How would you fix it?

How would you fix it?

Attached: angel_beats.jpg (220x312, 32K)

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Have KyoAni make it and make it into 24 episodes.
KEY and PA is just a horrible combo.

it was pretty clear to me that it should've lasted longer than it did, but I'm not sure if there would be enough content for 2 whole cours, it felt like it needed like 3-4 more eps

Why are they a bad combo?

More episodes, and lewder.

More episodes or less characters

Incorporate it into the Little Busters universe

Pretty sure the VN is meant to fix the lack of episodes.

Take out all the forced drama.

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Funny because AB outsold every single kyoanus adaptation without effort.

For the longest time before attempting to watch this tripe, I had heard just how beautiful it was, albeit, extremely sad...heart wrenching, and eventually, downright depressing it would leave you after watching...Out of all the shows in which I had heard something like that before watching, ex: Clannad, Air, Kanon and the like, on the extreme opposite, I found that not only was Angel Beats ABSOLUTELY not a tear jerker like some of the aforementioned, nor was it depression inducing in the least. But whats worse...the Show simply was NOT that good at all! I get We all have our own tastes and such, but this was least for me...NOWHERE NEAR how it was advertised. I just thought it was awful. Hell even Plastic Memories and Your Lie in April were more tragic in my opinion.

No offense to those Anons who loved it...It just wasn't for me, evidently...

Attached: Mio-is-not-impressed.jpg (300x300, 69K)

More episodes, plus a final arc where they all met again in their next lives.

Just play the OP and get rid of the actual show.

You Cry You Win.

Any update on vn?

More episode or/and less characters. It had an interesting world, some fun characters and great music

More best girl

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24 episodes, no "ending" at all.

Yes, it's done I'm now downloading the translation pack and going to enjoy a fully manually translated vn with all the rutes and extra content. Feels good.

What was wrong with it?

show all backstories

>ellipses out of the ass
>randomly capitalizing words
Quit being a faggot or go back to MAL.

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Didn't they only release one of six planned entries?
I think Key is dead.

Yes, but since 1st beat, they released Rewrite+, Summer Pockets and a few short games. Guess they were too busy with them to work on 2nd beat.

What was that? Another fandisc?

Angel Beats may look like just one the cathartic tearjerker stories where good characters meet the sad end and that purifies the viewer's mind through the sadness. Probably it can be classified as such, but the underlying morale is slightly more dark.
There are a lot of religious stories which describe the divine punishment for disobeying the God, or doing selfish things and harming the others. Then there is a book of Job. Its message is that God does whatever he wants, he may punish the innocent and you should not ever question him.
Angel Beats idea is bleaker than that. There is no reward for being selfless and loving. In fact it is directly opposite: the more love you have for the world, the more will you suffer both in life and afterlife. Wishing for some fun is a delusion, loving your family and friends is a severe delusion and wishing to help the humanity will turn your existence into a bad comedy. In fact, the existence itself is a delusion and trying to perpetrate it is a single worst error you can make. Sounds pretty Buddhist, isn't it? Even if you don't wish the things listed above, you may still get in a trouble for being too polite.
On a positive note, all those children were not sent to some hell, but had a chance to think in a more comfortable place. That was certainly a good thing one should mention.

tl;dr: the ending so many dislike is not something random, but is the integral part of the story.

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Watching this show along with Yea Forums when it was coming out was amazing. Does anyone still remember the AB fanfic that was being posted here around that time? I remember people speculating what would happen to people in the AB universe of they were eaten by the giant fish. Or if you could prevent people resurrecting by bashing their skill stuffing nails in their brain.

The rocket chair is still one of the funniest moments in anime.

No, it's an improved version.

Holy shit I totally forgot about that. I need to rewatch this series. It was the second anime I ever watched and I remember loving it, but I don't know how I would feel about it now that I have more experience.

Did Yuri parents die before or after Yuri?

>about halfway through have a less messy subplot

>a few more episodes showing more of the main group passing

>get rid of the silly monsters

>not had them meet at the end

>"Kill yourself"
>"Used goods"
>"Literally me"
>"God I wish that were me"
>"X situation" "How does you're waifu react?"
>"Not anime"
>"Is X autistic?
>"She isn't real"
>"Normie" ">Normie"
>"Soft seinen"
>"Native isekai"
>"Advertising friendly"
>"It's shit"
>"Shit taste"
>"Why is this season so shit?"
>"Anime is shit"
>"Yea Forums told me it was X." "It's actually Y"
>"How X is too X?"
>"What's the appeal of X?"
>"Post X without actually posting them"
>"Just finished X. What did I think of it?"
>"Just marathoned the first episode of X"
>"Meanwhile in X period"
>Feet.jpg; *Cutefeet.jpg* *Shitfetish.jpg* *Fuckablefootpussy.jpg*
>Sxarp.jpg; "By me" "Por me" "It was me" "??/?" "It wasn't me" "It was him!"
>SubbedScreencap.jpg; "."
>Shiburin.jpg/Shinka.jpg; "Could you beat her in a fight?"
>Abe.jpg; "Procreate"
>Moot.jpg; "Who?"
>Animal.jpg; *Romaji*
>*Site goes down* Mikan.jpg; "I love you Yea Forums!"
>"How does Yea Forums do it?
>"Who are you quoting"
>"character says X; subs say Y"
>"Forced X"
>"The absolute state of X"
>"What does Yea Forums think of X?"
>"What's the X of anime?"
>"What went wrong?"
>"What went so right?"
>"I love X!"
Explain this. What did he mean by this? Who was in the wrong here? X did nothing wrong. What the fuck was his problem? Why is she so perfect? Perfect X doesn't exi- . Protip: you can't. Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much? Will you watch her anime? Find a flaw. Now that the dust has settled. How did we go from THIS? Let's settle this for once. Season X when? X is saving anime. How do we fix X? A thread died for this.
