Why is she so prominent?
Index/Railgun/Astral Buddy
Other urls found in this thread:
Gary only likes her for her shorts.
because she is obviously best girl
You forgot accelerator
Mexican blood
Because she's popular. If you want to know why she's popular though I'm at a loss. She's extremely generic
Mistakes were made, Kamachi learned his lesson and applied it to his other series.
This is a new Raildex thread?
>arguing best time loop series
>no mention of the infinity series
I expected better from you guys
What that heck?
No i didnt
mikoto cute
She's the author self insert
Because she's the best.
The very best?
My thought exactly
Misaka Mikoto is the best girl of Raildex and possibly the cutest anime girl ever to be created
She's owned by the very best.
You mean she is the owner of the very best.
Post the hat
don’t bring up past thread
Honestly I used to like her, now I'm just tired of her and I don't remember why I liked her in the first place.
Accelerator is missing user
Wrong hat
Too late. She's here already.
Well thats you
>no Accel
I didnt crosspost for a reason.
Well she isn't in Accel.
Imoutos appear in accel
That's nice. Not Mikoto.
That pile of trash isnt worth mentioning
Maybe give early railgun a reread, her Index scenes aren't really that great outside of a few volumes, mostly the later ones too when the character development starts, I did like the SoL volumes but in my opinion her characters the best when she struggles.
Took you long enough.
delete this
I edited that months ago
I apologise for questioning your work ethic.
because she is best girl
About that, I've recently reread all of Railgun. both the manga and SS stories a bit after js translated the first chapter of Railgun SS3 as a refresher. My opinion remains the same.
Fair enough, opinions can change, nothing wrong with that.
If this was the case then Accelerator and Index would've been more prominent in NT too, they're also popular characters.
Touma's mom needs to be more prominent.
I think because back then tsunderes were the rage over the world.
Just like many clichés that died over time so did tsunderes.
But as you can see most of the fans from those series came to Raildex expecting the usual and they can't let it go years later (KonoRanobe for example).
Waiting a literal decade expecting a romantic development out of the blue that probably will never happen, falling for illustration baits again and again, getting content just because she is somewhat involved now.
It's no longer worth laughing at, it's just sad.
>If the editors tell kamachi to shill his very most popular character they would have to shill every single character in reverse order of popularity
Not really.
I would trade big sales, for the retards to accept that this is not a romance series.
Shipping is the worst thing that can happen to a series(unless it's actually a romcom).
Accel is like #3 and was at one point more popular than Touma himself. Not to mention kamahack already said that he felt like Mikoto was the easiest character to write because she fits into everything, so using her a lot makes sense.
It took years for Accel to get his own series but less than a year for Drills
Nips will always pick safe bets despite you have popular characters.
Try reading the post before replying
I just went to red-dit hours ago, the delusions are still there and just like years ago they don't give a shit about what Touma could feel.
Ignoring the silliness of letting a few autists color your view of a series for a minute, I wouldnt say there is no romance in the series. Takitsubo is the obvious one, Mina and othinus can also have genuine conversations on an equal level with their companions. Its hardly the focus, but it is there, not to mention of course crowley's autism, the idea his magic was powered up by feelings, bonds vs dispersion, etc.
I am not saying there isn't romance at all, as you said Hamazura/Takitsubo, but Index isn't a romcom, like Toradora for example.
I don't know what those people were expecting. From the very beginning I never saw Index as a romance series and for what little romance it may try to shoe horn in it would probably bait for waifufaggotry. I always thought the story was about a boy challenging whatever stands in his way with a lecture and his right fist and it has mostly remained true.
Sep, this is the way
Actual real answer
The author likes writing about her
Because she's the only good thing in this trainwreck
Raildex doesn't have romance as a part of a genre, it's just got romantic or romcom ELEMENTS. It's stuff that's sprinkled in but it will always be secondary to the story/world building and character development. And even if you can argue Misaka's current path involves romance, it's warped into something that you can't really call romance.
Even Misaki's story isn't exactly rubbed in your face after the fact. Just has time with him.
Having elements makes it part of its genre mate. Things dont have just one genre most of the time.
No shit series allowed
So fucking cute, I really love this picture
I'm of this sentiment when I'm browsing around and see annoying Misaka fans make dumb memes about her importance of the series and act like it's fact, but when I'm reading the LN she's fine.
She's nothing special to me and characters like Misaki have overtaken her for me in terms of appeal but she's fine to read. But when an LN volume is done, it's the same loop at not really tolerating her. I think it's the anime version of her I hate and see the most.
I agree with your 2nd sentence, but I don't think having a couple of elements of 1 aspect makes it valid for it to have that genre in its bank. It's always the bare minimum after all.
Wasn't really a mistake and it's not something you can't fix in your own series. Nice try though, Enbifag. I like her too but I'm not this petty.
Because she's an interesting well liked character that is easy for the author to write into plotlines, and has a good design. Also a lot of the fanbase wants to fuck her.
I get it now. I’ve been looking for this anime forever because of how often it’s posted. I didn’t want to straight up ask so I just lurked and looked for the name. It’s Index and Railgun. I always typed in Raildex episode one while looking for it. I feel like an idiot.
Are you serious user
There's just about as many romance/harem elements in index as there are pretty much anything else besides urban fantasy. Its there pretty much every volume to some extent. Whether that be fanservice or an actual theme.
Don't worry user, for your time has come.
You will become one of the chosen, that is, Raildexfags.
You do realize that Raildex also leads to Index and Railgun right? If you google raildex, it's the first thing that comes up.
gonna be honest user
just watch railgun it's far more enjoyable than index
I needed that laugh thanks user.
>interesting character
I figured they were different anime with similar names.
gonna be honest user
just watch index it's far more interesting than railgun
>implying she isn't
Mikoto = easy money
That's why Kamachi writes a lot about her.
Don’t listen to these two. In chronological order you’d watch Railgun season one. Both Index anime and then Railgun S.
What makes her interesting
>chronological order
I’m a Railgun fan.
A better question would be why do you think she isn't interesting?
Of course she's here.
>bothering with railgun at all
How? That’s how it is. The way events take place that’s the proper order.
i first watched all of railgun and watching it back to back without the white knight shining hero bs from touma is far better
No. Don't bounce the question back at me, it's a genuine question so tell me: What makes her interesting to you? Anime Mikoto doesn't count by the way.
We all do.
Looks like MP is here. Remember, Multiple Personality Disorder.
>chronological order
No. Just watch in release order, especially since there's no point to chronology when Nagai fucked it up at Railgun S1.
Broadcast order is best order
Layton Hillbilly trying her best to look like 5 people again.
Kakine is the TRUE NUMBER ONE
Yeah, thought so.
Dont even acknowledge her, she's not worth the effort to even type about her. Instead, lets talk about why Sasha is precious and deserves protecting from all these degenerates around her
You’re right. Anyways Sasha is one hot small bodied little cutie muffin but I’m more of a Saten Ruiko fanboy and I promise you I’m not MP. I just legit love that girl ever since Railgun.
I can't wait for the crow bar.
