Mob Psycho 100
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soon this will all be animated
soon we finally get a worthy ending to a season of something that really impressed
soon we finally get a real fight
soon we finally get REIGEN's last chapter
why is BONES so wet for Reigen anyways
The more important question is, how are you not?
I really like how ONE has to casually dismiss comments from the studio that is animating his manga for constructive criticism
that is in the upper echelons of comedy not yet discovered by man
Guys. As I was thinking about the scene where Reigen calls Mogami a lolicon, I saw two girls walking down the street. What does this mean?
It means Mogami is trying to invade your thoughts and turn you into a sex offender, you should just succumb.
Mob is CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it weird that this season had 3 ending songs for just 13 episodes series?
>ONE told Tachikawa if they needed to make Reigen and Mob "sexier" to appeal to the fans, they could do so
>Tachikawa refused because Reigen is already inherently sexy and Mob is perfect the way he is
Bones is based.
What do you think of ED3?
>If you need to make Reigen sexier thats okay
We tried everything and we can't do it.
Do you think they'll animate the Boss fight like they did with Mogami or is that a one time only thing to honor the animatorn that was being sent to Taiwan?
Are you kidding? Of course they are going to animate the fight, if they skip this part people will just email them and ask "Why did you even bother making the show int he first place?"
quick! go and eat a pastel
The Boss of claw fight isn't jsut some awesome psychic battle, I mean, it totally fucking is that, but it's also a very important piece of emotional growth for Mob and even the Boss, and a necessary event that leads into the Dimple arc.
I can't believe this
my fucking sides, reigen MVP, every other anime fucker boys btfo
He means if it's going to be animated in the same style as the Mogami fight, to which I say it won't be.
I love how the people involved in the making of this franchise are chill & non-toxic. Wish the community remains like this.
Oh, what I thought is that he figured they would have some other studio do the most important fight in the whole season for them, like some Taiwanese animators and I'm just like what the fuck????
I love everything about this.
The animator for Episode 5 was someone who got drafted into the military so he can't work on Mob anymore. I unfortunately forgot his name.
When will they stop harass this guy.
Are you not?
That's it. My sides are gone for good, thanks internet sex symbol Reigen
Here were the responses
>Mob: chocolate…… eh?! for me? You're giving it to me?!
>Reigen: ahh~, I sure would love to eat something sweet right about now~. no, I'm not ASKING you for anything!
>Ritsu: eh, you say you're giving me this chocolate? I appreciate it, but hm, I wonder if nii-san can eat this much.
>Teru: You're pretty brave, giving the chocolate to me directly. Thank you!
>Shou: oh! you're giving me chocolate? you're so nice~!
>Musashi: chocolate you eat while doing squats is special! Now, Let's continue…… body~ improve…!!!
>Tokugawa (student council VP): you mean to give this to me, tokugawa? According to school regulations, that is…… permitted.
>Kamuro (student council prez): not bad at all, valentine's day. Shall we make it a monthly occurrence at Salt Mid?
>Dimple: you're giving me chocolate? heh! you're trying to butter me up, but that's not gonna work! eh… it's your true feelings, you say……? Are you serious?!!
>Serizawa: eh- ah- chocolate! for me? erm, I have to repay you somehow! Let's see, first of all, I'll have to see someone about taking out a loan, so please give me some time!
>he's STILL getting merch
Fuck OFF
Holy shit, i'm dying.
We must retaliate by drawing more fart ghost dimples. Show Bones that we don't care about the security guard.
It's because of association, they associate the cool parts that happened with the guard possessed by dimple, and not just Dimple on his own.
Your method sounds correct.
>Yuusha ga Shinda anime never
Holy shit,this is gold
>drafted into the military
it should have been me
Oh my God this is great, thanks for posting it
Lemme guess, you got rejected?
It reminds me of one user in the osomatsu threads who hated this one side character so fucking much that they went out of their way just to erase the character from the official art in photoshop because they despised him
no im just worthless and it would be great for me to get drafted instead so he could animate this and i could watch it on my phone while doing absolutely nothing
Mob is the goodest boy
Nice, thanks user
You don't have a computer?
i would be deployed if i got drafted, you retard
I don't
Can you believe it? In 4 weeks Mobdays are over.
>Brocolli (3 Episodes)
>Filler Episode 1
>Aliens (1 Episode)
>Filler Episode 2
>??? (3 Episodes)
What do you add and what do you change to finish a final season?
I mean I don't blame him, he was very worried about his family
He beat the SHIT out of those guys though.
clearly he was punching that big guy off screen from his face
Have mob and company gangbang
We get youkai hunter SoL ep before broccoli, so it's more like
>Youkai hunter 1 ep
>Broccoli 3 eps
>Alien and aftermath 2 eps
>??? 3 eps
>Epilogue, maybe showing how more character's end up similar to YYH 1ep
That's a solid 10 ep season with no rush, no padding.
Again, my muffin had good intentions
I dunno if chap. 101 has enough material for a whole episode, probably like half an episode
>my muffin
its weird when you do that
Reminder that Mob hatched from an egg.
I love teru's face here, it's like he's totally complacent with all that's going on
ritsu is an under-rated good boy, he has one little tantrum the whole show and the behaves great, and who wouldnt get a little power crazy when they got psychic powers
Shou I know you love your boyfriend but you have to admit he's a bit too nasty towards reigen
Combine the beach omake and SHUT UP AND EAT and pad it out into a full episode.
