Is there a worse type of character/MC?

Is there a worse type of character/MC?

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I never liked this one.

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What kind of MC is this? The "lazy nihilist but is super intelligent"?

a.k.a "literally me" MC.

Ah, and so now it all makes sense. No wonder so many weebs love that character type.

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actually yes, there are way worse like pic related.
I'd rather have one thousand Kyon and Araragi clones than a single no personality spineless tard.

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MCs that shriek like a retard when confronted with any kind of intimacy.

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but all of the characters literally make fun of Hachiman's "loner" lifestyle.

This faggot, I don't really see the appeal of Rito as a MC. They literally made him the only decent guy in all the universe.

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I would hate him less if he actually put his dick to good use

You mean better

I enjoy their intelligence, nihilism and wicked sense of humor.

The real LONER CHAD coming trough laughing at those half assed edgy loner.

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Out of these 4 who is the best though

So what was his problem? Was it Aspergers?


user, you don't need sex to be a "decent" harem MC. Just look at Tsukune from R+V, he went from an useless human like Rito to a fighter on his own.

>Be a Loner MC RomCom
>actually doesn't give a fuck about his surrounding except limited amount of necessity
>don't let anyone influence his goal and interrupt his loner life style
>actually a chad both in physical and brains so no one has feet to disturb his loner life
>Enjoying every part of his Loner life and ready for it consequence
>even character around him interested in him, still doesn't give a fuck
>every action he took is made in mind to make everything as efficient and independent as he can, and not involving others or make him involved to other.
>after long series spand several year, still truth to his loner lifestyle and not regretted, not even one bit!
>still don't give a fuck and life his life to the fullest

is there any other character as based as him?


How about from useless human to a confident, literal alpha, and badass who onvinced a god of destruction to go with his plans for the greater good, but ultimately to be with his waifu even if it meant becoming an enemy until his plan is achieved?

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Kyon? actual loner? don't make me laugh.

The main character from accel world has to be the worst lol


Fuck you Oreki is cute

he doesn't have any problem. he happy with his life and doesn't want to change and let anyone change that.

>Is there a worse type of character/MC?
Yes, Dyke female MC

Sota from Re;Creators is the worst.Any other generic MC would've saved the show.

>Yea Forums suddenly likes dense beta MC

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He didn't have a harem like Rito just because he was nice tho, still trying to read the novels but knowing that Shana is a Tsundere like Louis kills my interest.
Maybe one day

>probably has the 'tism or something similar
>no friends
>people don't like him that much
>gives no fucks because he knows he's the fucking best
I wish I could be this guy.

Top right easily, he isn't your typical self insert character. When you think you have everything figured out about him he shits on your face.

This but unironically. Sota fucking sucked.

How did you get 4 different pictures of me?

Chadgami is based

Trying to figure out what connection you see between these 4.

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Really, I don't care about the archetype so long as the main character is

a) Not supremely overpowered
b) Not a complete buffoon that no one should have any reason to like
c) Has a discernible personality that doesn't begin and end with "I like girl/fighting/sport/otaku hobby"

Granted, that knocks out.... 95% + of MCs. Seriously, though, is it that hard to make an MC that is flawed, but not so flawed that they belong in a padded room to protect them from themselves?

>You will never see this animated.

Why live?

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Oreki is asexsual

I prefer Kazami Yuuji

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I don't remember that in the ln...

Nothing is worse than this motherfucker

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Same. Good on ya.

(you) user :^)

But Touman is based

None of these guys are similar though.
The whole point of the series is to prove how wrong he is with everything he does, just because some fans glorify him as “based 8man” doesn’t mean the series actually depicts his self destructive and pointless actions in a positive light. Realizing this makes the way you look at this character completely different.
Best character of these four by a long shot. He seems to be this lazy “too cool for school” guy at first glance but it becomes pretty apparent early on that he’s tired of living a gray and boring life, so he keeps letting himself get reeled in by Chitanda. He was also never actually bitter about other people’s social lives, nor is he really opposed to talking to people. He’s really nothing like Hachiman at all.
Don’t really follow classroom of the elite or anything but I’m pretty sure this guy is a sociopath or something. He’s fucked up in the head and thinks other people are tools so he can win, as far as I remember. Dunno if he’s slightly different in the novels or changes later on but either way he’s nothing like these.
Araragi clone.
See they’re all different.

50% have a giant dick. I can't relate to that.

