Most anime fans have a shelf life of about 2 years. Most anime fans will get in...

>Most anime fans have a shelf life of about 2 years. Most anime fans will get in, they'll get jaded and they will get out.

Is it true? If you watched seasonal anime for 2-3 years you basically have seen it all?

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Fuck off retard.

>toy commercial
>mouth flapping

Pretty much. Anime has a really high turnover rate and most people grow out of it after a few years. That's why most of the fans are teens and early twenties with the quality of posting that comes with it.

Hi Digibro.


most people get into anime thinking it's unique. once they realize all anime is the same shit, they stop watching it

Most anime fans are kids attracted to the novelty and the fact that it's mostly YA fiction. Of course they get bored of it quickly.

Most anime fans that get past the 2-3 year mark are also jaded, but they don't enjoy anything in life so we end up just continuing to watch it for the feel-good cuteness anyways.

dont pull shit out of your ass and parade it as fact you quadruple nigger

You'd know it's true if you weren't a newfag, newfag.

OP is asking a question


Does it matter?

at best I watch 4 or 5 new shows every year

Casuals maybe. Once you become a jaded anime fan capable of enjoying stuff you know is garbage theres no going back.

And if they are older they stick to stuff they watched when they were young or came out around that time

I more or less stopped watching seasonal anime after 1.5 years, maybe 2. Most of it is so fucking bad that in hindsight I am not even sure why I bothered to for 2 years in the first place. 2017 was the first year I ever watched seasonal, but the year was a complete outlier. 2018 made me remember why I had never bothered with airing shows before, so I quickly stopped bothering. I imagine that people who watch airing shows for more than 3 year suffer from some mental disability. I don't have a differnet explanation.

No, because there's always one or two good shows a season. You'll certainly burn out of giving everything the three episode rule, but you won't burn out of watching stuff you like seasonally.

Or if you do, it'll take more than fifteen years.

I only watch seasonal anime and mahou shoujo these days.
t. 8 years in

or they have very low standards

Been watching seasonal anime since 2011. Not going to stop anytime soon.

I don't have a TV so if I want to watch something trashy some seasonal hype is the way to go

what does having a TV have to do with anything?

Fuck off.

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I mean in the sense that you want something to watch (instead of music, radio, podcasts etc) but want to consume in a fairly passive way. TV/broadcast is the easiest way to get this. Seasonal anime does a similar job.

I wouldn't want to treat a decent show with that sort of disdain.

>He hasn't been watching anime since he was old enough to remember
Fuck off normalfags

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that makes you more of a normalfag than people who got into it as an adult

What annoys me more is the absolute state of manga scanlation. I barely see anything newly translated that isn't isekai-shit that I'm not already following.

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I've been watching seasonal anime for about 9 years, I don't feel burned out or sick of it but you do feel reluctant to pick up shows for the sake of it than you use to.
I'd watch any old shit just to experience it and keep seeing if I would like that type of show but I just cut it off these days.

I asked my parents to order me the Escaflowne DVDs when I was like 10 and they became first available in my country. But then I took a break from anime for 15 years to have a normal life. Then, at the end of my 20s, I picked anime back up. Feels like the best appraoch given how miserable most people on this board seem to be.

When do I get to grow out of weebshit? Been into it for over a decade.
Everytime I think I've grown out of it, something drags me back in. I read Yea Forumserature too, but nothing has the best pure easy entertainment value for me as anime.

Man, I always thought you were some ultra oldfag that's been here forever. Turns out you only started watching shit two or three years before I did. What a strange feeling.

People think they enjoy video games and netflix, but one reason they replace anime with those things is because they fall prey to marketing. Anime never tells you to go watch it.

Also something unfortunate I've noticed is people will quit anime after they watch some very mediocre shows. On a currently airing show they'll gamble with their time and lose, then they'll decide that anime as a whole is shit.

it's either

1. watch shonenshit then something like made in abyss and shield hero happens and you discover the nasty problematic ugh yikes shit and you disavow japan after a while


2. you become a weird uncle

>watching seasonal is the same as watching anime

>actually watching seasonal anime
you only have yourself to blame

But the entire anime community is based on telling you to go and watch a show?

Fuck off retard.

I'm talking about anime watchers who don't even browse anime communities like Yea Forums reddit or anime forums. There are A LOT of those casuals. This thread is about casuals.

try toku try Chinese try thunderbolt fantasy watch Hong Kong movies read manhua

What's your first anime, user? Mine was Macross Novelizations

my 600GB backlog and the fact there are still 2 or 3 decent shows each season prevent me for quitting anime ever

unlike vidya where something truly decent comes out every 2 years or so

The only miserable people I see on this board are people who come here when they hate anime, or enter threads of anime they hate just to shitpost.

>been on and off seasonal watching anime since 2003
Nah, i'm good. Pick up the anime that interest you and scout for stuff with a good reception or ignored gems.

