Which one deserves to be called "the greatest anime of all time" the most?
Which one deserves to be called "the greatest anime of all time" the most?
Other urls found in this thread:
None of them
Boku no Pico
Urusei Yatsura
A. Was overblown shit but B. Was horrible hype shit. C. Is better the both, but A. Is a necessary watch.
violet evergarden
not violet evershit that's for sure
VEG was good, but it doesn't even come close to the others.
Neon Genesis Evangelion > Violet Evergarden > Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
>Pic not related
Could you fucks stop trying already?
VEG was already forgotten. Let it rest
>Hunter x hunter
>not on that list
Out of those three, Evangelion is the only one that can even compete...
But honestly, not even NGE. Here, have an actual contender for that title.
One would expect that HxH fags would be able to read, considering their novel is pretty long by now.
You just posted the 3 shows with the absolute worst fanbases, what a fucking coincidence!
I'm voting VEG.___
Evangelion, no contest.
The Urobuchi one.
>VEG was already forgotten
Sorry, guys. I meant to say Yorimoi was already forgotten. Violet Evergarden is getting a movie, which will be what End of Evangelion was to NGE and what Rebellion was to Madoka.
>Hxh is so great that even an anime adaptation is far better than any anime original
I did know that hxh was a great manga, but now that you say it I'm realising how much of a masterpiece it is.
Shouldn't you be yelling at kids to get off your lawn or something?
I'm ok with this.
Yes, Yamato truly is incredibly. Aged like milk on all fronts. Laughable SFX, visual directing, animation and writing with out of place characteristics and behavior, retconning left and right, rushed as fuck arcs and laughable plot progression. I can't even think of a single popular 70s anime that aged worse.
Amazing false-flag - you're not actually interested in the response, what you really want is Violent Effervescence being put alongside the two decent anime in a thread on the front page. SAUSUGA DISCORD CHILD
I only see 2 atemporal master pieces and Violet Everfarted there, posting shit like this won't make Violet Everfarted be on the same level as NGE or Madoka.
The greatest anime of all time would be a movie, not a tv series.
>mahou shoujo mary sue
Go home babby.
Stage 1: Denial
Excuse me. We don't watch movies here. We care about C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T
I apologize for the phone posting but bloody hell that guy posted almost the exact same thing as me
Cry me a river, maybe someday your so called "masterpiece" Violet Evergarden will be as succesful and aclaimed as Madoka or NGE, but ofcourse that would never happen because it managed to be worse than a ramen comercial anime.
The upcoming movie will solidify Violet Evergarden as a timeless masterpiece.
Kill yourself VEGfag
Stage 2: Anger
Sure, I will be laughing my ass off when literally nobody goes to the cinema, I predict right now that it would do worse than Liz.
You cry me a river nigger. Pokemon and DB are both more successful and acclaimed than Mahou Shoujo Mary Sue will ever be but that doesn't make them good.
If basement dwellers and bottom feeders enjoy eating crap with pixelated floors and deformed characters it's not my damn problem.
If we are to make an ad populum then VEG beats both Shitdoka and EVA in score in the most popular anime websites on the planet. And by popular I mean the sites with the most traffic and largest userbase.
But of course that's bullshit too, EVA is EVA and there's nothing like it.
Objective ranking is EVA > VEG > Madokek
VEG was boring fucking garbage. Very pretty, yes, but absolute dog shit otherwise. You kyoanus lickers really will lap up anything they shit onto your plates
Stage 3: Bargaining
One is still mega popular after 20 years.
DB is probably the most popular anime franchise in the world and rightfully so for what it did at its time, Pokemon is a kids show with tons of games backed by the richest company on Japan. Madoka, NGE and VEG are late night shows and the sucess of Madoka and NGE are bastly superior, they were so good that they are sill an influence in the anime industry nowadays, meanwhile VEG wasn't even the most sucessful anime of its own season. So as I told you before cry me river.
Kyoanifags are the single most insecure fanbase
Just shut it already. Not even Triggerfags, Cygamesfags and Shaftfags would go that way
Hell, Tatsukifags successfully brought the mighty Kadokawa (2000x bigger than Kyoani) to their knees yet you don't see them spamming their success
Just shut it already.
That is not bargaining.
Stop associating sales with quality you fucking sheep.
>VEG wasn't even the most sucessful anime of its own season
Only if you don't count China. Violet Evergarden was a giant success in the most populous country on Earth.
Flip Flappers
God also approves of it.
Chinese aren't human so excluding them seems fair
EVA without a doubt and anyone who thinks otherwise should be gassed
And Citrus outright crashed CrunchyRoll servers
VEG without a doubt and anyone who thinks otherwise should be gassed
I wouldn't mind getting gassed by Violet desu.
Did you miss the part where I said that NGE and Madoka are still influencing the anime industry? Maybe this was for you.
Madoka without a doubt and anyone who thinks otherwise should be gassed
Why are VEG cultists so intolerant to other peoples' opinions?
uhh where is your nazi uniform young lady
Baidu results for EVA
Baidu results for Madoka
Baidu results for VEG
Except both anime are shit with bad music and animation.
whoah wtf not anudda shoah
At the laundromat
None of those three, but don't even try to pretend Madoka and VEG are on the same level as Eva.
Not him but influence is not inherently good.
If anything most large influences were bad such as Rei and Asuka spawning rabid waifu faggotry on a level never seen before and Madoka spawning endless generic edgy clones that nobody gives a shit about.
EVA is certainly the most influential, critically acclaimed, successful and cerebral of the three.
Etotama was better than those 3 and the Japanese know it.
>Anime is a dying industry in japan
>VEG opens up the chinese market
>Saves the anime industry as a result
Based Violet.
The Chinese marked has been a big part of the industry's revenue for years now. VEG didn't really do shit.
KyoAni finds a way.
is anime dying in Japan? citation?
Did Kyoani released their revenue chart for 2017 yet?
If they are still at $1M, as average, I would be laughing at you
I liked all but it's fun seeing fags fight over which anime was better
I think they have but no one seems to have bought the report.
