This has to be the Evangelion of this era

This has to be the Evangelion of this era.

Attached: ppta.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Other urls found in this thread:

my blood tastes like iron

too ugly

loved that moment
ugly? the art is great user

That's not Violet Evergarden.

The fuck? It looks beautiful

Let's see your pretty face

that's not Violet Evergarden

what was his fucking problem?

Attached: 44460.jpg (200x275, 32K)

and this is?

Attached: 1547443828803.png (300x325, 84K)

Ping Pong the Animation


No, its actually good

Madoka is the eva of the decade

Evangelion is great and no amount of contrarianism can change that

In fact I would say it's better than Eva

Anything is better than eva, but yeah Ping pong is great

Nah, Violet Evergarden is. Violet Evergarden is impressive, Evangelion is impressive, PPTA isn't.

Attached: 258979238549385475.webm (704x396, 2.92M)


Attached: 493857938463495845.png (1920x1080, 1.77M)

Best audiovisuals of the 2010s for sure.

Now that's a contrarian statement. Eva's flawed but it's still better than the majority of shit out there.

Sure it comes down to personal preferences, but Ping Pong the Animation impressed me quite a bit both with its visuals and OST, and a great cast of characters.

VEG was a snorefest with lifeless, tryhard animation.


That's called a pleb filter. It isn't actually ugly.

Attached: pingpongchina2.jpg (500x353, 33K)

I have seen this image too many times so as not to ask, is it an anime that I should watch? Tastes aside.

>tryhard animation
user it's impossible to take you seriously when you say shit like this. Violet Evergarden was spectacular and innovative.

Nah. If you want a snorefest try 3 gatsu.

no, ping pong gave me syphilis

But Taiyo Matsumoto’s Ping Pong is from the 1990s.
Also, it’s MUCH better than Evangelion.

Don't listen to this faggot . Ping Pong is a masterpiece.


no, it's as shitty and boring as it's name

This animation is really exciting though.

Attached: 4938202353839234.webm (1920x1080, 1.48M)

Except Ping Pong's imagery actual was revealed to be justified metaphors.

Whereas Evangeleon is an amalgamation of imagery that rings false because it doesn't have anything to do with its message.

but looking like garbage on purpose is creative


if you play/played any kind of sport on a serious level you will probably love it
otherwise, theres a high chance you will enjoy it since it has a lot to offer

Too much forced animation

Attached: f4c.jpg (380x380, 61K)


>People are already such newfags that they don't know what Ping Pong is
God this site sickens me.

Attached: My Wings Can Take No More.png (1920x1080, 2M)

>muh based waifushit xd

>if the protagonist is a pretty woman it's waifushit
Check your brain for amoeba.

I dropped ping pong after episode 6 or something, it was fucking boring garbage, only thing good was the christmas song

shit taste of the highest caliber

>bruh im sad and i wear glasses and i hum a song i heard ping pogn
Absolutely brilliant. 10/10.

Eva is shit, and no amount of ad populum can change that

>Madoka is the eva of the last* decade

nigga that anime looks like shit