Shingeki no Kyojin

Is Zeke the best character ever?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>literally chosen by God.
Feels good being a Zekechad.

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>literally chosen by loli goddess

>dead or a cripplet

>are asspulls the best thing ever?
Yeah no retard

Did he transferred his mind to his ass like Reiner did? Is that how he survived?

>somehow Shartmong and Reinmong asspulls are bad but Zecuck's isn't

He was right all along, show some respect to the ultimate chad

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Is he -dare I say it- OUR GUY????

shitmir = shit

I can't believe Eren was raped by Pieck. EP is endgame

5chan leak translation

Levai is not dead yet
Two fingers are blowing away and a single line of scratches in the face probably disappeared right eye.
Hanji hugs such Levai. One of the Jaeger fighters shoots one shot at the head. Hanji says, "He's dead, it is an instant death due to an explosion of a thunderstorm"
Zeke suddenly resurrected when Flock was suspicious and told me to measure the pulse. At the moment Flocks were taken care of Zeke, Hanji jumped into the river with Rivai.

>Ok what happens is extremely weird
>Zeke died for real
>Then some mindless titan arrived, opened his own stomach and placed Zeke inside his stomach.
>Ymir then took care of Zeke
>And Zeke then emerged from the mindless


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>LH got meme in

Freedom or Euthanasia ?

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Zeke vs Eren is going to decide the fate of this world. Ymir wants to see how it ends.

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He was chosen by the goddness herself.

Basically. It's a shitty fucking asspull. Not even cripplet could die.

>3/10 vs 11/10 plus the power of Lolimir
It's a mismatch

Can any of the shifter shitters in this manga stay dead please? I bet hammer meido will be asspulled back next.

Say something nice to the war chief!

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>Eren and Zeke talk still not leaked

>Hanji jumped into the river with Rivai.
Forget about the detective meme, we Batman now

>o-our g-guy :^)
Back to le.ddit. with you

So Zeke kills Floch?

Use the fucking catalog

>literally got resurrected by asspulls
You sure showed him!

Ymiru Ackbar worked

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Zeke = Loki
Hange = Odin
Levi = Baldr

>Loses his glasses
>Gets eaten
>Speaks with god herself
>Gets reborn naked

I think Zeke is on Eren's side now.

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>Some mindless titan
Imagine being THAT retarded.

Eren el Blanco Hermano SSJ4GODBLUE very soon

>decides to wipe his entire fucking race out because of a janitor's comment

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I don’t understand why that would even kill zeke?

user, nips are retarded with manga.

Punished Manlet confirmed?

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it had zekes spine fluid in it?
i dont get it

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Fake preview when?

Based Janny

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Will cripplelet be back to pull a Hector Salamanca on Zeke?

>When Zeke loses to manlet
>"Retard, manlet's Gary Stu and plot armor is completly false, why wouldn't you think he can kill 20 titans, get some thunder spears to fight a titan that he assume to have hardening, catch up to a titan that has been on the run and defeat the strongest Warrior? This is completly ok for godvi"

>manlet jobs
>"Reeee asspull! Zeke being ressurected by a know superior force of the series is a complete asspull! Why would godvi give Zecuck a explosive!"

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It sounds really dumb. Isayama gives some gruesome deaths but when it comes to explain how someone is killed or how someone survives he ends doing a Kenny-death (muh debris but he mnages to reach a tree and talk to Manlet), Ymir’s one panel, even Alma’s one is lame but shocking. Then we have Reiner and Armin asspulls, and now Zeke. So far the most decent death was Erwin and even that was dragged for the sake of a cat fight.

>A 11/10 chosen by Ymir is being played by a 3/1/0
It's pretty sad if you put it that way.

he controlled it. It was one of Levi's soldiers. Levi forgot to kill one because Zeke already used most of it as ammo

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Wait so Hange escapes with the manlet?


inb4 Ackermans get stronger the more injured they get

user, I...

Eren BTFO Ymir soon.
Ideally both would have died.

How can the man of the goddess be on the same side as the Debiru?

sounds good actually

Disgusting shit. Cry me a river delusional Zekewhale

This is extremely stupid. Isayama needs a lesson about how to use a Chekhov.

>Wanpissshit is an uneducated third world trash
This is the new low for /snk/


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Sounds like a Dragon Ball ripoff and an asspull.

Actual chapter pictures when


>Nordic gods
The mouse is doing a nice brainwash.

guys how do I read the Edda? I don't get poems.

>At the moment Flocks were taken care of Zeke, Hanji jumped into the river with Rivai.
Floch got KEKED

>complaining about capeshit when you're reading shonenshit littered with asspulls and now a deus ex machina

>Capeshit invented Norse mythology

Pissfags keep embarrassing themselves.

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D-did she forget about Falco?

Zeke was (or at least he thinks he was) saved by the Eldian Goddess. Will he see this as:
>Ymir Fritz is by my side, the literal eldian god also wants the extinction of eldians, so I'm right.
>Wow, the literal eldian god saved me, maybe this is a signal that eldians deserve to live.

When is chapter dropping?

He's an angsty cunt. He will see it in the most selfish way possible.

The first obviously, more like this means the peaceful ideology the royals have had since the 145th cuck possibly comes directly from Ymir.

Did you have a stroke? Both faggots should've just died in this chapter and Isayama literally pulls shit out of his ass, as usual.

>Zeke never got Dina's titan to unbirth him

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I hope Zeke remained alive instead of some asspull loli Ymir Fritz resurrection. Levi should definately be dead.


but Ymir had all 9 titans together right? So the FT is still just a part of her, even if it is the strongest by far.

I hope this means I can see a wet Hans with loose hair next chapter

manlet should be in a even worse situation, at least Zeke's case is ok since P A T H S, but manlet being able to survive that kind of explosion is kind of a stratching.

A cripplelet is fine, too.

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Asspull chapter? Asspull chapter
At least we're getting Marley chapter next month

>LH cute and canon


looks comfy desu.

Kenny’s death was most about Isayama dictating he needed to die than him dying from some reasonable consequence. Reiner and Armin surviving is the same. Don’t expect common sense in this manga.

>Eren will kill a goddess who created titans


Post Tumblr reactions

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COPE HARDER, triggered cunt

>hanji and manlet flow down river eventually reaching the sea
>hanji nurses manlet back to health in a seaside cottage while waiting out the coming conflict

Why do you browse tumblr?


>Both faggots should've just died in this chapter and Isayama literally pulls shit out of his ass, as usual.
>dying of wounds



To fucking laugh at it, I am literal diamonds from reading their reactions too.

>yet another chapter
>no annie
Fuck this

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He has chosen his blonde womanlet

DOUBLE COPE delusional dumblr.

