What a loser

What a loser

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Don't bully Yonagi

Yonagi is perfect for a live action watamote

be patient with her, she has the 'tism.

>befriending women
>as either gender

give me the source bitch.

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>what's my role
>just bee yourself

You can't find it yourself.

Look at this dork.

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Did they not see the play or the movie?

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The movie still has to be edited and what sort of high schooler goes to a fucking play if they're not dragged there by their parents?

Maybe they saw the ads?

Of Yonagi in costume. Which sounds about right for rumors.

>see the play
What is this, a school?

"Stage Play"

what's up with her fucked up hair? Imagine seeing this hair IRL, that would look beyond retarded.

Women don't befriend each other, they make allies of each other.


>random Act Age threads now appear more frequently
I guess the dump really did something huh

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Another two members added to Yonagis harem

>good art
>dork MC
>unique interpretation of the shonen formula

it was only a matter of time.

He has definitely killed a few people

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Well it is showbiz


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>a regular drama club is going to have to deal with Yonagi's autism
I can't wait.

How many times will they misunderstand Yonagi's autism as her being a bitchy diva?

Yonagi acts weird, but not in a way that comes across as conceited. She'll just be an incomprehensible nutjob to them, or make them think that pros are really intense.

Don't bully the stylish autist.

>a regular drama club
It looks kind of like only the short freckled kid is an actual member, and the other two are ghost members that just hang around to eat snacks and shit.

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Yeah. The girl didn't even know it was a cinema club

Important announcement:
Chiyoko is small and fluffy and cute.
Thank you for your time.

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She also brings cute gifts

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And she was almost a joestar

How I want shit to go down because her not-bf is into Yonagi.
She needs a buff dude in her harem, so far it's all pretty boys and girls.

This is what i mean

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Yeah. He is pretty fucking huge for a japanese 16 year old

Fuck you OP! Yonagi is the cutest dork ever and you're not allowed to bully her!

There is that Takemitsu guy or whatever his name was, he's a big guy

Say that shit again i dare you

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Yonagi needs a cute romance with someone who isn't a faggot.

When will she finally learn to act her age?

Oh this looks interes-
>Weekly shounen jump

Age is just a number.


Can't even remember that last time something good came out of that magazine.

And? You said it looked interesting.

If it looks good, give it a shot. Worst case scenario, you waste half an hour. I'm sure you have plenty more than that to spare.

Jump has actually improved recently. Act-Age, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jigokuraku and Chainsaw Man are all good shit and they're fairly new on the magazine. Act-Age is definitely not a typical Jump manga, so you should still give it a go user

Alright, i'll give it a try.
I only know of CM, i don't like it at all. Fire Punch was good though

>actor who isn't at least bi

Shes a celeb now she does what she wants.

I'm not talking about sexuality. I'm talking about being a faggot.

But you're not in this manga, user.

Oof. I really felt that canned response.

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>It's not on mangadex because muh-viz
God that site is trash. Fine, i'll get it on the goddess.

Just marathoned the first chapter. I'm liking the crazy MC, but dissapointed with the generic tragic background. Will we ever have a MC with decent parents?

I hope FINALLY she`ll get an ark after which where she plays normal school girl in romantic movie.

She really needs a romantic movie with Akira.
With Araya playing the other guy in his film debut.

What i like about ACT AGE is that it manages to somehow give depth and personality to all the "irrelevant" side characters in every ark. Pretty much all of them have more depth than seen on surface, not as simple as their appearance/archtype describes them and adorable.

Like within this chapter, already established a popular girl who is actually in love with a Chad that doesnt care about her and is gay and his gay love interest.

Important questions guys, is it Act Age, Act-Age, ACT AGE or ACT-AGE?

Who cares as long as everyone knows what you're talking about?

It's Actage. Akutaaju, God damn Japanese is a handicapped language. Absolutely pathetic amount of phonemes.

Are there actually good japanese actors? I've never seen any.

jackie chan

Nah he's chinese.

Holy shit, it's actually good.

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Have fun, user.

Cringy romcom tv series arc when

I only know of meme japanese actors
Like Ken Watanabe

The author should have them do bokuben's live action in their universe.

Actage. The tage as in montage, entourage and the Taj Mahal. It's fucking stupid I know.

You know it would be nice to see real crossover chapters and not just shared promotional material. I feel like Jump hasn't been doing these as often as they used to. I'd say it's been a while but the last one was pretty recent was between Yuuna and Saotome something from Jump+.

