Boku no Hero Academia

What will happen to the fandom when those two get back together?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Now watch me dab
Now watch me chadpost

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what's momo's tinder account like

What is this stupid fucking tinder meme?

something with the class 1A girls being thots idk

>MHA volume 20 587,129
>MHA volume 21 592,935
>MHA volume 22 579,071 (1 extra day)

Attached: Volumes.jpg (1906x1003, 746K)

The same sort of posts you see in any BnHA thread here: Haters, fanatics, and trolls.

For one reddit will rage at the supposed abuser being forgiven.

Repentance but no salvation.
It won't happen.

Endeavor and Dabi likely die before that happens.

who will win the kinokobowl?

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The literal who will win


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Can I choose the Chuuni spitroast option?

Shihai Kuroiro and Fumikage Tokoyami get stuck together and their minds merge just before they split. Kinoko (I really like her hero costume) discovers a boyfriend with two bodies is almost as good as mushrooms.

This is not what Hori's going for right?

Attached: absolutely disgusting.jpg (349x349, 29K)

Why did Shoto say that he has to make things right with his mother? Shouldn't she be the one who actually apologises to him?

It will 100% happen

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Technically, it would be 3 bodies if you include dark shadow. Sounds like a good idea for a Sitcom or Porno

probably cause the other ones have a better cover

What's wrong with it?

wtf guys he's hot

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hori lost the cover he was working on

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I hope not. I'm rooting for Endie and I like that he's trying so hard to redeem himself, but this is just gross. This poor woman needs a house near the beach paid for by Endie's alimony and a restraining order. Not a love story with her abuser.

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I'm glad he lost it.

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Are these kids supposed to be Touya and Fuyumi?

Would Ochako be comfortable in a bikini? Haha

so hori knows about the gesugao stuff?

Is this real?

No its a drawing

If she wasn't in front of Deku, probably

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God, she's fat.

No wonder it is so shit

With embarrassment

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what it say

Has Dabi been confirmed Todoroki child yet?

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If this was a rl thing I’d agree but honestly if it happened with Endeavor and Rei I’d be okay with it. I’d find it cute, gives me a Beauty and the Beast vibe

That's stupid. That's like saying AFO is Deku's Father.

Attached: Join me, and together we can Rule Tokyo!.jpg (540x670, 56K)

Hot and best dad.
Actual perfection.

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I have a theory that All Might is Deku's father

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Can't be as bad as Gigantomachia being the Father.

If you just need a Beauty and the Beast vibe you can just ship EndHawks or EndAnything really.
But yeah I get it. Sometimes you like in 2D what you would never accept in 3D.

miruko is ___

For rubbing my clit on her deltoids.

going to die or be Nomu'd or both.

Attached: Nomu'd.png (787x208, 119K)

>hori doesnt quicksave
He both deserves it and im glad because we got this godly Mina.

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Tits Or GTFO

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sorry but this manga will never get this edgy, user

fathering is the new shipping

Wrong pic

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that red hot Tetsutetsu is pretty fucking cool, too bad they're all just slapped on a blank background

Dickpic first

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Hug the Frog

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Shit and gay

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what's miruko's tinder profile like

Stop, I can only get erect.

>two get back together?
But they aren't divorced?

Huh, learned a new word today.

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>Dickpic first
Doesn't work like that Newfag. You volunteered your sex first thus defeating your anonymity first. Tits or Gtfo.


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They're not romantically involved at the moment. They're together in form only.

But Nana is ugly.

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Eternal reeing from the tumblrfags

How dare his father try to make amends, people who commit domestic violence shouldn’t strive to be better people

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when she sees deku's quirk


Why should I abide by your retarded rules? In the first place, as board culture dictates, I shouldn't have mentioned my clit and you shouldn't be asking for pics but insulting me and posting the "no girls on the internet" pasta.
This situation here isn't governed by any rules and you're the one asking here. So shut the fuck up, I make the rules.
Dickpics or gtfo.

Once again it doesn't work like that. newfag-chan lurk moar or Tits Or GTFO.

You shouldn't have set yourself up for failure

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Just stop posting

What failure?

>why should I abide by rules?
Suffragette movement was a mistake.

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answer the tinder question, user

Now that's a good cast for Dream Daddy

Attached: ochunco.jpg (1080x1653, 1004K)

>Why should I abide by your retarded rules?
>So shut the fuck up, I make the rules.
>>>being this unadulteratedl new
Jesus fucking chirst you triple nigger, you make it out a if the entire internet gives so much as a fuck that we'll be able to cross reference a sheet in your indoor, faceless picture and cross locate it to figure out that you're a Somalian AIDS worker because we saw an Aswan fly in the shadows in the background.
Tits or GTFO faggot, even the freshest of newfags know that that is the price for thinking that anyone should care you have a hole, you self absorbed bitch.

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Attached: Check'em.png (63x103, 12K)

LMAO. No need to be this thirsty or samefag this hard. Dickpic or gtfo loser.

you got me, i have to admit

Tumblr will have a meltdown, tons of screenshots of pissed queers wishing death on Hori will be posted here and on leddit. Leddit will be utterly divided, some will like it some won't, but they won't cross the line because they seem to understand the series belongs to Hori and he does what he wants.