>drying when they are killed in the way they should die

>tfw *twitch* user was right

But Zeke died.


He has chosen life, shipperwhale

>''He is dead man, Hange confirmed it''
So Farmer is the father because Rogue confirmed it.

hahahha ohnonono

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As much as it pains me to say this...

Hange trying to escape with manlet's body means he is alive. Why carry a corpse with you if that makes your escape a lot more difficult?

Okay guys, I have to reiterate:
Isayama is based

But manlet didn't die because Isayama has no balls

I really want this to be an unironic post.
In 100 years, marvelshit is going to be our version of the greek pantheon.

I wonder how eremika and the other landwhales are dealing with this

can somebody explain to me the origin of the "OH MY" joke?

Irrationality. Maybe she doesn't want him to just lie dead in a muddy field.

Most people have left tumblr now, twitter has better salt if that's what you're after.

She is saying that to deceive them. She jumps to the river taking the manlet with her

>Levi got a cool scar
manletchads we won

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That's what they get for not feeding Zeke to someone the second they got off that airship. Eren and Yelena were prisoners and wouldn't have to know until later.


George Takei from Star Trek

>Reiner could have see the loli goddess too but he didn't because he pulled his mind in his ass
The suffering is real.

>blown to bits
>got tortured and had been regenerating for hours
>only head and upper torso are unharmed
>not dying

I don't care about the manlet, what did Ymir said to Zeke?

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>manlet is dead
>honogo jumps in the river to drown herself along with manlet's body, already filled with depression after all the self-doubt over whether she should be commander and now the only other remaining vet dying tips her over the edge

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>mikanni next chapter

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Of course he is. And he better be.
I honestly don't care if the manlet dies, but the possibility of Mankasa getting stronger from his death is disgusting enough for me to want him alive but crippled to the point he can't contribute to any future fight.

Why do people like Zeke again? Dude needs his ass whooped by Eren.

But they hate eachother’s guts

In Hunter x Hunter, there is a shotacon magician/clown who is arguably one of the strongest characters in the series and fairly important to the overall plot. His ability is called Bungee Gum, and it is the power to make his Nen (spirit energy) have the properties of both rubber and gum, that is, sticky and stretchy. He says this fairly often. Now, it's worth understanding that the whole "rubber and gum" thing was a long running joke in HxH threads for years, because it's funny and, again, the Clown says it like a catch phrase. The joke was ALWAYS that you can't beat rubber and gum, it can do anything, because it's rubber and gum, can't beat that, nope.

Now, in one of the most recent chapters (and by recent I mean, it happened a year ago but there's also been a year long hiatus since then) where the clown was in a death match with someone he's been trying to kill since the 90's, he fucking loses! He gets stomped and styled on so bad he dies. But guess what? Rubber and fucking gum, he uses this ability to knead his heart and lungs post mortem and bring himself back to life. And he does so by evoking a contract with his Nen (which is an established mechanic of Nen in the series), and his evocation was translated as so: "O' my rubber Nen"

This single handedly took a long running joke to an extreme no one thought possible, I mean talk about meme magic, and completely subverted all expectations for how Hisoka's character arc would develop, as well as other more extreme consequences to the plot like killing off 2 members of the main group of antagonists. The meme has been a little forced in recent times but it's worth understanding just how far back this shit goes, and just pivotal this single phrase will be in the plot of HxH

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>in a hundred years they'll teach in school that Loki is Thor's brother
I can see it happening.

>kill them all, my son

>calling manlet GODvi
Go be mentally handicapped somewhere else

The only ever way shifters will die or go in this manga is by being eaten. Zeke actually dying is having the beast power fuck off to god knows where.

I am not excluding the idea that it's just his delusion. If the shifter has no will to live, he can die of wounds, just like Reiner would have in Marley. Maybe that was just a dream of Zeke's will to live.

No she probably lied to them. Manlet will appear 3 chapters later using blade arm and blade-leg and Hongo with a blade-eye

Yeah but that would be literally killing someone, punishing them to die as soon as Historia gives birth. Who would have volunteered to that? And at that time they didn't have traitorous Yeagerists to use, as Manlet proposed.

With what? Why would EMfags be coping?
It’s not like we were shown a secret wedding scene between Eren and Historia yet.

>cool scar
>missing leg
>destroyed hopes and dreams
Manletchads unite

>slow moving stream
>in the middle of a flat massive field
>pursuers on horses with rifles
GODVI will somehow escape despite it making no sense at all.

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Based HunterChad

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This isn't your shitty shoujo manga, shipperwhale

That’s what we got from Isayama’s mastermind. But he is young and these mistakes are part of working to become a better writer. Now it worries me more because he delivers monthly and should have time to see many weak resolutions and asspulls with the help of his editor.

Looks like eren mund raping pieck infront of gailliard doujin confirm

It is love/hate, user.

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>Got his head blown up that one time.
>Then, got everything but his head blown up that one other time.
>Not dead.
Try guessing who I am talking about.

>a year ago

It was literally 3 years ago you idiot.

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Has Isayama discussed how many more chapters he has left?

Not him but thanks for that user. Really makes sense now.

Kind of like Reiner situation, but unlike Reiner, Zeke wasn't attached to his titan, maybe qt titan reach to him just in time to save him and start regeneration.

You'll never see shifters truly die except for being eaten by another shifter in this point in the manga. New shifters won't happen, we're too deep in now.

Based niggastream.
O my rubber nen actually sounds better than nen gum I beseech you tho.

>hunterchads are spoonfeeders

Is this that sand field/Universe scene Ymir saw when she woke up?

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It's the PATH

Brainlet, read the post again

He said this is the final arc. That doesn't say much tho, as the lenght of the arc is unknown.

When a shifter dies and there is no vessel around the shifting ability would go to a random baby. A shifter can be killed or at least that was the assumption. The titán that appeared randomly was one of Manlet’s soldier not asspull goddess.

So apparently it’s not a Mindless Titan keeping Zeke in it’s stomach. It’s a Partial Titan Transformation from Zeke just like Eren and Reiner did before.

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You see, HxH is so great that the time flies

Seems like it. The desert was kind of odd, but seems like it was actually PATHS

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no? see

Based Zeke is reborn and found a new will to live. Eldian empire is going to happen.

>Read Snk
>Doesn't remember Mike, Kenny, Nanamba, Bert, Ymir, Sasha
Almost everyone in this mango gets a shit death.

I bet the desert is where Ymir first got the power of the titans.

The fact that you got triggered by such an obvious bait means you are a shipperwhale yourself

>When a shifter dies and there is no vessel around the shifting ability would go to a random baby.
And Isayama will not let this happen at this point. It would let one titan power fuck of to god knows where. Shifters cannot be killed by wounds, I stand by that assumption. That entire loli shit was probably his Zeke's delusion. His will to live.