>kyoani, a non publicly traded company
>releasing a financial report
If Kyoanifags make a thread about their show/studio, it dies of inactivity
If they come to the stalker threads, they get chased away
Only way to stay relevant is to shit on other franchises
You guys are sad
They release private reports that can be bought for private investors.
Don't play coy now, mate
You know they always release that
Is Kememe still big in Japan or did the autistic otaku fanbase actually bit and didn't just bark?
you mean the tax statement? that's public information. but you can't be actually retarded and think tax statements reveal a company's income right?
>If Kyoanifags make a thread about their show/studio, it dies of inactivity
Please don't talk about shit you don't know, they're not tax statements. See
Kadokawa lost $400M causing their leaders to abandon ship
Kyoani makes only $1M for comparison
>Private investors
I already read that retarded post. I just didn't think anyone else would believe it.
Post the previous reports.
Bro that's what TDB is for, are you stupid by any chance?
That's a credit report, not a financial statement. I would like an actual financial report.
What makes you think that isn't a financial statement? According to Wikipedia, a financial statement must have a balance sheet (自己資本 ), an income statement (利益), an equity statement (決算期), and a cash flow statement (売上高). That image has all of them.
because Teikoku Data Bank is a company that provides credit research reports.
Personally, Madoka.
More objectively, Eva.
VEG shouldn't evenbe in same picture.
What's "Violet Evergarden"? A Japanese brand of tampons? Or was it Taiwanese?
>What's "Violet Evergarden"?
A beautiful work of art.
Can't it provide both? Why do you think a credit and a financial report need to be mutually exclusive? I mean, ask any accountant and they'll tell you that is a financial report because it has everything a financial report needs to have, don't you think?
> I mean, ask any accountant and they'll tell you that is a financial report because it has everything a financial report needs to have, don't you think?
No accountant will ever tell you that's enough. If they do, you should fire them.
There's a reason why the government doesn't tax you based on your credit report from your bank. It's an inaccurate representation of your income.
Not him but mind if you tell us what is your estimated Kyoani profit?
One that is acceptable in your eyes.
$1M profit is actually average for large studios in the indutry
You're arguing semantics at this point. The reason a private company is willing to post a sneak peak of their revenue and profit is to get investors, not to flex. Posting on TDB is optional, tell me why do you think Kyoani posts theirs?
None of them even hold a candle to One Piece, it's kinda sad how you guys don't see that OP is objectively better than these poor excuses for popcorn entertainment
The most Yea Forums thread of the entire week.
I dont' want an estimate though. I want an accurate report of the financials of the company since the original poster said that KyoAni has private financial reports given to private investors. But all I got was a credit report.
>Posting on TDB is optional, tell me why do you think Kyoani posts theirs?
Do you know how credit reports work? You probably have a credit report right now without you volunteering any information. It's literally an estimate of the bank on how much money you are capable of paying back.
A financial report practically says how much revenue and profit you're making during a set period of time, that image provides that information, dummy.
>Violet Alwaysfarted
Is that you, muhprescreeningimpressionfaggot?
Let me guess your post is "Stage 1: Denial" just like always as a deflect?
You need to be 18+ to post here.
Stage 2: Anger
>I don't want an estimate though.
Good, because is not an estimate. Kyoani had a net profit of $1.3 million dollars in 2015
They really should teach financials in school. Here's an actual example of a financial report. It's not just revenue and profit. It actually shows how they get that number, which is something only the private company has access to, not a bank.
This is just a pathetic attempt to legitimize VEG.
>Not an estimate
>Literally posts a credit report
>"financial" report doesn't show anything
Cmon now.
So I don't want to hear about muh China anymore, anus cultists. Fuck off.
Nah, it was a Korean air freshener. Don't know why some people think it's on-topic for Yea Forums though.
If we negate the primacy and recency effect, Madoka is therefore the greatest anime of all time
Ashita no Joe, now delet your shit
Reports from public and private companies are different, though.
>The corporate annual report for a private company — one whose stock isn’t traded on the open market — is usually a bare-bones document that gives users just the mandatory information about how the company performed in the past year. You don’t find many bells and whistles in a private company’s report.
That image is a financial report. There's really no other way around it.
Yeah, it's very different. A private company doesn't have to divulge their financial reports publicly. That's probably why TBD had to do estimates.
TDB doesn't do estimates with private companies, they willingly share that information and the bank corroborates it.
>TBD doesn't do estimates with private companies
Sure thing. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
>Violet Evergarden was a giant success in the most populous country on Earth.
You might as well talk about the most successful anime in India.
why must she be the target of so much shitposting
Pajeet detected.
One Piece is the highest selling manga all time for a reason sweaty
because she is cute. Arguably one of the cutest anime girls that has ever existed.
I'm not even a VEG hater but she's honestly not that cute, her design is somewhat bland.
>"Visit & Confirm" is to visit the actual place and confirm directly. This is the policy that TDB continues to protect as a corporate credit research company for over a century. In Corporate Credit Research, field researchers actually visit the companies and summarize the detailed information collected on-site in Corporate Credit Report.
Yet they have no actual details on how they got their numbers. I know this is a really big thing for you, but you should really study how financials work before you shitpost about them.
>Yet they have no actual details on how they got their numbers.
>detailed information collected on-site in Corporate Credit Report.
>having a civil debate about anime is Yea Forums
>Corporate Credit Report.
No lists of assets, no list of liabilities. Yep, it's a credit report alright.
Holy shit, I thought the difference wasn't that big between your average studio and a publisher but Kadokawa could probably buy Kyoani 100 times over.
VEG doesn't need legitimization from niggers like you. If the high praise it gets bothers you so much go back to your safe space.
Actually, unlike Kyoani, Kadokawa is a publicly traded company and we can see here that it's been losing money since the second quarter of 2015.
Sorry. I meant to say they're both forgotten, since VEG is only brought up every now and then by kyoanifags.
Yikes, that would literally be the worst thing I can imagine. I'd rather side with Chinanon.
