ADMIT IT THIS SEASON FUCKING SUCKS OUTSIDE OF JOJO. You will never see all of Yea Forums banding together to shitpost a single anime again like pic related or re;zero again
Lurk moar faggot
I'm sorry you have shit taste
> You will never see all of Yea Forums banding together to shitpost a single anime again like pic related or re;zero again
I remember people saying "Yea Forums will never watch an anime together again like with KLK and Meguca" for years.
Hey now that's not fair. I didn't think I would enjoy it but SAO has been super good
Yea Forums watching Code Geass is and probably will be Yea Forums finest hours.
But unironically when will it happen again? Promare will be a movie, there will be threads but not as much as if it were a TV series
>we'll never get weeks of having 50+ threads about the same series ever again
Thank God
dumb fags can't even post an example because they know they're wrong.
Jojo sucks dick too dumb nigger.
This. All three of those shows are utter trash.
If you could predict this kind of thing so easily, it wouldn't happen. They explode because they catch people unawares.
>all of Yea Forums
The place got infested with tourists from the worst boards of the site and made Yea Forums an unnavigable hellzone. Fuck off.
>You will never see all of Yea Forums banding together to shitpost a single anime again like pic related or re;zero again
People have been saying that almost every season since fucking Code Geas aired for the first time, you ignorant asshole.
It was the first trainwreck post election so it was bound to happen
you fuck off, no one likes you which is why you can't find a place to belong in.
This. Yea Forums wasn't even that awful a year ago
Well not compared to how it is now
Winter 2018 finished sealing the coffin.
>"Yea Forums went to shit a year ago," says Yea Forumsnon for the fifteenth year in a row.
Well i'm not saying it "went to shit" last year, but it's more like it got worse faster than expected
>You will never see all of Yea Forums banding together to shitpost a single anime again like pic related or re;zero again
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Did I say it went to shit last year you stupid nigger?
that's the sorta thing you try to avoid in your threads newfag
We can discuss old animes and pretend they are airing
Moot didn't died for this
jojo sux
>deluded jojofags thinking they want to argue again
Yea Forums was already absolutely terrible a year ago, and if the coffin was ever not-sealed, it became sealed a long, long time ago. I don't even see how the current state of the board right now is supposed to be any worse than what it was the season before Franxx aired, when we had hordes of deranged spics deliberately making as many Dragonball threads as possible, like fifty+ up at once sometimes, for weeks on end to try and piss off the mods.
You joke, but that was fun when we did it for retarded dragon girls.
>You will never see all of Yea Forums banding together to shitpost a single anime again
Thank God
the amount of shitpost was quite big for me
>all of Yea Forums
You meant all of Yea Forums and reddit.