Digicunt is a zoomer with braindamage, stop repeating anything he says. It's fucking annoying I even know what he says thanks you cunts spamming his shit here.

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Then you seem to have a pretty warped senes of perception. Or you simply don't realize that
> enter threads of anime they hate just to shitpost
makes up for 60%+ of all posters and posts.

How are your folders organised? Or is that your only cancer.jpg?

>none of them have an actual anime avatar
>all of them know English
That's how you know not to watch them.

You can watch CGDCT forever with other genres additions when you feel fancy.

>watching anime youtubers
What the fuck is wrong with you? Neck yourselves

>I imagine that people who watch airing shows for more than 3 year suffer from some mental disability
Radical alternative explanation: they actually enjoy anime.

Western entertainment like capeshit just doesn't hit the right buttons for me in the way weebshit does. Like I check out the hyped thing of the year and its just bland. I sometimes play vidya, but never for the story as its always shit.
Also animu husbando are way better.

>I only watch/read things that are objectively 9/10 or better
This seems like an almost equally shallow to consume media as only watching the most popular ones. What can you tell me about your taste in anime if that’s all you’ve watched? That you like “good” things? When I read a work, I want to see part of what the author sees when they read works from that genre. I want to see the reasons why an author enjoys something that I myself enjoy as well. I want to feel a similar passion that they feel for their favourite works. It doesn’t matter if they posses poor prose, paneling, or plot progression and as long as they put love into their work.

You should be using those works to gauge your taste before jumping off into a genre filled with probably mostly mediocre works. Instead of picking up very show per season, only pick up a handful from genres you absolutely love.

Started watching a lot of anime in 2013 and kinda stopped in the summer of 2018. I think i clocked over 400 titles then i just got bored and it felt like it was more of a task to watch anime rather than enjoy it.
Anyway now i picked it up again but i only watch stuff at the end of the seasons if it seems good and rarely i follow something weekly if it's really good.
Didn't happen with manga, i read my series weekly.

>my favorite anime youtuber isnt anywhere on the list
Feels good mates

Get the fuck out of Yea Forums

You can't simply chalk up the willingness to consume metric tons of garbage as "enjoying" something. That's not how it works. I know it's what you want to make yourself believe but it simply isn't. I've also watched ~2500 anime in total, a thousand of which are movies, and write lengthy essays for myself if a show really manages to resonate with me, but that doesn't mean that I can't admit that a lot of the garbage I've seen I merely bothered with for superficial reasons. Trying to find something to enjoy isn't actual enjoyment. It's desperation. If you watched 15+ shows a season for 3+ years then you're mentally disabled and a shit-eater, it's as simple as that. Being delusional about what you are doesn't change that.


are you even following the right groups or trying?

Been around since 2011 I’ve slowed down quite a bit since I started but, I wouldn’t say I’m done with anime. Really you just watch the stuff that interests you.

Watching feel-good cuteness is not being jaded, it is enlightenment! Always remember this universal truth.

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Of course, you would know far more about what I enjoy than I do. How could I possibly understand my own experiences as well as some faggot on Yea Forums who obviously speaks for everyone?

Every "critic" with an OC avatar and a patreon should be avoided like ebola.

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>I am not a mentally disabled shit-eater, I swear! I enjoy myself, so it's fine hehe!
Time to wake up, user. This isn't healthy.

>If I don't like it then it's shit and you can't enjoy it.

Your ability to enjoy yourself doesn't mean that you can't be a mentally disabled shit-eater anyway. Which is exactly what you are.

I’ve been watching anime for 8 years. Yeah, there is lots of garbage produced every season, but every entertainment medium is the same way, some worse. Even so, I still watch both old anime and seasonal anime. There’s still good anime being made. Lots of people will mistake having a keener eye when it comes to the quality of a show with being jaded.

>knowing what youtubers say
Good job outing yourself, retard. My opinions are my own based on experience browsing Yea Forums for years, thank you.

Being jaded and bitching about everything is far more common than having good, experienced judgement. Especially here. Which is why the later is presumed to be the former.

I only watch Pause & Select but to my knowledge a lot of these guys don't really have bad taste, they're just obnoxious

What the fuck even is an anime youtuber? Like what kind of content do they produce? Reviews? Besides random videos, youtube's content is garbage and subscribing and frequently watching a youtuber who reviews anime sounds even more retarded than normal. I'm getting upset just imagining some idiot with painful intros reviewing anime while trying to pander to 14 year olds

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Rather than that I went deeper and after a lot of exposure to anime and manga I also moved over to LNs and VNs/eroge. Nowadays I mostly go with manga, LNs, narou WNs and VNs maybe watching a show or two to binge and the end of the season. The thing is that since usually what gets adapted already has a source or at least quite a lot of them do, I've already read like 90% of them so I don't even bother watching them unless I really do like the source. Knowing Japanese obviously helps.

bullshit. I am watching anime since early 90th and seasonal anime as it airs since around 2004.