>Rebellion was to Madoka
This is not a good thing, you don't want that.
Is the VEG meme not dead yet ? You guys are taking it too far.
>ITT: my cult following is better than yours
You know it's eva, don't be a faggot.
Stage 4: Depression
Evangelion > VEG >>>>> shit >>>>>>> Madokek
not this normalfag starter pack or any fate shit
there are a lot of better mechas than evangelion like G Gundam and better mahou shoujos than madoka like precure. Also, Evangelion is just Ultraman mixed with Devilman, Madoka is just kamen rider ryuki with little girls, nothing original to be called a masterpiece.
>Toilet Evergarbage
You VEG shitposters are gonna be forcing this shit for years, aren't you.
Eva and Madoka are both Anime of their Millennium.
Just a bit more, and you'll finally reach stage 5.
A toast, to the two greatest anime of all time.
Funny that both NGE and VEG is there since VEG stole its main character straight from NGE.
Violet Evergarden. It has the most impressive audiovisuals.
Madoka obviously.
These are the sort of threads that convince me that pretty much all VEG posters are just falseflaggers.
>his animu isn't in there
VEG doesn-t even belong in this discussion. It was boring shit that some people only kept watching because of the hype from being in production forever, and others kept watching because muh feels.
Yea right you nigger. Neither Madoka nor EVA had an episode as good as this.
>Madoka, better than this
>EVA, better than this
they had plenty of episodes better than that ok
>being this much of a contrarian
Nice. Fuck the Kusokawa Corporation.
Not him but he's right. Episodes of that caliber don't happen often, especially episodic stories.
God tier bait, aniki
>Episodes of that caliber don't happen often, especially episodic stories.
mushishi, natsume yuujinchou and kino no tabi seem to have no problem doing it multiple times a series.
I know right. Who could possibly think EVA is anything but garbage?
Evangelion obviously.
You kyoanus fags should just stick to claiming Haruhi or Lucky Star as your best, because that was your peak
I hate people who hate Madoka because they're newfags who watch shitty edgy magical girl shows and think Madoka is just basic as shit despite be the OG.
Is Madoka the Seinfeld of the anime world?
Mushishi is the kind of show you watch when you just want to get comfy and Natsume is quite frankly boring.
None of them are capable of causing that much damage to an audience in 23 minutes.
Had you said the original Kino I would've at least see how you might have such an opinion. But no, you fucked up.
Fuck you. I'm not a Kyoanifag and I love Evergarden, fuck their other shows.
>kino no tabi seem to have no problem doing it multiple times a series
Apart from the animation Haruhi and LS aged like milk. You know it, I know it.
Evangelion without doubt.
EVA is one of best in anime history.
>Had you said the original Kino I would've at least see how you might have such an opinion. But no, you fucked up.
where is there anything to suggest i did not mean the original kino? the 2017 anime does not exist as far as i am concerned.
>Mushishi is the kind of show you watch when you just want to get comfy and Natsume is quite frankly boring.
confirmed for not seeing either of them
this thread is surprisingly civil, when I clicked on it I could swear I was about to read a shitflinging contest
stay classy Yea Forums
Ayase should have won.
based and puellapilled
Well, yeah, Kyoani was once a subsidiary of Kadokawa
>the 2017 anime does not exist as far as i am concerned
Then specify it the next time. This site has a recency bias and so I assumed you were talking about the recent release. How many on this fucking reddit colony of a board do you think have seen the 2003 release? Come on now.
>confirmed for not seeing either of them
That's not an argument and you know it. Neither of those managed to evoke strong emotions from me and no, I haven't watched all seasons of Natsume; I've got better things to do than force myself to watch something I did not enjoy.
But I will say this, Mushishi Zoku is up there on my favorites. Not at the very top like VEG but still up there because of episodes like that winter one.
Violet Evergarden. Madoka and even EVA just don't compare in audiovisual department.
*Mushi Production
Uh, yeah. She was the one that made the most sense.
madoka and violet ever garden might be both best anime in year.
But Evangelion dominate 90s anime industry.
because she wasn't his sister? fuck off
>That's not an argument and you know it.
neither is calling something "boring"
>Liking that ending.
Call it a statement then.
This. My favourite Trigger show.
My wife Rei will always be my #1.
They lost 26% in just a year thanks to KF fiasco, actually.
It wasn't just the KFfags that they pissed off, but also Nissin and JRA whom they tried to get involved.
If you are asking, Nissin is at $4B and JRA is at $20B. Nissin just asked Irodori to make them a commercial. JRA would probably ask them as well
It's just like 3 dudes.
>one of best
the best*
As much as I don't care for EVA I don't think an anime has changed the industry as much as it did
Cringe at you nigger. You think people can't like a show for a show and they must be some kind of studiotard. Go kill yourself.
why is madoka even an option? it was genuinely mediocre
ayanami rei was a revolutionary character for anime industry.
Rei was more popular than Asuka in 90s.
Are you even trying?
was nadesico that popular? good for it if so. ruri was great.
One insane schizo on Yea Forums loves it. The guy who makes AOTD threads about it every week and probably the guy who made this very thread. Also lurk for 2 years before posting again.
Literally anime of the decade so far.
for you
Personally I found it stellar. Not greatest of all time but I have yet to see anything that completely blows it out of the water.
nadesico was mediocre popular as anime.
But Ruri Hoshino was very popular.that's why nadesico movie put ruri as main character.
Doesn't change the fact that it's heavily mediocre and shouldn't be given a second thought
I know.
One of her so called clones is the protagonist of one of the shows in the OP.
Hopefully none of them.
Tell that to the madotard, he's been doing this for years.
What the fuck is happening in the board lately? VEGfags are getting more and more annoying
>tfw a shitposting schizoid shares my taste and ruins any chance I have at discussing it
It's really not a bad show though. Best in that year imo, but decade is just wishful thinking
It might be mediocre but it's not average by modern standards. And it's practically impossible not to give it a second thought when that's the case. It would be AOTS in most seasons, not this one though.
