So why does the JoJo fandom hate Stone Ocean...

So why does the JoJo fandom hate Stone Ocean? Its not as dull and generic as Phantom Blood and the stand battles are so crazy that you'd think Araki was smoking some secret drug he keeps in his closet

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Beats me. Stone Ocean was one of my favorite parts. Up there with DiU and SBR

the ending was weird and the fung shui fight are mostly why i dont like it

i've never really seen anyone bitch about it. only heard gooks dislike it, mostly.

Same, it had some shit fights like the feng shui one but so does every part

I was fine with the feng shui fight because of FF being FF.

Rykiel had the best fight. Shame he died in such a bullshit way

And we know they ain't people.

The story is largely uneventful for the first half, and then just stupid for the second.
The main cast is much weaker than most parts, only beating Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency's.
There is little down time between arcs.
Most of the fights are average or worse with few exceptions. They lack any interesting moments or back and forth. Anything close to an interesting moment comes from the fact that the enemy's stand is weird, but the enemy usually doesn't do anything interesting with them, it's just that it's weird.
Most of the Stands, while cool conceptually, are pretty boring.
Absolute worst set of minor antagonists in the series.
I'm not a fan of how they initially made progress by beating up someone, and then that person having a memory disc that just so happens to lead them to the next objective.
Whitesnake is a horrible stand. This would be a smaller issue if it wasn't the main villain's stand.
Jolyne and Jotaro's relationship is fantastic... until it's resolved in the dumbest way possible.

Legacy is a big theme of Stone Ocean, it's what I would consider to be its main theme. So it's disappointing that, rather than reflecting on the series as a whole since it is the finale of the original universe, it was more a celebration of Stardust Crusaders. There are call backs and references to parts other than SDC, but aside from a few meaningful ones, most of them are just simple nods to older parts, which pretty much every part does. The majority of its meaningful connections to past parts are ones to SDC. It makes SO feel less like a finale to the whole series, and more a sequel to SDC.

too bizarre becomes stupid

it's shit, deal with waifufag

> There is little down time between arcs.

So like litterally every parts.

The thing that really bugged me about it was the fact that Dio’s sons all magically come together but Giorno is just non existent I guess.

>universal reset ending invalidating the previous 15 years of stories
You can "ACSHUALLY" all you want, the reality is that Araki had reached an ending point for the series, didn't want to end it, so he wiped everything out.

Jojo rankings make the last ones look bad but it's not their fault they're in a fantastic series, their flaws are just more notable to the ranker or else another part as a package just ranks higher.

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>4 that low

SO really does feel like an ending. It does wrap everything up (besides Giorno).

I think the fights/development/personalities/pacing is better in the higher ranked parts. Not all of those together but a combination of a couple fir each

Because she' so fucking dumb it actually hurts.

the fights are way too gory and just plain disgusting

>JoJo fandom hate Stone Ocean
It wasn't as warmly received as part 5 in JAPAN. There's a big difference. I don't really hate it. I like Jolyne.

was there anything to wrap up?

Joestars struggle.

It only "invalidates" part 6. But I think saying a reset invalidates the stuff before it is pretty stupid. Especially when the ending stays in lone with some of the themes of the part, like that memory makes you who you are (something introduced through FF) and Pucci's goal failing spectacularly. Saying that a reset invalidates the story just shows you care more about the end point than anything that actually happened in the story.

Because now that Part 5 is popular we need a new part to hate. Once the part 6 Anime airs and everyone remembers that it's actually good they'll find a new part to shit on. Probably part 8.

>Probably part 8.

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No one hated it before. 5 was the one everyone hated, but since there was hype for the anime, another part had to become the one hated by everyone.

>phantom blood
>dull and generic
Maybe the manga but the anime was phenomenal. PB and BT were the best jojo anime adaptions.

that's just because they are the worst material to work with

Phantom Blood is still boring in anime form

I got a question, could tusk act 4 defeat king crimson?

highway to hell could defeat tusk act 4

Fuck man, Stone Ocean is my favorite out of the Stand Parts (3-6). I like Pucci, I like Jolyne, I like the fights, I like the prison setting, I like the crazy stands, I like the more brutal hand to hand fights and I even like the end of Eva-esque ending. The hate that this part gets is undeserved. I mean any complaint people have against this part has happened in other parts, where they don't complain about it. I remember back in the day part 5 being the most hated part. Now that it is airing as an anime, everyone has shifted to hating part 6. Im willing to bet that when it will finally be animated, people will shift their hate somewhere else.

i think most people hate the reset in the universe and all

Couldn’t King Crimson just stop Johnny from starting up the Super Spin or some shit?

I'm with him. I enjoyed 4... but not nearly as much as some of the others and I don't really see the allure.

It just kind of... ends. There's so much left incomplete and unexplained that I didn't come away as satisfied as I'd expected to from the hype.

Tusk Act 4 can cross dimensional rifts and move in stopped time for no clear reason, i doubt erasing time works. KC still has a good chance of sneaking on Johnny and killing him before he shoots, though.
This. Its stupid but true.

They're intimidated by a strong, independent woman who dont need no man.

Not a bad part bit it is the worst. Also doesn't help that it has the worst JoJo and gang.

7 > 5 > 8 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 6 > 1

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> Jolyne is a great JoJo
> Foo Figthers and Weather were great
> The entire finale was awesome
> Pucci is a high quality villain

> Hermes wasn't as good JoJobro as the past ones
> Dull beginning
> Dull middle
> Jotaro being a terrible dad and damsel for too long

Is in the middle to me, above part 1 and part 3 and maybe reaching part 5.

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please let that baby out of the cup

Do we have any info on who's animating Uragirimono no Requiem? I kinda wish they brought Kamikaze Douga back

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I wanna kiss Jolyne's knees and thighs

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That's Yasuho

It's Jolyne. Yasuho has a fatter face.

she cute

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Posting the most irrefutable part listing

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how does one get a Reimi GF ?

I think your mistaking its shonen jump ranking to the people's opinion now. It rank lowly because the fujos who were suporting the series beforehand stop caring once the protagonist change to a girl. Also Jolyne wasn't hot enough for litle boys to give the boner vote.

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This is the only accurate ranking

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Not gonna happen. They have bigger jobs than Jojo Openings now. I wish they'd come back too, but I don't see it happening. Maybe the last OP of part 6 or something for SBR and Jojolion.

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Because Yea Forums can't handle women who are confident with their sexuality.

This is pretty true with Yea Forums and Jojo.
Remember how much asshurt Yashuo´s ex generated?

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Wait, that was Kamikaze Douga? If they can animate this good, then why was Team Epic such garbage?

2>1>>>>>>>every past that has stands

Budget. The OP is a 1.5 minute portion of animation that gets reused a lot. You only have to make 1-2 per season, so the budget for OP´s are way larger proportionally than whole episodes.