>One little tantrum
He ruined the life of multiple kids (even stated so by the narration, for all we know there's no apology to anyone but Onigawara) and all he got was half an ass whooping by Koyama. All for the purpose of gaining more power. In any other show he'd fall into a hole and die a horrible death.
Have you guys ever wanted to do Yea Forums sings?
It'd be kinda hard to coordinate don't ya think?
Ritsu loving his brother like that is so cute
Yeah, but I don't have a good mic or the best singing voice. Although it's not like it's a singing contest or that anybody would recognize me anyway
>loving his brother like that
Context please
What would we sing though?
I would be down for 99.9
stick with the proper fujobait, pedo
We don't even know the right lyrics to that song unless someone posts the cd jacket's inside.
Best reimob.
Personally I would find it hilarious to hear some folks sing one thing and the others something else that sounds very similar to it. Just to embrace the awkward engrish
I'd probably get mixed up lyric wise and say 'hello mob, can you feel your masturbation?'
Which is what makes these Yea Forums sings cringefests fun at the same time to me
just do a movie, 1 hour 40 minutes, have ONE write all of the screenplay, that's it
i was thinking this to be honest
Yeah I just listened to the watamote one on youtube and it cracked me up
maybe actually two or 3 40 minute OVA's actually
i feel like 40 minutes is enough time to take care of dimple, 40 minutes of filler with the alien stuff that seriously wont take that long, and then 40 minutes for ???
make it 4 or 5 OVA's if you really must
I'd say 50 minutes for the broccoli tree and ??? arcs, those are a bit longer
Does anyone know where this gif is from? It looks like it's part of that 2015 teaser trailer for the anime, but I can't find that
well good thing an OVA/OVA series can be as long as it fucking wants to be
I'm reading the manga, the characters are more moe and cheerful in the anime i think. But 'm enjoying the manga very much, is cute.
Serizawa's is gold, thank you for sharing
Thanks so much user! I really appreciate it
It's great how they work on the second season now. The eye catches are really lovely
Found another interesting one from before the anime
>Broccoli 3 episodes
>Alien 1 episode
No. This is completely wrong. Broccoli will take 4 episodes minimum. Alien has no reason to be 1 episode if they need to pad for time, it’s a perfect fit for two.
I wish I could find this pic in a better resolution, mobs so cute here
Haunted Reigen plush that steals your pocket change and says you have no friends.
What strange creatures.
The fujoshi are having a field day with them
ONE can draw birds apparently
I have him beat though because I never carry change in my pocket! I also have 1 friend so I beat him there too
in MobuChannel?
I'm Reigen Arataka and you're watching MobuChannel!
*waves magic wand around frantically*
Devil may cry?
as if that has stopped others before
Reminder that spoiler tags exist.
Anyone else buy the Official Mob Psycho 100 T-shirt on amazon?
sorry, you're right
Daily reminder that we wont get 3rd season
Dick my cock
its okay if we never get a season 3, it's good enough in it's original manga form and it doesn't need a anime season
>Not wanting to see the ??? arc in anime form
I have never met someone with this level of faggotry before
maybe bones can take on opm then
Didn't they do some animation for opm s1?
Yeah that's right ritsu, smack your nii san in the face you little shit
i mean it would be amazing, but i think its asking fro too much from animators, some scenes are simply too epic to animate
It was the cat.
Yeah, he's like the security guard in that he only showed up for 1 or 2 episodes and yet the official artists latched onto him
I would literally donate a 3-digit number to it's fundraiser. It's top-notch in so many departments in comparison to a lot of long-running mangas.
Lack of recurring male adults that aren't too old. All their lust gets focused 9n one place
I guess you have a good point.
Don't ever underestimate Bones. They have consistently impressed us and outdone themselves on every project with which they were involved.
Imagine if the animation was 24fps. it would probably cost like the equivalent of $60,000,000 but it would be so damn cool
>some scenes are simply too epic to animate
you say this but BONES cranked the Mogami fight up to 11 in comparison to the manga
Didn't they get some Ghibli animators to do this series?
The manga fight was way cooler
Not that I'm aware of. Sauce?
>mob threads
>only mobfags, reigenfags and reimobfags
Why? Teru and Ritsu are same as good (or even better).
Terufags and Ritsufags used to post here but since Teru is a failure now and Ritsu is back to having the single personality trait of brocon there's not much to talk about
>4 Episodes
With what?
First will be the Dimple argument and rise of the broccoli cult, second will be it taking over the city, Teru vs Dimple and then Teru vs Mob, then three would be Mob vs Dimple and Dimple vs Broccoli
And alien being 2 episodes is a stretch
I could've sworn someone here said that a Ghibli animator worked on episode 7, but I suppose that's not the greatest source haha
Might be confusing it with Made in Abyss which had a few former Ghibli staff for backgrounds.
I never saw mia, all I know of it is that there's lots of shota/loli action and a cute rabbit/kangaroo thing
ONE is a good artist, I don't care what anyone says. It's so heartwarming to see his art improve over the years.
where the seribros at
I still love teru, but I do feel bad for him always jobbing to people recently.
reporting in
mobfags draw the weirdest art ideas
Manga fight was better.
haunted reigen bean pushie that throws you salt and calls you mobu
Why are bean plushes like that so popular? They could've given us something with more quality like scales, hell even nendos would be more satisfying than those plushes
Well nips love him.
Every show with a huge male cast aimed towards girls seems to be making them. I don't understand it. But there is so many of those rolls.
