Boku no Hero Academia

Have you ever stopped reading/watching BnHA? What made you come back?
Threadly reminder: Don't argue/respond to MirioEri posters, it's not worth it

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Other urls found in this thread:'s theory of consciousness/

i stopped the chapter a new character was introduced, i think the name was la brava or some shit

i can't stand the constant addition of characters, did it get good?

I stopped between season 2 and 3, but that's because I wasn't a manga reader yet.

>Missing out on the Gentle fight and the Pro Hero arc
Pick it back up dude

Endeavor gets a good fight

stopped when the joint training arc started taking breaks and the page count was low. didn't want another yakuza experience so I waited until it was over to finish it


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Coward OP.
Also, cute and canon.

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>What made you come back?

Attached: momos.gif (575x600, 2.52M)

I came back for the Joker

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Good taste, user

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>jobbing to a drone with no stakes
>good fight
your dad still thinks you're a disappointment


>No stakes
What? Consequences =/= stakes

>purple eyes
No way, actually it would have made her even better.

You mean The Monarch

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>this "drone" can take out 99% of MHA characters

Attached: Clown Mina, momo, jirou, hagakure, and ochako.png (1280x632, 752K)

I don't know why, but when I downloaded it I thought this was Momo, not Jiro. Must have been the boobs

It's Jiro's mom, isn't it?

>that rainbow wig
based and clown-pilled

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What was his one bad day like? Did it involve pits of acid?

Yeah, it is

>no stakes
You do understand that High End hunted him down to kill him right? And would have kept going onto the next hero and the next until stopped?


>Tfw no Dr. Girlfriend GF to read Cormac McCarthy books to me before bed time with that gravelly voice.

wy liv

Attached: dr-mrs-the-monarch.jpg (1920x1080, 1000K)

Let this be a warning, Herocucks. If you mess with a wasp nest, you're going to get stung.

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Have some actual Momo boobers

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i feel bad!

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boku no thing happens

Life is suffering

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will do, hope it's good

night, toganon

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based and intimidating aura

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goodnight Toganon, I hope you feel better in the morning

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Momo is awful

I won’t bother you this time, seeing as we’re getting so close to your current arc’s 7th Birthday! Congratulations

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Based and Kakinpilled.

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There's never enough momos

also checked

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how will HiatusxHiatus cucks ever recover?

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*Makes an embarrassment of herself*
*Loses confidence*

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>Increasingly complex plotting and story lines
>Due to this Hiatuses are common and necessary
>hurrdurr how will they recover

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>Almost a 2 year break between 2014 and 2016
Lmao, cope harder

is that why Togashi had to rip off Jojo characters for his new antagonists too?



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Why is there a guy who's not making the L shape?


>Togashi is literally dying, but still continues to draw when he can
>Hori takes breaks to play Spiderman

He does in the next panel here

The volume following that 2 year hiatus delivered the most complex fight in manga history . Meanwhile your weekly serving of shit still can't break out of its predictable formula and simplistic writing. Cope with that.

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So we're going to see all these guys fight? I hope we see more of Ms. Cowtits

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He's their bullet-timing secret weapon trump card

He's stupidly OP, calling it now

Mirio x Eri is the only canon ship approved by Horikoshi himself

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No, I'm talking about this guy

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>chrollo vs hisoka was almost 3 years ago

Attached: empty akko.png (497x459, 331K)

Oh wait, you mean the chunni fuck who's sulking. Not sure, but he's probably the ax-craxy member of the gang who's to cool to follow all the rules I would assume.

He's probably going to seem weak at first then turn out to be the most powerful one

I hope she's a sexy, predatory, mommy villain and molests the boys and girls Like Midnight except evil.

Based and hiatuspilled.

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Mina is better right?

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>Threadly reminder: Don't argue/respond to MirioEri posters, it's not worth it

fujo/faggot/other shippers do as much or more damage to these shitty "generals" but I guess they don't get mentioned because it's not your ship


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2 days, my child

actually never since i picked it up back then at the ua tournament arc

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Minas a Shipperfag and retarded so she's bad too, although maybe not as bad as jobmo

It is funny, their arguments against Mirio Eri always boil down to the most normalfag logic;"it's immoral and m-muh feelings". I don't know what they're doing here, let alone consuming Japanese media To be quite honest with you famalam.

Stop complaining about fujos when they're not even here shhh you're going to wake them and we just had an entire thread flushed down the toilet by a single miriofag.

>7 year long homework arc
Absolutely no excuse. HxH ''writing'' isn't even close to warranting it's time period.

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Only him? not the two guys who were arguing with him?

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Volumefriend, are you there?

Post Momo's Momos onegai

t. coping brainlet

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that's Jirou's mom

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>fujo/faggot/other shippers do as much or more damage to these shitty "generals" but I guess they don't get mentioned because it's not your ship

The only ones that are annoying as you are the Kiribaku fujos and Decuck self inserters, neither of which are currently doing anything

>Half an unfinished HxH arc is better than To Kill a Mockingbird
It's almost as if you're using newfag powerwords for a reason

I don't get it, why would All Might be mad at what Deku told him?

Mina's great because her pee taste likes Lemonade

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The worldbuilding in this series UTTER SHIT that's being made up as it goes along which makes these new groups of villains feel like filler as they seem to pop out of nowhere into sudden relevancy because of how little we know about the world AND HOW LITTLE THEY MATTERED before.

We don't even know how hero society came into being. All we know is apparently there were too many people running around who used their newly found powers to do bad things so some other people stepped up and took matters into their hands. Then TA - DA!! that's how hero society came into being like wtf?? There's way too many things skipped there for the series to act like this is some sort of logical progression of things, very POOR EXECUTION in worldbuilding.

It doesn't even make sense because if you're saying that the situation was solved because of people taking matters into their hands instead of relying on the gov't then hero society is like the opposite of that. So how the fuck does that work and how the fuck can they even enforce the "you can't use your quirk" thing or even know what exact quirk people have if they just lie about it?

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Jiros mom reminds me a lot of Momo

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Haven't dropped yet but I'm considering it. It's not even an entertaining manga anymore after Overhaul and as mention the Hori keeps adding more and more characters every chapter cause that's what he considers world building. Even when there's a mini-arc to develop some of the earlier characters it's just wasted on distancing Deku from all the other characters just because I presume with a quirk like OfA he wouldn't already be miles ahead any other hero apart from Todoroki. But again all that matters for you people are the girls in the series.

What is it with Huntards and making charts like this? Is that what they do with all their spare time?

>considering you're a shonenfag
You are aware HxH is shounen, right? Consider making your own arguments rather than relying on somebody elses shitty clusterfuck of unreadablilty you saved recently.

You haven't read any of these have you

it would take away from valuable chartmaking time


Reminder that, not only are these highschool-tier books, but the last time a Huntard was actually asked to summarise one he was BTFO for not even reading it

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>i can't stand the constant addition of characters
You don't read a lot of manga or fiction in general

Weren't these guys laughed out of Yea Forums

>I-It's a falseflag!

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So just because others do it represents a good feature?

>Fujos and Eriposters
are gone
>"hunterchads" are here

It just works

Attached: gentlescrunch.png (376x724, 257K)

>HxHfags squatting now
>last thread was just Miriofag spam
>prior to that it was Fujo spam
>before that it was BC spam
What will the next thread hold? Will this cycle of occupation continue as it has before?

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Yes, they were

I'm always here, I just argue when people become too dense. Let's hope it doesn't happen in this thread.

Mina's pretty good

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Cute and canon

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Ngl I kinda with there was oppai eri art but alas the fandom is too gay

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>I'm always here
Yes, we're well aware of that. You're like a malignant tumor that won't go away. You know, like cancer. Do you have a life outside of here? What do you even do for work?

It says a lot that the ""fandom"" would be against lewding Eri. It's plagued by normalfaggots.

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You can thank kendoufag for this one.

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>being this bad of a liar
Wew dumb samefag thinks Yea Forums has standards. Didn't you already get exposed as some pedro?

what's it to you?

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MHA redditors are already cancer

How do you not know your own fandom? Newfag.

I'm just in it for the crossover fanfiction, even if almost all of it's just contrived garbage.

that's just a Yea Forums chart with a hxh pic on it

>contrived garbage
The manga or the fanfic?

quick someone make another HxH thread to tard wrangle these guys.

Are you still going to pretend you even browse Yea Forums Everyone knows MHAtards are illiterate brainlets, how else could they enjoy this trash

The peach is ripe

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There's already two hunter threads they've been ignoring that are both only alive still because of Pitou posting

please post the version with better knees

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Absolutely nothing. You and your boring spam mean nothing to me. I just imagine you must be living off of government assistance if you can afford to to nothing but spend all your time posting on here every day, all day, 7 days a week. You clearly don't have a job, or any hobbies, probably not even any real friends since that would detract time away from the 24 hours a day you spend shitting up the threads on here. Are you an invalid? Are you a paraplegic? That would explain the obsession you have over a guy dedicating his entire life to making a traumatized little girl happy. You probably want someone to do that for you, but there isn't anyone, so you fantasize about it on here. How sad.

