Shield Bro Episode 9

A slow episode, bit it sets up the shit to hit the fan next week

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Other urls found in this thread:

Top guards. Would hire again.

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Spear is my self insert

angry b̵̶̵l̵̶̵o̵̶̵w̵̶̵f̵̶̵i̵̶̵s̵̶̵h̵̶̵ bird

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I honestly don't understand how anyone other than a 16 year old incel boy could genuinely get into this show.
>muh mgtow
>women and the world out to get me
>underage bait wants to ride my dick
>i'm so misunderstood but the world is always against me wuwuwu
>80% of the episodes now are nothing more than "here's 20 more cute poses and activities we can get the girls to do"
Anime was a mistake.

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he posted it again. epic

We already get it bro

More like Rising of the kike hero

(((Shield))) Hero

>half the episode is just Naofumi sperging out with his paranoia autism
>other half is Motoyasu and Myne being Team rocket
Quality content right here.

>Half of the thread is trannyposting
Quality content right here

Everyday until you like it

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See you next week

Not to mention she almost got killed by a passing dragon.

i dont remember melty showing this early on the wn. also, it seems she never met the bow hero?

roastie toastie

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Poor loli

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He is going to get fucked because of this, isnt he?

Depends. Her mother sent her to be a mediator between Naofumi and the King so they may at least work together without wanting to kill each other. That said, that plan already failed when naofumi cut relations with melty. The bitch then set everything on fire when she conspired with the church to kill her sister.

>Future rapist and her victim


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Because it's the LN that's being adapted.

Did you ever bother translating the LN? Man, the WN turned to trash early, especially in the latter half of the story. Any significant changes?

I'm... not the one who translates the WN. And the LN is being officially translated by One Peace Books, we're up to volume 13.

>the church tried out outjew the Shield Hero
Bad move

I don't think Spear is evil just really fucking simple. Bless his simple heart, he should have been the protagonist. The harem would be so much more interesting.

>tfw a show hits too close to home and you have to know everyone it doesn't bother you

That's a big fish.

You can always read his spin off.
and no he isn't really evil, he just thinks with his dick

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He's losing his mind isn't he?

Read the spear hero spinoff

Wait, who the fuck are you

You'd enjoy the spear spin off then. And yes, he's essentially evil. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. He's literally a white knight caricature taken to 9001/10

Some guy who had been using this trip a few years now but wasn't a thing when the WN was being translated.

Best girls are always lurking as side characters

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I hope they leave that place

ikr all the best ones are always in the background. Look at those kind eyes. Love at first sight.

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That's the literal definition of evil.

Hold on, did they just fucking trace Saten's face?

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Issei is a dick thinking white-knight and no one will call him evil. Something else is going on here.

Why does the rat girl look like Sylvie? Did the rapist beat her up or something?

Filo sleeping in birb form needs a webm.
Too cute

Rat girl?

The entire village is evil. They killed a dragon and sold its adopted children to slavers. And then were so incompetent they failed to harvest it's precious body parts and let the corpse poison their own soil.

She looks like Yui

The one that isn't a chicken. Come on, user, there aren't THAT many characters.

Such an edgy MC. Did he really have to shut down Melty like that?

He could have handled it better, for sure.

You're talking with a WN/LN reader, there's one other girl who's known as rat.

>Be the first person to ever refer to a character in some way
>get triggered when people don't know

Can't trust royal hoes

If someone's Dad and her sister are psycho assholes who conspired against you, would you really trust them?

>be Naofumi
>king cheats you out of money, companions, and rewards
>get accused of rape by the princess
>king forces you into a duel you don't want to fight
>princess forces you into a race you don't want to do
>both actively trying to sabotage your life

can you really blame him for holding a grudge against the royal family?

Where is this anime even going? The pacing makes no sense and there is no conflict being built or anything being resolved.

I want to sleep in Filo's feathers with Melty

He constantly gets fucked over by the royals. You can't blame him for not wanting anything to do with them.
Maybe he didn't have to be so mean about it, but I guess it's to show just how much he hates them

How the fuck do knights just lose the princess like that? I hope she intentionally tried to meet Shield Hero otherwise these people are extremely incompetent.

If i recall correctly, not only she got lost, a fucking dragon appeared. Fitoria saved her.

Never trust royalty.

wH4t d0 y0u m3An 3dgy?

>The pacing makes no sense and there is no conflict being built or anything being resolved.
Keep watching dumb tripfag or you want us to spoonfeed you?

I'd tell you to keep watching but there's a ton of people who know that's going to happen so we may be biased in that regard.

>people pay for these subs

>Optimistic Naofumi
>Punished Motoyasu
no thanks
burn it with fire

The anime is 25 episodies long, be patient, i guess.

They need time to develop the characters and the world. You can't expect the royal family to descend on Naofumi like Team fucking Rocket every episode.
Also, there is plently of conflict. Literally everything the other 3 chucklefucks are doing is fucking the villages harder than before and Naofumi riding around on his chicken solving problems created by the adventurers stuck in RPG mentality.

>Raph in spear hero spin off

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I don't remember if it's mentioned but bitch is trying to get rid of melty to become the next queen so she could have paid the guards or something to leave her alone, not like that matters since the queen has the shadows following her and the shield hero which you could actually see this episode.

To each their own. Personally, if that nice and kind naofumi was a girl, i'd waifu her.

Weekly reminder Naofumi fugs Melty

>women and the world out to get me

It's literally just one woman.

>Why is the shield missing?
Now, this scene could use more dialogue. It's not immediately apparent he is talking about the spires and even if you figure that out, it's not clear how Naofumi figured that out. Like, which is which, all I see is a spear, a pike and a bird's foot.