They're so ugly though, I don't see the appeal in them. They're like the funko pops of the plushie world
I don't speak russian, does anyone know what it says?
he has a decent following on nip twitter
Extremely accurate. I feel like they're based off Disney Tsum Tsums (since that game is wildly popular in Japan) so they may as well be funkos.
Me on the other side of that wall giving his ass a hearty slap.
The fight in the manga is amazing, don't get me wrong. It makes great use of the fact that it is a manga with creative paneling and imagery. However BONES took that fight and made it a great anime fight rather than just doing a 1 for 1 adaptation of the manga. Much like how the manga's fight plays its medium to its strengths, the anime's fight does the same. The direction is just plain breathtaking, especially when Mob lets down his guard in the end. You wouldn't be able to pull off the anime's fight without the sense of motion that animation gives it. It's fine if you prefer the manga fight, but I don't think you should discredit the anime's fight like that. It might just be that you like manga as a medium more than animation.
You're forgetting about chapters 92 and 93, which are Thoughts about the Future and Youkai Hunter Amakusa Haruaki's Debut. That would have to be the first episode of the season. As for the rest of the Broccoli arc, I think that's a reasonable pace.
When it comes to the Communicating arc, I feel like the idea that it can fit into a single episode is just as silly as those people who said the Reigen separation arc would one episode. Chapter 98 is actually longer than 69 to 73 combined, filled with just as much dialogue and plot beats. An anime adaptation would have to spend two episodes on it. The first episode would be Tome disbanding the group, the former club members getting the Kageyama brothers' help, Takenaka's reintroduction, the reveal that he's a telepath, and them making New Years Eve plans. The episode would end with them waiting on everyone showing up, and the next episode would be the rest of the arc. I feel like this is completely reasonable and 100% in line with the pacing of the anime adaptation thus far. I know that arc is one of the more weaker ones, but that doesn't mean they should rush through it.
Disney is popular there in general (especially Pooh from what I've gathered), I don't know why. I mean hey even famous anime VAs do Disney songs for cds
What a precious 30 year old agoraphobic ex-terrorist.
Why is every picture on twitter a jpeg?
You slapped his ass so hard he went through a wall?
Fuck, how amazing is this fight going to be?
I bet it'll put the k in kino
twitter is a terrible place to share art, but since tumblr tanked porn no other social media has really sparked with artists
if it's really crusty, i'll run the image through waifu2x to clean up the artifacts
Because it's a shit site that shouldn't be used for sharing pictures.
But trying to get people to move elsewhere is a never-ending loop of no one wanting to post elsewhere because no one's looking there, and no one wanting to look because no one's posting.
I like what they did with the back of the jacket
Where can I get a Reigen boyfriend?
You need a shota like Mobu.
>Dimple:Now we'll wait untill this fraud-birthday boy wakes up
>Teru:I think he will lose too much shit when he wakes up
>Dimple:Yeah,that's the point)
>On the left bottom corner:Happy birthday Reigen!
Do I get a kid to sit under one of those stick and box traps and wait for him to walk by?
You mean some handsome manipulative scumbag who is ultimately a decent person yet is slightly abusive?
You can easily find men like that in real life. They are the ones who are sexually successful already anyways.
Thanks user
Ritz cracker shouldn't you be doing something else?
Reigen is neither abusive nor sexually successful.
>manipulates a teenager boy into working for him for shitty slave wages because he doesn't want to get a real job
Reigen isn't sexually successful because that's not the focus of his character, but his type is successful in real life
>manipulative scumbag
I'd tell you to fuck off back to tumblr, but even tumblerinas dont think this
Wait, are you tumblr or Ritsu?
>h-he not manipulative! he a good boy! he gettin his life on track!
>t. type of person who would stay in an abusive relationship
>t. ritsu
I'm just so alone
What are you, some sort of Ritsu kin?
I'm not even saying he's a bad person or bad character jesus christ calm the fuck down husbandofags.
You can like a character that has flaws. That's what makes them a good character.
Holy shit this one's a gem
No one is sayng he doesnt have flaws, whereas you're the one exagerating and calling him abusive
We out here
I fucking love how Bones did Shimazaki introduction,it was perfect in my opinion:youtube.com
anime only here, is he as adorable as I think he was last episode?
Are father figures (Master) who are more father-like than your actual father a normal thing in Japan?
Anime does it a lot.
It's weird how Reigen is more of a dad to Shigeo than his actual Dad.
yeah, he's basically mob but a sweaty neet
what do you mean, is his manga over?
>Anime does it a lo
Does it? Maybe its my taste, but I generally dont see anime/manga where the master is much colder and aloof, I honestly thought Reigen was different in how much warmer he acts with Mob
Yes, he's like an adult Mob that instead of Reigen got found out by an evil guy instead
God,he's too hot
>You're pretty brave, giving the chocolate to me directly.
I thought Teru was supposed to be smooth. That's not something you'd want to hear after making a move on someone.
It is smooth for Japanese sensibilities.
Manga Mob and Reigen look so stiff and...unsoft
Imagine he's saying this in sort of encouraging tone I guess
ONE is good at plot and flow and presentation, but sucks completely when it comes to art
Yeah, the Tanko was released and ONE said that the story is over. He will focus on OPM webcomic now.
>ONE is good at plot and flow and presentation
This, even if this was a novel series I would still really enjoy it
He's super adorable. Like a saint Bernard puppy, he's huge and STRONG
There's something a bit melancholy about it though, probably has to do with the music
If it supports the show I will
That's what people said about season 2 and here we are
>ahh~, I sure would love to eat something sweet right about now~. no, I'm not ASKING you for anything!
Is this an innuendo?