I'd love to see Yonagi-Foominoshit and Chiyoko-Rizu with Akira playing as Moeyuki.

>Important questions guys, is it Act Age, Act-Age, ACT AGE or ACT-AGE?
It's act-age or Act-Age.
No. The official variant is always the way to go, even if it's wrong, weird or stupid.

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The movie isn't out yet?

I was talking about the official pronunciation. I misunderstood what the post was asking.

I don't remember the release being mentioned. I think there would have been some fanfare about it.

the romaji if read out loud is a ku tā ju
so it rhymes with montage

why not story about yakuza boss’s daughter and mafia boss’s son have to pretend to be lovers to prevent war between gangs...

Yonagi looks like a less exaggerated Tomoko already

So what kind of movie will Movie Club film for school festival?

Murder mystery?
Zombie horror?
Asahina Mikuru's Adventure?


romcom love traingle between three of them

There is only 4 people in club, i don't expect all of them to act in movie. Probably only Yanagi herself will be actress, with others taking other roles.

the guy with the freckles is going to be the camera man

>Why don't you save your boring story for your boring classmate?
The undercut guy is going to be the scriptwriter.

>Probably only Yanagi herself will be actress, with others taking other roles.
Let me guess, that bitchy girl was supposed to be an actress and will be really mad that Yonagi stole her role.

Considering their reaction, they werent planning on filming anything in first place and just used club to hang out. The bitchy girl only comes theres to see Chad anyway. Probably the only one actually interested in movies is glasses trap.

she doesnt seem to intrusted in acting. she didnt even know it was a cinema club

Color page next week, vol.5 sold 82k.

act age is going down on raking

I dont think they can write something better than the railraod arc

I just got went and read everything after reading this thread and its so good, why isn't it more popular?

Why are the first three chapters missing on mangadex

Because it's done by Viz

because its in Jump

I seriously love this manga's old school depiction of actors and actresses as celebrities renowned for their entertainment skills and public persona

Certain bad type of famous people like instagram famous "positive" person/influencer or Kardashian-type people don't seem to have any spotlight here and I love that, not that they should be famous to begin with honestly

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You can start remembering now.

supreme autism

I doubt Japan has Instagram famous celebrities

I don't know man they probably have plenty of vapid celeb trash over there too.

They have but those kind of vapid celeb aren't invited to public tv as far as I know in nipland so that's okay

TV in japan is already a huge stable of "talent" that gets rotated through every single variety show imaginable like a big revolving door.

Yonagi is the best comfiest MC, i pray act age has good sales and many good arc to come.

And how many arc will it took for Yonagi to star at the director(forget his name lol) supposes magnum opus?

>vol.5 sold 82k
Fucking live dammit

I don't know what do you mean by this, so in nipland "talents" actually have more merit and capabilities compared to those vapid celebs?

"Talent" is the term for them.
They're not all actors exactly (some are). They're just people whose job it is to be on TV. TV shows are very malleable and fluid here, and mostly shit.

Commenting about food is the most common job for the talent right? Like they have so many food tv show at any time slot lol.

>Commenting about food
Why would anyone want to watch that?

How long until someone asks Yonagi how many dicks she had to suck to get a role?

she did not had any relevant role to coerce producers with pillow bussiness yet. She`s still no one only known through the Play and the "scandal" implying she dated Akira

>drama club
They don't act, they just watch movies.

It's dead, Jim.

Yonagis virginity is in trouble

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>Why would anyone want to watch that?
Guarantee you you could apply this to almost anything and half the population would nod and shrug.

She'll be fine

If my favourite autist gets a boyfriend i'll be slightly annoyed.

What if the boyfriend looks like a girl?

Girls can't love girls though?

Live dammit!

W-wait is this in danger of getting the axe?

>horny faggots and criminal chad chapter

Don't worry bro

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Doubt it, it's middle of the pack and if they're axing things there's a lot of shit that's going to go first
I'm half-convinced Souma is already axed and he's just given time to wrap up.

ACT AGE should just get axed and restart in other magazinge on monthly basis. JUMP will reuin it with demand of tournament arcs and shounen tropes

No, it's not.


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Still better than being 20 chapters behind.

there are some JAV actresses that are pretty active on IG/twitter...

>cool beauty, good at sport and study

why do people worship Komi but isolate Yonagi? in real life, beautiful/talented people automatically have orbiter no matter how weird they are though

>site made for the explicit purpose of fan translated manga doesnt have offcial scans
Gee I wonder why. They do have some viz stuff though, but only because their license expired for that particular title.