I actually started from railgun first because I was searching for scifi anime back in the day,I found Railgun and really liked the world and especially Touma, it was pretty nice having a random character that barely shows up and is actually important. He had a really nice mysterious vibe to him and became my favorite after S2.
Later I found out about Index and that it was about that character that I really liked and I was ecstatic to find out more about him and having him as the protagonist. made me like Index even more. So I guess there's a merit if you want to start from Railgun, at least for me.
We all do secretly..
The character you like? You mean you?
I actually did the same. I had such a hard time finishing Railgun so I skipped S1 partway through.
>don’t even acknowledge her
You can’t even follow the most basic instructions even when you shitpost.
/u/fags might despise him more if they watch railgun first.
Ignore her.
same for me but since im not a faggot i got tierd of his fedora tiping bs
Same for me, but I'm not a faggot that spouted inaccurate shit like "Fedora tipping"
>why protect sasha
Its simple math. You evacuate women and children first in disasters, and you give priority to pregnant women. So a teen mom is a woman, a child, and has a child on the way. Thats like three times the usual amount of "protect this" that most have.
Whatever happens next week, I hope they can depitct this.
I don't know how you went on to like him in Index. I love him in Railgun, but only feel apathy toward him for most of Index. To be honest, the Index anime is really a chore overall. I only got through it out of some sense of obligation to my investment.
Will you be doing more OC stuff instead of editing?
Can you do a Kanzaki one?
I started with railgun accidentally too, but I dropped it at the violin recital asking myself why I should give a shit. My friend was laughing at me for a while when he found out I had started with the wrong series.
That's where I realized I just don't care about Railgun, it's not Index so it'll never be enjoyable to me.
I'm not preggo user I just really like the picture.
I propose an anchor or both purples being preggo
Same but I dropped it at the retarded dorm manager episode.
Oh Okay.
Can you pass him the message since I don't know if I'll be posting any more for the rest of the day? I have to sleep and work and won't be here at all for the next 18 hours.
>implying anyone gives a shit about itsuwa
She has as many fans as Alfar. The only difference is one group doesnt know when to shut up.
Love how there's always one guy breathing down peoples necks assblasted of her being posted. Keep it up user.
Oh so you're asking for more?
Is Itsuwa more attractive than Misaki though?
The problem with Itsuwa is she’s not a full girl. She’s part magician.
No. But she's still a cute purple deserving preggo edits.
Itsuwa gets mentioned like once a day, tops. I know you are trying to pick a fight, but Itsuwafags are pretty chill so it's rather fruitless. Also leave Alfarfag out of your ill-willed posting, he is a nice lad.
>short hair
>not blonde
This isnt even a question
I know the two of them are good lads. Thats why I was using the comparison, they have a niche waifu and dont see the need to spam her all the time.
Oops, wrong one
A post or two a day really isnt spam, no matter how you try to twist it.
>this assblasted when they're barely posted
Want to confess to some mental issues?
Yo jannies watch THIS:
*Oh no... Not again!!*
*walks away*
It's probably MP having another nervous breakdown, no need to worry user. I honestly dont care to much either way
Just because Itsuwa is attractive doesn’t mean she’s a top ten girl. That’s all we’re saying.
>if I say its not often, maybe it wont count as spam
Yeah, I'm sure thats relevant. I'm sure if "reminder that x" posts were done just slightly less often they wouldnt count as spam anymore right? Same goes for that one oriana fag, constantly bringing them up for no reason is spamming them.
You were right. Well he and MP left you a post just ignore it because his logic is fucking retarded.
1. Kuroko
2. Saten
3. Feb
4. Tessou
5. Harumi
6. Kongou
7. Wannai
8. Awatsuki
9. Awaki
10. Saiai
NT22 is so close yet oh so far away
Are you going to cry when we die? I didn’t get into to much of the spoilers so I don’t know how it happens yet.
>an inconvenient truth? Maybe if I just pretend he never said it, it'll go away
At least have the balls to admit you're spamming and dont give a shit about that you're dragging down the thread.
2 and a half days right ? Don't spoilers usually drop up a little earlier?
>stop talking about characters that appeared in a show that is currently airing!
By your logic we would have nothing to talk about ever user. Please spend your time talk about the things you want to talk about rather than going on some misguided crusade against a non-existent enemy. Now, please stay on topic and dont metapost.
Can we talk about somebody actually relevent?
Is that you, preggoreporter? It is that time again. Going by your dumbass grade school logic, EVERYTHING is brought up for no reason. So what you're telling me is: MORE ITSUWA
All your shit dumbass posts is metaposts anyway so I could just report you for that if I wanted to.
I dunno if they're dropping on Friday this time, may be on Saturday
There’s like, four relevant characters in this series.
Itsuewa appeared what, 2 months ago? You're not discussing it anyways dont pretend you are.
Would the series be better if Mikoto was completely replaced by Last Order?
Tell you what MP, you stop spamming about all the Railgun girls that have no relevance to Index 3 all the time and maybe the big bad Itsuwafags will stop """""spamming""""". Any instance or peep of Febri, Saten, etc will now be considered "spam". Regardless, stop being a shit and take a walk
Mikoto is about to replace Touma though?
Practice what you preach, MP Personality#5
Literally a few episodes ago, also no need to try to thread police. If you continue to try, there may be some consequences. Now, lets put this argument aside and talk about Raildex
>post within 5ish seconds of MP
>still manage to not notice that maybe someone who says things that you dont like might not be MP
Outstanding show.
Is personality five attracted to Saten?
>Last Order to replace Mikoto
>as Mikoto begins to replace Touma
If Accelerator needed another reason to fawn over the MC
>p-please stop saying things I dont like or I'll tell on you
Jesus christmas this is pathetic. Find other ways to deal with your problems besides hiding your head in the sand and crying please.
No, it's not about things someone doesn't like, it's more:
>still manage to not notice that maybe someone as fucking retarded as MP in terms of hypocritical logic exists
That's the real thing here we're laughing at.
Actually based
Practice what you preach since you're the one who's breaking rules and started something for no reason. You're the one who derailed the thread when it's overall about Raildex with the Grade 3 logic.
>people cant post with a computer and a phone
Watch this user: The next poster will say " is a faggot"
Make it worst, and I can agree.
is a faggot
Why are you spamming this irrelevant character? She hasnt appeared in the anime currectly airing so you arent allowed to talk about her ever.
Why is she so divisive?
I said no one gives a shit about itsuewa except two guys and YOU derailed the thread with your crying because you couldnt handle the truth. Nice try though.
She’s a fan favorite. Itsuwa isn’t and she’s traditional magic which automatically makes her a lower class.
>this retarded
Guess what? You get more Itsuwa!
Ok user, make sure you yell at all the people doing exactly what you are describing, like Saten posting. It’s onky fair right?
Well that’s true but I can still talk about her if the situation calls for it.
Not really, the guy keeps telling you to stop metaposting and you keep it up. Now either stop breaking the rules or get the fuck out.
Nice try pretending and ignoring you never did thread policing MP when you tried your best. Also, you really need mental help if you're just going to get that assblasted. Mind stepping outside your mothers basement?