Zeke wants to genocide himself


Picture Levi telling Erwin what happened since he died

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like in jojo part 7?

>main character
My sides


It should be his mother. Do those retarded fujos at least acknowledged Hange probably saved manlets life?

>That entire loli shit was probably his Zeke's delusion.
Except Zeke imagined the same thing Ymir described and even him seems surprised to be there.
Not sure if that was delusional, but it could be.

so even Ymir wants the death of all Eldians? ok

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Makes me wonder, is this some parallel universe or something? Doesn't seem to be just a dream world, since Ymir Fritz remade Ymir and Zeke there

The quality of this manga surely dropped
What a fucking asspull

>hange outrunning horses while carrying manlet
kek Isayama


Zeke being reborn in the titan is an asspull, but think about this: Xaver said all Subjects of Ymir are an "extension" of the Founding Titan's body. Since Zeke's spinal fluid creates a coordinate, his titans probably become an "extension" of his body. He can probably regenerate or survive as long as his "body" still exists and that's how he came out of his titan's stomach alive.

No, she is Erenfag

It sounds so stupid that actually makes sense right now.

Ymir confirmed for Jesus and the shifter powers are all parts of her corpse.

Levi surviving would be bullshit. Especially if Hange fucking ESCAPES with him in a river from all those Yeagerists on horses.


So the girl at the very start of snk was happening in the PATHS with Erens daughter visiting him through that dimension outside of time and space?

T-this is not the endgame right here I wanted

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she jumped on the river

>Reiner x2
>Now Levi and Zeke
Shingeki no Asspulls

there any spoilers with her dialog?


Zeke character became so fucking ridiculous holy shit. He might be literally god now.

The masterplan will work, have faith.

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>another asspull

It's a small river and they have horses, less believable than the rebirth.

>He doesn't understand that they were all saved by the Will of Ymir Fritz through paths because they are important to her master plan

I pity you

>LH meme magic became reality
Is EH next?

Autismo jumping the gun without proper summary or translation as usual you guys look dumb as shit.
It’s also pathetic how shit poster prone your brains are, this series has mystery woven into its narrative, we are now at the point where things get answered and the things were told about ages ago finally get shown. It isn’t an “asspull” now that where seeing ymir and paths and shit like that for the first time. It’s just textbook storytelling.

Read a book for fucks sake.

>Ymir saved Zeke

>Zeke's case is ok since P A T H S
>muh P A T H S
Literal asspull at this point. Not even Reiner's and Shartmong's were this bad.

>LH meme magic became reality
Is EM next?

first time on Yea Forums or what

Do we actually know the state of his wounds? Maybe he's just shellshocked from explosion.

Paths transcend time and space

Fuck off already Isayama

>Absolutely pathetic.
>Gets btfo countless times and had to be saved by his loli grand^90 mother in a pinch, just to be used by his brother.

Maybe she'll make it look like suicide somehow.

>He might be literally god now.
He is a god.

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>long dead character ressurecting newly dead character isn't asspull because we knew about them before
Yeah, sure.

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EH is not a meme anyone with a functional brain can see it will happen unlike this delusion below

More like a walking plot armor, just like Reiner

What about the spoiler that mentions a Eren/Zeke flashback where Eren recalls kissing Historias hand to regain more memories? No one seems to be talking about that for some reason even though the same leaker posted it

>literally spoonfeeding a newfag
Jesus Christ, you're just as disgusting, kys

Guys remember the ending 2? There was a girl dropping a walnut and the walnut was rolling until it hit the wall of present time. Any chance of the one dropping the walnut being Ymir?

>LH meme magic became reality
Is JM next?

EM is not a meme anyone with a functional brain can see it will happen unlike this delusion below

t. brain damaged shippercunts

>can't even do it properly
Holy shit you are retarded

Yeah, EM is delusion.

EH has been confirmed for a while if you're above two digits IQ though.

How will Eren explain to Pieck Falco is naked and drank his brothers semen?

Reiner is the real main character


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>Cursed her race
>Allows FT Will to exist
She's a cuck just like Zeke. Grisha is literally rolling in heaven right now

Wait, this doesn't look like a hug.

This looks exactly like the place Zeke is at.

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Reiner is going to say "Eren, SIT" next chapter. Screencap this.

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EH is a matter of when no if and I hate the EH fanbaseto begin with.

>How will Eren explain to Pieck
Naked Zeke will explain everything to her while giving her a special version of his wine.

>nobody died
>It's a 4th ZL chapter

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Those "clouds" seem to be coming from someplace

You sure about that, pal?

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He doesnt have the balls to confront Eren like that

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Eldians aren't her race, they are the descendants of the titan shifters. Eldians don't even need to be necesserally genetically related to Ymir, they just have to be genetically related to the people who recieved titan powers when she died.
Ymir could even have been a fucking nigger. We wuz titans n sheet.

This is a dumb edit considering the eldians are literally living in ghettos and might as well be otherworld jews

At first I thought the clouds were from the breach, didn't expect that place to be paths

Apparently Yelena is free now. She sees Zeke is naked and tried to rape him

based ledditbro xD


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So that brain-damaged autismo retard is still posting in this thread I see.
I'm out.

Why was he so cute? what happened to him now?

Nope, the walnut was meant to be Annie's crystal.

Thank god Hange is finally taking out the trash

>wife saving her husband for the second time
Why is she so based?

they were the ones trying to genocide others and are now denying it (atleast the restorationists)

real endgame here

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He became redpilled

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Sup bitch

Is becoming redpilled for the better or for the worse?

He becomes the devil and ___my___ husband

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Anything except AA so I'm fine with it

We know, Levi


I'm not mad by it but that she didn't do the same with Keith. Why is Keith so cucked bros?

They think she is swimming along the river, but she's not, she stays where she is

>the possibility of Mankasa getting stronger from his death is disgusting enough
Why would Mikasa get stronger if Levi dies? The fuck?

Isayama better explains this shit with Ymir fritz. What does she want? If she wants Eldian genocide like Zeke then why not use the previous eldian kings for it who had full access to the coordinate.

I hate that we have interesting shit in the chapter like Eren's meeting with Zeke in Liberio or Eren with Gabi and Pieck, and yet leakers only focus on manlet.

So why did lolimyr help this Ymir? Did she want her to be Historia's guardian? and why save Zeke?

Shouldn't you be dead, Zeke?

Dammit Levi this is your own fault. I really think he didn't care anymore and wanted to die

There are pages missing but our leakers have autism so we have to wait till scans are out.

>and why save Zeke?
So Historia won't be used.