>lmao samefag :D
Brilliant and most well-executed parry on the part of our freshly delivered landwhale straight from the depths of now deceased Tumblr, bravo. Not getting any (You)s from me.

Limp-wristed faggots

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He's for someone else

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You fucks would eat it up like any other shit writing Hori dumps on your plate

>being a coward after getting called out for replying to the same post 5 times.

>implying we're thirsty when there are 12 boards soley dedicated to porn; of which you can easily get flat out porn of supermodel-tier 3DPD
We don't want to see your disgusting body; we only want you to know your fucking place you dumb attentionwhoring bitch.

No. Don't bully Shouji. He's one of the good ones.

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Mam you are behaving hysterical
Calm down

It's not bullying if it's consensual.

Post your tits already

But they make for a cute couple, user

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If you keep encouraging this hysteric she might actually do it and I'd rather not to have to clean my snack off of my monitor.

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Not yet. Besides, the theory needs work or further development, either that Dabi's a by-blow or a Frankenstein Monster type composite of Toya and somebody else.

Shouji is gross

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>horse pussy

Some do not believe atonement or betterment is possible.

>when you think homosexuality couldn't get more degenerate and gay Mutants are a thing in mhaverse

Give me cute Dekus

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Yea Forumsnon is subhuman, no one here wants to see the fucking fujo tits. Talk about deku's boyfriend or gtfo.

Two things.
You'd unironically jerk it to some """woman""" on an Yea Forums thread? The other being, how do you wank off onto your monitor? Just aim for the bushes

Nice try but this femanon is dyke as it wanted to hump Miruko's shoudlers. You're not fooling anyone.

momo's momos

I just realized something

Hawks will probably be used to somewhat further Endeavor's redemption

>The LoV forces Hawks to kill innocents
>The guilt is eating him whole
>Even if he discovers Endeavor's abuse towards his family, he will probably see himself as someone way worse than Endeavor
>If Endeavor's abuse ends up revealed to the world, Hawks may end up revealing his allegiance to the League because he doesn't deserve to become the N1 Hero, and if he does, then Endeavor deserves it more.

You're a newfag to these threads since actual femanons have been confirmed for posting here. Ochackofag was confirmed for having a big butt.

Attached: 71899973.jpg (849x1200, 576K)

Bad news for you if you jerked it to Ochacofag

round and squeezeable

>Hawks will probably be used to somewhat further Endeavor's redemption
no shit

t. Wasn't around here during Halloween

>Dyke huehuehue
>'new fag lel'

Off topic. Talk about todorkis dick size or gtfo.

Frog sack

fit for a villain

Holy Basedolli

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I was
that was a guy

ochakofag is a guy you idiot. He's a pathetic kraut. I really hope you didn't jack it to a faggot like him

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Thanks for taking care of this while I was away. The answers are hilarious

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reminder that Deku could oneshot Miruko. Bakugo could probably beat her too

Nice try fujo but spamming threads with /y/ shit for 2 months straight doesn't magically make it on topic for threads.


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everyday it becomes more clear that the Morgenthau Plan was a good idea


Attached: Yes.png (621x1200, 453K)

That only confirms that Ochackofag is a girl due to the typing style.

Guess you're also a girl for typing like a giant faggot too

Broken Clocks, user.

Newfag, eveyone is a little girl on Yea Forums. Just how many of you have been only lurking for less than 6 months

A cat was sacrificed to Nyarlathotep by a fujo, possibly in an attempt to get the first gay relationship in WSJ.
Rest in pasta Isabelle the cat; she never asked for this.

Attached: sacrifice_to_the_old_gods.jpg (1080x1920, 746K)

>calling people new fag
>hehehe I'm not a newfag

The cat thing happened back in January while the ass reveal was during Halloween or there abouts.

what the fuck

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there is that kiribaku shipper who had a twitter
she is a girl

how do her tits job

>crossboarder outing herself
>using /trash/ lingo
Back to your hole.

imagine thinking ochakofag was actually a girl, defending your own dumbassery and then calling others newfags
wouldn't that be just embarrassing

why can't we just discuss the series

that was a fake picture idiot, reverse image search linked it back to some Swedish chick's facebook

anons are too busy masturbating to men


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>OP and the last couple thread OPs haven't really fostered discussion
>most recent chapter was a short set up chapter before the action
>crossies and newfags outnumber the actual mangafags

Because Deku is shit.

>she says with no proof


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post Momo

>Hawks will probably be used to somewhat further Endeavor's redemption
As that other user said, "no shit", but the way you're interpreting this is interesting.
I think it's OOC of Hawks to reveal his own attrocities to the world though. Even if he cares about Endeavor and doesn't like the spotlight, he still values the number 1 spot as a pillar for society. If it falls to him he wouldn't like it but he'd take the job. That's what he did his whole life. I think he's rather provide society with a spotless if frail main pillar than with two faulty pillars. That's the logical course of action for someone who values society more than Endeavor, which I believe is Hawk's case.
For him to do what you suggested he would need to become suicidal, selfish, misantropic, and/or crazy in love with Endie. Which isn't impossible considering he's under extreme psychological pressure at the moment, but still.

