Shingeki no Kyojin

Manlet is confirmed dead. Based Zeke actually did it.

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Other urls found in this thread: no kyojin ending 3


Ok what happens is extremely weird

Zeke died for real

Then some mindless titan arrived, opened his own stomach and placed Zeke inside his stomach.

Ymir then took care of Zeke

And Zeke then emerged from the mindless.

ok scans or didnt happen

5chan leak translation

Levai is not dead yet
Two fingers are blowing away and a single line of scratches in the face probably disappeared right eye.
Hanji hugs such Levai. One of the Jaeger fighters shoots one shot at the head. Hanji says, "He's dead, it is an instant death due to an explosion of a thunderstorm"
Zeke suddenly resurrected when Flock was suspicious and told me to measure the pulse. At the moment Flocks were taken care of Zeke, Hanji jumped into the river with Rivai.



>Manlet is confirmed dead
He's not though. I wish.


Please don't scare me like that. The manlet is important to me.

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>LH got meme'd


isayama is a hack
who has the thickest plot armor yet?
this manga is garbage


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Zeke's plot armour is pretty cool though, at least it's entertaining.

t. Person who isn't smart enough to just check the previous thread

Zecuck and Pigner. That's for sure now




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Armin x Eren and Eren x Mikasa even fucking levi x Eren and the only way to make Historia relevant is to make her punch Levi and we got LH.
Damn I'm scared that a fucking Ackerman titan genes will kick in and save levi somehow, or Hange will make him a mindless shifter who will eat Pieck, Porco or Annie.


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She doesn't even look like Historia

If there is going to be a fight then Pieck gonna job hard just to show Eren's new power.

I guess they prefered Historia punching the shitlet over shitren

there is going to a fight, is going to be a hit and run at best.

He's dead, but I still won't be surprised if this burning diarrhea cheese happens again.

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I just got diabeetus from looking at the EAr one. Frogmin a cute


Guys, I found out how to get rid of Titan AIDS. Basically you die, but survive.

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They'll be out in 50 minutes

Pieck's titan isn't made for combat so i really doubt there will be a fight. Probably something unexpected happens.

>Eren told Reiner they meet again
>He always knew the warriors would do a suprise attack
>Next chapter he explains to Pieck his real plans
>They make a deal
Kinda hoping for something like this.

>Eren making a deal with the Warriors
he had a better chance to convince them before he turned their ghetto in a war zone.

I swear to god, you faggots annoy me unspeakably.

"Pieck, you have to fuck my friend for my plan to work. He's really hung up on my half-Asian sister and he needs someone to help him get over her!"

Just take sleeping pills.
Then after 8 hours of sleep check for raws again.
If there aren't any then just take another pill and try it again in 8 hours.
Repeat this pattern until raws are out.

>Hanji knows Eren's the father
>Hanji knows manlet is alive

She's the key to all of this.


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based homufag

How did you deduce that he's a manletfag, you dumb spamming sperg?


What do you think Historia's feet smell like after she takes her boots off?

are you dumb?


It's past midnight in korea, no gooks scan today


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I'll be once you prove your reasoning, AIDS for brains.

oh nononononononononononono


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She's giving him a Hanjob.

Cute. Cute!


holy shit user

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post yfw zeke lost his beast titan powers and lolimir gave them to shitlet

>porko in 2 years

Spoilers just dropped for real. Last page is manlet bleeding out while Zeke slowly regenerates.

post yfw you want to kill yourself

Manlet is alive stop fucking with us

>nobody cares about jeans death in the blast

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We've had real spoilers for hours, unless you mean more pages leaked.

This is mine

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>Last page is manlet bleeding out
In the river?

>Levi's looking at the serum
>if Zeke screams, Falco will turn
>if Falco turns he might eat Zeke
>Hanji will have to choose between giving Levi the serum to eat Zeke or giving it to Falco for a controlled turn as opposed to an autistic screamfest turn
>she'll choose Falco

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doesn't matter, hes an ackerman

In proper English
Levi is not dead yet
Two of his fingers are missing and there’s a massive gash on his face that probably means he lost his right eye.
Hange embraces Levi and a Jaegerist shoots at his head, Hange shouts back that there’s no need for that as the thunder spear blast killed Levi instantly.
Floch’s suspicious but is interrupted by the sudden appearance of the resurrected Zeke who tells him to check Levi’s pulse.
However, this small distraction allows Hange to dive into the river with Levi and escape Floch’s men.

Oh shit you're right

I guess it could go either way, Falco dying would be shit and Levi dying for good would be sad. But I always expected Falco getting the AT

>I literally HAD to dab on Tybur
>because freedom

It was never stated or implied that Ackermans can't turn into titans.
We simply do not know.

Wait, so one of the Jaegerists asked to take his pulse then Hans jumped in the river? Based

Based Yelena doesn't understand the concept of personal space.

>"The name Ezekiel means "God strengthens"
>"The Book of Ezekiel, which reveals prophecies regarding the destruction of Jerusalem, the restoration to the land of Israel"
>"You are the ONE, our rising star. You guide us far to home yet girt"
>His theme song

manletwhales on suicide watch because Zeke is protected by divine forces. OH MY P A T H S>>>> OH MY ACKERHAX

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Press F for respects


Shouldn't Ackerman be related to paths if they are a byproduct of titan science?

But Ackerhax are connected to paths too

press f in lowercase to show manlet some respect

I really doubt Falco is going to die.

really want mikasa to inherit manlet powers lads
imagine the

>He still think his name is Ezekiel

ohnonono the delusion gobbling up cuck localization names

What about the part Ymir took care of Zeke? I do not understand. Is that from the page that shows a woman tending to him? and how is Eren talking to when he says four years ago he unlocked his dads memories?

He can die to push some development in Gabi.

>imagine the

But they can't reborn tonight.



>Zeke wants to never be born
>actually gets reborn a second time

Raws in 5 minutes.

Press Z to make sure manlet is dead

Only if she inherits some common sense and fights Eren and makes love to Historia in front of him.

kino when mikasa kills eren

I was going to say but still I like his character and him dying for Gabi's development of all characters would be a terrible way to go.

They are but it's only the ackermann path.
The ackermann path is disconnected from all the other paths.