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And an entire religion.

they should have made the church have 4 towers but only 3 symbols

But I thought only men suffered from depression and suicide.

>tfw I used to do it unironically because I like to watch on my TV using my PS4
Seeing those subs really makes me want to cancel.

Why wasn't it me, user?

>They need time to develop the characters and the world.
Well, they are not using that time rationally then, since the only thing they are developing is Naofumi's party.

You don't need to act coy, bro. No one's going to judge you for liking the show

The right one is clearly a bow but I have no idea what the fuck is going with the left one. Is that supposed to be a sword?

Define Sylvie and I may agree with you

Shut up rat boy.

>I reincarnated as the antichrist and now Christianity hates me

Naofumi is opposed to autocracy, like all good FPA citizens should be.

Isn't the shield inside the church though? The scene where the pope talks and the camera turns to the windows behind him you can clearly see something that looks like the shield.

what happened here?

And Naofumi acts like a whiny faggot despite everyone else sucking his cock and being hailed as a savior.

A spear, but it looks like more like a trident

Melty will get targeted by her older sister. She goes to Naofumi for help and he deicdes to try to leave the country. At the border they get stopped by the three heroes, then the pope will appear and try to kill them all off with a death laser. Naofumi uses "that" and they all survive. Queen appears and resumes rule because apparently her authority only reaches as far as her own arm's reach. The story is effectively over at this point and the rest of the story involves Naofumi gaining power akin to as if he re-isekai'd into a CULTIVATION novel and the audience being told that the other three heroes are subhuman retards for every little thing they do.

Based villager

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In the Spear Hero spin off timeline Naofumi doesn't get betrayed thus never mets Raphtalia and she's left to die

Optimistic Naofumi never met Raphtalia in the spin off, thus she died

That sounds fun enough for a dumb seasonal show.

That church bitch was the most well written character this episode. Illustrating people's capacity to be vile towards someone they heard rumors about is the epitome of human nature and the disgusting mental gymnastics we use in our own minds to rationalize behavior that indirectly harms someone who is already been through a life worth of evil shit in her life. Finding a way to abuse your power as literally drink holder to such extent shows real talent in being a piece of shit.

Why doesn't Naofumi just use a tool as a weapon? He had no problem using a pickaxe earlier and I bet he can use some mythical magical bullshit to make it durable

>the audience being told that the other three heroes are subhuman retards for every little thing they do.
But that's already happening, with Naofumi being the next Jesus with his healing items and solving everyone's problems


Well, it's not like as if the source material offers them any alternatives.

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the moment he uses them as a weapon he gets shocked.

I mean only spear guy is shown to be a retard.
That other guy caused problems by killing the dragon but I could see how he wouldn't know that would happen.

>harem shit
Naofumi should have been in a monogmous marriage with his one true waifu Raphtalia.

I love the way everybody just started beating the shit out of each other at the drop of a hat.

Well yes, but there's a big difference between getting your dick sucked by almost everybody minus government and getting your dick sucked by absolutely everyone.

Maybe in the Mormon version they can kill two birds with one stone. Appease you and piss off the magic underwear people.

Pleb villagers took the bait, fellows.

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>reminder Bowfag is the worst of the three stooges

Don't worry, Filo and Melty get very /u/ and Naofumi puts his ween in Raph

Sylvie. The little girl that you have to feed sandwiches until she dies.

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This is so fucking bad. I could drop it and walk away at any time.

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Then why don't you?

>and Naofumi puts his ween in Raph
and everyone else

If so, why aren't you already?


No one has ever picked the sandwich in the history of that game. People aren't capable of that sort of cruelty.

It's a lazy game world. If you made someone swallow a grenade they'll get no damage because your explosives skill was zero. It just works.

>marrying your daughter

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It has already passed its zenith several episodes ago. You have no idea how much worse it can become.

He's just testing gfs.

>runs away from the footman bro
>dismisses a nice lady
Things like these make me want to join the Church of the Three Heroes.

Actually, the damage of the grenade is based on the materials it's made of and the level of the person who pulled the pin.

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He's just paranoid.

See you next week

It's cause the shield isn't seen as part of the church. The shield has his own church/religion in one of the other nations, the demihuman one iirc

spoil me ln fags why the nation and the church don't like the "hero shield" (talking about the title not naoufumi)

You will do a 360 and come back next wednesday

He's the champion of furfags, that's good enough reason to hate hin

It wouldn't cause damage faggot.

Look how fucking happy yellowshirt is. I bet the entire town has a boozy punch-up every other day.

that was before they took the black pill

The previous shield hero was on the side of the demi-humans in a war.

What the fuck happened to the fucking Catastrophes?

A man's heart is a bottomless abyss.

It all pales in comparison with the spear hero, who causes havoc in the middle of street due to his boner for cute angels

There's a new one incoming, its on the opening

Did Naofumi have kids in the WN ending?

Is the time inbetween meeting Melty and telling the King to kneel considered an arc?
Because if so, my favourite arc is finally starting.

Imagine trusting the people who ruined your reputation, Melty is that cunt's sister and that asshole's daughter Naofumi has every right to not trust a damn thing she says because she could be a manipulative psycho like her sister.

This anime is redpilling the masses on roastieism.

Why get "metoo'd" over and over again? Just be cynical at all times and avoid it all. This anime needs to be shilled at every corner of the globe.

all that you said is true, but I enjoyed it regardless

I'm 50% sure that next week we got the next wave and 100% sure that we got it in 2 weeks

In Nao's case the world is out to get him because he lives in country that wants to kill him. Nao was never this way back in Japan.