>he takes un-time stamped pictures on 4channel at face value
>he didn't even bother to reverse search it
brain dead

>it's a mutant hatred episode

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Because sometimes reality is stranger than fiction.
Within a year alone, these threads have been hit by an obece balding spamming mod who fucks with kids and jacks it to Futurama porn, a cat hs been sacrificed to the old gods by a girl who likes to watch men fuck each other and there's a dedicated discord of people out there who are trying to instigate a war between the shounen threads for an as of yet unknown reason.
There have been betrayals from the paintfags, old and new names have born and died and we also have a healthy amount of artfags working on some of the best porn the series has to offer. And that's just the shit that's confirmed.
Shits interesting.

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>the first gay relationship
I hope you mean "between main characters" because I'm pretty sure there are a few already. Like Gelato and his boyfriend in Jojo.
And anyways if this is coming Ao no Flag is the manga I'd bet on, not BnHA.

Attached: laughing homos.jpg (474x478, 41K)

Obviously between main characters. There is was a relationship between to trannies in this very manga. Didn't turn out too well for one of them though.

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Why do you keep pushing this meme?

>There is was a relationship

Attached: oh you.jpg (600x456, 32K)

Taichi doesn't like Touma that way, user.

Because Isabelle deserves justice goddamnit

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Or we can just forget about the cat and the stupid fujo

The probability is still higher than Hori making a gay ship canon.

>Ao no Flag
More like Ao no fag

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Pony has been my favorite since before she got attention

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t. the fujo who killed her

Silly user, if we did that we'd have to face the fact the manga is shit and talk about shit like Deku's seven quirks unironically and most of us here don't want that.

i wonder how popular she is in universe

Attached: anf drinking game.jpg (339x797, 70K)

She has a literal fanclub in UA right?

>shit like Deku's seven quirks unironically and most of us here don't want that
Yeah, we've already taked about that

Attached: ofa_2015.png (923x274, 19K)

There were a couple guys yelling her name at the band performance so kind of popular probably. But only for her tits

The bunny is fast. Deku'd have to hit her before he could one shot her, and she might get him, first. And we don't know how much damage she can take. Dabi ran rather than fight her, remember.

Bakugo, I can see an utterly destructive confrontation, angering both of these ultra aggressive heroes to the point they attack each other all out and score a simultaneous double knockout.

That's tru, but I think it's pretty clear that Touma's feelings are unrequited. Still, making it a major plot point is more than Hori would probably ever do.

Deku and Bakugo's middleschool classmate friend was already nomu'd and killed. Wouldn't be a new thing to happen.

People like you make me lose faith in humanity. It makes you wonder why people try so hard at writing good stories when people like you exist. It feels meaningless. I could crap on a blank sheet and you'd lap it up.

>people out there who are trying to instigate a war between the shounen threads for an as of yet unknown reason.
The Old Enemy, The First Foe. MOEfags enacting the Great Falseflag.

no yours would be just bad

Best girl

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whats the fujo name?

>he can tell the difference between the shit two persons defecate
I accept your concession.

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what about once she becomes a pro hero

It's the fujo herself. Notice how there is still respect for the cat while the self deprecating continues on.

25% OFA would kill her

no one will care about her because she's horrendously incompetent

Lets go with Alf
>kills cats

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If he is forced to kill innocents i do think he would become rather depressed, the way he looked like when he visted Endeavor in the hospital already shows that he already feels guilt.

You're tempting me to make an edit of Alf with a Kirishima bodypillow sacrificing a cat to the old gods despite my backlog. Stop this

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Your backlog is more important
I mean Alf with a tumblr dyed hair surrounded by Kirishima merch probably sounds more funny on paper than seeing it.

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she can just say that she's a support hero

She's still useless

How is she supporting anyone? By making them look better in comparison?

Talking of backlogs, I've got a few days off so I'll be finishing up a few things intermitently, one of which I got done. Was going to post it tlater during spoilers; but I don't see the harm in doing it now

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Good stuff.

But what if Snail Mutant was a female

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Blowing other heroes, villains or fans?

don't overthink it

Oh that reminds me I should have a bunch of Ao no Flag chapters to catch up.

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heroes for motivation, villains as a distraction, fan for popularity

Wouldn't Inasa be better at that?

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tododeku whirlpool

>But what if snail mutant was a female

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even without his quirk.

You mean Inatodo

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>Deku, you're walking right into traffic! Oh god, he has AirPods in! He can't hear us! Oh my god

nigger are you blind

maybe not him but deku sure is

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And Dabi kills them both.

Dabi will die first kek

>Endeavor's abuse towards his family

Attached: proofster8.png (944x948, 37K)

The worldbuilding in this series UTTER SHIT that's being made up as it goes along which makes these new groups of villains feel like filler as they seem to pop out of nowhere into sudden relevancy because of how little we know about the world AND HOW LITTLE THEY MATTERED before.

We don't even know how hero society came into being. All we know is apparently there were too many people running around who used their newly found powers to do bad things so some other people stepped up and took matters into their hands. Then TA - DA!! that's how hero society came into being like wtf?? There's way too many things skipped there for the series to act like this is some sort of logical progression of things, very POOR EXECUTION in worldbuilding.

It doesn't even make sense because if you're saying that the situation was solved because of people taking matters into their hands instead of relying on the gov't then hero society is like the opposite of that. So how the fuck does that work and how the fuck can they even enforce the "you can't use your quirk" thing or even know what exact quirk people have if they just lie about it?