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if people hated part 6 because of jolyne then that means they didn't read it, part 6 was shit because of the horrible pacing in the prison and not to mention anasui suddenly becoming a man was retarded even for fucking jojo.
jolyne was a good jojo reminds me of joseph more than jotaro, weather report is nice, foo fighters is based and theres no need for me to explain gay priest.

>suddenly becoming a man was retarded even for fucking jojo

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How come Johnny is cuter than even the femae jojo

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cause he is a brainlet for most of the part

Because you're a faggot.

>mfw I sniff my finger after rubbing it against my asshole

Εvery time a girl has actual sexual history and isn't fanservice focused, this happens, no matter the medium.

Fucking incels.

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Im Animeonly but im looking forward to seeing Part 6, Not only because it represents the end of the Jojo Universe but because ive been waiting for a girl MC in an action series. People here always used to shit on Part 5 but it isn't really bad. I guess is the same with this one

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stand ocean is good but suffer the same thing like par 4, boring slice of life, but part 4 get a pass because its arakis' favorite.

Honestly I still don't like Part 5 because of Giorno (and Diavolo too). I understand what Araki was trying to do with his character and the anime adaption does an even better job (in my opinion) of bringing out Giorno's character... but I still don't like it as a whole. Which is a shame because I do love Bruno's gang, was one of my favorite side-crews in the series, and the fights were decent. That and I found Part 5 felt really short, especially last 1/3rd with how rushed things become. I don't even know if it'd be possible to stretch the story out any further and it would likely make it worse, but damn it.

How is part 6 any shape or form a slice of life

I'm like 10 chapters in and I'm already more gripped than with part 5 or any other part other than 4
I'm when Jotaro shows up, so with that I say goodbye to this thread, I already got one big spoiler about him so I'm not looking for more

It has the dicking around in prison parts.

It drops in quality abit after Jotaro leaves and takes awhile to pick up.

Reminder that
2 = 7 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 5 > 1

>2 = 7
I needed the laugh, thanks.

Would Fugo join the other on boat if Bruno explained the real reason why he rebelled intead of mumbling about Trish?

Yeah, you can't compare Sweaty Ball Run to Battle Chadency

Part 8 best part

Your next line is "I was just pretending to be retarded".

I think part 7 sucks.

Would you like to share why?

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>6 > 3 > 5
mirror it and youre right

Jobs on them haters

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What did they mean by this?

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>2 at the top spot
Ok bud

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My Pros and Cons about part 6

>Jolyne is a great MC, especially for a female in jojo universe
>Jojobros are great for the most part and there is an interresting atmosphere among the group, FF and weather are toptier, Emporio is also a really interresting character
>The relationship between Jolyne and Jotaro is great
>Pucci is a great villain
>Ending was great for me, really surprising and sad, but felt right for some reason,also it gave a reason for SBR to exist
>A few stands were really interresting, the suicide stand, stone free and burning down the house were my favorites

>They're in a fucking prison but it just feels like they're stuck in a school
>There was nothing interresting about the prison escape, its a fucking prison and they get in and out of it, walk around as they see fit, it just sucks, prison theme was absolutely useless despite making me so excited during the first chapters
>Seriously tho, the fact that they were in a prison was only relevant for the first chapters, after that, they could have been in a hospital or whatever, it wouldnt have changed anything
>minor villains suck for the most part
>Almost every stands are way too fucking overcomplicated, some dont make any fucking sense, others are just boring sometimes because of how stupidly hard it is to use them, the meteor one and the one that makes people violent are the absolute fucking worst
>Some fights and characters just feel out of place, the fuck was the green baby doing in the story ?
>We dont get concrete explanations about pucci's power ups

Even part one was better than three.

Part 3 is legit one of the most fun parts to read, sometimes I like to pick up a random volume from my bookshelf and laugh my ass off.

Honestly the 'humor' of that part just didn't click with me Jotaro never felt funny or even like a particularly serious character. The supporting cast was pretty good but Polnareff being great only goes so far.

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I'm close to the end of part 6 right now and Joylene is probably my favorite Jojo so far.

Gappy is Johnny Joestar

Part 3 had more humor and better characters than part 1, Part 5 had worse characters but way, waaaaay better fights as well as stand, and character design and creativity. I think part 5 has the best character designs. Part 7 has pretty good designs and great and maybe even the best characters and setting, but the stands seem to be recycled and nothing too interesting, except for D4C. Now that I think about it there wasnt a single punchghost in SBR except for D4C and Tusk Act 3.

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Whitesnake asspulls, promises of developing Jolyne and Jotaro relationship, which were never delievered, bad pacing of most of the fight(overly long), useless crew, bland and forgettable minor villians, retconning of Dio, Dio`s plan making no sense, Pucci`s plan making no sense,Jotaro with speed A jobbing to Whitesnake with speed D,, everyone is jobbing just so Jolyne can shine, antagonists almost never do something interesting with their stands, limited prison setting which is rarely used, most of arc in prison end "and they got caught and thrown into harsher cell", anticlimatic espace setting up story for appearance of Giorno, which never got proper climax, everyone getting Joestar tattoo.


>1 having better characters than 5

>This is the closest I'll ever get for an official Trish shoujo spinoff
Twitter source?

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I meant part 3 having better characters, part 1 barely has any characters.

It doesn't. Jotarofags do. How could anyone hate this mad man?

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I think this sums up why so many people hate part 6.

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He is an idiot who does not knows what he is doing, but does that anyway because his boyfriend said so.

>anticlimatic espace setting up story for appearance of Giorno


He knows exactly what he is doing.

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>>anticlimatic espace from the prison, setting up story for appearance of Giorno

>a giant abbachio would never pee on you and eat you





I find your lack of faith, disturbing.

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I'm only up to the current anime, but so far it goes:


Joseph P2 best Jojo
Speedwagon P1 best JoBro

This is just my opinion, but Stardust Crusaders stands head and shoulders above the rest

>Trish shoujo spinoff
Shitty idea, and stupid if we remember that part 5 is about Giorno's harem

In what fucking universe are Cardboard Cutout #1, Cardboard Cutout #2 (Black Edition), Cardboard Cutout: The Dog, and Le Stoic Badass #6758392 better characters than what we get in part 5?

Where do you get the idea that it's setting up Girono? Is there a reference or something?

>useless crew
What the fuck? Part 6 is where all the characters in the crew have an important role

My god, all rain is Abbachio's piss.

hi speedreader-kun

>Saying that Giorno is in Florida
>Pucci calling all sons of Dio to him

Once its animated , normies will call it Discount Promised Neverland.

Only Polnareff, Joseph and Dio were good

I've always said, most of SO haters are speedreaders

And like many things Araki does in every single part, he just forgets about them.

>Saying that Giorno is in Florida
Oh shit you are right, I just wrote that off as Araki being a tease.
I still hold out for my niggah Giorno to appear.

Most of the prison stuff was boring, and most of the characters were garbage like Gwess(ugliest girl in the series since Yukako).

It became better once they got out of prison, Dios sons...couldve been done better, CMoon until the end was actually fun despite Emporio becoming one of the biggest asspullers in Shounen history.

