

Attached: SmartSelect_20190306-042633_Chrome.jpg (709x525, 169K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Eyes are too big.


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All the better to see you with, my dear.

The angel in white!
Super cute!
The ultra adorable nurse angel!
War Nurse-sama is an absolute angel!

Defend this

Attached: 4.png (504x207, 97K)

Pathetic jobber virgin


War cow.

Asuka's wife

Attached: 1551487713419.png (300x100, 47K)

Fucking solid banner candidate.

Hot, and crazy but not in the cute way.

A war criminal. But a cute one, so it's okay.

a girl who does this for fun deserves no love.

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Now this is a banner

It doesn't look like she's having fun to me.

I think she and Asuka should get married.

War nurse? More like Gay nurse.

She has a cute dog

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this but unironically and not under duress

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why do you have a war nurse badge wtf

War Criminal

This, she deserves nothing but complete and utter obedience.

The resemblance is uncanny

Attached: WAR NURSE-SAMA MAJI TENSHI.png (1280x1556, 2.25M)

Such a good friend.

If scissors chopped off Kurumi's arms would she be able to grow her own arms back using just her mouth?


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Raw for Chapter 42 is out.
I can’t believe Asuka fuck Tamara while Kurumi watching it

I think you're pretty dumb for not including the title anywhere in the op


>b-but Chisato is not gay
What now, hetfags?

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>no lensflare eyes
notable attempt B+

this thread will have an effect for years to come

War Nurse getting btfo again like she deserves

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War nurse is a support type magic girl. She is not for close combat.

I can't believe Tamara won Asukabowl!

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>she has her arm back

what part of "magical nurse" do you not get?

Every every torture and degradation was worth it to get the COOLEST GIRLFRIEND.

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I like these two more and more

If Chisato was my boyfriend, things would be different around here.

She literally said she'd reattach it

War Nurse Kurumi is cute and sexy and a good girl and I love her!


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What happened to the nigger?

Dead, they killed Chisato's mother to push her to the limit.

my penis can only get so erect

I cry when Nicos deserve to die

Good riddance.

Honestly? She's the worst character in the show imo. You could tell from the moment she was introduced how she is going to become as the show continues...Crazy yandere bitch.

That’s what makes her so lovable. Crazy bitches are the most interesting

It's not just that she's nutty, but the fact that she works for the good side. Like you get the feeling she could be a villain at any time but remains with them because of a single thread, which in this case is Asuka.

I get the feeling that any of the magic girls could switch sides. They each have unique personalities and different motivations, and at any moment they could decide to use their powers for selfish reasons.

Wrong page

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>Chisato is strai-

ght ass gay

We all go to hell

Mamaaaa we all go to hell

good god

>system of a down starts playing

Attached: armenian nico.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

someone meme this please
it would be epic

What is she trying to do?

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Chisato jobbing makes sense, Tamara is beating the shit out of them 2v1

>I get the feeling that any of the magic girls could switch sides. They each have unique personalities and different motivations, and at any moment they could decide to use their powers for selfish reasons.

Exactly. Thats whats going to happen; I'm sure of it. I saw it coming a mile away. If anything the cutest girl was the one she was torturing. That scene was pretty hot.

Why does Kurumi love removing limbs?

What's the context behind these two fighting?

It's fun.

Kurumi never removed limbs though, only attached them

classic hot girl on girl action

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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say she's a sadist.

spoilers they learn that Tamara is being brainwashed by Russian military and go on black ops to Russia, sending Nico back to Werewolf. Shit goes down fast and Werewolf steals Tamara and the brainwashing device from the military

I hate this trope

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Closer than Kurumi will ever get

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This. War Nurse just wants to make these villians experience a fraction of the pain they put others through so they can learn.
She takes no enjoyment out of it


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Asuka could easily break her jaw if she invokes her futa cock.

Hot. Now someone post that webm of Asuka crushing a man between her thighs

I'm enjoying this show for just how exploitative it is. Nothing is out of bounds.

>She faked it for this moment

>No ass

god i wish that were me

i wish that was me

Attached: god i wish that were me.webm (960x540, 2.06M)


Will next chapter show how War Nurse failed again?

Failed at what?

Does becoming a magical girl make you gay? Or can only gay girls become magical girls?

At drinking Asuka's piss.