Attached: more effective than 99% of quirks.png (1482x1078, 1020K)

Nah, he is killing one of them or both.

this is cute too

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>as they seem to pop out of nowhere into sudden relevancy
Read slower. It's not the mangos fault you can't read, Destro was announced as a major threat 47 chapters ago and has been regularly hinted at since.

Attached: speedyready.gif (320x240, 1.53M)

>If I don't get a huge block of exposition dump, the story is bad
>The enitre world is like burgerland and has guns
You're a fucking idiot.

Lets hope we get more Destro Jr. to meme this week.

Attached: 73520144_p0.jpg (653x959, 621K)

>that spacing
>those acronyms
>that lack of reading comprehension
>that entire fucking post

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>responding to pasta

t b h they could've went over the history of how heroes came to be during class. In fact, a lot of worldbuilding can be established through info-dumps justifiably...considering they're spending 90% of their time in fucking school.

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Chad daddy

>ginger tomboy

Wait a minute? What about the preview for this week's chapter?

No chapter this week

> we will come for you
> we are leejun

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momo blowjobs

Anybody got the Deku vs Shoto webm? Would be appreciated.

nice kendou!


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The hero society is extremely oppressive and is essentially just a maruading band that goes around murdering people for daring to defy the state. The villains (at least those in the LoV) are the heroes of this story.

Kendo bros Rise up

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Wait what

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Call Hori a hack for whitewashing years of abuse and being treated like a breeding sow that led to a decade in an asylum

>Neglecting your family counts as full on abuse


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Like Bakugo and Deku


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Um yeah thats the whole point of that manga user.

Whitewashing is bad thing for Tumblr

>He he knows my favorite flower.
As if she forgot she hated him to the point she tried to purify Shoto from Endeavor genes. Hori is going ot push the narrative in a way that makes those with ADHD forget the already canon backstory.

Does invisotits have a bush or does she shave?

But ginger tomboys are undeniably always the best.

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Everyone loved t when he did it with Bakugo

I'm guessing you retards were thinking of that retarded SJW appropriation of the term?

>He knows my favorite flower
It was way more than that user, she did say that he has been in that Hospital a lot of times.

Bushy bush that she shapes so it doesn't look to unruly, it holds a musky smell

Endeavor belongs to Hawks

Attached: Endhawks435.jpg (750x775, 101K)

Reminder that "catkiller" user is either being petty, disingenuous, and spreading misinformation for attention, or "he's" the fujo herself falseflagging for attention (just watch, she's going to reply to this post claiming that I'm the fujo because I'm calling her out on her bullshit). Either way they're an annoying attention whore and to be ignored, and anyone enabling them in their desperate search for (you)s is a new faggot.

Attached: proof.jpg (1794x321, 222K)

I believe the fujo goes by Alf now.

Its still retarded and doesnt apply to the situation.

they were just friends, weren't they?

You're just stupid
>anything, as deceptive words or actions, used to cover up or gloss over faults, errors, or wrongdoings, or absolve a wrongdoer from blame.
I even gave an example up of it up above you illiterate faggot

I like it

>the little bait meme with the rat tail
a touch of genius

based Tinder posters

he did it with his main character too

See? That's exactly what I'm talking about. Now they're giving themself a name, and getting drawfags to draw art of them so they can continue to shit up the threads with their garbage meme. I should be shocked that anons are falling for such a display, but I honestly can't say anything surprises me anymore. Yea Forums is dead.

I agree Deku should still be hated for being an obsessed stalker who mentally scarred a young Bakugo.

But it's not even covered up. At every instance he meets his kids it's REEEEEE I CAN'T FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MOM and his oldest son is a psycho edgelord out to kill him. You're still using the term wrong.

contribute, user

>but I honestly can't say anything surprises me anymore. Yea Forums is dead.
You are correct
leave now and never return

looking at old kendoufag reaction faces really takes me back when grapeshit was our only problem
i mean it was really shit at some times, but it was certainly better than now

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>You're still using the term wrong.
I really don't get why you keep flaunting your ignorance. ESL? Are you unable to understand the definition even with it posted and an example posted?
Do I need to define gloss over as well?
Also Shoto is already tsundere for him

>that face

>Also Shoto is already tsundere for him


Why does everyone assume that Mina is a slut?

>they're an annoying attention whore and to be ignored
i don't think you're doing a great job at that mate

she created tinder accounts for everyone in her class

Mina is the kind of girl that everyone says is a slut not because she actually is one, but because they wish she was

No, you're just retarded. Hori is probably going to reveal that the marriage started out half-decent before he became avuse, and that's how most abusive relationships start out anyway. At every turn are we reminded that he was abusive, even after the Pro Hero arc there's a flashback about him bullying a toddler with a bamboo sword while telling him his brother was a failure. Him being less autistic at a point doesn't change that. But you sound like a assblasted tumblrina crying about people being unable to admit their faults so I doubt you'll admit that you were just plain wrong here.

she obsesses over relationships

Attached: shipfag mina.jpg (549x462, 125K)

So do we

She's not. She's saving herself for when Shinsou finally joins class 1a and is going to give him her acid pussy virginity to celebrate when it finally happens.