They appear, they fight, they fight/meet the inhabitants of the other side. The invasions are the result of worlds bumping together and one world needs to be erased to survive. In the end it doesn't really matter because the goddess that the princess is a fragment of and is the cause of the multi-world collision descends so that she can get BTFO by a Naofumi-Raphtalia-yet_another_god combo.

That's the glass arc

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He's also way more laid back in the Spear spin off where he doesn't get accused


use the spoiler tag user

has spear hero actually got brain damage? It's not okay for a man to be this retarded

>it's a maaya character
Instantly best girl

no no user feast your eyes on the fixed one

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Yes hes actually retarded, he reminds me of a shonen protagonist.

>Just be cynical at all times and avoid it all.
Nah, the takeaway I get from this story is "land an important position which bitches can't oust you from even if they wanted and luck out with your def stat and that egg gatcha while you are at it".

>Glass finally showing up
In all my hype for telling Trash to be told off, I completely forgot

Is that the bandit dude from a few episodes ago?

>Read the spear hero spinoff
Is there a more up to date translation or just the chapters from NU until 435 from 07/21/17 ?

Is this error ever fixed?

It's not his fault that women are snakes.

discord tranny seething

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>worlds bumping together and one world needs to be erased to survive
Sounds familiar.

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The official LN version has been released recently.

>land an important position which bitches can't oust you from even if they wanted
Didn't work for Weinstein

Any of the eggs would have become as powerful as Firo due to the Hero's power.

>has spear hero actually got brain damage?
His brain is in the dick, so probably yes.


Damn I've just been using nyaa but this is nice.

Didn't know the spinoff had a LN version, good to know, time to read.

My beautiful daughter(wife).

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You don't even know his full potential ~desuzo!

im with naofumi on this one, that bitch already put him in an awful spot, who knows what would her little sister say about him

I say!

what makes you think melty isn't planning to later on spread rumors about shield hero taking advantage of her? royalty already fucked him up more than once

>worlds bumping into each other
>main character is considered a demon
>he's kind of a dick but actually nice
>willing to sacrifice his own well-being

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So is Melty a sick fuck since she was naked in Filo's feathers?

God this guy is a full blown idiot, Why is he the focus and not the 2 other calm and collected heroes?

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So why was he chasing down Shield Bro anyways? To warn him about Speartard?

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because those other two are minding their own business plus spear got to team up with the princess which gives him more privilege besides being the hero

he wants naofumi to take him and a few of his fellow knights and mages to the waves since that's a thing that can be done.

I bet it felt nice

Bow-dude gets a bit more focus later on and I'm sure Ren is also gonna get some more focus other than getting his ass handed to him by Eclaire

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Honda hoe

im guessing he was chasing naofumi to call him to meet with the queen, i guess

he and some other dudes wanna join up with Naofmi to actually help in the next wave. Also, there is a furry mage which I have no doubt many people will hyperfocus on

Does the queen want to fuck Naofumi?

>nigga is a few feet away from a roaring fire
>"we can't have you catching a chill!"
dumb fucking racoon

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Like cute anime furry or furry furry?

please tell me it's a comedy

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No, but she wants him to fuck her daughter

Which one?

Have you ever been around an open fire? That shit isn't heating up your ass in the dead of night. So sure, your shins are warm but is that shit really enough?

It nothing comparing to the fact that he already has a freaking cloak on

He acts like a typical leftist. The whole show is a redpill. It's like Justin Trudeau, fantasy edition.

It pretty much is most of the time

IDK, you tell me where this lands on your spectrum of Kemonomimi -> Furry

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>furry mage
>avoid watching a mgtow anime because puts women as evil
>ignore all that and watch it because there is a furry mage
imagine the controversy of furry artist drawing fanarts of that mage

The one that didn't accuse him of rape of course

Nigga she just wants an excuse to sit next to him


It sure does.

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So does she actually encourage her to fuck him?

Half the time is comedy and half the time is batshit insanity

too far

Try to sit at a campfire, your back gets cold real fast.

What a fucking retarded post.

In the WN she also brings up files about how she's perfectly breedable and ready for childbirth. And even if there were to be a risk, they could just transport to fabuley where they have modern medical facilities.

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I wish she'd encourage her to fuck me.


I'll admit she's starting to over-take her.

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what a fat bird

I'd fuck it

Holy shit, this anime is dead on arrival.

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Try tate_no_yuusha instead

>He acts like a typical leftist.
I didn’t even realize this, but you’re right.

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Have you tried searching for "Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari" instead?

Holy shit that is hot, a mom wanting you to breed her daughter.

I am just so tired of spear cuck and the bitch princess, I don't even enjoy when they are used as comedic relief I just want them to die, but the shield cuck cucks out on executing her. I bet she even gets redemption later. Fuck this series

>looking for a doujin using the translated title
not sure of you are retarded or doing it on purpose

>He acts like a typical leftist
That's a dumber post than .

It's closer to political marriage.
You know, for the demi-humans the Shield Hero is a god. And Melromarc is their enemy, so if the Hero gets married into the Melromarc royal family everything is solved. No more war.

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>if you fuck my daughter you can go home
>no thanks

She won't get redemption ever, unless they radically change what she actually ends up being.

This doesn't make sense. Even if I give you every benefit of a doubt in the world it's still a disjointed nightmare. Is Justin Trudeau Spear? How? What makes Shield an alt-right? /pol/ is dumber than tumblr, I've been saying this for years now.

alrighty then

that birb is FAT


That plot twist, though.

Oh cool so he's just a pawn in someone else's political checkers game? I can't believe he isn't hyped to be played around by royalty again, what an incel, amirite guise?

Holy shit, user.