>writes Levi
Sure, the face he made shitting his pants meant he wanted to die, right?

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So her descendant gets a handsome husbando. Actually this was most likely just because she ate a shifter. I do wonder if all eldians see this world after eating someone though

You guys are aware that when Zeke finds Eren he will be woke and say that he met our mother(goddess). right?

>ackermans know precisely what to do regardless the situation due to genetic combat experience aids
>levi starts flying around in manoeuvre gear with one one leg and a stump while benny hill plays

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Imagine looking deeply into Eren's eyes. Feeling his intense and burning gaze on your body, making you shiver every time you see his eyes inspect every single inch of you shamelessly in a silent invitation. Imagine him making no move, daring you, daring you until you can't take it anymore and you move in to press your mouth hungrily against his, shoving your tongue desperately in his mouth like a starved animal. Imagine pushing him on the bed, as he lets you completely take over him with slight amusement, and ripping his clothes off, gently, with love. Imagine exploring every last corner of his body, every bit of skin, everything he has to offer you. Imagine watching his face in pure ecstasy as you do unimaginable things to him, as you kiss places no one's ever kissed, lick his torso with a tenderness he's never felt before. Imagine how loved he'd feel, how hot you'd feel, how wonderful it'd get when everything finally culminated into the two of you becoming one. Imagine him moving, gently, so unlike him, so you could enjoy the moment as much as he is before losing himself to animalistic instinct and just raw passion as the two of you simply give in to your primal urges and make love. Imagine the sweat running down your bodies as you both come undone, satisfied, and end the night with some chaste kisses and cuddles, completely lost in each other.

I dream of this every night.

This. All Ymir had to do was make contact with King Karl and make him do whatever she wanted. I just hope it's not some shit like Zeke being delusional and dreaming about little girls

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same, everyone is focusing on Levi, but fucking Ymir just appeared with dialog and nobody cares to mention what is she saying...

What if?
>Zeke lies dead or dying
>some random mindless titan from Levi squad wanders in
>eats him
>Zeke's memories take control
This is why Zeke gets same scene as fake Ymir.
Original Ymir manipulates the paths to do this.

jesus, this kind of suffering gets me excited. If hes actually dead im going to be very surprised as i totally didn't expect it.

>two characters that barely interact
I could understand it with Naruto and Sasuke shit but this is hilarious


The desert with the milky way nightsky is a place within paths in which Ymir Fritz restores the bodies of shifters.

Fake Ymir only woke up after she was already restored, but Zeke was concious while Ymir Fritz restored his body. Also she has some basked with her, maybe thats where she takes the cells from to restore the shifters.

>OP fans are this retarded
Probably a spic who knows nothing about Europe.

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Um.... g-guys?

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Based caption blocking tranny ass

What’s she saying to Zeke? Does this confirm she is the “see you later Eren” girl. Is Eren going to enter the paths and kill her to break the titan curse?


dumb roastie

What if i's not actually Zeke waking up but the random Levi squad member who in his confused state and suffering from a high dosage of memories temporarily thinks he's Zeke

wanna bet that dimension is where Annie's consciousness has been all these years?

>Zeke wants to never be born
>Actually gets reborn a second time

funny how even in human form, they dont have genitalia in the path-dimension

Are those sands?

There are people now who genuinely believe this, nevermind those who think Marvel invented those characters

That looks exactly like Historia with her hair down

Who would have thought Zeke was made of sand?





t. whispering huntervirgin

well, he is very salty about Grisha and some random janitor commentaries.


With his brand new dick born out of sand made by goddess Ymir the loli herself

prove it fag

Looks like Ymir Fritz recreates them with that sand

Imagine pressing your tongue against Eren's neck and watching him squirm in pleasure beneath you, his hardness obvious against your thigh by now. Imagine smirking against his skin and teasing endlessly until he's had enough and flips you around and just rips everything you're wearing off and punishes you for your misdeeds.

I really want this.


Nice suit!

Yaaay! Yumikuri is relevant again!!



fuck off dumb hetfag roastie
rot in hell

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Makes sense.

It was just a drill
Your response times are very short and your questions are good.

God, imagine Annie naked chilling on the sand.

>titans are sandpeople
Also explains why Zeke going full allahu akbar gets his reincarnation.

>be Isayama
>draw chapter 89 and show how Ymir became a human again, on the same spot on the field where she ate Marcel
>a few months later
>Araki adapts that scene in the anime, but instead of the outskirts of Wall Maria, it suddenly is a desert
>years later Isayama just retcons that scene in the manga and draws a desert too with some Ymir Fritz asspull so that the anime can be the ultimate canon

I hate Araki so much and Isayama for being a pussy

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I think at this point all Titans carry a will that is anti Eldian except the attack titan. That's why it's the only titan to fight for eldian freedom. And maybe after these leaks it might be freedom from Ymir herself.

Ymir was reborn as a girl!!!!! A trans person's dream come true!

Is Levi dead or just 'dead'?

>draw chapter 89 and show how Ymir

That was not Ymir, that was Shitmir. Please stop abusing Ymir's name. Ymir is a cute blonde loli, not a black mtf tranny.

>she stays where she is
Oh so manlet really is dead? Come on isayama, just off him.

>reading comprehension

Imagine letting him pin you down as he takes your form in with his eyes, making you feel exposed even though you're already nude. Imagine letting him kiss you all over and make you tremble in pleasure even though he's hardly done anything just yet. Imagine how warm his hands would feel when he drags them all over your body, making you moan embarrassingly loud with every movement.

I think about this a lot.

Ymir fritz looks like Historia...

>Does this confirm she is the “see you later Eren” girl
No witf retard. The see you later girl looks like Mikasa, why would Ymir do that.

It's just benmhed. He got triggered by reading the name Ymir so many times in this thread

Why are you acting like this is something new?

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Lmao levi dead and zeke alive what a turn of events

She did it to spite him.

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>retarded EMfat
Ymir can take any form you piece of shit hopefully this chapter sinks your delusion that was Mikasa

this is so low effort its sad

Did Eren really get taken hostage by Pieck? What the fuck

WAIT.... why some EHfags are celebrating in dumblr that their pairing is canon?

She doesn't look like Historia at all you braindead faggot, they're just both blondes.


Where were you when LH got confirmed cute and canon?

She is Zeke's Historia(evil)


That looks like a desert though. When she ate Marcel there were trees around and so on.

t. disgusting roastie

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Reminder that Gabi and Pieck belong to Eren now. Falco and Porco btfo

>Ymir can take any form
>No evidence

Imagine letting out a particularly loud moan once he touches you where you've never allowed anyone to touch you before. Imagine him smirking for just a moment and then pressing his mouth against yours to block out the sounds as he reaches in to repeat that delicious motion over and over until you're sweating, shivering and so close your eyes are starting to roll to the back of your head. And then all you see is his face and a flash of white and a pleasure so intense you can't help but arch against him as he simply watches you, satisfied by a job well done.