But you didn't even write a proper sentence.

>Absolutely nothing. You and your boring spam mean nothing to me.
this ought to be a banner

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I drop it every season

Fanfics. Even when they all sound wildly different half of them end up involving suicide or necromancy for some fucking reason. And the ones that aren't edgy necromancy/suciide fics are Katekyo Hitman Reborn crossovers, and since I know absolutely nothing about that series I just assume it involves suicide or resurrection.

I can't believe I got an user to write this, today is a special day.

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>suicide or necromancy
Have you read that fanfic where Deku goes into dark magicland whenever he dies?

wait what? falseflag?

i approve

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Did I? Either way you're still a pathetic dishonest retard

I want her to have huge tiddies

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>gets btfo
>resorts to underage namecalling
Also deflecting the accusation just makes you look even worse.

I stopped reading around the point that All for One was captured.
I didn't intend to give up on it per se, I just thought I'd come back to it eventually. I do that with a lot of manga

I did a 4-year BA in philosophy. Never went in Hunter threads on Yea Forums because I didn't want to spoil myself on the show. A friend of mine convinced me to watch it and during the Chimera arc I kept telling him how much it reminded me of Hegel's theory of consciousness. Lo and behold I come to discuss HxH on Yea Forums and there's a running joke about Hegel being relevant to the show. It was funny because someone other than me must have picked up on what I was seeing in it. I'm not saying the show is "on par with" Hegel's writing, just that it's strongly reminiscent of it and possibly inspired by it in some way or other. But yeah there's a lot of philosophical nuance in that particular part of the story, which isn't something altogether foreign to anime. Yes, anime can (and often does) have intellectual themes.

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This posts a lot more about you than him. Yikes

>lets do it again Mirio-senpai!

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Attached: when that hunterchad post is also a based post.jpg (1280x1280, 117K)

Do what?

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Based fellow Yea Forums Hunterchad.

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>>there's a lot of philosophical nuance in that particular part of the story
>Dude humans are the bad guys lmao

>4-Year BA in philosophy
Yikes, what a waste

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Attached: 1547161458104.gif (700x394, 791K)

she will my man

For example, the top fanfics on Ao3 are
>Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
>Actually good even though the premise sounds like shit (it's been abandoned)
>Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
>Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
>Edgy torture suicide shit
>Resurrection/Necromancy shit
>Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
>Some generic "X character but in Y universe" story that doesn't do anything unique
>Edgy cannibal suicide story
>A subpar oneshot
>X character is actually Y character but it's actually good
>Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
>haven't read it
>shitty porn
>X character is actually Y character garbage
>Some edgy shit that probably involves suicide
>Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
>Generic X character in Y world setting
What the fuck is up with people making Izuku kill himself?
Is it the one where it's some Lovecraftian story where he kills a monster by throwing a baseball bat at it in one dimension which cleaved it in half in another dimension?

Cry out of what?

Attached: 1538216512595.png (1280x720, 603K)

>Hegelfags confirmed for not even lurking a year's theory of consciousness/

>deflecting the accusation
Yeah that's what you just did when you got called out on your pathetic samefagging and it was exposed that you don't even browse Yea Forums cause you couldn't even recognize a basic chart from there

But what else is there to expect from a pathetically dishonest retard

Godspeed, fledgling Hunterchad.

Attached: 1466546433342.png (1018x541, 457K)

>still doesn't know his own fanbase
>still proving he is illiterate

>herotards can't refute this

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This whole post is embarrassing.

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>still making baseless claims that he can't support
Hey retard you have 0 credibility

Guess there was no HxH chapter again. Can't Togashi just get off his ass so these guys have something to do with themselves?

All Might getting no action

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So who's Bakugou paired with?

Attached: very small.png (48x139, 6K)

Another hunterchad is born

Attached: hunterchad.gif (450x243, 1.42M)

>Samefags every one of his own posts
>Can't even call out samefagging properly


Lmao are you that Italian tranny? I think you said you were from the south

>typing all that
>being this triggered by shonen
How autistic.

Oh no no

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Maybe? It's been a while, but that sounds like something that happened in it

They are the same autists, they just switch to another act when they are called out on one of them.

Lost interest a little after the fight between All Might and All for One. Stopped after they started some school festival or something.
I didn't come back, but watching people sperg out at 7 quirks has been fun. It's like they expect shounenshit to not fall back on tired cliches despite overwhelming evidence to the opposite being true. It's great.

>Dude humans are the bad guys lmao
Way to make it clear that you don't understand the nuance.
A normal story would say humans are the bad guys and have us root for the non-humans. Maybe make it a message about how humans shouldn't reach that point.
HxH turns that on its head. Humans are the bad guys, and that's a good thing. That's why we're winning and every other species is losing. Our malice is our evolution.

How is this post supporting your claim? And why are you deflecting again
This still doesn't change you getting called out on you pathetic samefagging and how you were exposed as somone who doesn't even browse Yea Forums cause you couldn't even recognize a basic chart from there yet you still tried to pretend that you knew what goes on there

But what else is there to expect from a pathetically dishonest retard

No. My love for Mirio and Eri is very real, not meant to upset anyone and I do it for my own enjoyment.
If people have a problem with that then it's none of my business.

Stopped reading during the school festival, it was clear it had lost direction
Laughed when I heard about the "class tournament" arc because it's classic filler, stalling for time
Stopped paying attention at all after "dude seven quirks lmao"

I'm only in it for the memes now. Fascinating that the pink chick is popular now, it's probably because of a character poll influencing her screentime

if you're so concerned over samefagging, get an ip checker. newfag.

My enjoyment is pointing out the facts. Mirio and Eri romance is FANtasy.

Only if you don't read the manga.

>horis art style works great with lolis
>fandom is busy with teenage boys fucking each other and getting fucked by other guys

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Hahaha holy shit this whole post. You have autism, user

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Mirio would be in jail getting cornholed.

Just posting on Yea Forums makes you an autist, don't think too highly of yourself.

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MHA is like a lazy naruto fanfic from that guy in the "speshul class" came up with

Why? there's nothing illegal in his actions.

stop projecting, faggot
I don't like either of you queers and sped peds.

Thats Naruto on its own. MHA takes from MurIcan comics too though.

Eri has lewd thoughts about Mirio and fingers herself at night while moaning his name

Attached: 1546742790527.png (1024x1030, 836K)

Yes, there is no romance.

There's implications of it, and almost ensured to be in the future with no issues from Mirio's part. Besides, romance isn't illegal.


Attached: eri feels 2.jpg (875x1300, 310K)

>doesn't know what projecting means
>calls me the sped
OK incel

Attached: 1518205155895.jpg (434x434, 69K)

There are implications of you self inserting.

>Didn't even remember Deku's name even though Aizawa yelled it
oh my

Based Mirio gave up his quirk just so he can fuck that lolipussy. A true hero

No, pretty sure if Horikoshi didn't want to mean anything by it he would've written something way less romantic, it isn't like that would be hard.
Yet he didn't, and me noticing this makes a self inserter? more like someone who isn't butthurt over the truth.

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Hello Schlomo, how unsurprising that you want to diddle kids.

>2d equals 3d
I wonder who let this newfag in


That is you self inserting and letting your fantasy run wild though..

Attached: fufu.png (402x336, 140K)

>he's calling me a jew now
An incel and a schizo, wow

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No, that's me reading the manga and accepting their relationship for what it is. I'm sure you will be able to come to terms with it in the near future.

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>didn't say anything about dimensions
Guilty concious I see. Tell me what attracts you to child body imagery.

They're cute and funny

They aren't in a romantic relationship. That's all your self inserting.

This isn't Jezebel, that word has no power here, newfag.

Everyday until canon.

Attached: 0c0.jpg (1920x2626, 849K)

I stopped because it was shit. I never came back. I'm only here to shitpost.

For now. Everything is settled for them to be together forever.
Yes, married.

Attached: 06.jpg (1200x1557, 284K)

So you want to fuck things deemed cute. I see.

And funny too

>Everything is settled for them to be together forever.
>Yes, married.
Only in your head.

So you want to fuck children.

Only in the manga, you mean? Authors usually write things for a reason, you know? it will lead to something eventually, like Hinata's crush in Naruto. That's wasn't there just because.
Mirio's devoting his entire life to Eri for a very good one.
Yes, marriage indeed.

They're just too cunning

Attached: 1529763389057.png (600x450, 263K)

There is no crush here, you had to ad-lib that in.

There's a glimmer of it.

Attached: 1522809429203.jpg (350x330, 27K)

And I was talking about Mirio's promise, which isn't there just because. Add to that the date comment.
Do the math, son.

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Mirio x Eri = cute, canon, and wholesome

Deku x any girl = self inserting virgins

Any fujo ship = degenerate trash

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>There's a glimmer of it.
Not from Eri, and if genuinely from Mirio, then there is a glimmer of prison.

Will we get a pic related when they show up with their son after the huge timeskip?

Attached: 1523829985635.jpg (1000x930, 937K)

I did the math.
18yr old + 6yr old = Prison time.

Mirio dies in the timeskip, and had been fucking Bubble Girl prior to his death.