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any reasons they're doing this or just legit retarded?

if it's what i think it is you better DELET that shit post-haste.

>but the shield cuck cucks out on executing her.
More like they cuck him out
>I bet she even gets redemption later.
She doesn't

>/pol/ is dumber than tumblr
No shit. There's a reason why it's called a containment board.

One is a bitch the other is holding a grudge from many years before against the thing that's stuck to him.

ok pedo

We see it happen in the real world (leftism and the "metoo" culture). They claim there are "reasons" while everyone else just assume they are retarded.

You are anonymous here, user
No bitch is gon ride your dick for standing up to a hateful kkk nazi drumpf alt right tv show

If anything Naofumi is a jew since he has been going full merchant in these last few episodes

>One is a bitch
I mean eve bitches has their reasons. Why Naofumi? Just because he's different from other idiots?

I'm up to date with the manga is spear hero worth reading, I fucking hate that cunt

desu yo ne?

>he's still trying to push his /pol/ agenda
Crossboarders are a mistake.

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Checking twitter once in a while, see this.:

Feels like Raphtalia as the Katana Hero.

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In the middle ages it was impossible to make money outside of being a merchant or mercenary.

Hey no spoilers I haven't read the ln yet

She actually fucks over everyone not just Naofumi, but as of now he's the easier target due to political and religious reasons

You should read it desuzo!
It will change your opinion about Motoyasu.

Can you not? please take this somewhere else

Naofumi was the easiest to set up, considering he's pretty much the antichrist in that country's religion and nobody would think otherwise if they were told he did something bad. If any of the 4 was the shield hero instead, they would've suffered the same. Though i wouldn't know how would their actions be afterwards.

Siltvelt, Fabuley, Rock Valley. Mirelia Melromark the queen of Melromarc visited these and every other kingdoms the world has to offer, and yet she still met only one man worthy of Melty.

>bitch accuse him of rape
>her father treats him unfairly
>suddenly her sister shows up and doesn't introduce herself
10/10 would do the same

The spear hero represents Justin Trudeau as he is seen as a hero to SJW, but upon realizing his idiocy the people begin to realize he is nothing. He claims to be doing the right thing while also looking like an idiot to anyone with a triple digit IQ.

The shield hero represents mgtow in a sense, as he is seen/labeled as a rapist/worthless in the eyes of royalty and the ignorant sjw mob. Just like the real world, the mgtow types are often doing things that help the community (even if they are doing it for themselves). It's why the movement continues to grow. Add in the fact that the metoo culture (false rape allegations) is being exposed and debunked daily, this show was bound to be a hit. The shield hero has nothing to do with the alt-right, those are your words, you're as bad as "bitchy".

Your double digit IQ is showing. Don't forget Yea Forums in it's entirety is a containment zone.

bitch I made this thread I'll say what I want

fuck off

LNfags how big is the Queen's domain because it sounds like this nation is a superpower on its continent since its political marriage end serious conflicts.

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Am a mangafag and I don't know

Friendly reminder to report the crossboarding shitposter and make Yea Forums great again.

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>Anime was a mistake.
Fuck off crossboarder scum.

No, but depending on how far the anime goes, you're gonna be seeing him again

>shield hero represents mgtow in a sense, as he is seen/labeled as a rapist/worthless in the eyes of royalty and the ignorant sjw mob. Just like the real world

The fucking victim complex, hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooly fuck, my guy.

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If I recall it corretly.:
Fabuley is the largest and most advanced.
Second place goes to Siltvelt (Demi-Human Supremacy) and Melromarc (Human Supremacy)

No, the superpower part would go to both the country of heroes, fabuley, and the country of mercenaries, zeltbur. Melromarc is notorious for being a major country that has a feud with demihumans since ever.

>leftist sjw so butthurt he wants to ban free speech because he can’t defeat any arguments with logic

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I'll go for it thanks

is mgtow even a thing in japan?

>literally see how this new world hes thrown into completely fucks him over in the very first episode and continually tries to do so in the following episodes

Are we just massively getting trolled each week and if so why don't the mods do anything about this?


All of them are dumb
One is a kirito parody
The other is literally the Hunger Games girl

It's literally their lifestyle. If anything it started there.

He can only think with his dick.

And what do you mean not okay? countless other anime protags do the same thing and Yea Forums is fine with them.

>and no he isn't really evil, he just thinks with his dick
So he's an evil retard?

The're not fucking over there so I don't know, maybe? In their own self-deprecating way I guess. I doubt any of them are walking around with their head high screaming it off the roof tops though, that's for sure.

It's one or two fags shitting up the threads over the weeks. Just report and hide. All he wants are (you)'s, and you can see with the post replying to him with just bumps.

Christine Blasey Ford, is that you?

>Leftie can't even make his own slogans

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He's a retard that does evil things by proxy

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It's ironic. I'm actually starting to feel just like Naofumi given the shit we've had to endure for weeks now. Everyone is against us constantly spamming and ruining our threads, maybe even the mods? Otherwise why haven't they lifted a finger? Is it paranoia? If so then why is this week 9 and still the mods have done nothing for us?

>Christine Blasey Ford
Is this supposed to mean something to me? Is she some bitch that wronged the alt-right cucks somehow?

When do they kiss in the LN?

If a japanese person is walking on rooftops is probably because they are about to kill themselves

>implying literal faggotry will save us

Other protagonist aren't dicks.

Reporting and hiding does nothing. Sadly. Hiromoot lied to us all when he said Yea Forums would get better.

Desu its kinda a life imitates art (and vice versa) situation if you think about it.
Show is commenting about how dismissive the society is of men's problems and the reaction is just that

It's kind of astounding how difficult it is for mods to actually do their jobs.
Rest assured if I ran Yea Forums, it would not be like this.