It's so important to me.

so.. like every day of the last few month ?

Because they are dumblr and so have a grave form of retardation.

Pieck comes in with a gun at the end of the chapter

Because Ymir used bot Ymir and zeke to protecct Historia and Eren

Ymir was reborn because she ate a shifter though

Guess that’s not Eren’s baby, huh?

I dont think this will end well for Pieck


hetfags BFTO!

>Keeps his chadness

So what were all those chapters for ? Nothing fucking happened and zecuck lived because of "mah plot armor" fucking isayama.

I don't think she is alone, neither a gun is her plan.

I told you people Zeke was dead HA!

Everyone and everything is connected for one purpose.

Chapter 112

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>eren is actually fucking dead
lmao hetfags on suicide watch

Did we ever see a shifter taken out by a gun? I'm not sure what Pieck is planning. When Reiner got his whole brain blown away he only needed a few minutes to heal.

What makes you think that happens several times and its just not a once time awakening?

Flashback + throwing manlet one last bone so he looks cool once before this.

Reiner would have died if he didn't transfer his brain function into his anus

Maybe we’re going to see Eren use the warhammer powers to escape. He can probably do some crazy shit now.

>worst shifter goes to rescue someone
She'd deserve it pointing a goddamn gun at someone with 3 titans

She closed the door behind her and the smart thing is killing Eren there. She'll job and Gabi escapes or some shit.


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So a shifter can die if you just shoot him in the head? I guess it makes sense.

>Makes a kebab out of Pieck
>Drinks her titan juice from her barely alive body

>anons trolling on discord
my fucking sides

>pieck shoots eren with a spinal fluid bullet
>zeke can control him


Played yourself. Why I'm not surprised?

>retard gets severe autism
>makes a stupid post

I guess Hange will be either heading were Historia is, or Shiganshina

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kek thats code geass tier writing

okay, this is kino

>LH and Detective Hange become canon
BASED. Well deserved for the best girl.

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WOW look at his hair after rebirth his curse has been reverted

This isn't Ymir, it's Christa. That's where Historia got her name.

>She closed the door behind her and the smart thing is killing Eren there
>killing Eren
>with a gun

Explain why Pieck doesn't shoot Eren right away. If he's dead all of Zeke's plans are ruined and it's a Marley victory.


you cant be serious

I wonder what these clouds are

I barely keep up with SnK anymore since they raped Historia but I hate the manlet and i really hope he’s dead for real.


Obviously she'll fail but that's the smart thing to do.

I'm ready to bet that Peick will change sides.

Reading manga is a hobby for me and its supposed to make me feel happy, excited and invested. That stops when I see writers butchering their own story and characters.

If he really died the way he did, then that doesn’t make sense to me. It’s looks it’s for shock value - esp with the bullshit way zeke was revived. Erwins death was also extremely heart breaking for me. But it made sense. It was done well and respectfully - both plot wise and characterwise.

I’m not gonna hate on yams cuz it’s his story but I can choose to stop reading it since I don’t agree with the way he handled levi’s death.

because she knows a pistol won't kill Eren and she could have waited in busting Gabi out when Eren wasn't around. She must have another plan that involves talking with Eren.

That's fucking pathetic and literally bottom of the barrel. Why don't you make an account and stay there since you love that shithole so much

>Pieck is a secret Zeke sympathizer

can't stop laughing at the idea

My bet is the other Warriors are near Annie, ready to rescue her when the signal is given.

Manlet ruins the manga so if he survives it will truly be garbage

What is Pieck even trying to do? Surely she must know that a gun like that won't be enough to threaten Eren and she can't transform since that will kill Gabi.


I imagine she puts the gun down, didn't realize it was Eren, just some drama.

No Eldian woman can withstand Eren's pheromones user. Even Gabi, who swore to kill Eren before, wet her pantsu in 112

It was consensual bro.

Fuck that actually makes sense.


I just realized something big about Zeke's wine.

>have a huge part of the military and it's leaders at your disposal as a titan army
>say, Marley, Warriors or someone else attacks: instant titan army
>justify it by "protecting Eldia"
>easily get rid of most military heads in the process

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Manletwhale mass beaching when?

Well she was always all over him

He never said that the time Mikasa obtains the experience accumulated by the Ackerman clan is limited only to the time she awakens to her powers.
It could be possible that Ackermans can also obtain experience even after their awakening. After all, the instincts and experiences of the Ackerman clan travels through a path

why should she even care if gabi dies?

it may be possible to headshot a Shifter, but they'd have to be completely oblivious to it coming so they don't asspull themselves to surviving it.

Reiner seemed convinced he was able to off himself, he just didn't thanks to Falco being a loud brat

They need to eat him to get coordinate not blow his brains out and lose it.

she must have a bargaining chip or the warriors are with her.

>Pieck holds Eren up for his dog tags
"Remember Pieck, this is a sneaking mission."

>Shitvi might really be dead
Here’s hoping. Good fucking riddance.

I wonder if this is inaccurate.
Eren and Zeke both died, and then "inherited" their own titan power again when they were reborn.

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Nah he’s right. During Liberio Magath was more than content to kill Eren without capturing the founder. Maybe they’re being cautious because they have no idea what Paradis is up to, but Eren’s too dangerous to successfully capture. Porco is the only one that can take him down 1v1, but WHT powers makes it so he can probably take on all three Marley shifters.

>dog tags

This is the average IQ of snkposters.

I always thought the shifters all had there own motives kind of like in FM, and Ymir was working on trying to recapture them all, the world at war is just a backdrop to a big drama of the gods.

pieck has mastered cart titan combat and is so confident that she should defeat eren she has confronted him straight out

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So this is some kind of purgatory for shifters?

