Who are better: traps or reverse traps?
Trap Battle
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Neither. They are both disgusting.
Butch girl signify that the girl wanted to be strong and would not mind living in the uncaring, cruel, but honest world of men
Traps are just men who wanted to get fucked
So what you're saying is that traps are better.
Manly men and womanly women.
Nah, they're boring
I relate more to traps desu
Reverse traps are for handholding, dates in the park, and making wear cute dresses that embarrass them for being too girly.
Femininzing reverse traps
What's wrong with a handsome woman? Absolutely nothing.
Butch girls mostly are feminist garbage
MtF traps are gods of beauty and cuteness (also they will never get pregnant)
Boyish girls aka Reverse traps since Haruhi from High School Host club exists
Felix is trans
It's like asking which one is better, 2d ellen degeneres or 2d bailey jay
One day everyone will be a trap. Everyone is jealous of the other gender and it will come full circle. I can't wait.
Whatever floats your boat. For me, I'm attracted to femininity.
So while I'd rather look at a trap, I'd rather fuck a reverse trap.
r/a strikes again. Felix is a guy
Boyish girls are always better
Historcally speaking, reverse traps.
"Boyish" girls in anime are at most androgynous looking. Most of them, Haruka included, only look vaguely masculine because handsome boys are drawn like girls anyway.
Traps have dicks, and I don't want to fuck people with dicks, ie boys.
the type is important are we talking tomboys over here that are into sports and are thick but in the good way or cunts that cut their hair short and are bitchy? If its a tomboy that gets embarrassed when you put her in a dress and call her cute im game but if its a lesbo that acts cold and is rude then ill take the trap.
Reverse traps, why is this even a question?
>to gay
>not to gay
They're boring if they're written badly. Write good characters, faggot, and you won't need to give them stupid quirks just so the audience doesn't yawn as soon as they appear on the screen.
Neptune > Uranus
fite me
Why is this even a question?
Tomboys of course.
>she actually has a vagina instead
That was pretty clever on the author's part
Penis is better.
They both belong to the worst kind of anime fanservice and need to fucking perish. Amen.
What are you implying?
Reverse traps as long as they aren't dykes like Jupiter
Shit taste desu.
Reverse traps like Yellow.
Is Joseph Joestar trap?
Traps are for men that do not need to say '' It's only gay if our balls touch " because they do not have a pair to begin with.
IMHO reverse traps aren't even traps at all. It's totally OK for today's women to wear men's clothing.
You will never pass, tranny.
Are traps even gay if you like them due to their femininity?
reverse traps with big muscles and an interest in motor vehicles
Both, together.
Reverse Hetero is the purest form of love.
I can never look at this scene the same way after learning about the bandanna code.
Girlish girls that are also Boyish girls are the best.
>Actual girls vs Discord trannies
Reverse traps anytime
>Discord Trannies
What's the difference between (reverse) traps and just androgynous characters? And who of them Souseiseki is?
>will never get pregnan
That's not a pro, get the fuck off Yea Forums
traps are cancer
reverse traps are just bad tomboys
who the fuck write and read this shit and tell themselves they learned something important that day.
Girlish boys are pathetic.
Boyish girls (some of them) are cool and hot.
The later. Haruka doujin are god tier. While astolfo's are pretty gay.
Most erotic people on earth. They're equally hot.
boys > girls 100 times out of 100
Girls with penises are kawaii, boys with vaginas are not. Just deal with it.
Excellent taste.
i wish i were an anime gurl
Fpbp my man. Traps are gay as shit and tomboys are maybe even more so.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Traps are gay
And you too
He isn't trans.
traps because I'm not gay.
Reverse traps, like tomboys are hot because they relate to you. Traps are gay.
Souseiseki clearly is a reverse trap. She calls herself "boku" and even has phallic symbol as a weapon.
Reverse traps, obviously.
Not all trap fans are homos, there might be girls who just wanna fap on anime chicks without being lesbians.
>no good Oscar/Marie yuri doujins on Panda
Kill me.
>he likes girly girls who spend half their day on worthless shit like makeup
*ahem* LONDON!
Michiru isn't a trap
fought you
In the anime Felix appears in both female and male forms. So technically he's a genderfluid.
Reverse traps are bishounen/ikemen tier women or just really masculine, not just any girl who puts on men's clothing.