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Going into stubborn denial because you can't afford to admit you're an uneducated faggot whose first though when hearing "whitewashing" was some sjw complaint about movies is hilarious. More so when your desperation, and illiteracy, causes you to forget we are discussing a hypothetical situation with an example of the potential beginnings of whitewashing


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>Is on friendly terms with all of the guys in the class
>Is extremely sexy
>Is completely fine with romance
>Openly lusts after guys
How is she not a slut?

Who are the trannies?

>joining class A
man I fucking hope not

Asking this again, anybody got the Deku vs Shoto webm


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magne and bob
also technically tiger but tiger got magic genderswapped so they actually are a biological male now


Because she'd melt her partner during an orgasm

And Tora from the WWPC's post Thailand

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friend of magne's

oh sweet someone posted him

Oh I forgot his name
Do we know what exactly he is?

Kirishima could handle it.

>t-they m-must be ignoreb at aww costs!
Then shut up about it.

just a tranny friend of magne's so far as I know

dumb fujo

i don't get it

Only fujos push Mina x Mineta, since it doesn't interfere with their gay ship.

Thanks guys this thread gave me the tism.

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Futa Rei fucking the number 2 hero

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Flashing something on screen once isn't the same as build up shitposter.
>that spacing
>those acronyms
I don't think you understand english or what reddit spacing is, typical brainlet responses from mha redditors. Have no idea what they're talking about yet still try to posture like they do, not very convincing though coming from ESL retards who can't even address any parts of the argument.

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We don't know what it is outside from a Category 6, but assuming you haven't read the manga you're gonna love the first episode of Season 4. Oblique hint; (2:48 if it decide to start at the fucking start)

Attached: Clown Mina ships miss joke and aizawa.png (856x720, 654K)

I read the manga
i just forgot bob

This a fetish or something?

No one knows

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Gyarus are sluts.

Mina is a pinkru.

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Was he right?

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Which is why she needs her quirk remove.

no that's just pure bias

dont respond you fucking idiot

Nah. You can't group up One Piece with Hiatus x Hiatus.

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sometime they need education

No tournament arcs aren't that integral to bnha

>tournament arc
>And the MC cries alot
This is One Piece.

Luffy hates crybabies. And most arcs are just running

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s-shut up! when oda does it it's art!

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Holy mother of BASED

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Shit character.

>Luffy hates himself

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>Luffy hates crybabies.
Dude is crying all the time.

Attached: straw-hat-pirates.jpg (1019x750, 192K)

A single page contains more soul, depth and emotion than all 218 chapters of Herocaca.

Attached: goodbye nakama.jpg (1520x1200, 326K)

does luffy hate himself, because he cries a lot

That was so cheesy but great

>When One Piece was still good.

>imagine caring this much for a boat you've had for like two months
kinda pathetic desu

Attached: Luffy-Crying-monkey-d-luffy-12882049-408-435.jpg (408x435, 25K)

Mirio x Eri is the only canon ship approved by Hori himself

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You might want to start charging rent for your head space because Goda is living there for free. WCI was GOAT.

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You take that from a single post?

>OP and HxH are the only soft-seinen left in WSJ
>both are 20+ years old
What does say about the mangazine? Is jump moving away from maturity by making the newer series standard shounenshit?

Attached: laughing chads.jpg (817x263, 46K)

luffy sure is a crybaby

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Deep kissing Mirio!

Shoto is autistic, he doesn't know any better.


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THAT relationship is one worth obsessing over.

I hope Ms. Joke actually hooks him, some day. It'd be nice if he smiled over something other than his students.

how many other manga series delve in genocide, murder, war, racism, trangenderism, royalty, corruption, democracy and the flaws of political government with direct democracy, criminal minds, reincarnation, Loyalty, Love in all its obsessive and unconditional forms, the meaning of life, the concept of a soul, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism humanity and inhumanity, revenge, abandonment as well as a slew of other topics and concepts as nuanced and well written as Hunter x Hunter and One Piece while encapsulating a massive variety of places, cultures and genres that give arcs huge amounts of variety.

Attached: Chads of Jump.jpg (800x607, 35K)

it would be nice if he did anything other than train shinsou and job

>shallow, meaningless relationship
How is it worth obsessing over? anyways, there is an excellent Korean artist that makes great drawings of them, so there's at least one idiot obsessing over it.

I keep waiting for someone to post either of them as Best Girl, so we can watch the subsequent firestorm...

Like 87

bnha minus the adventure

Would be a better character if she had giant tits



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MHA can't even adequately explore hero society let alone countless cultures like one piece or human nature itself like hxh

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She is seven but she's got a modest bust already. She will be a titty monster, bigger than Momo.

literally 3 of the first 4 arcs in HxH arc tournaments, while MHA has had 2 tournaments in like 7 arcs. This image makes no fucking sense

As of the latest manga as far as known children, it's daughter Fuyumi "Can... can we actually become a family? (hope), (hope)", son Natsuo "I hate you for everything you've done to us and Mom, go die in a... well, no, that won't work with you, so just go die!", and Shoto "I... think I'll suspend judgement and wait to see what sort of a man he actually becomes". All of which, for Endeavor, is actually a great improvement.

Dude that is just a shitposting image

I want to take cute kitty pictures with Aizawa!

Attached: 1550163712767.jpg (1000x750, 171K)

*hurt the frog


It's probably the deepest romantic relationship he's got with a female.

And I think Ms. Joke is serious.