I expected things like this to happen ever since the anime was announced...

anime is fucking done for manga is better

The guy you posted is a populist, though.

You expected the mods to sit on their asses and do nothing to help us? That's pretty bleak.

I'm calling out the mods for being an embarassment to their profession.

9 fucking weeks we've had to deal with threadruiners and trolls. 9 WEEKS. All the reports in the world haven't moved them. It's embarassing.

This happens everytime some popular LN or manga gets it's anime. Normalfags and shitoposters ruin the threads.
Just look at the kaguga threads, or the mob psycho to say 2 of this season's adaptations.

just do it faggot and leave this place

>beginning of the Spear Hero spinoff
Is that a spoiler as to what happens in the LN?

>why haven’t these deities come down from the heavens to save us?
Embrace individual responsibility. Stop waiting around for handouts and saviors.

Attached: 8B9597DF-40BB-400D-8676-7C73C681C429.jpg (499x280, 61K)

firo you little shit stop breathing goddamn

Attached: comfy.jpg (4741x3253, 2.79M)

This was a great episode with some legitimately comedic moments. As always the music was amazing and helped set the tone of each scene. After that bullshit with Motoyasu I can see why Naofumi wants nothing to do with Melty after learning of her true identity. I can't believe there are two whole lolis now.

This was literally written years ago before the metoo shit sprung up and the anime has been in the works for a while now. It's literally a few retards trying to hijack the threads. No one cares, take that shit to /pol/.

>You expected the mods to sit on their asses and do nothing to help us? That's pretty bleak.
Is that not how it is?

How's shieldbro compared to those shows? i haven't been to those threads often.

Well yeah, TnY's theme is a SJW magnet.
So it's not a surprise.
Lets just ignore those posts.

Welcome to Yea Forums and don't use this word ever again if you want to fit in.

She straight up ate her, the absolute madbird

Just caught up to the manga, can anyone tell me how far into the novel that is?

I'd rather have contrarian retards left alone desu
No really.
Don't give them (you)s

Yeah, read at least up until volume 11 if you want to know shit. 16 once vols 2 and 3 of the spinoff arrive.

r u gay or something, cos u type out shit like a gay man

Just about to hit volume 7.
God i can't fucking wait, best girl(IMO) will finally appear.

Attached: Robed tortoise.jpg (900x1200, 252K)

It's a given that shitposters ruin everything. What I'm calling out is the broken promise that Hiro made to stop pr at least curb them.

It's been over halfway for this show. Do you think they've been stopped or curved?

Is the spinoff a b timeline or is the spear comming back and fucking the story up canon?

Or they're sneaking around with their Sensei, you don't know.

Attached: etuqrfxzr3h21.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

The mods sometimes delete the trolling post from time to time on these threads , I have seen it happen, but the best you can do is ignore them. This kind of reaction is what make people make those posts on the first place.

Is that Glass or whatever her name was? She was pretty cool.

does that sword instructor miss ever gets more focus? she's kinda cool

I'm all caught up on the shit that's readily available online so I'll probably wait a while before checking the spin-off out.

I'd rather have them publically banned. Remember those days? Make examples out of people to deter further crime. You know back in those days when mods actually did their jobs.

>How's shieldbro compared to those shows? i haven't been to those threads often.
They are as bad if not worse than shieldbro threads. Now that the 2 shows are the most popular on reddit now the shitposters have field days baiting idiots.

I wouldn't have this kind of reaction if the mods just did thier jobs in the first place.

As far as I remember they are not strong enough to be careless about tensions and conflicts with their neighbours.

>Now that the 2 shows are the most popular on reddit now the shitposters have field days baiting idiots.
And we all know the cause is because the mods don't do their jobs.

It's fucking embarassing. Hiro broke his promise to us.

Mob threads have been shit for a while though, its just shippinfaggotry and the occasional bait people fall for

Ideas are universal retard and men didn't start having problems 3 months ago. It just as well could've been any other anti-male movement the show would be against but fate had it be this one

That's Ost

Attached: ost.png (1071x762, 409K)

Have you watched Steins;Gate?
His time travel spear is the Phone Microwave' (name subject to change).
It makes a different timeline whenever a hero dies and brings him back to the start of the summoning.

thanks for turning this into an off topic meta thread friends

Also I didn't even fucking mention metoo shit

When I read the premise of this show I really expected isekai teaching feeling
Too bad that we got what we got, but its something

Attached: 15onlyChadsPick2ndOption.png (1366x768, 1.19M)

>remember those days?
I-i've been here all summer!

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Eclaire? she'll be in this current arc here and there but won't take a major role until the manga goes and adapts the contents of volume 11 and 12

No it's not glass. It's the soul of the spirit tortoise itself.

Attached: Ost.png (506x568, 332K)

Shield Hero is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole RPG faggotry and everything about the Shield Hero world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Shield Hero is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Yea Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Shield Hero threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

Ah. I only just finished volume 4 but I want to bask in the bitch's satsifyng punishment for a while before I continue reading. Does Glass reappear again?

Holy shit this copypasta is like 9 years old now.

Yes I understand the story. What I am asking is if the spin off is canon, as in if the ending of shield hero will be the main ending or if the ending of spear hero will

Literally the next volume.

All I want is a tanuki daughterwife. That's all I care for.

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>the jutsus
Not even trying.

This was the best episode.

Attached: __raphtalia_tate_no_yuusha_no_nariagari_drawn_by_langbazi__48863b845634155743757dfcd7279f13.jpg (800x768, 206K)

Sweet. Hope she gets honorably stomped by the heroes.


a classic

>Does Glass reappear again?
Yes. You'll see her more often in the upcoming volumes.

