Oh Yeah.. that happened

Oh Yeah.. that happened

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Still was a fun anime.
Purple is best.

You mean green right?

He said red stupid

enjoyable trash, except when they started taking the plot seriously

ehem.... Blue>purple>green>red

Green > Yellow > *
Also Peterhausen.
The Hero Brave or whatever was stupid.
That is all.

Is this the show where MC eternally cucks the inter-dimensional travelling guy in every possible timeline and dimensions?

Was this the one where a kid had a super hero suit with an actual electrical plug coming out his butt. A butt plug.

If that's not subtext, I don't know what is.

Stop pretending it isn't 200% better than current ISEKAI wave.

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What happened?

I really miss all of the battle harems.

that anime was fun kino

it's the same shit, retard

Yes. He fought a giant turd. And a lot of his dialogue had an unfortunate double entendre that flew over people's heads because they don't think the sexual innuendo was intentional comedy.

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We got a Trinity Seven movie coming out.

Attached: Trinity Seven - Movie 01 (BD 1280x720 10bit AAC) [A635FEC3].mkv_snapshot_11.20_[2019.03.05_04.51.52] (1280x720, 118K)

The end of the LN is a fucking trip, a case of taking your excuse plot far too seriously. At least he fucked the Best Girls for a few centuries.

Blue is best girl.

Purple and Blue were the only ones who mattered. Red and Green were boring and retarded.

Purple best girl with Red being the worst.

Purple is Best and most loyal Girl.
Green is best fuck friend.
Blue has good design worst archetype.
Better dead than Red.

But the patrician chooses Peterhausen.


At least somebody besides me likes her. Out of all girls her design was the best. Also I liked how she was a bit of a tomboy.

As in another one or you got your tenses wrong?

I guess I'm a character designfag. blue is best looking

Another. Like literally this month.

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It is funny how Japan can improve everything it touches by turning it into anime. Even Harry Potter.

dude thats a good optical illusion, feels like the shadows creep forward.

Purple a best

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>red wins the LN
fuck this shit

remember when she masturbated.

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Didn't he fuck them all?

thats not what abdominals looks like

Kind of looks like a face.

you cant tell where one abdominal begins and the other ends. Its like a seamless mass of muscle that only vaguely resembles a human stomach

Care to spoil the ending for us?

>Green and Purple were objectively best girls
>series focuses on shitty Red and Blue


Not complaining but how did it get two movies? Is it really that popular?

Imagine a hack feeling the need to emulate the end of E.Y.E or Dragons Dogma, endless cycles of guilt or Maou being a test and the protagonist is going to break the cycle through sheer willpower blah blah blah. Everything diverted from the actual usual ecchi harem antics and so it seems like a schizophrenic mess, the writing too looks like a massive mess because the end is like a broken dream sequence.
Christ they fucking were, you had dead-pan usual tease green who brought actual comedy and purple becoming the devoted temptress worshiping her lord and trying to enslave the school. Aggressive subs are best girls. Either one bring more than Blue and Red combined.
Red literally had three character traits being rice, stupidity and stripping. Blue is just a dumb nothing tsundere with one of the best character designs.

No idea. The first movie was a good few years after the anime had ended too so this was really out of the blue. Im hoping it leads to another season.

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> Yellow's Hat > Yellow >= Green > Purple > Light Green > *

Yellow would be nothing without her hat and you know it.
I literally forgot light green existed.

Can't argue with that.

Okay that ending does sound weird. I was thinking of checking out the novels sometime since Jnovelclub has them. I think the manga had a harem ending or something?

>It's a retard moe wins episodes
I hate that shit. you can at least get some comedy out of a tsundere or autistic girl but retard moe is always "YAAAAAAAAAAA, MC KUN DAISUKE YAAAAA! HAHAHAH"

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this was the first non-adult swim anime i had watched

What was the one where the guy stole the demon king's daughter from another world and pretended she was his kid sister while going to a school specifically created for Isekai protagonists that returned to earth?

It's terrible to be sure, but I prefer a insufferable retard moe over the absolute HACKERY that the ur-Tsundere brings to EVERY fucking scene and series. It's all the same shit, all the damn time. Retire the whole goddamn character type, that exists for '''comedy''' past the point of cliche storm parody and a tool for the status quo.

Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica?

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Try nail the chapters where he is literally just fucking and spending time with the better parts of his harem, stop reading when the bullshit amps up in earnest and you'll know when to bail user.
Naturally it's fucking Red driving the retarded ambitious porn plot because of course.

Thank you.

What is wrong with designs for female characters in that show? I remember trying to watch it, but decided to drop cause every woman was looking like a cow.

Nah, retard moe is way worse. There are more good tsundere than retard moes and a good protagonist can make a tsudendere work. there's no fixing retard.

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