning in life but he never fucking did.

user, are you sure you're not the sociopath here?
At that point he didn't care about piloting AT ALL. All he was worried about was his girlfriend being a fucking walking vegetable that was getting injuries out of nowhere.
Were it your girlfriend, wouldn't you be worried too and most likely depressed for the fact that there was nothing you could do to help her?
That arc was exactly meant to show that despite being a prodigy, he was still just a human.
>That's the fucking point. Putting half, or lets be honest here all, of yourself into another person, basing all your happiness and all you motivation on them is so fucking unhealthy.
Yes, their relationship was kind of unhealthy, but out of all the situations you could've made an example of, you chose the one where this wasn't the case.
Being worried and even depressed for your braindead half is a normal and human thing to do. It's the opposite that would be, instead, an inhuman thing to do.
>It was fine if it started out like that and eventually Hiro found some intrinsic meaning in life but he never fucking did.
And it did? The last episode clearly shows that he cared about all of his friends. Despite his affection for 02 he still cared and lived for his friends.

Again, I'm not sure if this is bait or not, but you're the sociopath here, user.

>what made darling in the franxx so popular?
Anime original with the trigger label attached to it.
It had legitimately very good scenes direction and pacing early on, a lot of mystery and allure, 02 had a gravity field around her she drew you into the show and made you crave more of it and her.
>What did it do, that most anime failed to achieve, that led to so much shitposting and hype.
It was an anime original and it kept a lot of its plot hidden while very carefully showing a bit of itself here and there with good dramatic pacing, which meant there's a lot to hype and discuss, it puts the imagination into overdrive.
The fact that it came with the trigger name associated to it meant a lot of people picked it up and more people=more posts.
Finally 02 herself was very memeable.

Wait he was a prodigy?
At what? Being depressed?
The problem is not that he worries about his girlfriend. The problem is that he literally has, and always had, no life outside of his relationship with her.

Transitioning from "I must fly even though it's, rapidly, killing me" to "I must fly to live so I can be with this person I love" is nice but it needs to go to further into living for your own sake and their relationship never reaches that.
And frankly I think that's a major issue because I don't know if the writers realized it was an issue at all.
As far as the show is concerned his relationship at the end is great.
The fact that Hiro never managed to live for himself and the show was okay with it is a problem for me.

Unless of course the show did realize it was a problem and that's why they killed him off in the end.
In which 10/10, would recommend.

cute pink waifu
thats it

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The fact is that it's the same for 02 but you waifufag can't admit it.

>Wait he was a prodigy?
Yes, he was. As a child he literally was a prodigy.
>At what? Being depressed?
Not really, but you got the point. He was a failed prodigy, he couldn't meet the ex
pectations everyone put on his shoulders. That was literally one of the points regarding his character.
>Transitioning from "I must fly even though it's, rapidly, killing me" to "I must fly to live so I can be with this person I love" is nice but it needs to go to further into living for your own sake and their relationship never reaches that.
Well, I suppose that would've reached this point if it wasn't for the fact that the writers also wanted them to be heroes that had to defeat the ultimate villain? They literally had no time to try to live peacefully.
>As far as the show is concerned his relationship at the end is great.
>As far as the show is concerned his relationship at the end is great.
>The fact that Hiro never managed to live for himself and the show was okay with it is a problem for me.
I'm not sure the show supports it since it was meant to be a bittersweet story where the hero sacrifices his happiness and life to save his beloved friends.

02 only gets a slight pass because of the massive amount of trauma she went through after birth.
But it's pretty much the same, her only goal in life is to be with her darling but this time instead of killing herself to do it she kills other people.

Honestly it's a pretty cool premise for the start of a romance but then there is no resolution and the relationship is as toxic at the end as it was at the start.
The only way I find this to be slightly acceptable is that they both die in the end.

>the hero sacrifices his happiness
His what?
Sacrificing himself Is his happiness. He has no life outside of that.