Ιt wasn't an asspull.

The true patrician opinion is that all parts are good and enjoyable.

That's the plebby goody-two-shoes opinion that doesn't want to harm anyone's feelings because even implying contrast is evil.

I apologise for the use of my picture, it may have been too hurtful for you. Have a more mild one.

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>Emporio becoming one of the biggest asspullers in Shounen history
yes, it's true

I have wasted more time then i should have doing this shit, the only reasons being a have nothing better to do, and i want to be validated for my opinions.

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May I trouble you for the template? I would like to create my own jojofaggotry image.

Also, cropping and formating is trash because (i have E in precision) i was too lazy to do any better.

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Now this is patently not true. 6 has always been considered low tier. Hate is a heavy word, its just that people all think its a meh part in general.

>ugliest girl in the series since Yukako

Please die

>Most of the fights are average or worse with few exceptions. They lack any interesting moments or back and forth.
Yeah Jolyene was kinda female jotaro in a few fights. As in the fight is largely a game of keep away until she gets close and Ora's them. The best thing about part 5 fights is that at no point is the enemy stand not made to look like they could possibly win. Even Man in the mirror got close despite the stand being super weak.

It was consistently above 1, 3 and 5 in most people's lists though. That's not low tier, and if you don't think people hate it you haven't been in enough threads since the announcement of part 5.

The fights suck but the characters are great. I'd give it a 6/10 or something.

Jolyne is going to be off the charts popular when SO gets adapted. Count on it.

My enjoiment of part 5 was ruined by shitty translation. A Russian one. The site where i was reading it contained 2 translations for it at the same time, all crammed into one manga, one translation of colored manga being okay, and the other one being absolute trash translation of black and white badly scanned manga with wrong translations and terrible jokes from the author which he put into every panel, and these translations were mixed up in random order.

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Jolyne is great. The main plot hook is jibberish, with reasonable plot points surrounding it. Part 5 was already pushing stands a little far, part 6 overshoots it by miles. It's no wonder he toned stand concepts back a lot for 7, even if he upped the body horror uses.
Also it repeatedly turned into a slog. Every part tends to have some level of aimless meandering, but 6 is the one part where it felt like the momentum just died with nothing but shear completionism keeping me going.

It's funny seeing people think this. Do you even know if that line about Giorno was in the magazine version of the chapter? Because it's between chapters in the volume. It makes more sense that Giorno has no reason to follow that pull to Pucci because he's not a loser. Putting so much stock in a single line between chapters is silly imo.
Reminder that Snob is based and he's going to hate part 6

Huh, that's true. Part 5 and 7 are very fast paced and something is always going on, but then you have 4 and 6 where everything is slower paced with large pockets of nothing in between.

It's pretty bad. Just a bunch of random shit tacked together before Araki realized he could just make SBR.

What he did with Heavy Weather was about the least asspull thing that stand ever did. It made frogs rain, made space suits and turned people into snails, making more oxygen is super tame compared to that shit.

sums up my gripes with it

Most of the complaints come from people who simply couldn't understand the ending or thought it got too "complicated" so you're not wrong. Also, Part 5 anime is going on so some people are revising their opinion with Part 6 getting the blowback for not being adapted yet.

Hate is a strong word. I would just say it's underwhelming compares to 3, 4 and 5 that came before it.

Intentional shittiness + blew the budget on voice actors.

Rykiel's card thingy was a volume only addition, yeah. Like the sketches.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say.

Part 5's translations were pretty bad, but bad translations never diminished Part 4's popularity. I never got why people say that it's actually popular now that it has better translations, since I never saw a big change before the anime hype anyways.

I didn't like how half the crew never interacted. F.F. and Hermes are never around weather and Annasui. It just throws off the team dynamic.
>hermes crying over weather's death despite never being in the same room as him for even one panel. This also leads to characters disappearing. Annasui shows up early(as a girl) and doesn't come back until dragon's dream. Weather takes time off between I think grand master flash and dragon's dream. Hermes disappears after limp bizkit and iirc doesn't come back until they leave prison. Missing out on F.F.'s death entirely despite hanging out with her as much as Jolyene.

And I actually liked 4 a lot. I've seen a lot of people not like it for being slow, for a lot of filler like characters popping up, and taking forever for Kira to show up, but it suits the tone and opening concept of a weird town with weird mysteries. It gives itself room to explore more minor things without it just feeling like a distraction.

Mmmmm no. Part 6 was ragged on a lot in general. It's nothing new, and part 5 still has miles to go with some of its lowest points ahead of it.

And the ending isn't "complicated." It's just based on random leaps in logic even for Jojo

The fact that I see people complaining that Jolyne wasn't the one to kill Pucci just shows how stuck to a formula some of the fan base is. You see this with the complaining about JJL not having a main villain too.

>The bro character

She's the Avdol of her part. FF was the Okuyasu/Speedwagon of Part 6

I definitely agree that those aren't valid criticisms, at least

What do people even think of part 6 anymore?

Half of the complaints are that there's too little going on, it's underwhelming and boring, and that the fights are bland. The other half are that there's too much happening at once, that it's overwhelming and jumps the shark, and that the stand battles are crazy and nonsensical. Then you have those people who sit there and say "Lmao it's both" without any explanation. Nobody has any good reason to shit on Part 6 beyond them being speedreaders without sufficient time given.

Based on the previous pattern of first uses vs release date we might get the new opening on Friday

I always wondered why Jolyne cared so much for Weather. Did not they fight together only once?


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Weather was the best dude in that shithole prison and way better than the dude who managed to out scum literal pond scum.

Yeah, it totally can't have overly slow parts and overly fast parts and is definitely the same pace all the way through. Complaining about one side of a logical extreme definitely means you have to like the other extreme too. Heavy Weather obviously wasn't both agonizingly slow even with several different things happening at once and a contrived ability that doesn't make sense even with the liberties it's taking with "subliminal messaging."
And it's not the only stand in the part to be that much of a senseless clusterfuck

Weird that they drew her zipper hand when it vanishes after a while

how long until the 7 page muda

It's a cycle. When part 4 was airing, the threads were infested with people who were shitting on part 5 and Giorno, saying that the updated scans hadn't saved it, that part 4 had more soul, that Giorno was a boring Mary Sue, that the stands were shit, etc etc etc.

Now part 5 is airing, and people are shitting on Stone Ocean, and since DIU ended people started shitting on it too, claiming that it had no stakes, Josuke was a static protagonist, Kira was overrated shit, etc. When part 6 airs I predict that the people criticizing Stone Ocean will shut up, and people will start declaring that SBR is overrated.

Why does every JoJo thread either start off with some inflammatory part wars bullshit like this, or gay shit, or a meme. Why don't they ever start off normal? Do inflammatory posts kick on the austism or something?

