>forced drama
>poorly written female characters
>existence of male characters
Why do people consume this kind of shit?
>existence of male characters
Take your meds prickposter
>unironically complaining about guys or "hetshit"
My imoutowife Chino
>everyone who doesn't like awful shit is prickposter
Go back to your containment website malefag hetshitter
I have no idea, when I come home from my day of dealing with 30,40, and 50 something "adults" backstabbing each other at work I do not want to see shitty sex drama on my TV screen. I could stay at work and do overtime if I wanted to see that.
>malefag hetshitter
Gochiusa would be better if half the cast were boys, you can't prove me wrong
Stopped reading there
Because I'm not a small dicked cuck that's intimidated by the presence of fictional men. Seriously the insecurity of yurishitters is hilarious.
I'd self insert as shota Sharo
How many layers of irony is this?
You have to be a ginormous faggot to unironically watch anime with male characters in it.
My wife Chino is so cute
You have to be a ginormous faggot² to watch anime without make characters in it.
etc. Why are male straightfags obsessed with these words? Nobody even mentioned anything about feeling intimidated by maleshit.
>group of school girls
>forced moe
>copy and pasted faces
>no complex writing or nuance
Why do people consume this kind of shit?
Shut up /u/fag
Once you are forced to work a real job and leave school behind you will understand.
I don't but the chars are cute and autism in these threads is fun (apart from yurishitters getting aneurysms)
one bait thread wasn't enough huh op
Yea now I have less time for anime, so I'd rather not waste my time watching shitty shows that are just copy pasted moeshit
>>no complex writing or nuance
Are hetfags always this delusional and disconnected from reality?
Take Yuru Yuri for example, it is much more complex than whatever is your favorite hetfag shounen crap
All gays deserve the rope. If you can kill at least one, do your part.
What does hetshit mean?
Heterosexual i.e. straightfaggotry
>Normal human relationships
>containment website
>existence of male characters
How many shows truly have no males? Even ones that avoid them heavily like Yuyushiki, Harukana or New Game have them turn up in the background.
they are tolerable as long as they don't interfere and just stay as background characters, or at most serve as a plot device
To be honest, I do have to agree. A lot of straight romance in anime and manga really are generic and cookie cutter. Yet straights eat it up. Just look how vehement fans can be when it comes to ships in Naruto or Boku no Hero Academia — two series where female characters are literally just there to be eye candy and nothing more. Yet people fawn over these characters regardless.
I use a simple metric: would a romance be as popular if it were between two people of the same sex? For example: would Kimi no Na wa be as popular if it were between two girls? I guarantee you it would not have been. The only reason a majority of fans care for straight relationships is because they can self-insert. They don't care if it's well-written or not; all they care about is the guy getting the girl. Just look at Erased: it is a highly regarded anime, yet there is a large subset of Yea Forums who view it with disgust, purely because the guy does not get the girl in the end. I believe the people who are like this — self-insertfags — are truly the most debased and degenerate consumers of anime and manga. And that they are incapable of enjoying series that they cannot """""relate""""" to is absolute proof of their autism — specifically, their inability to empathize with others.
I feel like if you go so far as to not tolerate the existence of male characters, you're probably just a closet case who secretly wants to be fucked in the ass.
That doesn't sound right...
It is objectively the norm for relationships to be heterosexual.
Everything is some kind of faggotry, where do you think we are?
Lesbian here.
Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).
But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.
Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.
Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.
>>they are tolerable as long as they don't interfere and just stay as background characters, or at most serve as a plot device
You're doing better than some at least. I'm sure I saw someone complaining about males turning up in a crowd for the first episode of Anima Yell.
Also seen the opposite of people complaining there were no males in the crowd for Harukana, as obviously men would turn up to see JK beach volleyball.
I think you've overstayed your welcome in Yea Forums OP. your time is due, faggot
anata no faggot, OP-chan
Do you believe thet we reproduce by spores or what?
based and redpilled