Do you think that kid is going to develop a thing for cakes?

that's cute

Attached: 53002107_p81_master1200.jpg (600x450, 116K)

yeah but it's a shitposting image that makes no sense and is patently wrong
although after the thread yesterday where we found out the HxHfag never actually read HxH, it makes a lot more sense

>I think ms. Joke is serious
A headcanon, she literally says she's joking and when she is not she doesn't act lovey dovey with Aizawa.
Aizawa doesn't even have a romantic relationship with her, let alone a deep one.

nice aizawa picture user do you mind if I save it?

Never, cakes will always be ugly.


Attached: D0aRHc0UYAEDRY-.png large.png (308x800, 64K)

He fainted after seeing Mina's body due all the nosebleed. He will definitely have a thing for mature girls, a mommy fetish.

This, the girls in this Hack manga are just shit overall.

Christmas cakes, if they formed the Pussycats 12 years ago when they were 18

If you ask someone to marry you each time you meet, you better be prepared for the chance he might say "Yes".

Acting lovey-dovey with Aizawa during teaching time would be a serious mistake...

go ahead, friendo

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She says he's literally teasing him, nothing else. She knows how Aizawa is, it is all just jokes.

>mommy fetish
Go back

Mirio and Eri were busy during the joint training

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>{user smiles menacingly}
I've got a good feeling about this. Webmfag. I raise you one. Not even fucking kidding, once I'd nailed it Rules of Nature peaked and played perfectly in sync while watching it for the first time

Attached: DvS.webm (852x480, 2.92M)

miruko's tinder ___

bad joke, sultan

Did Endeavor ever have sex after Shoto got born?

Is not a thing as she just Rapes Villains for breaking the law.


*was born

Damn deku gets to tap hagakure

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>having to make fanfiction


pretty sure that doesn't work like that

>feeling this threatened

>Not joking
That's even more pathetic.

When do you think they'll have their rematch? I think Deku will lose the rematch also. Shoto vs Deku 2 has to happen at some point as does Shoto vs Bakugo.

>Mirio making Eri pregnant
Imagine being this much of a faggot

One Piece doesn't do this adequately at all. Its just random shit.with ugly characters.
There are no real stakes and people die rarely in One Piece.

well the next sports festival is in 4 month in universe, so probably next year or something

god this scene looks so fucking stupid, fuck whatever fujo at Bones had such a massive hardon for Shoto that they made his powers look so fucking over the top

I was talking about you.

Eri has lewd thoughts about Mirio and fingers herself at night while moaning his name

Attached: 1548273838241.png (1024x1030, 836K)

you know how sometimes people don't actually mean what they say

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Seething steelshitter.

shoto was always over the top, that's the point

>still pushing the meme
>still this triggered at how high ranked BnHA is

Dubs and Miruko licks my balls.

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t. strong wristed badass

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at least I assume you mean 3D
otherwise you're just wrong

nigger did you fucking SEE the iceberg he insta-spawned in the manga

close but she's into rimjobs

>god this scene looks so fucking stupid
>having taste this shit

Attached: hm.jpg (550x397, 104K)

Eri has no lewd thoughts about Mirio and fingering doesn't happen, this is fanart.

Except she literally says she is joking. Over and over again, if she didn't want it to be taken as a joke she wouldn't mention she's teasing him.
It is just bante by her own words, anything else is a headcanon.

it's shit

why not? i bet she'd have a selfie in her costume

Nothing stupid about ti, you are just gay.

>suddenly blurted go out with me
>Forced nervous laughter
There's joking and then there's this. Unless she's an A grade actor.

>posting lolis pregnant by the strong seed of his sutd BF is pathetic
Back to whatever shithole you crawled from

samefagging fujos, fuck off

what about Momo

Decuck self inserters are really insecure about MirioEri, they can't handle having a single girl in their precious self inserting power fantasy manga having any interest in any boy that isn't Deku.

She does, as a matter of fact she is getting raw fucked by him right as we type.

>185497063 (You)

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Most of the newfags ITT got into MHA with the anime and haven't even read the manga version of that fight. So they think that DBZ garbage is good.

These are the same fags who defend post-Kamino arcs btw

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holy shit you're autistic
not everyone thinks exactly the same as you. some people joke about things they find serious because that's just how they are.
and also, things can be true and also not directly stated. ever hear of inference?

This fan artist sucks, they took away her feminine hips and made more rough looking.

>tfw t. fujo is the new t. Jeremy, which was the new t. grapefag

Attached: my_boy.gif (530x530, 672K)

No she isn't, that's you fantasizing. You're boring.

>having taste so shit
t. Bones animator. Miruko is best rough and muscular.

No one wants to fuck them.

Attached: 06.png (908x1300, 288K)

I don't think they'll rematch, it would be boring

>deku could 1v3 them

why is our guy so strong?

You're autistic trying to make your headcanon a real thing when it is not.
Fuck off with your crackship, Joke states she's teasing him because she wants to get a reaction out of him but you idiot will insist she is being serious when absolutely nothing points to that.


>implying most the hate post-kamino is not because of the popularity we got thanks to the anime/contrarians
>implying you're not just a dumb nostalgiafag

She's invisible not a fucking jellyfish

They indeed are, that is what intimate friends are for.
They have definitely fucked, usually at any point in time we see them, Eri is filled with his semen.