They only thing, i care less about pretentious, edgy and "deep" anime and accepted my likes for sentimental stuff, harems and comedies. I completely outgrew shounen shows somehow, but still consume (and read) Isekai stuff.

Your tastes in anime might change, and from time to time a focus can shift on something else (manga, novels), but you`ll never "grow" out of anime for simple reason there is nothing remotely like that to replace it.

in addittion, currently there is more variety, genres and types of anime shows being made than ever (fact), which not always was the case. Nowadays you cant shoehorn anime into "lol shonen", "lol harem" or whatever label - the variety of shows is great and really new things get made regularly

What else are you supposed to watch as an altenative? I never watched a western series before and they don't exactly feel accessable. Is Empire watchable? Billions? They all look really serious and unpleasant. There's no anichart season list to show you what's on and no-one I know watches TV to help me. TV doesn't have as Nyaa or #ginpachi-sensei as far as I know so I wouldnt even know how to download it. Just watching Endro in comparison is so much easier.

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This thread really shows that the vast majority of the users on this board has no actual appreciation for animation, visual or sound directing. What they care about is muh story, so as a result anime has been the wrong type of media from the very beginning. If you can drop animation to play VN's, then that very much shows how little you actually value art. Can't say I am surprised, albeit I am a bit shocked by how blatantly people are willing to portray their ignorance.

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Kuso thread, worse than frogposting.

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When I first started watching anime it was helpful see what seasonal shows might be worth a try. Especially when Yea Forums was just full of JoJo threads.

Also the odd recommendation was worthwhile to fill the gap between current shows and 'classics' that I might have missed... take The Great Passage as an example.

Recommend me anime youtubers, I've never really watched any of them or know about any of them other then I don't like gigguk at all.

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Nearly on red

The trick is to not watch seasonal trash.

>storytelling isn’t art

I barely use YouTube for anything for a quick laugh or listening to a lecture, but there's one channel where this woman discusses philosophical themes in anime. She's pretty good.

try kenny lauderdale
he's a cool guy who talks about old anime and has a VHS collection

It is. It just so happens that it sure as hell isn't in VN's. If you think story telling is an art unless it makes substantial use of visual cues and metaphorical language, then you're a philistine who simply shouldn't even consume animation or film. VNs are the subhumans medium. if you actually "play" VNs, you're likely
a) too hyperactive to read actual books
b) too slow and autistic to play actual games
c) too much of a child to mentally deal with an ending that you disapprove of

If you "play" VN's you're as far as a person could possibly be from understand good storytelling. If you "play" VNs, you should conisder suicide.

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The only good anituber was Demolition D. May he rest in peace.

Reviewbrah is the only acceptable review channel

Anime is style over substance. Always was always will remain. See Domestic Kanojo this season - by structure, its complete basic TV soup opera. But would i watch the actual TV soup opera with live action artists based on it? No. I watch it not because of "anime story", but because of anime "style" providing entirely different immersive experience.

Actual quality of art and animation is secondary to that, though appreciated when they are good - but they do not carry the show alone, ever. The praised studios like KyoAni or the splendid shows like Kyousogiga etc. are still carried more by directing than animation itself, as animation is simply a means to display what director wants to show.

>Born in 1997
Not my demographic

>or enter threads of anime they hate just to shitpost.
It makes me feel pathetic when I go into isekai threads just to bitch but at the same time I can't just stand by and say nothing about the cancer destroying the medium.

Thats why I don't see why Digi dumped all over visual effects in Kaguya-sama. Sure they don't add much, and the show is terrible, but at least it was using the medium to greater extent than most shows.

Anime reaction mashups



>While I don’t think other aspects of animation should be ignored, valuing anime mainly for their stories seems as foolish to me as sakuga obsession must seem to others. The writing is far and away the weakest link in anime; without fail, even the best written anime are formulaic, embarrassing, and shallow. At least the animation can offer something new. And priggish though it may seem, if an anime can’t justify itself with such newness, we’re left to judge it by other standards, standards where it’ll inevitable come up short. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a textbook case of this. When I initially watched the show years ago I found it engaging for its massive scope and complex character relationships, but on rewatch it became apparent that its storytelling, well-planned by the standards of most anime, suffered immensely from an inattention to craft. The acting is schematic, dramatic scenes are wan and lifeless, and cliched dialogue abounds, with little that would reward a close formal reading. It’s as if the only way to appreciate the show fully would be to remove oneself from the moment-to-moment experience of watching it and take it in abstraction, but even then what Galactic Heroes has to say about the nature of war and civilization has been said a million times over since Thucydides. Discrete, tangible ideas are often a poor fit for art. In my experience the main way in which artists manage to present genuine insight is through accidental relationships of form. A work of art where Ideas and Themes are packaged in a thin aesthetic shell will always be less desirable than art which says nothing but does quite a lot. Had the staff behind Galactic Heroes paid stronger attention to the show’s animation and direction, they might’ve created something with a life of its own, not dependent on the meager insight of its creators.