No, but you are. Jesus christ.
Why do you post the poor man's Urahara?
Explain please.
No love for K-ON?
What happened to you Yea Forums?
It aged like milk and there are much better cgdct ever since, hell there were better cgdct before keion, like azumanga or manabi straight
without discussion
>t. pajeet
Evangelion is something enjoyed by 12 year olds who just finished Naruto and got recommended NGE on a forum.
Madoka tries to be good, but it's just magical girls with horror elements.
VEG is boring as shit.
If you wanna go with the best anime of all times, it's either Shingeki no Kyojin or Koe no Katachi.
Imagine being this faggot. Nothing has really managed to do what K-On did. The ability to make the mundane fun and entertaining. No show has captured the magic of K-On
based even if it did have dry spots it's still one of the best.
only anime I've rewatched.
Nice reddit argument there, you literally can not explain why SNK isn't the best anime/manga in the history of the medium
>original and gripping story, unlike muh depression and japanese bible
>actual characters, instead of muh depression and mommy issues
>actual ending, instead of DUDE ACID LMAO
>VEG is boring as shit.
Bait or retarded
>Koe no Katachi
manga is one of greatest.
But anime movie was medicore...sorry.
Trips of truth.
Nice digits.
>hur dur why doesn't he like my super intelligent 300 IQ bible parody with big monsters
>it must be bait!
Please stop trying to fit in, making NGE your favorite anime doesn't give you an oldfag ticket
Thanks, Satan.
Piss off, it's literally the other way around. Manga is piece of garbage. The anime cut most of the monotonous shit out and turned it into a masterpiece.
Nowdays the regular Yea Forums poster wasn't even born when K-ON came out so it won't attract the (You)s like Madoka or Violet, I am quite shocked he didn't swap Eva for Sora Yori
can't argue with those digits
>he doesn't understand episodes 25 and 26
>he doesn't understand EoE
>he thinks SnK and KnK are among the best
Have mercy. Violet is the greatest of all time.
You are literally the second guy to mention that garbage but the first one in a positive light.
You seem lost friend.
>ironic weeb core list
anime's story line was boring compared to manga.
Based satan sama.
No it wasn't. Fuck off with your garbage taste.
cool trips
>touhounigger talking down to anyone
you're right though
Thankyou for gracing us with wisdom, Satan sama.
kyoani is best at sakuga.
But not for story.
that's why kyoani can't make original great anime by itself.
I thought that the meme of the VEG fans were as autistic as Violet was a lie, but compare VEG with Madoka and Evangelion ... This is no longer autism, but masochism and need attention.
>original great anime by itself
Last arc of Phantom World was great.
PW sucked black dick.
t. faggot
Gotta go with Evergarden. Modern classic.
Fuck off with your garbage taste. Enigma arc was great you nigger. If the whole show had been like that it could've been AOTS.
SeeAnd VE has movie tier sound design.
It was fucking shit, none of the characters ever presented themselves as something serious before the rushed introduction of a villain.
Probably Violet Evergarden if i'm being honest. The world just feels so entrancing and so real. If only the average anime could pull off an atmosphere like that.
I do not care about the technical details, and it is ridiculous to compare Veg with such influential anime as Eva and Madoka.
The introduction was totally fine and you just don't want to admit they did a good job with that.
>none of the characters ever presented themselves as something serious before
No shit, you retard. It's a comedy/SOL.
>I do not care about the technical details
They matter whether you care or not.
>with such influential anime as Eva and Madoka
Evergarden hasn't been out nearly as long and it sill has plenty of influence. The single largest population on earth love it to death.
If it's a comedy then don't fucking introduce a villain the audience is supposed to take seriously during the final stretch of the show. The entire thing is so inconsistent with its themes it might as well be a theme park.
Ishihara and the scriptwriter were smoking crack when they made that fucking anime.
>Ishihara and the scriptwriter were smoking crack when they made that fucking anime.
Phantom World was fun and never a serious project.
Also the last arc standards alone as being better than the rest of the show. If they can pull that off for a season then they can do an original just fine.
>They matter whether you care or not.
In the end what really matters is that it is a good story, something that VEG does not have. It isn't the first anime with good animation and was forgotten with the pass of time (most with a bad story)
>Evergarden hasn't been out nearly as long and it sill has plenty of influence
I agree, that's why the thread itself is absurd.
>Shingeki no Kyojin
Fuck off, normalfag.
There's no such thing as a project that is not a serious on a company that worries about its finances and public image.
PW was a mistake, period. A theme park of pointless characters and busted jokes.
They had to make it original to end it on a happy note. That show was never meant to have a sequel. You haven't read the LN have you?
Finance major here. What is posted there does not include an income statement, and equity statement or a cash flow statement. Unless there's some kind of links to those documents embedded in that page, what's shown under 売上高 looks to be (don't know nip so don't quote me on this) cash inflows in millions of yen, what's shown under 利益 looks to be either operating income or net income in thousands of yen, and what's shown under 決算期 looks like the date.
>In the end what really matters is that it is a good story,
No. Also to .
>something that VEG does not have
Yes it does.
In your dreams, kid.
I haven't and I won't bother, if they couldn't make something decent out of it I'd be insane to waste my time buying it and reading it.
Ashita no Joe
Sword Art Online
>There's no such thing as a project that is not a serious on a company that worries about its finances and public image.
It was what it was and the never planned to take it any further.
Season 2 would've been a total genre shift.
Here is a summary of volumes 2 & 3:
>Volume 2 on the otherhand is practically a genre shift, going from a comedy to a tragedy, they're supposed to be juxtaposed with each other like that, that's why volume 2 takes place in an alternate universe.
>No. Also to .
Since most of the anime tries to emulate / copy / adapt written works ... you will tell me if it matters or not.
>Yes it does.
NO, don't have it since ALL VEG posts are animation and memes. No story.
>In your dreams, kid.
Muh animation!!! ... tell me what series of anime this is the most used word in the posts of Yea Forums
Violet Evergasm.
I'm not going to read that and you should fuck off and make a PW thread.