Is there any character that can defeat Pii? And I'm not talking about Shariki no Kyojin Pii. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shariki no Kyojin Pii outfitted with basic cargo equipment in contact with a professional squad of Marleyan gas specialists. I'm NOT talking about Shariki no Kyojin Pii after discovering the enemies' keikaku with her tactical espionage skills and 5 minutes of preptime. I couldn't be talking about Shariki no Kyojin Pii using a fully equiped Panzer unit warrior carriage designed by Marley's best chubby engineers under influence of Pii hugs. I'm definitely not talking about Shariki no Kyojin Pii with mastery over her exactly-right antijob aura used to save the nation of Marley from being overrun by sandniggers by saving the Kemono no Kyojin, Yoroi no Kyojin, and Agito no Kyojin. I'm really not talking about Shariki no Kyojin Warchief Pii commanding a group of loyal Marleyan soldiers and Warriors who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Theo "Helos" Magath's dream of finally setting the eldians free and ensuring the safety of generations to come by destroying all of the Paradis shits. Do you think I'm talking about Sharaki no Kyojin Pii after flawlessly and singlehandedly executing Operation: Empty the Trashbin by simultaneously dismantling the divided Paradis government and crushing the traitorous mutts Yelena and Boyega under her foot? I'm talking about Shariki no Kyojin Pii after using her superior endurance and intellect to locate the Kemono no Kyojin and devour him to gain the ultimate ranged titan to crush Eren "3/10" Jägr and Bortmong Arlelt at once while impeccably dodging and weaving througn Mikasa's canine fury with her specialized "flying titan" apparatus, the final project of General "Mads" Calvi superseded by the chubby panzer unit member fueled by a single kiss on the cheek from Pii, all to finally liberate Annie Leonhardt the mong's semen stained dungeon with the help of her loving husbando Chadco Galliard.

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But Eren never died.

how would they know who even got the titan lol

>Enclosed space
>Where WHT is superior
Pieck might just be a retard after she stopped consuming Zeke's semen

>Call of Silence lyrics were foreshadowing zeke's rebirth all allong

(((They))) want you to think that

>enclosed space
pieck will do a patrial transformation into a big head and eat eren

Better pic

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The biggest issue is giving Titan powers to someone who won't live to 14. It's weird and probably incorrect, wild guess says it goes to a random Eldian or even a random titan.
Also, when did Eren die?

>Zeke-san why did you betrayed us?
I can already see the opera in the upcoming chapter, Zeke will probably use his new dick to convince Pieck to join him.

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I just realized somethinb big about shifter powers

>have a power to shift into a titan
>titans are really big and strong
>if someone attacks you, you turn into a titan
>you kill them


Only way to kill a shifter is to blow them to pieces. Even if you shot them in the head they’d probably still have enough brain function to transform and regenerate

wow ymir was kinda hot at first

whoever transforms first in an enclosed space wins.

what killed the hype?

Look out Pii! Enemies!

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Zeke's shitty plan reveal

maybe, maybe not.
again, Reiner seemed convinced he was able to kill himself with a single rifle shot through the brain, which likely wouldn't have blown his entire head to pieces. So it seems possible.

>what are you gonna do? shoot me?
>quote taken from the man shot at

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Romantic LH moment, but yet another hilarious asspull curtesy of Isayama.

>what are you gonna do? blow yourself up?
>Levi's last words

Please don't be the next Anniefag. Eren is an expert in cqc and he has wht. Not to mention, how would Pieck support and control the head if only the head materialize?

he wouldn't have transferred his consciousness or try to regen tho, he'd have let himself die

So flashback of Eren meeting Zeke was bullshit?

>Eren and Pieck meet
hm, interesting.

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>Rebbit finally realizing this arc is shit
What took them so long

O my fujobux!
After Levi is dead return to my pocket
Along with fujobait and new season!

Both Eren and Pieck raise a cut hand at the same time

Where the fuck is Annie the manga is ending soon

Cope harder cripletfag

>Hanji jumped into the river with Rivai.
?? So do they escape or not?

What does Eren want from the Gabo though, brag about stealing her hairstyle?

Why are you so obsessed with leddit? Stop talking about them and talk about the series instead.

he's a ledditor

Holy shit people are bitching this much while it's only levi's death, imagine how butthurt will zecuckfags and EHfags be when they all die


They’ll be overjoyed that Levi’s obviously going to live.

She's locked in crystal freezer freshly frozen to be eaten by someone who will need it in next chapters.
Seeing poor Pieck wanting to go against Eren who is the most overpowered being currently, she will be next to be eaten if Reiner and Porco won't come to her defense.


Based crutch crew. I hope Reiner meets with the others

Pieck will give Eren such an amazing blowjob that he gives up.

Annie never

>Piek points the gun to Gabi
>there was spinal fluid on the bullet
>Gabi turns into a titan and eats Eren
>Pikachu and Gabi go rescue Zeke
Nothing personal, kid

Now that Eren and Pieck are at the same place it would be a great oppurtunity to eat each other

Levi is not dead and EL is endgame. I can't believe Isayama will actually make this canon, the madman!

If the shifter has no will to live, they won't heal.

he's alright, he's more about wildly throwing punches

>has wht. Not to mention, how would Pieck support and control the head if only the head materialize?
so what, both of them can probably control the size/specifics of their transformation. Remember Eren's hand?
Literally whoever transforms first explodes the room. why are you thinking too much into this.

>please don't be the next Anniefag
what in the fuck does this have to do with anything?

yes because he wasn't utilizing the power, and wasn't planning on it
look if Reiner, or any Shifter, is just sitting on their front porch one day reading the newspaper and then a bullet suddenly finds their brain. They'll probably die. They weren't expecting it, they weren't utilizing any powers, they didn't asspull themselves before the bullet hit because they didn't even know it was going to happen.

Really didn't expect the final showdown to oppose Eren and Pikku-chan. Looking forward to the next chapter.

What if the dirtbag Ymir we had before was indeed too motivated by the original Ymir Fritz who wanders through shifters manipualting them to do what she wants through paths to save BR in that moment to help Zeke side.
And maybe she is the one who plays as Kruger persona in Eren mind too.

Sitting naked in the desert staring at clouds.

Gabi is the warrior candidate and she's close with all the warriors

It's literally the first time I mention it. I thought it was funny that they were calling Isayama a genius and now they changed their tune, that's it. Don't be angry.

>The Milky Way PATHS starts out as one plume and diverges into two
Okay, what the FUCK does this mean? The Subjects of Ymir's infighting? The two main outlooks in this story, moving forward and giving up? I think everything is right in front of us now.

that's stupid

>that smug Pii smile in the last panel
Please don't Petra/Nifa/Traute/Rico her Isayama.

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I would bet money on this being true


It's the source of all organic material.

more like
>Pieck is about the get fucking destroyed
The fuck does she think she can do against him holding him at gunpoint? Is she retarded?

Wait is she dead?

What if the Luger is loaded with sleepingdarts ? checkmate retard

Neither of them died though

So all shifters meet Ymir when they eat a shifter and she remakes their body with the "sand" right? I wonder why Ymir and Zeke experienced it but apparently Eren hasn't.


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You say it like she's moved in the last 6 years

Don't know, Levi and Mikasa didn't seem more OP than they already were when Kenny died

I bet Pieck just want a 3s with the Yeagers.

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You're expecting far too much, brainlet

I wish the other half of the chapter is a titan fight where the cart gets decimated but it's not meant to be

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>LH is canon

Then that's not an asspull.

