He killed millions...
He killed millions
Prove it
>Believing jewish lies
No he didnt retard
... to save Billions
he didn't kill 6 million jews. 6 million jews killed him.
But at least he made us happy.
Hitler was a bad person who caused the deaths of millions and if you believe that the UK and France caused the war you are retarded.
he killed millions of german by loosing the war
not enough
>moustache man bad killed gorillions with pesticide and made lampshades with nipples
no, the jews killed millions of germans by starting wwii
To save billions
Imagine being a fan of someone who threw a temper tantrum because he was such a shit artist that he was rejected from art school and blame "Da Juice" for his own failures
imagine, Eren was acting all along just to kill them
And on top of that, imagine believing some blogger over literal mountains of evidence and witness accounts.
Fuck back to Pol/ you stupid nigger fuckboy.
It's over, Shlomo. You know it as well as I do.
But /pol/ is where all the conspiratorial idiots are. Why would I join them?
The internet will expose them forever
If you want to dispute the details like how many Jews were executed or complain that the Allies also committed war crimes (they did) then go ahead but denying reality outright is just plain stupid.
Not a single one didn't deserve that.
>Implying we aren't everywhere
History is written by the winners.
The only thing he did wrong was not finish the job properly
>muh feefee says its false
His art wasn't that bad, I'd hang a painting up if I had one.
You guys aren't helping with the perception that this website is full of Nazis
>going outside
>still believing in the holohoax
I bet you stream dubs
and that's a good thing
Perhaps you could say the same of all pest exterminators
You're confusing us with the notorious Yea Forums. We're 4channel.
are you saying that you can affect stuff by being fat neckbeard and standing close by?
Its not just nazis its also nazbols
That's probably one of the last barriers for the masses.
Though it attracts /pol/ tards and their containment board is leaking somewhat fierce.
You people type like faggots
It's all just coincidences
to save humanity
This website is full of Nazis, get used to it sweety
imagine being a JIDF agent and posting on an imageboard about anime and manga
was Michael Jackson, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
>worrying about public perception of a jomon pottery market
Lots of butthurt Jews in this thread.
make me kike
Ask Shia Labeouf
SS uniforms are pretty sexy.
Surprised this /pol/ shit was not deleted yet.
He said on an image board for westerners to talk about fucking anime
The jews fear the samurai