>says its the logic
>every single reply has yet to address anything in the post besides asking me to please stop shitting on their waifu
Yeah I'm so stunned by your great intelligence that you cant even manage to figure out a single thing wrong with the post? Truly awe inspiring.
Nah, that hypocritical. Anyways this is very dumb so I’m going to just start ignoring you and hope that you get the hint. Have a nice day
>make sure you reply to MP and expect her to ever change
I'm not a moron thanks for trying though.
What's to address outside out you being retarded and breaking the rules by metaposting? Plus people are calling you out who aren't even Itsuwafags because you're trying to sell the narrative that post times matter somehow. Good joke, dumbass-kun.
The crying is the metaposting in case you missed it.
Speaking about Itsuwa and the gang, do you think the different factions will finally team up in light of Lola being a demon and what not? Id like to see another "support magic" fight like in OT16
I think Lola is pretty even though she’s older than she appears.
Nope. The crying is you pushing a false narrative about butthurt and ignoring your own posts. What have we been trying to tell you? It won't work.
Last reply I give to your dumbass, rest of my actions you should be able to guess, MP.
Dont even bother with them user, they arent worth the time and we've spent too many minutes already trying to reason with them
>the narrative that post times matter
It was really my only shot at making you see that perhaps you're talking to two people. If you're too stupid to notice you're talking to two people with entirely different posting styles, and far enough in your conspiracy theory that you think MP would ever bother going to the trouble of posting from multiple devices, just to get them banned and not be as easy to evade from as a phone, I don't really know how else to help you out of your autism.
Trips confirm
Trips for truth. Anyways, it's a shame Itsuwa's major appearances ended last arc, I hope in Part 3 we see the Amakusa a little bit more.
user what is your favorite scene in NT21?
Wow, I wonder if maybe I might be ignoring MP's posts because I'm not MP and not every person who says things you dont like is MP? Thats a tough one to puzzle out isnt it dumbass?
I think he loves Itsuwa so much.
Thats an easy one
stop using the word "narrative", this isn't a fucking psyop
She has such a cute laugh
Whats your predictions for NT22?
I love this
Itsuwa appears.
I have no dog in this, but this is really fucking funny
i'm not going to read your dumb argument, but moot really hates one of you.
I didnt even notice the post times went back in time to make user wrong, thats pretty hilarious
It’s okay but Kuroko has the best voice in the series by a long shot.
This is the voice of a real girl.
I still think Touma dying outright is a fake out, his luck isnt good enough to have such a quick death. I think he'll end up coming back and having a proper fight with Lola
Touma only shows up in the between the lines talking to himself, aiwass or Othinus and those are the main spots we get major revelations.
Someone is messing with the timeline again
I think he'll be stuck in the Abyss.
Guy who posted and here, thats amazing and I'm not upset in the slightest with this outcome
And then we gave this guy posting a character that hasn’t been relevant since OT18.
>I made two posts withing two seconds of each other
Hiro is that you?
Don’t you mean made in the abyss?
Index is pretty damn generic and I don't understand its appeal. Don't hate me .
Isn't it Maid?
Definitely get checked with a therapist if you have issues with that.
Oh yea, well you're entitled to that opinion. As long as you arent an obnoxious shitposter about it, its completely fine. Sorry to here that you cant get into it, but that's life
>he's still trying to start shit
Your loss, not mine.
Am I allowed to think Rensa is cute even though the one I’m talking about is technically a boy!
There's quite a few generic elements that would put people off like the protagonist and muh christian antagonists for the first half of the series, but there's good enough world building and other unique aspects that helped me stick with it.
Since you're here and obviously have some interest in the series, consider reading the Railgun manga if you can't get into it via the Index anime. It's totally cool if you don't like that either, though.
>made in the abyss
>madein the abyss
>madein abyss
>maiden abyss
Fuck off MP
If you want to write criticism or discuss, that's alright.
But if you just wanna go "Index bad" please leave the thread.
Early index maybe but the combination of the things in the series, and especially the later stuff is pretty unique and I have a tough time finding many others series that keep my interest as a result
>Muh christian antagonists
Does anyone actually think Index has a negative view on christianity and it's institutions? Unless you're a hardcore tradcath and are repulsed by the idea of magic, I think the series has a relatively positive view of the church. The Pope's a good boy.
That isnt MP retard, she isnt ever that nice and would just sperg about how Railgun is the best shit ever or something like that
>MP trying to falseflag bogus MP accusations
Fuck off MP
That makes it even better
I love best LN girl mikoto
Who the fuck is going to be the antagonist of Part 3? Just Lola the entire time?
Speaking of the Abyss, since Lola name-dropped him to be there, will Touma have a run in with this guy if he actually did get sent to the abyss?
Lola/Aiwass/Aleister and probably one or two newbies along the way like the templi minister or whatever the term was
not that user but the best scene in NT21 is when Aleister, Touma, Accel and Othinus are all just bickering amongst each other. i love when characters who don't get to interact finally get put into a situation together
What if Touma got turned into a Rensa? Would that be pretty hot.
The Illuminati will finally make their move
I'd be ok with it desu
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Touma will inhabit the body of Female Glasses Touma from his classroom
>Othinus telling touma to admit he's a dumbass to everyone and then saying only she's allowed to call him that to aleister
I'm surprised Aleister just took it honestly, but maybe she didnt want to give othinus an excuse to steer touma away from her
Aleister is dying so Lola and Aiwass.
I see, of course, so his is how KamiKuro will be realized
Stop it, Touma is a pure boy!
Is it fetish hour?
Every hour is fetish hour
Aiwass maybe? Might grab someone to use as an avatar, maybe Hamazura?
As expected, really
>yfw he really does become the end of the century emperor
Aiwass is interested in people who work themselves through blood and tears like aleister though, not people who luck their way into everything
Hayate Ayasaki suffered more than Touma and yet you raildexfags declared he’s the most unfortunate; even Guts had it more rough.
Kakine, Archdemons, Aiwass, The biblical god
Aleister's whole "even if I fail my plan continues" shtick literally cannot function without high levels of luck.
The catgirl from NT2
Hamazura has luck but he doesn't cheese what he does. That's why he was referenced as one of the three by Aiwass to Aleister.
>doesnt understand what the concept of hedging your bets means
Yea Forums agreed to put Guts at a 10 on the scale and Touma at a 9 though
I love Hayate too though
I want to fuck Misuzu
>and yet you raildexfags declared
I must have missed that seminar where we collectively agreed on that after bringing up those specific characters. Or maybe you're just trying to needlessly stir shit up.
>Hamazura doesnt cheese what he does
Did you forget just two episodes ago where hamazura shoots some glass just hoping it'll randomly hit the buttons in the sequence he needs?
I've never once seen those characters even mentioned here, fuck off
Don't you know? Yea Forums has a suffering chart with a "deserved it or not" scaling. Touma is only 2nd highest for Kamachi though, Skuld is at the top
So you don't read the novels? Okay. Hamazura is a true Level 0, he's extremely limited in what he can do. Even the anime shows how much he had to do to even put a dent in Mugino the first time, the 2nd time wasn't pure luck he still went through a lot. And during this entire War so far he's been hard at work in his own way towards something that makes him happy. Just like the other two.
