Tiny little ear rape


Tiny little ear rape

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Why would you pick such a terrible way to start a tiny little thread? I'm not bumping this, I hope it dies and I hope you smarten up.

this machine creates tiny little ear rape

here's hopes for S2, there's quite enough material

It turns good seiyuu
Into tiny little ear rape

>tiny little ear rape

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Is it normal to have a crush on Mikochi? She somehow has a naturally seductive air. I find her mature, feminine personality extremely sexy.

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She's a fucking gnome and probably a lesbian too.

thanks, I hate it

Tiny little dyke with a tiny little common law wife.


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>good seiyuu
Just good? Honestly I think the ED to this show is one of my favorites simply because how well it's sung by Konju and Mikochi's seiyuus. Their voices just like, make me feel good. Why in the fuck would anybody want to watch this show without them and with some talentless wannabies from some American dumpster studio?

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I haven't even opened the link and I already hate it.

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I'm mean, look at the booty.

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I see why Hakumei married her.

>>>/dub/ is that way, user

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I can't believe I missed this show when it aired. It's beautiful. S2 never.

I loved it. Collecting all the English manga volumes.