Reverse traps don't attract as many mentally ill trannies like traps do, so they're better by default.
It's because men tend to see reverse traps as girls too and therefore want to impregnate and make them their wives, so to make them more feminine than they currently are (by impregnation).
Hey that's actually a fucking good point.
fpbp, traps are for closet fags
This is perfection.
If we think about it, tomboys are the way nature had for several millions of years, cavemen wanted strong woman who could survive and help them survive while also having all the important reproductory traits, wide hips abundant chest etc.
As nature intended.
Reverse traps are a gift from god
Regular traps have a penis and are therefore gay, no matter how much you deny it
It's better to give a cute reverse trap a manly, sweaty hug than giving a cute trap a manly, sweaty hug.
None of them, but tomboyish girls are not so hopeless.
Reverse traps. Reverse traps always. Traps are boring as shit.
Yes, I am gay. So what?
that girlishness is false and unattractive
>dicking this boy is gay
Fuck your gender norms then
If a trap becomes feminine enough, they lose all rights to being called a male.
Dicking boys is not gay as long as you are primarily doing it as a show of dominance.
oh god, the cringe
no he's still gay
Anyone who doesn't want Astolfo bouncing on their cock while his dick limply swings until you cum inside of his anus is a faggot.
Girly boy but not the raging homo one like in the OP
girls like yaoi, not traps
>our gender norms
Reverse all the way
Post the webms.
Why did traps have to turn into a d*sc*rd meme?
Because faggots don't like girls and reverse traps are so much more superior than traps.
Normalfags are upset that Traps are cuter than their 2dpd
traps are better because they have benis
reverse traps are better because they have pussy you can grab
No trap waifu - no laifu
my love for traps doesn't make me gay because I like them for their femininity, if I were gay I'd fap on jojo-like buffs
double reverse traps
user, a reverse trap is not a woman who wears male clothes, but a woman who looks like a prettyboy in male clothes
enjoy your feminine traps
reverse trap
>if they can look good wearing boys clothes, they can look good wearing anything
>always a cute girl
>putting lipstick on a pig
>always has a dick
Please look here
checked and based
traps are gay, reverse traps aren't
What is that doujinshi about?
i knew you'd like it.
Oh no jojofags is here
>Butch girls mostly are feminist garbage
shit taste
You discord trannies are walking statistics, why don't you fullfil your destiny and just bite a fucking bullet already?
Disgusting worthless degenerates
Pls stop it
Is it a joke meme or is it people really being that retarded about the whole "traps aren't gay" shit. Cause I'm not surprised with the amount of mental gymnastics people do these days about faggot shit.
don't be shy.
i still have plenty for you.
Are you surprised by what's happening here?
Reverse traps>traps>bfs>gfs
>no good Oscar/Marie yuri doujins on Panda
Good, Oscar is for Andre.
It's because all the people are bisexual by nature
>Andre never got to pound Oscar's royal cunt and make lots of children with her
Fucking RIP.
Also I agree.
No such thing, people who say they're bi are giant retards. Even actual faggots hate people who say they're bi.
reminds me how some think mordred from Fate is trans because she hates being referred to as a girl.
*mic drop*
The one with the dick wins because dick is more aesthetically pleasing than pussy. Dick is long and hard appendage, ready to do some damage. Pussy looks like a damn fleshwound.
>Andre never got to pound Oscar's royal cunt
But he did that night. It was pretty much implying they fucked.
Doesn't work when the dick is staring you in the face.
What is the name of this title?
Fatefags use these retarded terms seriously? I'm not surprised.
Reverse traps>gay traps
Looks like 15518201039160.jpg to me. That's just a guess though.
Crusch is awesome.
there's actual trans, genderfluid and nonbinary characters in the game though
Traps. I found this great doujin where Astolfo and Jeanne are raped by a bunch of hobos. It's fantastic. Much better than a bunch of hobos just raping 2 chicks could ever be.
Don't be autistic user.
Faggot terms in a faggot game. I'm not surprised.
Go LARP on your home board.
yaoi with traps
Yea Forums welcomes everyone who is cute and 2D. Go back.
Reverse traps deserve love and cuddling.
There's no penis, only a boy hole.
being a tranny is having a mental illness
It's still very gay
Being a stormteen is pretty faggy in its own way.