>Asuka just giving up her leg like that
She needs to just stick to her magical karambit, grappling clearly isn't her strong suit.

It's absolutely a prerequisite.

I think Asahina finally snapped from Haruhi's bullshit.

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>running while wearing high-heels
Kurumi no!

>chapter ends just before Kurumi hits Tamara
>unlike the chisato fight, where the final page is Kurumi landing a blow
She's going to fail again. This is not fair, being Asuka's personal magical shield is not enough.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.10_[2019.02.17_23.17.47].jp (1280x720, 322K)


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Stabbing Tamara

You put on some weight Compa.

>this scene with Mao's voice
I'm not ready

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>do what you must, for I have already won

Look at this sweet lovely couple

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Based megucas btfoing fatshit

Thank god they didn't omit this.

Imagine Tamara porking that piggy with her magical futa cock

Why a girl would want to fuck with Miss Piggy plushie?

Tamara pleases capitalist pigs for money oh hon hon hon hon hon hon hon

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.32_[2019.03.01_17.36.39].jp (1280x720, 422K)

I remember reading that doujin.

How come Tamara has two forms: the regular Phoenix one and the hand to hand one?

>tfw you'll never pet Nazani
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

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Just Because.

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More importantly how is she so good at it? She outplayed Chisato and Asuka

Is War Criminal, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?

Nice, witness the birth of a new banner

Russian dualism.

Superior slav genes.

Asuka wasn't using Karambit
Chisato got fucked. But she would win in her previous fight against Kurumi if she just stabbed the shit out of her instead of hitting her with the fists

>haha Kurumi dont force me to lick your pussy that would be the worst haha


Superior sambo practitioner shitting on puny karatekas, what's there not to get?


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mia is better

>Phoenix can do two things at a good level
>Kurumi can't even do one

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Sacchu spin off when?

Kurumi is pretty good at attaching limbs

She's good at touching herself

toasting in ebin bread

So Tamara is fucking up the two competent CQC users of the series with ease

She's good at training dogs

But she's losing to Asuka in a 1v1(Kurumi doesn't count).

She isn't losing, Asuka only got one good grab so Kurumi can fail to deliver the fatal blow (and she already had to bail Asuka out by failing once before)

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She watched a lot of Star Wars as a child and was bullied for being a fucking nerd.

>holding a gun sideways
In any case, they have to take Tamara alive, so they're at a huge disadvantage

That's the evil character buff.
Everyone knows she won't be as strong once she joins Asuka.


How are they having trouble with a malnourished russian? Just lift her up and sandwich her between Kurumi and Asuka's futa cocks

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Is Kurumi cross-dominant?

She's job-dominant.

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It's why you should never give anyone who was bullied power or authority. They tend to be fucked up people.

Thought it was Love Lab thread for a second

But did they use it to gangbang Tamara?

Tamara's smaller frame, breasts and cock means she's much nimbler and has a small weak point.

She failed to become a school shooter thanks to Asuka.

Wait is that the girl who was being tortured? Did they let her free to help them out or something?

Yes, she's now working for japanese CIA

I'm guessing war nurse erased all memories of her torture then? Cause i'm pretty sure she wasn't functional as a human being anymore.

No she's a well trained dog.

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She was never a functional human being

Did you read the manga?

Kurumi needs to get laid

God I wish that were me

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You can't even program half decently, nenecchi.

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God I wish that were me

Attached: Me on the Left.jpg (1536x2048, 537K)

Umigon loves Nene's programming. And her fat ass.

>Can you feel their haunting presence?

Is it wrong that I want Kurumi more then Asuka? Sorry, I want to be sandwiched in War Nurse meat

No, Asuka is very boring.


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She must be canting her gun for a reason.

How far will the anime go?

not far enough

She is /ourgirl/. If any of us anons were in her position, we would rape and torture on a scale that would put the Soviet Union's Beria to shame.

She's a functional human-dog sex pet for old ladies.

Asuka is like a suffering-little-fluffy-animal, so cute you want to protect it and enjoy it's pain at the same time.

Kurumi is the one dedicated bro who will take a beating for you but also dish out the nasty for your sake.

Looks wise I think they're pretty much on par with each other. I like Kurumi's messy hair better.

Lies, I would never hurt Nico. Maybe only to get through her hymen.


