Katekyo Hitman Reborn ?

yo that's one of my favourite animes, anyone else ever watched it before ?

Attached: katekyo_hitman_reborn.jpg (388x567, 49K)

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A KHR thread on Yea Forums? How rare. Posting best boy

I fucking loved KHR, OP. It was my favorite anime for like a good six months when the manga was still running, also remember when the anime started airing and it blew up for a bit. I know quite a few people got into it.

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Didn't it turn into shit because in every arc, Tsuna would reset into his cowardly personality despite all the badass moments he's had?

reborn was popular online when it was running, so alot of people here have probably read it
basically it was the ending where he doesn't change at all or make any any progress outside his combat ability that pissed most people off

It was one of the first anime I ever watched. It was very comfy, even the fillers. Varia arc was based even though it went to shit later on. Now I kinda want to watch it again.

I watched and read through it all. God damn it is bad, but fuck I don't regret it at all.

I thought the ending was that he did in fact change since he tried to save Haru while he was in the middle of I WANT TO FUCK KYOKO mode. He is still more or less a spineless coward though.

I’ll bite you to death user.

The ending was rushed, not sure why though? Either the author was sick or the series was about to get axed I guess. It's interesting because it looked like the author was setting up for the next arc after Tsuna and the gang inherited their Vongola X gear and they all got huge power-ups. But the ending just has Tsuna continuing to go to school and Reborn still living with him. Seemed like nothing really changed. Tsuna just had a lot of friends now, but that was it.

Just felt like a really forced or rushed ending.

Attached: Tsuna X Gear 2.jpg (407x600, 56K)

I enjoyed the first season

rushed for sure but that doesn't excuse how poor the ending was, Tsuna could've at least accepted that he's the boss of the Vongloa since we already know he eventually will

i heard that there's another arc with a black arcobaleno on manga tho, probably they just couldn't afford to keep the anime going or got bored of it, the last few arcs weren't really that hyped tho

Hmm I read the final chapter of the manga and and even had the typical send off like "Look forward to so and so's next work!"

So it was officially over.

do it i dare you

Yamamoto :(((((

This shit was my gateway Anime. It was my first experience with a lot of the common tropes in Anime and it will always hold a special place in my heart. Shame about the manga's ending though.

the manga goes on for quite abit after the anime actully, with an arc before the on you're talking about that introduces earth based counter parts to the flames the protagonists use

can we share some love to edgy cool man plz ?

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damn, i haven't read the whole manga, this makes me wanna do it

I remember him becoming more mature once they went to the future.

Fucker never even bitten anyone to death.

We never officially saw or met future Tsuna. We don't know exactly what he was like per say. Fuck the author for that. Most people just assumed he looked like Primo but with brown hair. Primo was fucking sexy, so you know Tsuna grew up into a hunk.

Attached: Future Tsuna.jpg (225x350, 31K)

"present" tsuna is already hot tho ???????????????

Are you talking about Bermuda? The Arcobaleno arc is great arc, but I'm still bitter about the ending

I never said he was ugly, but if you think his future self wouldn't be hotter than you're blind.

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Yeah, after the future arc would've been the perfect time to actually have him grow and accept his place as boss but nope, he's still a bitch.

God damn the future arc was good though.

As a big fan of the series I must say my favorite arc was actually the Varia arc at the beginning of the series. The fights against the Varia were great and I enjoyed seeing Xanxus and Tsuna's battle. Of course the Future arc was my second favorite arc.

The future arc was just so massive in scope. There was tons of character growth, tons of great fights, tons of new characters and tons of interesting things introduced. All just thrown away when they got back.

for some reason only the girls in my class watched this, fucking fujos

It was pretty good, my only complaints arethat it starts really slow, ending was pretty shit and the babies while the curse was broken stayed babies and have to age naturally.

Why edLIVE is so shitty compared to KHR?


rofl, fujoshis gon' dominate this school

Sorry man its been years

>How rare

They happen every few months. Which is fine.

Get to reflect on on the wasted potential.

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>Every few months

user. That is like 3-4 threads a year. That's horrible.

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Could of been One Piece Jr.

Using the Mafia as a skeleton for the plot easily sets it up for a World traveling shenanigans. You could set up arcs in Italy, China, the States, etc...

But Amano decided to go to the future and killed the series.

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So we can all agree Chrome was best girl, right?

No, that would be Haru

how did the future arc kill the series, when in ran for a couple years after that?

Fights, concepts, powerups = 8/10.
Plot and everything else = garbage rarely seen in manga and anime.

Vindice were easily one of the most visually striking group of antagonists I've seen in any anime or manga. At least before they took off their bandages and were revealed to be a bunch of ugly zombies

Attached: The_Vendice.png (1280x720, 453K)

This shit was my favourite thing for a lot of time. Had a nice OST, anime was mostly animated poorly but somehow still delivered. Manga got rushed to shit tho at the end. I also don't remember if it overpandered to fujos. Still it's better then Bokuck no hero.

This series has so many characters that could have been something that was immediately forgotten. There are plenty of more important characters that never got fully fleshed out either, it feels like a lot of wasted potentials

I hope Verde gets birthday art this year. Amano keeps forgetting him...

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Yamamoto running full speed into a wall was probably the nastiest loss in the series

This was whole manga's highest point. The pinnacle of so bad that it's good comedy.