And of course Nisio, once again, turns a trope on its head, creating an actually great character via Boku.

But Sakuta isn't an Araragi clone. He's a failed, disfigured, liable to die within hours of popping out of the petri dish clone.

>type of character
>implying they arent all the same person which is me

Who's the bottom left mc and what anime does (s)he come from


No, the "punished gamer" MC

Fuck that anime, fuck that MC, fuck that shitshow, fuck them all

Dyke MC, Moeshit MC

>Goddamn 50% man
I bet you like those beta MCs who takes crap from one-dimensional tsunshits all the time.

Yea Forums wants more shitty leads like Mirai Nikki MC.

The "I have no personality and just do tsukkomis and cold one liners at every turn to hide it." kind.

>an emo MC who's so emo that he thinks it's impossible for a nice girl to like him
>a genius chad MC
>lazy butt MC who lets himself get dragged around by a good-for-nothing moeblob
>literally who
Neatfreak beta MC

That anime was trash. Shit MC, shit female lead, shit story. That side character action girl was its only saving grace.

The "nice girl" turned out to be not a nice girl, after all.

This is a good one. If only the manga translation wasn't so fucking behind...

Oh right, this guy! He's the king of loners.

I was going to post Yuuji pre-Final as an example of a worse type of MC.

That's Yea Forums's Elite Four, hipster.

ayanokouji is weird in the novels. he's mostly 'muh tools' but he also romanticizes normal human relationships in his monologues and also regularly hangs out with his groupies for the sake of it. i'm not sure whether this is some brilliant subversion of the machiavellian type character or just horribly inconsistent characterization

Is this gin no sagi mc?

Top right felt like satire which made it fun, but bottom right was just boring and washed up. I enjoyed hachiman and oreki, but I didn't watch oregairu s2 because it became what it was mocking.

Nobody ever made fun of Geralt of Rivia for doing this.

It always irks me that these guys are supposed to be super anti social and unpopular while simultaneously hanging out exclusively with the most beautiful women around.

The point of Ayanokouji is that he wants to have a normal life but his upbringing have twisted his mindset that he is unable to think like a normal person.

Yugami-kun is genuinely one of the most cleverly-written MCs I've ever read. But you know pic-related is going to happen eventually.

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Why the actual fuck do people jerk off 8man so much. The dude is autistic and got burned from getting rejected ONCE so now he acts like some kind of social mastermind who can read the behaviors of his classmates like a bunch of predictable rats in a maze. He then proceeds to cry like a bitch after "something something genuine"

The amount of people misinterpreting Hikigaya is fucking embarrassing.

t. Edgelord

I want an MC that is aromantic and asexual like me.

I idolize 8man so much. I apply makeup every morning so that my eyes look like those of a dead fish. God I look so cool.

Top right isn’t a self-insert though.

This may be pedantic but Yuuji was never human, he was always a flame.

>good humored pessimism
>no future
>compulsively plays advocate for the devil
>mildly a prick
>a relatively decent person
He's literally what the average Yea Forums user actually is.

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But at least it was fun

Regardless of MC's personality, you just don't like the fact they are all highschool MCs doing stupid shit and making drama over nothing.
The problem is, if that's the case, why are you watching cartoons made for highschoolers? Aren't you a little too old for that, user?

>Best character of these four by a long shot. He seems to be this lazy “too cool for school” guy at first glance but it becomes pretty apparent early on that he’s tired of living a gray and boring life, so he keeps letting himself get reeled in by Chitanda. He was also never actually bitter about other people’s social lives, nor is he really opposed to talking to people. He’s really nothing like Hachiman at all.
This, I don't get why people keep including him in these when he's not edgy at all. I guess it's his generic MC hair, or maybe it's to make me mad.

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I think it's because of the fact that a handful of anons relate to him or at least their interpretation of him.

Holy shit this, rewatched that show after getting some experiances with girls and holy fuck it was annoying

Anime MCs suck

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yeah because geralt is actually an interesting and well written character unlike those guys

>just talk to people bro its fun
>just go to party bro its fun
>just have sex bro its fun
>just be normal brooo

Normalfags need to leave forever.

The expectation for good writing in video games is even lower than anime.

>I don't have any friends so whatever
>but hey, a girlfriend isn't technically a friend so I can probably have that


Are they even characters?

They're me so I guess not.