We wouldn't hurt Nico, just be "reeducating" her.

I like SOADfag more than KWEHfag

Vote for your bestgrill:


Attached: poll.jpg (203x220, 21K)

a bit too much, just reduce it a little




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That's literally what war nurse does herself, though


Tamara's is much more sci fi


Whats the name of this anime? I scrolled through the entire thread and image search turns up nothing

works for me

Attached: dog.png (390x286, 30K)

Puella Magi Madoka Magica

see KWEH poster

Attached: 1439488733214.jpg (643x669, 246K)

In any case, SauceNao finds uncropped anime screenshots easily. But it's Mahou Shoujo Spec Ops Asuka

Magical Girl CIA Japan

So hold on a second here, didn't War Nurse had a medicine that made you tell all the truth, then why was the torture necessary at all???

Kurumi sis stand up.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.55_[2019.02.15_21.52.08].j (1920x1080, 199K)

It's basically brainwashing, just a lot more forceful about it

doesn't work on megucas

reporting in.

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Meguca is Latin, the proper plural form is megucae.

I'll megucae your mom.

I'm more of a Chisatobro myself.

She can barely get that shit to work on regular humans (they pass out in like 1 minute), much less anyone with magic


Smug dixie.

Attached: 9_4.jpg (1200x675, 67K)

Fuck off, Incubator.

Chisato is the second best for me.

I'm surprised at how many votes she's getting...is an amputee fetish thing?

I thought burger would be more popular round here

fuck asuka

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Yes please!


Joe Rogan tier kick right there

Asuka isn't fighting to kill though, she's trying to capture her.

fuck kurumi

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Chapter 29 when?

She can just beat her until she's nearing death and then let Kurumi do her thing.

In the butt.

Soon. I finished the script, just need to clean and typeset it.


>being able to fight her friends in a serious manner
>being able to severely hurt her friends
Just ain't in her nature. She's probably trying to find the least painful way to restrain her.

Based Mega user

Did she throw her knife to break her gun?



>commies getting uppity again

Attached: 1551069616168.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

>shit eye color
>shit hair color
>no ass
>heal slut

Attached: 1483015290481.jpg (500x500, 55K)

Pale skin and fat fukkin titties tho.

Attached: 1551422313215.png (365x473, 187K)

What's that slut's name again? Dick Bell?

When will Just Cause unload her freedom all over the commies?

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Very cute.


Rude and insulting to Kurumi's professional torture skills.

Kurumi personally molded them by breaking their will and ingraining a terrifying fear of displeasing her, without any magic tool that brainwashes them to obey. Even the collar she gave them after graduating only injects poison if they disobey, it doesn't force obedience.

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You can't be a war criminal if you aren't in war dumbass

War criminals only exist on the losing side, dumbass.

Then just a regular criminal

Terrorists have no rights.

That's a commie way of thinking things.

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smug lolis aren't human beings, anyways

They are the most human.

Is there are more based user on Yea Forums?

True. They have ascended beyond mere humans and we can only aspire to match their level of smug.

>liking whore nurse

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IQ's only 0.

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what sort of music does Mia like?


She's a southern belle at heart.

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dude shields lmao

How does one aim in that position?

Good thing it's not the other way around or else all Kurumi would be doing is sniffing Asuka's hair.


Cute! Ineffective but cute!

Yuri ruins shows

>tfw nothing's poking your bossom

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.56_[2019.02.16_18.47.13].jp (1280x720, 328K)

>Kyoanifag talking about anyone having low IQ

Sub-zero IQ.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.15_[2019.02.23_00.33.57].jp (1280x720, 282K)

Best character by far

is that a dildo bat in her hand

It's a fishing pole.

>Mia ejaculating her cock all over Tamara
How rude, she should at least pleasure Tamara's cock first.

Damn i love this place!!

Attached: 1551672072768.jpg (439x454, 163K)

>ep 1
>Yea Forums hates it
>ep 8
>Yea Forums loves

what happened?

Yea Forums is not one person and plenty of people liked it from the get go

she looks like ancien kyoani bugs, particularly mikurun

This is the first bad show I’ve wholeheartedly liked. When does Kurumi start torturing people?

edgy Yea Forums autists love torture because it reminds them of their early Yea Forums tween days

but I love torture and I've never been on Yea Forums

People are getting confused because everybody keeps posting "meet the gimp" page and finger licking. She's not mindbroken or anything

You have a fat body but nice taste in girls.