Could Momo or Kirishima beat any of the kids from that school during the Remedial Arc?

>Not from Eri
She's learning about feelings. But so far so good, pic related.
>and if genuinely from Mirio, then there is a glimmer of prison.
It's a good thing Japan doesn't cater to the likes of you and finds this sort of relationship rather endearing.
No sexual acts=no prison.

Attached: can't let go.png (640x696, 286K)

Oh user I'm sure you'd really like that.

Mirio and Eri, getting married?
it is more likely than you think.

Attached: 0.png (288x315, 105K)

Eri is going to take Mirio's last name and will start introducing herself as Eri Togata.

Its not socially acceptable for an 18yr old to be in a relationship with a 6yr old in Japan either, and Mirio and Eri are not actually in one, you had to improv.

No, this is Hori, just letting you know to prepare your anus.

Even pro-heroes wouldn't mind.
>and Mirio and Eri are not actually in one,
It's over as soon as she gets what dating and honeymoon means. soon

Attached: 5 - qDfyfmg.png (1056x1572, 1.45M)

This is more likely.

Attached: Forever alone.jpg (724x1058, 166K)

>Mirio would rather become a jannie than to use Eri and let her suffer
Rather cute, selfless and devoted if you ask me.

Being a janitor and marrying Eri aren't mutually exclusive.

Its over when any pro hero finds out, since they would mind. Eri isn't retarded, she was raised by Yakuza, she knows what those words mean, she just isn't interested in Mirio in that way, and Mirio would be thrown into pound town if he was serious.

Read the filename

So you saved an image with a completely irrelevant filename?

>What the fuck is up with people making Izuku kill himself?

Maybe it has something to do with the first chapter/episode, where Katsuki tells him to jump off a roof?

Also, when you're looking up fanfics, know how to prune stuff you don't likelike α/β/ω dynamics and look for stuff you might like by searching by highest comments/wordcount/kudos

She was raised by the yakuza who never bothered to look after her or teach her nothing more than pain. Kek.
>she knows what those words means
Manga show she doesn't. She would've have replied differently, that is why Mirio said "a honeymoon couple outing" so she could understand that, but she didn't.
>if he was serious
He was. No jail if there's no sexual acts though, he'd be fine.

This thread needs to be cleansed with filth.

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No, that's Mirio's destiny, which is why he aspires to nothing more than a janitor..

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He aspires to Eri's happiness

>why don't you take out the tail?

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Fuck off

Manga doesn't show that Eri doesn't know, at all, you are just forcing this notion. That Eri would have responded differently to Mirio is mere wishful thinking on your part.

He doesn't need to be anything more than a janitor.
As long as he has Eri and she's happy, he's happy.

*almost never shows up*
*does nothing of consequence when they do*
Which member of class 1-A am I

The best one.

>Shut up Deku!

Attached: Shakkin2BHensai2BKeikaku_P05_ENG.jpg (640x922, 295K)

>it is spamming gay doujins again
What is your excuse this time? There are no streams in line today I am aware of, you can't "kill time before it starts" (or whatever retarded excuse you used back then).

It does, because she's repeating the words with a question mark. She doesn't know what those words means.
user, you're being incredibly dense and beyond retarded by trying to change the narrative like a brainlet.

Her happiness involves his useless ass staying out of trouble by being a mere janitor, and leaving her alone so she can date/marry real men.

>N-no Deku, not my ass! I poop from there!

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look at her clinging to him

>so she can date/marry real men.
Like who?

I reached the end of the current chapter and got tired of waiting for the next week one.

So I stopped to let the chaps build up.

Momo "I am an atrocious mistake of a character and a poster child on why women should have no voice of their own on anything regarding not kitchen" Yaoyorozu!

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She does what every lady who rejects Mirio, or a guy in general, has done.

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Congrats user, you get it

Ones who haven't been neutered.

>what an amazing smell!

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Now that is your wishful thinking.


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Todekbaku are cute. Cute!

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Momo "doesn't have a dick so she only makes sticks" Yaoyorozu

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Cute boys with cute crushes!

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Why would she care about that?

She did that to Deku in her debut issue, yet I don't see you saying they are getting together. An older Eri is going to want to spend more time with her boyfriend or husband, not her neutered Boomer babysitter.

I hope Bakugou and Todoroki really get their moment to shine this next chapter! I've been waiting!

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Plus Bakugou and Todoroki sure do seem to have a lot of chemistry! I bet they'll work great in a team!

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>>"Ohhhh but Fujos bring discussion, we can talk about the manga tooo"

Where the fuck are the mods. Someone purge this garbage

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>w-w-wishful thinkin'
>s-s-she would have said YES if she knew what kindergaten words mean......

You mean when she was asking for help and bumped into him?
Now she's clinging to Mirio despite having deku next to her. Explain that.

What do you think that guy with the pointy nose meant when he was talking about "Destro" or whatever? Boy I sure do hope he's not up to anything suspicious!

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Plus what's the deal with those two black dots on his head? You think they might mean something important? What do you think his quirk is gonna be???

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She didn't even go to kindergarten. She was given to the yakuza as soon as quirk showed up, and in that flashback she has short hair, above shoulder lenght and looks like a toddler.
Nothing implies she got formal education, she just was tortured for years, and nobody could be bothered to teach her about dates and honeymoons. Why would they?
The manga lets you know this by her reaction to Mirio's words, repeating his words with a question mark not once, but twice.
That is why mirio didn't continue with the date comment, and switched it to honeymoon. She didn't understand.
Don't be this dense again.

I'm so excited to find out what's in store for this next arc you guys! What do you think? I think it's gonna be a real good one this time!

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Why is Shoco so fucking based?

what are you doing, there's literally an option for "extremely low quality"

This doesn't exactly work when you are the only one reading too much into a child doing what a child does See, I don't pretend Eri clinging to Deku means more than it does. Getting hard from Eri clinging to the supervision she showed up with, is just pathetic self insert shit.

This. Just report and hide, he'll get banned soon enough

That image has nothing to do with this arc other than it has Bakugo in it

That is Aizawa.
Who is next to her, just like Deku.
Yet she chooses Mirio. It means she feels the safest with him, now and forever.

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Shut it down

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>his Quirk doesn't actually make him stronger, just lets him make more arms
>he still however has the strongest grip in the entire class at over 500 kg
Holy fuck, it's a good thing he's mostly a sensor and is pretty nice, if he actually went about punching people with 50+ arms they'd be fucking dead.

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The idea of the black dots being mind control related is interesting and sets up a real possibility for some heartwrenching moments for Bakugou and Uraraka with their costumes. It also makes sense for a villain who's also the head of a commercial design company, and that our first introduction to his character is via an advertisement. It's a not-so-subtle way of Hori commenting on advertising/fashion/pop culture =brainwashing.

To go even further with this, we know that Shinso is going to be transferred to the hero course. His own brainwashing ability may come into play later if students start losing control of their bodies and quirks due to support items/hero costumes taking over.

Haven't you copypasted this reply like 5 times now?

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>being autistic and mad enough to write that shit
>Eri never learned common words............

Shouji's a fucking beast. I hope we get to see more of him this arc, I want to know his backstory, he deserves it.

Waiting for him to go Kaiju mode

Unironically this

Deto comes from the English word date. It isn't a common word for a captive tortured young girl.
Neither is honeymoon, that word is taught in junior high.

Eri has more than one person supervising her, and she showed up with Mirio in all those pictures you linked. The one that features Aizawa, has him busy on the phone, why would she bother him?

>yfw hori's going to try to make Deku look like Batman this arc
>but it comes across contrived as fuck because instead of being an awesome quirkless badass with gadgets and shit like we always wanted him to be, he has 7 fucking quirks quirks instead and there's absolutely no tension to the plot at all

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She didn't show up with Mirio in the last one. Aizawa had to call him.
She's clinging to Mirio despite having deku next to her in both instances.
And Aizawa might be on the phone, but that doesn't mean she can't go to him
Still, she reaches to Mirio for comfort and only him.
She's very comfortable with Togata, and that is pretty cute.

Eri is such a lucky girl getting plowed by Mirio's thick 9 incher every night

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デート is quite common to the point of being known before ever starting school. Honeymoon too.

>Fujos spamming gay doujins
Great thread

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Holy shit SNK is insane

I feel like I'm gonna selfinsert as Destro's son.

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Why do you spam so much now. You were always annoying but this is fucking retarded

>dumb theory
>It would be bad


Do you realize the context in which Eri was inserted in? If she knew the meaning of those words, why would she question Mirio not once but twice?
And no, honeymoon isn't widely know by children, let alone held captive and tortured.

>confirmed for not reading the manga
Togata showed up with Eri, because Aizawa was in a teacher meeting about Shinso, so he was watching her at the time.
Deku is behind both of them and from her vicinity, Mirio is closest, and she showed up with him to begin with. Its very cute babysitting.

>ignore because reporting does nothing
>actually report
Did I miss anything?