Is that it? Is DitF a tragedy and Hiro's tragic flaw was his giant martyr complex?

Good original anime are rare, and deserve to be popular.

Unlike overhyped light novel adaptations.

>Sacrificing himself Is his happiness. He has no life outside of that.
It's almost like you missed the entire point of the episode 16-18 arc.

No I really didn't.
Did you miss the entire fucking point over multiple posts how his relationship with 02 was unhealthy?
His only "life" was currently fighting space robots so he was sacrificing exactly nothing by leaving to go die with her.

second cour remake series when?
with a rebellion arc, foreshadowing, and actual character development this time around
>tfw this could be a 9/10 landmark Anime experience for the ages if the second cour gets fixed properly

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That truly was the peak.
I had so many hopes and expectations. They should have piloted more and more and gotten closer to actual sex in it.
Instead no more robot for a while, drama all over the place, aliens, and 02 becomes a giant space cold dead fish in the sack.

>Did you miss the entire fucking point over multiple posts how his relationship with 02 was unhealthy?
No, I didn't, and I even agreed with you about how it was unhealthy to some extent.
>His only "life" was currently fighting space robots so he was sacrificing exactly nothing by leaving to go die with her.
And that's where you're wrong, since the first half of the second cour literally shows that. In those three-four episodes it is literally shown that he spends and enjoys his time with the other children. So yes, by going into space he sacrifices his own happiness in order to save his friends, just like 02 decided to do for him in episode 21.

The manga is literally remaking the second half, but it will probably never be animated

Well put, Hiro was actually one of the best protagonists we've had in ages, he was perfect for this sort of shit.
He wasn't clearly impulsive, he wouldn't immediately jump towards 02 on a whim. He'd consider it, think about it, obsess over it until the chance came and then he would rush to her like a mad man in love.
His obsession was relatable, he didn't give a shit if he died or became a demon or whatever he wanted that 02 dino pussy and he was gonna get it one way or another, even tho he didn't look like the kind of guy to do crazy shit for love at first sight.
His development was a key part of the show. 02 was amazing but we could only come to appreciate her because she was paired with such a thirsty and honest guy who would come to love her as much as the audience did.
02 was like his literal waifu, his goddess, his muse. That made him the perfect self insert character.

Except that all it showed was him enjoying time with 02 and only with others if they were coincidentally nearby.
And it underlined this by showing him not enjoying his time at all when 02 left.

>willing to die for pussy

>best protagonist

sasuga Yea Forums. Just how thirsty are you?

It's not fair.
Why did they have to blow up in space.

>Yea Forums
please don't lump Yea Forums with Yea Forums. thanks.

>Except that all it showed was him enjoying time with 02 and only with others if they were coincidentally nearby
The dining scene from episode 16? The few scenes with Mitsurufag that were shown across the whole arc?
>And it underlined this by showing him not enjoying his time at all when 02 left.
When she left in episode 14? Sounds plausible, he cared about her and ended up calling her a monster, despite that being completely deserved after what happened. I would feel bad too if I ended up calling my partner like that.
After episode 21? You don't really expect a guy to enjoy his time when his girlfriend has turned into a potato, do you? I seriously hope you don't.

Because of Hiro's martyr complex demanded it.
Did you not read the thread?

The dining scene in 16 without 02? Yeah I don't remember that.
The issue is not that he turned into a potato when his gf is gone. The issue is that he's never shown to have a life outside of her and so it's only underlined by him turning into a potato when she's gone.

Seeing him slowly reveal his true colors was fascinating. And him gradually embrace it was one of the show's highlights.
It was very well executed too, it wasn't really obvious or highlighted at first. It gave us a chance to notice it and talk about it before it became undeniably clear.
It made it all feel more real.
We used to take note of all of his glances towards 02, wondering what they meant, what he was thinking. And many called it out and were right.

Because everyone including me wanted to fuck that dinosaur.

