Has anyone else read Sanctuary? What'd you think of it?
Has anyone else read Sanctuary? What'd you think of it?
Loved the Yakuza parts didn't really care much about the political parts
Love it, but I'm still reading it. I'm reading it with some buddies who are hesitant to read manga or watch anime but like gangster shit, and we're all enjoying it.
I haven't read it because it looks a bit gay
Just like your "feminine" penis.
Traps are gay.
Up until the 40s, it wasn't considered weird for men to hold hands occasionally when walking around. Men displaying affection in deep friendships wasn't really socially taboo until like the 50s I think.
Sanctuary is just two kids that survived the Khmer Rouge and as such have a nearly unbreakable bond. It's not really gay and there's tits in like the first 10 pages.
It's the artstyle that oozes gayness for me.
>Up until the 40s, it wasn't considered weird for men to hold hands occasionally when walking around. Men displaying affection in deep friendships wasn't really socially taboo until like the 50s I think.
I don't care lmao.
Sanctuary is the only other 10/10 manga I've ever read. Anyone who feels they are a fan of manga and hasn't read it is missing out.
really? I thought the politics part was interesting, you never seen that stuff depicted seriously in anime or manga really.
I've seen it done well a lot of times in manga. Just not in this one.
>disrespecting Ikegami Ryoichi's love for drawing the PEAK male form
you're gay lmao
oh yeah? which ones exactly? I've YET to come across another manga series that uses the National Diet as a legitimate setting.
>that bit where he uses his cigar to dry the ink
The guy exudes pure manliness
>likes drawing buff dudes
>not gay
Yeah ok.
He also draws very beautiful women. Ikegami says that he's interested in human attractiveness as a whole. Whether that's gay or not I don't know, but you're depriving yourself from reading a good manga.
Anyway, Sanctuary is great.
What makes it so great anyway? Sell it to me.
Draws interesting parallels between crime and politics. Shows the crude side of both, especially dirty play in politics, gerontocracy, and misuse of power.
Two friends decide to change the nation together. They flip a coin which one goes into politics and which to yakuza. They begin a climb and try to influence both fields while maintaining secret contact
Ending was shit, everything else was great
Oh, this actually does sound pretty good!
>ending was shit
ending was actually perfect and very sad
>appriciating great male body
Get the fuck out, underage.
Self-masturbatory cringefest.
is it though? all it does is criticize japan
really GOOD. I should reread it soon.
Whats the other one then?
Ashita no Joe.
I was great
>a shitter no joe
Opinion disregarded
What's wrong with it?
Nothing. It’s a masterpiece. user is clearly just trying to be a contrarian.
Read Ippo to see how it's supposed to be done
>le ebin contrarian meme
>artstyle that oozes gayness
This is pure projection on your part. Get help.
>Read Ippo to see how it's supposed to be done
he's not trying to be a contrarian, he's just plain stupid
Sorry my guy, but Ippo is not very good. Joe is a significantly better narrative, with significantly better characters, even though it has a lot less of both. Despite being over a thousand chapters, Ippo doesn't have much to entertain me, since exaggerated fights don't do it for me anymore. I'm glad there's people that enjoy both, but I couldn't do it.
>thinking Ippo is better than Ashita no Joe
You have objectively shit taste if you actually think this.
So that's where that one picture is from.
It's alright but it feels way too much like "fuck you grandpa" the manga
I loved it. The only parts that I didn't like very much were the ones where they went too idealistic and it worked like convincing people to vote through an impassioned TV plea and the female cop being just a pussy for the politician MC to use when he was sad or upset.
Goddamn if I loved the part at the end when the old politician who was pretty much the main antagonist for the entirety of the story had the victory on his hands but decided to concede to the main characters after realizing that he had no reason to stay in the office.
Excellent manga.
One of my favorite mangas, I spent around $150 buying the American volumes