Which of them would be more fun to date?

Which of them would be more fun to date?

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Ryuko would actually laugh at jokes
Satsuki would probably look at you with disgrace and disgust
>b-but thats hawt!!!
No, only degenerates find that attractive

Ryuko is Betty, Satsuki is Veronica
Ever since I was a lad I knew Betty was best girl

Ryuko would be more fun to hang out with
Satsuki would be better in bed

The challenge of making Satsuki laugh!

With Ryuko you also get Mako. With Satsuki you also get Nonon and Gamagoori.

Why would I want that? The date would be awkward af and it won’t be a pleasent time, for either of us.

>doing pleb things with ryuko, like drinking beer all day long
>doing things of culture, like visiting a museum, with satsuki
hmm, hard one.

>The challenge of making Satsuki laugh!

I'd read/watch that, to be truthful, familia.

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The trick is to do the boring, cultural things with Ryuko, and do the filthy pleb stuff with Satsuki.


I think Satsuki would actually be chill in a date situation. She strikes me as stern, but not socially retarded.

>visiting a museum is more fun than drinking beer all day
Okay nerd

Honestly both are really solid.
It's a very close call but I'm a ryuko kind of guy.
Honest to god if I knew a satsuki irl I'd marry her on the spot. There are no women as fine as her on planet earth.

Do you think Satsuki is a sub in bed?

I'd rather date Ryuko regardless.

The woman who power of friendshipped her way into a military organization and then turned into a cutie when she no longer had to save the world.

>Was raped by her mother for who knows how many years of her life.
>Despised every waking moment of existence to the point she lost almost all her faith in humanity, and used that rage as fuel to back stab and decapitate the woman responsible.
>Thinking she would willingly want, let alone love, to be controlled in bed.


The one whose mum fucks her so you can have a mother/daughter 3some

So...both of them?

Satsuki comes off like every woman I've known who was raised by European parents. European parents traumatize their children by walking around their houses naked and letting children see them naked, which is a lot like psychological rape and molestation when you think about it.

In other words Satsuki is like a Japanese girl who was raised in a very European, traumatizing way.

Been a while since I've seen the show. When did Ryuko get mommyfucked? Was that during her brainwashing session with the crazy girl?

I remember Satsuki getting fingered by her mama hermosa dos veces

Ryuko didn't. She gets mindfucked, but it's all Junketsu mind control, Ragyo personally never gets in there.

Outside of avenging her dad and trying to save the world, Ryuko seems like a really chill person who wouldn't be to hard to get along with.

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Ryuko has the same hair and sneakers as almost every Asian girl i went to college with. They all wore what looked like that exact same pair of sneakers I shit you not, and several of them died a streak in their hair the same way she does.

>European parents traumatize their children by walking around their houses naked and letting children see them naked, which is a lot like psychological rape and molestation when you think about it.

>which is a lot like psychological rape and molestation when you think about it.

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museums are fucking boring

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Satsuki is basically a man. Take that as you will.

I had a professor for a class on Japanese history who sounded exactly like Satsuki when she tried to speak Japanese in class. The voice was very deep, masculine, almost like an anime samurai.


Both can get the D in their flaunting fat asses!

God Satsuki's voice makes me cum buckets

>Not getting drunk as fuck with your tomboy gf

>not spending your day drunk at a museum

>Dating Satsuki
>Implying you'll even get close enough to being anywhere near good enough for her without being vetted by her 4 friends and her sister first.

Do you think you have what it takes to make those 5 like you user? Just like to even have a shot at Ryuuko you need to get in with the Manshokou famil and even then you still have Satsuki and her friends stalking you because she can't stay out of her sister's business she's the older one after all

I rather have a date with Satsuki's ass if you catch my drift.

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Satsuki, easily.

>Charismatic, intelligent, powerful
>Refined, elegant, all of the world's elite culture at her fingertips
>Forthright, no nonsensical "does she love me, does she not"
>Wonderful circle of friends, not coconut headed jar jar binks
>an actual Prince Charming
>would destroy you in bed

come on now

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I certainly hope not.