>People don't currently say that SBR is overrated
>People don't still call Giorno a boring Mary Sue
>People weren't saying DIU was boring and that Josuke did is static and almost unnecessary while it was airing
>People haven't been criticizing Stone Ocean this whole time
Yo, you may just have a problem with rationalizing differing views across a large population. Because this has all been going on for a while and is still going on.

Here's mine. Judge me

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Jojo threads are generals. Even if the OP is a normal post, you can bet that twenty posts in people will be arguing about retarded shit. Might as well get it over with.

The ending.

Not in large numbers, no.
Yes, this still happens, but now there's a lot of backlash.
Not in large numbers no.
You're parading that you're new if you thought Stone Ocean EVER got the hate that GW did before the JJCA scans came out. Even now SO is received far better than GW was then.
You may have a problem with rationalizing in general.

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Everything inside the jail was just boring to me, and I didn't enjoy any of the enemy stands they fought inside the jail. If it wasn't for the ending it would be my least favorite part.

This is visually the ugliest and most low effort chart I have ever seen. Your taste is average but the chart itself is vile. I can't even tell which fight that is in the least favorite section, MAYBE Marilyn Manson or Goo Goo Dolls?

Forgot to tag

People who like Giorno but hate Jotaro are mentally ill.

Im reading it right now im having a blast im in the kiss of love and revenge part
too bad this part has that kind of ending but i cant wait to get through all of it

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There is nothing wrong with hating Jotaro.

You've probably been misinformed about the ending, but I'm glad that you're having fun so far. When you finish it, come here and ask about it if you need clarification.


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Given that Giorno is a blond faggot version of Giorno with a shittier, more inconsistent stand, no jokes, and more of a Gary Stu then yes, there is.

What exactly was Pucci trying to accomplish by attaining the power of heaven? And i mean besides killing the entire Joestar bloodline.

Reminder Crazy Diamond could beat King Crimson.

>all those people shitting on part 8 saying its shit and they dropped it
What the fuck?

This, he's boring.

The spoilers in the jojo threads says that everybody dies and the bad guys win

Make all of humanity know their fate beforehand to wash his hands of the fact he caused his sister's death and his brother's misery.

Wasn't he trying to create a world where everyone would of known their destiny due to Made In Heaven? It's been a while since I last read it but I remember it being something like that.

He wasn't trying to destroy the Joestars. He was fixated on the guilt he felt for Pearla's death and the idea of fate made it not be his fault so he could accept what happened. MiH made everyone know their fate so they could accept what ever happened and be at peace.

Daily reminder that if they adapt part 7, CGI horses are inevitable.

I like Jotaro and Giorno equally, but I could see people disliking Jotaro's "edge" or appearance and preferring Giorno.

I honestly don't understand why people dislike part 8 so much, it's great.


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Can someone who prefers hamon over stands explain to me why? I just dont get it.

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Does anyone else think Rykiel should have joined Jolyne's group and replaced F.F? He was the best brother of the three and was also the only one that wasn't irredeemable.

I'm pretty sure it's just the DB and Naruto fans that discovered Jojo through Dio memes saying that.

........but yasuho is not confident in her sexuality. it's literally one of her main features...

I'm actually pretty glad that stand only had one fight

Probably because Araki is dragging the plot like those webcomics with a shitty schedule

I love him but his stand is shit desu

It saved the series and we wouldn't have the best parts without them.

>So why does the JoJo fandom hate Stone Ocean

Attached: file.png (719x534, 637K)

Stone Ocean is absolutely great.

6 > 7 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 5 > 3
Stands have more potential, but a very large portion of the stand fights are just quite uninteresting while every hamon fight has loads of crazy shit.

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what do you mean it saved the series?

Hamon was to limiting of an ability, and made it so each new main Jojo, sidekick, villain, and even side villains would of had to been a giant direct power creep over the previous ones to keep things interesting. Which in my opinion would of gotten very stale very fast.
While stands allowed for more flexibility since Araki can do whatever the fuck he wants with them allowing him to create interesting abilities without each newer ones being a direct power creep over the older ones.

you might want to re-read the first post your replied to

Whops my mistake. I just got done with an argument with someone who does prefer hamon and wanted a chance to vent because he just wouldn't listen.

Underrated post.

God Tier
>Foo Fighters

Top tier

Mid Tier
>Lang Rangler
>Sports Maxx
>Miuccia Miuller

Shit Tier:
>Johngalli A
>Viviano Westwood
>Thunder Mcqueen

Absolute objective trash:
>D an G

Not the other dude but i actually like all parts, i dont care about hurting anyones feelings

>Top tier

You only mean his stand right...?

Part 6 is by far the best part between the nu-jojos(4, 5 and 6).

No, look at him his is great

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Very good taste, low quality chart.

please stop shilling your channel

Probably having a protagonist even more unlikable than GioGio

Can Araki even make likable characters anymore?

I just really like part 5. Please no bully.

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Stone Ocean isn't the worst part, that's for Golden Wind (even with the colored scans and the anime)

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Everything is moving pretty well I feel. It flows logically but some people still think it's too slow or being drawn out. The only reason I can think of is the monthly schedule but I'm sure some people also read SBR monthly.

please stop shilling your twitter account

Yeah, i "like" all the parts too, but you know, part 1 is very simple, Part 3/4 first half is boring as fuck and part 5 is fucking gay.

That being said all Jojo parts are at the very least good

Haven't read 6 or 8 yet

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Personally... I dunno, just preference on my part really. Not that both can't co-exist, just look at stuff like Part 7 and spin. I wanted to bring up Part 3 too, but it felt like Araki didn't really utilize it well when he could. Well I am sure it's because Araki did not want to shift focus from the stands of part 3.

>twitter screencaps
and i thought these threads couldnt go any lower

part 2 is gay too

Please, get some sleep. You must all be so tired. Have a drink, take a Xanax, get some rest. Log off Yea Forums for a little while, it seems like you've been on for too long now. Have some sleep, I am so tired, I am so sorry but I must sleep now.

>part 2 is gay too

This but it's okay to get anally fucked by Kars.

My favorite Jobro is in it. Part 6 was weird but I liked it.

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I never understood this logic. Hamon can be written to allow you to do anything. They're both just "do whatever Araki wants them to do" devices

I want to gently hold Giorno and fall asleep with him

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Part 6 anime will have 3 OPs
the first will be from the beginning until the end of the Whitesnake - The Pursuer arc.
The second will be from Jail House Lock until the end of the Underworld arc.
The third will be from Heavy Weather until the end of Made in Heaven.

The first ED will be No Doubt - Spiderwebs

why? part 5 is one of the strongest parts

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>Jail House Lock until the end of the Underworld arc.
That would only be 7 episodes at 4 chapters per episode. They wouldn't have an opening around that short.

Nope itll be 2 ops with the second starting in the high security wing episodes.

>they havent read THE doujin

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I never thought i’d ever want to be Enya

you have impeccable taste user

His goal was to reset the universe in order to bring back DIO. Hence: Part 7.

Stardust Crusader wank was unberable.
Fuck threewunners.

You retard.