The mind control does not work on them because they are not connected through the paths. If they are not connected, they cannot titanize, since that is also through the paths. The electricity that flows through them when their powers are activated is the extent of their "transformation" since they are titan experiments.

So manlet is not dead and he just lost two fingers and an eye?


He, for sure, has already missed a foot!

big if true

Zeke must be traumatized


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imagine the salt if that happens

>All that S1 shit
>Literally just one keychain with Historia
>It's LH
I don't get it. Are they literally allergic to EH or what?

Fuck this shit

It's confirmed they are connected to paths though, it's just not stated whether that's Eldian paths or Ackerman exclusive paths. We still don't know if they can titanize, it's all theory until it's confirmed.

to add, they are only connected to ackerman paths. not paths that allow you to turn into a titan.

>N-no guys, is "Miche" not "Mike", fags
>N-no you uncult maggots, is "Rivaille" not "manlet"
>N-no you stupid bitches, is "Bertoltold" not "Bertholdt"
>N-no no you brainlets, is "Peack" not "Pieck"
Sure m8, tell that to Isayama, but I hear you.

Levi more like Ledie

We don't know the role Ackerman can play right now. They are an anomaly, so they pretty much can do nothing, which is pretty possible by Isayama's skills, or actually do shit and being the ones affecting the paths since long time.

He doesn't even want to make a deal with his own government, how do you expect him to negotiate with an enemy nation he raided?

i just added this to clarify what i meant, i got in a hurry

What if by eating another titan, that titan gets "transfered" to the ackermann path. Imagine if an ackermann would die without passing down the titan.
Only an ackermann baby could inherit that titan

He is missing his life.

ℒℯ℣ will survive


It would made sense if Manlet's name is Levi.

Levi is not dead.

nice meme


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How long until we get the full chapter? Friday?

It's an insult that he only lost fingers but matching LH eyepatches would be hilarious


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>Both Manlet and Hange are missing an eye now
They're literally made for each other.

How autistic were those early fan translators to keep calling him “Rivaille”. This only just now dawned on me. That’s not even what the jap pronunciation sounds like.

I am starting to think this is how is going to end. Mikasa is going to have her power-up, and kill Eren while saying "see you later", which means she is returning him, or he is returning to the same loop, he is going to wake-up in the tree, crying. But this time with new information that would guide him to do things a little bit different.


So wtf is happening here?

And there were people who defended that retarded translation.

we already know the final panel.

Yes, it was as fun as the Siegfag. And don't forget the whole Eotena discussion.

>means he lost his right eye.
Where is that fanart of both manlet and Hanjo wearing an eyepatch?

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The so called last panel. It can change.

You see, heterosexual pairings are problematic.

>BTFO of manlet without using his BT, with his hands tied behind his back and with a explosive at point blank on his abs
>Ressurected by Ymir herself

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They are escaping?

LM soon.

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Grasping, seething etc.

>Zeke died
>Manlet didn't
There's a winner here and it ain't Zeke.

>Hange embraces Levi and a Jaegerist shoots at his head, Hange shouts back that there’s no need for that as the thunder spear blast killed Levi instantly.
>Floch’s suspicious
Floch almost kill the manlet

Not him, but Isayama literally said that was just an idea that could change. Idk why you retards think he has a plan, can you not see he's asspulling every chapter now?

Hange jumped in the water. Doesn't confirm or invalidate Manlet's death though.

Eren interrogating Gabi?

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>asspulling every chapter
You must be thinking that a mindless titan appeared out of nowhere, right?

He already revealed it meaning he is determined with this ending route. He changes it, he's a coward

Who's escaping? I can't fucking see

>Lolymir saved Zeke
>Hange saved manlet
Oh no

is reiner in the end or is it only pikku?

>yfw Mikasa overcomes her ackerslave instincts and speedlines eren
would cum if that happened

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Why does every Jaegerist have the aim of a retarded mole rat?

>magical rebirth isn't an asspull
stupid fanboi kek

>gabi,sit down

*the mindless titan
Fuck English articles. I can't imagine anything more retarded.

The original Ymir Fritz is utmost important in the story, he cannot just asspull it. He has some concepts in mind already at least




H-Hasn't been

S-Backed up by the story but needed to happen for progress

he's probably gonna rape her to assert dominance

>he is determined
Except for that moment when he said "it might change"

He's telling her to cooperate. He knows there are invaders and he wants to use her to make them come out of hiding.

It was established that in this universe exists a 'source of all organic matter' so it's a solid basis for any manipulations with life, rebirth etc.

>needed to happen for progress
make up your mind retards

Most likely Eren being edgy and saying Gabi she is weak for not killing Sasha's parents.

The leakers are saying Hange jumped with manlet's body into the river
To me this looks like the part where Hange says "he is dead", then when Zeke appears and everyone is distracted looking at his cock then Hange takes manlet and escapes

Manlet and Hans are in the river being carried off. No socket sex for Flock

Sex chapter when?

The whole paths thing is an absolute asspull, retard. Every chapter can do new magic things.

Of course it does. She lied about him being dead, otherwise why would she take his body with her while trying to escape.



That's beyond cruel

He's alive.

Fuck off. Nothing of that sort was established, because dying and coming back like fucking jesus has nothing to do with what was canon

Post yfw Eren kills Gabi

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>Manlet will wear a eyepatch matching with Hange's one

Meme magic is real

>literally MONTHS just to get Zeke alive again and manlet just losing 2 fingers and 1 eye
>No Historia's pov yet or at least the leakers are being attention whores

My god Eren, what a beast

>magic doesn't exist in this world

Wh does nobody post the ants chapter?
I saw it in a previous thread but didn't save it

You guys are as useless as Levi

Do you understand that we just saw some pictures from Zeke's mind which has been trying to rationalize the real process of his rebirth or whatever has been happening?
Do you ever read a sci-fi book in your life?

Then how do you explain the "see you later" in chapter 1? He already thought of path when starting this manga dumbass

Not really. Paths are what separates eldians from the other races

Why you cry and can't go to the archive? Fucking idiot.

People are saying there are flashbacks from Zeke-Eren meetings in Marley. If this is the case, Isayama decided to skip the Railroad Opening story, the part there Eren arrived in Marley etc. I'm slightly mad about this.

New leaks:

Levi and Zeke both survived and chapter ends with Zeke meeting Levi, who has lost a couple fingers. Major cliffhanger as the two are about to battle once more, this time for real.