Crutch buddies reunion

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You're right, after all, the last page of the chapter is Pieck pointing the gun at Eren.


Reiner hasn't had any will to live for like 5 to 6 years, he's been healing fine every time he got stomped


Maybe Reiner and Porco are waiting for her outside the door.

Post more manlet tears

>Pieckfags think she'll do any damage to the mc
How cute

>Kid LE

I didn't know it was the last page desu

Every shifter goes through mindless phase first so all of them should experience it if it's universal.
Maybe Fakemir and Zeke got into some special Ymir place?

eren reiner reunion when

Holy kek, nice going user. He can basically reform himself out of the paths.

>Reiner is too scared to face Eren even though it is to save Gabi
Kek, this is my new headcanon until next chapter

I always resigned to the fact that Pii was going to die on this Island
I can still root for her anyways, because she's nice.

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>So why did lolimyr help this Ymir
no help for dikes

>retards think there is going a fight between Eren and Pieck.
they are going to have a conversation, the warriors are going to begin the attack, maybe an explosion, separating the two, long enough for Pieck and Gabi to make their escape. We are going to get more info about Eren intentions and is going to open the reintroduction of Reiner to the plot.


That is retarded, it should be Reiner. Pieck is getting to Mary Sue for my taste

>Reiner hasn't had any will to live for like 5 to 6 years, he's been healing fine every time he got stomped
t. speedreader, seriously this is getting pathetic. Reiner always had the will to live, it's only after he returned to Marley "alone" did this will crumble into fucking nothing and broke in front of Eren. You see that happening.

Oh fuck. I just realized it's because Zeke and possibly Ymir are royal titans. We know that bloodlines help you retain certain memories. We just never knew Ymir was royal.

I am the only one who never liked the MCs or the main cast? I just felt for the setting and seeing how the common people was being manhandled by every single character that got a piece of power or truth. I never liked Zeke or Manlet, and seeing both getting this plain happening disappoints me.

Eren will seduce Pieck like the devil that he is, until it's time to eat and gain her power

>mary sue
Dumb Ymirtrash.

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Pii I love you babe but why you gotta do something retarded like try to hold eren fucking Yeager hostage with a gun

Drawfag here, how should I "honor" Manlet?

same, i only like eren and i only started liking him recently when he became the generic edgy enigmatic MC

I don't think Pieck and the rest are aware that Eren can probably use WHT's abilities even though he hasn't transformed. Holding Eren at gunpoint means absolutely jackshit to him.

Fuck off waifutard

Take me out tonight
Where there's music and there's people
And they're young and alive
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven't got one

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he's been mentally unstable Since his first time on the island...
He crumbled and broke down before he encountered Eren in Marley... Hence why HE WAS ABOUT TO KILL HIMSELF
you forget these things? Don't call me a speedreader when you blatantly didn't read at all.

He got his shit fucked in the battle at the mideast union, and he healed fine. He has never been mentally fine, and probably not even there as well. so get fucked you stupid retard

>holding Eren under gunpoint
>implied you're trying to strip Eren of his freedom
Pieck is gonna die

draw his pp in mikasa


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>the generic edgy enigmatic MC
He is interesting right now because he is showing a lot of flaws, which is hard to see in any MC in a regular shonen manga. I just hope he gets more than am "I was right" development.

I like a bunch of the characters but the world and how it works was the most interesting draw to snk

Yes, but that happened after he came back to Marley you fucking inbred.
>he's been mentally unstable Since his first time on the island...
Nowhere does this imply he lost his will to live, stop pulling fucking headcanons out your ass with nothing to support it you dumbfuck.

not him but reiner got a new lease on life after marcel was ate and he took charge

Do you even understand what those words mean?

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Well he is free and I doubt a slave like pieck can take that away from him

you are not the only one, I am tired of the main group, I didn't care when Sasha died, same with Levi. The warriors are the only ones I give a shit about at this point.

The fucking proof is literally hereReiner wasn't healing because he had no will to live. It's fucking there in the manga. Why are you blatantly ignoring it?

fuck off jeanbo

>Levi still alive
>EH smashed
>YH confirmed
>Ymir is back and reborn as a femme

Best day ever?

>gives Pieck an Armong tier beatdown in front of Gabi
>”do you think you Marley slaves could ever match up to me?”

You blend in here

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Imagine the I rabu piecku posters reaction


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>After he came back
no see you're fucking wrong. He was mentally unstable and losing it WHILE ON THE ISLAND. This happened.
So since you don't even know what the FUCK you are talking about, who the fuck cares what you have to say now? You being blatantly wrong about his basic character means everything you say is nonsense. Reiner has lost the will to live long ago, yet he still healed fine in Titan form. Deal with it fucknut.

>not him but reiner got a new lease on life after marcel was ate and he took charge
he wasn't mentally fucked before that. in fact that's what started his descent into headfuckery.
his "new lease on life" was him losing his mind.

>Gabi turns into a titan
>crushes herself
>crushes Pieck and Eren


No, is his last fap.
>RIP MANLET, at least got a HanGejob

*taking his serum

very lewd if you ask me

The blood in Levi's face is from Zeke. Also he's just stunned from the explosion.

it's stupid and its wrong, because Isayama is a hack as well.
are you saying Eren legitimately lost the will to live, is that why he DIDN'T heal, and was a peg legged bum? That's fucking stupid

So stunned his arm and leg needed some time OUT.

Why should he have got a "better" death? Should he have died fighting his titanized comrades or against Marley? No. And for a simple reason: SNK is trying very hard to show how gruesome and meaningless war is. Having him dying in an event like Erwin's ride would go against everything the Manga is trying to tell us

>now Pieck
can any woman resist chadren?

>"The name Ezekiel means "God strengthens"
>"The Book of Ezekiel, which reveals prophecies regarding the destruction of Jerusalem, the restoration to the land of Israel"
>"You are the ONE, our rising star. You guide us far to home yet girt"

Attached: tenor (1).gif (498x280, 3.31M)

soooooo..... whos the father again?

Draw ponytailkasa and not him. Fucker is getting away with face scratches and missing fingers if the second leaks are true

Can someone remind me why they let Hange go there in the first place?

Seems like your average Isayama hackplot.

His name is Sieg you fucking retard

Probably to have an hostage with them


the hooded figure

Idk, im saying he had even more of a reason to live, insane or not



so no one relevant?

Go back to /pol/ retard

Manlet dying for a miscalculation seems pretty boring. It lacks the gruesome part, and the unfulfilling part, because he doesn't get the chance to lose against an adversary or dying desperately trying. Is even more plain when Isayama applies a new asspull for the sake of Zeke surviving. I don't mind him having an unfulfilling and frustrating death, but this one is just like saying Poochie died on the way back to his planet-tier. Even as a joke, it didn't land.

