Do you guys remember her show? Did you like it?

Do you guys remember her show? Did you like it?

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Had some cool ideas, but it really dragged in the middle and I lost interest.

I completely agree. The end reveal was kinda lame. Still, I watched the whole show in a day because I wanted to know what happened.

The initial premise that the protagonist could Batman his way in a world full of magic, demons and shit really enticed me and the set, with them locked in a box and rattled to fight eachother was very cool.

That ugly cow ruined everything for me. Bunny girl best girl tho.

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But she is shit


Well that's all the discussion I guess we've got for this show.

Why does the author make her suffer? Literally everything in the story is made to make her suffer.
MC being brainwashed to love her was fucked up

Yeah and then when they finally kill fig guy he falls out of love with her. By the way I heard that the LN was on hiatus. Did the author not think of anything beyond fig guy?

ADD dumbfucks

no, genre bait and switches are fucking dumb

Last volume was in 2015 with a spin off in 2016.
I'm ready to call it dead.

I was interested enough that I was willing ready to stick around for a second season godawful last minute of the show. Shame it ain't happening.

>bait and switch
Nigger, every site that had a synopsis or summary or anything at all about the series said it was going to be a mystery. Its the reason I picked the damn thing up. Its your own fault for picking up the show with no research at all besides seeing pretty colors.

Don't let the hope die, user.

rokka no sales

It's one sale at least, I own the Collector's Edition.

What happened to the author? Died of depression? Or the summer heat killed him?

But the blood cow only showed up at the end.

Yeah I remember how shit the ending was and it forever tainted what was actually a really good anime. The ending has ensured I wont ever touch any of the source material or continue the series though. Fremmy a cute, needs more lewds.

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Kukuri's too pure for such a spiteful post.

Kukuri isn't afraid to say what's on her mind.

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Yes, I just rewatched it a short while ago, I love Fremy. She’s cute. CUTE
The show itself was interesting and pretty fun, the fights were cool and they did a good job developing most of the characters with the little time they had. When I first watched it I thought they’d mostly be fighting the demons but I’m kinda glad it turned into a mystery, it was a nice twist.

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Did the LN get better after the forest Arc? Forest Arc made me drop it (and partly due translations going only until said arc)

I liked it, thought it was p cool so i picked up the LNs, now i'm just 1 volume behind and im super excited to read it whenever i can find the time.

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Chamot was best girl, but also her strength was very disappointing.

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>the forest Arc
You mean the anime part?

No I mean the one right after where they got stuck in a forest with Zombies.

Ah, yes, that arc was absolutely awful. It gets better in the sense that it's not as awful but it still quite bad. And then the fan translations just stopped, and then the author did the same.

Adlet Mayer: Ace Attorney

I love thick white lashes.

Someone translate the LN please.

S2 soon lads

>Great designs
>Likeable diverse cast, you can choose who to root for
>Decent romance
>Well done suspense i didn't notice the plot armor
>the whole mystery was shit because there was not enough information/foreshadowing to figure out everything in advance

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Extremely good animu, but the cow's design was so annoying I'm ambivalent about Second Season Never Ever (TM).

I agree about the mystery being shit for that reason. It’s not cathartic because it felt like an out of nowhere twist.

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The cow shit at the end was one of the most retarded twist I've ever seen in media

Reminder that

So remember that Lizard Demon who destroyed Adlet's village? His name is Tgerneu and he's one of the three main Demon Lords. Turns out the entire time, Adlet hadn't been training with a master but rather Tgerneu brainwashed Adlet to fall in love and want to protect Fremy so she could eventually carry out his plan to destroy humanity.

While they are fighting Tgerneu, Fremy gets her heart pulverized but survives. Even when Adlet learns that he was brainwashed to love Fremy, he still says that he will love her no matter what even after Tgerneu is dead because the spell is supposed to disappear once he is defeated. Except once they kill Tgerneu, two things happen. One, Adlet finds out he no longer loves Fremy and stops wanting to protect her. Two, Tgerneu tells Adlet that Fremy was the one who killed his friend and sister

Adlet now hates Fremy but only agrees to work with her because he wants to take revenge on the Demon Lord. He goes back into full-edge mode and hates everything, especially Fremy who he tells to her face that he hates her more than anything else in the world. However, deep inside Adlet, he asks himself why he didn't strike down Fremy at that moment, even though he hates her and wanted to kill the person who killed his sister. It is heavily implied that Adlet's feelings for Fremy weren't actually just from Tgerneu's brainwashing but that he may actually have fallen in love with Fremy on his own. However, as it stands now, he at least says he hates her and can't stand to look at her. Fremy is heartbroken, realizing that another person she trusted has now turned from her. She becomes near mute and goes back to the same person she was at the beginning of the series

Basically, both Fremy and Adlet are both broken because they realized their love was nothing but a fabrication.

>She becomes near mute and goes back to the same person she was at the beginning of the series
Then what the fuck was the point of it all

Season 2 whe--oh, wait, there won't be

This isn't any better than the fucking cow ending in the anime. What's the fucking point. Does the author of this series get off on suffering.

Be grateful there isn't.

>12 episodes of nothing happening and people running around a forest

I read part of it and she barely talks anyway.

Sex with Chamo!

the pain of no translation

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I liked the theme and the story but the plot itself was too convoluted for my liking.

Pretty sure the official TLs have caught up

I've read all six mainline volumes and don't remember anything from the third paragraph.
If I recall correctly, Vol 6 ended with the revelation that Adlet now loathes her because she killed his sister. Where did you get all that shit that happens after?
He said that Tgerneu is his self-insert.
Imagine self-inserting into a literal primordial demon who makes century-long plots just to create the perfect material to satisfy his inhuman sadism.

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> Not wanting to see the based Moira volume adapted

Volume 2 is great. It deserved an adaptation.

easy with the deep throating

so who's the false hero

It should have adapted vol.1 and 2

Adlet and kinda bunny.
Bunny has a seal time-stopped from the century ago or something that belonged to the time saint.
Adlet IIRC has one made from the corpse of the first saint (said corpse is apparently still "alive" even after centuries)
I think that Fremy got her naturally thanks to the Tgerneu plot of making her hate fiends.
Cow, Moira, Chamo, Hans and Emo were naturally chosen.