I know everyone's saying Bakugou and Todoroki are going to sweep the floor with this guy, but honestly his seltzer water quirk is a pretty good counter to theirs. They'll have to really pretty heavily on Shoto's ice, since the dude might just be able to snuff out their flamea and explosions with his water. AND if Bakugou gets wet when it's freezing cold outside, good luck trying to build up a sweat when your body is actively trying fight against hypothermia.

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The context is that of revulsion and rejection, good thing Mirio was joking though, like pic related.

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Do you think Deku ever hot glues his All Might figures while yelling Plus Ultra?

Mirio and deku were both there at the same time. Aizawa literally called the two of them for this one thing.
You mean a friend making company to his cute loli friend?
>dad teasing daughters and making fun of them is the same as a Mirio, who perceived himself as Eri's equal, inviting her out on a date like a honeymoon couple
Oh user, keep the irrelevant comparisons coming. They're hilarious.

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>YFW you are not a MirioEri faggot and will not spend over 300-500 more chapter obsessively shitposting about it every single hour in every single goddamn thread that pops up only to not have your retarded ship come true and finally kill yourself.

Go all in you self insert MirioEri fags. I want you to really fully fall into your delusions. This is gonna be the SakuraxSasuke/IchigoxRukia of this manga, fuck anything with ochaco or whatever. I cannot fucking wait.

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based af

Not according to the manga

That's right buddy, cute and canon, you just keep on saying that shit.

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I will.

I never thought one sect of shitposting retards could get me to hate two characters, not for what they are, but for the people who spam them

>both Deku and Aizawa are shown to be elsewhere and without Eri before this meeting
>still play dumb by pretending Eri didn't show up with Mirio.
>cute loli friend...............

Attached: more jokes.jpg (405x444, 40K)

So cattle mentality, conditioning into disliking something not for its own merit but because someone else ruined it for you.
user, you must be over 18 to post here.

Nope, Mirio didn't show up with Eri in that one time in chapter 207. Aizawa greeted him, he hadn't seen him until then and Eri lives at UA, unlike Mirio.
And even when Deku is right next to her, she still clings onto Mirio and only him.
I'm so sorry, user. This must be very hard on you.

I tried reading the manga after S2 finished but I hated it an only read 10 chapters. Dropped and didnt watch S3 because I thought it was gonna be bad and I already hated S2 last episodes

Decided to watch S3 after it ended because of the memes and I got to admit it, it was good. the problem with BNHA is the villians being boring most of the time, I mostly watch it for the fun situtations.

>Eri isn't even in this chapter.
Seems you got the wrong chapter, further conveying how you get all the context wrong.

Like, even Aizawa has to explain to Mirio why he's there. That wouldn't be the case if he had been there from the very beggining, before Midoriya.
So Deku and Mirio were in the same position and Eri, like usual, clinged to him.
So cute.


That's the goal no? To get people to hate mirio just like grapefag tried to years ago

Yeah, the spammer admitted to shitposting already in one of the threads

No, I don't care what you think of him.

If this is the case, then why are you spamming every thread with them? If you don’t care about others then just keep that stuff to yourself

stopped halfway through the joint training
came back because it's over

Because I love them, not you.
Also, if you don't like it you can always filter it. I only post it once a thread and don't change the filenames.

I dropped it about High End, and never really came back. I just realized that it wasn't actually very good and I didn't enjoy anything much about it except for the art and character-designs. I didn't like how Deku was boring and annoying, I didn't like how Bakugo was unfunny, obnoxious, and then the author tried to make you like him at gunpoint, I didn't like Todoroki's absolute lack of a personality. I didn't like how stupid and useless the girls were, particularly with Ochako and Momo having almost the same arc, and girls like Mina getting sidelined. I didn't like how Aizawa was Kakashi but less relevant and worse. I didn't like the pathetic villains. I didn't like the Overhaul shit. And judging from the stuff about the seven quirks and just generally how negative these threads are it sounds like I made the right call.

I gave it a real try, but I don't think anyone who reads much manga could truly be gripped by BNHA.

Whenever you think these threads cannot get any worse, they achieve levels of low that should not even be possible

so we all agree that he would be a much more interesting MC than deku, right?

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After season 2?

Mob wouldn't even want to be a hero or try to use his quirk much at all. And Bakugo would've probably never had his delusions of grandeur if he'd been around a character infinitely stronger than him.

Mob at his absolute worst is ten times better than Deku at his best.

That’s just your opinion dude, I never liked Mob’s character but at least Season 1 of MP100 was interesting

I feel like he wouldn't mind using his powers a bit more if everyone around him had quirks.

>fucking up references like always.
Tell me Einstein, who brought Eri there when she wasn't with Deku or Aizawa prior? And Aizawa is shown arriving after they were already there.

>he's doing his meme again.

what would miruko put on her tinder profile

The Decuck self inserters really can't stand a single girl in their precious power fantasy manga having any attraction towards any other boy than Deku.

Looking for Ballsy man who is into drum sticks. So Hawks, basically.

Idiot, Eri lives at UA. She was there from the beginning. They all meet outside of the teacher's dorms and then went inside. Deku was also there before Aizawa.
As I told you, Aizawa had to explain to Mirio why he was there along with Deku.
He arrived just like him, Eri wasn't with him before.
And she still clung to him, how cute.

i thought hawks was gay

Quirks being normal is accepted, but ridiculously powerful quirks like Todoroki's and Bakugo's draw a lot of attention. Given that Mob generally just wants to live his life and learn to be a functional human being, I don't imagine he'd be much more enthusiastic about it, it'd just be 'Wait, Kageyama-kun has a REALLY STRONG quirk?' rather than 'Wait, Kageyama-kun is an esper?'

It could make for a pretty interesting story really, a withdrawn character who just wants to be a decent, likeable person being stuck in a world where everything revolves around powerlevels.

It is surprising how insecure they are over Mirio x Eri.

Jealous fags still thinking that attacking the main character will somehow make their series popular.

You know what? Fuck every single person in this thread right now. You are all cancer and boring as hell. I'm off to go shitpost on Yea Forums about the new GOT Trailer that just came out. At least those idiots know how to have fun.
I'll see you losers on spoiler day when there's any actual discussion to be had. Fucking peace.
by the way Clegane Bowl fucking confirmed, GET HYPE

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Remainder Mirio owes Eri and he will pay!

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also he'd probably wouldn't even fight during the sports festival

>BNHA fans are crossboarders who blog about fucking Game Of Thrones on Yea Forums
I'm not remotely surprised.

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threads aren't any better on spoiler days

Stay the fuck off our board, Herofag.

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Everyone lives at UA, Eri still gets escorted, she isn't free to wander around alone.
Guess who wasn't with Deku prior to him showing up btw. Mirio is a cute babysitter who was watching her like usual, he too lives at the dorms, like all the students do, he just isn't attending classes.

Can't even speak properly, no wonder you misinterpret things.

Why ever argue with Miriofag. He thinks nothing is a joke
He thinks people being upset about something is proof that it can't possibly be a joke. He thinks pedophilia is cute

That sounds really threatening.

>I'm off to go shitpost on Yea Forums about the new GOT Trailer that just came out.
Don't come back, you're worst than the shitposters; providing you aren't one simply falseflagging

Attached: ded_on_arrival.png (1845x1229, 2.11M)

He doesn't live at the dorms you numbnuts. He arrived and left with Eri during the festival when there was no reason for him to do so, and his friends hadn't seen him for a while in chapter 173, so they were surprised upon seeing him. He also arrived to UA in that very same chapter, why if he lives there?
Don't be such a speedreader.
Mirio is her cute best friend who sees her like an equal and acts like he would act with someone his age. Yes, cute and canon indeed.

>acts like he would act with someone his age.
That is creepy to do with a little girl. Don't ever do that Miriofag you creepy idiot. If anything Eri now needs to be treated like a little girl and make some happy memories.

how many thugs with guns could mina defeat

It wasn't a joke.
People don't get upset over obvious jokes. because they're jokes, and this wasn't the case hence the censorship.
>pedophilia is cute
What a normalfaggot-moralfaggot thing to say, tumblr. Sorry a Japanese manga is hurting your feelings like this.

about 350


but they have guns, user

>People don't get upset over obvious jokes.

People get upset over unearthing TEN YEAR OLD JOKES and fire people over it and cause huge shitstorm. One Marvel director was fired for jokes about pedophilia ten years ago.

Eri needs someone who understands her and will have her back no matter what. The friend she cannot afford to have due to her past and current situation.
Yes, they've made some wonderful memories so far and they will keep experiencing nice things together in the future. Together.
As equals.

Again the actual manga is fine. Your interpretation which is 100% off is completely retarded and your posts about it are retarded.
If you were just the guy who would be posting about Mirio's "9 incher" I would have no problem with that
But your lack of understanding of simple things really drags down these threads.

Which character he rip off?

>Have you ever stopped reading/watching BnHA?

Like with many ongoing series, once I hit the most recent chapter, I sort of tune out for a year or more and lose track of the series. I used to religiously check online for when a new chapter was released of other manga back in the day (hs and early college) but I haven't the time or the interest to do that anymore. I'd rather read something that was complete.

I'll probably come back after there is another 2 or more years worth of chapters to read through.