It's such a bad anime that it's entirely off-topic ITT.
>tries to emulate / copy / adapt written works
What the fuck does this even mean? Violet Evergarden is revolutionary in the tv anime space when it comes to visual storytelling. Backgrounds are so fleshed out that there isn't even a need for words. Last reply from me then you ESL nigger.
Holy shit. Picked up.
Don't reply to yourself.
shut up
Fuck it, summon the yurinigger from the madoka threads.
Please save us with HomuSaya.
>isn't even a need for words
ahaha So that means that VEG is "screensaver the animation"? only beauty images? visual storytelling ahahaha. The anime needs to tell a story even if it is minimal and what you say simply causes me grace. Only admit that the story is bad / nonexistent and you will feel better.
You need to hire a doll to type out your shitpost.
Luckily, Violet will do that for you for cheap.
please don't
>ESL doesn't know what story means
Please don't make me post one of the many images of Violet's memes.
I would just save them if you post them.
Actually I would prefer to talk about the story or characters, but as in this case it is bad / nonexistent we turn to the memes, as in every VEG thread
ACK help kudasai.
God I wish the average movie had backgrounds this good.
Your """"""""ACK"""""""" boogeyman doesn't exist you deranged autist.
>talking about the show seriously in a dick measuring contest thread
thoughts on this image?
What part of the story and what character do you want to talk about?
We're not psychics.
>inb4 there's none lololol
I'm going to get him here and you can't stop me. Fuck you for finding this thread nigger.
Reminder that "ack" is the autistic crackshipper's sockpuppet.
Kyoani has no ability to make original anime.
all great kyoani anime had original novel.(fullmetal panic,haruhi)
You're not "triggering" anyone by posting this, just showcasing your own severe mental illness.
Sure, the thread is a tremendous joke, it was my fault to take it seriously.
I'm not trying to "trigger" anyone, I just want your genuine opinion on it.
>he doesn't know
K-On and Haruhi were some of the best original anime ever.
you madokafags don't even know about Uta Kata, thats why everyone hates you
Neither of those were original though.
>posting crack
>posting mindless cancer that takes away from actual constructive discussion
You're not fooling anyone and you should seek serious medical help asap.
Don't stop, God bless.
Sign off, kid.
The last new shit we got that isn't discussed on was 5 years ago. Shipping is as constructive as our discussions are going to get.
What's the matter, don't you want to discuss the story and characters?
We could start with what is known about the war and the protagonist's early life.
Get your tumour treated.
I know this is pretty much a meme thread but Madoka Magica is legitimately a better anime than both of them combined.
both having original novel and manga.
Evangelion,Utena and Your name is anime production original.
Kyoani has no such anime...
People in the anime industry rave about how Madoka surpassed Eva all the time ya damn boomer. Welcome to the future.
Meme post.
I just want more UC 0079ish Zeon protagonist stories.
before Hollywood destroys it.
Episode ten of Madoka is the youngest episode of anime on the god list in Japan though. It’s probably the single greatest episode of anime that exists right now.
Munto and Tamako Market exist but that's not the point, newfriend. Their anime original content is what made Haruhi and especially K-On good.
All it took for the thread to turn to shit was have the australians wake up and start posting.
>t. brainlet
Tell me what you think about my image first
not rapey enough
>Containment field
Brilliant. But don't abuse it.
You already know what i think you nigger, yet you ask the question anyway. It's degenerate cancer that has no place in a thread meant for constructive discussion.
I've never spoken to you before so how would i know what you think?
What the fuck even is this thread? Evergarden shouldn’t even be here. 90% of the people in the threads ONLY complained because of how boring the damn show was compared to what they thought they’d get with the spoilers
Eva is almost unwatchable by modern standards. A lot of people don’t realize or remember the first fucking 23 out of 26 episodes of Eva is mostly Inuyasha teir monster of the week bullshit with bots of actual story mixed in. The character design was average looking for the time and 90% of the music in the show isn’t original. You think Ode to Joy was invented from the people who worked on Eva? Ummm... no? The series is only relevant because the last three episodes and the movie was great.
By default considering the music, deep lore amazing Inu Curry art and possibly the greatest story ever told and easy a top 3 all time if not best anime episode of all time in episode ten Madoka pretty much shits on both of them. There will always be people with nostalgia goggles on but there’s a reason so many people in the industry came out and said Madoka had surpassed Evangelion.
Kyoani's art style and level are great.
I'm so happy if my favorite manga animated by kyoani.
But they lack of originality.Kyoani needs an innovative director like Anno,Ikuhara or Shinkai.
t. Pissed Evangelion fanboy
>innovative director
I have to say Violet Evergarden for innovating. It pushed the boundaries of not only what can be accomplished in a TV production but Anime in general. The fact that they can animate stuff with that much detail is pure insanity. I don't think a TV production will ever top it.
this has to be bait
EVA and VEG shit on your cute shit.
am I wrong?
There are no innovative director in Kyoani...
None of those are Kill la Kill.
Is the pokemon company really that strong?
Do you guys even realize how detailed the Madoka series is? Even down to themes that most people don’t even remember because they’re so short.
A lot of you probably have no clue how many times they went through this song? Just listen to it? You can literally hear the witches suffering inside the song as it goes from a cheery tone and starts getting deranged as it plays on. This is actually a beautiful piece of music and it’s not even recognized because this entire series is filled to the brim with stuff like this. They didn’t just copy and past music into the series like they did with Eva. The music in this series tells a story. It’s actually insulting that a piece of art like Madoka would get compared to generic anime and I’m not meming. It’s actually disgusting.
pfft lol.
High school of the dead was even better than kill la kill
>Naoko Yamada wants to know your location
There are. Just look at what Ishidate did for Violet Evergarden. He bought "global illumination" to tv anime and did it better than Shinkai. Combine that with 5 tone shading and you have a new and improved method of expression. I wish most anime were even half as visually interesting and impressive as Kyoani shows.