Why does Asuka have such nice underwear for sleeping

>he lacks the knowledge

>mahou shoujo asuka fags can't use the subject line again

it's our secret club

>please make everything easier for me because I'm a lazy faggot
did you also cry liked this when when the catalog wasn't a thing?
or are you that much of a newfaggot that you didn't even know people actually used to bother browsing without a catalog?

gib big titty operation gf

Shut up, Mia

>Asuka but she's now a pretty boy with PTSD

Did Asuka really walk into a classroom and called everyone shit


Yes. How Chad is this?

And it wasnt even a classroom of her own school.

Attached: 1551497352832.png (1280x720, 680K)

Asuka already is a pretty boy (female)


I like the OP. I like comfy action shows.

Cliche. But for a userbase who have never seen many anime or old ones, I guess that's a first.

The studio should keep producing more of these shows in the vein of Killing Bites and Asuka
Wouldn't be surprised if they were picked to adapt Murcielago

I'd rather Murcielago go to MAPPA, Madhouse or 3hz, desu. Hell, I wish 3hz was doing this show too.

Is this why Mia fears the Asuka warrior?

3Hz prefers to do originals and they have their hands full anyways

She's aiming just fine, except not with the guns, if you catch my drift.


You see Mia, if you aim with a comrade blocking your field of vision, you will always shot to the target by fearing of killing your partner AGAIN.

>Yotsuba no kuroba
Курумин алискина наёмница, беспесды.

Attached: Алиса и Ланс.jpg (600x780, 497K)

Damn, Asuka is really stacked even as a JC.

Virgin teacher.

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>Ignoring the fact that one of your student gets bullied right in front of you
He might be the most irredeemable character in the show

>no spin off manga of Kurumi interrogating more people
Why bother...

If I had a handsome brave bf like Asuka, I wouldnt have been bullied in HS!

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To get close enough to Tamara so Asuka could throw her karambit at her flamethrower

Best girl

Attached: fingersnap.webm (1280x720, 509K)

Fuck Kurumi.

>japanese teachers
>caring about students being bullied

god I wish

I agree, she needs to taste her own medicine.

>only injects poison if they disobey
So it forces obedience.

she ok

she cute

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she thirsts

I want a spin off manga about everytime Kurumi gets beaten up

>is that your magical karambit rubbing against my crotch or are you just happy to see me?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 03 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_17.14_[2019.0 (1920x1080, 161K)

>nearly gets brutally killed multiple times
>takes a bit of revenge

So she tortures people because they bullied her?

And tried to murder the people she loves, yes

I'm fairly certain death would be preferable to them instead of getting another round at Kurumi's fun house.

I want Chisato to grind me into dust

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.17.693.jpg (1920x1080, 154K)

I think user meant that it's not a hentai collar that mind controls them
Chisato wasn't even tortured and Kurumi finished her business with Nico in a couple of hours and made it to the beach before lunch

>I can take it I'm used to pain, do your worst!
>ahhhh have mercy Kurumi-sama!!!

Attached: challenge accepted.png (810x1500, 565K)

But that's not how it went, please don't misinform people

But it'd be hilarious seeing people who get triggered by the few screenshots/manga pages posted pretend they read/watched it and describe events that never happened.

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>delusional Kurumifags pretending she touched Chisato more than once in her life

I'm so proud of my wife Kurumi!

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Attached: mahosyojoasuka9-1.jpg (640x360, 54K)

So satisfying

>none of the MGs want to snuggle with Tabira

Can't wait to see girls in new uniforms!

Post torture Nico is honestly one of my favorite character.

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Writing is atrocious, characters are unlikable. I only read this for the torture

I wouldn't expect someone who only watches for torture porn to know anything about writing anyways

Tamara is going to suffocate in those boobs

>Pei Pei zero votes

My waifu Tamara is much more manly than Asuka


Bet she fucks faceless old men for money

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I think my D is too big for my boyfriend Asuka!

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worst girl

Peipei has quite the loyalty for a hired wand!


It's cute

Cute chinese gyaru cat!

She's a big girl.

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Maji tenshi!