No, I dont pay attention to cross series shit in general
H I N A G I K U !
Kind of funny when Kamachi makes crossovers anyways but whatever
Not like Yea Forums is some dumb hivemind that decides things for you so ignore it
>he's a level 0 so the extreme amounts of luck, to the point people are unironically convinced he's getting favored by the sparks doesnt matter
Nah. Keep fellating him but he's not Aiwass's type.
I mean like those cancerous powerlevel debates over which omnipotent god beats other omnipotent gods
Yea Forums is mildly retarded.
>ignores the entire post and gives me nothing
So you're biased, sure. Ignore what actually happens, he's Aiwass's type. Can't wait to see you screech though.
That's literally what I just said I've been doing
Also, you're misunderstanding how those charts are made. Someone edits it, and other people save it if they want to.
I was doing the editing for people in a thread once. Fun stuff.
>TouMoe is a normal high school girl you can find anywhere
>She is extremely unlucky, however, and constantly ends up into compromising situations without meaning to. She runs into thugs that want to fuck her, her purse is always stolen, she has panty shots constantly even though she wears extremely conservative skirts, etc.
>Her female classmates hate her because she has somehow seduced most of the men in the school and call her a slut. The male classmates chastise her as well, but secretly love the constant stream of fanservice and want to confess to her, but no one can work up the courage
>TouMoe is convinced no one would want her because she gets bad grades, acts unfeminine, and is known for being a delinquent. She's extremely dense when it comes to the affections of others.
>TouMoe hangs out with her friends, Motohara Tsuchimikado (BroCon Sergeant) and Aoigami Pierce (Pervert Queen)
>She wields a special power in her right arm called the Heart Breaker, the ability to cancel out all super natural phenomenon thus breaking the hearts of those that have power. Though the title is better known by her obliviousness to breaking the hearts of her secret admirers
>She often runs into the electric Prince, Misaka Makoto, whom she one time tried to "save" from a gaggle of pushy Gals. Makoto is intrigued by the girl's demeanor and her power, and constantly challenges her to battles. TouMoe doesn't like how overbearing he can be and tries to ignore him mostly, which pisses Makoto off. Even more so when she gives him the nickname BeriBeri, referring both to his tendency to cause muscle paralysis to his victims, and backhandedly calling him an irksome disease.
>One day, she happens across a young alter boy laying on her balcony...
You didnt have anything worth paying attention to in your post, sorry. You're just sucking him off and assuring everyone you're not.
>someone saved my dumb scenario
Of the three he seems to like Touma the most. Don't think he'll ever take someone else's body anyway. He can't watch them struggle if he takes them over.
So you're shitposting? No need to apologize when the only thing you can provide is pointless biased shit, man. I understand and look forward to seeing you screech.
>assuring everyone you're not
Nah. I'm not so petty like you that I assume what others think, I only speak for myself. Thanks for making yourself look like a joke again though! I'll just have to tune you out after your concession.
Yeah, I'm just saying any of the 3 can be a possibility. But Aiwass is hardly the type to possess. He would make his own body like Coronzon did.
Aiwass has been watching Aleister and not the others for a reason. The extent he's commented on Hamazura is basically laughing at Aleister about how some random shmoe is fucking up his plans. He doesnt actually care for him in any way.
Then you forget his entire speech in OT19 regarding each of the protagonists and the connection to Crowley. Not that surprising given how much of you guys don't remember OT.
Is there a single Hamazura fan that isnt a self inserter at this point? Or did they all leave after OT
>muh self inserting
here we go again
Stop self inserting as Saten
>self inserter
oh boy another moron
>then you forgot (scene you literally just referenced)
Cute as fuck, would watch
Yes the scene I referenced. He talked of the 3 of them equally in how they relate to Crowley, not just what you said.
I have a confession to make
I self insert as the narrator
>not what you said
How about you actually read my post before replying
I self insert as your mom.
I did. That is not the only thing Aiwass said, it was literally a few weeks ago in an episode, as well.
He is definitely interested in Hamazura, but mainly through Aleister since he has most of his focus. It appears to go Aleister (the most interesting/amusing human he's probably ever met) >> Touma (main focus of Aleister and a little ball of concentrated thelema) > Accel (high impact on Aleister's plans) > Hamazura (fucks up Aleister's plans) in regard to interest levels. Hamazura and Accel could possibly be switched though.
Characters I like:
>Touma's dad
>Saint Germain
In no particular order.
You clearly didnt. Aiwass is purely talking about Crowley. Hamzura was a footnote at absolute best. He gives asolutely zero inclination or implication he gives a single shit about him. He is talking purely to crowley about crowley and he never even references hamazura again or ever goes to observe or talk to him. Read the post before replying, dont make me grab your monitor and beat you with it until you actually decide to read it please, do it on your own.
If you remove angelene this is a pretty good list
Nope he talks about all 3 protagonists in relation to Crowley equally and thus his interest in Hamazura is there as much as the other two. You tried to act like he just said absolutely nothing about him, but nope. Was in the episode as well so keep pretending. Actually read the novel or watch the anime please.
Don't try to skip what's in the series, shitposter.
But user, she's so cute!
Completely forgot the Will. Consider her added.
Read the fucking post. Read it. Read it. Read it. Read it. Read it. Read it. Read it. Read it. Dont make me beat you over the head for fucks sake, read it. Do not reply until you read it you shitposter.
you guys are fucking autistic holy shit
I see Mugino is shitposting about Hamazura once again
Nope. I won't read a shitposters post again when I fully understood it, especially since you can't even remember the scene being referenced and are now trying to force me to read a shitpost from you. Keep getting angry that you were dead wrong about what happened during that OT19 scene. I'll reply as many times as possible to point out you can't remember said scene and that you're shitposting.
Just admit your dumbass bias and concede otherwise I'll keep pointing out your mistakes.
>Aiwass is as interested in Hamazura as the autist he accidentally stabbed with his wings, told to go to russia and gave advice to and the MC who he fought for kicks and commented excitedly on the dragons and how they're not good enough.
Source is literally in the scene AFTER he stabbed said boy. He talks about all 3 heroes equally and literally lists a different aspect in each and tells Crowley each possess something he doesn't. He has interest in all 3.
>I fully understood it
Read the fucking post until it penetrates your thick fucking skull.
>Keep getting angry that I am making shit up and projecting hard onto Kamachi
Ok shitposter way ahead of you on that one.
So no source at all then. Aiwass has commented on Hamazura exactly once in passing in the entire series? Is that what you're telling me?
>Read the fucking post until it penetrates your thick fucking skull.
Keep seething that your shitpost ain't getting through.
>Ok shitposter way ahead of you on that one.
Glad you understand you're a shitposter who was doing that.
That is a source though. He has not made any further comment on any of them. The exact scene you mentioned for Accelerator is the same novel he talks about the 3 heroes equally and as for Touma yes you can argue he's more important, but to pretend Hamazura was only mentioned in passing when he talked about all 3 is you reaching.
