Your Name

No seriously FUCK you Yea Forums. This movie was amazing

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I saw it on a date and I agree, it's great.

Did s(he) like it?

Some of the best animation I've ever seen.

That scene where she is running down the street with Sparkle playing was beautiful.

You just haven't seen enough movies.

Yes the animation was good, but did anyone else think it was boring as fuck?

Name 1 (one) anime with better animation that ISN'T a Studio Ghibli film. I'll wait


Yeah, she thought it was great.
It's a great movie to see on a date.

Great animation sure, but not better

Was she a weeb?

Yeah, it's pretty good. Looks absolutely fantastic, but the story wasn't so great.

jin roh easily

It was a good movie. Not without its flaws, like anything else. Any major pushback against it is due to rampant contrarianism. Don't get too worked up over it.

Overrated reddit trash.

VEG's animation is at least as good, and that's a TV anime.

This was the exact response I was expecting

It was average. Stop being a faggot.

Finally someone says it. Don't worry man, you'll eventually realize Yea Forums's taste is utter burning dumpster tier and most of the things it hates are actually quite good. No better recommendation than from a miserably obsessed autist

We're both Weebs, and she's probably a bigger weeb than me.
She's also a non-degenerate christian, so she's pretty much perfect.


too bad the bd subs suck complete ass and borderline ruin the experience. mtbb subs are much better.

Keit-Ai was better

stupid feeltard go back to the site that's more receptive towards your desperation for validation

fuck no

It's good for what it is, a melodramatic teen romance.

Go to her user, claim her as your waifu and treat her right

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>non-degenerate christian
well done user

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i wish i was a handsome Tokyo boy with my very own Mitsuha

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But user, a degenerated girlfriend is the best girlfriend. You're doing it wrong.

Not to mention the dub is amazing

>the dub is amazing

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It wasn't. The animation was nice, but the story just felt like a super long music video for the Radwimps.

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The dub is amazing dude. No memeing you'd probably enjoy it more that way.

>implying all dubs are bad

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It is though. Why are all subfags so fucking pretentious? Dubs aren't what they used to be. I'd rather watch a well executed dub where I can pay my full attention to the animation than poorly translated subs

babby's first anime

i'm not a subfag. but i can barely stand to listen to a minute of the dub to your name. taki's english va performance sounds so breathy and forced yet completely lacking in emotion. mitsuha's english va is so embarrassingly campy and so obviously sounds like an adult woman trying to sound like an anime girl. completely immersion breaking.

i do think the funimation subs are terrible though. just a shit bd package in general

It's a decent flick

>poorly translated subs
You do know that the dubs are often equally poorly translated, right?

I literally just watched this last night and I still don't get what the hype was all about. So I guess FUCK you?

It really is.

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The movie was alright, for me it was nothing to write home about. It was superb up until "she's actually from a different timeline" and all that stupid bullshit. If the plot didn't take a sudden and unnecessary shift I would've actually enjoyed it.


>poorly translated subs
instead you choose the version where they intentionally translate it poorly
use words you understand
>Dubs aren't what they used to be
current year is not an argument
>where I can pay my full attention to the animation
one second dubfags say no one is stupid enough to use this argument, the next you see posts like this

Are you hyped for the amazing American remake featuring Daquan and Runs-a-lot?

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No. The movie was cool so...

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Honestly, meeting a girl like her at my college is a better feeling than winning the lottery.
I want to ask her to marry me one day, but we're both in our early 20's, so I'll wait to graduate college, and I can financially support us. I really want to make her the happiest woman I can.

I will never not be amused by how mad this movie mad Yea Forums. They predicted it would be nothing but a shitty KEIT-AI romcom and not only got obliterated, by had to watch it break all the records. The shitposting was endless

Why does Yea Forums hate good things?

they are contrarian and more importantly they have some pathological fear of anime going mainstream despite it already being mainstream as fuck

Yea Forums isn't one person, but we hate things that are okay to pretty good being treated like the Citizen Kane of anime.

>Got tricked and believe shounen fans' saying
Lesson learned

Any other movies like this?

Byousoku 5cm was directed by Shinkai as well. Storywise it's the exact opposite of Your Name and in my opinion it's infinitely better because of it. It's a very realistic - not just in terms of setting but also in terms of the story itself - and touching portrayal of romance.

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your name's character animation and detail is pretty shit my dude akira is a all rounder.

>This movie was amazing

Too bad it will be now sorely remembered as a poor western adaptation thanks to JJ Abrams.

Stupid NPC

i watched the dub when i got my sister who isn't into anime to watch it, and honestly i really hated the english language versions of the RADWIMPS songs. I know the lead singer is fluent in english, but it just sounded awful compared to the japanese. The dub itself was ok.

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Remake will be better :^)

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She's a keeper. You better have fucking proposed.

Koe no Katachi

Also Ghibli films are massively overrated and Your Name has better animation than all of them except maybe Nausicaa

>Hollywood adaptation of anime
This is a shitpost, right?

Mitsuha is only half Mitsuha without Mone, watch dubs in hell

Redline, and it's not even close. Your Name is like 3 points worse on a ten point scale in comparison.

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since i'm a nice user all i will say yes and leave it at that.

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I liked the first half when it was just fun and games, but the second half was just retarded.
>forced "romance" (we can't even call it a romance desu because they only "meet" for a couple of seconds)
>sudden disaster out of nowhere
>ends where the romance probably begins

5/10 for the first half, 3/10 for the second half

is that interpolated ?

Even the Director thinks it was overrated. It was not that great.

he only thinks that to appear humble, and because he was surprised at the success. It's understandable - he thought it would be another 5 cm per second or garden of words

Do you think she was a virgin when they met again?