What do you think, Yea Forums, was Don Quixote the first chuuni?

What do you think, Yea Forums, was Don Quixote the first chuuni?

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Don Quixote was cute! Cute!

It was a deconstruction

No. He was the first weeb, when you think about it.

They should make an anime of this. Assuming rights aren't needed anymore

There is one


He isn't the first weeb by a long shot.

Bruh moment

Was he actually riding a camel or what the fuck is that

Don Quixote was a deconstrcution of the first shonen, the chivalric romance genre

Why you gotta roast a drawing of a horse? C'mon, man


I have to say, despite you guys invading the boards like this; this is a pretty good post.

En un lugar de La Mancha donde el semen no mancha vivia un otaku de esos de manga en mano, doujin sin censura y pagina pirata

it's a broke thin old horse he pulled out of pasture. Not some warhorse knights would ride.

I was in that Miyazaki thread too OP.

So how is it that you burguers know about this but still think Spain is part of mexico?

>first chuuni
What about the story about that one dude who kept claiming he's son of some God? He went so far he managed to convince a dozen of kids to follow him.

That's a bit like asking how when we know humans originated from Africa we still think the continent is full of developing countries.

>*tips fedora*

>donde el semen no mancha
Explain further

Because they are cattle more than humans.

Texas has a HUGE inlfuence on all of US's education.

very beautiful

think this thread'll survive to the end of its natural lifespan, or get snuffed out by a mod?


Twist is I was actually talking about Heracles. Did you consider that? No, because you only think about yourself.

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Nah, I think he was a jew or something. Not Moise, another guy...

Snuffed out by a mod.
This kind of things aren't allowed on (((4channel)))

That caveman that drew himself beating dinosaurs was the first chuuni.

What about the dinosaur that pretended to be a mammal?

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-pssst- read Don Quixote, it's actually pretty good

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Sub or Dub?

Read the first book last summer. Historical value aside, it really wasn't.

Caballeros he de proceder a recoger mis (Thou)
Una rima que se contaba en mi instituto

Count of Monte Cristo is an extremely chuuni story

Dumas in general would make good material for anime adaptions.

I'd love to see the Fate version of the Count of Monte Cristo. Edgy Dantes is great.

sub, unless you speak spanish well, given that I think it's written in kind of an archaic way

oh well, different strokes for different folks

No taste at all.
Sasuga Yea Forums.

I bet you like long-running shounens, seeing how repetitive garbage is your thing.

Cervantes went full edgy with the deconstruction. Literally Madoka of chuunishit.

He was Proto Akagi Nobuo.

I prefer the one about the guy who gets isekaied to a new world full of brown lolis and gold

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Was I the only one who thought it was too repetitive? I ended up dropping it 10-15 stories in.

Seeing how there's a post slightly above you calling it repetitive I'm guessing not?

Also the best girl

The thread was getting repetitive so I dropped it 30 posts in.

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Writing this post is becoming repetitive so I dr

>ywn be Cortes
I just want my brown lolis

Yes. He was also one of the first costumed vigilantes. A proto-Batman:

>wealthy dude
>fan of old heroes
>goes out in some archaic costume to see justice done

Attached: Don Quixote vs Books.jpg (897x1134, 356K)

Me on the right.

Reminder that 31 minutos did a better adaptation

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Quixote:Hermandad or the original?

>...The same childhood friend reported in a letter that Columbus had provided one of the captured indigenous women to him. He wrote, "While I was in the boat, I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me. When I had taken her to my cabin she was naked-as was their custom. I was filled with a desire to take my pleasure with her and attempted to satisfy my desire. She was unwilling, and so treated me with her nails that I wished I had never begun. But-to cut a long story short-I then took a piece of rope and whipped her soundly, and she let forth such incredible screams that you would not have believed your ears. Eventually we came to such terms, I assure you, that you would have thought that she had been brought up in a school for whores."

Was Columbus discovering america the first hentai?

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Bodoque's stand should have been [La Nota Verde]

NNNNNNevermind! All this time I've been reading this wrong, talk about speedreading a two panel comic.

Was Dulcinea the first waifu? The answer is yes, humans were pathetic back then too.

No, it was Galatea.

>Gets knighted in, like, his second adventure, over doing basically nothing.

Dropped it right then and there. I can smell powercreep and self-insert shit from a mile these days.

Calcebased con Rombospilled

Man, you're missing out. The knight of mirrors arc was pretty boss, this is where the MC unlocks his ancestral ability.

Texas tends to be better than most of the US on education. There's a reason all the medical research and an entire space center is down there. Tons of PhDs.

That was Tom Cruise on The Last Samurai

Explain Texas then.

If you aren't familiar with what Donquixote is deconstructing, it's the biggest slog in human history. There's only two legitimately funny parts and then maybe half a dozen parts that'll make you smile, but it's mostly just fucking boring. It's 800 pages but it feels like 8000.

The eva of isekai.

>That badass western theme


Everyone is told in school to read Quixote since it's a deconstruction of the chivalric novel, but has anyone here actually read a chivalric novel to see what was deconstructed?

>Lol fuck chivalry
>knights are fags
>lol fuck honour and shit lmao
There, summed up Don Redditxote.

Eva is native isekai.

It's funny how these days it actually is the source of inspiration for many chivalryfags. I guess the musical is to blame.

It's one of the largest economies in the US and is quite well developed
however the failing economies of the US like California are sending refugees there, ruining places like Dallas and Austin

But that's not it at all

Legit good point, people know a lot older chivarlic stories but they aren't in any reading list. It's like Eva and Madoka all over again.

>That oficial "magnifico tulio tour" poster that was an End of Evangelion reference.
I miss 31 minutos.

Yes, it is. Don Redditxote is the 'I AM SILLY' argument against 'Chivalry is a good thing'. Retards read the book and say 'I am a Knight' instead of 'I should act Knightly'. The entire book is essentially going 'Look at this old fucks idolising chivalry and the tenets of it such as honour and stuff, fucking boomers lmao.

This is undeniable because Cervantes was literally writing a book on how his view that the 'knights' of his day were essentially amoral snides who wanted to get their dicks wet (often on indgenious people elsewhere, or heathens etc), get drunk and make money. He was lamenting for the old days. But he did this by essentially saying even the ACTUAL good idea of chivalry is inherently bad because reasons. It's a bit like how Nietzsche used the idea of nihilism to mock retards and now people actually use it. Or how Schroedinger Cat is actually mocking the idea of such a situation.

Except they use it as inspiration to become a knight, not to act knightly.

Don't forget:


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