ITT: Lewd kisses

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shouldn't the mc not get excited because of the goddess mental castration?

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Girls kissing is the the purest form of love.

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back to /u/ faggot

Yuri is disgusting.

fuck off yuritard

I'm 30 and never kissed, how does it feel?

name of animu?

I'm also a virgin and I've never kissed and I can't imagine kissing being anything other than disgusting. I mean, you're getting your spit and her spit all mixed up and rubbing your tongue against one another. That's disgusting, man.

I'm such a fucking loser

Really? That's sad.... Well I'm 21, so I have nothing to say. Some have more luck than others.

I don't know either but it probably feels good. Like tasting salty milk and coins.

>I can't imagine kissing being anything other than disgusting
This is a really unhealthy coping mechanism user

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It's overrated. I've only kissed a few people in my life and never enjoyed it. But that's probably me being a sociopath not being cut out for intimacy.

This sounds about right. However, since you realize it you can be helped.

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The absolute state of Yea Forums

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hence why i called myself a loser


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This, It's the best thing yuri has to offer, and it should be more present in anime and manga.

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Plot holes, in a long running series that got axed so the author rushed the ending? No way!

Nobody post that clip from NGE.
Or the one from Chu2.

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>Gyaruboi kiss.
You donĀ“t have the power to say no to this.

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He said lewd, not pure

That's the definition of purelewd.

fucking FAGs

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This show was lewd as fuck

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Now that's what i call shock therapy.

Stay away from me, ice toddler.

It's overrated user, I kissed 3 people and only enjoyed one of them(probably he had the best intimacy or maybe that's just me). The rest were just spit and tounge that became annoying, I think I'm not cut for romance either.

>I'm a loser
No you're probably just Asexual.

Looking deep into the eyes of your first love and seeing the innocent excitement glitter in her eyes, catching a trace of her perfume in the air as you slowly approach eachother. Her breath on your face sends a tingle across your scalp and down your spine, all while your heart is about to burst out of your chest. The raw excitement of being eachothers' first and the knowledge that you are both about to erupt.. and then it happens. Your lips touch. The mere texture of her lips is like a sun exploding in your head.

You will never have this and I will never have this again.

No idea, but anime girls enjoy it, so it can't be bad.

Attached: saeko rei kiss.webm (1280x720, 2.52M)

That hurt, user.

I'm certainly not asexual since I masturbate upwards of 8 times a day. I think "aromantic" would be a more apt term.

>No you're probably just Asexual.
Back to tumblr you retarded faggot


They look like girls, and that's enough for some people.

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I'm 22 and I have no idea. Btw I completely agree with the thought of kissing itself is repulsive and human genitalia is disgusting. that's why I watch Japanese cartoons

The first thing to come to my mind after reading op

Imagine kiss her Medusa like that.

Some things never change

There is literally nothing wrong with a cute 2d girl kissing another cute 2d girl.

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There's nothing wrong with them either.

What wasted potential... I'd pay good money for a sequel focused on their relationship.


>hating on FAGs
What's wrong with you?

You sound like a suppressed homo desu.

Homos are degenerate sex addled retards who think only about stuffing fists up their rectum and walking around I'm bdsm leather gear and assless chaps.
Yuri however is soft and pure and involves blushing, holding hands and at most a warm loving kiss.
If there were a Yuri festival it would involve fireworks and be similar to a japanese festival.
Gay pride is basically a means for homos to turn their local city into a free for all sex hole and child grooming brothel before attempting to fit fire hydrants up their shitholes.

I want to be kissed by Nat-chan

>You hate spiders? That means you want to fuck a spider lol xD

>he doesn't want to fuck a spider

Must be nice to have your own IMAX theater, user.

The definition of delusional

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Reminder that kissinf an unconscious body is rape.

FAGs are pure

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Cute Hifumi, FAG.

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Hiroshimoot ate my thumbnail

Analogie is not an argument. Not a surprise. I figured you're mentally challenged from your first post.

Wew you seem to have thought about homo sex quite a lot.

He's right, you know

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Me on the right.

Why is this thread full of yuri?


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Considering AMG was based in Fujishima's real life, do you think he made his wives to kiss each other in front of him?

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You guys keep saying it's overrated but nowadays I get hard more easily watching a good kiss then with a random porn scene.

Didn't Fujishima impregnated a cute young cosplayer? Are they still married?

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Saw this thread, instantly thought of this, came to post it and its already the third post.

God that was a great moment

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looks like the inevitable /u/raid is upon us since they have been getting called out on their faggotry too often as of late.

Okabe and Kurisu's kiss in the VN, Kurisu's moans were incredibly lewd.

>thread about lewd X
>be surprised when people post yuri
It's okay to think yuri anime/manga is shit, but most people like fanservice scenes with two girls, user. Most posts aren't even from yuri series, or have straight content.

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I hope not.

Yeah whatever, FAGs are adorable.

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FAGs are boring.


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They've been shitposting in threads that have nothing to do with yuri lately.

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Imagine having this miniature woman wrestle with your dick as if she's wresting with some giant mushroom monster.

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a cat is fine too

If it's with some random chick it feels eh, I don't do it because i'm more concerned with getting some illness from her.
If it's with a girlfriend then it feels great desu

Why is this allowed?

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Why are dykes so fond of rape?

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this but tell this to a certified California fag

>TFW the only people that kissed you are your parents and your little sister

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I'm not a yurifag, but this guy is right.

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Now post the webm.

Depends on how hot the girl is. If you're making out with a disgusting fat hambeast, it's going to feel disgusting. Otherwise, it's a fun way to spend a few dozen minutes.

>I'm not a yurifag, but
Not fooling anyone.

Which manga is that?

I thought the black skin is supposed to be a girl but instead is a guy,i feel disappointed by this.

Trap Yuri, nice.

And they're both guys, actually

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Because girls don't mind.

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Ah! My Goddess




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Eeewww. You find it lewd...?

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Considering how many (forcefully) kissable parts the female body has, with the ultimate objective of course being the stimulation of her irresistible psyche... it representing her psyche, I too, don't understand the obsession with kissing the mouth in particular. Outside of it allowing for mutual "treasuring," of course. So it would kind of signal that she's into you the same way you are into her. But then it's still much more satisfying (in an egoistic way) to watch a 2d girl's perfect body be put on display by tentacles or some other flexible medium. With you then being able to kiss and lick her as you please. Pretty much. (The vagina has the more alluring lips)

Don't you like seeing 2d girls blush or express their emotions in other ways? Even from a purely logical (autistic) perspective, you have to put in some work to get it out... Or from an entirely selfish perspective, you kiss something to treasure it. I am sure this is something even high-functioning autists understand.