>Aiwass has made no further comment on any of them since ot19
Read the series shitposter
You read the series. He has not made such a comment on any of them in a long time. At most is the scene you referenced of Touma, shitposter biased-kun.
I guess I forgot the scene where Aiwass personally visits Hamazura and directs him to go to Russia to save his gf like he did Accelerator?
So he's supposed to personally appear and that overrides what he said about each of them to Aleister? Nah. That's your biased ass trying to ignore actual text, shitposter.
All 3 are mentioned in passing. The focus is Aleister. The conversation was about Aleister. Difference is Aiwass has scenes with the other protagonists, he has no such thing with Hamazura
Can someone post that sephirot about the number 22 and dragon? Explain to me about 22 and the relation between dragon.
Uh yes? How does personally showing up not show more interest? How does happening to mention them (not even by fucking name) in a conversation with Aleister suddenly mean he has some intense interest in him? Aiwass pays more attention to Mina and fucking Kazakiri than he does Hamazura.
Right, but the significance of it was that Crowley does not possess what each of the 3 have anymore at the time. Aiwass definitely has scenes with 2 of them (albeit Touma's was obligatory due to Aleister), but to pretend that Hamazura was irrelevant in complete manner to Aiwass is warped. Touma is definitely the most important given his comment about his being and what lies within him, yes.
No buts. It was about Aleister. End of discussion.
He pays attention to Mina and Kazakiri more than any of the 3 by that logic. The only one he's shown up in any chance manner is Accelerator. Touma's encounter was through Aleister. Just because he MET THEM does not mean he looks at one of them any less.
Nope. There will be a but because even if it was about Aleister, he was referencing the protagonists and their importance. It's end of discussion if you're admitting you fucked up though.
>Just because he MET THEM does not mean he looks at one of them any less.
Peak headcanon
Headcanon is yours. You're going to ignore context just because he met them so that's your fault, not mine.
>and their importance.
This was never said. Thats you making shit up because you cant stop sucking that Hamazura cock. He is purely, purely, purely, talking about Aleister.
Oh it's just you, biased-kun. You already conceded so I didn't think you'd keep shitposting.
>This was never said.
It was. Go watch or read the scene again.
>He is purely, purely, purely, talking about Aleister.
In relation to the 3 protagonists and them having something he doesn't, thus their importance.
>its ignoring context
The one ignoring context here is you. Aiwass was having a conversation with aleister about what he lacks and listed three examples. THATS IT. DONE. Thats all it was about. He goes straight into bullying Aleister about Lillith and then references Hamazura LITERALLY NEVER AGAIN in the entire fucking series.
Aiwass quite literally never implied they were important. He was only commenting on them having things Aleister lacked. Everything else beyond that is you making shit up to fit what you want them to be talking about.
hamazura is going to be ever-present regardless of what the ayylmao thinks of him so this argument is pointless
It is pointless. Its just another example of self insert fags playing up their beloved character.
>The one ignoring context here is you.
No you are. Because you like to pretend meeting someone suddenly overrides anything else they mention.
>Aiwass was having a conversation with aleister about what he lacks and listed three examples
In equal manner that were the protagonists and what Crowley lacks. Thus they are important.
>then references Hamazura LITERALLY NEVER AGAIN in the entire fucking series.
Which applies to all 3 outside of Touma due to his obligatory meeting due to Crowley. Hence why he has more importance.
>He was only commenting on them having things Aleister lacked
Which is important because Crowley does not possess it.
>Everything else beyond that is you making shit up to fit what you want them to be talking about.
Nah. It's you unable to understand a scene and being a biased shitposter.
It's pointless, but given one of them hates him so much and references him as a self-insert to make himself feel better, it's fun to keep going and point it out.
ooo like clockwork, shitposter-kun.
>self insert fags
>he's still pushing this
I don't even like Hamazura but take your boogeyman out of here.
i prefer to believe that its a samefagging shitposter than two actual humans engaging in such a autist chain of replies.
>muh self insert
>muh you're the shitposter
Thus nothing. Thus nothing. You are pulling this shit entirely from your damn ass. Aiwass says nothing even remotely fucking close to their having importance. He's purely bullying aleister and saying "wow looks like you're missing some things huh?" He never even suggests that aleister should get them because of that, he simply comments on aleister admiring them. That is it. I repeat. That is IT. The rest is your headcanon.
>Which applies to all 3
Again, bullshit. And you ignoring context to try and take a single fucking scene from the entire 40+ novel series and try to play it up as being important when he wont even refer to him by name.
This is a more productive discussion.
>when hamazura is randomly brought up by aiwass it means he has an intense interest in him
>but when aiwass talks to touma and his role as aleisters main plan its just obligatory and doesnt count
Speaking of bias...
Thus everything. Thus everything. You continually claiming I'm pulling this and pulling that without proper backing outside of your own poor comprehension of the scene doesn't do anything. It just makes me laugh at how dumb you are.
>Aiwass says nothing even remotely fucking close to their having importance
He does, that is why he is talking about Crowley in relation to what they possess. That is why they are important. Thus everything.
>Again, bullshit.
Again, truth.
>And you ignoring context to try and take a single fucking scene from the entire 40+ novel series and try to play it up as being important when he wont even refer to him by name.
No I'm not. Only Touma is more important than the other 2 and I mentioned that due to his significance, otherwise Hamazura is as important just as Accelerator when mentioned. Especially in that OT19 scene.
Keep trying, bias-kun. I'll even join you in your petty repeating as if it means something, shitposter.
No? If you aren't a shitposter and actually read the posts. I mentioned Touma's probably more important. Just that the 3 heroes have importance overall, that's all I've been saying. My whole point has simply been that you can't count out who Aiwass may use as an avatar if he does.
I even replied to a more reasonable person earlier that he probably won't though because he'd probably make a flesh body like Coronzon.
He’ll probably use the sixth an as avatar. It’s about time they show up.
>muh muh comprehension
The fact that you cant see that this is quite literally just "I made something up, and dont understand why you arent taking it as written fact" is honestly baffling and concerning.
>he does
>proceeds to list zero evidence
>only touma
If anything, accelerator would be more important because he actually goes out of his way to go see and help him. Claiming this is the same as hamazura is pure fucking head canon and fanwank.
What if the 6th is a final boss?
Spoilers when?
>The fact that you cant see that this is quite literally just "I made something up, and dont understand why you arent taking it as written fact" is honestly baffling and concerning.
>muh muh made up
Right back at you, biased shitposter-kun. I'm terrified of your poor comprehension
>proceeds to pretend I didn't give evidence
>If anything, accelerator would be more important because he actually goes out of his way to go see and help him.
That doesn't mean much though because he only helped him regarding Last Order. For Touma he goes on to talk about what lies within and how it still has a long way to go, I would say that's more important especially to the plot.
>Claiming this is the same as hamazura is pure fucking head canon and fanwank.
Nah. Claiming OTHERWISE is pure bullshit from you.
Can you two retards use trips so i can filter you?
