Waiting for the TL user

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[right, box] Cosplay
[right] Ousai Academy Morals Chairman: Igarashi kaede (3rd year)

Joint work

Today they’re doing traffic crossing safety work.
Good morning everyone

One of the flags is now useless.
I don’t wanna waste it

How about we share one then

[right, box] Cosplay
[right] Ousai Academy Morals Chairman: Igarashi kaede (3rd year)

Joint work

Today they’re doing traffic crossing safety work.
Good morning everyone

One of the flags is now useless.
I don’t wanna waste it

How about we share one then

im tired of seeing this I HAZ A SUZU pic on the catalog. fuck off

Comic 1
Dating Sim

Igarashi-san is leading the traffic safety activities.

Why’re you flirting now! Think about the time and place!
Are they flirting?
Suzu head

Kaede-chan, you should think about time and place too.

From an outsider’s perspective, this looks like a romcom.
A triangle relationship?

Comic 2
Traffic guiding

Look right

Look left

Wave your hands and cross

Am I dirty minded for hearing it like this?
Left hand
Right in pleats
Raise hand
Someone’s slow to notice.
Aria Head
Suzu somewhere here

So when are Shino and Tsuda getting married?

Comic 1
Hole going to school

It’s dangerous to walk with your phone!!

Nowwatch, there’s a huge truck moving now.
If you take out your phone when that happens...

You won’t notice that the draft will flip your skirt up.
Stop walking with your phone!!

Comic 2
“Ah crap, they’re doing traffic safety work now”

Good morning

You two seem passionate today

Really, you do.

Or your bike seat does.
You two were sharing a bike just before this, huh?

Like slapstick comedy

The TV people are here.
Ah, the teachers said something.

By the way, your tie is messy.

You’ll look horrible on camera if you look like that.

No, you look great in my pick, okay?

Hata-san, what’re you...
My reporting
Not that

whT’s up?
Well, see...

Hata-san, don’t say it!

Don’t stick your tongue out!
Lickey lick
[endnote] Hata-san, shocking photos! The elusive demon is a master of her tongue!!

I'll keep using it forever just to make you mad

Thanks for the tl as always.

So is Kaede finally accepting her feelings?
Thanks for doing it every week.


Thank you for your hard work.

Oh God, she just usurped Shino's necktie flag!

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SuzuxTsuda really is the most wholesome ship.

Even how cute Suzu is, if she called me and started bitching I'd just put the phone down and grunt at it once a minute or so.

[right, box] Cosplay
[right] Ousai Academy Morals Chairman: Igarashi kaede (3rd year)

Joint work

Today's traffic safety work.
Good morning everyone

One of the flags is no good.
I don’t wanna waste it

How about we share one then

Goddamnit Tsuda

Comic 1
Dating Sim

Igarashi-san is leading this traffic safety activity.

Stop flirting! Think about the time and place!
Are they flirting?
Suzu head

Kaede-chan, you should think about the time and place too.

To an outsider, this looks like a romcom.
A love triangle?

Comic 2
Traffic guiding

Look right

Look left

Raise your hand and cross

Am I dirty minded for hearing it like this?
Left hand
Right in pleats
Raise hand
You just noticed?!
Aria Head
Suzu somewhere here

Of course, if it’s not wholesome then it’s pedophilia.

Angry short noses emanate from around waist height

>No new OVA
How can i cope with this.

Comic 1
Hole going to school

It’s dangerous to walk with your phone out!!

Look, there’s a huge truck moving by.
If you have your phone out when that happens...

You won’t notice that the draft is flipping your skirt up.
I'll stop walking with my phone!!

Comic 2
“Ah crap, they’re doing traffic safety work now”

Good morning

You two seem passionate today

You really do.

Or your bike seat does.
You two were sharing a bike just before this, huh?

Kaede's back \o/

Like a slapstick comedy

There are TV people here.
Ah, the teacher mentioned this.

By the way, your tie is messy.

It'll look bad if you're caught on camera like that.

No, that made of a great picture

Hata-san, what’re you...
My reporting
Not that

what's up?
Well, see...

Hata-san, don’t say it!