Butch girls IRL
Traps because they are femenine and therefore not gay, especially if shota.
If you don't believe me ask the greeks.
stop getting mad at truths
>posting 3dpd on Yea Forums
Fuck off and kill yourself
>If you don't believe me ask the greeks.
Greeks thought smaller peepees were better than larger (barbarian/uncultured) ones. They also hid their women in their equivalent of burkhas when in public.
I mean, yeah. Sounds like someone you might want to get advice from.
So he just crossdresses cause Crusch said he looks good in it?
Because girls are too girly and men are too manly
>liking bigger dicks
I mean that's kind of gay, but I see the appeal.
Nice reddit spacing.
Greeks liked shota and to me that's an indicator of supreme taste.
I want to be a trap with a reverse trap girlfriend who also likes to be girly from time to time.
Both are great.
I spent my entire life thinking this doll was a boy
She likes to see his sizeable dick sway underneath his skirt.
Mathematically less gay than tomboys.
You took the words right out of my mouth, user. Impeccable taste.
yes, jerking off on Boku no Pico really makes you an elite
Back in my day we just called that tsundere.
>she hates being referred to as a girl
I-i'm not a girl for you, baka!
Imagine the gap moe
"There are no such things as chicks with dicks, just guys with tits"
girlish boys with big dicks
traps are better because they bring more moe into the world
Most traps are flat af, so they are still chicks with dicks
Imagine your sexuality being so fragile that men and women are equally gay and you can't fuck any of them.
>just guys with tits
it's called "futanari"
Reverse traps of course
I see /r/the_donald force is out and about on our board Yea Forums.
I wonder who's minds will be changed once either the stock market completely crashes or we have Venezuela levels of inflation.
Based and tomboypilled.
user, the situation in Venezuela is probably not as bad as you pretend.
It's just an oil grab, like every other US intervention.
Does sailor suit make Haruka Tenoh a reverse-reverse trap?
Pluto > Neptune > Uranus
traps are best girls
>doujins for a 70s show
So no one here then.
Saw this and was thinking. On what board am I on? But yes. USA is becoming evil empire. I still thought that most Americans would know what's up but guess not.
Traps. Traps are good.
A trap having sex with a reverse trap of course
>reverse trap
I don't get this, where is the "trap" ? You were going to fuck the boipussi but OHSNAP I WANTED THE POOPER BUT THERE BE REAL PUSSY IN HERE I GOT PLAYED REALLY GOOD !
It's homosexual heterosexuality
The trap is
>Oh hey a really cute boy I want to ride his DICK really bad
Then a girl finds out said reverse trap is a girl and then they think
>I don't care she's still so fucking cool I want to ride her DICK anyway
And then for guys it's
>Oh hey this dude's pretty cool I'd totally fuck him if they were a girl
And when they find out it's
>Oh hey this dude's actually a girl I guess I'm not actually gay
So it's a pleasant surprise instead of an unpleasant surprise because who doesn't like the idea of their handsome, pretty, cute friend turning out to be a girl?
reverse traps, no doubt
Imagine being gay like you lmao
yes she is
Please tell me she binds
>girls are too girly
>men are too manly
Naturally small-breasted.
Girls in men's clothing ≠reverse traps
traps trapping reverse traps
Flat chests and healthy, athletic figures are hot, user.
Counterpoint: reverse traps trapping traps
I want them to be my mommies
Reverse trap x trap is sorely underrated.
Can boyish girls love girlish boys?
Pretty boy twinks are better than boyish girls but boyish girls are better than outright traps.
Which one isn't gay though?
Where does Ranma fit in?
Reverse traps.
>dress like a boy, looks handsome and admired women and the target of envy of men
>dress like a girl, become the target of everyone's affection and arousal
Both are capable of being gay but for a male liking boyish girls, it depends on the girl in question and what he likes about her.
>makes an oxymoron
What did the homosexual mean by this?
(of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
noun: homosexual; plural noun: homosexuals
a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
Definition of homosexual
: of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex a homosexual man was involved in a homosexual relationship
: of, relating to, or involving sexual activity between persons of the same sex homosexual acts
Homosexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex
Sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
Involving or characterized by sexual attraction between people of the same sex.