I'd have voted for her if I could choose multiple girls. But since I could only choose one I chose Mia

>Cute chinese girl turns into that
War is a hell of a drug

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.08_[2019.03.07_08.53.30].jp (1280x720, 142K)

Have they said why? None of the others had a change nearly as drastic.

Just Cause Mia is the patriot's choice

where did you get these translations most sites only have up to chapter 14

She fucks faceless lolis for rock CDs.

Check the archives

Some girls have all the luck.

Dangerously adorable

What would a game be like that? shooter?

Spec-Ops Asuka Zero, hack 'n slash set during the war and you can with any of the magical 11 (until they die)
Spec-Ops Asuka Peace Walker, tactical espionage action game about Asuka taking down terrorists


Spec-Ops Asuka The Line
Asuka goes to a wrecked Dubai and finds herself questioning her actions


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>Asuka: In school I also learned that peace is an unnatural state for human society. And that war is a constant threat to our relationship with others.
>Kurumi: That's right.

>Is Francine the greatest woman I ever served with? Well, I dunno. There was this one time in Okinawa when she dragged my bleeding carcass half a mile to the evac chopper, so maybe I'm biased.

>so happy and domesticated she has a permanent :3 face

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Ch 29: mega.nz/#F!jgFkzaSA!5GI_Z436e98vuY2BVbhtJQ!6wNE0Ajb

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Nico's doggy face is just the best.

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I was really hoping she would sexually assault asuke there

I think you are a fucking sexual psychopath. Despite your posturing about doing it so others don't have to it's clear the act of torture gets you off.

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Which chapter?


>Mia offers everyone up for some 'go 'za

The Italian MS is spinning in her grave.


Kurumi and that crazy bitch that cut the girls arm off (not Asuka, the blonde one) would probably be great friends if they weren't enemies.

Link, please? (I'm having trouble finding it)

I'd say more, they are perfect for each other.

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Is it time for some monster hunting?

Attached: 0096.png (884x1257, 1.15M)

Mia is the coolest mahou shoujo.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.24_[2019.02.15_14.46.52].jp (1280x720, 101K)

>you will never kill Mexicans with a cute magic girl

CIA nigger

Mia living up to her reputation as a war criminal and fucking monster

>War criminal
Its not like she is making their lives worse, they would just be living shitty lives doing drugs if she hadn't bombed them

More like CIA cutie. I'd let her destabilize my Balkan states to proliferate the transfer of weapon shipments toward rebel groups inside enemy nations, if you know what I mean

>Kurumi is the designated weight worries character
Of course.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.04_[2019.02.08_18.39.40].jp (1280x720, 487K)

War Nurse, more like War Cow.

Why is Sanchu so based?

She just wants to help Asuka watch her calorie intake.


Attached: 0092.png (884x1257, 950K)

I don't know you. Do you have tits?

>little girl doesn't cry or beg to be let free
>teenage brown tomboy does
Why is she such a wimp?

Kurumi be wanting in on that action
( ͡o ͜ ͡o)

Attached: 0091.jpg (884x1257, 275K)

Make this into a banner Hiroshimoot I know you're listening

Now this is some good shit

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is that nico?
what happened now?

That's Peipei's loligf.

I notice the loli calls Peipei by another name "Liulang". Anyone have the kanji for that?

From the screengrabs ITT this looks like something I'd love to watch but there has to be a catch.
What's the catch, Yea Forums?

That you're a faggot.

not being a faggot who hates fun

I'm starting to suspect that author has a thing for torturing lolis but I'm not sure


Not very exciting then.
What a strange way to address a supposed kidnapper.

I prefer what she originally looked like, mostly because I think darker hair looks better when tied back, while blonde hair looks better when it just flows down.
Also she looks younger in her original design.

I think you aren't as good looking as Chisato....

....and your REALLY SUPER FAT too.



>ywn be a cake whose feet get licked by a loli

It's the "Babel" Brigade for a reason.

Age gap is hot.

Attached: 0080.png (884x1257, 961K)

>you will never be nico
why even live?

So, is there some secret place to read the chapters after 14 or is this just some elaborate ruse?

Attached: 003.jpg (740x1035, 257K)

The ch 29 link above has ch 18 to 29. 15 to 17 is here mega.nz/#F!llpmUKzJ!QXlmyVof0HW16ExplkIJbg

Don't let your dreams be dreams.