The Boondocks is great

We have this meme every day user

Short anser: no
Long answer: Naofumi almost gets raped by a immortal draconic abomination made of chocolate formed by a certain somone's consciousness dwelling inside Motoyasu's spear who he forgot he picked up back when he was in the time loops.

Big agree, I love this comfy shit

oh good. I'd literally become S;G0 okabe if Spear fucking everything up was canon

And you will get it every day and every thread until my dream becomes reality, queer.

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Attached: firo.jpg (3840x3516, 2.88M)

If you ask me, The spear hero spinoff is one big recursive retcon.

>Unironically trying to use "alt-right" as an insult
>Unironically not keeping up with modern events
"Oh no, it's retarded", I can't help you user. If you don't even understand why this anime is such a big deal, especially when referencing that name, you're a lost cause. It's best you just stop posting before you make yourself look dumber.

This anime will be spread much more to the masses due to your ignorance. Staymad.

Serial Killer hero

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - 09 [720p] - [00:10:32.632].jpg (1280x720, 181K)

I remember I've read it somewhere, but in one loop, Motoyasu saves raph and her friend and train them. Surprisingly, Raph only grows till her teen form no matter how much levels she gained

calling Elon Musk rn

my thots exactly
It's 50% pedoshit
50% ragefuel

Shieldbro, which one is true or this one? or more like, what happened to Raphtalia in spear spinoff?

They are getting paid off. This anime goes against their narrative, and not in a small way. It is HIGHLY influential. The reason they haven't done anything about the people shilling against this show is because they are actively being paid to.
>Slaves are not allowed to be edgy/paranoid when they are falsely accused.

You probably heard it from me. Indeed, the reason raph kept until her teen form was because rifana was still living.

Both are true. there's different timeloops y'know?

What the just happened?
>"Oh no, it's retarded", I can't help you user.
"Oh on your world isn't the same as my world, you must be retarded.".
Okay, good talk.
>If you don't even understand why this anime is such a big deal,
It's not. The conversation wasn't even about that. Your analogy wasn't parallel to anything and your reference points were all over the place. I wanted clarification, turns out there is none. You're just spouting fucking buzzwords at me with no rhyme or reason.
>especially when referencing that name, you're a lost cause
Thank fuck, your cause sounds retarded.
>It's best you just stop posting before you make yourself look dumber.
It's an anonymous board, no one cares about me or you.
>This anime will be spread much more to the masses due to your ignorance. Staymad.
Once again, I am not trying to stop the anime. I wanted to understand your references, and that turned out to be a waste of my time. So, you can leave now. Thank you for sharing.

Attached: lewd coon.jpg (992x1403, 128K)

They both are.

Is spear a good example of a character whose dump stat is INT?

too old

What the fuck is her problem?

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My daughterwife getting ready for bed I see.

>Both are true.
Yeah, realized after hitting the enter to post, I'm dumb.

>if animal instinct could talk
Nothing, she's a a bird.

Loli version?

Ok, user. Here's your (You).

Pretty sure teen.

Attached: __iwatani_naofumi_and_raphtalia_tate_no_yuusha_no_nariagari_drawn_by_cafekun__77ef00e70cd8f11024b483 (900x1200, 649K)

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She's hungry and horny

but those are coon socks

Attached: firo melty.jpg (3836x4120, 1.55M)

Then buy one. You need a permit from the wildlife commission to import one, because they're classified as exotic wildlife, but I'm sure your lawyer or legal consultant can take care of that. No big deal. Better be careful during intercourse though. They have a nasty bite.

Btw, the creature on your pic is not a tanuki. It's an ordinary human with plush ears stapled on its skull. Just look at those legs. You can buy them on every corner. Or better be the sugar daddy for a dumb college kid in that age range. They are usually poor. Really poor. Earn less in a month than a good man earns on a day. For just a few hundred dollars a month they may not allow you to staple plush ears on their heads, but pretty much everything else goes. Whatever daugherwife fantasies you want to live out.

This was great. Seeing the villagers fight was a nice addition.

Attached: D0VHkznVAAAtG5p.jpg (888x768, 85K)

Indeed, that was hilarious.

>when they're in a city

Aaah nooo, don't shatter those dreams with a comment which reeks of reality. Nooo.

Filo is only a few months old. 90% of her emotions and thoughts right now are pure instinct and love for Naofumi. She won't develop critical thinking for a while. It took Fitoria her entire journey with her previous master to reach triple digit IQ.

it's an inverted sword, the top is the hilt

Nobody calls her rat girl except you, how the fuck is everyone else supposed to know?

I want malty to spit in my mouth
>All these (you)s for obvious bait

>From left to right:
Spear, Sword and Bow. FFS niggers.

>paying money just to join him to fight the waves
is Naofumi the true Isekai Jew

With the new loli i expected a 4way harem not a couple of proud parents taking care of their 2 children.

Attached: parents.png (1477x760, 1.19M)

stop taking bait you retard

I don't understand.

He was just testing them...but yeah, he is always thinking about a way to earn money.

But he's so fucking stupid, if I don't tell him who will?

>perma-teen raph
I guess that's a good compromise, even tho' loli raph is perfection.

Which left and which right?

In any case, she'd grow up to her adult form with the passage of time.

she actually betray the other three mongrels, activating their cursed series in the process


he gets his vengeance don’t worry

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>think Naofuni is gonna get jew'd at the church
>pure holy water is just 1 gold coin
>nun gets scolded when she tries to swindle him
Is the pope a good guy? Or is it just a facade?