>Create Harem protagonist
>Tons of girls to choose
>Ends up with the boring main girl because she was there first
Fuck this bait shit

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Ayanokouji blatantly undermines this cliche though. The story makes no attempt to hide the fact that he is a completely exceptional person, you’d have to be extremely delusional to think he’s “literally me”.

He isn’t just highly intelligent, he’s a straight up fictional Lelouch/Light level genius. He’s not just anti-social, he is a straight up psychopath, and he isn’t a lazy nihilist, he is an incredibly ambitious and motivated nihilist. His character literally pokes fun at the trope you are talking about.

I agree with this user. Putting 50 percent with these guys is a disservice. To add to this in the novel at least he isn't even that emo and broodish. Hes actions are justified in the context of the show, unlike a normal highschool standing out too much will make you a huge target in universe.

Pic related and Decuck are the worst I've seen at least.

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males in general are terrible characters

I only see literally me 4 times. How is this a type?


not getting too many fish in your thread huh

So a gary stu self insert then? That’s even worse.

What do you think about author's self insert MC?

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No, because he’s not actually a good person whatsoever. He’s a deranged cunt that manipulates people.

Geralt loses al his character every time he sees a pretty girl

>Koyomi and Kaiki
>Eikichi Onizuka
>Sousuke Sagara
Problem is that the formula for SoL these days demand for a forgettable protagonist so that the girls that sell the PVC figures shine better.

I have no idea how many times I've seen someone call themselves or a character a "nihilist", when in fact they're just "hedonist".

Gary Stu’s would give up their bus seat to the eldery, 50% is a Chad who would sooner make geriatric leeches stand on the bus than give up his seat.

>anti-social loners are hedonists
uh what

Thing is that Nihilism implies "no value". as literally nothing you do, not even yourself. Most people who claim to be nihilistic show a lot of narcissism, interest in personal hobbies, etc.

That highschool kid who stays in a corner away from the crowd that dislikes loud people and doesn't go to parties isn't "anti-social", he's just introverted. That weird guy who just threw a rock at someone who insulted him with light banter, causing major injury, and questions with a genuine expression "what did I do wrong?" when he gets arrested is an antisocial. Anti-social refers to complete lack of empathy or understanding of basic social norms.

He’s still pretty much an oniisama tier wish fulfillment character though.

Sure I wasn't implying a loner has to be a nihilist, but it was weird that you would call someone unsociable a hedonist, which is more a less a normalfag in spades
I'm not taking this seriously though. This is a bait thread after all

The difference between normalfags and unsociable people is their interests in life, but they have the same aimless, shallow take in life.

In terms you'd understand, someone who spends all his free money in anime, figures and videogames is little different than someone spends all their free money in alcohol, parties and hard drugs.

>wish fulfillment

This is probably the single dumbest critical buzzword on Yea Forums. There is literally nothing wrong with wish fullfillment, the vast majority of fictional stories in any medium are wish fullfillment. LOTR is wish fullfillment. Subverting the audience’s wishes without some underlying message purely for the sake of contrarianism does not make a story better or smarter.

Yes, 50% is “wish fullfillment” in the sense that he usually succeeds brilliantly in his plans and the audience obviously wants him to succeed, but his motives for wanting to succeed are mysterious and largely different from the audience, and that’s what makes the story compelling. He’s an unreliable narrator. The audience and him inadvertently align in their wishes because the audience are normal people who root for normal things, while 50% is a sociopathic genius trying to appear normal to the people around him so it naturally follows that ends up fulfilling the audience’s wishes while not actually giving a fuck about the audience or anybody besides himself for that matter. The audience more or less wants him to succeed because 1) it helps his classmates and 2) it’s makes the story entertaining. If there is a self-insert in the story, it’s his classmate Suzune who is completely sympathetic and observes 50% through much the same lense as the audience.

It bothers me

Satoshi is the edgy character in Hyouka

So are female characters though.
They're not excused because you want to fuck them.

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I hate Hachiman from yahari
>hurr durr no girl likes me I am such a misanthrope
>Yui, Yukino, and others want his D badly and he is a nice person for the most part

Get the fuck out of this board.

I hate underdog characters who NEVER evolve past them being underdogs and grow out of their flaws. Like Naruto.

Also Accel world is a sin on humanity.

Rumiko's protags are the worst protags.

Every one of these characters is different. Except maybe the bottom right faggot as I don't know him.
But I already said it in the previous thread yesterday.

I feel personally attacked here. What the fuck is your problem?