Boku no piko

>five sevens
patrician taste.

why are you still watching this trainwreck?

because you don't know what trainwreck means

cause it's better than all the schoolsetting sportsfest battlemangu isekai haremshit you faggots jack off to

You think Kurumi ever uses that Sense enhancer
stuff on herself when she faps to asuka?

Fun things are fun.

>the proper plural form is megucae

This need to be a banner

how exactly is this supposed to be a trainwreck?

Attached: 1551502481333.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Attached: TRAINWRECKS.webm (854x480, 915K)

Real trainwrecks really have died off. The only genuine one in recent years was Kado.

Now that's what I call art

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Attached: mayoiga4.png (634x423, 450K)

>that feet
0/10 almost threw up.

yeah, now that was a trainwreck

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meguca's title wasn't properly declined anyway

Isn't it intentional? Magical girl would be puella maga, but by using magi instead, it becomes something like "girl of the magician" which would be kyuubey

Especially when you consider "magician" in the sense of a trickster or deceiver.



Attached: emperorcrimson.gif (540x270, 736K)

Fucking perfect

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The thighs on that model needs to be thicker. THICKER!

Easy there, Kurumi.

God I want those legs to crush my balls.

It's not a trainwreck though.
The torture hurting your fragile feelings doesn't make it one.


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Why is this show so gay

The person who did the EP was KyoAni trained employee.

>two headed dragon
>two faced
>two designs
>two nunchucks
>two names
>also originally had twintails

Me and Asuka are getting married and we're going to have 100 children and a dog named Kurumi.

calm yer tits francine

cute wahnahse

I don't remember this shot from the manga.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 08 [720p].mkv_00:07:50.804.jpg (1280x720, 215K)

vol7 omake

Or actually, 6. It's in the fucking mega folder

new episode today

You've been hit by
You've been struck by
A war criminal

I don't think we've seen Mia's magic calorie rollup yet. I wonder what it is.

Attached: pink_aoi_scratch.gif (498x280, 1.9M)


What about the power puff girls reboot
and the later seasons of adventure time
and season 8 of mlp
and everything post season 2 in steven universe

Don't post here

And bigger tits too, Kurumi and I demand it.

I feel like I am being baited due to the lack of Yea Forums in this post but
Nobody expected nuppg to be good
You're just mad you self insert Finn got fucked
The Trainwreck started when glimmer came back
It was clear from the fucking start Steven universe would go sjw and generally Tumblr pandering


Tokyo Ghoul re even though we know beforehand it gonna be trainwreck because manga shit itself so hard.
Darling in the Franxx

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nico just keeps giving

Its Center Axis Relock.
The mangaka really likes all that tactical mallninja stuff.

I thought she wasn't a real magical girl, she just had a magic weapon

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I hate Sachuu so much.

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What's magical about it?

Blink twice if you're being tortured.

how is it a trainwreck?
It has a very straight and linear structure, nothing unusual or weird happens, except the depiction of sexual torture by a bunch of criminals who should answer to the hague

Mahou Shrapnel

She uses a magical shield later, so it's not just the weapon

Sacchu on dat ass

>hating on niggachu

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My wife Kurumi is so cool.

I think she could do some magic but was not outright a magical girl

Thats a band, what song are you refering to?

This show has been airing for almost three months now and I still can't get over their eyes.


So cool a bike can't withstand her coolness.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.15_[2019.02.15_21.15.48].j (1920x1080, 304K)

Are these hosted anywhere or am I going to gave to go through every thread just to find these links?

It's the same link every time you dumb nigger


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yeah, I still don't get what's the difference between her and a mahou shoujo

2/10, would not bang.

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All girls are gay.

Who wouldn't?

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oh god, that stitch

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This is the power of gimp

You leave GIMPsan out of this faggot.

how long until the episode?

>not wanting to bang this

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You know whats not fair, pirates get it earlier than I get it as a paying customer watching it on animelab

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It's what the M stands for in M67


Better than crunchyroll.
You're just jealous of my hot Australian body.

How did you know, I always longed for 8 legs and a cephalothorax.

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Based and redpilled.

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Attached: mahosyojoasuka9-2.jpg (640x360, 54K)

There's no cure for your faggotry.

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