>Zeke lives and is reunited with his supporters
>Levi lives and is reunited with Hange
What was the fucking point of that fucking super sayan fight then? Hange&co could literally just ride right into the camp and same thing would happen.

>has been trying to rationalize
kek, reaching faggot, this is just your conclusion unbacked by canon. It doesn't work like that just because "sci-fi" you can't make up the rules as you go along like Isayama does. This arc is total garbage and you have shit taste.

Even more when the plot conveniently make Hange lead the Yeagerist to Zeke and Manlet so fast and just in time.

>Mega cock literally takes away the attention of the Yeagerists from world's deadliest midget
No wonder Pieck is there on a suicide sneak on Eren, she wants to interrogate him so she taste the Warchief's meat again.

Idk how stupid you have to be to believe Isayama had this planned back when he made the first chapter, but here we are. Even by his own admission he said he didn't.

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>anons don't believe Isayama is delaying the important parts because of the fucking anime and WIT begging for fujobucks

pieck and manlet has similar bloodstain

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>Major cliffhanger as the two are about to battle once more, this time for real.
is the manga going to become zeke chasing levi for all eternity or what

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It would make no sense to skip the events that actually set Eren on his current path. He's simply saving the Paradis flashback (either from his, Historia's or someone else's perspective) for later. Also keep in mind that that the bit of Marley talk we get this chapter is from Zeke's POV, not Eren's. He'll remain a complete enigma until Isayama shows us what happened ten months ago and onwards.

Who says he died though? The chapter still hasn't dropped and there was an user with a really good theory regarding Zeke's power.
>Zeke being reborn in the titan is an asspull, but think about this: Xaver said all Subjects of Ymir are an "extension" of the Founding Titan's body. Since Zeke's spinal fluid creates a coordinate, his titans probably become an "extension" of his body. He can probably regenerate or survive as long as his "body" still exists and that's how he came out of his titan's stomach alive.

>Major cliffhanger as the two are about to battle once more, this time for real
Another cliffhanger where manlet winning is certain, yeah seems legit.

Wrong. Paths have been greatly foreshadowed in the uprising arc when its found out the coordinate can alter wipe memories but other races are immune to it

So where's the dialogue of Eren:
>4 years ago, I had my father's memory

>new batch of fanarts of Pieck
>with a ponytail
>and wearing a Paradise uniform

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Go read your capeshit comics, brainless Burgerman.

Isayama recycling, not the first time


>Zeke being reborn in the titan is an asspull
That's all you need to know about this, really.

Let me say this again. Xaver explained last chapter that Subjects of Ymir are an "extension" of the Founding Titan's body. Through his coordinate, Zeke's titan become an extension of his body. As long as a piece of his "body" survives, he can probably regenerate from that.

What is she saying? Rivai? My japanese is bad

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That scar though

Listen retard, there are definitely things he has an idea of, certain plot points, I'm not denying that. But he's very very obviously asspulling this, how much of a leddit fanboy do you have to be not to see it?

does Zeke is going to have a new outlook on life?

Eren's flashback through Historia's perspective would be kino. I'm hoping for something similar to Grisha & Dina's chapter.

Did he lose both eyes? Based Blindvi.

>"Rivai ?"

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>t. Burgerman
kys fanboy

Scarmanlet now.

It just means Ymir's words were more literal than we thought, man.

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Maybe when he's talking to Gabi

Is he completely fucking blind? I thought he just lost one eye

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>all these chapters just for manlet to get a cool scar
The forest felt so wasted

His eyes seem ok, look at the scar on his face, it didn't touch the eyelid.


>Slash on his right eye
>Blood coming out of his mouth and eyes
>Picies of metal on his face
He is fucked pretty bad.

zeke is fine bois

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That's a badass looking scar

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Please let him be dead

>Pieces of metal
Aren't those leaves?

So basically original Ymir Fritz being helped Ymir survive the second time and then she made Ymir go save BR cause she heard crying Bert and wanted to make porco a new titan to help her Eren protege get WHT, now original Ymir Fritz saved Zeke showing hi manother form of her cause his role is needed for Eren.
In before Eren real change happened exactly cause he talked with original Ymir Fritz memories and learned the truth of what it means.

Reminder that he can communicate with Hange using telepathy and Hange knows he is alive
Screencap this

His teeth look so small.

Oh nono nononono

Kek, not at all. All he did is adapt what he's doing now to some stuff he wrote earlier, but everything he wrote about paths recently is an asspull he came up with recently and it's fucking obvious

Actually, for someone who was sitting next to the explosion, is odd he is just relatively "fine". He should be deaf instead of blind. He also covered his face during the blast.

Thanks m8

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Except we dont know about death in the world and how paths can influence it. And that titans is an extension of himself with ymir's royal blood so they can explain it.

No, looks like shrapnel. He's bleeding from where they're embedded in his skin.

He will come back as new shifter fucking Marley side or his Ackerman titan experimental genes will kick in and he will start regenerate somehow.

No m8, that is metal, he went "Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain".

That titan*

Man he sure has a lot of Zeke’s blood on him! R-right guys?

Yeah, it's disgusting

Levi had a decent run in this manga, why would anyone be disappointed by him dying after all of his screentime?

Nobody expects a shitty hollywood happy end from this kind of story, right?

looks like a FaceApp edit...

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It can be metal, rocks, wood, anything, even a little branch could fuck him during the explosion.

blindlet pls

Spoiler that shit.

erenfags do

Because it was lame when Armin and Reiner got their asspull, was lame when Ymir died and got one panel, even Kenny's one was lame. And Manlet's one is too. Carla and Hannes got better deaths, even Dimo Reeves.

Punished "Venom" Manlet when?

Well, that's the point, Isayama doesn't glorigy deaths, so speaking about better or worse is futile.

Really? They expect him to save the world, maybe end up with Historia, but happy end? I don't think anyone's that delusional.

I'm ok with him dying. This just feels kind of unsatisfying so I hope he's not dead




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>maybe end up with Historia
>pretending that's not a happy end
EHfags are retards confirmed

>They expect him to destroy the rest of* the world
>but happy end?
>With his family
>"You are free"
What about that end isn't happy?