3 days or so i think
Having importance or not is entirely unrelated to your dumbfuck argument. Which was that for some fucking reason you're absolutely convinced that Aiwass discussing "there are many types of heroes, here are three types you admire" immediately must mean aiwass has an intense interest in all three random ass examples he comes up with. Touma and Accelerators interest to Aiwass does not stem from some random conversation he had with aleister a decade ago. It stems from the other roles they have being aleisters main plan and when we see him help them and talk to them. Scenes that hamazura does not have.
The Sixth will never even show up.
>Aiwass personally showing up to talk to, give advice to, and guide accelerator "doesnt mean much"
Thats it, I fucking give up. You clearly dont have the brain cells to be worth talking to. Please kindly kill yourself so the world doesnt have to deal with you ruining the gene pool.
It’s very possible the sixth is a plot device to revive Touma and Aleister somehow.
I'm a self-inserter and I have a confession.
I self-insert as Noukan.
Maybe he has a crush on him? If he does that basically means Accel has the luck of the Irish on his side and we know from past experience that means godmode.
Just filter his repeating ass. He says everything twice as if it makes it more intimidating.
Oh now you're going after the other post and pretending you're someone else? Kek let's see.
>Having importance or not is entirely unrelated to your dumbfuck argument
It's the exact point that's been made. I've stuck to the same thing unlike your warped ass.
>immediately must mean aiwass has an intense interest in all three random ass examples he comes up with
Of course he does, otherwise he would not mention them like that nor have scenes with them, not my fault you're grasping, self inserter-kun.
>Touma and Accelerators interest to Aiwass does not stem from some random conversation he had with aleister a decade ago.
It wasn't a random conversation though, what the conversation was about is important.
>It stems from the other roles they have being aleisters main plan and when we see him help them and talk to them. Scenes that hamazura does not have.
Which is why he also referenced Hamazura, but no so far that would only apply to Touma actually.
>Thats it, I fucking give up. You clearly dont have the brain cells to be worth talking to.
You can project, but I've felt the same way about you the minute you cried self-insert and pretended I'm biased when you've been projecting this whole time.
In other words: I accept your concession. Mission success.
She's cute
> no Kakine
The list is trash.
Stop ruining a Mikoto thread faggots
Kill yourself right along with the other shitposter dumb fucking cunt
Ohh so mad you didn't get your way, self-inserter shitposter. Kek.
Fuck you.
You look like the shitposter too the entire time though
Mikoto Purpura when
If I had a penny for every time Awass bailed Accelorator out I’d be rich. He’s probably the real reason Accel can use wings.
At least I read the series and dont project my desires onto the characters.
This is exactly why you look like one, he's saying. Thanks for being part of the problem.
That’s the entire point of the series. It’s so you can imagine scenarios.
At least 3-4 people each time told you off for those kinds of comments though so thanks for proving that?
I just want to let both of you fags know that I won the argument and that I accept your concessions.
I look like a shitposter because I try not to make random assumptions, and because I read the series. I guess I'll keep that in mind. Guess that makes it a compliment.
This conversation started with zero harm about how Hamazura (it could have been anyone) MIGHT be someone Aiwass may utilize. You came in and started crying self-insert and cock sucking for no reason like someone hurt you. You were both fucking shitposters.
We’re all shitposters at heart.
And now you can't even accept what you did wrong to derail harmless speculation because of your pointless. Way to go, dumbass at least he stopped now.
Hamazura will probably end up being a better Touma? That’s why we’re arguing? Really? I thought we all liked him?
Nice revisionism, but all I said was he wasnt Aiwass' type. It was the easily triggered hamazurafag that rolled in and started crying about how he's a good boy and Aiwass loves that random shmoe he referenced 20 volumes ago.
You can hate Hamazura and/or Accelerator all you like for whatever reason you like. It won't change the fact they're important.
Man, if we really do get "Touma's status is still unknown and Hamazura (with or without Accelerator's help) has finished off Coronzon", NT22 threads are gonna be wild.
In fact, the complaining about Hamazura may just be falseflags as a set up to throw "tantrums" during NT22 threads
That's not what you did at all though to start this, but have fun pretending and being shat on the next time you try that again with the other fuck.
I have a feeling people are jealous or they’re already mourning the death of our beloved Touma. The fact is if anybody can replace him it’s Hamazura.
Thats Kamisato's job
And how many times did you have to stop and not push it in that direction? Yet you kept egging it and egging it and egging it. Enabling and riling people up with baseless comments and pointless generalization. I don't care what the context of your later posts were about, your bullshit of inserting stupid ass comments about self-inserting and being called out on it and yet still going made you part of the problem.
Honestly hamazura better fucking do something this volume or it'll have been one of the most pointless moves to have dragged him to london
Hamazura was literally made to be his rival from the start. Kamisato was supposed to be a rival and take his place but I feel like Kamachi didn’t think it worked out which is why all the focus is on Hamazura now.
>hamazura is his rival
Fuck off MP
No MP.
Looking forward to what he comes up with here and what he's exactly holding. Maybe IB's base form?
Almost as bad as dragging index to hawaii
Sasuga user-sama.
Since when has Hamazura not been his Gary Oak? It’s been like that since almost day one. Why are you so desperate to deny it now?
Pretty sure two IBs cant exist, Rensa showed us that.
My man. Thanks for proving bias-kun wrong.
If Touma is truly dead (something that everyone should have a healthy dose of skepticism towards), he doesn't need to be replaced. Hamazura and Accelerator both have their own roles. I guess a majority of fans just can't imagine the story without Touma, but despite the story beating you over the head with "he's special, at the center of everything" narrative, there's plenty of ways the story could continue without him both temporarily and permanently.
Not them but it’s probably because he has a chance at replacing him for a while now if not indefinitely depending on how crazy Kamachi is.
Maybe his right arm did not go with him? We don't know his state really.
I honestly think Mikoto will take over for a while.
Kamisato is Touma's foil, not rival. It's not the same thing. Hamazura is getting focus because he's one of the three heroes as he's always been.
Could also simply be IB recognizing it wasn't attached to Touma, maybe if Rensa had the St. Germain meme virus she could've pulled a Yuiitsu and fooled it.
Temporary I bet. But it happened way too quickly so who knows. Kamachi said back in 2011 we would see the full meaning of his name. We've seen the purify gods part but not the excorcises demons part
Touma's honestly survived way too much to die now. It would be underwhelming as fuck.
Really? Don’t tell me you’re not counting Mikoto as a hero? It’s in no order
I mean, she's definitely on the list of characters that could help carry things. Events of NT22 might even give her something that makes it even more reasonable that she carries a good portion of the story's weight.
I mean, he would need to be replaced though, both literally as he's the center of Aleisters plan and in a meta sense since the story has followed him 90% of the time and most of the characters are connected to him and not always to each other.
Kamachi has repeatedly referenced the 3 heroes (Touma, Accel, Hamazura). No Mikoto allowed.
I bet a lot of people think she could carry the series better than Touma. She’s not a self insert archetype so it’s going to be a little different. It will probably feel like Railgun if it took place in the main story and things actually mattered.
things actually matter.
I remember that chart. Did people meme Touma into deserved it yet or is the latest LN gonna make him deserve it?