If we get a S2 recap OVA, who would it be centered around? I'm putting my bets on Dimple since he's gonna be really important next season.
Whoops, meant for
that's the goal
Translation when?
According to the translator he's being tsundere.
Of course it is
Hey mohi's a goddess when it comes to reimob, I'll take stuff from her anyday
Do we have any safe for all, dad-reigen doujins?
i kinda droped the anime because the reigen arc was shit
did they do the punished mob and the burning of motherbase yet?
>the reigen arc was shit
The adaptation of that arc was fantastic.
>The adaptation of that arc was fantastic.
i said the arc was shit not the adaptation
I was able to make the resolution a bit better and damn these two are so fucking cute together
Wait wrong one
Yes. Your dad spends all day at work, comes home late exhausted, and just eats dinner, watches some TV and goes to bed to do it all again tomorrow. Wherever you are in life you find a senpai to act as a role model to fill that void.
Reigen's a fashion disaster.
Not to mention he's quite dismissive about his son's behavior
Are you kidding me? That's perfect fashion!
Reigen is anything but dismissive, he insists Mob act a certain way even when they're in danger.
No I meant mobs actual dad
Look, I love him with all my heart, but that cargo vest he wore to the bar was absolutely hateful.
In that case, I'd say its not that he's dismissive, it's that he doesnt even know how his son is behaving. He doesnt mind Mob's minor esper acts like pending spoons and levitating stuff, but that's not exactly behavioral (though he's chill about it because his wife picks up the slack). His major and Mob's mom major issue which led to Mob needing reigen as a 3rd parental figure is that they dont even bother to know his behavior. They seem pretty aloof, tell him to be a good kid and ignore any esper thing unless its forced upon them
*Also I'm willing to bet Reigens done more for Mob than his biological father had ever done
And I noticed there's a case of favoritism going on with the mom and ritsu
Considering how Ritsu grew up to be too outwardly responsible and worldsmart, it gives you the idea that even with him the parents were kinda lackluster and he was forced to pick up the slack
Damn mp100 is an anime goldmine when it comes to abnormal/developmental psychology things
I think so too. Almost certainly because Ritsu was the ideal son personality wise (smart, social, outgoing when compared to Mob's shy, silent type and not as brilliant) along with the fact he was normal and so didnt give them esper related issues (which they never bothered to trya nd fix, simply scolding Mob as misbehaving)
If Mob didnt love Ritsu so much (and maybe if he didnt have Reigen for balance) he might have grown up to be jealous of it
I sometimes wonder if they saw mobs psychic powers as a burden, seeing as the mother was later distressed when ritsu developed powers
Yup, all for main esper kids (mob, Ritsu, shou and Teru) have different personalities upbringings and its interesting to see how that impacts them
Well, the dad seems more chill about the minor inconveniences, but given they never bothered to try and study espers to help their son AND they're the sort to not be too emotional and outward, they pushed Mob to be more closed off, which results in more sudden destructive explosions as opposed to constant but minor issues. And Mob's explosions likely did some damage.
I do believe they love Mob, but likely a love him despite how much of a burden he is, sort of thing. I mean, Mob was out seeking help when he was 11, so imagine what he thought he was to his parents
Which is why Reigen being the comically charismatic guy that is always being dramatic about anything likely helped Mob believe one could wear his emotions up his sleeve
So why is Mob so strong again?
I can only think that psychic power is representative of ones fantasy world with Mob focusing on self improvement, but he's been the strongest fucker since he was a wee lad so I don't think that's right
Maybe when Serizawa finally get that fucking haircut and join Reigen's office. Poor Dimple. The security guard has tapeworm :(
>Has tapeworm
When was that established?
I mean from what I've seen/read Mob has DID, Ritsu had an inferiority complex, teru had delusions of grandeur, and Shou has family issues. Also would Reigen be considered a pathological liar?
He was literally just born that way. Nothing more to it really.
Sorry but I don't take constructive criticism.
Hatori is a manlet.
There's more than that for the kids, but yeah.
I honestly dont know if pathological lying because in general his lying is tied to his 'career' and status as Mob's master. I mean, he initially lied to Mob (and still lies to clients) because of his 'career' but after that he feels the need to keep the lie so he doesnt lose Mob + Mob's respect. So is it pathological or a need to specifically maintain Mob+client's belief that he is awesome? Either way, he sure has issues, also possibly stemming from upbringing considering the email he got from his mom on his arc
So is minegishi just pic related gone bad?
>So is it pathological or a need to specifically maintain Mob+client's belief that he is awesome?
Yeah it probably isn't pathological, now that I think about it. It's still off though
Off because he's kinda desperate for it? He' needs clients to believe him (or else he loses everything) and he's desperate for Mob's respect, so even when ti's all but clear Mob knows he's a fraud (Reigen arc) he still goes around acting like he's the best. He doesnt learn lying is bad, just that mistreating Mob because of his own issues is bad.
I mean, he doesnt seem bothered that Ritsu doesnt elieve him, unless it threatens Mob and clients not doing the same
It's actually one thing that always confused me about his arc: I thought Mob made it clear he knew Reigen was a fraud, yet we still have Reigen's confession in ch100. Unless the confession was about Reigen putting himself out there and finally admitting it, since he never outright said it to Mob
Whose Hatori?
The manlet.
The glasses guy? Was he even in the manga? Don't remember a single thing about him.