‘homosexual desire’
A person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex.
a person who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex and not to people of the opposite sex
The definition of homosexual is people who are sexually attracted to individuals who are the same sex, or it is something related to sexual attraction to someone of the same sex.
A man's sexual attraction to another man is an example of something that would be described as a homosexual attraction.
A bar that is primarily frequented by gay men and gay women is an example of a homosexual bar.
Homosexual is defined as a person who is sexually attracted to someone of his or her own sex.
>Traps are male
>Therefore sexual attraction to traps whom are male makes you a homosexual if you are also a male
Greeks didn't have a concept of homosexuality you fucking retard, they just thought that shit was masculine. The Greeks were gay as fuck.
>this thread
Except by definition, mathematics, science and logic traps are the gayest shit.
>Reverse Trap
>Doesn't even try to hide her nails.
Definition makes no sense, it means you can fuck a trans male and be straight, even if he's been on hormones for a decade and has a beard and other masculine traits. This hairsplitting about what's gay or not gay is fucking gay. Whatever turns you on turns you on, that's all there is to it.
Doujins with both are the best.
Guys I want to be princess carried by a boyish girl
If you fuck a tranny of any kind you're automatically a faggot.
I want to princess carry a boyish girl.
Not according to retarded wikipedia definition of gay.
are you gay if you like a women for her masculinity
Who gives a shit if you're a fag or not?
butch aesthetics vs delicious traps
how is this even a question?
Sailor Uranus.
No, futanari have vaginas.
Based and redpilled. Nice dubs btw.
i only like girls and traps, i'm straight
in a perfect world i would have a trap bf and a reverse trap gf at the same time in my bed
tfw anime turned me into a deviant
in a perfect world i would have a thin trap girlfriend (male) and a slimthicc regular girlfriend
tfw anime turned me into a patrician
Polygamy is shit. You should only have one waifu, and she should be a reverse trap tomboy with a DFC, with a cute tomboy loli daughter.
sorry user but my religion allows me more than one wife allah's blessings be unto you
>they just thought that shit was masculine
So do I
fucking a regular dude is gay and disgusting
fucking a trap may not be 100% straight, but it's manly and patrician as fuck
why are you here?
>literally every single dictionary
Yeah okay user
Cringe and bluepilled
>the pinnacle of actual females with the best of both worlds
>normalfag shit for homosexuals that want penises
You're right, it is a dumb question.
Reverse Traps.
Of course. True eliteness is making a cute shota cum hard after you sucked his cute dick
Astolfo barely looks like a trap in that pic because you can't see his skirt. Black and Gold aren't very feminine colors after all.
Boyish trap > Draw a girl, call it a boy
Trap-fags BTFO
>fucking a FtM like criedwolves
>fucking a MtF like Emma Ellingsen
>fucking a FtM like Buck Angel
>fucking a MtF like Janae "Kroc" Kroczaleski
You like little boys.
>bringing up 3dpd shit
Yeah no fuck off faggot
Get out.
Not really since in the manga she wore both masculine and feminine clothing. In the anime she wore masculine and neutral fashion. Usagi and Minako have both dressed as guys with the Disguise pen on a few occasions.
You clearly haven't read any shoujo with traps and crossdressers. If they're gorgeous dressed as girls, they're equally good looking as men.
draw a girl, call it a boy traps > boyish traps
God I wish that were me (back)
i'm not gay so there is only one choice
>Who are better: traps or reverse traps?
both are shit
real straight men like musclegirls
>i'm not gay so there is only one choice
which one?
>reverse traps
We'll this a fallacy. Butch girls aren't reverse traps, they're just butch.
Traps intentionally cross dress to trick people. They're gay and degenerate.
boyish girls
you're gay and degenerate, user
lilith is very girly though user
Get that cuck shit outta here.
Dubs of sense
Ah I see you're a man of culture, and a presidential fellow at that
They are so insane.
Based and heteropilled
>cuck shit
trannies and twinks self-insert as them
>reverse traps
tomboys self-insert as them
gee i wonder which one is better
>no femininity
>pinnacle of actual females
I like both. not reverse traps specifically though, more about tomboys and traps.
girly girls > tomboys > traps > *power gap* > boyish traps > reverse traps
Imagine being THIS gay.
reverse traps
I think we can all agree androgyny is cute.