Franxx helped me cope with my own mortality and embrace the eternal circle of life. Now I long for a life partner so I can make a baby of my own and pass on the torch of life to him or her.

Technicaly its already remaking second half of the first "cour".
Given the developments and speeded introductions, right now Id predict they will cut away the second cour completely and compress everything into the Grand Crevase battle, with Hime making her move in the process or right after.

Not me, I want the blue one.

I can't see how that scene does not count. He's shown socializing with his friends, can't see where's the problem.
>The issue is that he's never shown to have a life outside of her
It is, as I said you have a few scenes where he interacts with his friends. Like the lake scene with Mitsuru from episode 18.
>and so it's only underlined by him turning into a potato when she's gone.
Again, you expect him to enjoy his life carelessly when his girlfriend is in a comatose state? I certainly don't and wish he doesn't.

Is there any legit insight into what happened to the show?
If you told me the main writer forgot to come up with an ending I'd believe it but I still need some proof of it.

I would not be surprised if the manga ends after the Grand Crevasse battle. And if it ends on a happy note then I won't mind


Obviously he is capable of conversation with other people.
The point is he is only there because 02 is there.
If a girl were to force that on a guy you' call it an abusive relationship.
Forcing it on yourself is no better.

This is what I was expecting. The aliens were completely unnecessary, but they could still be made to fit a narrative like this and things would have been more satisfying.

Fatshaming and abe's procreation propaganda.

Considering he changed Mitsuru riding with 02, I'll laugh if he changes that as well because of his NTR hate. Not like its integral to the plot to happen, considering Mitsuru doesnt have dino aids and switching is something they already know about.

>The point is he is only there because 02 is there
That's factually wrong. Say what you want about his obsession with 02, but implying that he didn't care about his friends enough to stick to them is just wrong.

Okay I'll be wrong.
My evidence for this is when fucks off to fight space robots and is willing to leave all his "friends" behind.

Shallow connection=any connection that isn't a complete hivemind link.
That much should be obvious given the context, coming from the giant talking space monsters that was lecturing them on about how pointless it is to not give up their individuality to join their hivemind.
They're just being a condescending autistic space hivemind monster to them, it shouldn't be taken at face value as an unbiased judgement of their relationship on human terms.

Did her connection with Hime give her dino AIDS?

But technically Mitsuru groping Kokoros breasts before Fatass could be considered NTR and Kokoro haven't talked with the blubberboy outside missions. It's in the canon as well so I think it will be light version of the partner switch or then he just hates Fatoshi like whole staff at Cloverworks. Why even make him if no one (even his own VA and co-workers) likes him anyways?

Well, that's a mixture of selfishness and also care for his friends well being. I think that at that point he already knew that it was a one-way trip with no chance of return, other than being really risky. It's understandable how he didn't want to bother his friends. And as he's shown during the course of the series, he's also kind of selfish, so that played a huge role too.
That scene was meant to show that no matter what, his friends would never abandon him, no matter what.

Darling in the FranXX is fascinating, it's basically the ultimate virgin filter but it's scary at the same time to see of much virgins underaged newfag reddit kids are on Yea Forums.

>his friends would never abandon him, no matter what
Sure but I don't think it's true the other way around.

Well, it depends by the situation. He's shown to be empathetic towards his friends (Futoshi in episode 16), but again it depends by the situation they're in. We're also both forgetting that, ironically, whatever choice he would make that could as a downside hurt his friends, 02 would immediately disagree with it.

Some anons reported Aniki (Gachimusa parody guy) thread to mods and it got deleted. They didn't even know what it was. Just called it some 3D gayshit. Yea Forums is dead now and "thanks" to Franxx so many newfags came to this site. What even is 4channel anymore

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Like I'm only 19yo and I've started anime at 14yo and the community wasn't like that for sure, 2017-2018 brought so many cancer that's insane.
Also I'm far from a elitist I just hate the community, FranXX was a 6/10.