Fuck you Ataru is great and funny

I agree, except Ranma because tits.

>amerimutts see average introverted japanese guy as super intelligent nihilist

The best MCs are female MCs who are not Mary Sues and have believable flaws.

>Literally me
Better known as redditgami these days

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Why does it bother you that someone smart would be lazy or unmotivated?

What the fuck does this have to do with anything?

Having a bit of that in your MC is good though, as long as he has other aspects.

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Nah, ataru is based and so is Maison Ikkoku's main male character.

Hachiman is in the closet. Does that count?


>hachiman is in the op for worst character
>you say its okay if you have something else
>hachiman wants to bend over Totsuka
Is that enough of enough aspects to make him a good mc?

everyone in their school wants to bend over Totsuka though, even the girls

only makes him worse honestly. totsuka is a shit character.

that's what happens when the author takes a joke and turns it into a "character"

Amen, he's a treasure.
I don't think we'll ever be friends guys. What the fuck?

You're watching with your dick. Totsuka is nothing but a joke character.

>You're watching with your dick
I don't have any other techniques.

Queen Handa disagrees

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Male MCs are better

This. Female MC's confuse my peepee. When the MC gets herself some dick am I getting bent over or am I the dick? Self-inserting gets really gay real quick.

Damn, gotta admit that's literally me. Gamer, insanely intelligent (159 IQ), nihilistic and a sarcastic sense of humor.

This unironically

Because they don't deserve to get better grades and succeed more than others while working less than most.

Yuuji is based

This is a blatant case of contrarianism , the only reason opinions like this are popping up is because these mcs are becoming more popular .

World works based on merit, no? If they can reach the standard with less effort, who cares?

Which anime is bottom left?

I hear people say gary stu so much but what does it even mean



Geralt like Hachiman complains alot, hides behind his "code" out of convenience and has a snarky personality. People call him a disgusting freak even when he helps them. A raven haired woman that is equally as snarky as his lover.

The only thing is Geralt never dwells on the past and he keeps moving forward, no matter what.

Fucking faggot with a daddy complex. Both him an Taiga were so unlikable. Why is this garbage supposed to be the greatest love story ever told again?

Hachiman has no lover though

He is in love with Yukino, though.

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This type of MC

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doesn't mean that she feels the same though


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Yukino prefers stoic outcasts, though.

she just grabbed onto him because she was about to fall over. what's the big deal here?

That's because you have autism, YPF.

I'm sure she would be angry and disgusted if someone calls her that.

She wasn't disgusted or angry when people thought she was dating Hachiman.

Are you fucking kidding?

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Shinji is the best MC in anime, fag.

MC's like him are a lot worse

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>Shinji the best MC
Haha, good joke.

she was uncomfortable though, wasn't she?

She was blushing and flustered, not angry or disgusted. Can you not tell anime emotions?

There is no better developed or explored MC in anime.

She left the room when her classmates were asking her about it.

Maybe you have only watched 5 anime at most, newfag.

Again, her emotions were different than those of the rumors of her and Hayama.

Please, the less anime you have watched is almost a direct correlation to how much you hate Shinji, unless you only watch battle shounen.

I'm not the user you were replying to, though. I don't hate Shinji, but I don't think he's the best MC.

Kiyopon is nothing like the others

hyouka, its okay
basically pic related

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>when people thought she was dating Hachiman
When was this? Is this from the Christmas extra when Tobe saw them together?

Who would you say is better?

The annoying useless crybaby

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just picked it up and it's pretty based

Sakuta was more likable than the others to me

No, during the Kyoto trip. Remember when the Yukino fan club was giving Hachiman strange looks?

he said spineless MC not ChadMC claiming his waifu in front of her father while lifting his 2 tons ballsack

Oreki is really interesting though because he really highlights an average guy: he is outwardly unassuming while in reality always waiting for an opportunity to become someone special, a main character. Oreki gets confronted with that and gets burned hard in a grounded way. He then proceeds to overcome it and actually pinpoint bits of specialness he possesses and integrates it in his life. That specialness isn't that profound but acknowledging it actually makes him much more humble because he disregards an infinite theoretic specialness for small genuine one. Well, he doesn't do it in words but in his actions after a certain point he doesn't think twice about using his deduction skills.

Oreki is far more interesting in the meta-narrative of Hyouka as a reference to Sherlock Holmes.

oh all my guilty pleasures in one thread. this is a day now