Do you know what today is user?

Do you know what today is user?

Attached: erika sturm tiger.jpg (800x800, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bully worst girl day

Attached: 1523992563824.png (890x730, 378K)

ash wednesday

Hump Day?

It's Wednesday.
Aww Yeah.
Girl tonight we're gonna make love.
You know how I know?
Because it's Wednesday.
And Wednesday night is the night that we usually make love.
Monday night is my night to cook.
Tuesday night we go and visit your mother.
But Wednesday we make sweet little love.



Attached: erika yukari autism.jpg (806x756, 100K)

only 101 more days until das finale 2!

Attached: 1540848380036.jpg (500x600, 102K)


Attached: erika cry.jpg (828x1000, 116K)

cute dorks

Attached: NTR.jpg (870x1248, 274K)

dumb wani

I.. I can relate...

dab on them polaks

Attached: 1551146288471.png (1200x1200, 830K)

The last German offensive of WWII began on this day in 1945

Attached: GuP_Mika_I_know.jpg (1066x1491, 628K)

Attached: 9.jpg (870x1248, 289K)

Attached: Nonna and Klara NTR.jpg (1920x1080, 424K)

What does Katyusha smell like?

Attached: GuP_nonna_pits.jpg (850x1039, 152K)



Attached: lewd katyusha.jpg (368x534, 84K)

Attached: hbe4.jpg (789x2000, 254K)

why is miho so dumb

Yes,you sucking my dick now get to work

Don't bully the vet.

Attached: GuP_miho_mind-break.gif (850x480, 1.55M)

she is a sociopath who only can function for war

Attached: miho eat.jpg (2385x2074, 406K)

user no

Attached: homo_is_ok.png (1360x768, 1.27M)

press P to pet Erika

Attached: 1550367259220.jpg (600x600, 49K)

I meant Klara

lmfao what a loser!

Klara can't do somdthing like that because she's for Nonna.

Attached: gup_Klara.jpg (4079x2890, 750K)


Attached: __itsumi_erika_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_jinguu_4839ms__09cae558c753961252ba51e6dd1243b7.jpg (1488x2168, 211K)

Attached: itsumi erika (girls und panzer phase erika and etc) drawn by rebecca (keinelove).jpg (472x472, 51K)


Attached: GuP_Erika_wani.jpg (800x800, 553K)

what is wrong with her mouth

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Erika!
Happy birthday, Erika!
エリカ 誕生日おめでとう

Attached: 1539039326830.png (1000x952, 547K)

Attached: 1546498014063.jpg (500x707, 127K)

Menacing expression

Attached: GuP_Erika_cooking.png (642x782, 311K)

her mouth is full of my cum

Attached: dc597f5a8befcdde3fc7d5a8ac660280.jpg (890x1235, 166K)

Wait wasn't it less than 100? I thought it was about 60 something days?


Attached: y5543.jpg (1200x1549, 197K)

Who translated this game?

Attached: 2019030512082800-56A493990CB3F719FB1092818D6D6CC8.jpg (1280x720, 258K)

Attached: stop lewdposting.jpg (1536x984, 1.24M)

how can you say such a ridiculous thing while posting such a cute picture? is something wrong in your head?

Attached: 1543263321659.png (1200x1600, 1M)

you're starting to hallucinate. Seek help, user.

Attached: gup_darjeeling_scared.png (800x800, 271K)

the translates were at risk of death via crushing so they had to translate Marie's lines as fast as possible

that's where the dumb comes from

cute wani

Attached: 1543356993184.jpg (845x1280, 93K)

Attached: 1467151718871.png (700x700, 226K)

Is Marie's immensely dense body and brain the thing that makes her a good commander?

Attached: GuP_Marie_hungry.jpg (1000x1410, 125K)

Erika is my wife and it's only right that her mouth is filled with my love

Attached: bf52f39e816018874b16be28854d0fcd.jpg (1429x2048, 271K)

She is a natural leader due to her gravitational pull bringing those to her.

Attached: 24254154.jpg (1196x1789, 1.09M)


Attached: GuP_darjeeling_not_bad.jpg (1920x1080, 125K)

She's far too cool to be your wife

Attached: 1536247150730.png (1500x985, 1.54M)

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Attached: 1543287345081.png (1756x2479, 2.44M)

She also has only eyes for Maho.

Attached: [000088].jpg (480x480, 35K)


explain this then

Attached: 1539468989811.png (1000x1250, 637K)

>No Erika/Yukari doujinshi
why bros

I love Kay!