Plotfags need to die. Get off this board and play VN's you goddamn imbeciles.

Then why am I watching seasonal anime for almost 10 years now?

pfff no. who ever said that is a liar.

>Talking about 3-gatsu
>It's great how they use visuals to convey every emotion
>shits on kaguya using visuals for similar reasons

Aaox is pretty good

Because it's become your go to timesink and you're too much of a passive aggressive cunt who lacks a personality of their own to do anything else.

>tfw I watch both old classic shows AND seasonal shows
>still find shows to enjoy from both categories
>been doing this for over ten years now
Experience doesnt always make you jaded.

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This is why I don't get liking manga more than anime, if I want great storytelling and imagine things I would go read a book

Why didn't you just give me a (You) if you wanted to reply to me this badly also you're responding to the wrong user.
I'm the one who said that I like to read VNs alongside LNs and WNs and rarely watch anime nowadays.
This medium is a whore to publishing companies basically existing to promote whatever they decide to push next.
Now, most adaptions even if they are very lacking themselves at the source still manage to end up much much worse when it comes to anime adaptions and especially when it comes to something like VNs, ESPECIALLY VNs.
>a) too hyperactive to read actual books
>b) too slow and autistic to play actual games
>c) too much of a child to mentally deal with an ending that you disapprove of(user I don't think you understand what you're even talking about)

I simply like otaku media and its style, templates, archetypes, it is one of the few mediums that do satisfy me and its hard to find an equivalent. With western media as an example I go in with totally different expectations.
I guess this is hard for normal people to understand.

TV soaps are just shit, though
Watch some Neighbors or Bold and the Beautiful and and it's fights over parenting, manipulative ex-neighbor or a dead relative spotted. Domestic Kanojo he's making out with his teacher while she's asleep, stepsister wants to practice fucking. Actually entertaining.

>a) too hyperactive to read actual books
As someone who writes "actual books" i can only laugth, as you expose complete misunderstanding of point of VNs and books by ever comparing them (aside from kinetic novels, which are essentially books).

Aside from VNs using words and lettters, they have nothing in common with normal novels. They do not try to do the same thing. A good VN is 99% monologue/dialogue and consists of mix of episodic scenes. All VNs are essentially dating sims no matter how creattors try to package them up with pretence of something else. VNs have own requirement for writing and its harder than writing say LN, since you have to make hundred thousand lines of first person dialogues entertaining.

You are also completely irredimably wrong on what "story" is considered art. Your beliefs are signs of being second hand degenerate consumer who has zero understanding of the litterature and storytelling in general and just consums what he is being told he should.

The story. The GOOD story, is not the one written by philology proffessor to impress his peers, but the one told by beggar barefoot storyteller at the taverns door, gathering crowd of people throwing coins to him to hear him continue his story. The TRUE litterature always had roots in those stories, shaped through hundreds of years of telltale.

The main classics of world litterature are 1001 Nights and Chinese four great novels, the great epos and tales of different nations. The "salon" litterature, is cancer and essentially just "fashion" for fags who can' understand it and just conform to trends.

>people unironically discussing their favourite youtube e-celebs
What the fuck is this shit? Why is this thread still up?

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That's the way to go. Just enjoy it for your own reasons.

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I was active 6-7 years. Now ,i try to watch something, get bored and stop. For last two years i fully watched only abyss, finished some short-medium manga series and couple of anime movies. I am just tired of same characters, plots, settings and ideas. Now i read only hentai and sometimes visit Yea Forums

Came here to post this. I'm just on the lookout for seasonal gems and clearing my backlog. Watching all seasonal anime is something only a newfag or a retard would do. The more experience wih anime watching you have, the easier it is to know which seasonal anime are worth your time.

>normal people
Being an imbecile doesn't make everybody else a normalfag, retard. Now please, get yourself a rope. You know what to do.

Experience doesnt, age does.

as 30-40yo you could still enjoy loli and CGDCT shows, but you shoudnt be in the same wavelength as littteral 14yo kids watchin BnHA, One Piece and DBZ

Why do you seem so disturbed?

>TV doesn't have as nyaa


You dont have to watch every show every season to be an anime fan. I agree youre an autist simply because of the ridiculous free time investment that takes, but there are plenty of people who follow only a handful of shows at a given time. Maybe 1 to 2 they really find appealing and enjoy this season and 1 classic/smash hit from the past that they havent watched yet.

Speak for yourself dude. I'm a 28 yo fujo shonentard, I never watch CGDCT shows, and I'll probably like shonen until the day I die. .