Would you stop liking your trap/reverse trap if their gender switched?
I like reverse traps because good ones always have some femininity to them. They can only get more feminine and cute from there. They have a wide range of cuteness depending on how they want to look.
I think trapfags like to be doms and make things more feminine. A cute girl will always be a cute girl but if you make a boy cute and girly for you then you are more masculine then they are. It reinforces their masculinity.
I don't want to make an androgynous boy start wearing female clothes or anything though, they're fine a they are
>fucking men in the ass makes you more masculine
> he doesn't understand
Poor brainlet.
It's about context. If you bring the masculinity of the other men down, yours goes up in comparison!
Is it gay to fuck a tomboy?
How to ruin best reverse trap in 1 word
fucking a boy and making him your girlfriend is peak masculinity
but it only works when the other male is a trap, because if he looks unmistakably male, then your dick shouldn't get hard in the first place
I like this boy.
It's only gay if it's in the ass.
I want to fuck Astolfo so hard he gets pregnant.
femine boys
Girlish boys, dykes are gross
imagine believing that fucking this is gayer than fucking this
100% this. The boyish girls are so pretty that their natural femininity shines through. I want to marry monkey.
It's a damn shame that Nisio didn't explore Monkey and Araragi's sexuality further.
Traps can't get pregnant. And if they could, I fear women kind will be rendered useless. No one wants that do they?
Mods should just wordfilter tranny/trannies already.
I have tried to explain my views
Which is what you are, yes.
tried and failed
obviously reverse traps are more masculine than regular traps, it doesn't make sense to say the thing that makes you think it's a girl is more masculine than the thing that makes you think it's a boy
Remember, these aren't just crossdressers, they are people who could convince you they are absolutely the gender they say they are
hence, the "trap"
If you like masculine girls, fine, but you don't like them because they are feminine, you aren't looking at them like "damn, so feminine, such broad powerful shoulders, such a tightly bound chest, damn"
If a masculine girl looks feminine, then sure, but you can't say it's a reverse trap or specifically a masculine girl
reverse traps and masculine girls are beautiful, but it's okay for women to have masculine beauty
It's okay for a woman's jawline, height, and posture to intimidate you because they are more associated with male features, and you can still call her beautiful without comparing her to every other woman ever
it's okay user, you don't have to lie to yourself
Traps are just fags covering up with a bunch of surface level girly shit to try to cope with the fact that no one liked them as a dude. Reverse traps strip away all that bullshit traps pile on to fake femininity leaving behind the true uncompromised sensual feminine ideal traps could never hope to reach. Tomboys are just borish girls for guys too intimidated by those meany icky girly girls who didn't like them in school.
source on the cat?
God, I wish I had a trap gf so bad
those are tomboys, not reverse traps
reverse traps look like bishounen dudes
I agree with what you're saying, but I think I just made the chart retarded and didn't convey what I meant. Posts like are much better, pretty much explained what I wanted to.
Get Yea Forums x newfag.
Well yeah, that's a given.
the most attactive male to ever exist in 2D
i wish he were my girlfriend
ghey and cringe
>reverse traps are barely a thing irl
>what are non-binary snowflake dykes
>just guys with tits
No, user. I'm talking about the cute, heterosexual kind.
Reverse traps are miracles of the universe. For some reason most traps are dick hungry sluts.
>strip away all that bullshit
I would agree with you if the concept of a reverse trap wasn't just "I need to fulfill some important duty in my life and them when it's done I'll go back to presenting feminine". At least traps do it because they like it (excepting cases like Chihiro).
muscle girls >>>>>
>heterosexual reverse traps
they are called "soft butches" and as one would expect, most are lesbians
>muscle girls with trap husbandos
That is true but it would be nice if you posted an image not for ants
There were a lot at both my highschools. They were pretty much all lesbians, but were pretty chill.
>They were pretty much all lesbians
This is why we can't have nice things.
>reverse image search
>get tranny thread
Where the fuck did you guys go to high school, there were no girls like that in mine.
Girl that normally dresses as a boy but is 'cross dressing' as a girl.
a hot and cute trap is a straight man's biggest wetdream
Yuri's not feminine, he just has long hair.
It propaganda by discord tr*nnies. Yea Forums is a discord tr*nny colony.