Attached: 1551739511708.jpg (725x1024, 128K)

I know of an untranslated one where Erica has a big cock and smashes Yukari

Its something, but I want

Attached: o5.jpg (4083x5934, 2.08M)

Attached: 1547732082988.jpg (2000x2000, 321K)

Attached: letter.jpg (850x850, 190K)

Bully her!

I want to fuck the fluffy frog

Attached: 56220339-CF4C-486F-858B-6396FE4D6C95.jpg (2614x3642, 1.32M)

But user, the frogs are gay.

>fluffy frog
But that's not Galette.

Attached: galette.jpg (225x350, 34K)

Not if I dick the gay out of her

Attached: 45F8FF17-2D37-472B-A355-86D0F0B0F6DC.png (594x793, 233K)

fuck the gay out of her and turn her into a cock hungry slut

I don't like them putting carbon in the water turning the freaking frogs gay.

Attached: andou seizing the means of production.jpg (1177x425, 259K)


Wow, based

Attached: erika_peak.png (366x451, 66K)

Attached: 1511004132817.jpg (1280x1073, 160K)

Erika's birthday gift is Miho's virginity!

Attached: VEZA8185.jpg (850x662, 131K)

I want Erica to kick the fucking shit out of me after slapping her ass with the force of 3 billion suns.

Attached: 1234643709.jpg (640x832, 250K)

Erikas birthday gift is NTR

Attached: 1492023409879.png (1958x2740, 3.98M)


Attached: disgusted frogs.jpg (296x273, 18K)

Attached: IZJG4345.jpg (500x739, 248K)

Erika by default is lewd, so there's nothing I can do.

Attached: 1234643703.png (756x1058, 559K)

group hug!!

Attached: 38.jpg (1102x432, 312K)

Stop it.

Attached: nobullyhere.jpg (700x575, 169K)

>o LoL
>22m 22m
who talks like that?

Attached: 阿修羅クモ@土曜C16b - コスチュームみぽりん たまにミカさん (64751993) 4ペ� (1200x1548, 728K)

when is anglerfish team going to upgrade to the panther


Erika doesn't deserve to be bullied

Attached: __________.png (619x448, 293K)

that's nasty

So what do you people think about tonks?

Attached: 1548470205700.jpg (547x463, 26K)


Will we see Maho hugging her in RW?

Attached: erikaphoto.jpg (600x1718, 193K)

Erika was born to be bullied sexually.

Attached: erika and rabbits.jpg (850x1200, 195K)


Attached: GuP_Mika_surprise.jpg (800x800, 331K)

Henschel? Porsche? Behold the original - the Tucker Tiger Tank.

Attached: TuckerTigerTank.jpg (1200x725, 115K)

>Implying Mika isn't beautiful

Attached: ________.png (214x355, 69K)

She's humble. Unlike most Guppies who are lewd by their very nature or are massive slags Mika is humble and classy.

Attached: GuP_Mika_embarrased.png (1200x1320, 529K)


Attached: 1539791936759.gif (450x329, 2.82M)

>the homeless

Attached: koumeandwani.jpg (789x575, 41K)

I like how Karina looks like she's expecting an innocent girl's night out with pillowfights in cute rabbit costume while everyone else loks like they know exactly where this is going.

> he thinks that virtue and classiness is tied to socioeconomic status
t. Amerimutt

Attached: GuP_Mika_seifuku.png (2153x3624, 1.2M)

>smug bedroom eyes
I can't fucking take it

Attached: GuP_Mika_boko.png (384x960, 213K)

Maho does it better.

Attached: 1468433548108.png (852x1000, 776K)

Kinda hard to act pretentious when your whole school is comprised of stolen vehicles.

Attached: maho mika.jpg (1002x919, 583K)

Classy doesn't mean pretentious. Mika has true dignitiy because she doesn't try to dress herself up or assert her dominance artificially. She just is and her crew coalesce around her. That aside, acquiring a possession with your own two hands from those who have more money than sense is perfectly honourable.

Attached: GuP_Mika_borrowing2.jpg (940x940, 106K)

what game? is that the switch one?

Attached: 1543262563701.jpg (850x861, 415K)

Attached: 1543377441412.jpg (700x1433, 450K)

Pretentious is an antonym of humble.
It would be hypocritical for her to act as if something grandiose if due to the means of acquisition and homelessness is the point

By Flips for Flips

I see what you mean. But being pretentious by definition is acting as something that's above you. You never "deserve" to act pretentious.