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>that 30 yr old boomer who watches Super

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You HAVE to watch 1-3 episode of every show airing each season before dropping them to be able to claim "all anime is shit theres nothing to watch". Its not huge give investment at all (Actually, even watching 30 seasonal shows whole season is not).

the worst cancer comming on Yea Forums are people who are simply clueless about anime, do not know anything about source materials or original stuff created, just watch "2 big things recommended every season" and proceed to shit on anime claiing everyone who watches more is wrong in the head


As much as I'm enjoying following Neverland that could easily be a live action Netflix show and be no worse or better for it.

I'm 30 and I still enjoy CGDCT shows and the occasional shonen romp. I dont see why age should stop you from enjoying something.

There’s the issue. The life cycle of the male anime inevitably leads to CGDCT at the end.

bullshit nigger
i remember using kaioken on attempted-bullies after school
nobody fucks with the kid who rips his shirt off and starts flexing and screaming at the top of their lungs

These fandom meta threads are pretty much always guaranteed to be garbage, I need a way to filter out any threads that aren't about a specific anime or manga.

And to answer your question, no. This cutoff point is what separates the posers who got into anime because it's fashionable or because they enjoyed a couple of greatest hits, from the actual animefags who sincerely love it and prefer it to other things so they wouldn't want to change it, they'd just want more of it, by definition they cannot become jaded, if someone becomes jaded, there's a 99% chance they're fans of something else or just "outgrew" that whole subset of entertainment.

Certain anime have crossover appeal, usually cult classics or critically acclaimed, so all kinds of people could still like them; comicfags, Star War fags, /tg/fags, etc. but those people are just tolerating the animeness of it, they sometime even critique it for not being too similar to the things they actually like, animefags are the opposite, they can't get enough of what normalfags (from an animefag prespecitve) are tired of and honestly thing it's better than any other type of entertainment since it's their primary hobby.

I probably phrased that poorly anyway. When I say
>people who watch airing shows
I am not really referring to someone who watched 1-3 shows a season. That's an hour a week and barely an investment worth mentioning. I am referring to the people who really waste their time on metric tons of garbage year in year out. People who despite having experienced the hell that is seasonal shit, still continue to watch it no matter what. If you watch a handful of shows a season I consider that to be completely normal. I don't do it myself anymore, but it's still reasonable.

>do not know anything about source materials
Literally irrelevant ot he qualityof an adaptation. If you evaluate an adaptation based on its source, or even take the source into consideration while evluating it, you're quite literally retarded.

Does "I didnt watch Locodol in 2014 but it looked fun" count as classic, because I could sure go for some clasics right now.

>blogshitter thinks his opinion matters

You're probably right. In the end shonen is just the CBDCT of fujos.


Recommendations and stuff exist for a reason. If you miss a good show you can always come back for it later. Its pretty plebeian but when it comes to seasonal I usually just go by recommendation. Im not trying to shit on the medium, not the same guy youve even replying to in the comments chain (only the comment before this one is mine).

The type of people you describe usually dont even bother coming to Yea Forums. Usually they come to anime with a preconceived stigma against it, watch one show, hate it, and then go on to hate the media for stuff like pedophilia or whatever.


if anime isn't the only or one of the only reasons you haven't committed suicide you are a normalfaggot extra cheese spacenigger with super aids

There's not seasonals or classics, just anime. Unless you mean by classics, highly rated shows which makes you someone who depends on the opinion of the same people who watched as it was seasonal. The only viable distinction is cel vs digital since both look visually different and it's still a matter of taste.

Most anime is garbage full of reused tropes. But every 100 shows there's that one anime that stands out from the rest

Most anime fans are actually hopeless optimists, trying to find diamonds in a sea of shit

I dont think so. As long as you dont watch just abime, that is.
But I do agree that in a span of 2 to 3 years, people get exausted of watching anime (if you consistently watch). I usually stop for a season or two, then I start watching again.

Nah I was a latecomer to anime in general, Just something that never crossed my mind. I loved Yugioh and Pokemon but you never think past it or serious about it until Code Geass caught my eyes and I marathoned it in about a week.
I don't think anime has gotten worse but it hasn't gotten better specially with all this Isekai shit lately.

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I think the distinction has to be there since as proven by this thread, you can say "I like to watch anime", some autists will scream "OH SO YOU ONLY WATCH SEASONAL TRASH". I wish you could just say that you watch all anime but for some reason the mindset on Yea Forums is that you arent allowed to watch both newer and older shows at the same time.

>But every 100 shows
After 2018, I'd say the number must have went up to once every 200, given how there hadn't been a single serviceable show throughout that entire year.

No truth truer

No, the fact that autists screech like that is only proof that autists are idiots that shouldn't be listened to.


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What did you have against Hakumei to Mikochi?

