Are e-readers good for manga?

Are e-readers good for manga?

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Do they even work with PDFs or however else you download em?
What about colour especialy with the E-ink ones
If it Does work I can imahen theu would be great since wide screen and last for ages on a charge

no. That's the one weakness of e-readers. Can't zoom in or scroll around like a tablet. That's also why ebooks with maps are hard to read

Only the Japan exclusive kindle model is any good

>Can't zoom in or scroll around like a tablet.
Watch literally review for the new Kindle stuff, retard.

I tried reading Emma on my kindle paperwhite and the problem is that the font is handwritten, so since the screen is slightly smaller than a normal manga it gets a little harder to read. A tablet is probably better.

Not really. Only if you are used to reading manga on your cellphone.

You can certainly zoom, but it’s slow as shit. The user experience is much better on a tablet.

If you like all your blacks to look gray, go ahead. Also, no colour pages for you. Just buy a tablet.

Only the big (so really expensive) ones, and only if the mango in question has no color pages or you don't care about them at all.

I just use a galaxy tablet 10.1 and mangadex and and haven't been more content.

I wouldn't recommend it. The screen is usually yo choppy and low res to enjoy manga

Is there something bad about reading manga on a cellphone?

Get out.

Depends on what you're reading. If you're reading something detailed art wise with a fair amount of spreads then you want a tablet sized screen.

nah they're all chink shit

is there something bad about mass murder?

Get yourself a tablet instead. Much better if you ask me.

as long as it's not some PWM-ridden android shitpad

Chad Tablet Reader vs. Virgin Smartphone Reader

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no. I have a Kobo HD. I just ended up going back to my LG G4 for anything that isn't an e-book.

Get a regular tablet.
e-readers are a good replacement for paperback boos and thats about it.

What about using zoom?

>Do they even work with PDFs or however else you download em?
Yes, they work with PDF's. The general problem with PDF's is that you can't reflow their text which is the primary point ebook formats. For manga/comics though you have page-focused content though, where reflowing content would be undesirable anyway.

>What about colour especialy with the E-ink ones
There's no colour, everything becomes a greyscale. There is experimental colour e-ink technology, but it's a few years removed from being implemented, no e-reader (as in e-ink device) has a colour screen. Most manga are published in black and white though so this is less an issue IMO.
>If it Does work I can imahen theu would be great since wide screen and last for ages on a charge
E-readers generally have smallish screens. Of course manga again are usually published in smaller formats than western comics but still.
There's something like a comic mode in mobi/azw but I haven't tried that.

Read some manga on the regular kindle paperwhite, and it was pretty great but I'd like a bigger screen though. You will miss out on a few colour pages (will still get displayed, but in b&w), but honestly, those happen really rarely and you can just check them out while loading up the PDF onto the device. It feels a lot nicer to read than a regular tablet and with a bigger display you won't even need to zoom in.

My 2c btw is that I think it should be quite alright if you use a format where you can use landscape mode (it would fit to width and then you can just tap once to scroll down).

depends on who you're targeting.

Wow I need to proofread my posts.

honestly no, as someone who has used both, a tablet is much nicer than an ereader for manga. I use a samsung galaxy tab s3, but I'm sure something cheaper would work just as well.

>tfw you hit submit and then want to cancel but it's too late and you have to live with your shame
the worst.

tablet its better


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what about eye strain?

No issues with that, unlike regular tablets.

Likebook mars
>Has andriod
>Can install tachiyomi
>Has a backlight

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There's none. I only recently got one and I'm impressed how good it works.


I fell for the e-ink meme. E-ink itself is great, but file support and image quality on e-readers are usually terrible. Plus e-readers have terrible software support and at best you'll be struggling to run Android apps.

Just get a nice Android phone/tablet with a big screen and use Tachiyomi. Make sure to configure your display settings so it's easy on your eyes, and make sure to filter blue light.

I actually prefer reading manga on my Galaxy Note 8 than I do on my Paperwhite e-reader.

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>but file support and image quality on e-readers are usually terrible
I've got a 300 ppi device and file support is pretty good when you've got Calibre

Things are probably better now. Last time I used an e-reader was like 2013. I would only consider one now if it had full Android app support out of the box.

Full android support on an e-ink device? Why would you want that? E-ink is for static shit.

But yeah there's a big difference for images when it comes to the difference between 167 ppi (the basic kindle) and 300 ppi (the PaperWhite 4)

Because native reading apps lack in features and support. Plus I'd like to be able to open a web browser for some comfy Wikipedia reading.

Obviously not for videos and games and shit.