Yeah he's most likely desperate, I mean pre-serizawa the only real friend he had was mob
>Last paragraph
Yeah that part confused me too when I first read it, but I still almost cried when he started crying
Mob was ambiguous. Reigen was hopeful. But saying it outloud is different than believing someone understands what you meant. It took him more courage to say it outloud.
Reigen is very aware he has no powers so it's not pathological lying. He doesn't lie around Tome and confesses hes powerless (in his spinoff) If it was pathological he'd keep denying it. I think he's just depressed and repressing it so he has to make himself presentable to the world, and to him it means lying about being an esper so he can make quick bucks.
All he did was hijack the tvs.
Say something nice about Serizawa
I would like to touch his afro.
>it means lying about being an esper so he can make quick bucks.
I wagree with all but this. I think its what you said for clients but also a need to still be respected and needed by Mob, since as far as he's concerned if he's not a super special esper Mob wouldnt need to stick to him as his student, much less believe/respect anything he says
He's a real sweetheart with good intentions, even though he's a bit naive
I honestly don't believe Hatori is real. He's as unheard of as Moot and you're all just fucking with me.
It takes a lot of willpower to reform yourself after being a self-hating hikkineet and leave your manipulative savior at age 30. A lot of people tend to give up at that age because they're "too old"
How tall would you say Serizawa is?
This thread has the gay
At least 6'2 imo
I feel like he has some form of possession going on, but I have very little to back that up.
I want to **** his ****
hold his hand
Whenever I see this child my serotonin levels go through the roof
serizawa is a kissless, handholdless VIRGIN!!
Tall enough for me to **** him on my knees while he stands over me. I'm 156cm tall.
A-user! Don't make me blush like this
don't you mean lick his feet
How is he possessed? He literally excersizes spirits for a living
>YWN squish Mob's cheeks
my type
Absolutely based
Mob is a little muffin and I love him, ritsu is a scone
Reigen's nearly 5'11". He has to be pretty damn huge.
Oh my god minegishi is secretly hilarious
I wish I was as tall as reigen
Will they animate the Reigen manga as an OVA?
are you a girl?
One of the most neglectful things about Mob's parents that make me question if they really love him is the fact that they never questioned or investigated the fact that their 11yo son started working for an unknown man. Ritsu is rightfully worried and suspicious yet they never do the bare minimum to ensure Reigen isnt a damn pedo taking advantage.
we're all cute girls in this thread, user!
this season would be over before the last chapter of Reigen gets translated.
Is stranger danger/pedos even a big thing in Japan? I know in Europe and NA it is but I dont know about elsewhere
Men at that size don't exist.
they dont need to be a big thing for any decent parent to worry about their 11yo claiming to be working alone with one unknown man, without anyone else with them
I sure hope so
Do his parents even know about his job? Have they met reigen?
Serizawa is my favourite character but I have to admit that he didn't really do anything after World Domination arc (well at least anything relevant to the story). He had his slow progress towards becoming an excellent adult but they're mostly offscreen. I wish One would've shown him at school and getting friends. He has his moments to shine in the spinoff manga but I wish it would've happened in the main one.
He went to school?
I dont see why Mob wouldn't have told them, especially with him going there so often
Don't they inquire about whether mobs being a bother to Reigen? I could've sworn they did
Now that I think about it.. I don't think they're aware.
I still can't believe there's no Mob figures of any kind except those weird deformed russian doll things. Even cursed Funko Pops havent been done yet.
I hate to make the comparison but it's as ridiculous as All Might still not having any figures considering how popular Mha is.
Yet Kill la Kill is still getting merch.
Night class for older people that didn't get proper education. Technically, Serizawa is a middle-schooler.
>having a young boy fix your tie like a wife
Why is Reigen so goddamn degenerate
>not seeing this as a father teaching his son how to tie by practicing on him
You're the degenerate
>teaching a boy how to tie a tie on another man instead of teaching him how to tie it on himself
Literally grooming Mob to be wife.
Mob is for gentle mothering. He is teaching his son how to take care if him when he's too old to take care of himself
Looking back at this I'm getting karamatsu vibes from Reigen, and I don't know if it's a good thing
Reigen is a waifu, not a pedo.
ritsu and fire shota doujins soon? They appeared on screen together so I imagine that means they're married in the eyes of the fujo
They're probably out there already, because of the manga
>they pushed Mob to be more closed off, which results in more sudden destructive explosions as opposed to constant but minor issues
This isn't really supported. Hell, we barely get to know his parents outside of them not really finding his psychic powers to be all that amazing by the time the series starts, and that they're generally supportive but a little clueless. They never treat him as a burden outside of scolding him for bending spoons, which is just telling him not to bust up the silverware. They didn't understand his special needs, but there's no indication they were actually neglectful.
They love him but they seem to be very naive. In this side story, Mob's dad told Mob's mom that he was a descendant of a line of very powerful espers and didn't want to tell her until now all of a sudden and she believed it. Also, Mob doesn't seem like the type to chat about everything he does with Reigen anyway so they probably think it's a part time job and simply just that.
God I wish.
fujos only ship shou with ritsu, or with his dad so yes doujins have existed for a while
They're both overconfident and soft-hearted. But in Karamatsu's case, no one thinks he's cool in canon.
>Or with his dad
Oh, great, now I'm aware of this
Anyone have that art of Shou getting ready to suck toucys dick?
I have a feeling he and Teru would get along, seeing they both have perfect fashion
Nah, Reigen is more like Osomatsu. He is cool, cute and a good onii-san.
No problem, Reigen is a Mobteenfucker.