Don’t stick your tongue out!
Lickey lick
[endnote] Hata-san, shocking photos! The elusive demon is a master of her tongue!!

Chapter 511.

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what does the flag say?

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Kaede may not appear much, but it's super great whenever she gets focus.

Clean image of Kaede fixing Tsuda's tie for those who might want it.

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How cute.

isn't that Kaede?

Nevermind, I'm blind

Goddamn, is this why there's no bitter shitposting arguments over which is best waifu in this series?
Because they're ALL best girl?

She looks cute in that patrol-girl uniform.
She'd make a good neighborhood police-box girl wouldn't she.

She'll be that police lady that's strict on neighborhood people but is super doting on her future boyfriend.

>meanwhile, in the H-game version on your DS....

Attached: Kaede.jpg (433x608, 104K)

Strict but super-helpful. She's quick to give a ticket for parking on the curb, but popular with the grannies, goes around getting kittens out of trees and makes sure none of the kids get isekai'd

But she still gets flustered if she has to scold a group of boys.

>What can't we do? we won't know unless you tell us
>*furious blushing*

Put it up for you on mangadex a few minutes back as usual.

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Then her boyfriend Tsuda swoops in and stands between her and the thugs, reviving Kaede, letting her tell of the hooligans properly.

>kaede going for it.png
I guess?

Anyone else hoping for a quick chapter showing what Kenji and Chiri are up to these days?

Thank you anons

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Truck-kun cameo!

What panties?

last week's chapter was cute

she did that on purpose didn't she

I need a s3
No way am I reading 500000 new chapters

No remember
80% she's an air head
20% that she doesn't mind if it's tsuda looking

It's only 4 pages of 4 to 8-ish panels per page, and there's hardly anything to read anyway. You can read it all in one evening assuming you have the files locally so you don't have to wait 1-2 seconds per page.
Yes, that was a jab at dex being slow as shit right now. I know they're being DDOS'ed.

Is Imouto wa Shishunki user still active?

Probably not, since she usually goes without them and sometimes flat-out forget about underwear altogether.
She is, however, perfectly content with Tsuda seeing her.

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daily reminder Aria doesn’t joke around as usual when she’s alone with Tsuda

I don't think she jokes around at all

Man I used to love SYD and I've been following for years now, but I feel like it's becoming increasingly stagnant.

I'm not asking for any developments because I know it's not that kind of manga, yet lately it just feels like SYD isn't really doing anything interesting.

O-oh. So she's constantly let down because nobody takes her seriously.

This lewd rollercoaster is currently rolling towards the next corkscrew. Please keep the safety bar in place.

is this about repetition or the vibe?

Kaede came a long way.

She did something like this before, was it the singing chapter?

Well, with ONE man anyways...

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end game

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you are missing a few
like when she sat on him and tsuda didn't even mind it for example

not my collage
maybe the user will make a new one?

didn't there used to be a Mega with all the chapters didn't there?

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there's images with every girl, really.
wouldn't mind seeing collages of the others too.

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that's the point of any harem series
give girls scenes at the autor's whim

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That said most Harems have a clear winner from day 1, and usually in a way so ham-fisted that it's the worst of all the girls.
Here instead the worst possible option would be, what, somewhat-exasperating due to constant puns?

worst case scenarios for each girl maybe
Mutsumi: getting mistaken for an attacker and shoulderthrown
Aria: surprise anal
Suzu: neck ache

>Hata licking Kaede.

Shino: Tsuda keeps getting a headache
Uomi: ?
Mori: [Error: worst case not found]
Hata: Drops camera from the rooftop when she cums right as the politician was about to do something worthy of the front page
Kaede: Tsuda turns out not to be into unconscious girls
Kaoru: gets lost on the way to the bedroom and ends up in Kotomi's

Uomi might set up some sort of fake NTR scenario?
Furuya: would be interesting but may be a little old school in her thinking.

Let’s not forget about Uomi being the best girl.

Aria and Kaede are very close behind

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Kaede is actually getting use to him to the point she can actually stay near him without problems. Of course physical contact is gonna be a whole 'nother battle....

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