The Dragons will try to go back to Touma, but since he is dead or in the abyss or something they will go to the closest thing, which is the AAA/Mikoto
Because Protagonist is different from Hero. She is still a heroine.
and Maybe Aleister have to do for now while Touma probably works from the underside of the Abyss. Unknown if Othinus is with him or not.
The 3 heroes are the 3 heroes. Even the Japanese separate it.
Mikoto couldn't even stop a Robutt from killing herself
It’s way harder to stop somebody from killing them selves than it is to fight someone.
Mikoto would actually be a lot more useful than Touma in a lot of the situations he finds himself in.
All I remember is Othinus flip flopped a lot between deserved it or not depending on which raildexfag happened to be in the thread
Mikoto literally assisted in her suicide. Not to mention Touma did in fact stop Othinus from wanting to kill herself. Though slightly too slow.
He had a few more chances to get it right than Mikoto did. He actually failed way harder.
I also remember a lot of "Did Mikoto actually suffer" and "Did Accelerator actually deserve it". I'm surprised no one showed up to put Index in high deserving.
What the fuck
He never actually held the gun to othinus' head and pulled the trigger like mikoto did. So by default he cant fail harder than she did because he tried and didnt give up.
Based as fuck
I’m sure if Mikoto had a billion tries she could have figured it out.
Maybe if Mikoto wasn't so homicidal and unwilling to believe in magic. Robutt would have lived if she had called Index. Even Aogami could have saved the Robutt since he'd stumble into marriage with her while on the rebound from Frenda.
Did anyone actually get around to telling Kamachi that Robutt only had to get married to have a soul?
She wouldn't.
Accel got it right in one go with 545
She would.
Mikoto didnt even take her first try. Robutt said "am sad, do I have a soul? ;(" and mikoto immediately went "well shit, guess thats a good enough reason to die, let me help"
Like how she figured out Touma's power when he's actively tried to explain it to her?
Mikoto doesn’t take no nonsense. She’s based.
I wouldn’t trust him either.
Mikoto is trash
In reality if we REALLY think about it didn’t Mikoto basically just break a toaster with advanced Siri?
>Accel told a demon she has a life worth living
>Hamazura forgave the woman that tried to kill him multiple times
>Touma fought the world to save one person
>mikoto tried to railgun innocent people in a fit of rage
the absolute state of the 4th MC
As expected of Shitkoto
There is no way in hell Mikoto or just about any other human has the mental fortitude to give dying a billion goes. Especially since after each death he had to start over.
Mikoto is just a realist, aka based.
>The first three helped crazy lunitics that have killed people maybe even in the hundreds of thousands.
Mikoto helps innocent people on the daily. Also her using attacks on innocent people isn’t really saying much when it’s been shown she can control how much power she puts out. She shocks Kuroko all the time.
>all seems lost
Touma’s ded, Aleis-tan is defeated, Lola stand victorious
>then, suddenly, a figure appears
>”cmon Coro-tan, you didn’t think I’d be that easy didya?”
>Aogami Motherfucking Pierce, eyes wide open
How hype would you fags be?
Don't worry, she will forgive and befriend Accelerator in NT22.
Remember the first episode where Touma protected literal delinquents from Mikoto?
Electrocuting people just for shits and giggles is still a dick move, user.
First of all that theme was blatantly stolen from Madoka Magica and secondly Mikoto could just as easily done the same. She was ready to die fighting Accel to protect her sisters who she barely knew. Othinus kind of deserved to die anyways though.
>implying Accelerator wants or need shitkoto forgiviness
I'd rather see the sixth be used.
What color is your magic underwear?
Mikoto will dissmantle the mafia in Railgun SS3
>stolen from Meguca
Not only does it precede Meguca, but the presentation was completely different. Homura's loops were revealed in a non-linear fashion, occured by her own will, and ended through outside interference. Touma entered unwillingly, was not actually looped (I have no idea how you come up with this), endured a billion deaths, and won by tiring Othinus out.
Fuck off MP.
Same thing
This. Why would he want anything to do with that slut when he has the superior versions of her.
She forgave Accel off screen back in NT3 didn't she?
Instantly made it the worst volume.
>was not looped
Towards the end he was.
Did you like the show?
Mikoto did suffer, but her head is far up her ass so she forgot about them to chase Touma cock 5 minutes later.
Accelerator deserved it for being so dumb despite his theoretical genius IQ.
Crowley deserves everything that happened to him because the idiot retroactively cursed himself to fail at everything and wouldn't keep his hands above the sheets.
Mikoto can't mentally handle anyone being stronger than her.
Touma doesn't get one shotted? She becomes a stalker.
Accelerator blocks her attack? Complete mental breakdown and attempted suicide.
Magic Gods show up? Completely deletes the fact that she's actually weak from her mind.
Salome tanks a railgun? She steals a theoretical weapon of mass destruction and delves into dark magiks without regard for it literally killing her in order to attempt to stay relevant.
Mikoto is probably about as mentally stable as fucking Mugino. Mugino probably only reacted worse because she was already used to killing.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe we like insano Mikoto?
Aleister cursed himself after mathers killed his daughter though
This. Mikoto loses her shit every time things don't go her way.
Maybe Kuroko should just carry the damn series. Everybody else mentioned seems to not have what it takes.
>all the fights against Othinus occured sequentially in a loop
Source: your ass.
It was likely hell, a random fight happens, more hell, fight, and so on.
It's a pretty mediocre version of Faust.
She's not the 4th MC though. Maybe if you count Railgun, but she's just a Support in Index.
I never said I didn't. It actually makes her interesting.
The curse was retroactive. It goes back in time too. His life was shit because he literally did it to himself.
The shitposting would be legendary
My parents told me it’s an extremely creative and fun version of Faust.
>replying to MP seriously
Are you retarded?
The weird thing about Faust is that adaptations usually only do Part 1, but Part 2 is miles better.
Fuck I want this
We've known for a long time that Mikoto is lowkey insane. She's just better at appearing normal, but she's one step away from going batshit and killing someone at all times.
Thor and his mother is the superior oyakodon
She is now
>It goes back in time
That is complete nonsense and you know it
Hopefully she kills Othinus for not protecting Touma. That would be some school days shit and that’s what I like.
Source is read the books. Touma says flat out he starts in the black world and walks through a bunch of hells to see othinus again, but forgets them all because they're the same. Thats the entire reason his brain is able to pretend its one fight, because he meets her in the same place every time.
>the curse is retroactive
Source; your ass
Passing the time.
No, not at all.
Forgot to click on for the second line
Don’t pretend that you didn’t like it. Nobody is going to think you’re cool.
Holy shit. So you’re saying that entire time his fight with Othinus seemed like one battle to him? That really takes a lot of the bravery and suffering from it.
Philosophy doesn't justify an anime. I'll need either good visuals (which Madoka somewhat has), charismatic characters(no), nice design (also no) and cool shit (final no).
I say that it's AC's PR machine at work with a little bit of archetype controller.
A few months ago I discovered that her volts vs amps argument is more bullshit than originally thought, since her "nonlethal" attacks would react with any metal on a person to create an arc lighter. Said arc lighter would then melt the person or disfigure them via melting. Mikoto is probably the force behind AC developing their cyborg technology to treat all the disabled kids she leaves behind.