Make Israel Great Again!
patrician taste
discord trannies are also the ones pushing the "traps are always boyish" narrative
A true man here
>Accept that traps are gay
>Realize that I'm gay
>Start exclusively masturbating to gay shit
It feels great, friends. Just accept the homo.
>Accept that traps are gay
>Realize that I'm gay
nah, i'm only gay for 2D traps, my 3DPD attraction didn't change at all
boyish girls with girlish hairstyle
>not liking straight reverse traps
That's like the best thing to exist in ever you gay.
Muscle girls are good too.
there are doujins with male pregnancy. the gods impregnated them.
girlish boys because they have a pussy
Traps are sexiest anime characters, you can't change my mind
Whatever you say, Tyrone.
Except thats literally what traps are. Stop confusing degenerate trannies and traps together.
Traps are liked mostly by the epic facebook ironic weeb memer crowd (See: this thread). It should be obvious who's better.
nah, a fuckton of traps are shotas or boyish
i like traps when they look like flat young women like Ruka
Trap doesn't do him justice.
Ambush is the word you seek.
Muscle girls can beat you up if they get mad
I jerked off to traps getting fucked by a guy one time, am I gay?
Not yet. I've jerked off to guys getting fucked by a trap though so there is no hope for me.
Only if you self-inserted as the trap
muscle kuudere will never beat you up
Traps aren't gay, trapfags are
make sense
reverse traps because they are manly but not gay
false and lame
That was a fine thread.
If you like them because they look like a man, then yes.
I want to fuck this clay doll
is that cc
I'm not sure how you can mix those two
Gender benders.
discord trannies wish they were anime traps
May be I'm a little old-fashioned, but I still think that girlish girls and boyish boy are better then any kind of traps.
Wrong. Wanting to fuck another male and make them submit to your masculinity is 100% heterosexual. In fact its straighter than having sex with a f*male. Being the trap however and getting fucked by another male is pretty gay.
Cringe but redpilled
Hey I remember this
WHat the fuck is this "discord trannies" shit I have been seeing everywhere? Is this the new boogeyman for /pol/tards ? What happend to the leftypol boogeyman?
Finally a person with taste
Looks like a dude with a pussy. Disgusting
Totsuka Saika is not trap, he's just a bishounen
Borderline gay. You haven't watched full gay porn yet, have you?
Good for you.
I was going to post 3 pics for each doujin yesterday.
But I forgot.
This doujin has 3 series so far.
So here are the other pics.
Last one.
traps aren't gay, they're super gay
>Wanting to fuck another male and make them submit to your masculinity is 100% heterosexual
Sexual orientation is who are you have sex with, not why
supreme taste, user
Girlish boys are lovely, boyish girls are kinda unnatural
Is this /lgbt/ talk
Is this what the average user looks like?
Is Utena a reverse trap? She looks like just a tomboy for me.
why do we barely see boyish girls in anime/manga and visual novels?
I don't understand the appeal of traps. Do people actually get off to seeing something that looks completely like a girl getting fucked in the ass and having *that* between their legs?
in old animes they were much more
>something that looks completely like a girl >having *that* between their legs
this paradox makes them sexy
This is good shit.
No. Anybody can tell she's a female.
Do most anons insert as the trap or the guy fucking the trap?
have you ever heard of josou seme?
it's the trap fucking the guy.
if i faped on tomboyish girl, am i half-gay?
I can respect a girl who actually manages to live as a guy (not wannabe-dykies). Trap is just lowlife. I would fuck him if he's cute tho but I will never respect him as a person.
boyish boy
Absolutely based. Tomboys are for faggots, just like people who read Tomo-chan Wa Onnanoko unironically are faggots in denial.
So, traps are superior.
this is heccin lewd
What's gayer: jerk off on a common boy or on a trap?
manly man
thank you. saved.
traps are 9000 times better
>yfw you will never have the ability to turn trapfag lovers into traps and watch them getting mercilessly pounded by faceless fat old men
faceless fat old men are trapfags
Wrong. Anons aren't fat!
>just a flat girl with a dick
that's what I want you fag
If all traps were basically females with a dick and had fat fucking asses no one would want women period.
You'll never have a threesome with a trap and a reverse trap.
What about a threesome with two traps?
How about a threesome with two reverse traps?
I'd rather have a threesome with two reverse traps. You can get at least two babies out of it afterwards.
