Not a Chad

>not a Chad
>not an autistic sperg or archetypical perv
>just behaves like a normal person and treats the girl like a normal person

You could all learn something from this kid.

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I sure can

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Suck my cock, dude.

>just behaves like a normal person and treats the girl like a normal person
He's a very nice guy who asks nothing in exchange for his help. A huge mayority of people wouldn't do what he does.
And, except for his mind reading abilities, he's a very good guy inside what can be consodered normal and can be found in real life.
I guess that's why readers likes him

You don’t get the fucking joke dumbass. Tadano is super normal, making him a normalfag. Which means he gets the girls and has a decent relationship, cause he’s a normalfag.

Worse, he's a fucking beta self-insert.


what's a beta?

>Pretty girl has no friends

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>not an autistic sperg
>hobbies include doing everything to read facial expressions and social cues to act "normal" so people don't remember he's a chuni trying to be a bancho with a dark power

It’s unrealistic but it makes sense in the setting. Assuming she’s completely socially inept and that her appearance and mannerisms make her completely unapproachable to strangers, it’s easy to see how she might end up alone.

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>behaves like a normal person
if he acted like a normal person he would've busted Najimi's bussy by now

Girls aren't socially inept.

>he’s never met a spergette

Have you ever spoken to a teenage girl? Or any teenager for that matter?


I literally couldn't possibly care less about your emotional problems.

>not a chad
Besides, he's far from normal, and that's kind of the point. Early on, the reader is lead to believe that he's a completely ordinary high school boy surrounded by completely individualistic people with odd tenancies and/or personalities. Tadano's individualism is only interpreted by himself and others as being a normalfag, but he still has many of the eccentricities that his schoolmates share, which only a few people, Komi being the first of them, have noticed.

>treats the girl like a normal person
No he doesn't. Else they'd be fucking by now.

plenty of them are, it's just that their social ineptitude is more commonly tolerated than a man's is.


> kid
yeah, NO
I just want to learn from this alpha MAN (pic related)

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Post the second part.

Are you serious?
I've met a girl in high school who literally had fear to talk to men. I kinda helped to get over her fears


but did you fuck her?

You're forgetting that at first, she's not only autistically socially inept but also visibly out of everyone's league, not to mention unconsciously glaring daggers when nervous. Factor in that it's the kind of comedy where she's appointed class goddess, and it's obvious why she doesn't have friends.

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I'm not attracted to any kind of relationships

but did she let you suck her dick?


yea thats what I tell myself too.

>Over 2 hours without the second part being posted
Guess I'll do it

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I'm an ugly fuck and glare daggers at people and generally have a good rapport with most, a hot girl doing that would be extremely popular. Girls can isolate other girls but there will always be betas or some group who'll take on a girl no matter what. Guys don't have that safety blanket because frankly if you aren't likeable as a man you have nothing to offer.

Cool and all, but where the sauce at?

But girls don't want normal people. They want powerful mystic individuals.

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>generic garden vareity cypher so otaku can self-insert easier

That's because she's the sperg

what chapter?

Yes, but you still talk to them. She doesn't

reminder to stop drawing porn of her
its not nice

I fucking LOVE THE WAY he draws girl's hair, fucking shit

>he's completely normal
>but he's so fucking yasashii as his only personality trait every girl falls for him and everyone likes him
Such a great archetype we definitely need more of.

>his mind reading abilities
This also sets him apart from the spergs that frequent this board. Tadano is an expert when it comes to reading people and social encounters.