And? Jaimini made it clear it wasnt a joke. They answered that thing about griting teeth after a guy implied Mirio was a lolicon. Even Deku reacted to it according to the situation to illustrate why it wasn't a joke you dense idiot.

Listen here you fucking faggots, all men must hype.

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my interpretation is off? Kek, what a smug bastard you are.
Sorry to burst your bubble, retard. But Mirio wasn't joking and his love for Eri is unconditional.
read the manga more carefully.

>Jaimini made it clear it wasnt a joke.
No he didn't.
>They answered that thing about griting teeth
Because of a joke.
>Even Deku reacted to it according to the situation to illustrate why it wasn't a joke you dense idiot.
No he reacted to the content of the joke. The joke is literally being weird about eri and hitting on her. Like a weirdo.
Like his introductionary jokes. Seriously contact the jaimini guy if you want. He will tell you it was a joke. Everyone who read any of the translations understood them as jokes.

>read the manga more carefully.
We could get over any of the translations you want. They all are jokes.

>my interpretation is off? Kek, what a smug bastard you are.
That is way nicer phrasing than you deserve.
You are retarded
Is more accurate here

Yes he did.
It wasn't a joke.
And no, it wasn't a joke. Mirio wouldn't joke with her feelings, it is such an easy thing to understand.
Only one is accurate, only one didn't censor it. And the translator was butthurt over that line.
It wasn't a joke.

Yeah, he left with them for pic related reason. He is one her nannies whenever Aizawa is busy in meetings or with paperwork since mirio is nothing but a freeloader right now and in need of tasks.

>Only one is accurate
I assume it is the one you posted then
Its also a joke in that one
Especially with the presentation of speech bubbles over the camera moving away to the sky

100% joke. I guarantee when this will be adapted he will laugh while saying it.

You're retarded if you think Mirio would joke with her feelings after telling her he wouldn't let her feel sad again.
His date comment will have an effect eventually, you think he won't take responsibility? He knows why he says what he says, and if you can't accept it then I honestly feel sorry for you. Hori couldn't be more explicit yet here you are, denying the truth.
Wonder where you come from, mmhm.

He's not laughing in the panel. And that is like Shoto's comment about his curse with hands, which he was serious about.
Like Mirio.
Yes, time to accept it.

>joke with her feelings
That is not what that joke is. Its not joking about her feelings at all.
Keep your emotionally charged retarded attacks.

It would only be sad if he was serious.

>And that is like Shoto's comment about his curse with hands, which he was serious about.
Shoto has no sense of humor
But was making an unintentional joke
Mirio is goofing around all the time and making jokes all the time.
You missed Mirio's entire character.

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Then why does Aizawa says in chapter 184 if he can't let her with the third years if Mirio is her designed nanny? That is because he isn't.
He's her best friend though. Who isn't living at UA.

Holy shit shut the fuck up about Mirio and Eri both of you.
For fucks sake half of the entire last thread was the exact same argument. You aren’t going to get anywhere you dumb cunts

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It is, he is giving her expectations with that comment.
>Eri's nakayoshi
Cute. He will be there for her, supporting her like an equal. That is precious
Mirio wouldn't goof around with such a topic, because it triggers a certain dynamic he can't take away from her.
He knows what he's doing.

Friendly reminder that if you jerk off to futa or traps - you'll burn in hell in the same pit as homosexuals

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>he is giving her expectations with that comment.
That would be grooming
>Mirio wouldn't goof around with such a topic, because it triggers a certain dynamic he can't take away from her.
Literally nonsense. You are projecting a lot of bullshit here. What "certain dynamic" is so vital mirio can't make a harmless joke about using a weird term for taking Eri to the festival?

Mirio is a friendly nanny whenever Aizawa is busy, so he is clearly at UA.

He can't offer himself as a potential romantic interest just to say "tehee I was merely pretending!"
Did you forget the promise he made to her? How he feels he owes her a debt? That is, retard. That is how he's trying to make up for what his actions meant in her life.

I haven't kept up in years. Did they ever find out who the traitor is? That was the only interesting storyline in a show where nothing happens.

He is not. He's always wearing civil clothes, and he arrived and left with Eri at UA way before he made the compromise to help Eri and and Aizawa.
As her equal and friend.

>He can't offer himself as a potential romantic interest just to say "tehee I was merely pretending!"
If its a joke he wasn't offering himself. It was a joke

If it wasn't a joke then he was offering himself potentially romantically to a traumatized little girl. That is something Mirio would never do. He would never be the pursuing one. He would never be the first one to initiate anything romantically. Like you suggest it would be all about Eri and her feelings first. Not his attempts first.

dissolve the bullets

post mirukos

I don't recall a promise involving obligated marriage. There were all kinds of promises made in Naruto that didn't end up in romance.

>Threadly reminder: Don't argue/respond to MirioEri posters, it's not worth it

It's just one guy, Miriofag aka Patreak.

Mirio isn't joking, because that could potentially harm her feelings.
Eri is a girl who was mistreated and abused, he experienced how deeply Overhaul's words affected her, so he's basically reassuring her with that comment and letting her know he's there for her as anything she wants from him, no boundaries. He's there to make her happy and will be whatever she needs from him.
But she didn't get it, and that is the funny part. Deku acting like a tsukkomi to a boke moment (the boke is always serious when saying something incredibly stupid or out of place) because that is how far Mirio would go to please her.
It isn't hard to understand, not after chapter 159-153

she wouldn't risk it

>turns out grapefag was right.

It is a promise about not letting her experience sadness or pain again after a lifetime of suffering. That is huge, show me a promise like that that didn't end up in romance.

What part of student on hiatus can't you read? Everyone wears civvy clothes when not in class, though Mirio did have them on while showing Eri around in one of the pics you posted here.

>Deku acting like a tsukkomi to a boke moment
The joke is that Mirio uses "date" and Deku was surprised and so Mirio corrected himself but escalated it
Very obvious joke.

In fact if it wasn't a joke that means they must've married off panel somewhere. You think Hori had them marry and not show us?

Yes, after he arrived at UA.
In the same chapter where his friends wondered where he had been.
He is not living at the dorms. There was no reason to leave with Eri and wave goodbye to deku in chapter 183 if that was the case.

There isn't a joke, because Mirio is serious about the intent. Eri can see him in a romantic light and he's got no problem with that, never will.
>hori had them marry
No, she didn't understand. But as soon as she does Mirio will promise they will marry.

>Have you ever stopped reading/watching BnHA?
Nope, I've read Naruto and Bleach whole and only droped HxH on the Chimera Ants arc. So far Heroaka did nothing as criminal as those three.

>There isn't a joke
But they are not married
How can they bee on a honeymoons couple's outing?

This is a tiny portion of his posts:

Mostly him arguing with himself

And also


It is a way of comparing their outing and the dynamic, that of a couple having fun during their honeymoon.
Which is how Mirio is letting Eri know what he can be for her.
Which results as a boke-tsukkomi moment, like Shoto's hand comment because of how honestly over the top it is. Such moments works only because the bokke is serious, hence the tsukkomi (deku) makes it fun with his reaction.

Hello grapefag aka patreak aka zushifag aka hisocuck aka EHwhale

>It is a way of comparing their outing and the dynamic
a humorous way. They aren't actually married.

Thinking about it, why the fuck did she think her music hobby is stupid with a music producer and a professional musician as parents? She even seem to got a great relationship with them. Is she a cute, but stupid little rebel?

Attached: 70236146_p4.png (1284x1337, 1.91M)

Of course they're not, but the offer is up for her. Mirio has no qualms pleasing Eri in that way, but she doesn't understand yet.
That will change eventually.

what's this meme about tinder profiles

user, in my eyes; you aren't a man. You're a subhuman, a normalfag.
Stop basing your identity on a piece of fucking media. If I my memory serves me correctly, every non GRR-supervised D&D-only season of GoT has been utter dogshit; best thing is that I didn't even have to go to Yea Forumseddit for them to form my opinion for me. Hell, I'm pretty sure the entire show is running on noncanon because they couldn't be bothered setting up the Stoneheart at all or even making Stannis in any way the god-tier leader the books put him as and instead decide to do an oc fucking Dorn subplot that went absolutely fucking nowhere while making wymin stronk at every point.
Read the books if you want to consume the universe, prate the show if you want a social context around normalfag freinds; but don't use it as an excuse to behave like a fucking corporate feeder like every other human in the West seemingly is. And both the Witcher and LotR series is better fantasies than GoT.

On this point, I wonder how high of an acidic concentration Mina could reach. So far it's just been disolve-ey substance, I wonder if she could start flicking out wall melting goo soon. Her taking on bullets might not be a bad idea if she could slow them down enough and mitigate the projectile enough.

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She didn't think it was stupid
It just wasn't her vocation

what could momo do against thugs with guns

>Of course they're not
So he wasn't serious? So it was a joke
Whether or not he would actually marry Eri seems really unrelated considering she is way too young to even understand anything of the sort.

What? You mean ninshuu? Yeah, that happened.
You are merely reading more into the desire to protect a child, and eroticising it like a typical primitive sped.