>reverse traps
>hating girls
Must be hard being a cocksucking faggot for a living.
Traps are supposed to be convincing until you see the dick. Left is your average crossdresser.
Yes, but they're explicitly not meant to be "draw a boy call it a girl"
Because otakus are fags and get threated by more masculine girls.
>Sexual orientation is who are you have sex with, not why
>fucking Buck Angel is straight because it's a female
imagine believing this
fucking a trap is 2nd only to fucking a feminine girl raw in the heterosexuality power chart
that shit's just gay.
ugly as fuck feet
>Yes, but no.
Fucking this. Reverse traps are usually shown to be competent, head-strong, and ultimately very caring people who'd make excellent mothers.
ken ga kimi, right?
Godspeed, the world needs more people like you
>anal birthing
Wouldn't that be really dangerous for the baby since it's being exposed to shit and a bunch of really bad bacteria when its immune system is near nonexistent?
It's more close to live birth through a cloaca. It's nothing a baby can't survive.
traps, like girls, don't poop
it's as clean as a whistle
This is the only correct answer.
Nah and even if, who cares. Having traps be able to become mothers would be worth it more than enough
This is exactly why gay people can't get children. Jesus christ, there is degeneracy and there is this shit.
Don't lump us in with the maggot brains. The vast majority of us think mpreg is fucking disgusting. Only women and faggots with brain problems like it.
Well three out of three replies to the post being this shit speaks for itself, doesn't it?
male impregnation is disgusting in both anime and The Sims, but traps are neither males or females, they're gods' gift to humankind and they deserve to become mothers
Neither, twinks are better
>being surprised worm-brain trannies with preggo fetishes are posting in a tranny-bait thread
>they're gods' gift to humankind and they deserve to become mothers
No vagina = no motherhood.
So you are one too or what is your point? There are still many 'other' people participating, that alone just fucks over any argument you have. Stop being insecure about being a degenerate, acceptance is the first step.
>when from 2d traps to 2d twinks to 2d bara
>now i cant get off without at least one muscular male either 2D or 3D in my porn
malepreg is degeneracy, but Astolfo is a fucking great guy, I'd make him the mother of my children
you're beyond help.
you can fap to trap, but you gotta draw the line.
I want to see these two fuck
And what will he teach them? Being traps?
I like boyish girls being broken. Utena is amazing
>What is browsing the front page?
That slope is only for people who weren't always gay, subhuman. You are nothing. You're a stain on the existential fabric of humanity. Introduce your brain to a shotgun, stat.
being brave, loyal and a bro-tier pal to to those worthy of friendship
Astolfo is wifey material and would make a great mother
turning boyish girls into girly girls is a 10/10 fetish
Anus mate
>liking women
Heterofag OUT
Traps are the best in every possible way. Even the sex is better so how can girls even compete?
So does that make newhalfs even better since they are traps + TITS?
not him, but 2D newhalf (like Poison) is an improved 2D trap
Exactly. And their only flaw is they can not get pregnant.
>tfw started with traps, got into futa, and now almost exclusively fap to 2D newhalf because I also like traps that can pass off being women even with tits and hips to match
>tfw barely any decent stuff outside of artists like Makoto and Notomine
At least most SFM stuff from futa fags now are basically full package futa since artists/creators don't like bothering with making vaginas on them in their models.
back in my days we just called that a girl.
This is why Stalin sent faggots to the gulag
>Uno Makoto
>that little sequence where the guy gets feminized over years
I wish there was more of that.
Stalin didn't, Hitler did
What is Yea Forums's opinion on reverse traps with long hair?
They both did. Hitler shoots them dead as a bonus.
Of course since traps with big tits are the sexiest form that a trap can take. They can even titfuck you if they're big enough.
Ouch the edge
>homosexuals performing mental gymnastics over literal fantasies
they are adorable
>enforcing your girth on inferior males
t. faggot
it's futa, not traps
>imagining yourself fucking males
>not gay and unmasculine
You're correct that you're a faggot though.
any reverse trap with hair longer than shoulder length is dumb
No, you be the dandy who taketh the cock, faggot user.
>going John Wayne Gacy
>not gay
is that you Boogie?
>no u
I'm not the one who called themselves a faggot like some retard. Keep projecting your homosexual fantasies though, faggot
Yes we know you are a faggot.