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nice bait

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Great villain. I liked his fight, his stand and he ended up being more a Dio's son than Giorno
Same. I like his character development
He was a retard but was funny to watch.
>Johngalli A
Meh. The idea isn't bad but was poorly executed
>Sport Maxx
I like him, I think it's because he seemed intimidating.
Meh... I like her design tho
Decent, I liked her personality at least.
>Lang Rangler
Meh... His stand is okay
Meh, I don't have much to say about him.
Literally who, easily the most forgettable villain
Ehhh...He counts?
>Viviano Westwood
Ok, he is not good but his fight is god tier, i like him only for that
>Thunder McQueen
I like him unironically, his concept has a lot to do with the main theme literally me
Gwess was good too

Too long, didn't read.

How do you guys expect the visual direction of the next OP (Requiem for a Traitor) to go? References aside, the name implies a solemn tone, but I'm most excited for the animation. Personally I didn't get a lot out of Fighting Gold's OP, there's the chains of fate being broken by Giorno and Abbachio being consumed by Rolling Stones, but for most of the minimalism stuff it seemed to just be there to look cool.
I wonder if they'll go for some Christ figure motifs for Giorno or Bucellati.


I expect pretentious garbage

I hope they go all out on the visuals.

Here's the cover art for the single if you want to try and infer anything

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You can just tell how much DP love Part 5 with how much care they placed in it compared to all the previous parts. Too bad all that love is wasted on Part 5.

Has the cover art ever given a hint

>Survivor arc

So... Chase 2 or End of the World 2?

The disliked jojo parts (1, 2, 5 and 6) had the most to gain from the anime fixing issues. Phantom Blood's anime was head and shoulders above the manga in quality, but because the source was still mediocre it's still the worst part.
However, I don't think any part was hurt by its anime more than Part 4.
Part 4 was hated, then better scans came out and it was beloved, but the anime was a step below Stardust Crusaders, sabotaged by QUALITY moments.
I don't know that Part 6 would get a significant anime boost even with Part 5's issues. The pacing problems and personalities are still there. Part 5's problems were fixed by the anime added background that wasn't there in the manga.

Didn't the first OP release before the anime? I guess this one's ultra kino

>Part 5's problems were fixed by the anime
No, Giorno is still there

I think I hate everything about this post

Part5chads won and you will never be able to take it away from them

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You can tell just by looking at it that it's going to be some masturbatory, self-righteous bullshit

Based and dominantpilled.

Can you elaborate? Is it the darker tone?

I hope part 6 is the best looking and best animated part just to see the people that hate part 6 complain.

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god they really made Kira look absolutely terrible in the anime

There are no bad Jojo parts.

He looks amazing in some shots, it's inconsistent but looks abit better in the BDVD.

Golden Wind
Stone Ocean

Except 1 and 3

>part 6 looks great
>part 4 ends up as the worst looking one
Its not fair

Part 3 gave us stands so it passes even though it's the worst stand part. Part 1 is nothing but trash though.

>So why does the JoJo fandom hate Stone Ocean?
It doesn't. Don't take Yea Forums shitposts as representative of the who fanbase's views.

I don't take any opinions on Yea Forums serious, positive or negative, JoJo or not.

>Part 4
>Worst looking


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3000 hours in I'm too lazy to fill another chart, so if you want to know my least favorite part: it's SDC.

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At some point between 2001 and 2011, Russia launched an attack against the United States. During this war, a MiG-29 or -31 shot down an F-15E Strike Eagle over Orlando, Florida. The US won the war. We may never know what started the war or how large it was, but we know that it happened. Press F for this brave war hero who died so that Anasui could have a gender reassignment surgery in prison at taxpayers' expense.

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Part 4 had some janky moments, but when it looked good, it looked REALLY good.
If I had a webm of Stray Cat and Killer Queen shooting the air bullet, I'd post it.

I know, hence the filename

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>want to do one of these
>dont know shit about editing, cropping, etc.

Can we have a spinoff book for that turtle that trapped king crimson for a bit and got flushed? It contributed more to the story than Fugo did.


I wish they actually made new art for it instead of cutting out Giorno from this Polpo scene and pasting it onto a dark background. Maybe this is just the early digital cover though and it will have a physical copy with new art like Fighting Gold?

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Rykiel is underrated as fuck. Better than 95% of villains. I was rooting for him hard.

>4 last
shut that ass up boi. best anime part so far

It probably drowned

So...who is the head doctor?

>bruno kidnapped the boss' daughter, messed up his house and killed his pet turtle
he deserved everything

*heavy breathing* AHEM. FUCK GIORNO

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It's... beautiful

bassed and pisspilled

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Puccis design is the worst fucking design in all of jojo's bizarre adventure. He's a black gay priest who can't decide what he wants his stupid fucking stand to be. He sits on his ass for half of stone ocean then starts doing shit that makes absolutely no sense, liking speaking 23 phrases to a green baby made of dios bone that maked the baby like him. His motive makes no fucking sense. Pucci wants to achieve 'heaven', but what dors that even mean? You can't achieve heaven, its a place, you go to it. You go to heaven. Worst of all is his stupid hair. I hate his stupid fucking hair so much. I want to take a razer to his head, why does he have HAIR IN BETWEEN HIS FUCKING EYEBROWS AND HIS HEAD. HOW IS IT IN A STAR. HOW DID HE GROW IT THERE, AND WHY IS THIS ALLOWED FROM A PRIEST IN A PRISON. AND HIS GREASY ASS PONYTAILS THAT HE LITERALLY CUT HOLES IN HIS COLLAR FOR. I HATE PUCCI SO MUCH HIS FUCKING STUPID HAIR MAKES ME WANT TO BOMB ARAKIS HOUSE FUCKFHDLSBDISHEIHWOH

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Gappy makes me happy!

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1,2,3: Vampire Bullshit
4,5,6: Arrow/Stand Evolution Bullshit
7,8,9: New Universe/Amalgamation Bullshit
10: 36 Kars on Mars

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also, why is his eyebrows entering his eyes and why does he have 3 lines on his head

Will he make the new OP

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regressive vampire Hair Growth DNA bullshit combined with Gravity, Destiny and Green Baby Poop formed in the shape of the Joestar Birthmark

Yeah, he sucks.

>The new OP is no OP for the rest of the season because it gets skipped
sure thing

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>Will the main villain make the new OP

How would Diavola and Tristan even work?

I'm going to reread the later half of the series before I fill out my own chart but we have a lot of the same favorites. Patrician taste.

Forced pregnancy.

Rewrite the plot a bit.

Have the same plot, Donatella is dead, Tristan was protected by the gang until he meets his "father", yada yada, but oh shit the Boss wasn't his father, it was Donatella who faked her death, has a split evil personality, and now wants him dead.

You think you can just hint at a world war without explaining anything and get away with it, Araki? HUH? You didn't think we'd notice, but we did. Is the war the reason why Pucci wants to bring peace to the world? Is Ungalo doing drugs because his friends died fighting? Did Giorno stay away from Florida because of the threat or more war? WE NEED ANSWERS, ARAKI.

