Why did this guy cause so many people to become assblasted? And I’m not referring to the Rem rejection

Why did this guy cause so many people to become assblasted? And I’m not referring to the Rem rejection

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I don't like him. I don't like the way he acts. And I'm not saying that as like "hurr I would have acted so much different and handeled that traumatic situation perfectly durr." I mean he's a stupid prick. I hate his guts. Watching him die was the best part.

He doesn't behave logically, which makes sense under extreme stress, but before things get really bad he's still kind of stupid.

beta fantasy
>oh man I fucked up my entire life I wish I could go back and fix it
>new start
>if he dies he can try again until everything goes perfect

They dont want to self insert into a character thats a bit of a sperg.

>a bit

>beta fantasy
does anyone really self insert as Subaru

Probably because of his neckbeard delusions that lead to him sperging the fuck out. But honestly, his autistic fedora tipping was something I found highly entertaining, and having a main character that wasn't just flawed but an absolute fucking mess was almost a breath of fresh air for the fantasy isekai genre.

This moment in the show was peak kino.

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I fucking loved how ACTUALLY cringy he got, made me have mixed feelings about him and react to him dynamically in the show. I feel only brainlets get triggered by him.

Nothing. He was literally only hated because Yea Forums has a hateboner for isekai.

>does anyone really self insert as Shirou
Makes you wise for the extinction of mankind lad.

>Blames all his moronic relationship decisions on a curse
I couldn't decide if it was bad writing or if he was honest-to-goodness completely lacking in self-awareness

Subaru is genuinely my favorite isekai protagonist.
Just look at this dude, I just can't hate him

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Could you really not? Even when the show spells out just how much of a giant sperg he is at almost every opportunity?

So, people hate flaws, yet complain about perfection?

He's literally them and he's portrayed negatively.

He's right though, at least considering the information that he has. He has a superpower that he could rule the world with, but he uses it to save their asses.

The most humiliating thing he does doesn't rest. And on at least one occasion he tries to suicide in order to prevent something and returns to the moment right before he suicided.

People are giant hypocrites, who knew.

>only brainlets get triggered by him
Unironically this is what's going on. I think what upsets the brainlets isn't necessarily that the character is flawed so much as it is that he keeps failing as a result of his own flaws and poor decision making. He's in the same category of protagonist as Shinji Ikari i.e. someone who's been thrust into shitty extraordinary circumstances and not being mature, wise, or powerful enough to handle them. I'd hazard a guess that the majority of people triggered by Suzuki also hate Shinji. It's fine if a protagonist fails. It's fine if a protagonist makes a mistake. But if a protagonist FUCKS UP then people get mad.

On that note, what other pleb filter protagonists are there like Shinji and Subaru? I can't think of any right now.

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Hope you die next user, you sound like a douche.

Sounds like you

You know it's possible to get the intent behind something and not like it still.

Self-inserting. You see everyone lying. They want self-insert badass MC. Subaru was like deconstruction of Isekai MC. He was really pathetic in some scenes. Like real human being
stop this

I do not like him. His demeanor annoys me, and I a despise the way he acts, particularly in social situations. I strongly disapprove of his decisions, and find significant fault with the reasoning behind his decisions.

Because of the reasons listed above, his character has no appeal to me. I do not like watching him and I eventually stopped watching his show.

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He was going through really bad cases of depression and mental breakdown from failing so often and seeing loved ones die. I found that a lot of people calling him a pussy for this never felt similar emotions and cant empathize with the emotions.