The intent wasn't a joke. If Eri understood at that moment, Mirio wouldn't say "i-i was joking!". He would be exactly that for her, but she didn't get it so no use in pushing it.
The one protecting the child is Aizawa. Mirio is there to ensure she lives a life where he meets all her expectations as an equal.

She melted though the hardened balls in the licence exam which was a few months ago in universe so she could probably melt bullets. It was also said she has a good reaction time.

>The intent wasn't a joke.
Even if it wasn't which could be your headcannon it was still a joke on the surface.

Nope, because he's trying to let Eri know what kind of dynamic he meant by date.
That of romance, like a couple during their honeymoon. Not platonic in the slightest.

top 5 jirou facts:
#1: jirou is best girl
#2: jirou is best boy
#3: jirou has a deep dope waiting to be filled
#4: jirou can make you cum using only her earlobes and the sound of her heartbeat
#5: jirou has already made everyone in this general cum several times to her

Attached: D01V8-1X4AMwoxG.jpg (552x471, 37K)

>because he's trying to let Eri know what kind of dynamic he meant by date.
So he explains it when she doesn't understand? He is not
Eri still doesn't.

>t. Miriofag aka Patreak aka Zushifag aka Chrollolet aka Benji

Holy shit, you literally need to be put to death IRL.





Based & redpilled

>Miriofag is Benji
As expected of Reddit

Miriopatty on suicide watch

Damn, he’s right

Yep, dropped at 7 quirks, picking back up when it's written out of the story.


I feel conflicted about number 2 since I don't think she actually is a boy like tumblr does.

imagine if one day izuku and jirou accidentally swapped notebooks

Only 5 of those posts are mine, dumbass can't even check IPs.

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Why would he do that? What is the use if she doesn't get it? He's doing it for her sake, not for his. So it is better not to push it for now.
She will understand eventually, and when that happens Mirio will reassure her once again that he will be absolutely anything for her.

Attached: IMG_20190301_231911.jpg (1119x313, 54K)

the best type of boy is a tomboy

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>she has deku's fluffy hair when undone

Miriopatreak using 3 devices to make you think there's 2 of him

>Why would he do that?
You said he was clarifying to her. You tell me. Why is he explaining their relationship to her? And why does he stop when she doesn't get it?

The joke is mainly for Deku to make him feel uncomfortable. That was the joke. If Deku wasn't there to ask about "date?" he wouldn't have made the joke.

you're delusional

Tomboy's aren't really boys.

makes me wonder if the inverse is true

>i can't stand the constant addition of characters
i will never understand people like you
you must hate oda and togashi

Fuck off Satan, you bookfag. Enjoy being forced to watch the series finale if you ever want to see any kind of conclusion to the plot, since we all know Georgie ain't gonna write shit and will die of a heart attack before he ever even thinks about releasing another book. Seethe more asoiaf-cuck.

Attached: smGeorge-RR-Martin-credit-Karolina-Webb.jpg (1000x1494, 453K)

i stopped reading after the endeavor fight against that thing that almost killed him. dont know why but I also cant be bothered to pick it try and get back to it.

Holy shit now I'm convinced you're retarded. He kept trying that one time, but stopped after understanding she wouldn't get it. He didn't over push it either, he only mentioned it twice in a sequence.
The joke wasnt for fucking Deku, he wouldn't use his relationship with Eri, and joke at her expense to make Deku uncomfortable. The words were directed at her, not even once he said "hey Deku, me and Eri would make a nice couple!" or something. He's trying his best to make her feel loved and accepted, this has nothing to do with Deku.

>The joke wasnt for fucking Deku
Okay I guess it was for himself as well. But Deku was the audience in that moment.

>"hey Deku, me and Eri would make a nice couple!"
Isn't that basically the joke here? using a word meant for couples when Deku asks him about using date?

He was on temporary leave.
He is back now, just not in classes

Deku and Aizawa and the doctors? But Mirio wasn't thinking about any of them, he was only thinking about making Eri happy.
Like the fucking composition of the panel is Mirio talking to Eri as he excitedly points at himself, not even once thinking about anyone but herself.
My god user, you're reaching so hard to avoid seeing the truth.
Eri was the one who says;
Dates? A honeymoon couple outing? And then Deku interrupts by asking Mirio what is he talking about.

I'm about to play a game of Overthrow with a guy called "Copy That". His steam icon is a pic of Monoma.
Which one of you is it?

Attached: monoma.png (257x357, 41K)

No, he's still in a temporary leave. Check the original nip, he says leave of absense.

Attached: 1551864843871.gif (400x225, 3.82M)

Shhhhh user.
user all you had to do was post this an completely invalidate his arguement

>My god user, you're reaching so hard to avoid seeing the truth.
That is you projecting
I have absolutely no skin in the game. I think them being a couple is completely unrelated to this one joke line
Meanwhile you have balanced their entire relationship on this one joke panel.
You are reaching incredibly hard for this one joke to be the proof you need.
Lets say Hori wouldn't have made that panel? Would you feel any less confident about Mirio Eri?
Lets say Hori confirms it was a joke. Would you think its suddenly not canon anymore?

Mirio is there to be a babysitter while Aizawa is busy, like he basically points out.

user, if you didn't get the message due to your lightspeedreading; I think the series as a whole is shit. Sapowski does better in half the wordcount, and his has got a trilogy of games including one of the best games for it's size of all time.
Sorry if I prefer to consume the better of two steaming piles of shit; at least I'm not prancing around like I'm the superior. And GRRM already has the endings written down for authours rights, so his kids can sell it onto another authour the deem suitable if he kicks the bucket. You're a fucking moron who evidently has no idea how the industry works if you think that that isn't the case.

Nice one on missing the enitre point of the post, you fucking drone. Read it again.

>still ignores Mirio saying he is there to watch Eri when Aizawa is busy
>imagine being this autistic to force a ship

It's me no it isn't

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This panel is important because it completely overstep the boundaries of an entirely platonic relationship. So no, it wasn't a joke.
Mirio doesn't have an issue by seeing Eri like that, because his love is unconditional, and as long as you can't understand it isn't a joke then you're a lost case.
>would you feel any less confident about Mirio Eri?
Yes. Because the possibility of his affection being exclusively fraternal would be higher given the fact she's a little girl. But this happened, so now I'm aware it isn't an issue for Mirio. There isn't a problem with them getting together eventually, because he never considered her a little girl only, but someone he will make happy in any way. yes, including a romantic dynamic.
>Hori confirms it was a joke
Would be a hit, but still pretty cute and canon.
He never says he will there to watch Eri when he's busy. He's saying he will be there as her intimate friend.
That can mean a myriad of things, he's basically her right Hand man.
A friend, a concept that might be hard for you to grasp it seems.


I want to hug Shinsou!

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I'm going to say it how I see it, you actually sound like a fucking screaming 7 year old that got his hands on the computer. The mannerisms are almost fucking identical, it's uncanny.

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>admitting to deliberately ignoring Mirio pointing out he will be helping Aizawa watch her.
>triggered miriololi.exe has stopped functioning

>not only did you save my edit but he's also a GET HYPE poster
user, you ight

Attached: there goes my hero.jpg (1897x1897, 835K)

>helping aizawa watch her
Nope. Didn't you see that one time endeavor fought high end? Mirio wasn't with her.
And Aizawa said there would be plenty of things to work on and confirm, one step at a time. In assuming her socializing, therapy, quirk control, etc.
Mirio will be there for her, as her friend and equal. Now and forever, until death do them part.
That is way more than the nanny shit you're trying to push, and you fail miserably.

He is Megido, fag.

Attached: 54488-Silhouette_Mirage_(J)-15.jpg (640x448, 58K)

Why do you Yea Forums guys hate Mirio so much?

On Reddit, Mirio is the 2nd most popular after Baku.

you speak the true true

Attached: TFW it is known.png (600x469, 252K)

Only Miriofag aka /u/Patreak likes Mirio on Yea Forums

I don't think people on Reddit would post Mirio x Eri without getting banned.

Attached: I shiggy diggy.png (160x290, 56K)

Everyone who talks to Miriofag should be put to death, unless they're insulting him.

Do not let the bugman Miriopatreak have an excuse to shill his mental illnesses

>marriage vows
More fantasy.
What about High End? Mirio helping doesn't mean being with her at all times.

>denying the loli ship = hating Mirio.
Neck yourself

No one on Yea Forums ships Mirio x Eri. It's a Redditor psy-op to shill Soirio on Yea Forums.

Notice how there is ZERO (0) actual Mirio x Eri hentai. That's because even when Patreak commissioned fanart from his fellow Redditors, he asked for Eri to be adult in it.





Everyone hates Mirio other than you Redditcuck.

>On Reddit
>haha it's just bait
>haha look at me, I'm totally one of you look at me fellow herobros olololo
Then followed by you saying
>Look at these herofags, fucking ledditors

Attached: go_back_colour.jpg (991x1426, 188K)

But that is his job according to you? You said he didn't have nothing better to do, so that is why he is a nanny (he isn't). He's Eri's friends who is with her when she needs him, you know, like friends actually do.
And his promise of NEVER letting her feel sad again implies a life long compromise.
Yes, forever.