>go to back to /pol/ for using his correct name

Fuck off faggot.

Is Zeke, is not an uncommon name in western countries.

Sorry I won't talk to you until you stop being a nazi.
Burn your swastika flag and post a picture of it burning. And don't forget the timestamp

It's localized as Zeke but it's Sieg which means "victory" auf Deutsch.

Not that user, but it was already confirmed his name is "Zeke", sorry m8.


So many retards come out during leaks

imagine if he died offscreen after the titan wine
that would've been kino

Different user here. Riener wasnt going to regenrate until he heard gabi cry for help about saving porco and barley found the will to transform to a half ass armoured titan with no energy. And with eren. He halting his regen on purpose obviously

He died a pointless death. It’s a good one for his character

Literally is a common name. Is not localized. It exists as Zeke.

he wasn't exactly hurt in that situation, he managed to transform to protect Falco.

>auf Deutsch

lmao so nicht freundchen

He lost his lower half of his body in the proccess though.

Neither zeke nor Ezekiel are common names. The name is obviously sieg given the context of the story but the translators are utter retarded brainless who missed that for some reason

I didn't day it wasn't a common name. But given how most characters have Nordic and Germanic names, Sieg fits perfectly well. Especially when we know how much Grisha and Dina imposed on him.

EH canon intensifies!

Ymir Fritz using both Ymir and zeke to protect Historia and Eren

Whoops, I misc licked because I'm a retard

Sieg is also not a real name

ZEKE is a name that many people knows even more than Sieg. Don't be so dense,
Isayama is not making a manga about how much he knows about Nordic and Germanic names, but about how much he lurks in Wikipedia. His name is Zeke, and knowing Isayama is a westaboo, he probably got the name from a random movie or tv show, as he got Manlet's one.

It's Sieg because of the meaning, just like Historia's sibling was intentionally Frieda.
The translators are dumb, his name reads Jiku.

Why because you say so? People name their children victory all the time and use other common words as names as well

It's very clearly localization ジーク = Sieg ジークフリート = Siegfried. Norse mythology again

Sieg = Victory in german

You just don't want admit you are a complete idiot.

And you are going to try to pretend Manlet's name was Rivaille?

>Sieg is also not a real name
What the fuck are talking about?

Because it's like if people named their child apple. They could name their child like that, but it's not normal to name someone like that

Nope, take LOGH for example, Siegfried is also written ジーク. That's the way they write Sieg.

Because is not a name, while Zeke is.

Yeah, "Victoria" is another example.

I just want to see what Ymir fritz looks like, and what she has to say

There's a clear difference you dumbo just like how I'm not saying Ymir should be Yumiru

both Sieg and Ymir are references to Norse mythology too

Have you ever met a boy named victor or girl name Victoria? How about girls who are named shit like summer or dawn or rose?

Victoria and Sieg are really old and common names.
Are you retarded or what?

>random hobo being a royal
I doubt it.

Victoria has been a recurrent name since before the romans, how many people do you know called "war"?

Can't unsee now

I'm pretty sure there is not a single person on the world who's name is "Sieg"

Isn't she the one who led them there? They didn't know where Zeke was.

>Retard acts like his original name is Zeke/Ezekiel
>finds out his name isn't actually that and spergs out trying to defend it hopelessly


Literally no one here in Germany names their child Sieg, because it's not categorized as a normal name. If Isayama really indeed wanted to name him like that, then he didn't give him a normal German name, but rather a nominative

I think the actual name would be Sigurd no?

Just like "Sieg"? Victoria and Sieg are both very old names with the same meaning.
It's not weird to name your child after something positive, see "Esperanza (Hope)", "Milagros (Miracle)" "Victoria/Sieeg (Victory).
It's not allowed to name a child after something like war.

Yes, but I have never meet or heard of someone named just Sieg.

Sigrid for females and Siegfried for males. But never Sieg

let levy fucking rest, he earned it, now he is in pathland with all his friends and petra

Maybe the girl isn't even Ymir but some bot sent by her to fix Zeke up.

I am literally German and there are no people here called "Sieg".
It might exist as a surname, but sure as hell not as a first name.

But that goes for lots of characters in SnK and japanese media because the japanese are obsessed with the sound of german words even if they dont make sense.

yeah Im spanish I know what means to call someone dolores, but those kind of namings are only recurrent on romance languages, german is not romance, right now only armin comes to my head, there was an ancient germanic warrior called arminius that defeated the romans at teutoburg, armin meant soldier or something like that on ancient german right?

Don’t move the goalposts. You said sieg is not a real name because no one would name their child ‘victory’ when you admit people name their children regular words all the time

I was shocked when I saw the panel of him in Hange's arms. It felt so pointless, I thought "this can't be it, right?" and then I realized that maybe that was the point. If I were someone who grew up behind the walls, always hearing about "humanity strongest soldier" only to find him dead, laying on a field with his body torn by an explosion my reaction probably wouldn't have been much different, and I would slowly begin to question what's the point of it all, because even if someone like Levi can die on such a way, what's the chance that an average Joe like me will make it?

I almost started to cry at least 4 times during class. Fuck Isayama honestly

>Blumenkranz starts playing
>Germa start collapsing from cringe
Hype for the adaptation of Bleach's final part.

Shooo shoo.
This thread is derailed

There are a lot of women here in spain called Dolores (literally "pains").

Again, I think most anons here were expecting that to happen, his body would be a grim reminder. But the way it was executed is what is being criticized, as many of the crucial moments in Isayama's manga.

If people name their child Sieg then they named him after a nominative. This name is not categorized as a real name and I have never meet someone with that name here in Germany, because no one fucking names their child like that. If they do, then it's weird. Actually they wouldn't even allow that here in Germany, because someone easily could make Nazi jokes about it

So it actually confirmed levi is gone

To add, "Angustias" (Anguish), "Soledad" (Loneliness), "Olvido" (oblivion, I guess?) we got a lot of those names in Spanish.

He ironically underesitmated his adversery, like zeke did to levi, wanting to psychologically torture him with the spear in his gut while choping his legs because he cares about his comrades to much and what zeke did got to him. It was always one of manlets biggest flaws and he payed the price for it. Pure kino.

What did you expect though? Some kind of sendoff? A heroic and flashy death? Wouldn't that be cheesy as fuck?

Erwin got that though and he was less of a character

Okay? What’s your point retard? We literally keep saying he is named sieg because he was named victory, as in victory for the eldian restorationsists. The context and meaning of his name is extremely clear, the translators are just dumbfucks