Also, F.

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You can tell Araki was losing it by this point. Ugly art-style and half of the story was nonsense

I bet you like kaguya, and think its peak anime

Inb4 triggered SOtists

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What is the most damage Giorno takes in part 5? Is it with baby face?

I don't fucking get it

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kek. i'm really happy that Im not the only one who hated that god awful feng sui fight. its powers are more confusing than king crimson like how does it work?


cioccolata got him pretty good if I remember right

it's a compass that points to places with good luck and or bad luck
If you punch it your attack teleports to that place
that is all

I think the having your punch teleport and the lucky and unlucky spaces are at times separate but yeah I never understood what people found confusing about that fight. I could understand some confusion but a lot of people just seem to have no idea how the power works.

Forgot to say thanks.

The only chart that matters

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Piss on me sir Abbacchio sir

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Part VI had the best first chapters but the most boring everything else.

Gwess > everyone else

still don't get it but will wait for the anime so i can fully understand it.

Link now

I remember thinking that Gwess had an ugly character design, but then I reread Part 6 and I have no idea why I ever thought that. She cute.

why 36?

Something something Jorge Joestar

Nice numbers

fuck jolyne and fuck jojos

no he has one of the best character designs also hes not black, just a really tan Caucasian

Dumb ending, that makes the entire manga pointless.

I mean, it felt directionless so far, but we got a really cool chapter with lots of good shit happening, like Tsurugi potentially killing both Norisuke and an innocent child most likely due to Jobin's influence

Does anyone else think there are multiple timelines going on in Jojolion?

>Karera is described as a stalker in the flashback but she tells Josuke she hung out with Josefumi and Kira and has a picture of them together when that never would have happened judging by the flashback
>Damo breaks Josefumi's phone and it falls into the ocean but then Karera somehow has it a few pages later, saying that Kira/Josefumi called her (Kira seems to know what's going on though)
>the whole thing with Kyo disappearing from the picture
I feel like I'm forgetting something else too. Could just be inconsistencies but the above things seem way too obvious to not be intentional.

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I just finished this part and that was the most shocking thing for me after seeing gay black priest jokes about him for years.

Literally 90% of part 5 is dumb and yet the japanese eats it up.

Dumb only caring about the end result user.

It is objectively not directionless. People keep saying this but they never have any reasons for it other than that they personally feel bored with it.


Maybe that's the final boss's stand.
Although that would be similar to D4C.

>the stand battles are so crazy that you'd think Araki was smoking some secret drug he keeps in his closet
Thats not a good thing

Exactly. Part 5 was garbage.

pretty sure kira set up that plan with the karera, it'd make no sense for her to just randomly be near the boat
she says she knows who kira is when she talks to josuke before he kills the twins and the picture thing could just be a picture she took as she walked past them or something, kira and josuke or whatever his name is didn't seem interested in her her at all in the picture, it's like she pretended to take a selfie to get a picture of the part 4 josuke lookalike

as for the phone thing that was shown to just be kira doing some fuckery with his stand

kyo vanishing from the picture I have no idea though

oh shit

When Josefumi was saying what he thought of Karera it seemed like he'd never really been close to her and she was only just following him around. But they would have met at least once for that picture.

Also it could be an error but Josefumi in that image has the Joestar birthmark and Kira's at least isn't showing if he still has it.

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nah has one of the best endings in jojo
not true part 5 is a strong part

gais srsly...I can't tell if this is supposed to be a humorous comic or what
obviously that's doppio obtaining KC but I don't get the point of the comic

fuck man tbqh I have no idea what the fuck is going on
I don't think time travel shite is going on but that photo is confusing

its alluding to his personality splitting

I hope the Stone Ocean anime threads are a bit more fun and lighthearted than the Vento Aureo threads have been. Lots of bitter partfagging lately, let's just enjoy something for once.

It's going to be worse user, and I say this as a bitterfag.

Will Fugo make the OP?

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the threads will be a big ass trainwreck, that's a given

Yes and with a tease to PHF

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i just want anasui memes

Somewhere in between Josefumi first mentioning that Karera had been following him around and the incident on the boat with Vitamin C, Josefumi, her and Kira all likely hung out and that is when Josefumi made out with her.

someone whip up a schedule of what the remaining episodes will cover

>"What the hell? Who is this guy?" Narancia demanded.
>Buccellati shrugged him off. "Just someone I thought was worth trusting. If you've got a problem with that, join someone else's team."
>That got under everyone's skin.
>"Hey!" Abbacchio snarled. "That was uncalled for. We trust you. We don't know what to think about some kid we've never even
>Buccellati remained unmoved.

Would Bruno ever act like this?

yes because giorno was unlike anyone he's ever met so he'd be somewhat defensive when it came to him
he could have made up a story but that'd just give them reason to distrust him if they found a hole in it, saying I like this guy so he's with us now was a surefire way of getting giorno on the team

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because weebs and nips can't handle that Jotaro was always autistic and basically almost an idiot

>Creates a world where everyone would know their fate
Always an interesting motive

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Pucci got Perla killed and ruined Weather's life. His intentions were good, but he made a mistake by accidentally hiring the KKK and everything went wrong.
If he'd known what results his actions would cause, he could've avoided that happening.
His goal was to make everyone know their fate so nothing like that would happen again.

I knew it

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Knowing your fate wouldn't allow you to prevent it. That's the whole point. He thought that people would just be happier if they knew what was coming and it wasn't a surprise.

Only thing I really didnt like about it was making Jotaro retarded and nerfed even worse than last time and the ending erasing all of Jojo canon.
People want to know the stories of their hero's are safe and not just luldeleted.

The real question is this.

Why the FUCK didn't he get on the boat?

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It's riped from paradise lost though. Pucci, like Satan is calling BS on fate/God. If he was predestined to accidentally get his lil sis raped/killed or to rebel against God, is he really guilty?

Why would he risk his life for a girl he didn't knew? He wasn't a saint, nobody in the gang was, and he wasn't trying to be one. His leader betrayed the Boss to whom he pledge his allegiance to in a very impulsive fashion, so he walked adding more weigth to the decision of ther others to stay.

he wasnt about to risk his life and limb for some roastie they just met.

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Donatello would have been better if his backstory wasn't lifted word-for-word from Holes

>and the ending erasing all of Jojo canon
This isn't what happened. The only part that didn't happen was part 6 but even then it's stupid to ignore the entire part just because of a reset at the end.

It’s my favourite part, I don’t get it either. Jojo fans might just be a bit dimwitted

Because he's not an idiot.

He felt her tits and then fucked outta there.

The true patrician opinion is that only the even numbered parts are any good

I honestly hope David gives him a way lighter skintone so that this meme stops, it was funny for the first 10 years or so, but it's getting out of hand

I'd take 1, 3, 5, and 7 over 2, 4, 6, and 8 any day.

I want Jolyne to give me a footjob

Jesus Christ, was early part 7 art really this bad? This shit is barely distinguishable from part 1.