You can just hear how she’s suffering in the drop from 1.00 to 1.09 and how it picks up again because she has no choice but to fight. Something that 98% of people would never catch watching Sayaka fighting what seems to be a monster and yet they put stuff like this in just about every scene in the series. It’s actually touching how much care went into this anime to please the fans. If you guys have time I’d recommend reading about the making of this series and interviews. It in itself could be an anime.
And then you have that sweet melancholy uplift as she dies hinting to the audience that she’s been set free from her curse. I could go on and on about this little song.
Good luck incorporating typewriters in actual orchestras and still manage to give off this kind of melancholy.
This is actual music, none of that electronic garbage you call tracks. The raw emotions and feeling of hopelessness these bring is something Shitdoka can only dream about.
True. You just don't see mechanical sakuga like that anywhere else. Violet Evergarden was amazing.
And then you have songs like Sagitta Luminis, Never leave you alone, Your silver garden and unironically even colorful which seems like moe junk but is actually one of the most touching and meaningful songs ever when you understand the concepts and lore behind it. The others are just not even in the same league as this anime. This anime isn’t “churchy” or strict. It’s the greatest story ever told and one of the most amazing works of fiction in existence.
>generic orchestra garbage
You're using 3DCGI terms that make little sense in 2D.
t. 3D animator
Here’s anothing underrated one.
Segitta is probably my fav though.
There isn't really a term for it in 2D. They're combining that "environment reflecting" tone with 5 tone shading. You see that pink reflection on the metal hand right?
Beautiful ost. Absolutely beautiful.
None but Eva is easily the least shit there.
Why do you samefag so much, lantis shill?
I’ll admit they’re good but none of them really just hit hard with the show and throw you into a different world at 2am like sis puella and then you’ve got the fact that the Evergarden anime itself turned out to be kind of boring and you’ve got to understand that I wanted to like it. I’m a Kyo fan but it wasn’t very good. I honestly still think Clannad is the best Kyo series and I don’t even that that is half as good as Madoka is.
>generic electronic garbage
Drug infested raves are where you belong you fucking subhuman filth. There isn't a single track in Shitdoka that is worth getting a bunch of musicians to play it live.
Haruhi is better than any modern Kyoani you dumb fuck
>o my deus ex machina
Get out.
>There isn't a single track in Shitdoka that is worth getting a bunch of musicians to play it live.
not him, i really liked this one and the atmosphere it carries
You heard me Fatenigger.
Try the sewers, I heard the ambience there is quite to the liking of your kind.
What is the music here called? I really like it.
I just typed madoka orchestra in youtube, bilibili and nico and a bunch of videos came up
Actually there’s a bunch of live performances of Madoka songs and the music in Madoka being better is only the tip. The story and art also kind of just make Evergarden seem generic.
It's called Lantis Shill Trying to Get Anons to Buy the CDs
Rebellion was a master class move the problem is those retards didn't follow up. They had everyone in the palm of their hands and threw it all away to gacha games instead.
Theme of Violet Evergarden.
That might as well be the equivalent of Pokémon battle music though. While it does sound nice it doesn’t really stand out. It feels like it could be placed in any Miyazaki film and work. I’m not saying it’s bad because it’s pretty but it doesn’t seem to have as much heart. I did like the typewriter effect though.
what are you talking about?
Thanks user.
Oh yeah, performed by shit like these sorry excuses.
Look at them. Just LOOK at them.
If I wanted to hear this kind of vocals I'd pick up the OST for some of the latest hollywood fantasy blockbusters like LOTR.
The second part of the song starting at around :50 honestly sound like any generic upbeat orchestra song you can buy from audiojungle
>It feels like it could be placed in any Miyazaki film and work.
It sounds too grand/classy for even that.
Decent, Average, Above Average
Get some taste.
This. What the fuck where they thinking
More pertinently, which fandom is more insufferable?
VEGtards no doubt.
Is your reading comprehension this damn bad? I said it's not worth getting musicians to play it, not that there were no previous attempts at making the tracks acceptable during live performances.
Okay? There’s tons of people who do these. The more the better. It just means they inspire people. Just because you don’t like these people version of the song doesn’t take anything away from the original. You’re being petty now.
Evakeks by a landslide.
You're still wrong.
If it's so generic then surely you wouldn't mind telling me what modulation your audiojungle follows at :50.
There’s two kinds of people in this thread.
Those who have watched verything in the OP and liked Madoka the best
Those who haven’t watched Madoka for whatever reason and think other anime series can compete based on looks alone.
The first track is a little similar but Violet's theme has character and sounds better. It's serve well as a track.
>Is Madoka the Seinfeld of the anime world?
Yeah. It is, because Madoka and Sienfeld are the most pleb-tier examples of their genre. Madoka's a "clever subversion" in the same way my dick is a "clever subversion" of established size trends (It is many, many sizes bigger.)
Quality over quantity; inspiring fat fucks with sore throats is not a good thing.
I guarantee you didn’t even watch the show. You want to know why? Because if you did you’d unironically be a Madoka fan.
You are all a bunch of niglets
Madoka got popular worldwide. There’s people all over that cover songs. It’s not mainly just popular in Japan. The message is so universal and true that it just inspires people. You’d understand if you took the time out of your day to watch it.
Why aren't you doing coke on a rave yet?
I personally can't think of another way to enjoy Madoka and its OST.
In my opinion Violet's theme sounds like some generic royalty free song. The first part is the one that sounds unique and I feel fits more Violet as a character.
Finally somebody with some REAL taste. Check this shit out my dude.
Fandom faito!
Evangelion is one of my favorites, love it.
Madoka was good but I think It's one of if not the most overrated thing/s I've ever seen. Didn't like rebellion.
I didn't enjoy Violet at all.
Why are you shilling your channel?
See: Vegfags, and in every post of Autismgarden they insist on demonstrating it.
eat up this trash version
I actually prefer the part after. "Generic" or not it does sound good to me, and even though it's somewhat like one of those tracks that was posted, it still sounds better.
I did watch the show, and found it terribly dull.