This is why you're supposed to lurk for two years before posting

I don't think so. It's more than that, but it's mostly your teenage years.

I don't want to sound douchey, but as an adult anime has lost appeal massively to me, though mainly it's since I don't want to waste time on it. I can read so much more manga in the time I could watch anime.

Maybe no 10/10 but there's been a few of 8/10

Locodol was nice. You just reminded me I still need to watch the OVAs.

Nice colored manga strips you got there. Terrible directing, too.

Sure, if your standards are atrocious and 7/10 is your average rating.

It's mostly shitposting, some people outgrew anime but didn't outgrew shitposting about it on this hellhole so they romanticize the things they used to enjoy, "everything is shit nowadays" is pretty much what you'd expect from someone who wants to talk about anime but doesn't watch a lot of it anymore, newfags fall for it or just emulate them to fit in. I ignore anyone who implies that a lot of anime is bad since it shows where they're coming from, they either believe it so they hate anime or they're just shitposting.

This is a prime example of a jaded user. I'm not saying that 2018 was the greatest year in anime like some shitters have been claiming, but the year had several entertaining and good shows.

Kill yourself

>there hadn't been a single serviceable show
nice meme

Piano no mori is decent and Kaze is a good sports show

You guys got it all wrong. You watch anime as a teen then kill yourself when you reach adulthood to avoid responsibilities and be on your way to isekai heaven.

It was quite literally the worst of the decade, by a landslide. Especially considering how exceptional 2017 managed to be. 2018s only serviceable anime were Mirai, Liz, Maquia for its animation and Kase-san if we really wanna stretch it.
>Piano no mor
Was worse than the movie, and that was pretty fucking mediocre already.

>missing 50 years of new anime just because of a little bit of suffering

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To be fair I don't even evaluate them as I only consider the source to be something worth evaluating. While it depends on the adaption and the type of adaption, most of them are like fanservice for me and it's fun to see my favorite characters come to life even if their characterization or maybe the plot gets butchered. At the end of the day they're more like fanfiction so to say.

More 10 seconds before posting.

None of it, they’re all fucking trash. This coming from someone who listned to Podtaku when it was a thing back in 2011-2015 before you realize that all YouTube faggots have casual as fuck taste and that their opinions are almost always garbage, especially by the time they started to pander discussion topics to fujoshi.
The only anime reviewer I ever enjoyed was that guy who did a couple of retro anime reviews like Giant Gorg and Dream Hunter Rem. I wish he still kept going because he actually talked about the series and didn’t act like an obnoxious tool like all the other YouTube faggots. Also old Demolition D review series were pretty decent, all his other shit like “Should You Watch” fucking suck though.

Seconding this, guy is pretty good.

you mean to tell me *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* that you can just *crunch* *crunch* suddenly grow OUT of watching anime? *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* highly unlikely *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch*

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this mindset only makes not knowing japanese hurt all the more

>tfw took 1 or 2 seasons to realise it was all shitty sameshows
>tfww watch 0 - 2 shows a season
feels normie man

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It's the opposite. People that only watch seasonal anime end up watching different versions of the same thing, get bored, and leave before experiencing most of the good things in the medium.

Given the lack of knowledge so called oldfags sport, I don't think this rule is still relevant. Most oldfags are laughable individuals who jerk off to their powerlevel yet have never explored a single show or movie because superficial levels. They are like those MAL users who sport 4k shows completed, yet are unable to formulate a single crtiical thought on any of them, especially once you tell them to not merely use buzzwords and exaggerating adjectives. I've met so many newfags throughout my life who were more knowledgeable than 99% of the people who claim to be oldfags it's almost laughable. Most of those newfags never becomes oldfags either, since they abandon anime after a few years since they've explored most of it, written thousands of pages, analyzed animation and directing techniques etc. What you'll get from most oldfags is
>lol remember Lucky Star?? I am here for FUN :DDD
Waste of cells.


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I did this in highschool but all Yea Forums got me into was wanting to fuck my sister.

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>all those faggots replying seriously
Fuck off back to Yea Forums

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I wish half these anitubers would post their content as podcasts though. Would be much easier to consume. If they really want to reference something that I can't immediately search for I'd be happy they just reference an episode and timestamp or give a link to a folder of screen caps

Yes, I have watched anime a lot between 2009 and 2012 and since then I have watched fewer than 5 shows a year

I just came back to anime after a 5 year long break. I foresee being out again next year but who knows.

Who is the old guy on the top?

>Impyling you don't
>Implying she doesn't want it aswell

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Yes because anime, cartoons and video games are inferior and formulaic media that most people grow out of.
Meanwhile I still enjoy music, films and books after over 10 years and still discover new interesting stuff.

Why are anime and video games "formulaic", but films are not?