I wonder if he could take on Kuroko
>He is cool, cute and a good onii-san
C'mon now Oso, you ain't fooking anyone
In a basketball match? Probably
>last chapter
Fuck I hope ONE-sensei continues it for at least 15 or 20 more chapters, it feels like it's just the start of a new story
I meant the other teleporting esper.
What the fuck Serizawa is 30? I totally forgot and thought he was mid 20s hence why Reigen was helping him get his life together.
Explains why he looked so daddy-mode in those Reigenchapters though
Nope, it's done.
I love his little pouty face at the end
Yeah, he became a shut-in NEET at 12, stayed that way for 15 years, and then worked for Touchy for 3 years
The anime draws Teru so sharp compared to the manga. It's sort of a good choice, in the manga he's a complete dope even when he gets his hair back.
the characters all looked a bit different this ep, different animation director?
source? Also, manga Reigen is fat
>slight ichikara
Begone, pedo.
So how much do I need to pay One to do another spinoff of this spinoff where Reigen and Serizawa get married and have magic esper children together?
What chapter is this
Sure are a lot of fujos in here..
Anime-only retard here. Im curious though, after the current arc is over will there actually be enough left for a season 3?
short answer yes long answer not really
Where do I contribute to this Kickstarter
I'm really curious what the ratio of fujos to fags is in here.
0% fujos 0% fags
100% little girls shitposting
I feel outnumbered
I mean, if you animate the omakes (there are a lot) and put anime original content then yes there is enough for a 12-episode season. 3-4 years from now lmao. Hope Studio Bones can benefit a lot from MHA revenue.
isn't this lowkey flopping just like S1?
yes but as long as the quality stays consistent to the finale who cares, hopefully bones knows that it is more important to put the effort in regardless of initial ratings because not everything is a hit right away
>karamatsu vibes from Reigen
Kara is not sharp as Reigen nor very bright
reigens ability to bullshit is 100%
Wait, what? Is Mob really flopping?
please help! where do i read all recent chapters of the manga? I’m stuck at broccoli.
Here’s the first page
It's middle of the road sales-wise, to some anons that means flopping, not realizing BD sales has long been not the only factor of measurement
>Sold out early airing
>Sold out merchandise (except the damn ugly ones )
>Sold their airing license to many streaming platforms worldwide like CR and goddamn bilibili (currently 26 million chinks following the show on there, with paywall)
Mob Psycho was never a hit lol. But I'm still holding out hope that a season 3 will happen since this is apparently the closest thing to a passion project that Studio Bones have.
Are you a guy?
Has Bones said anything about where this season will end? I just don't see how this season will be the end of the series with how extensive the claw arc is.
It's kinda crazy to me that this show isn't more popular. I assume OPM is the more popular of ONE's series?
>He will focus on OPM webcomic now.
He didn't drop the webcomic? Wow that's great fucking news.
I don't understand this flopping meme? Season 1 wasn't a big hit but it didn't flop. It didn't sell an impressive amount BDs, but it sold an average amount. Season 2 looks to be doing about the same. People also usually forget that merch and streaming play a large part in the overall profit as well.
Can she dodge bullets?
BD sales sure. Merch, they keep being sold out.
I think Mob is a bit more popular in Japan than it is in the west. But OPM is definitely the main attraction here, no question. Mob was never going to be a mainstream hit sadly. I guess it's too much of an "anime" anime. It is a shame that so many people are missing out on a genuinely good story made with so much love though.
I agree. I just recently got into this series and I feel like I've really missed out on not getting into it sooner. It's such a heartfelt and endearing series. Hopefully, there's at least another season or OVA.
I think at least once in your life you come across a recommendation for this show, what you make out of it is up to the individual, people missing out because "it's ugly" or "it's boring" aren't exactly the ones you want in the fanbase anyway.
I think S2 ends just after the broccoli explosion and Dimple saying: "Has it begun? My era..."
There's actually quite a long epilogue between the explosion and that line, I think that alone warrants an entire episode.
I dunno,after exposure in Toonami,vrious shilling by Crunchyroll,Reigen memes and twitter spam it surely become more popular then it was before
do you think bones asked for this spin off because there wasnt enough content for a 13 episode 3rd season?
But the Reigen spinoff is mostly text, it's way longer than the average MP volume.
I thought that died back around 2008, it's still going?
How long is the average mp100 volume? I never got physical copies
I know I'm really late to this but damn you have terrible taste in ships, Ichi a shit
Lick his knee?
Yeah,shimazaki was cool.Bones always adding extra bits in fights and I actually can't wait to see his fight versus our gang
What do you guys do when you're waiting for the next episode?
thinking about life
masturbate to serizawa
Planning my life when s2 is over and I have to wait years for s3
I smell conspiracy...
ONE('s assistant) sure is great at making backgrounds.
Also openings called "99" and "99.9"...
Holy shit,is this really a coincedence?
Did Inukawa lose his virginity to xenopussy?
My esper daughter is so cute and funny.
when is she getting the Reigen D?
The Reigen D is for Mob you fucking cretin
But Mob is straight.
Don't know what deltarune has to do with this but mob is clearly bi
Uh yeah, not all manga lasts 20+ years thankfully
Mobu is Reigensexual and straight, not bi.
5 or 6 years is the best running time imo. but hey you can always read it over, it hasn't disappeared forever
What if tsubomi is a trap? Her face is pretty manly looking in the manga
You know who's gay for mob?
This fucker, and they should've been a couple goddammit
is this all intentionally badly drawn or is the mangaka really jsut bad
Nah he's just pretty bad. But he makes up for it with really good panelling.