What are you on?

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Why would you deny Mirio of the loli he swore to make happy like an equal? You're not a miriofag.

Attached: Screenshot_20190227_151718.jpg (470x694, 123K)

Mirio doesn't warrant hate, even if you are not a fanboy of his, he is only disliked at all here because of the Miriololi dude.

BASED. Just like you're not allowed to criticize Israel / name the Jew without getting deplatformed, you cannot point out the fact that Mirio was officially recognized as the worst shonen character of all time / name the Miriopatreak without Zachary Whitcuck banning you for life.

We MUST put the Miriopatreak down.

Mirio is Reddit

>hated on Yea Forums
Holy shit, that makes Mirio based here

>Have you ever stopped reading/watching BnHA?
>What made you come back?
I didn't.

I understand now.

So this is the endgame of Patreak's Mirio x Eri spam.

He wants to use it to "take all the hate away" from Soirio Soigata.

So he can say "o-oh no we all love Mirio it's just that dastardly villain MirioEri shipper we dislike".



Real, pure, unadulterated love.

Attached: IMG_20190302_160017.jpg (1074x1571, 308K)

This is your favorite figure

Attached: teako.jpg (648x700, 94K)

Mirio is so fucking shit that even if Hori actually drew him having sex with Eri, get would STILL be the most hated character on Yea Forums.

Deal with it, Patty.

Yep, pure love for her SAVIOR - Deku.

Based YHchad BTFOIng all the white het males

>deku was off stage
>she excitedly turns to Mirio and shares her happiness with him
>this moment will forever be in their memory, the two of thems sharing her first smile

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Ah, beutiful.

>jobs are 24/7
>muh wedding vows
Oh, you mean taking down Chisaki, yeah, that already happened, thanks to Deku. Mirio passed out, breaking the so called "promise" already, as he would be destined to do for the rest of his life.

Attached: Mirios true meaning.jpg (892x1300, 313K)

Mirio = Trump fucking hilolly Clinton (grapetard)

Momos hymen and womb belong to Mineta.

Attached: __mineta_minoru_and_yaoyorozu_momo_boku_no_hero_academia_drawn_by_kiwa_pokemonwars__4267eae47b911568 (992x1403, 127K)

So you come out and admit that you are not only the Patreak spammer, you are the Miriololi fag himself.

Fucking based

••Gang rise up

He isn't working. It isn't a job.
The words he said there were "you won't feel pain anymore!" Complementing the promise he made in pic related, not the same by the way.
Also, reminder she only fought Chisaki and helped Deku because mirio's seed gave her the determination to be saved.
So yes, he saved her heart.

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I never stopped reading the manga because I read most of Shonen Jump since I have a subscription.

The anime I've skipped 4-5 episodes at a time and binged later.

paying for jump trash

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well HxH isn't in the magazine right now, so there's no trash to be found

>he doesn't know

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Nice try Benji, but you already revealed in this very thread that you / Miriofag = Benji.

Deku saved Eri. Deku took Eri's virginity. Eri loves Deku.

Deal with it, samecuck.

>not a job
You decided to use that word, fag, don't get triggered now.
Eri joined Deku after Mirio passed out, which made her feel sad because she knew she couldn't count on him, he needed a hero of his own.
Mirio otherwise sowed the "seeds" mentioned here, at best.

Attached: Broken promises.jpg (894x1300, 282K)

>First two volumes released in Finland this week
How's the translation looking?

Wow Mirio is so useless, look at how disappointed she is

Look how ABSOLUTELY DESPERATE Miriofag aka Patreak is.

The level of damage control.

Let me repeat it one more gin.







She literally let Mirio bleed out and die in a sewer just to be with her beloved Deku.

user, you're a fucking retard.
Mirio fainted due to the blood loss, she only returned to overhaul because the person who gave her hope (Mirio)was dying in front of her and she tried to negotiate with him, shed go back to Chisaki if that meant everyone would be back to normal.
Even OH asks her if she thinks Deku can overcome the situation, and she says that she doesn't believe he will.
Then Chisaki points out she only placed her hopes temporarily on Mirio and only him. Then she reaches for his cape, Mirio's cape, an example of his sacrifice and his actions. And the rest is history.
Way to miss the context of something that is explicit stated throughout the chapters, I truly pity you brainlet.

Attached: gondolas_prima.png (400x400, 12K)

Your gimmick is trash, commit sudoku, quickly please.

>Two whole threads full of pointless “””””arguing””””” over Mirio and Eri, which won’t change a damn thing
Congratulations, faggots, on wasting an astronomically large amount of time

Look how the subhuman bugman cries out in pain when he is named

Kek fucking tranny Redditor
Mirio =trump
Eri = ivanka

Mentally ill Jew.

Eri let Mirio die for all she cared. Deku is her only love.

Couldn’t you get your point through without the retarded spacing and /pol/ buzzwords?

Oy vey grapekike, trying to dismiss Mirio and Eri's cutest form of love.

>newfags replying to grapefag
Yes, antimirioerifags are retarded newfags.

Look, you desperate little Jew.

Your pathetic attempts at saving yourself from being named are all worthless.

Trump is yet another Jew loving cuck and his whore daughter Ivanka literally sucks Jewish cock and is literally behind 90% of Trump's worst decisions via Kikeshner.





Hori's face in that reminds me of uma delicia

Antimirioerifags = everyone including you, the guy spamming Mirio x Eri

Antimiriofags = everyone except you Redditors

In this thread mirioerifags are just as bad

Mirio fucks Eri's cunny like Marlon Bundo, Shillary's leaked emails confirm.

>actual relationship supported and promoted in canon
Maybe if you're a newfaggot or a moralfag, or both.

every normalfag upset over loli should go back to tumblr or reddit

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Honestly? This

No that
I like Mirio Eri
But the one guy who doesn't understand jokes and is arguing that people can't be offended by jokes is making all Mirio Eri fags look really bad.

It’s not the content in the manga you fucking retards, it’s the never-ending spam in the threads. I could care less about what the ship actually is

Lmao, look how it left the tiny dicked Patreak-Jew speechless. He thought he could get away with his Mirio-Jewishness by pretending to support Trump / larping as anti-Hillary, but he was caught completely off guard by my ironpill (Trump's a Jew loving cuck also).





no u

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>doesn't understand jokes
You're the one who doesn't understand mirio's offer wasnt a joke, and you denying it despite liking Mirio and Eri makes you look like a retard.
Accept it faggot.

How about you make a fuss about the never ending piles of fag shit in the threads instead of bitching about something that matters way less?

Never. It was a joke. Mirio isn't a sex offender

You do not like Mirio Eri, Miriofag. No one does.

Mirio is palestine and Eri is Assad.
You are a hilldawg shill that gets a shekel every time you shit on white male Mirio

>How about you make a fuss about the never ending piles of fag shit in the threads
He is. I mean the cute and canon poster used to be fine
Now he is getting worse than fujos.

It wasnt a joke. And yes, Mirio isn't a sex offender.
Tell me, where did he touch Eri in a lewd way with the intention of having sex?nowhere.

Remember when All Might had a neck at the start of the series?

Attached: neckmight.png (450x568, 89K)

No he isn;t "getting worse than fujos" you absolute faggot.

>Mirio is palestine and Eri is Assad





No I do. Her potential crush would be incredibly cute.

As long as that one retard can't accept Mirio wasn't joking then we will have a problem. Otherwise, I'm quiet.

>an ugly numale soiboi like Mirio
He is a Jew.

Mirio was joking. Unless you contact Horikoshi I will stand by that.

My post could apply to any of you dumbfuck ship/fujo spammers. You’re all scum
>B-b-but my shitposting isn’t as bad as their shitposting!
Kill yourself you mouthbreathing cunt

Retard. Mirio wouldn't joke with her feelings, or at her expense.

I am right here. When people misinterpret facts to get to their ships then these threads become worse. Fujos weren't allowed and neither are you.

He didn't. The jokes weren't at her expense (since she isn't in love with him yet) and he didn't joke about her feelings. He used a wrong term intentionally.


The tiny dicked Jew Miriofag aka Patreak is responsible for EVERY SINGLE SHITPOST ITT.

Fujos didn't have anyone talking about dates and honeymoons you retarded cunt. They take things a friend would do and make it romantic.
You take something romantic and try to force your head canon that he was just joking
Fuck off

The possibility is there. By offering that dynamic he is already setting her up to allow her to see him like that, and there is no joking in his intention.
I won't let you feel sad again.
Think about those words, hard.

>Fujos didn't have anyone talking about dates and honeymoons you retarded cunt.
They had the pounding mochi joke

He is a goofy guy who was introduced as someone joking, correct? Joking is completely in character for Mirio
Hitting on a little girl and especially Eri who he would protect instead of attack is completely out of character

it was beautiful

Where did it go? Was this one of the quirks which he passed on and no longer has?

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Miriofag is unironically the only [nu]male on this planet who managed to be worse than fujos.

>and there is no joking in his intention.
But its still a joke
you can have serious intention behind jokes but the basic structure doesn't change.
Even if he is serious it was a joke.