Hanji wouldn't tell them not to shoot Revai in the head, and wouldn't jump in the river with his body if he was dead. She was saving him of course.

they expect him to genocide the entire world, get the 9 titans, destroy the curse, liberate all the Eldians, marry Historia, become the new king and have tons of kids...just that...

If we are going to use shipping logic bullshit he can lose his eye and match Hans

Redpilling. She'll go with him instead of Pieck.

I wish there wasn't a LH rescue arc but there's gonna be one

They're going to give him the serum and have him eat the loli titan shifter

He looks like a fucking corpse how is he alive


>Ymirtrash talking to xirself again
No one said Eren would survive

He lost both eyes apparently unless they're covered in blood

>Zeke gets ressurected by goddnes Ymir herself to fufill his duty
>Comes out of a pregnant titan like some sort of god
>Reborn with his muscles shining and his mega cock taking away the attention of his followers from his nemesis
>Mogs everyone
>Skies stop raining and the sun comes out

>manlet lost fingers and probably a eye
>Bloodied with his own blood this time
>Laying down as rain falls on him
>Has to be (maybe) saved by falling on river
>Ugly undevelopted teeth

Zeke trully is a god.

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LH is literally becoming canon right in front of our eyes...

>Destroy the curse
>get the 9 titans
>become the new king
These ones aren't necessary. Maybe the 9 titans and the curse being destroyed, but he doesn't have to become a king.

>This just feels kind of unsatisfying so I hope he's not dead
None of the characters had satisying death scenes, Ymir died like a suicidal retard for plot change, Erwin died in shitty serumbowl so Armin could survive, Bert died like crying bitch, Marlo died after realising he likes Hitch, Sasha was a fucking bad meat joke comedy, some others characters died just cause they died, like Zackley, so it would be rather ok for Levi to die just from bleeing out, but we all know it won't be the end of him if they really escaped.

>Was given a cool scar

Oh no. Hangejob saying he was dead was all a ruse so she could escape with him

Pieck and Zeke rhyme
They are so sublime

Fingers? He lost an arm and a leg

Is it just me or has this manga not been good since the Clash of Titans arc

Eternal reminder that the island itself is a "Titan". The paths and Ymir changed its body structure and composition, proven by the materials that could only be found on Paradis. To whoever proclaimed this theory here you're absolutely right and I can't wait for the reveal

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How do they know he lost two fingers?

necessary for what?

Isayama took a strong influence in the Bible during the creation of his story that's very obvious specially when it comes to Zeke. Zeke made a reference to Jesus when Manlet stabs him with a thunderspear in the stomach, it's a reference to the Longinus Lance (it doesn't exist in the bible but Japaneses think that it appears in the bible).

>he is a literal god
Yelena was right all along

>blind AND lost his arm and leg
Based Zeke.

Breeds like him are prone to dental issues

We bionicle now

They have the chapter and we don't.

I doubt there will be one, if anything LH will retire from the story for a while (aka manlet is healing) and they will return later.

levi is best boy

what it ackermans can regenerate like titans? I know Kenny didn't, he just kicked the bucket, but there could be an asspull where he didn't have that unlocked or he was just too injured. But Revai is going to grow his eye back.

Piecks needs to be breed, Zeke is a cuck and won't do that...

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>Isayama took a strong influence in the Bible during the creation of his story
What? I initially thought it was rather Norse mythology.

Now we know why that dessert appears in the ending of SNK's second season. no kyojin ending 3

What arc was that? Probably just you, Yeagers are making this arc shine.

Necessary to resolve the problems at hand and get a "happy ending".

t. self-inserting manlet

We just don't know how severe his wounds may be. They may come out of the river and he still ends up dying

I was satisfied with all of those deaths though. Especially Erwins', just didn't like the mong wank that came with it

This his face looks almost as bad as Udo's

It is in Japanese. Revai.

Pieck will peg Zeke with a strap-on just like he wants to be punished. They are made for each other


Haha, look, it's nothing. He's fine, just a little disfigured, blind and crippled but if he doesn't drown or bleed out in the river he'll get his revenge as soon as Hanji build him a wheelchair with a bomb.

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Seriously: what if the fucking point of Gabo? Are we really going to see this character in every important event now? I swear she is just like one of those OCs from fanfics and games

>genocide billons
>happy ending

Oh shit.
He really did survive.

Correction: Levi is "declared" death by Hange.

There still possibility she did it to hiding him from Yeager faction.

>No Jean this chapter either
Too bad

Gabi IS the new MC. She's Eren's successor.

>He should be deaf instead of blind
Both is good.

fuck jean

I hope Ymir has enough sand to reconstruct that anus.

>that aesthetic scar instead of half his face missing
manlet 100% confirmed alive AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

i cant believe yamyam killed such a beloved character in such a beautifully anticlimactic way. its perfect

None of the shifters have plot armor. They're virtually unkillable. The only time we've seen a shifter get killed is when they get eaten by a titan.
Your entire shitty list should just list Manlet and maybe Armin because it didn't make sense how they picked him to live over Erwin.

Ymir bleached it, too.


Finally someone with good taste.

>a huge scar on his face
>huge chunks of shrapnel are on his face
Sucks to be Levi right now

>(it doesn't exist in the bible but Japaneses think that it appears in the bible).
He does get stabbed with a lance in the bible. The lance isn't named but he does get stabbed. Although it is not entirely certain whether he was already dead when stabbed or if the stabbing killed him.
But I think that theory is misplaced. The very foundation of the stabbing was to make sure that he was indeed dead, which is totally not what's happening with Zeke. Ironically, the last thing Levi was willing to do with that spear was killing Zeke. He stabbed Zeke to make sure he won't move and was certain Zeke would not take any risk with it.


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You can't feel anything when you're dead retard.

Zeke is keeping her away from his wine to prevent her from turning into his version of Mikasa.


t. reiner

Why not both?

i dont know levi getting blown up doesnt sit well with me not because i like the manlet or anything its just dumb that he would stand next to a bomb

But Zeke died.


>Hanji protected his "body" from a bullet aimed at his head
>won't let floch take the "body's" pulse
>escaped with his "body" in the river

Just enjoy the month believing he's dead. I enjoyed that 1 sweet month when Armin was.

gOdVi WiLl sUrViVe!