Phony and gay. She is better how she originally looks, quit trying to remove the feminine parts to avert the male gaze, faggot.
Even covered up her chest with her boxing gloves, what a fuckin' queer.

the next rematch will be at the year 2 sports festival. Either Deku will stomp Bakugo and Todoroki, or Hori will be a hack and have him lose to one or both of them again so he can ruminate about how "he still has a lot to learn" or whatever gay shit

Decuck couldn't even land a hit on Tiger

I read since chapter 1 serialization and I viscerally cringe whenever I see nuMHAfags who came from the anime defending the garbage post-Kamino arc.

Attached: cringe.png (900x1300, 182K)

>If my self insert loses Hori's gay and a hack

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pre kamino was also ass

No they aren't, and haven't, that's why you have to make fanfiction and fanart. That's all you can get, Mirio self inserter.

>implying her feminine parts are removed in that fanart
Maybe if you're blind.

he was holding back, he literally destroyed muscular 3 episodes later

the entire point of DvB2 is that it's the last time Bakugo can ever reasonably beat Deku in a fight. If they ever fight again, Deku has to win unless Hori is going full retard

they are intimate friends according to Horikoshi.
Friends go get intimate.
The peach is ripe, and all for him.
Pregnancy soon.

Attached: lll.png (317x832, 281K)

MHA started decent but quickly burned out of gas after AfO and has been grasping for relevancy in the past arcs, as if the author was desperately trying to figure out where to go with the story but can't. As a result the series has reached a point where only brainlet shipper-fags follow it. Every thread is filled with tumblr-tier shipping and mostly nothing else.

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Destroyed his arms, too...

>you're so worth teasing, eraser!
That was easy

Do you think Deku ever hot glues his All Might figures while yelling Plus Ultra?

>posting that page as argument
yeah i can tell that you're a dumbass

>hiding tits behind gloves
>musculature overrides feminine form
>shoulders wider than hips
You're just a faggot.

Without writing a novel, what do you think would have been a more interesting school arc than "class A, B and Shinso fight in teams for nothing, OFA gets even more too big" ?

Yes he also shoves them up his ass, using his hot cum as lube.

How would Mirio react if he saw this?

I want to taste those pits

School shooting arc

field trip to Tartarus immediately followed by a jail break

what would she think of class 1A

>MHA started decent
I disagree
the beginning was shit until kamino and then only the remedial course and pro hero arc were good after that

The illusion that the beginning was decent is because it took you a while to notice the flaws
reread the manga and you'll realize all the issues have been here since chapter 1

severe mental illness coper

read better manga and stop eating up shit

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Momo losing her virginity arc

I could get behind that

Deku is so ugly lmfao

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i hope you enjoy your stay with us user

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>remedial and pro hero
fuck off fujo

>shoulders wider than hips

I think they are in the manga. Or at least it's pretty close.

She's very... strong...

La Creatura takes it but she tells Shoto the child is his

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Fuck off tranny, back to Tumblr

Joint Training would be good if Hori actually put any effort into it. None of the characters during that arc any characterization or development on the level we say during SF and other school arcs. Hori could have also made the fights actually worth reading besides the third one. Most of the fights were lame and didn't have any choreography or moves that stood out. At least during the third match the students actually tried pushing each other to their limits.

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God this faggot has such a punchable face.

Mina was made for breeding

Fuck off jeremy

Do you think it is a little hard for Eri to take Mirio's massive chinchin?

>God this faggot has such a punchable face.
Almost everyone has punched him in the face
including his close friends and mentor

I found it quite interesting. It is always good to learn more about class 1-B and see what they're up to.

Will you fuck off already?

No, he's pure, and only loves and admires All Might in a G rated way

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this. The only time the JT arc was particularly interesting was the first chapter of the 1st and 2nd fights, and the 3rd fight outside of its whack ending

>accurate and direct criticism

>"ugh fuck off j-jeremy ugh fuck off ugh jeremy bbro"

Attached: heronpc.png (313x348, 62K)

>acid pussy

At man of taste I see.

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Deku goes to Tarartus and chats with AFO, starting to understand his side of the story (that's not just >muh evil power trip)

So it is hard?

>None of the characters during that arc any characterization
So youa re saying half the characters didnt exist to you.

Attached: BIG POINTY PAIR OF shrugs.jpg (1920x1080, 166K)

well now would be a good time to ask an audience with him

Deku and pals sneak around the school campus at night trying to investigate something, like brutal Year 2 exams. Toga is stalking the school looking for them and has murdered at least 1 student. Bakugo is also trying to catch them because fuck why not.

Attached: NPCjak.png (680x683, 331K)

We could have learned about them in something better than large amounts of dedicated exposition time. It is always better to be demonstrating this during something else, like a mission.

>this cope

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>wanting to breed with a disgusting mutie

not him but the only character I remember having any character development or expansion at all (unless you count regression as development) is Kendo and Tetsutetsu, and the 1B kids we'd literally never seen before

the joint training arc but without shinsou, where class B wins match 1 and 3, without the "I didn't feel like I won" bullshit after match 2, thus spurring class A to realise they need to actually train leading to aizawa being fired and replaced with a competent teacher

This is it chief. Also have class B actually put up a fight in the 4th match.