I suppose it could be a translation error or older version I read, but I recall Crowley being warned that anything he EVER does except his goal will be a failure if he takes up spiritual tripping. The wording when i read it left room for interpretation to include past tense.
This gets further corroborated by the fact that Crowley did indeed suck at everything with his constant bad luck.
t. Pissed Evangelion fanboy
Did you even watch the show?
She can turn concrete into ashes with just lightning, its pretty clear that she can control its temperature to a degree
>because the translation didnt specifically say that it was from then on, and not in the past, it must have gone back in time
How stupid are you?
>this is corroborated by the fact aleister did in fact;
Wow the golden dawn into making him join despite his odd methods, get a huge fortune from his father, enjoyed huge popularity, and got pretty much everything he wanted except a loving understander?
If level six Mikoto was able to just straight up turn into electricity how relevant would that make her considering she’d basically be made of AIM?
Evangelion doesn't have any of those either.
>Crowley did indeed suck at everything
?????? Crowley was regarded as a genius on par with Mathers.
Neither Aleister nor Mathers needed a million plans to get anything off the ground before the curse. Aleister even says to Mathers that from now own you will be cursed with failure. Nothing implies it goes back in time.
It’s been confirmed from both Touma and Othinus that he experienced hundreds of billions of hells.
Mathers doesn’t even have complex plans that will seemingly never be explained to the audience though.
Are you MP
Concrete has metal slag mixed into it for when it needs to be stronger in modern construction. Eg skyscrapers. That's not counting the rebar. She can easily turn concrete into ashes via the arc lighter method I pointed out. The danger from that is all of the water that will then escape in steam form, but actually burning AC concrete should be very easy.
I don’t know anymore. I’ve been here for so long.
She did it instantly though
She’d be a lot faster.
No, she just said she had some things she wanted to say to him, then Kamachi never showed anything.
I know he isnt her actual son but I kind of want othinus to jokingly threaten to ground Thor.
We actually don’t know how many hundreds if not thousands of guys she’s had sex with in her almost infinite lifespan. He may be her son after all.
5.1 did that.
And? Her argument was that one (Amps vs Volts) is nondeadly to humans no matter how high she sets it which makes her attacks nonlethal. Her missed attacks then proceeded to melt steel.
Any attack she routinely hits people with is easily strong enough to disfigure a person via hitting any electronics, jewelry, or belt buckles(like Touma has) on their person to cause an arc light and they are never in any condition to specifically tell her she melted their leg/dick/ear off as they just got tased and she's already moving on to the next victim.
>flat out stated to be cut off from everyone in the world and no one reached out to treat her like a person
No actually we do know that he isnt her son.
>they are never in any condition to specifically tell her she melted their leg/dick/ear off as they just got tased and she's already moving on to the next victim.
We have literally never seen, the burden of proof is on you
You don’t treat whores like people user.
My bad. I forgot her true nature.
user, Kuroko carries metal spikes on her legs and she gets zapped more often and harder than anyone. Don't take him seriously.
She actually enjoys it.
Right, which is exactly why we don’t treat MP as a person.
Or Mikoto
Or Saten
And Index too!
I don’t like that.
That's just how electricity works and her entire thesis statement as to how she can make nonlethal attacks was false. Since modern physics says that she's probably melting people whenever she does, her attacks do actually carry a degree of danger other than the usual brain damage from tasering.
>So, back to which kills you, the amps or volts. Given your body is a constant resistance, it really is a combination of both. Higher voltage means higher amperage, and thus higher voltage has more potential to kill.
Ergo the onus is not on me, but on you to prove how Mikoto's attacks that are clearly lethal or disfiguring according to the laws of physics are not actually killing/harming people.
Now we all know the real answer is that Kamachi failed at science. But as things are Mikoto clearly has been attacking people with lethal attacks this whole time and AC is not above covering up the dead bodies of children.
>“Where are we anyway? Is this Sendagaya or Yotsuya? Damn, if only I could use my phone’s GPS.”
>“How am I supposed to know?”
>“Are you useful for anything!?”
BASED Mikoto dabbing on Index
She can literally control the path the electricity takes
They’re confusing personal reality/AIM with real life. Typical Sherry fanboys.
So in about 30 seconds Index is gonna find her location via looking at the stars, right?
And useless Mokoto can wirelessly hack into supercomputers but can't connect to a cell tower to locate her own GPS?
And that's how she managed to miss in the very first book to melt that bridge?
More like she choose not to
Millions in property damage, and repairs.
>Chose not to
Mikoto's bank account is screwed if Crowley starts charging her for property damage.
Sphinx was being a cunt at that moment
At most he’d just ask her for some nudes. Don’t be stupid.
I like how you arent even trying to refute anything now
Or just have Kongou pay it off.
He already has nudes. 20,004 of them not counting any underline peeping.
That’s not the original though.
The original is shit.
Again, Underline has it all in ultra high definition 3d. He doesn't need to ask.
How did Aleister get all the money to build AC?
We disagree.
He made bets and then killed the people that won the bets against him for the money.
>creeper shots
>anything stimulating
My kouhai, let me introduce to you the wonders of 'self published nudes', especially the 'first-time-half-dressed selfie-requested-by-my-boyfriend/master/stalker' type.
why hasn't jesus appeared yet
He's a creeper, he's seen her masturbate, and all of the cookies in AC are filled with his semen.
I’m attracted to Saten though.
Where would Jesus even fit in Raildex world's power scale
Im attracted to Kamikoto
I cant even tell if jesus is into it or trying to stop him here
Magic god obviously
Below Espers, as they can prove that the Bible Jesus wasnt real with facts and logic
He separated into 20+ probabilities and are all around the doing their own thing. Everyone who laughed at Kanzaki as a joke gets stricken off the Book of Life.
Crowley has 666 in his magic name so once crowley is finished starting armageddon (Are the 3 protagonists 3/4 of the 4 horsemen?) Jesus runs him through with a flaming sword.
I’m attracted to anime girls period.
That's disgusting.
But at least you know WHY he has to ask for self published nudes right. It's not just the same.
If crowley cared about things like permission, he'd have kept his hands above the sheets.
What's with all the Yea Forums posting lately? Is this how far these threads have sunk?
Accel looks at lot better than MisaMisa when you compare his criticism of Touma in NT19 to their blind acceptance of him in NT18
Accel looks like shit as always.
It's literally one guy
tawawa is the Yea Forumseddit of Yea Forums so that's not much better
I doubt they even know what Tawawa is let alone where to find it
What did touma do to the fat blob again?
These threads allow shit from Facebook to be posted, why not shit from Yea Forums.
Why don't you read the fucking books for fucking once in your life?
Sounds like a waste of time.
>Aneri vs Dion
>A literal (and etherial) catfight
Who can Acqua beat after becoming a normal magician?
Nah that's your entire life. Feel sorry for your family.
Mikotofriends BTFO
What did the retard mean by this
You’re cute as always
I didn’t feel the “British Halloween” atmosphere at all in the anime.
Your entire life is a waste, don't make me repeat myself, retard.
JC fucked it up.