She's a hungry birb.

>From left to right:
Left: Sword (is upside down)
Middle: Spear
RIght: Bow


They did him a favor in changing his name

the latter

Attached: melty.jpg (4363x2159, 2.83M)

that's just the scanlation team not using the official name.

My bad. I guess they're townies.

Attached: jahy peer.jpg (463x445, 32K)


As expected of the melromarc inquisition.

he thinks all heros are fakes cause the shield bro is acting good and the rest are complete retards that break shit, which is the opposite of the church doctrine. So he wants to destroy them and summon new ones because of that, not because of who they are like the rest.

What's the point? If you tell an idiot about his condition, he will mistake it for a personal insult and you for a bad person. But he won't understand your message. It simply doesn't work that way. He has to figure it out on his own.

just wait till Captain Marvel does poorly
shit will be insane everywhere

The rising of the THOT PATROL HERO

Attached: 1551793712006.png (1276x1435, 2.66M)

SEETHING roastie detected.

I don't give a fuck about marvel or disney. Even less for some idiot's problems on the internet.

Attached: __raphtalia_tate_no_yuusha_no_nariagari_drawn_by_nas.jpg (2471x2430, 1.2M)

so what's this about captain marvel flopping or wahtever? Also, didn't half of the universe get thanos'd out of existence?

Someone spent time making this including the hair clipping, why?

no thanks, I'll wait tillbioengineering-kun creates a real racoon daughterwife and buy it from him

I mean if the ruse is blown but there's a way to save face then why not?

>continue pushing your nonsensical agenda
Why do you persist?

I can't fucking wait the outrage and the articles about how it did poorly
Im actually composing a bingo board for that

I wish i knew, the human mind is a fucking mystery.

Wrong, nigger. Every other weapon is face-up, that means the sword is too.

"Because I want to"

So your only reasoning that it will do poorly is because the lead is female?
That's pretty retarded even for you.

Attached: CG.jpg (1828x1052, 998K)

Gimp amateur here, it actually takes longer to do it without the clipping cause there is a function that you can select just the face with

He’s the focus because the Princess is leading him into confrontation constantly with Naofumi. She has loyal spies as well.

The projections for the film are lower than theyfirst expected. I think C.Marvel's actor did something stupid too. Anyways supposedly they payed theaters to only show it on opening day.

I caught up with the manga and dropped the anime should I pick up the LN or WN next

Attached: 9729C597-6552-4161-8770-E08EB3F4A392.jpg (1242x1912, 1.11M)

I didnt notice

Why wait? if you look around there's already preemptive damage control deployed like that review aggregator shelving the user comments.

What Nintendo 64 game with rumble pack is this

>Episode 9

Attached: melty.jpg (460x215, 74K)

Why does it bother you?


Attached: ANGRY BIRD KICK.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

I wish I had a big cock like Filo.

Same problem here

The marketing is very agenda-driven (international womens day release is not some pure coincidence) and the main actress keeps going fuck whitey whenever she opens her mouth.

Am I supposed to know these faces? Are they from Tits&Dragons or South Park or something like that? What do the angry incels watch nowadays?

This is unrelated but you remined me of that Tomska cartoon asdf movie where the girl says "when I grow up I wanna ho to the moon" and the guy says "why wait?" and kicks her to space

>implying his "spear" isn't getting harder by the second just by being near bird loli

Attached: 1267657600238.png (222x211, 4K)

Before Bitch pulled her little stunt she was gonna marry her to Naofumi. However that fell to the sideline so she’s maneuvering Melty to marry him. However Naofumi isn’t a lolicon so he doesn’t take the bait, but he does become her fiancé.

Reminder her name is Meltys, there's no apostrophe.

She's a big chicken!

>tfw spearfag dms too many dick pics

It's a doggy dog world.

Someone investing time to make a shit meme? I want to know why, if that's what you mean by bother then I guess curiosity behind the reason to make / upload shitty memes. What are you getting out of it as the creator?

Why is Fitoria 2nd worst girl after bitch?

supposedly there is not much interest in the movie. Add the fact the main actress is saying stupid shit that makes white men mad just to bait the internet for clicks

Agenda-driven mass media is a mistake.

yes, that is exactly my reasoning. Any marvel comic adapted up to this point was relatively unknown and only did well because protags lived up to the masculine hero archetype. Granted there are bullshit "girl power" moments like Black widow knocking a guy down with her hair but people don't like em, and movies do well despite them not because of them. Now you will get a full movie of just this cringe bullshit.

gonna post the obligatory normalfag response
>doesn't matter; had secks
You're still right 'bout this though

yikes man

Attached: Sword.png (483x720, 249K)

>reminderonly the doctor and the nurse are the only good people and the rest deserves a painful and slowly death

Can you please take this discussion to Yea Forums or /pol/ or /gender/ or whatever?

I want to marry Melty

really? why?

Naofumi is literally "No way fag" personified

So let me catch up here.

The movie is announced.
It has a female lead which is played up.
People on the internet cry because females can't star in anything and claim the movie will suck purely based on that fact.
They get called misogynists.
They cry harder because of "unfair labeling".

Is that about it?


no, I made this thread

The dragon , Gaelion, was inteligent and a good person. He also had an adopted demi-human daughter that took care of. But the villagers ordered kill the dragon, enslave his daughter and steal his posessions
alsothe dragon is not actually dead, he lives in that wierd rock firo gave naofumi in ep 8. A lot of shit happens and the spirit of the dragon now lives inside another new-born dragon

>Naofumi-sama please fuck my daughter
>She's cute and funny
>You'll gain powers over the state
>She just looks at birds all day
>Please before she turns into a bitch like her sister We all know she won't, but this is for a joke

Look at what you refer to as the "blade". Why is it inverted with the point pointing backward? It's the spear, you dense nigger. You can literally see the blade, guard and hilt of the sword on the center chapel tower from top-to-bottom. Not discussing this anymore. Sword is always the centerpiece.

