Saki: Tanoshii


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Attached: saki.webm (1024x576, 2.92M)

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hopefully after finals or by the time Nodoka's game gets started (4 years aprox)

a tanoshii thread!

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cute feet

A FUCKING HAMSTER thread, you mean

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Saki-san kawaii!!

Saki-san kowaii!!

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Without a chapter dump too!
I don't even remember the last time this happened.

The best saki

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that's a hamster.

Toki's really cute hamster.

I want to hire Ako for half a day. I'll take the Girlfriend experience and multiple shots on goal. How much is it going to cost me?

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Someone wants to try a new version?

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5 cents

Saki-san kowai ja nai

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common sense dayo

Saki-san kowai

Attached: achiga_encounters_saki.webm (640x360, 1.87M)

>a legend (lol) is THIS MUCH scared of a fifteen (15) years old girl


fucking a rodent