>Plus I'd like to be able to open a web browser for some comfy Wikipedia reading
Kindles have a web browser and I think Kobo's too. It's useless for anything complex but for Wikipedia it's *usable*—but not ideal. The autozoom feature when you double tap on the text block does work, but scrolling through a long page is very annoying on an e-reader. Luckily, there's services that compile Wikipedia articles to ebooks which is a much better experience.

Keep in mind these devices have very low end processors and RAM.

I use this:
Expensive though

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does not compute

subpar experience, even on the business-class large format ones
you can make it work, but it's really not fun
much as I wish that wasn't the case, it is

Just get a cheap $20 used tablet lmao.

While we're on this topic, what apps do you use to read your mango Yea Forums?

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Tachiyomi, but I hate how their backup system is broken. I'll try a different one and see if another's backup is working fine.

What's a good app that lets you scroll and not have to flip pages? That shit drives me crazy.

I use an Oasis 2 and enjoy the experience, currently rereading Berserk. I'm sure there are better less expensive options, but I enjoy it.

You mean a vertical mode like the web comics? Tachiyomi has it

What cheap android tablet does Yea Forums recommend? I was thinking of picking one up to use alongside my iPad.

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I could have sworn I tried that one and it didn't, but I must be confused. Thanks.

I use a Kindle Fire 8 with PerfectViewer.

I don't want to lose color pages and PV has a lot of great CBZ reading features (bookmarking, read progress, filters for newly-added chapters, zooming and display options, etc.). Cheap too.

I got a Kindle Paperwhite for manga a few months ago, is works great and the detail seems to be perfectly fine. But the problem is that it is only black and white, and while actually buying and reading manga on it is no problem, if you want to pirate manga and put it on there it is the most tedious thing ever, especially when you get multiple manga on the thing with dozens of chapters.

Ended up getting an ipad pro to read manga and have been loving it so far, just going to use the kindle when I go to the beach or something and the glare would be an issue with the ipad.

>Ended up getting an ipad pro to read manga
Isn't that thing fucking huge?

It's not that much bigger, and sitting around the house reading on it is actually pretty nice.

But definitely going to be using the kindle during the summer

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I have a Kindle and an iPad, I use them for different purposes. Kindle is handy because the battery lasts forever, is very light so it feels nice to have in my hands, it's cheap. I use when I'm at work, commuting and pretty much anywhere. I bought the iPad first because it's related to my job but I read manga there as well, the screen is obviously better to read because there's no rendering issues, navigation is smoother (including zooming) and it's a multitask gadget. However I don't like to take the iPad outside because it can break easily (the Kindle fell off too many times to count and I was never worried), the fact of it being multitask can be a blessing and a curse, sometimes I get distracted when I remember to google random shit and get lost in the void and forget to come back to my reading. Kindle is slower to respond to touch, it took a while for me to get used to. For its price, It think it's a great deal.

In my humble opinion it depends of where you want to use it and how much do you wanna spend. If you'll feel comfortable reading in a tablet at the train and you have the money, go for a tablet. If you want to read in your bed and have the money, go for and tablet. If you want to read at the train and don't have money or is too paranoid about accidents, go for the Kindle. If you're broke and just want to read comfortably in your bed, try to find a used tablet or kindle and see what is the best option you can find.

What is that amazon tablet on top of? A table?

>there used to be a time where Yea Forums shat on anyone who even considered using tablets over computers
>there used to be a time where Yea Forums use to shit on streamers over torrenting
>there used to be a time where >mangafox

>there used to be a time where Yea Forums shat on anyone who even considered using tablets over computers
No there wasn't.

>there used to be a time where >mangafox

No one here is talking about mangafox. There's plenty of other servers out here now that doesn't rescale the images and doesn't put in their own advertisement on the image itself.

I package my DLs from scanlator sites into CBZs that I read wherever I want.

It's not remotely comparable to streaming or reader sites.

>No there wasn't.
There are people who browse Yea Forums before this decade user.

Yes and I've been on Yea Forumsg/ forever except the first 2-3 years.

Tachiyomi for online reading.
Perfect Reader for local files that are on the tablet. PR's reader itself is better.

i tossed my keys in there for a size reference, it really isn't an unwieldy size.

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it's like you WANT the lizardmen to win

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Back when I had a Windows Phone I used edge browser because it was unironically a really good web/PDF-reader

I do like the AMOLED mode Tachi has, perfect for my S9

Tachiyomifag here
Mangadex fix when? The search function doesn't work anymore since you need to login now

meh I prefer using my old, cheapo lenovo tablet

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It just seems silly to me to give so much importance to colours and deep blacks when 90% of people in Japan read manga on the cheapest of b/w printed recycled paper.