Araki was still recovering from his shitty part 6 art style

I've never understood the complaints about SO's art.

that's quite disgusting

Late part 6 looked great though. Maybe Araki was just so tired of doing weekly that he intentionally started drawing shitty so his editors would move him over to monthly.

Are they going to skip this part when Stone Ocean gets animated? I mean wtf was Araki thinking? It's no wonder the series was supposed to end at Stone Ocean

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I don't hate part 6 art but didn't like the elf people.

5 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 1

Part 4 a shit

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Reading the manga and just got to this part. Not only is new jojo a better character than giogio, but this prison adventure is so much more interesting too. Enjoying a lot. Can't wait to see where it goes

Also its drawn really nice

based and mistapilled

Fucking mario contributed more to the story than Fugo did.

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I like the feng shui and yo yo ma fights.

Jolyne is a loser.

- Sincerely,
Dio's Boyfriend

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TORISHU sandwich

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Back to your hole, fujo.

>Now that I think about it there wasnt a single punchghost in SBR except for D4C and Tusk Act 3.
I think that's by design. IIRC Araki wasn't planning on Stands appearing in early drafts.
That's probably why people think Cream Starter isn't a Stand.

>Left to right

Everyone in Part 6 is hypercompetent, particularly F.F and Weather, which is probably why they got killed off early.

Pucci only saw three stars. Giorno never came, because his resolve is greater than gay priest's.

>Left to right
Is it?


Act 3 wasn't a punch ghost

It doesn't make sense right to left

It doesn't make sense left to right bro

Yes it does

Do people on Yea Forums unironically study manga until they memorize the details of every fight over the course of hundreds of pages? I wish I had that kind of free time and autism powers.

Hermes vs Sport Maxx is really great. I hope they expand the backstory to make it more poignant.

It's amazing how fast I got over Bucciarati's ridiculous look and haircut

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Well, it takes place in Florida.

Jolyne is CUTE

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nice anatomy

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He is like that, he told Narancia to fuck off instead of getting in the boat if he couldn't make up his mind.

i'm sorry but part 3 sucked ass and deserves the last spot on a rankings list

part 1 is too short and to the point to be the worst

>i'm sorry but part 3 sucked ass and deserves the last spot on a rankings list
Would you like to share why?

When Jolyne had that fever, what that when Jotaro was in Morioh-cho?
That's what's implied when she realized her father was "always protecting things"?

not in a one on one

Why does she remind me of a young Joseph

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how could you come to this conclusion?

part 1 has meaningless side characters and an incredibly boring leadup to the final battle (literally the only good parts are when jojo and dio are fighting)

part 2 has much more interesting and fleshed out characters; stronheim and caesar especially makes the part much more fun and entertaining

part 3 drags on for way too fucking long, there's an interesting main cast but the only one who gets meaningful character development is polnareff. side villains are mostly throwaway punching bags that have no character and unclear motives (except for hol horse, who was a highlight of the part). it has its moments but doesn't really get good until the group finds dio's mansion at the very end.

part 4 is an improvement in every way from the previous parts. having the setting in a single town means that every character introduced can be a reoccurring one, which really brings about a feeling of community. the villain is fucking fantastic, and having three jojos in the same place makes an interesting dynamic.

part 5 feels a lot like part 3, but it's better in almost every way.

4>5>2>3>1 easy.
if we include manga it's 7>4>5>6>2>3>1. might change once it's all animated, no idea where part 8 is gonna fall.

This thread will probably die soon. Could you point out to ANY other place properly detailing this subject? the way I see it Part 7 & 8 are retcons of Parts 1 & 4, therefore the Johnatan & Josuke we knew are no more.

>its not as dull as something that invented manga tropes
All you fucking partfags are retarded and need to hang.

He isn't wrong and just saying speedreader every time in these threads makes you come off like a retard with the mentality of a 6 year old.

>Phantom Blood dull and generic
zoomer holocaust when

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Why part 3 manga so low when it's legit an entertaining read through out, more so than 6, 1, and 3. It might not be as """well written""" but it's genuinely fun read that you can pick up on any volume and fully enjoy yourself.

More so than 6, 1, and 4 especially I mean. Sorry for typo.

Blank chart please?

>Implying prison and school are different in any way


7=2 > 1 > 3 > 8 >>> 4 > 6 (fillers) >>> Jorge Joestar >>> 5 (shit filler)

Any other ranking is for faggots.

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Bruno is perfection.

>t. actual cocksucking faggot

Any nip anons to translate?

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asukafag is a girl

But that was rude zombie Bruno

She's cute, funny, nosy and charmingly rude. Her and young Joseph would probably fuck.

Agreed. The only person that likes 6 is the samefag that keeps making these threads.

How did Dio even know about the green baby, 14 phrase, coordinate and made in heaven stuff? It doesn't make any sense.

every character araki drew after part 4 looks like they smelled a fart

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There is no answer, Part 6 is just that bad.

Up early aren't we Asukafag?

Read the manga.


Imagine The Hand and Crazy Diamond vs King Crimson.

Is there a reason Foo Fighters didn't get revived at the end of Stone Ocean?

Foo Fighters was a stand disc put into some plankton

If he had gotten on the boat he probably would've died. Most of the crew (3/5) was dead by the end of the part.

>king crimson foresees fisting okayasu and josuke fixing him
>tries to take out josuke first
>dies to the hand
heh.. nothin personell diavolo

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Jotaro losing to whitesnake because lol no training.

reminder that Jobtaro lost to Made in heaven solely because of jolyne and jotaro having affection for her.

Also Dios sons making the whole situation with Giorno meaningless. And then Giorno being in Florida but not helping.

This is not how i wanted to see the face of the boss

so it's all Jotaro's fault that part 1-5 became meaningless now thanks to the successful universe reset?

nope, the universe still continued as it did, the only difference is that the people Pucci killed have different names but same souls. Basically everything in the ireneverse happened but without anything involving Pucci, like as if he wasnt born. So even in that world Diavolo still suffers infinite death.

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Sucking Mista's dick was more important than some random gay priest.

>It doesn't make any sense
there's your answer

>because lol no training.
I don't understand why people even bring this up. Jotaro is a fucking marine biologist, since when was training his stand ever a part of the story?

You're telling me you, as a stand user with timestop, wouldn't even practice it for a few minutes a day? Knowing there are many stand users out there?

Something something killing his wife in his house

I find it so amazing how they managed to make KC's expressions vary from hillarious to downright terrifying.

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I like the guardian westwood fight

Based, can't wait for the next Kira spin off

then how about part 7 and part 8? the Josuke and Moriocho stuff only have the same names.
Where is the real Josuke? What happened to Giorno for example?

7 and 8 take place in their own universe unrelated to anything that happened in part 6

so... after the universe reset in part 6, NOTHING actually changed? the people from part 1-5 still doing what they were doing as fated without any change except for Part 6 main casts who were killed by Puchi? How about Jotaro then?

we don't know, outside of those few pages in the last chapter there's not much to go off of

Yes. It is his fault for having a shameful FEMALE offspring.