Even if it's scribbles its a joy to read because it usually flows really well.
Then Reigensexual and trapsexual.
I always just imagined how the characters would look in the anime when I read it
What I would give to instantly kill every single piece of shit in this thread
Hopefully better tastes.
Taste in what?
If you're going to insult something, offer a better alternative, you witless monkey.
The alternative is purging these threads and let it start from 0, faggot.
Zero is a metaphorical alternative that don't exist outside of your head, a isolated, imagined contrivance of a whining pissant.
Where did this come from??
From this thread being filled to the brim with the worst tumblr fujoshi, you really can't blame that kind of reaction.
Really? That's your problem? Mp100 threads have always had stuff like this, if you don't like it then leave. No one wants cancerous shitposters like you anyways, go back to the hxh & bnha threads, you're type will fit in more there. At least these threads have genuine discussion about the series, regardless of fujoshi posting
>genuine discussion about the series
Don't make me laugh you stupid faggot, you cannot have discussion in this cesspool.
You fujos are on the same level of cancer as the pieces of shit you described in your post.
Kill yourself.
Just a few posts above there is some faggots from Yea Forums posting some video game shit and another faggot avatarfagging, give me a break.
then your taste is even worse
Shhhhhhh. Mob a sleepy
Clearly someone hasn't read through the thread, probably because your head is so far up your ass you can't read the screen. Yea Forums is an anonymous image board website, not some 'secrit klub no gurlz allowed!" Some people want to discuss things with shit like 'reddit karma'. But you know what pathetic faggots like you aren't with my time, so consider this a complimentary (you)
What the fuck are you talking about? Who the fuck is talking about reddit?
>discussing things
Saying "mob is cute" for the ten thousandth time in a single thread is not "discussion" you retarded faggot.
1 minute web shorts of omakes when?
i was expecting it to be a shounen and drags forever, then it just ends.....
this is the first one for me lol
>m-m-mom do i fit in yet???
>m-muh Yea Forums purity
just kys
We discussed everything 2 days ago. What do you want now? That we stop making mobthreads 6 days a week. When has Yea Forums ever not been about waifufagging, husbandofagging, /u/shit and fujoshit?
>mfw ril guys like Mob would be glossed over and devolve into bitter incels
why is 3D so cruel?
Because women are too self absorbed to look a bit beyond themselves and their banal bullshit, just take a look at this fucking thread
I dunno about you guys but it feels as though the weeks are going by faster since mob Monday came back
Is Reigen the ultimate volcel?
BONES can just move that up to the end of Chapter 91, which is probably where this season will end. Dimple is absent during Chapter 92 until that page anyways so it’s not like it’d mess with continuity.
Also fuck off with your normalfag words
Reigen pays Mob and gave him a cell phone, they're probably happy that he's working instead of just sitting around the house as soon as he's out of school
>where do i read all recent chapters of the manga?
Mangadex.org has all of the chapters and omake, plus the Reigen spinoff
Shh shhhh...he deserves to rest peacefully.
God wills it.
My son is not for lewding!!
I love how he has a bead of drool on the side of his mouth, he's that unconscious
What are those fingers for?
Reigen is not for lewd.
I was in here offering art requests yesterday but i didn't get back to it before the thread died. Hit me with more and I'll post some shitty shitty doodles. I'm not a bad artist though so they won't be that shitty
Nice bait.
Teru as Megaman facing Shimazaki as Airman
Alternatively, Teru in Vegeta outfit doing pic related facing Shimazaki in Cell costume.
Why do you have so much hate in you?
A special ladies-only massage.
mob is a kind person who is learning to grow and live for himself, not for the approval of anyone else. he isn't so shallow and fragile that he would shrink back and lash out at the world because he doesn't get what he wants.
you have no one to blame for your bitterness but yourself. you're the only one responsible for your own feelings.
stop avatarfagging and posting off topic images
At first I was gonna say Teru as Megaman just missing the E-tank on the ledge and falling to his demise, but I'm not like that.
why is mob on there too?
Give Mobu chocolate, he doesn't get any in canon.
Stop being a horrible poster that doesn't contribute anything but complaining to the thread.
He is contributing though.
How the fuck is calling out filthy crossposters not contributing?
I prefer minori with blonde hair, it looks a lot more natural than goofy ol' purple
>Not even top 10 in his own series.
What a shit list.
Contributing what? Being sour over images? At least they're not shitposting.
Why is it that mp100 threads always turn to shit in the early morning & late afternoon
You are the reason Yea Forums turned to shit in the recent years, letting crossposters and normalfags from tumblr or other shitty sites like that do whatever they please, you are probably one of those trashbags even.
>Oh no! My pure secret site is getting ruined!!
Cope, don't like it don't come here simple as that.
See what I mean? Go fuck yourself, waste of space.
I've never watched dbz, does it take place in Arizona or something? Why is it all people fighting in front of mesas?
Tome is cute.
Kek, that's great
I like it, very ONEish :^)
Dimple is weird. Sometimes I get scared because I think he's coming to get me.
oh i get it, you're the guy who made this post
tambourine boy mob is cuter
It's always nice to see drawfags here, thanks user
After 2 months of listening to OP2, I have to say I now like it way more than OP1. The song is incredibly catchy, even more so than the 1-99 counting, the visuals are as good or even better than OP1, especially the later half plus it helps that it does it's job at hyping me up to watch the episode which is what every anime OP should do. Seriously the 99.9 99.9 part is amazing.
Now I wonder if 99.99 will be even better than this and how will Bones manage to do it.