Attached: 54A4071A-A33F-4B82-91EF-A88DCC88C0E3.jpg (924x781, 173K)

Is that a faceapp edit?


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Yeah, I think that would be fun to see Eren's change through Historia's eyes, since they're definitely connected in some way.

I hope that old "Is Levi kill yet?" poster is still reading the manga.

There is a little of Norse mythology but to be honest it's much more weak than the biblical reference. The Bible is predominant as reference in this work.

*koff koff*

There are tons of different sources of inspiration for SnK.

>its just dumb
Welcome to Isayama's SnK plot after popularity had it way with it to make it longer by force.


That picture looks gay ass hell

Levi will be the next Beast Titan.

>The Bible is predominant as reference in this work.
Not really, whole Ymir Fritz and titans characters come from Norse mythology, not the bible.
The only biblicial thing might be Zeke being the Jesus in some characters minds and that's all.

Well he is not kill yet, so he has to keep asking next month.

>Attack on Titan is already at the point where fedora tipping low IQ sub-humans are analyzing it by going ''woah, dude, this is just like the bible''
Who invited these reddit sub-humans?

>He does get stabbed with a lance in the bible. The lance isn't named but he does get stabbed. Although it is not entirely certain whether he was already dead when stabbed or if the stabbing killed him.

It's very different because in the bible it was simply a lance but in the catholic mythology The Lance of Longinus is a mystical weapon able to kill God. Now details aren't important, it's a direct reference to The Bible and Jesus you don't to look for an absolute copy of the events to understand that it's a reference.

What a pathetic death.

No one was saying shit back in January. I'm actually baffled people are complaining now about him getting blown up.

After EHfags now we will get Biblefags.
Thanks Isayama.

>shipfaggotry retardation
>The Bible references

What /snk/ has become to our eyes


Manletwhales were super smug back than and didn't realize Isayama was just getting their hopes up. Now they're doing damage control.

You guys think Eren got a knife in his pocket? In the last page we don't see his hands.

Is it me or does Zeke have, according to the manga covers, gray hair while in the anime he has blond hair?

Attached: 1B2BA820-199B-4B16-AE18-7D5D5C7EC509.jpg (697x1043, 185K)

Maybe. Not like he needs a knife to get rid of Pieck, anyway.

>needing a knife to handle some crumb

he has the WHT powers he doesn't need a knife


he is an edgy faggot, of course he has one,

The last four years might have taken their toll on him. Either that or the anime changed the color palette again.

I mean, there's also that whole divine person named Christ(a) from two thousand years back.

>wet and loose hair Hanz next chapter

Attached: hanz.jpg (235x333, 19K)

Shifter AIDS does that to you. His hair grew from blonde to grey as the years went by.

But his question would finally be justified.

>Manletwhales workshiped manlet as some sort of god by calling him "Godvi"
>Zeke is the god
This is too good to be true.

Attached: 1544054622056.gif (512x512, 697K)

>lesbian tranny fujos recoil uncontrollably at any mention of christ
This thread is high IQ Yea Forums fags ONLY

>Levi blind on cover
>There is steam coming from his left eye.
Levi titan confirmed.

Attached: 1547222468941.jpg (255x278, 37K)

No one predicted Levi getting allahu akbared when Zeke first had the bomb attached to him, but the moment it was revealed that Zeke was a suicidal self hating zealot that wants to genocide his own people instead of being a LE EPIC MASTER PLANNER, Levi fags started bitching since they got tricked along with Levi about Zeke’s real personality

Zeke said it himself, him and Levi never really understood each other, and Levi dying to his his own trap summed that up perfectly

Based Zeke.

It has a Nordic name but everything about Ymir is a biblical reference, such thing as "God" an unique God doesn't exist in that mythology because there are many gods, there are continuous references to Crosses in the manga related to someone taken Ymir's place, and the idea of someone who dies/sacrifice himself to bring salvation or happiness to other people is a direct reference to Jesus.

The Devil doesn't exist in the Norse Mythology.

Ymir is related to Genesis when she appears with an apple given by the Devil.

Eldians are basically the Jews, and their divided kingdom is a reference to the separation of Israel in two different kingdoms, with Judah creating a separate kingdom of the other tribes (Jesus's/Fritz's lineage). The Clans of titans are a reference to the twelve tribes of Israel (Isayama used nine but the idea is the same)

Attached: 0066-011.jpg (1066x1600, 289K)

>Zeke literally resurrected

So manlet will be the blind one and not Hange?

On Yea Forums multiple people were talking about Zeke bombing himself and Levi.


No dice.
The gash in his face is telling us he will survive.
Also the spoilers about Hanji jumping into the river with him are true.
Manlet lives to see another day.

The absolute monkey madlad

That steam is coming from the who titan. He also had that steam when he was chasing Zeke in rts

I think his hair has always has been that color, the titan AIDS didn't took a toll on him since he seems fine(he still has 92kg, not bad for someone with 1 year left to live).

Extremely weak analysis

Yeah, he’s eaten by one of the Levi squad Titans and through paths gets to have a conversation with Ymir herself, and is reborn rather than the Levi squadman gaining the Beast Titan.

>inb4 Zeke broke the curse for himself

Seriously, how can anyone dislike this God amongst men?

Low IQ leftist trash like you always do this to anime. You have nothing interesting or smart to say, so you start pretending to be ''deep'' by drawing parallels between anime and a book you've never read.
You people are retards and should just go back to circlejerking over Evangelion, even after the author of Evangelion comes out and says that there are no biblical references, that they added crosses and shit because they thought it looked cool.
You ''people'' are braindead and you are not even Christians.

At first, I thought it was Levi's foot, but Levi is a bit further from Zeke. But it's a goddamn face.
There's a mouth and even a nose there

Attached: WHAT.jpg (607x469, 73K)

Not him but
The "zeke" in Ezekiel would be "Zeki" in romaji (ゼキ) in most languages. The english speaking people sometimes read it as "Ziki" though, (ジキ).
Our "Zeke" actually is "Jiku/ziku" (ジーク), which is the most popular Japanese pronunciation of the German "Sieg" (from Siegfried/ジークフリート). Nothing to do with Ezekiel at all regardless of the basis of the pronunciation.
Levi is the bible would be "Rebi" in romaji (レービ). But Manlet's Levi is pronounced "Ribai" (リヴァイ), which would be "Rivaille/Livaille/Rivaï/Livaï".

