Why is this shit so popular? literal worst ship ever

Why is this shit so popular? literal worst ship ever
I demand an answer to this dogshit

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To piss hatefags like you


OP isn't wrong. SS is the popular hetero ship in the series.

Its extremely popular in japan. Ew

Isn't Naruto gay ninja soap opera? How anybody can take hetero shiping seriously?

Sadly, its not.

Glad you are a namefag

Shippers are fags

Why do western guys hate this pairing so much? Is it jealousy?

just to filter?

Shippers fucking suck and their ships suck even more

Dunno. I guess abusive relationships are considered hot.

I don't know, but I also don't care. NaruHina gang myself.

I'm torn between thinking they wanting them both to be alone and thinking they deserve each other.

faggots self insert as hinata (useless 3rd character who can't do anything except calling naruto's name)and want her to be with naruto so they need to pair the main heroine with someone else no matter how shit the pairing is and it's effect to the plot

If Naruto never existed the anime industry could have be way better now.

and the mangaka himself is greedy enough to follow what faggots want even if he had to ruined his lifetime work, this is why faggot is dangerous to creativity

I think they self insert as naruto instead..

If theyre gay enough to insert as hinata, why dont they just ship sasunaru and shill that instead?

It's been five years. When are you Narusakufags going to get over it?

It's your typical shoujo-shit pairing, so it shouldn't be surprising that it's popular.

Not exactly typical. He treated her like shit, tried to kill her a few times, then just knock her up and left for decade. Sakura is clearly had some battered wife syndrome, so it's strange that so many people find such unhealthy shit likeable.

Sasuke is asexual. There’s virtually nothing wrong with him settling for the one person who loved him unconditionally that was still alive.

Naruto loved him unconditionally, too.

So? It’s shonen, what do you expect

I used to ship SS when I was like 15, but now I cringe whenever I see any lovey-dovey fanart. It's just such a shitty developed pairing, it only works in fanfiction.

NaruSasu were borings as fuck. They never were friends, Naruto just obssessed over Sasuke (bc muh lonely childhood) and chased him until his just gave up. Their predecessors HashiMada at least really liked each other and enjoyed spending time together.

I always imagined it was sort of a backhanded way to show what shitty parents they are. So, of course, their offspring with be this emotionally damaged, neurotic girl who needs meds.

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>Not exactly typical. He treated her like shit
How is this not typical? Shoujo and otomeshit is filled with male love interests like that.

Is it? I watched only few titles (reverse harem actually, Fruits Basket and Ouran) and it was cute and fluffy.

Sasuke is popular because hes the go to self insert for edgelords. Sakura is the only female main character. You do the math.

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Japanese girls love being dominated. Also, the color combination "Black haired boy + Pink haired girl" is fucking popular in Japan.

Oh, Diabolic lovers. It was fun and not very subtle, really looked like they were taking turns on her. Well, i guess there are all kind of shoujo male characters from guys blushing like girls to group rapists.

I wondered why Sakura and Madara pretty popular, i guess that is. Japs are strange.

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It's literally a woman's self inserting fantasy. The fujos self inserted as Sakura and all of them wanted Sasuke so it checks out.
As for the men, not one of us wanted this. Naruto the loser finally becoming a big shot and fucking his childhood crush was my fantasy, fuck this ship.

Naruto is gay, so just imagine Sasuke as a girl and you'll understand. Even if they spent little time together that'd be enough to like a girl and chase after her ass for years.

If he was asexual why he is not a loner permavirgin? Why he married and have a daugther with a woman ?

Cause it makes little girls ginny tingle

Why he had a daughter in the first place? He is clearly not family man and 4 war showed everyone that uchiha clan should stay dead. Sakura is braindead if she decided to produce another red eyed demon spawn. next world war will be in her.

Women love edgelords.

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you just dont get it

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Chicks dig assholes who they think they can tame.

pink uchiha, new breed

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>all this low iq vocab talk
reminder this thread is full of ~25 year olds who grew up into this sucking on this swill.

Salad isn't as inbred though. It turns out that the uchiha were retarded and killing each other for no reason when they could have just tried to be good parents the whole time since love can apparently activate sharingans.