Other urls found in this thread:
Literally poop.
perfectly molestable.
A best.
A very sexy liar.
Best girl
weeb trash
Semen receptacle
cute and funny
would look shit in real life
her older version is better
A snail who would be a good rail.
someone post that cosplay
Everything looks like shit in real life though?
No, just (You).
A literal god
Sex puppet
slimy snail
All snails were created equal.
Gah, delete this
Goddess Hachikuji is all grown up?
Ghost of a prepubescent child that died in an accident, and wears her school uniform and a silly backpack.
Subs when?
Epic facebook picture, retard.
Imagine having a drinking party with the unlolis.
This isn't really a word, now, is it?
You can tell what it means though.
I bet its a boy
But she's just as adorable as regular snail.
Its clearly a girl you faggot.
The truth is that Hachikuji wants to become an adult!
Won't you help her?
Is she tall or is just Araragi being a manlet again?
I dunno how I could help with that, but I'll hang out and banter with her in the meantime.
Is anyone actually working on good subs for Zoku?
If Monogatari has taught us anything, it's that the fake is more real than real.
She looks about 1.7m , 5’ 7” ish
Yeah, but user... Good things, take time.
Rare and collectible.
>dinosaur claw sticking out of the backpack
Someone explain
Maybe it's algiz rune
It's just her Agumon plushie.
Mating press material
not for lewds
Snail a best
Snek a shit
Math a best
Bat a shit
Cute as HECK
Man, I can't believe Mayoi got diagnosed with Terminal Terminal
Fuk u kys
Math is a best, but bat a third best after snail.
damn, can't fap to hachikuji doujins now, too pure
Eh, I like ararararagi better