It makes the joke about Hanji pushing him down the stairs even better

>b-but... it's an extremely weak analysis


Kek. I mean he kinda is still. But it just wasn't what peoples headcanon expected it to be and got buttblasted because of it.

he's just pissing on someone's corpse

Someone PLEASE make a crying Levi version

Attached: 03E47C88-1087-490A-9F3D-3BAD839539E5.jpg (634x760, 98K)

The anime is year 850 right now, this cover's from 854 (his last year).

There's shrapnel still stuck in his face

That's just wrinkles in his pants.
It's his right leg.

There are several corpses on the ground.


>zeke and levi about to fight (1st chapter)
>zeke and levi fight, levi "wins" (2nd chapter)
>levi carries zeke away, zeke "wins" (3rd chapter)
>they're both alive and basically unscratched by this series' standard (4th chapter)


Based Isayama putting the faceapp memes in the manga.

Punished Levi when?

So seeing Zeke ressurection, can the original Ymir Fritz ressurect any shifter she wants just bu taking their mind from paths limbo and move them into titan shifter to assume control and be reborn from its flesh?
I'm more seeing it it's the original Ymir Fritz who was a real devil and bringing all shifters power together into one being will give her back the power to come in this world again.
Maybe the legend is wrong and that is the real reason they split the power over 9 individuals so it would never be whole again.
Zeke is the good guy wanting to eliminate Eldians and get rid of this shifter power from humanity, Eren is the Devil slave all along now who does original Ymir Fritz bidding through paths talks.

You are a man of culture and a scholar, user.

No you're just a brainlet

Attached: EW6f3mx.png (702x408, 470K)

Can't he just end it now. It's all filler.


>this took 4 months to reach this conclusion

>>they're both alive and basically unscratched
>Zeke died
>manlet is either criplet or blindlet


Ribai will never fight again, his face is fucked and he likely lost a hand and/or foot.

Levi is the intended spelling, Isayama named him after a kid from Jesus Camp.

Zeke winning is God's will.

I don't understand. All Zekefags were also Erenfags because they had some sort of plan to genocide the entire world except the Eldians because they projected themselves into man eating giants.
But even after being revealed that Zeke wants to sterilize his own race, you are still cheering for him.
What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing to support both Eren and Zeke?

115 ends with Zeke and Levi both alive, about to fight for the 4th time.

116 will end in cliffhanger with Levi almost killing Zeke

We learned Zeke, that's all...

I agree completely desu. Even if Levi really did die these chapters have been dragged out to shit for no reason.

>Faceapp can't detect his face
That is JUST beyond doubt

Wait are you saying Zeke is LITERALLY being (re)born via divine intervention and coming out from the belly of a woman who was affected by the powers of said god(dess) that despite not being a literal god was gifted by an actual deity?
Jesus christa, Yelena was right

Attached: Ymir and the devil.png (713x414, 225K)

>I’m a god, how can you kill a god?
>What a grand and intoxicating innocence!

Attached: 3B3DFAE6-C9A7-4117-8163-7A8964B06A4E.png (350x350, 164K)

>Zeke had actually fucked up and lost
>Manlet gives him a bomb
>Blows up
>Zeke wins
How can someone fuck up like this. What the actual fuck was going on in manlet's brain?

With Pieck.

See How can you not support a God?

Eldians are norse jews

Unnecessary filler

Seems like he lost just two fingers.

Zeke and Eren are both Ymir's chosen.

He is not smart. The series never implied otherwise.

Kek I tried to do it, just wait for good quality scans

What is Levi's IQ?

Pieck stabs one of the random Yeagerist guards in the throat and points her gun at Eren, thats the final page of chapter 115.

It's not about supporting Zeke, it's about wanting him to live so he meets Eren and gets blown the fuck out in a satisfying way. It's just the best way for the story to go.

Liking 2 out of the 3 good characters in this pile of shit

Am I the only one who stopped reading it when isayama added niggers?
Fucking SJW.

-3/10. He's a dog that needed Erwin to tell him everything to do.

>reiner and bertholdt panels when talking about AT and CT
>short lived mass murderers
>shifter lifespan coincides with the wall timeline
>zeke kino

>b-b-but he's making it up as he goes!
Based retard.

Levi is Levi. He was literally named after a Christian kid isayama saw in a documentary

I'm the Zekefag and I just love the BTFO they causes from time to time, and Zeke is just a joy to follow, you never know what this mad monkey will do next. Eren, I like the fact that he is "nuclear".

With Ereh

And? manlet is fucking irrelevant, dead or crippled the forest was a fucking waste of time. This is literally TwinPeaks S2 again, with fillers and fillers

>reading a manga that has sort of jews from the beginning

In before Historia pregnancy didn't come from Eren, it was original Ymir Fritz immaculate conception into Historia initiated by Eren and Historia joining hands and learnign the truth from original ymir through paths to get a proper body born from true Reiss when she will not need Zeke anymore.

>Battle IQ/street smarts

why is every single character in this manga CONSTANTLY making stupid decisions?

Godke confirmed.

Your right eren should just let marley and the world rape them like a good little cuck

>YHfag found a new excuse

I'm a christ though

just like people in real life you mean?

Eren and Pieck (plus Gabi) alliance soon.

You should have continued, then you would have killed yourself. Isamaya has made a pro diversity message in it.


Eren is my fav but i love Zeke for shitting on the manlet fujos.

Realistically when can we expect raws?

Armong's retardation aura caused permanent brain damage.

I support Eren and he's working with Zeke so I accept Zeke to some extent
ZE talk soon

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t. Brainlet

>Isamaya has made a pro diversity message in it.
you mean the Marleyans that poisoned them with the wine? not exactly pro diversity

In like 5 minutes max

Spelling =/= pronunciation.
And if the pronunciation is different then it's not the same shit. Just like how Read (present) =/= Read (preterit).
If the basis is a kid from Jesus Camp, then it's got nothing to do with Levi from the bible who has a totally different pronunciation.

Reiner's fw he saved Gabi but Gabi ran back to Eren when?

Can't wait to see this in Anime and see /pol/ seething at it

Imagine a chapter ago someone telling you that Zeke will survive cause original Ymir Fritz will come from paths to ressurect him in the belly of another shifter?
It seems everything is possible now with Isayama with a person who is an Eldian connected by paths.