>4h ago
What? Just fuck off to where you came from you asshole
Just ignore them, they're looking for a fight
>Wants to kill everyone in thread
>Gets upset about being called out on it, after lurking in the thread for hours
just wow
Why wouldn't they do 100? It'd be the last season
>just wow
Are you just trying to your damnest to show how much of a newfag from some normalfag place you are?
100 is OP4 just for the final episode, an opening that includes everything that happened in this series as a callback.
You don't fight people online, you just angrily shout at them while you try not to cry. This is exactly the sort of behavior that makes people so soft here, because they resort to crying instead of actually doing something productive about it, like making good threads and posting quality content in them.
Describe to me what is wrong with Normalcy
Being "normal" is exactly what defines and sets Mob apart from other anime's, so I can actually address this without going off topic.
To be normal is to accept that you are a single piece of a larger puzzle and to do your best with your given abilities to face the problems life throws at you, while competing with those around you. To be abnormal simply means you have fallen out of place in the world, because Mob has psychic powers he is not normal, but what is it that makes basement dwelling troll's abnormal? It's definitely not psychic ability.
And while Mob does his best to ignore his more negative traits and remain in society as a normal individual person, to become normal, people here seem to jokingly refer to that as a negative thing, when obviously reaching some level of normalcy is what we want, so we can relax and be at ease with ourselves.
This poor quality baiting, while intentionally done to frustrate people should still be called out rather than ignored, so people feel less smug about doing it and more shameful and ignorant.
Are you telling me you see nothing wrong with shounentards? You don't see anything wrong with tumblrites? People bringing some retarded forced series/studio rivalry to this place? Posting offtopic bullshit or even making blogposts?
Kill yourself.
Go back to talking about Serizawa's feet
serizawa’s feet are infinitely more on topic and worthwhile than tumblrposting and pseudo-intellectual armchair philosophizing about the merits of telling newfags to fuck off
I wonder what they smell like?
I want him to step on me
Like unwashed, fungus addled feet.
With or without his shoes?
In all honesty these look better than the actual product
Either. Bare feet are nice but shoes would hurt more. Better question is crocs or dress shoes
If you want less pain I'd say Crocs, since they're kinda foamy
Dress shoes it is
Good taste my friend
Socks only > all.
my ass
How much material is there left in the manga? Is it enough for another season?
I think there's enough, especially if they take their time and pad it out by animating omakes
S1 teru made some of the greatest relatable facial expressions
Well Bones could at least be up to the task, they've been really productive lately. I mean if we know there's an ending I don't care how they do it, could be a couple of OVAs for all I care.
honestly i hope they expand the yakiniku omake into a full episode
Serizawa is CUTE
>A full episode
Wouldn't they need to slow it down 50x just to do that. It'd be like
>Rrrrrreeeeeeeeiiiiiiigggggggeeeeeeeennn cccccoooooooooookkkkkeeed hhhiiiisss meeeeeeeeeeeeeatttt iiiiiinnnn sssiiilllleennncccccceee
Thoughts on girl mob?
Last episode was meh. I hope it doesn't reflect on how the rest of the arc will be adapted...
She's a good girl
I wish I was born in the timeline where MP100 was a shoujo series.
cute/cute, would ship with tome
Let's talk about girl Serizawa instead.
Boy Time about to break his neck with that Shaft headtilt
Boy *Tsubomi goddamn it I have been awake for 24 hours forgive me
>24 hours
Damn nigga, hope you get some sleep soon
I'd prefer if all the other characters stayed their original genders and only mob was the girl. Make some hot bi action
That's a whole lot of woman.
Looks like a mtf transgender, no thank you
>mfw I realize Saitama + Fubuki -> Mob
Welcome to 5 years ago
>cake Reigen
No voring cake Reigen please
Not everyone in these threads is that degenerate you know
Funny you say that because I had a dream last night that mob ate me...
did you at least taste good?
Dunno, I can't remember much of it, only that I woke up all bothered and sweaty. It's probably cause my bitch of a roommate keeps cranking the thermostat up
Ok I never read manga and I have only seen some anime, but I have finished the mob manga (Have not started the Reigen spinoff) And I'm watching the anime, A few questions
1.How many episodes do these things normally have? Where just now getting to the real fight and there's still the broccoli stuff to go.
2.I heard there's a mob psycho movie all about Reigen? is that all about the new Reigen spin off? (that's not even done right?)
3.Is one EVER going back to the OPM webcomic? or are we getting more mob psycho? at this point I would be happy with both outcomes
well since the threads bout to die I thought I'd ask out of genuine curiosity
take care I guess
The spin off is over but no one has translated the last chapters yet and yes he said he is coming back to OPM now that Reigen is over
There's 13 episodes this season.
The Reigen "movie" was just a season 1 recap, with a few extra scenes tacked on to tie it all together.
Someone in this thread mentioned the Reigen spinoff is wrapping up so ONE can get back to OPM for now.
Id rather not have dreams like that again, but thanks for the concern
god fucking dammit Liz not everyone can control their body temp as well as you can ya cunt
>The Reigen "movie" was just a season 1 recap, with a few extra scenes tacked on to tie it all together.
Ah ok, So I'm not missing anything...only 13 episodes though? Well shit, here I thought that session 2 would be the rest of the story. Just how long are they going to make us wait for muh dimple fight
I want her to step on me.....
>Well shit, here I thought that session 2 would be the rest of the story
I hoped for that too. Oh well, wishful thinking I guess
Maybe we'll get a movie instead.