>One-dimensional characters
>Plot that's edgy for it's own sake
>Excessive use of time travel to fill in it's numerous plot holes
>A somehow worse ending than TV Evangelion.
Sailor Moon's a better magical girl show because it doesn't have it's head stuck up it's own ass. Sailor Nothing is a better subversion of the magical girl genre because it actually subverts the magical girl tropes and shows that yeah, schoolgirls make really shitty soldiers, even if they're magically empowered.
Neither of you know what modulation is nor can you distinguish them in music so do me a favor and shut the fuck up.
You don't get to call a track X or Y without the knowledge, fucking pseuds.
t. Pissed Eva fanboy
I used to be like you. Then I actually watched Madoka.
This is why nobody likes Kyoanus and its fans
. . . . T - H - R - E - A - D ~ # ~ T - H -E - M - E. . . . . T - H - R - E - A - D ~ # ~ T - H -E - M - E. . . . . T - H - R - E - A - D ~ # ~ T - H -E - M - E. . . . .
. . . . T - H - R - E - A - D ~ # ~ T - H -E - M - E. . . . . T - H - R - E - A - D ~ # ~ T - H -E - M - E. . . . . T - H - R - E - A - D ~ # ~ T - H -E - M - E. . . . .
. . . . T - H - R - E - A - D ~ # ~ T - H -E - M - E. . . . . T - H - R - E - A - D ~ # ~ T - H -E - M - E. . . . . T - H - R - E - A - D ~ # ~ T - H -E - M - E. . . . .
. . . . T - H - R - E - A - D ~ # ~ T - H -E - M - E. . . . . T - H - R - E - A - D ~ # ~ T - H -E - M - E. . . . . T - H - R - E - A - D ~ # ~ T - H -E - M - E. . . . .
This is why nobody likes Madoshit and its fans
This is why nobody likes Evangelion and it's fans.
user, Sailor Moon and Madoka are nothing alike. For all the praise Sailor Moon gets it’s kind of just a monster of the week tv series for children held on a golden pedistool when in reality it’s probably the equivalent of Pokémon. Madoka is on an entirely different level. Nobody these days is actually going to sit down and watch Sailor Moon.
>user, Sailor Moon and Madoka are nothing alike.
Yeah, for one Sailor Moon doesn't have it's head stuck up it's ass.
The real thing is that all veg threads are shit.
If calling an overly high amount of care and love put into a series is your definition of having its head up it’s ass then whatever. Try watching it one day.
Madoka Genesis Evergarden
Oh, shit. I said that already. Uh... Yeah, for one, Sailor Moon was actually fun to watch.
What world am I in? I feel like I could be viewing any and all Miyazaki films while listening to these?
Now you're just spamming.
You posted that though gainaturd.
Same as threads for the other 2 shows then.
Good luck having a single functional Madoka thread without that one /u/rchin ruining it and gook luck having a singe Eva thread that doesn't derail into a waifu war.
Will you ever set aside time in your day to actually watch Madoka?
>and gook luck having a singe Eva thread that doesn't derail into a waifu war.
but that's the only reason anyone ever comes to a waifu thread. Shit, I guess it really is gook luck, then.
I kept them in one post precisely for the purpose of not turning it into a spam. It's just one post so stop bitching like a faggot.
That's how generic orchestra works. Just take a look at VEGtards thinking just because their music is using "classical" instruments that makes it better.
I mean Eva thread.
The world where pseuds like you pretend to know about music. I'm still waiting for you to tell me what modulation your audiojungle followed at around 50 seconds in.
This one kinda sounds like the back in business track from VEG
That wasn’t me?
not him, i don't give a shit about the "classical instruments " it just sounds good and that's why i like it
>that harp cover
So you're another dumbfuck? Got it.
Man I miss Girlish Number.
From these 3 choices I would go for Madoka Magica, however I think none of these should be goat.
I like the song that plays when Homura fights Walpurgus.
Such a distinctive tone.
>mahou shoujo mary sue
>the protagonist that couldn't shit straight for 11 episodes of the entire series
>the protagonist whose entire point is to literally be manipulated by either Kyubey or Homura
>mary sue
You sure do like talking about things you don't know anything about.
1. Fate Stay Night (original)
2. Kemono Friends (s2)
3. Tate no Yuusha or Haiyore Nyaruko-san
by getting this thread to bump limit you'll me legitimizing OP's Yea Forums bait and giving him reason to post it again
I’m attracted to Homura Akemi.
Please no 3D singers.
AKIRA: the movie beats all 3, and AKIRA: The Manga beats the movie.
No, this is just pure and hard shitposting of autistics who don't want to admit the obvious, something sad to read by the way.
>her only flaws exist to draw empathy from the audience
Baww, cute Mary Sue fixing the universe with her innocence and love.
Not him but you don't really need to know the technicalities of music to realize something might sound similar to something else. Why are you even getting so angry anyway?
>Eva threads
>Popularized waifu wars
>Madoka threads
>popularized speculah
>VEG threads
>your average shitposting and shills
Go to bed grandpa.
I don't like pseuds and neither should you.
It’s actually explained in extreme detail and it’s not innocence and love. Try watching the series. There’s literally no magic in Madoka Magica.
Madoka and EVA are anime originals, that alone place them a step above VEG.
>being proud of popularizing cancer
>not being able to do literally anything for almost the entire series
>fllaws that exist only to draw empathy
Literally the only correct answer, lots of bad taste in this thread
Isn't it adorable how inconsequential her flaws are. If you become God nothing else matters and all wrongs are made right.
You’re too old to be here.
Pic related
What? No? Did you even watch the series? Nothing was inconsequential at all.
Speculah is one of the best things to ever come from Yea Forums.
Newfags get out, Madoka threads in 2011 have very little competition in quality.
I literally just finished Evangelion. Well, the show. I'll watch EoE tomorrow.
And uh. That was something. What a ride.
Madoka would have been better off dying. It’s even said that would be a kinder fate. How is being a god inconsequential? Do you even understand what happens or the repercussion of her wish and how it effected everything? Did you even watch the show?