And does everyone retain their memories from pre-reset? Emporio surely did, but how about the others?

He's just shit at parenting.

the others don't seem to have their memories, since they don't know who emporio is. it would be weird if they did, because then they would have like memories of two different lives

And somehow Emporio retained his memories... maybe only those who're aware of pucchi and universe reset retain their memories?

I just figured it was because he was the only one of them that didn't die

by everyone, I mean EVERYONE in the world, not part 6 main cast.

gio having brothers weakened him a bit as a character by diluting his brand but it still shows how special he is
not only is his dad evil, his brothers are also evil and his mum was a slut but he still managed to find the joestar way

why does everybody call pucci gay

Is a meme

everyone not killed by Pucci was moved from that universe to the next, the only thing people know is that all of a sudden the universe was going super fast and then all of a sudden stopped, it even said in of the pages that even something as small as an ant would be automatically perfectly placed into the next uni. The only one who knows what truly happened is Emporio, but everyone else was safe. At least thats how I interpreted it from the end pages and what they said.

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I was talking about memories. After
>all of a sudden the universe was going super fast and then all of a sudden stopped,
Everyone should've been panicking because they had no idea what just happened (they were also naked and started getting deja vu)

He was butt buds with Dio

That's enough

They want to fuck the thicc brown priest

Cringe cavemanfag

Dio dicked around a lot offscreen

>he still managed to find the joestar way
>gang member

>i used my breath to steal the screw off your tongue/turned people into dinosaurs

We don't know how it works for everyone else since we never see it, but you can assume that they would remember it.

the good guy wins

definitely not not-jotaro and not-jolyne though. and the guards who chased Emporio right after reset? they remembered too?

Everybody lost though.

We never see them again.

>tokyo MX1

was there anything at all in the manga to imply they were anything more than friends

Araki didnt give us enough detail with the aftermath of part 6. Maybe the universe restarted and MIH never happened.


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Dio literally gave him his bone

Otherwise no

fuck off
he became the leader of the gang to control the crime, he took the role because he had to in order to fix italy

theyre all alive at the end user

>huuuur muh roasties
Oh yeah, the boss going back on his promise to not sell drugs/sell drugs to kids isn't something that should have made Bucciarati question him, and him going "lol kill mah daughter because user" shouldn't have been the final straw.
You faggos would be sucking diavolo's dick to clean it from Trish's blood for a couple of pennies.
Also, you forget that in the end, Diavolo lost.

>Pucci dead
>Part 6 main casts are different person with different memories, it's just fate that brought them together, nothing more
Everyone lost.

Didn't know Araki supported Totti's team.

It doesn't benefit Fugo in any way to die to end a drug trade he doesn't give a fuck about.

Turning people into snails with a strobe light and the fucking crytids just seemed so incredibly dumb to me for some reason (compared to the rest of the insanity) that it killed SO for me. I guess I rather just have straight up "it's magic/superpowers" than pseudoscience garbage

>Also, you forget that in the end, Diavolo lost.
It's a children's comic book series, no shit the bad guy is going to lose. How was this even relevant to your argument?

I agree about Heavy Weather, but the rods are legit.

Jotarofags get btfo, that's why.

I thought he comes back in the end? Make up your mind, people.

>to die
It's not a given that he would have died, and it's not just about the drug trade. It's about the Boss giving respect to his employees and not just disregarding them.
You can't trust a person like this to be your boss, especially in the mafia.
Oh god.
"It's a shonen, of course members of the team are going to die. How is people dying supporting your argument?"

Specifically, Fugo doesn't join because he's "smart." It fits his character. He's cautious to a fault and expresses it several times, an excellent example being his reluctance to steal a car after the fight with Beach Boy. He wouldn't risk fighting the Boss under any circumstance, Trish being irrelevant to that assessment.

He really missed on potential development.

>Specifically, Fugo doesn't join because he's "smart." It fits his character.
I am not arguing about that, of course. It's just that people seem to be unable to comprehend the reasons they betrayed the boss in the first place.

>comes back at the end
>gets pucci_aftered a second time.

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>Oh god.
>"It's a shonen, of course members of the team are going to die. How is people dying supporting your argument?"
Non sequitur.

It's more like you're making up additional reasons instead of accepting the truth. Bruno told them that he betrayed the boss for Trish's sake, that's all.

There was a chance that he would die, for zero benefit to himself. Fugo never showed any indication that he felt disrespected by the boss.

>Non sequitur.
Think on it for 30 minutes then come back.
>making additional reasons
Bruno's entire pet peeve with the boss is "making up stuff", ok.

>Bruno's entire pet peeve with the boss
Show me the page where he talks to Fugo about it

Eh, there was also a chance that he wouldn't.

Why take that chance? He literally gains nothing.

Yeah, that's the same shit Valentine says about fixing America. He's evil.

>Show me the page where he talks to Fugo about it
Show me the page in which Bruno shits. If you can't that proves that he never shat.
>Is close to Giogio
>gains nothing

So you admit your entire argument is based on the possibility that Bruno might have discussed his motives with Fugo offscreen?

No, I am sure of it, and it wasn't my arguemnt in the first place, I was talking about the gang in general

Faggot, the way Jotaro gets defeated both times is the same method and same weakness, and is absolutely kino.

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You don't have any proof of it though. It's a headcanon.

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>>Is close to Giogio
>>gains nothing
I don't get it. Are you a FuGio shipper?

Nah, that's what you want to say to prove your argument in your head, to prevent cognitive dissonance.

its a matter of perspective user

Fugo being friends with the new boss of Passione

Feel free to prove me wrong if you think you can

Nope. Being faster than Jotaro is stupid. Whitesnake ks stupid. It should have ended there but Jotaro was nerfed.
Yup, only cancer faggots would like that fight.

>gets "nothin' personel'd" 2 times in a row

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>*heaven intensifies*

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Giorno wasn't the new boss of Passione in that scene

>Its not as dull and generic as Phantom Blood
It's even worse.

It's not like you proved me wrong mate.
You said that he would have gained nothing, user.

He wouldn't gain anything from betraying the boss

Araki won the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology annual award for achievements in art for his exsibitions in Tokyo and Osaka and so did some other artists such as Mariya Takeuchi and others.
The award ceremony will be held on the 12th of March.

Attached: image.png (720x1276, 857K)

Based Kinohiko Araki.

Well, if you're begging me for it, I guess I can. Here is the reason for betraying the boss that Bruno told the others.

Attached: Bruno motive.png (716x900, 1.19M)

>thursday again
Allright who’s abusing their stand

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sasuga Araki-sensei
who is the woman next to Araki?

Dio got pucci’s boipucci pounded hard that night

Huh, I didn't know you could take pictures of vampires


He obviously used D4C to get a copy that wasnt a vampire yet.

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Can someone post that Swerve On A Nigga cover?