Uma Musume

Was it actually a good anime, or did we all just pretend to like it for the IRL horses' sakes?

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I liked it for the horsegirls and their horsecocks.

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It was anime of the year.

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It's GolShi's birthday in Japan. Make sure you wish her (him) well!

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I as well

I liked it for the blatant stuffing/wg fetish pandering.

Happy Birthday, you absolute mad(wo)man.

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It was extremely fun.

I liked it.

I liked the cows.

I thoroughly, unironically enjoyed this anime, yes.

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Give me my horse collecting game now.

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It was geniunely masteriece faggot

Unironically the most fun I had watching an anime in 2018.
Which says a lot about this anime, but perhaps says even more about that year.

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live well, cute boy.

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What's to not like about it?

GolShi is cute!

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The lore invade my youtube history with keiba videos and I like it.

I liked it

Season 2 soon? R-right?


UmaYon when?

we honestly need more Daiwa Scarlet porn

Fatfags pretended to like it because it pandered to their fetishes.

The rest of us liked it for the cute umas doing athletic things.

I thought the show was stupid and boring, so I just beat off to the art

>Was it actually a good anime
>or did we all just pretend to like it
>for the IRL horses' sakes?
Yes, no, yes.

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horse racing scene is filled with patricians not a faggotry

Bet you're the same type of person to say catgirls are furry.

Yes it's very good anime.
Also full of sexy girls.

It was I think all around much better than people expected it to be. The connections to the IRL horses I think tended to come about more of during/alongside the show for msot, as just one more fun/amusing thing to look at to spot similarities in show vs IRL umas.

Watching the anime without knowing about Silence Suzuka's story isn't the same thing, it gives her races a greater sentimental value.

>no Hishi Akebono goods
I am not compelled.


The OVA wasn't terribly difficult to interpret even without a fully fluent grip on the language.

dumb horses

dead horses

dumb dead horses

i still want subs


I've given up waiting for the game, but still dream of season two.

reminder that some people preregistered literally one year ago

>they get Spe, Suzuka, Teio and Kaichou to congratulate her
>except Mejiro


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NEVER give up on hope; they'll come someday

when the game is released

It was legit good anime, that they don't make that often these days. and I didn't give one shit about horses before it.