The only good anime and cartoon YouTuber is E;R

I don't enjoy music for some reason desu

So your taste got worse

>implying generic seasonal moe shit and isekai shit has good animation, visual or sound directing
Top kekkle

There are more experimental films outside the mainstream

>story doesn't matter if the show got pretty colors

According to what? In which proportions? Why would anime and video game be exempt from experimentation? Why does the amount of experimental works determine which is the superior medium? It took me a second to realize what a load of shit you just wrote.

You can even make video games in your own which allows for more experimentation

A good show uses the medium to its fullest extent, or subverts part of that expectation. Like Monogatari.

Because most anime has little artistic value and is only made to sell Blu rays and merchandise, there is little artistic freedom.

While it is true we can regret anime and video games became an industry and therefore most of it started pursuing sales and money instead of excellence as an artform (Windsor McKay himself regretted it, so you can see it's not anything new), I think it's silly to think art cannot bloom from toy commercials and marketing formulas. A lot of stuff we consider art today was made by people who just needed money and made a point to appeal to the masses, same as nowadays. Balzac's books for instance.
Anime and videogames might have been doomed from the start by the fact that it's an hybrid artform nessecitating a lot of skills in a lot of different areas, unlike writing or painting, and therefore something that makes it a lot harder to produce something on your own.
Crazy people and "true artists" who don't fit in and make shit on their own without any regard for industrial objectives will always exist anyways. I'm not worried.

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The fact that this utter nonsense probably makes sense inside your head is very concerning.

Not an argument

I bet you watch seasonal haremshit and think you have good taste

>made to sell Blu rays
Thanks for confirming your ignorance.

I have heard a certain hairy individual make this claim before.

I have no clue how acurate this is, I've been watching anime as long as I can remember (started watching pokemon when I was 4 years old). And since then it has slowly taken over all of media consumption to the point that I only play a handfull of video games a year, besides that I only watch anime. I watched just over 100 anime last year of which 34 of those were seasonal, a lot of the others were OVAs and Movies. I have no interest in turning my attention away from it yet, I have almost 700 other series backlogged and downloaded.

Even the dumbest shounenfag could call you out on the biased, incoherent, pseudointellectual garbage you're spouting.


What fucking "argument"? Read the fucking shit you wrote and break it down.

>anime has little artistic value
>because it is only made to sell BluRays
>therefore, there is little artistic freedom
How the fuck does any of this even fit together? You've failed to present any sort of thesis in a coherent manner, why should I bother addressing literally anything?

Don't respond to faggots that have proven they aren't worth responding to.

I remember I thought to myself "maybe i'm just becoming a whiny bitch and 2018 actually wasn't that bad I'm just remembering it poorly"
Then I looked at what aired in 2018 and it was actual dogshit. 2019 has looked up at least

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if you've ever unironically watched an anime youtuber you should belong on reddit

I've been here since TWGOK S1 aired, so that's 2010. Being too mainstream aside, I think the medium is doing pretty well.

I've been here for (almost) two years now. Seasonal anime is really bad and produces like two good shows a season. I've watch like 3 shows max of seasonshit and otherwise stick to 80s and late 2000s stuff.
I won't lurk more since it's really easy to fit in and takes a week to memorise basic lingo here

a couple more years and maybe you'll learn what spoiler tags are used for

imagine unironically watching anime youtubers and formulating your opinion on the reddit-tier analysis/review they give.

I guess. But I started in when I was in college and haven't stopped since.

>Being too mainstream aside
Anime isn't mainstream aside from 1 or 2 anime a year.

>seasonal anime

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teen thread

That's why you should stop being a faggot who watches seasonal anime, watch old stuff instead and become a manga Chad.

That's what happens if you only watch seasonal anime

>muh manga
nice meme

I watched my first anime and got hooked when I was about three or four years old, and now I'm thirtytwo. For me the statement isn't true.
Then again I think the reason I enjoy anime is a bit different why other people watch anime.

>If you watched seasonal anime for 2-3 years you basically have seen it all?
No, since most current seasonshit does not reflect how anime was if you head back to the pre 2010 era. If you started watching seasonshit now and carried on for two years, you'd only be seeing a slice of what anime has to offer, and I can see why people would burn out fast. Honestly the only current seasonal anime I'm watching is season two of Mob Psycho 100. Everything else is pretty much trash, and that is usually the case.

New anime fans need to learn to go back and watch the most critically acclaimed shows and movies from older eras. Maybe then they won't become jaded by the whole medium in a few years.

think they were making fun of people who say stuff like that

Lurk more faggot
I bet you've watched less than 200 anime

What is wrong with the 90s?

>they'll get jaded
>they will get out
if only, man

I agree but imagine unironically reading anime 4channellers and formulating your opinion on the shitposts analysis/review they give.