It's up there, Isayama made him dumb now just for plot convenience, just like every other character in this fucking shit.


First Mikasa, then Yelena and Historia. Now Pieck. Who will be added to Chadren's harem next?

Ymir is the father via paths. Also, does not everyone see this world? Seems like both Ymir and Zeke can remember being there

Attached: 7786452311.jpg (1920x1090, 397K)

This desu. And it's even worse when you consider these 4 chapters had at least two atrocious asspulls (TWO literal "oh my loli unbirth/ackergene after I'm dead come back to life) and a shit lazy writing (I'll stand next to this crazy shifter and a bomb what could possibly go wrong?). What the fuck are you doing, Isayama? This arc is horrible, dare I say it, the worst up to date.

Attached: IMG_7664.png (468x379, 226K)

Except the kid from Jesus camp is a strict evangelist who was obviously named after Levi from the bible


idk man, he kinda handled everything in Uprising by himself and got none of his squad killed for once.

>Only a few released
>Many threads hitting max limit
>Brings back the hype
>BTFO of shit character and trannies
>Tumblr on suicide watch
>Turns out to be a god
>His GF ends the chapter
As expected, Zeke saved this chapter yet again.

Attached: 1491426340883.jpg (713x1035, 274K)


What's wrong with liking both Zeke and.Eren? I think everyone knows Zeke's plan won't end up happening but it's still a fun ride.

His "GF" is about to be raped by his brother

I'm here to see if Levi is finally dead or not

>Implying that's the only thing these last 4 chapters have been about

Levi/Zeke weren't part of 112 until the very end.

Chapter 113 was ~75% Levi/Zeke, true.

Chapter 114 was about Zeke's flashback (which has nothing to do with Levi) until the last 5 pages, that's not "a chapter dedicated to literally nothing", that flashback was crucial information and again, nothing to do with Levi.

And then you imply this upcoming chapter is going to be dedicated to Levi/Zeke when Levi is incapacitated and seems to only show for a couple of pages until Hange escapes with him and there's pages about other things in the ant leaks, including Zeke seeing fucking Ymir. How do you function in real life being this retarded? Did you just intentionally gloss over 3 quarters of the material between 112-115 to greentext with conviction that the mangaka focuses on 2 characters since the last volume?

He wasn't thinking clearly. Just think about it from Levi's perspective.
>Wow, this fucking asshole just lied to me
>Not only did he lie, but he turned my squad into goddamn titans as an escape tactic.
>Oh, and he also murked Erwin years ago.
>Yep, fuck this guy, I'm gonna make his remaining days alive an agonizing one

Basically, Levi was deadset on torturing the fuck out of Zeke. That bomb he strapped onto him was to keep Zeke in a complacently agonizing situation Levi's mistake was in underestimating Zeke's resolve. I don't think it was a matter of IQ difference. Levi couldn't have fathomed that Zeke would rather blow himself up. He didn't know about his ideals, and thought of him as just a cold blooded psycho that didn't care about anything and was only out for himself. He probably seriously thought that Zeke would try to bargain his way out of it instead.

I expect it to be the paths limbo/dimension where the Eldian souls go before passing into or from the world and where original Ymir Fritz is locked or where the source of all titans/life resides, but the only way to stay there in constant form is to have all Ymir fritz power in one, than just passing by.
In before every Eldian shifter soul remains in the path limbo to get collected and given body back on earth.

Is there any doubt this shit is /pol/ the manga, when the final confrontation is eren “literally hitler” Yeager vs zeke “eldian guilt” yeager

kek stupid fanboy. nothing you wrote makes sense.

It has been heavily implied that Eren is the father is this chapter.

He's not.

Cause they are entertaining. Thats like saying you have to dislike Joker just because you like Batman


>who was obviously named after Levi from the bible
Yes, my bad, I forgot that burgers and brits pronounces Levi as "Ribai". But he Zeke one is still off by a few thousand miles.

Chadren is best boy and did nothing wrong. Zecuck can fuck off and die (oh wait he already did.. nevermind)

I know it's too good to be true but I can hope

>Is there any doubt this shit is /pol/ the manga
Are you serious?

>stronk empowered womyn
>transgender AND transracial characters
>muh 6 billion eldians, evil white marley, etc.


>muh realism
Because to move the plot along Isayama can't find any other way than to force his characters to various displays of autism.

At this point it's a reference to Evangeliom.

>It has been heavily implied that Eren is the father is this chapter.
If you mean current chapter, no it wasn't.

This is fake la Isayama doesn't have the balls*cough*balls to do something like this to the most popular character *hack*

The Erwinfujos think this is not about making Armin save the day so all the characters got conveniently retarded

Ymir made a good choice.

Ye I agree, zeke is retarded when it is obviously sieg

>the mere presence of niggers in a work of ficition which has been focusing on large scale international conflicts makes said work of fiction SJW
What kind of braindead logic is that?

Reminder that Hitch is best girl

>he already did
And now he was remade by the loli god herself

Not really, it makes sense in context.
Grisha named him Sieg because he wanted him to bring "victory" to Eldia.

Nah, I'm evangelic. We are more chill about things, which is probably why we never make it in the new with our pastors molesting children.

This and EL is the canon endgame.

Here's the problem? They will double team her, Yelena would love to be on Pieck's place.

Eren's the father and OG Ymir is backing him up by reviving his bro so that he can execute his plan without having to touch his waifu. Let it go, user.


Animeonly here
did /ourguy/ manlet kick the bucket?



No but he got a cool scar

Most people in real life are just like you, user: brainlets who repeat the same mistakes over and over again with no chance of improvement.

Manlet is not and never was our guy.

Not yet

In the same sense that farmer is the father.

>adds on 1 unimportant black side character thats done pretty much nothing
>enough to make /pol/ fag triggered

How pathetic

he has a really cool scar now, provably blind

Dunno your theory makes as much sense as mine in current story where anything can happen and logic should not be involved at all.

>Not really, it makes sense in context.
>Grisha named him Sieg because he wanted him to bring "victory" to Eldia.
Nothing to do with the discussion at hand. People were saying that his name was based on Ezekiel when it actually is closer to Siegfried.