>The movie is announced.
so far so good
>It has a female lead which is played up.
It is
>People on the internet cry because females can't star in anything and claim the movie will suck purely based on that fact.
They don't, I'm the only one. The general consensus is that the movie is bad so they will try to mask their losses by marketing it as girl power and blaiming the men when it fails.
>They get called misogynists.
They aren't, but I am
>They cry harder because of "unfair labeling".
They don't, because they are not women

I wonder if this non generic soldier will be relevant

Attached: 9vwUMUN_d.jpg (640x360, 21K)

Attached: kiero.jpg (1280x720, 278K)

Wasn't he already shown b4

He was in ep 3 user, remember?

The fedora tipper in the edgy incel anime? I am sure he'll turn out to be the mysterious Thundercock that steals everyone's wifes.

So the studio is just trying to use outrage marketing like the ghostbusters remake?

Yeah I know, I was just making a joke

yeah basically. If the studio markets a movie as political, you know it's shit. Notice that black panther wasn't marketed as a fuck white people movie like Cptn marvel and ghostbusters are for men, because they actually produced an okay movie. Not great just okay

I actually didn't know

He's the one who choses to help Naofumi in episode 3

>worlds bumping together
Holy shit, I was joking at first but this is becoming blatant.

Check the roof's color.

Left has a bluish color, just like the gem in the Sword Hero's sword
Mid has a red color, like the gem in the Spear Hero's spear.
Right has a yellow color just like the gem in the Bow Hero's bow.

Here's a different screenshot.
Don't be an embarrassment user.

Attached: Church.png (1820x1022, 1.26M)

ah thats where I've seen him

Not many people know who is Captain Marvel (it doesn't help the fact CM is a shit character in the comics).

Wasn't the twist that there is a civ that made this all happen for fun? tripfag pls explain
Also Witcher 3 is still the greatest game ever made 4 years on


IS this your first anime or something?

is that from the new chapter? was it dumped here yet?

No she’s good, she knows her sist r and father are evil. Her sister even tries killing her because she is next in line for queen.

No, still wainting for the raw user.

I fucking hate it

>They don't,
Where the fuck have you been, their are tons of neckbeards whining about any movie with a woman lead


Chatper 52 is out on madokami though

Oh, no it's chapter 53

His dick just can't catch a break, can it?

Attached: The displeasure of being cummed inside.jpg (1920x1080, 205K)

Where is this from?

ah, I see

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - 09 [720p].mkv-0001.jpg (1280x720, 213K)

>putting thot patrol hero the same step as naruto
>using an ancient copy pasta
Have a You for the effort

Attached: FB_IMG_1551911645438.jpg (772x751, 70K)

pic related says next chapter's raws comes on the 19 of march, so in 2 weeks or so.

Attached: raws.png (607x384, 221K)


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I LOVE THIS FAT BIRD but by fat I mean her soft, downy coat of feathers and I'm not implying she's obese in any capacity I just use fat as a term of endearment to express how much I want to give her a big ol' hug and gently sink into her feathers preferably while she playfully pecks the nape of my neck

god I wish this was weekly

w-what's going on here?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - 09 [720p].mkv-0005.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Attached: divvent sweat much for a fat lass.jpg (3840x4170, 1.47M)

We all know Naofumi would murder Raphtalia to keep her quiet

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - 09 [720p].mkv-0008.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

Why are anime moms always so impossibly much hotter than their daughters? This shit is why I have a MILF fetish but 3D keeps disappointing me

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - 09 [720p].mkv-0007.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

I think I want to have childre... ABEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Attached: what-behind-shinzo-abe-plummeting-popularity.jpg (2405x1622, 2.04M)

Look them bedroom eyes. She’s clearly wanting to fug the other loli.

Damn, Raphtalia was so cute in this episode. Would have impregnated her. Naofumi's behavior isn't realistic.

spear hero is the biggest fucking retard I've seen in a while.
and I rewatched aho girl just last weekend.

>Hates Shield Hero
>Protects his balls with two shields

Attached: DEEPEST LORE.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

Anime MILFs are pure and aged gracefully.
IRL middle aged women are mostly whores raised in the 70s that sucked enough dick to circumvent the world on the equator, fat and wrinkled like old women

That's a bruh moment
Hood Morning mr Trump

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - 07 [720p].mkv-0004.jpg (843x720, 67K)

there's a new thread if you guys wanna come

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - 09 [720p].mkv-00_19_51error176.png (1280x720, 534K)

on my way

why do they age so fucking fast? women my age easily look 10 years older than they are.

Modern degenerate lifestyle
If men knew half the shit women do on a daily basis the shock would kick in a second age of puritanism

OP here this thread is reaching its limit

I'm kinda intrigued to ask but I feel like it's better if I don't know.


You are correct, don't blackpill yourself user, biggest mistake of my life

>Get lost
Man, I though he'd gotten smarter, turns out he's still the same emotion-driven retard he was from episode one.

Domestic Girlfriend

No raph, no buy

Next thread

Your newfag is showing. We don’t do that here.

I'll post in whichever thread I wanna post
eat shit faggot

one post was enough

I want Filo to pee on me

Thanks user.

>twf watersports fetish

Attached: 1551279631957.png (458x248, 143K)

>If men knew half the shit women do on a daily basis the shock would kick in a second age of puritanism
please tell me

last post i win