He's right you know

I've been watching seasonal anime since 2008. It's sort of true that you've seen it all after 2-3 years, although you miss out on the larger 3-5 year trends (school-life harem/dating sim adaptations in the early-mid 00's, urban fantasy in the mid-late 00's, school battle harems in the early 10's, and then the current isekai trend). The real fun is in being able to see things change, so even mediocre shows give insight into past and future mediocre shows, and the occasional really good shows stand out but you're still able to characterise them properly.

In my view you have to continue to watch seasonal shows if you want to be able to properly judge the really good and great shows.

No. You just stop watching seasonal anime, or are more likely to drop something.

Is a show worse if you don't watch it contemporaneously?

it is true for me, watched a lot of anime 1 to 2 years and after that i stopped because I started reading manga, trough I ocazonaly rewatch some episodes movies, the single new anime that I check on every 2-3 month is boruto cause I wanna se if Naruto or Sasuke did anything(stopped jobbing)

Sometimes the shows seem better because you end up watching them with nostalgia goggles (sometimes they're genuinely better than current stuff though).

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I’ve been watching 15-20+ shows per season for almost a decade now. Only slowing down now because I can’t get away with being a NEET anymore.

>I never watched a western series before
Try Breaking Bad.

Sort of true for me. Kept up with a ton seasonal stuff for two years, took a year and a half break, and back to watching a few shows now.

if it is about my grammar mistakes, english isn't my mother tongue and I am to half assed to delete the post and correct them

The only anime YouTuber worth watching is melonpan.

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My only experience with Western anime communities other thant Yea Forums was subscribing to an anime podcast. I even joined their discord. I left and never came back when I referred to nips as nips and I was told by the admins to stop.

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kill yourself

This is why I don't use online communities that don't allow me to use racial slurs. Can you still say "nigger" on Yea Forums?

It isn't like anime really deals with contemporary issues. Other than a few aesthetics here and there I'd say most shows are pretty much as timeless as any other media. Kids on the Slope was no worse for only watching it last year.

Watching seasonal shows in a thread full of lewd fan art and discussion can be fun. It definitely made Gridman more enjoyable.

I think there is a genuine problem with finding shows that are a few years old and aren't top tier. Where you do find recommendations it is usually genre-based rather than thematic; someone will recommend me Planetes because of sci-fi, not because over the scale of the story or portrayal of workplace dynamics.

Once I found those sorts of shows and got enough literacy to know what probably wasn't worth one episode of my time let alone three I stuck around. But it isn't easy and I've definitely watched some trash, and I'm sure I'm missing out on plenty too.

That middle-ground, middle-distant past is what is lacking, not the turnover of fans.

Yes, but newfags might whine about /pol/

why would you think that? all anime fans I know have been fans since childhood, grew up with one piece and the other shonen and now watching whatevers interesting to them.
As long as anime is not the only thing you do for entertainment I dont see how it could get boring.

>there is a genuine problem with finding shows that are a few years old and aren't top tier
That's because a lot of people on Yea Forums just haven't watched enough anime. Someone has to trawl through the rubbish to be able to recommend you the good stuff. The problem with that is that the more you trawl through the rubbish, the more you start to appreciate it which slightly hinders recommendations.

> can I say the n-word
Yes you can.
That aside, what really got to me is not the particular issue of being able to say nip. I didn't even know it was a WW2 era slur before he told me. What bothered me is that the admins (AKA the hosts of the podcast) basically pointed out that it's his discord - which was obvious from the start but I really didn't think of it that way - and that I ought to fall in line or fuck off and that really rubbed me the wrong way. I thought it would be really cool to be able to talk to the same people about anime but somehow it felt a lot less intimate than it feels here.

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Facebook tier thread, congratz to all the retards replying to newfags who didn't lurk

What I've found personally is that if there are any rules at all on what you can and can't say (including racial epithets, calls for genocide, the worst possible stuff, etc.), usually it means that the rules are far more extensive than you'd think, and are also a useful pretext for policing other infractions that aren't technically against the rules. I don't go to a place like Yea Forums because I necessarily want to call everyone niggers or kikes or faggots, but the fact that I can if I want to creates a somewhat freer air for discussion and interaction.

Terrifyingly accurate.

I remember thinking that C3-Bu was potentially a masterpiece that just needed a few tweaks.

Sometimes you find genuinely good stuff though. I unironically believe that Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi Zero is a narrative masterpiece.

>opens nyaa...

The only subs available are terrible, and the only non-hardsubbed version has glitched audio. You'll have to rip from the iso and figure out the Japanese yourself.

I've not reached the level of grading the quality of subs... I even keep a dubbed series on the go to watch while I do my ironing.

Pretty sure those are mostly the faggot kind of "quirky ironic weeb" you see everywhere nowadays.

Fuck off and kill yourself.

I'd say that's only true for immature idiots (no matter how old they are physically) who think that not liking something is some sort of achievement.
Grow up and embrace the deep philosophical wisdom of "fun things are fun".

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