Attached: GuP_Darjeeling_quote.png (600x943, 601K)

Attached: 55355453_p0.jpg (1300x1500, 156K)


>Marie can take up a third of a tank's load capacity by herself

Attached: 1484086536230.png (800x747, 351K)

Attached: __nishizumi_maho_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_kws__c5b1726be4945f17d30ca0e55808e0f0.jpg (900x1232, 288K)

Nice thighs and trips

Attached: GuP_Erika_donald_excited_boner.jpg (500x707, 47K)

I want Erika to beat me and rape me in a dark alley

Attached: 1535740928306.png (768x1000, 1.22M)

Attached: GuP_Erika_Yukari_BTFO.gif (500x500, 217K)

Attached: はちさん - ガルパン落書きまとめ5 (67069305) 1ページ.png (1200x808, 236K)

Attached: erika proposal.png (1346x1877, 1.52M)


Reverse psychology works wonders

Attached: gup_mika_one_piece_pits.jpg (1516x2136, 1.18M)


Attached: 44192264_318134665651613_6138027721613375374_n.jpg (480x480, 32K)


Attached: GuP_Mika_fingergun.png (900x697, 201K)

>one h-u-n-d-r-e-d fucking days

Attached: panzer.png (434x1194, 417K)

Attached: 24934932.png (638x519, 423K)

>even longer for a BD release
>even longer for subs

Attached: 1527782527595.jpg (696x956, 102K)

Attached: Oddball.jpg (1200x1000, 240K)


Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 17K)

I will never understand why people like violent assholes like her

Attached: 66 - VHQt3WR.png (1404x1925, 1.77M)

Attached: Yukari_rude.jpg (777x1087, 323K)

Cutest little dancing gator

Attached: Kindergarden - Gator01.png (1200x1647, 1.87M)

Attached: 8e1088_6184930.jpg (1280x948, 580K)

Attached: 1467041357890.png (850x731, 731K)

Attached: Kindergarden - Gator02.png (1200x1647, 1.51M)

Attached: mika armpit butt.jpg (885x1254, 111K)

How big is Kay's dick?


Attached: 51960482_p0.jpg (640x480, 145K)

> circle/wani
It's a pun, right? Being EOP feels bad.

Attached: GuP_Marie_happy_sad.jpg (406x580, 60K)

> American

Attached: Illya_describing_(you)r_dick.jpg (1920x1080, 578K)

"Wa ni natte odoru" means to form a ring and dance (or, dance in a ring), but she thought he said "Wani natte odoru", meaning to become a crocodile/alligator and dance

>that pic
based Erika

Attached: 1544850437549.jpg (640x640, 59K)

Be nice to wani
her only friend is a dumb hobo

Attached: _______.png (621x535, 269K)

Wouldn't it be funny if Erika killed herself?

Attached: 1523203887321.jpg (1447x2039, 670K)

Attached: __kay_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_kws__68c2b0c53f1535b694bfdaa3aa9a8fcd.jpg (900x1259, 426K)


no u

Attached: 1532338492972.jpg (850x1192, 452K)


Attached: AS002824_05.gif (340x288, 118K)

Don't be such a buzzkill. I'm sure this one can make you at least chuckle a bit.

Attached: 1523300522867.jpg (750x1218, 161K)

Big American _______

Attached: 6f6bd9e63e29f7a67214f7c96e343915.jpg (701x1000, 363K)

I want to suck on Katyusha's nipples


Yeah but it would be more funnier if you killed yourself

Attached: 1545024022391.jpg (850x481, 73K)

You must be fun at parties

Attached: 1523303426473.png (545x540, 248K)

Attached: kay3243.jpg (1980x2849, 3.35M)

Attached: 1509626955499.jpg (1100x836, 97K)


Attached: darj shitpost.jpg (850x637, 347K)

Would you buy the book?

Attached: Buying a Momo H-Book from Momo.png (1432x1600, 876K)

I want to protect Kat and Alice from people like you

I don't go to any parties

Attached: 1549998966564.jpg (750x750, 284K)


Attached: 1549718403014.jpg (850x1133, 330K)

Attached: 1546727200815.jpg (1176x1136, 357K)

Well, yeah. You don't have any friends, just like Erika.

Attached: 1523291602595.jpg (1600x1298, 860K)

No need for friends when you have Erika

Attached: __itsumi_erika_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_ryoutarou__5cef796e6bf49e200134c6167a38ff0c.jpg (762x1080, 137K)

Erika has friends

Attached: 1537279831777.png (1505x2125, 1.5M)

The laptop in your ostfront shack is not your friend, Erika. No matter what you believe.

Attached: bullies.jpg (1204x484, 249K)

Go to Japan to see it like a real fan.

Who will have to carry the other one home as she is totally drunk in the end?