What about me

ill give you (You)s instead user

Don't give him (You)s, it's Akira.

They don't even have the scanlations which is what i referred to.

JAV chapter when?

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Cant come soon enough

>Kurogane, Red Sprite, Mx0, and Psyren got axed but somehow this garbage is still going on
Fuck this gay world.

Fuck don't remind me

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So is Akira's.

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Because Yonagi is too autistic to spend time around anyone.

There's no need to be upset. CHAD AGE is the new face of jump.

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Don't worry, he will wait 2 years.

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Red Sprite was pretty bad

>his high school didn't offer 75% subsidized yearly passes for the city theatre
>he didn't go see the monthly play with classmates before going out drinking
Let me guess, you're either black or an anglophone.

>Actually acting smug about watching gay movie rejects prance around.

I remember that being pretty shitty, even though it was from a time when I would devour shonenshit indiscriminately.

>what sort of high schooler goes to a fucking play if they're not dragged there by their parents
Cultureless freak

>Color page next week
YES! I love AA color pages, i just hope we get to see all of the new characters in color and not only the bitch.

Bets on her hair color?

Usazaki's color pages have been really good.



Probably red or black, AA characters usually have normal hair colors (except for Yonagi's siblings who have pink and green hair)

i think you're the outlier here. it's just your city.

That's a massive upgrade from other recent Jump series.

Komi doesn't talk so she seems cooler.

They are both beautiful, good at sports and studies but Komi has a happy family, doesn't have a sad past, have no worries in her life and wants to make friends. Meanwhile Yonagi became an autist because she used movies to escape reality and forget about her mom's death and also has to work so she can support her siblings without depending on her shit father's money so I guess she purposely chooses to avoid people.

Anime when and what seiyuu for Yonagi?

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Is act-age popular with female readers? Cause despite being shounen I can't help but feel that Yonagi is the perfect self insert for shoujo audiences. She's cute, dorky, autistic, slightly weird in social situations, has tragic background, talented, and has a harem of both cute and manly chads around her. Add to that the overall shoujo aesthetics and it's a perfect recipe for shoujo manga, the only difference is that the plot progression is very typical of shounen

araya has fangirls

Does he deserve this bullying?

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Frankly, it's too good for him.

God I wish that was me

More Chiyoko when?

you mean 3d fangirls?


Maaya Sakamoto

Whats this about?

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Cute autist acting and getting a harem.

Indie director discovers low-key crazy person with acting talent.

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Kyoani or JC Staff?


>JC Staff

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Damn act age thread survived for so long

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Ask your favorite doujin artist.

user we reached bump limit once


Not a match made in heaven, but it could work well.

Shiro sensei is amazing, she can pander both to men and women demographics

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I doubt girls like Araya's eccentric weird personality.

I'm sure there are some of them who eat that shit right up.

He's the overprotective autist, a shoujo staple.
He's also a manwhore who hasn't felt love yet, girls like that.

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No way, he's hot, a little bit wild appearance wise, confident as fuck, a little bit violent, and have tragic background combined with these , no fucking way this doesn't trigger women audience

I'm still waiting for Yonagi's total makeover arc with Chiyoko. Her everyday outfits outside of movie/play look mostly shit honestly

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Her doofy outfits are part of her charm, but I still wanna see Chiyoko use her as a dressup doll.

>Ara, I want to rape you now

Akira wasn't needed

I'd approve that if I were the editor.

>Chiyoko trying to dom Yonagi, but Yonagi ruining it with her turboautism

Can't wait for Yonagi to act new harem members into submission

she's araragi's cousin

She doesn't do enough molesting for that.

not yet

Is this good? I had an interest in it because of the girl with the big glasses but I hate reading unfinished stuff.

Read the thread for the reaction of the other user like you.

One of the better jump titles rn

They could be really good if they actually tried.

the glasses girl is only in a arc

Is "Night on the Galactic Railroad" good?

Somewhat pretentious.

in real life, a girl this pretty would get attention easily

She looks mediocre af the first few chapters though.

The new girl is cute

Summary of the story, featuring Hiiragi

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Can we get some act age spoilers??

shhh don't tell the EOPs how shitty most TL's are, no need to make them sad.

Why don't you act your age and quite cursing. Then I'll give you source.

kr scan will be out tomorrow.