I can’t help you understand it if you’re a retarded brainlet. But again the central conflict of the manga has evolved into freedom vs eldian guilt. If you don’t see the parallels to modern society you are retarded

No one will reply to this post because it actually makes sense.

I know, user, I know.. isn't that just amazing? (sarcasm)

how come levi gets a cool scar his cool factor goes through the roof but if i got a scar like that in real life people would think im ugly :L

Gabo and Pii teaming up to defeat Eren?! Eren is done for.

Zeke is such a winy fag. I'm sick of all the antagonists just being victims of society and social reform shit. Its so tried and contrived. This series need a real villain that is just a all out evil bastard

He'll die of old age.

You have to be able to pull it off. If you're fat and live with your parents you're going to scare girls away. If you're a Chad who makes good money and isn't socially autistic you will get bitches left & right.

Maybe it only appears to the ones whose bodies actually died. Ymir was a mindless titan for decades so her original body must've been nonexistent by the time she ate Marcel, since according to Hanji's experiments there was no trace of human bodies inside the titans she'd dissected. In other words her body must've been made from scratch again, just like Zeke's.

You have to be good looking before you get the scar

we know for sure that he has a huge gash all across the side of his face, and huge ass chunks of his sword rammed into the other side.

because you're a 3DPD

With Hans mouth around his dick

Yep, that's how I saw the entire thing last month.

Granny Tranny Blowie Joey

There’s too many questions. Did he actually get resurrected or did he just have a PATHS vision while he recovered? Was using that titan belly thing part of his plan or did Ymir take control of that titan and do that to save him?

Ymir in the ant leaks also looks like Historia. I wonder if that means anything storywise and if Zeke will meet Historia at some point

>Underestimating your enemy's resolve and making assumptions about them based on your prejudices.
That is what makes Manlet so retarded. He has only himself to blame for his death. Zeke did nothing wrong.

Yeah, Eren.

Honestly, if no one tends to his wounds I don't see him surviving for long, even if Hange somehow manages to escape, and even then. He can't regen so if his internal organs are all messed up too he's kinda fucked.


>just like Zeke's.
Was Zeke that heavily injured? He still at least looked in one piece in the previous chapter.

Zeke did everything wrong

>He has only himself to blame for his death
delete this


>the guy with regenerative powers won't blow himself up and pull himself back together
Yeah, no, it's an IQ difference.

Hanji: "Levi, you're dying!"
Levi: "I have some titan serum. Restrain Zeke and turn me into a Titan. You lot get out of here."
Hanji: "You intend to become a titan shifter to save your own life?"
Levi: "Yes. It's a disgusting thought, but I've got no other choice."

He didn't actually pull himself back together. He fucking died there and if it weren't for him being the chosen one he'd be still dead.

Probably around 110 at best, nothing to write home about.

>I can't argue back! Oy vey!

I just caught up with the manga and I'm confused how people can support Zeke if he wants to kill his own people

Except Zeke and manlet are on different places and the serum would be made of Zeke's cum.

Attached: btfolet.png (417x500, 126K)

>>stronk empowered womyn
>>transgender AND transracial characters
>>muh 6 billion eldians, evil white marley, etc.
I don't know anything about the first two and I've been reading since the start.
As for the last one you could easily see it the other way around:
>muh marleycaust, evil white eldians, white guilt, neutered nation still being asked for reparations, etc.
You just chose not to.

I count a lot of pieces. In any case half of his torso as well as his arms were gone.

Attached: IMG_9109.jpg (750x978, 400K)

his 'people' are literally devils



It wasn't the black group who did it but evil white people

Missing the metal attached to his skull, but that looks good.

>buying into Marleyan propaganda
Good goyim.

Why adding niggers in the first place?
Why making a message like "god wanted diversity"?

just ignore that brainlet, he is too dumb to see that the climax of the manga is shaping up to be fighting for your own people's freedom vs. genociding your own people bc your ancestors 'did bad things'

>its now a wojack edit thread

pictured: totally not devils

Attached: prankster titan.png (660x685, 662K)

>We finally get the actual Ymir (blonde haired white loli) as a character.

>This mentally ill turd will STILL try to shill his stinky brown tranny "Ymir" into the thread.


Attached: 1551708975797.png (479x562, 251K)

He may be the mastermind

ymir fritz is historia and eren daughter in a time loop

Because the marleyean army is made up by different nation around the world thats why.

Are you retarded

Fake ymir is dead user, get over it

If she somehow gets revived for a third time, you can confirm a shitty asspull

Who are you quoting?

I don't know why you have to be so triggered over something as trivial as two-three irrelevant characters being black in a world where different ethnicities coexist just like ours. Boyegapon's lines about God were just meant to explore the concept of belief in a higher power and the possible purpose of said higher power, and to highlight Yelena's seemingly diverging opinion on the matter (which actually gets brought up again this chapter where she compares Zeke to a divinity meant to rescue the world).


>I wasn't able to marry you yet
Not like it would even matter in this huge asspull fest

>Fake ymir is dead user, get over it

That's the official new name.

>Zekefag think this is hype
You know how I can tell you're new?

Fuck Armong and fuck Manlet

Attached: 1525776335910.png (902x1300, 518K)

And again, no proof Isayama is into linguistics or etymology. He gets his influence from basic social media, as tv shows, movies, comic books and so. Even the Norse names came from some general knowledge than from a deep scholarly study.

Manlet keeping Zeke alive for the sake of humanity proves he was always a humanityfag.

Huh? You mean he's not named Levi because of the pants?


I already raged and screamed now all I can do is laugh.

Someone post all the retarded plans manlet came up with. Didn't he want to attack Marley's harbor again?

He should have been the one to get the titan

Attached: lol.jpg (1066x1600, 435K)

Eren showed more inntelgence and quick thinking on the feet more than manlet ever did. Even when he was a rageturd.

Now do Hangi

So what, the original Ymir is asspulling Zeke alive just to help with Eren's crazy ass plan? Is this a lose flag for them?

>it's taken a third of a year for FUCKING NOTHING

>An Ass Pull is a moment when the writers pull something out of thin air in a less-than-graceful narrative development
So, Yeah Eren turning into a titan and controlling them are asspulls.
You're supposed to leave some clues to it before it happens to not be considered an asspull, doesn't matter if it has a great explanation later.