As a huge Yamamotofag that shit pissed me off so hard. Talk about taking a BIG L, holy shit. At least he got his revenge, so it worked out, but seeing Yamamoto go all badass mode and act like he was going to destroy that dude and than hit the wall...damn.

>plenty of more important characters that never got fully fleshed out either

Amano should of fleshed out Hibari more.

Attached: Hibari-katekyo-hitman-reborn-10339705-281-800.jpg (281x800, 48K)

Reborn was the smelliest turd in Jump that you read to laugh at how bad it was. Like Naruto or Bleach but with sexy lips on everybody.

The manga was pretty good, one of the best shifts for gag manga to battle shounen that I have seen in a while. It peaked at the ring battle and was looking like it was going to stay on track in the future arc. Too bad it jumped the shark at the end of the future arc. It was still fun but the ending was pretty weak. It would have been nice if Tsuna just nutted at took on the title as the tenth.

Attached: Reborn 14.jpg (800x1175, 319K)

I know nothing about this show except for it's soundtrack, because Toshihiko Sahahi is a god tier.

>Plot and everything else
The plot was for a battle shounen fine.
The biggest problem was there was barely any structure in it. Characters and motivations are brought up and dropped pretty quickly.
If this manga had a better layout, after it changed to battle shounen it would have been great.

I fucking hated it back then and still do today. It's legitimately one of the most boring shonens I had the horror to experience. I remember at the time when there were pictures of Tsuna looking COOL AS FUCK on every forum. I thought this manga had to be the tightest shit ever with a based protagonist

How wrong I was. At least the arcobalenos were nice

Why did we only see him once. Was he too overpowered bros?

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seems so, he was cool as fuck

He was too chad.
The actual payoff of Lambo was quite an disappointment but in the end, so were many things.

Actually if i remember correctly he was. Wasn’t every single other timeline’s vongola family killed. Meaning he’s the sole survivor of that timeline which is why he said “seeing my friends faces again makes me want to cry”

the Vongola was wiped out for sure, that doesn't mean everyone died though

Also here's the 15th Vongola boss, it was a poster or something in a very special shone jump way back called Jump vs or something

Attached: Vongola 15.jpg (639x876, 194K)

I fucking loved the anime and then the manga, which I started reading in a second moment.
I never got to finish it for some reason. I'm sure if I read it again today I'd find it a lot less appealing, and all its flaws would jump out on me. The story and the premise were really cool and well played out though. There wasn't a single character I truly disliked, it was an excellent series overall, but maybe that's also because it happened at the right timing in my life.

What is Amano up to these days?

eldive, it's a space patrol sort of manga that got an anime a few years back, I didn't bother finishing it but this little ova came out of it so that's nice

Should have ended after the Varia arc. That was the peak for KHR.

Seeing the KHR boys and girls in new animation sequences waswarms my heart somehow.

Man that was my childhood and one of the reasons why I got into anime.

I met a girl at a comic shop once who was super into this. She thought I looked like Yamamoto because he's blandest looking guy in the whole series and wanted me to ERP with a Gokudera cosplayer while she watched.

Did she also wanted you two to make out?

Yes. She's the reason why I know the terms uke and seme.

And who was suppose to be uke?

Haru a best

Me. She had entire scripts written out and everything. The other guy was a complete orbiter and only went along in the hopes that she would put out some time.


my first anime crush
him, and itachi uchiha

Lambo as a concept was fucking amazing, just casting your older self to beat the shit out of anyone who messes with you. Too bad Lambo was a little shit.

>ran for a couple years after that?
>there were 130 chapters after the future arc
Huh...somehow I didn't remember that. That's like 2 1/2 years though

>animated Gokudera cigarette
I can die now.

Chrome a best.

Attached: Chrome_by_Dark_Ira.jpg (1620x2324, 457K)

That's not otona I-Pin

Listen to the Stereo


Am I the only person who actually liked it better as a gag manga than when it went full battle shounen? I liked the Mukuro arc and the Varia arc also, but the Future arc just dragged on for so long and lost my interest about halfway through. I never finished it and I heard the ending was shit so I didn't pick it back up after that. It just felt like it lost its soul.


Vongola-Simon in 60s New York? Hell fucking yes

hey remember when ReboCon was full like 6 times including once in Taiwan
remember when every cosplayer under the sun did khr (amano art and design fucking nice)


>gained a new family to expand on with all the lore
>acrobaleno curse broken, hype for more adult reborn, or at least teenage reborn
>implied acceptance of neo primo
>possible inheritance ceremony with no fuckups
>possibly more rival families after ascension
>suddenly dropped
>threw away tsunas development in the last chapter
>left it on a friendship cliche

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I am not a fan of gag manga in general, I always find Japanese """humor""" too forced. So I had to drag through first 40 or so chapters until Varia arc where things finally got interesting.

How and why

no idea man, it's a really weird choice for just one image, you think she would've drawn Tsuna or something

My favorite track.

Attached: 601320.jpg (2910x2000, 860K)

Nothing will ever top this piece of art.

Fuck i miss this series, we need a fucking adaptation of the last arc.

The best track*

Maybe for its 20th anniversary they'll do a remake but you have to wait 5 years.

Lambo was so gritting that it was hard to enjoy at times. I also wish the female characters weren't so useless.