I have a kindle paperwhite but I don't think viewing images with it is all that great. I'd rather use a tablet.

Android is trash, the only mobile OS worth anything is iOS.

Only if you want to read under the sunlight.

iOS doesn't have tachiyomi

Look guys any arguments against eink readers are ridiculous. It's like trying to compare oled to LCD it's no comparison. Ereaders are literally like reading from a real manga volume.

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E-Readers are NOT good for manga. I tried uploading Tenchi Muyo stuff to it, and it loads super slow.

However, that's not to say e-readers don't have their uses. I read a ton of books, so e-readers are perfect for me. I can take an entire series on the go, and the battery lasts like a couple weeks.

If you wanna read manga, get a tablet.

Now try taking a picture of it at a distance where you'd actually read it instead of rubbing your corneas with it. Shit's small, the aspect ratio isn't 1:1 so the entire screen isn't used, and the zoom is unwieldy to put it gently.

I'm excited for the new gen of foldable phone/tablets significantly improving my manga experience

Seizure flashes and latency measured literally in seconds. Yeah you can zoom, but it's not good at it.

Shits 7.8 inches about the average size for manga

Anybody arguing about eink reader don't know what they are talking about and should be ignored. This isn't 2012 ereader have came a long way.

I'm about to start a dump to meme on theses fools that eink readers are better.

I'm also doing request pics for any manga.

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Hakumei to Mikochi
Preferably the spread from volume one where their house explodes.

Which chapter homie

Can't believe Yea Forums spreading lies about ereaders out here. I dont know why it flipped wrong weird.

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i use a windows tablet so cdisplay, which is weird because i moved to honeyview on pc years ago

Chapter 4

I gotta fix this flipped crap

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Looks pretty good.

I had an old kindle paperwhite. It was my preferred way to read but eventually it became so slow compared to just reading on a pc that I gave up using it. Also it only took .mobi and .epub files I believe. Maybe .cbz as well but I can't remember. Either way I always had to convert my zip files which was another pain in the ass. It is quite nice to read on and I'm sure newer devices are fairly better than what I was dealing with, but in the end it's just easier to read on a pc.

I certainly think so. I moved on from a Kindle Paperwhite3 to a KOBO Forma. The extra screen space was worth it's weight in gold, go for the biggest display IMO. I stare at screens all-day already and don't like reading on computer/tablet. Really a fan of e-ink. Besides physical I think it's the best experience and that's even up for debate. Getting the right format and uploading (especially often with some models not having storage with manga in mind) can be a bit of a pain. But using cbz creators is easy enough for me.

Think I figured it out, shit man

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I have a KOBO Aura One special edition(32gb)
I love the thing, although as you mentioned it can be really picky with the fomat, esp image formatting. It has still more than paid for itself in use.

I haven't even tried going the route many suggest to install koReader.

I have a Kindle Oasis 2. It's all right for Manga. The screen is a bit small, and a tablet would probably be ideal for reading. However, the Kindle does feel very light on the eyes.

Why are you in space?

I shitpost from the ISS

I think an oled tablet would be the best for manga reading

I have a tablet and have been using Mangasearcher on it for years but the app is honestly kind of shitty.
Is there anything better I should be using instead to read (free) manga on an Android?

If you pirate manga make sure you understand the toolchain. You need to acquire and convert a folder of zipped chapters into the correct proprietary format.

Modern e-readers have good manga support (including zooming, but DESU its not necessary on an 8"+ screen at 300dpi). But if you use the wrong format a it will leave whitespace around the image or have other weird formatting problems.

Manga looks crisp as fuck on an ereader, but at 300DPI you are typically looking at ~2GB per 100 chapters. Text books are generally

These scene will never be that funny.

I mean, I kinda pitied these potaytoes because they became homeless and shit but the look on their faces are priceless

What's the deal with people saying e-readers are not good for manga and that you need to convert to a specific format? I have a kobo aura one, screen size is the same as a manga page and I just need to stick the .zip files in a folder, it doesn't get any easier. Sometimes I have to batch convert rar files to zip, but that's the most trouble my kobo has given me in 2 years.

Sumatra pdf for windows. No seriously, shit's even got setting for reading manga. It's also literally the only thing that I can find that can read zip/cbz and also have long strip mode.


just use laptop and calibre, dude.

Yea Forums dumps

Why would you need an app?
I just go to whatever website has the release in good quality, usually mangadex

Can someone recommend a format that can be read in landscape mode on kindles? + which program to use to make them.