Second exams, teachers 2v1 students and put every one of them in the hospital

school trip to tartarus and then the breakout happens with AfO hunting deku

It was a structured event in which all of class 1-B were shown. We got to see their quirks, find out more about their personalities, got some idea of their internal dynamics, and gained some insight into what the heck is wrong with Monoma. I realize that arcs like this and the Culture Festival aren't popular among those who want high drama and villains; but I 'm more interested in getting to know these characters than bloodshed.

it would have been a lot better if said characters hadn't been showcased through being punching bags for characters they should demonstrably be able to defeat

Attached: And another clown miruko.png (488x1280, 277K)

That's her quirk. She wants to get a reaction out of stoic Aizawa. She acts rather normal when she's being serious.

>That's her quirk.
If she was using her quirk, Aizawa would laught right away.

I’d still fuck that

In the actual canon she doesn't use her quirk on him, Aizawa always deactivates it prior to her speaking and she's kind of a cunt. because it's only banter.

Attached: 019.jpg (2133x1600, 797K)

Yeah basically this. Bakugo winning the 4th match is fine, but everyone praising him for being able to work with his team when he already was capable of that in the Cavalry battle was the top cringe dialogue in the arc and is saying a lot.

I mean he didn't work with his team in the cavalry battle or match 4, they worked with him. it's pretty different. he hadn't changed at all, still screaming orders like a toddler that wants its sippy cup. though to be honest what annoyed me most from that match was "how is their teamwork so perfect?!" when it was nothing special in the slightest. and didn't they attribute it to the fact that they were in the band together? fucking stupid

dense anons

She wants to make him laugh honestly.

It's an uphill battle.

Yes, because that's how personality works. She's mrs joke for crying out loud, she wnats to get a laugh out of Aizawa, but nothing beyond banter.

So spoilers within 10 hours?

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Attached: heart_of_the_cards.png (555x555, 508K)

I thought there was no chapter this week

It literally defines her worth as a jokester that she cannot make the guy immune to her quirk laugh, which is funny

Nothing said in the last one there was a break again.

Dubs and the next chapter shows a big titty loli

you thought wrong, idiot

Its already out, they beat the villain and go back to Eris birthday


Attached: Destrohort.png (1034x1061, 549K)

it'll be just a normal evil loli


Cute! And canon!

Attached: 1544724256392.png (1183x365, 440K)

He helped them out when needed, that's it. And that's fine, it works, but it's nothing to bend backwards over regarding noteworthy teamwork.

Toga after the Deku Gets Kidnapped And Tortured arc

That's called strategy. Ibara and Jurota should have been unbeatable, for instance. But they got beaten.

In the Cavalry Battle he was a dictator. In the 4th match, he was a leader.

It's a subtle difference. But important.

>In the Cavalry Battle he was a dictator. In the 4th match, he was a leader.
He acted exactly the same in both

>It's a subtle difference. But important
Yes, and not enough of a reason to wank him off about. Just say great job and be done with it, everone ooohh-ing and ahhh-ing over "perfect" teamwork ruins the match even more than "I don't feel like I won" did.

I made a new edit, and it isn't even a Giga one.

Attached: extendingcalamity.png (3808x656, 103K)

Aizawa is kicking momo out of 1-a!

>That's called strategy.
No, it was literally classic jobbing. Set up characters to be strong, have them lose to make the others look good. Hori exaggerated, Shishida is set up to be ridiculously strong and durable but his hits doesn't take anyone out and he is still beaten by pipes. Hori sucks at writing strategic fights, the reason why many enjoyed most of the third match is because it was a straightforward brawl where everyone actually did the best out of the situation they were in.

Attached: All Right.gif (480x270, 3.28M)

>That's called strategy.
how exactly does strategy make it so Shishida can toss the other students around like ragdolls and take full strength hits from Kaminari's quirk, but then get taken out by a pipe falling on him?

>he doesn't know the dark power of the pipes
They're inverted sticks; anti-jobbing mechanisms to those who use them. The only known way you can stop a pipe is with plot armour.

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why is shinso the big heavy strong guy

he stronk now

His transformation gave him high defenses across the broad but low poise. He was able to withstand the damage but got stunned.

>He was able to withstand the damage but got stunned.
This makes no sense, it means "he could handle the damage except when he couldn't".

across the board I meant.

Her quirk makes people laugh uproariously. Nothing to show she can moderate it. Aizawa doesn't erase her quirk - which would only work as long as he was looking at her, remember - because he knows she's not going to use it on him.


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Nigger do you know what poise is.
Defence is how many times you can take a hit and keep on slugging; poise is whether you can ignore a hit to what you are currently doing or not.
A naked guy who can't feel pain at all would have a high amount of poise with no defence whereas a guy who's dressed in 5 inch thick steel armour he can't really stand up in would have a high defence and low poise.
Shishida can tank multiple hits, but is easily interrupted. That was user's point.

why didn't Shishida just roll spam away from the pipes? Fucking scrub

>Shishida can tank multiple hits, but is easily interrupted.
user, he was interrupted by Kaminari and shrugged it off and continued like nothing. There is no precedence for what you're saying, you're just trying to justify bad writing when the fight itself suggests nothing of the sort you're implying.

Bakugou did nothing differently.
He just rushed in there, dragged his team along, completely disregarded their concerns, and won because he's Bakugou.
The only thing he did differently was say "cover my ass" but it's not like they wouldn't have covered his ass otherwise.