So 12+ inches?

Attached: ss+(2016-09-13+at+12.32.17).jpg (217x212, 22K)

Vodka and cabbage, I assume


>wasted quints
>Illya/Fate shit reaction image
A shame.

Attached: 61082836_p0.png (800x800, 554K)

Minus tip.

Well, Erika knows why she wants the Maho.

Attached: maho3.jpg (587x721, 55K)

lacks Chaika face

S-she's over a foot? Jesus fuck, I don't even think Katsyusha could take that.

Attached: wtdDNPM.jpg (1144x3069, 914K)

Attached: 1512232935116.jpg (957x962, 191K)

Maho is my beautiful wife.

Attached: 1466560297956.gif (519x540, 1.93M)

Well, Maho enjoys that fight for sure.

>falling for the Mika is a Shimada trap

Attached: 1537827717747.jpg (506x600, 59K)

Mikafags have always retardedly believed that headcanon.

>buy all, burn them, make Momo happy.

Attached: momochan.jpg (800x800, 103K)

Which has at least two fangirls.

100 days huh? It's a long time, but still it feels like the time has flown past fast.

Attached: yukari2.png (622x350, 40K)

Yoshiko is a filthy slut

I just realised that Koume's and Yoshiko's seiyuu is the same

Attached: kmmbeach.jpg (884x1257, 183K)

I did that for Youjo Senki.

Attached: 20190215_211238.jpg (485x863, 221K)

Attached: 1543203810718.png (1200x1809, 463K)

momo a cute

whats up with momo? the glasses I mean? why does she do it?

so cum doesnt hit her in the eye

My wife is very popular.

Attached: 1549553730949.jpg (899x900, 72K)

Too late user, her nipples were sucked before you could even protest.

lol no

wch guppie would you most like to use as a toilet, Yea Forums?
For me, it has to be Erika.

Conversely, I'd most enjoy being used by Darjeeling while she makes a stupid pun.

Attached: 1546376041165.png (1475x1470, 568K)

I am going to something very lewd to Maho!

Attached: 1468961637260.jpg (657x924, 62K)

Don't look.

Attached: 1468961861073.jpg (619x929, 63K)

Katyusha. Add shit to the shit pile and make it a little taller.

Attached: 1234743933.png (594x1000, 516K)

They buffed Sturmtiger again

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 19K)

You will never make your favorite Guppie orgasm from licking her navel.

Fun things are fun.

Attached: GuP_shimada_mika.jpg (871x895, 124K)

my man
was it good

What's the most aesthetically pleasing tank in your opinion?

Attached: GuP-Mika_tnak.jpg (1078x1500, 230K)

Attached: hrnyOfX.jpg (1920x1032, 428K)

>Do you know what today is user?

And we get back to another episode of:
'Today on History' with our host Saemonza

On March 6 in history:

>1475: Michelangelo Buonarroti born, painter, sculptor and architect.

>1836: After fighting for 13 days, the Alamo falls.

>1857: The Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision holds that blacks cannot be citizens.

>1860: While campaigning for the presidency, Abraham Lincoln makes a speech defending the right to strike.

>1862: The USS Monitor left New York with a crew of 63, seven officers and 56 seamen.

>1888: Louisa May Alcott dies just hours after the burial of her father.

>1916: The Allies recapture Fort Douaumont in France during the Battle of Verdun.

>1945: Cologne, Germany, falls to General Courtney Hodges' First Army.

>1953: Upon Josef Stalin's death, Georgi Malenkov is named Soviet premier.

>1965: The United States announces that it will send 3,500 troops to Vietnam.

Attached: Dta5IfLV4AADd8L.jpg orig.jpg (1600x1151, 239K)

Dank. The username is a nice touch.

Attached: gup_mika_.png (1600x2000, 2.19M)

>StuK 37

Attached: 1525967852921.jpg (640x640, 72K)

It was. I went and saw it a second time before I left.

>being a size queen

Attached: stug life.gif (400x247, 177K)

For me, it's the Tiger (P)

Attached: 9180-301758773.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

Final Boss right there

The hetzer
I was so happy when i saw them converting the 38t into a hetzer

Attached: erika cute 空向 💛二日目 西あ-59a - [ガルパン]あなたと恋愛道作戦です!そ� (1346x1877, 1.1M)

Attached: はちさん - ガルパン落書きまとめ18 (72989952) 1ページ.png (1200x1360, 895K)

I noticed that this image always heralds the death of threads. Coincidence? I think not.

Attached: GuP_Mika_Jatkosota_birthday.jpg (1818x2046, 793K)