What's the appeal of this? I'm at episode 9 and it's pretty boring and I don't feel anything. Does it get better? Is it worth watching for the Afterstory?
What's the appeal of this? I'm at episode 9 and it's pretty boring and I don't feel anything. Does it get better...
i'd say season 1's first arc is its strongest so if ur not enjoying it i'd say drop it. After story is still amazing though
Fuuko's arc is the peak of s1. S2 is where it shines but go ahead and drop it
ye, after story is really good
only good part
If you're coming into this as a relatively new anime watcher who has mainly focused heretofore on "good" seasonal shows and whatnot, you'll probably be put off by it since anime in 2007 is quite different in thematic terms. I suggest you watch a bunch of dating sim VN adaptations from around the era to try to get a feel for what they were trying to convey in Clannad.
>What's the appeal of this?
Pretty anime girls and otaku longing for meaningful relationships.
People who say Afterstory is better are wrong. It's worse. It takes all the worst parts of this overrated anime and amplifies them.
It should have ended after 9 episodes. Drop it if you don't like it by this point.
Here's what you're in for if you continue:
>increasingly saccharine noises and animation
>forced drama because badly written characters
>unnecessary and distracting magical subplot
fuck you
>unnecessary and distracting magical subplot
It was pretty tied into the story and rarely distracting
>increasingly saccharine noises and animation
>forced drama because badly written characters
Maybe for Kotomi's arc.
It's good because FEELS .lots of FEELS that are DEEP and MATURE.
In reality it's all boring.
From what I understand Afterstory is where the story really is. Clannad is just an insanely long setup for it. I recommend finishing out the first season, it gives more meaning to the second season.
Your time wasted on Yea Forums could be spent finishing season 1.
fuck nagisa
no, fuck you
Read the VN.
t. Secondary.
Teenage japanese girl knees must be made of titanium
tbqhwy 1st season is shit, only worth reading in the VN. Also, it makes more sense in the VN all that magic thing rather than the anime, where they show Okazaki getting the orbs of light like 1 time. If you find tedious the first part then drop it, because it will not be worth to watch 24 chapters of the same thing.
tl;dr: drop the anime and read the VN
What is your favourite heroine? For me it's either Kotomi or Tomoyo.
Ryou. Why did key not give her a real route reeee
Because she's for cuckolding.