If you argued as good as you take cock maybe you wouldn't have to keep damage controlling.
>implying I take cock
If you suck cock as well as you glabber about, I imagine you are a top tier butt-slut, user.
Your projection skills are on par with your cock-taking skills. Too bad you couldn't come up with an original comeback to save your life, faggot. Guess those pozloads made you braindead enough to think traps arent gay, huh?
now kiss
Just read shemale doujins. They're about the same as newhalf.
People are attracted to the forms of the opposite gender, not the gender itself. for example : if men were naturally attracted by females, just females, then we would be attracted by female babies, female childrens, grannies etc... and god bless that isn't the case. So to conclude once and for all the debate "Are traps gay ?" : Not really, they're feminine, more feminine than most girls actually, so it's totally hetero. (there's one exception tho : if you like em cuz they have diks. if its the case its totally gay)
>then we would be attracted by female childrens
>he's not a lolicon
You need to leave. You don't belong here.
>the forms of the opposite gender
dick isn't an opposite gender's form
No they're just thicc as fuck traps with tits that are either fat or teased and succed on.
That's what a newhalf is though.
No bottom-bitch, that is your job.
>he took 18 minutes just to calm his butthurt
Sounds like you're rather sensitive to ass ravagings, fag :^)
>he's autistic enough to consider time as if that was a factor
You definitely have the pain in the anus with how you are reacting user.
>he's damage controlling and projecting again
Stay rectum ravaged, my homosexual friend.
Boyish girls that show their girly side to you only.
not talking about reproductive organs you twat
Turning girly boys into cumslurping tomboys is even better.
>She gets so used to openly showing it to you that when you're together in public or with people she knows her girly side occasionally comes out and she gets flustered,
I want to suck a traps dick tbqh
>no defense but repeating yourself
Sad, faggot.
>t-traps are not gay you guys !
>even more projection
Indeed you are, homo.
Hnnng muh heart
Then newhalfs wouldn't really be traps then.
Seething autist
Unless you are gay enough to succ a trap off or get fucked by them then it is gay. Traps succing your dick and fucking you isn't gay at all though.
>still no defense but repeating yourself ad naseum
Keep telling yourself otherwise though, sodomite.
>be surprised his lack of refutations and making the same braindead "arguments" result in the same responses
Stay butthurt and wrong, pozzed faggot.
You have none in the first place, faggot.
You offered none of those either.
Stay perpetually salty, faggot dandy.
>he knows he's wrong so he has to go "no u" yet again
The only thing perpetually salty here is your butt with how much anal destruction it faces.
But I never said that
>no argument
I accept your concession, faggot.
>damage control
I accept your defeat, faglord.
I already accepted your concession, you Ottoman onahole.
>he's a turk
The only loser here is you. Enjoy being a fucking roach lmao fag
>he doesn't deny he's a fuck-hole
The concession has been accepted. Thanks for playing but I don't want to take up more of your time you could be using more productively like sucking cocks or taking it in the ass, you faggot.
>can only fantasize about fucking the weakest males besides himself
Trapfags are all weak feminine homosexuals.
>roach is still projecting
Wow user you're really more desperate for (You)s than you are for cock.
>no argument
Wew user you're really more pathetic for those (You)s than you are for cock. That's okay, if butthurt is an energy source then you will be perpetually never running on fumes.
>literally nothing but no u
Literally obsessed with me, not a surprise all trapfags are eager to be dominated and fucking butt ravaged lmao.
If they're feminine and sexy as fuck, it's the best sex you could ever have.
>literally no rebuttals
Literally obsessed with me, not a surprise all repressed faggots like you are eager to be dominated and put in your place, that's okay sissy, no one is fretting your life style choice as a catamite.
>he's still going no u
You're gonna have to work harder for your (You)s you dumb cockslut.
>he's too afraid to even type back for those (You)s
Sad and pathetic, you little sodomite pansy.
>he's seething this hard over being denied (You)s and cock
>he's seething this hard over being denied (You)s and cock
>being so mad you double post with that dildo of anger shoved up your tiny little anus
>he's this desperate for any tiny amount of (You) or cock that he cares about a double reply this much
>he has no argument
>no argument
>he's still going on over this shit
Holy shit lmao