>Eri who he would protect

When did he ever protect Eri?

He stopped Deku from rescuing her, then stopped Nemoto from rescuing her.

Lezero saved 0 people.

Holy shit you retard.
Neither was the mochi, it isn't what you want it to mean you fucking retard, and nowhere comparable to Mirio and Eri's relationship.
Mirio likes to joke, but not with Eri's feelings. You wouldn't tell a young girl who needs reassurance to go on a date with you just to joke with her, right? What if she fell for you, why take the risk? Mirio isn't retarded like you, and he made a lifelong promise to Eri.
Nope. He really is offering himself to Eri, she just didn't get it. The intention for him to see him as a romantic partner is there, quite real and canon.

Seriously Grape just let the Miriofag post. His posts are way more damaging to how anyone feels about Mirio than your weird posting.

>You wouldn't tell a young girl who needs reassurance to go on a date
She is 7
She doesn't need to go on dates.
> What if she fell for you, why take the risk?
Mirio is that unsure about her feelings?

Also stop being dense
Acting like a couple = hurting and attacking.
This is all for her sake. Mirio's feelings aren't entirely platonic like you want them to be.

>The intention for him to see him as a romantic partner is there
Lets say you are correct about that.
That wouldn't change that he delivered it through a joke. Hypothetically

Seven years old wanted to be talked to romantically in the manga during the remedial license arc.
They might want to go to dates, Eri is just a special case and Mirio didn't know any better, but now he does.
>Mirio is that unsure about her feelings
No? He's just trying very hard to please her, because that is his life purpose.

Where is the joke in that? absolutely nowhere. A joke needs a target, if it were a joke the target would be Eri.
You think he'd do that to her? get out of town, he's offering himself to her.

>and Mirio didn't know any better
I would think Mirio is actually way more in tune with what Eri feels than you realize. Honestly now you are arguing for Mirio misunderstanding Eri.
So he knows whether or not she has a crush on him right now?

>Where is the joke in that?
Reversal of expectations
The basic structure of the joke is that he should've corrected himself differently
Basically date was inappropriate but a believable mistake to make. The expectation is to correct yourself and say something less implicating. The joke was that he did the opposite.
> if it were a joke the target would be Eri.
TECHNICALLY the target is he himself if you want to be pedantic about targets
also comparing her to an object could be seen as cruel but isn't because there is no evil intention
Just like his date joke.
>he's offering himself to her.
Romantically? To a 7 year old? No he isn't.

Yes, he is in tune with her feelings but look at him offering a basket of fruits as he tries to guess which one is her favorite. Is it peaches? You look like a little peach!
It is apples...
He is trying hard, and he says things that he thinks will make her feel better. He's offering himself to her like that because he's willing to be that for her, that is what unconditional love entails. Be anything to make someone happy.
But she didn't get it.
And he didn't insist.
That will change eventually, but for now they're "intimate" friends.
>so he knows whether or not she has a crush on him right now
I think he's putting himself out there so she doesn't have to worry about a single thing, obvious crush or not.

>He's offering himself to her like that because he's willing to be that for her
Again lets say you are correct
Then he would've offered himself THROUGH A JOKE
Which I guess is like putting medicine into sweets.

This is hands down the most autistic argument I have ever seen. Why has it gone on this long

>"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"
What happens when an unstoppable shipper meets an immovable realist.

>he should be corrected himself differently
Why? He always meant a romantic date, that is why it is a boke-tsukommi joke for the reader, not in universe.
It is so cruel to think like that, what if Eri understood what he meant? You think he would break her heart? You think he would take that risk after promising he wouldn't let her feel sad again? Fuck off.
>technically the target is he himself
And who's the receptor? Eri.
Who gets new expectations? Eri.
Whose feelings are at stake? Eri's.
He wouldn't joke with that.
>No he isn't.
Yes he is. Letting Eri know he can be anything for her, now and always.

Date is the wrong term.
>You think he would break her heart?
Not really. Eri is full on traumatized.

I'd say blind faggot that refuses to move.
There is no joke. He was rather clear.

>I'd say blind faggot that refuses to move.
I hypothetically accepted every of your points and we arrived at ridiculous scenarios as Mirio grooming her or being a literal pedophile
You have never once admitted that it could just be a joke. You are completely immovable on that front.

Deto isn't the wrong term. It always implies romantic feelings.
>Eri is full on traumatized
Hence Mirio doing his best to make her happy, including offering himself to her romantically where she want to be that. Mirio will never say no.

>Deto isn't the wrong term.
It is for the setup of the joke
The expectation is that it is the wrong term. The fact that Mirio didn't think it was wrong and gone more extreme is the joke.

Why should I accept something that isn't presented as a joke because you want to see it like that?
>child grooming
She was already groomed by Chisaki. Mirio is doing everything he can to deconstruct that.
And yes, like Chisaki mistreated her and his abuse went beyond normal limits, so will Mirio's devotion.
Holy shit.

So Mirio is countergrooming her?
If Chisaki had raped her would he counterrape her?

>Why should I accept something that isn't presented as a joke
Because it is a joke
You yourself brought in how it is the standard two guy thing japanese people love and that is also reflected in our straight guy comedy
Now for Mirio to not realize its a perfectly executed setup of a joke would mean he has no sense of humor
We know he does.

Holy shit, you had to tell yourself that completely ridiculous thing to convince yourself.
Mirio goes out of his way to explain his current situation"I'm off school right now she can go on a date all day long!"
It wasnt a set up for some other word.
My god.

The banzai requires the boke to be serious about it, idiot. That is what makes it funny for the expectator, not the characters playing the role.

I mean, you cannot dispute these. She is a cute boy(girl).

Attached: jirou.png (495x700, 447K)

Mirio is gonna do anything to make her feel loved and wanted.

>The banzai requires the boke to be serious about it, idiot.
It doesn't. They can be actors. There are comedic actors.
When Shoto did it he was serious. But when Mirio did it he was playing because he is a comedic guy. He is into comedy.

>Mirio is gonna do anything to make her feel loved and wanted.
Which would include not hitting on her when she is 7
That is scarring to little girls. Unless you disguise it as a joke.

He is into comedy, but not at Eri's expense. He's way less smart when it comes to joking, literally using call backs and shoving his ass out of a bush.
Now you are telling me he said that because he knew deku would react like that, and not to reassure and make Eri happy? So his relationship with Eri is a joke to be exploited? Fuck off, you don't take it seriously like you should.
>that is scarring to little girls
She didn't understand, Mirio is saying that in front of everyone, he's not mean spirited or means bad. All he wants is to make her happy, and if he thinks being Eri' date and companion (romantic as well, yes) will ensure her happiness then he will proceed gladly.

Shigaraki will be Batman this arc

>Now you are telling me he said that because he knew deku would react like that, and not to reassure and make Eri happy?
No being silly around Eri is good for her
like the bush
When he devoted himself to Eri during the yakuza arc it was serious. He didn't jokingly say it and it panned away
> So his relationship with Eri is a joke to be exploited?
Its not. If you think any joke about Eri is out of bounds then the Peach thing should also not have been okay. Or joking with his classmates that Eri is his daughter
What if she understood that and took it as him denying her a romantic interest?

>She didn't understand
because he disguised it as a joke.

He never told her "I'm your dad Eri!" All he did was look at his classmate and not say anything, he was using his own stupidity against him to fuck around with him. The Hori let's you know this was a joke, unlike the date situation.
It is presented in a funny way because of how over the top it is, but not as a joke. Ever.

No, she didn't understand what dating and honeymoon is.

Both are presented as jokes
If it were a serious confession it would've shown a closeup of his face

Yeah but if it were serious she would need to understands
Jokes are fine to be ignored

this is because it isn't about Mirio, it is about Eri
>hey Eri if you want we can go on a date!
He's making her aware of the roles he can fill in her life. Yes, because he promised he wouldn't let her feel sad.
His love is already there, there's nothing to confess. He will always adapt himself to her needs.

king crimson.

>He's making her aware of the roles he can fill in her life
Through jokes? Honestly that is not a bad approach

And Mirio would have to explain a new concept to Eri? why? She doesn't know about it yet, she will learn about it eventually. There are more important things, remember he does it for her sake, not his.
With his comment we can see how Mirio perceives himself in regards to her life, as a malleable figure that is there to meet all her needs.
And it fits with his promise.
Why is this so hard to get?

I get all of that
It would still be a joke.

>trough jokes
He wasn't joking. If you told your friend you wanted to go out on a date with them and there's nothing more you want to make them happy you wouldn't be joking, neither was Mirio. He takes his role seriously, but since she didn't understand he quit it. And if you notice, he began cheering for Deku because he does what Eri needs from him, and Eri wanted to be with Deku as well.
>let's make the rounds together, the three of us!
>are you excited for midoriya, eri-chan?
He's just awfully eager to please her in any way she needs, and when romance presents itself Mirio won't say no.
Nope. He wouldn't joke with her feelings, or use her as a target either.
If he offers a dynamic to her, that of a couple, he will follow through but she didn't understand so it was useless...for now.