Reminder that nobody in this thread just finished Evangelion.
I wish more anime had speculation but since 80% of them are adaptations from garbage light novels or manga they rarely get the opportunity to get into it.
>literally forgotten by everyone
>literally didn't even do jack shit in the end
>literally dethroned
>thinks even that's what a mary sue is
What does the metric 'greatest' entail? We can't consider subjective metrics like aesthetics, characters or story line, but going by objective metrics like colour, composition, structure and especially revenue, it is abundantly clear that NGE could be considered 'the greatest' of the available options. Consider this, the gross estimated revenue for NGE in 2018 was 14.9 billion USD.
That being said, considering all anime, Pokemon would be considered the 'greatest' because it has an estimated gross revenue for the franchise at approximately 59.1 billion USD.
>nothing was inconsequential
>lol let me bring you back to life for the 100th time because I can go back in time
>cool I'm God now, the pain and suffering of the universe are hereby nullified
Kill yourselves.
The pain and suffering of the universe wasn’t fixed at all. Try watching the show.
>bullying kids
>bullying kids in their playground
is right user, you're too old for this
>pain and suffering of the universe are nullified
Yeah, Madoka is literally too deep for you kek
Madoka's big sacrifice literally did nothing for Mahou Shoujos other than give them gentler deaths.
so then by definition you're a newfag with shit taste? Well that was easy.
Eva is your typical monster of the week psychological thriller
Violet is a mail courier
Madoka is wish fulfillment at it's worse
Of the three, Asuka, with Misato in a close second.
Mary Sues by definition can do anything, just like a God.
Madoka getting forgotten only happens to make the audience feel sorry for her; getting wiped off the memories of the planet is literally inconsequential, nobody remember anything previously done or said. This is a glorified memory wipe trope.
>Madoka is wish fulfillment
What kind of fucking wishes do you want in your life?
>Violet is a mail courier
What do you have against mail couriers?
He’s not bulling anybody. He just sounds like a crackhead trying to convince people that an anime movie where 80% of the people who watched it hated it because it cut out like 90% of the actual story is good. It was okay but it’s a jumbled messs. They cut too much out and a lot of it makes absolutely no sense because of that. The only thing it has going for it is the visuals.
>actually thinks Madoka became God
>can't even understand the simplest of metaphors
>can't even understand something that was said in the show
Madoka is a concept, not a god. She literally can't do shit outside of anything involving witches.
Some all powerful god that can do anything, huh.
Madoka can’t do anything. Homura stops her every step of the way and eventually steals the entire series. What you need to do is stop reading about Madoka on wiki and go actually watch it.
Mary sues have more to it than that.
Violet was the most ambitious, i'll go with that.
She can kill a witch nobody else can, she can absorb all of that evil energy or whatever it was called and prevent other mahou shoujos from becoming witches, she can stop the cycle created by the ayy lmaos like kyuubei.
Good job acknowledging the memory wipe trope.
Try a harder smug, maybe that'll magically make you right.
Yes, and it took 11 episodes for her to do it.
What a mary sue she is.
Just finished watching evangelion. should I watch the show in the middle or the one on the right first?
Yea, she can kill that witch but it’s explained and makes perfect sense why she can. It’s not because she’s the chosen one or because god picked her. Out of all the people in the world there’s a very specific reason Madoka could do it and it could have happened to any two characters throughout history depending on if the circumstances were right. Madoka never gets to use that power and save the day though because as I’ve said she gets cut short every step of the way. It’s meaningless.
Yes, and Minato being forgotten and dying in the end of Persona 3 was only for the people to feel sorry for him.
Caesar from Jojo dying? Only for the audience to feel sorry for him.
Alex being tortured in Clockwork Orange? Only for the audience to feel sorry for him.
They must all be mary sues and gary stus, such an inconsequential flaw.
Are you retarded?
How long it takes is irrelevant and Mary Sues in modern literature/movies also take a while before becoming unstoppable perfections; the moment it happens all previous problems are solved and just to ensure there won't be any bullshit due to her new powers everyone's memory gets wiped.
She's a Mary Sue, deal with it kid.
This description kinda reminds me of Violet.
In the end she’s stuck in a bizzaro Homu world while being basically brainwashed into living a regular life and forced into submission whenever she starts remembering things. Sounds like a perfect ending.
>Madokatards getting btfo
At least something good came out of this thread.
Watch middle then right. Save the best for last.
None of the others would even exist without Eva.
Hey bud? You think you can do me a favor? You think this weekend you could watch the series you’re talking about instead of watching YouTube reviews and basing all your knowledge about the series on the insight of fourteen year old kids perspective on the story?
>How long it takes is irrelevant and Mary Sues in modern literature/movies also take a while before becoming unstoppable perfections
Utterly and completely wrong. You don't know anything about literature, go and study your postmodern lit some more. Development and characterization is key to determining and to define if said character is a Mary Sue is or not.
Only one problem was solved in the end of PMMM. Everyone still dies in the end. Mahou Shoujos still exist. Incubators still exist. Wraiths still exist. Despair is still there.
What a mary sue she is.
>replying to your own post
Anybody who has actually watched the show knows you have no idea what you’re even saying. At this point we’re trying to do you a favor by telling you to watch it.
>can't animate shorts properly
He's probably a fallout3fag.
Fine. I’ll give it a shot.
Objectively: Eva>Madoka>>>>>>>shit>>dog shit>vegfag shit>>>>>>>veg
Just by how much people care about defending the Madoka series alone kind of shows how much heart the fans have. It’s just more proof that the show is more worthwhile than nostalgia goggles bots and amazing animation, boring plot the story.
You go study your decadent lit some more. Not all Sues start perfect but becoming perfect makes it a Sue, what an utter joke it is to think otherwise.
Evergarden could have been legendary if the story was actually good. Realistically if they just remade Clannad with the same animation it would have been money better spent.
>he talks about himself while pretending he doesn't
>moreover he praises himself
I actually think Dragon Maid was more fun than Evergarden. I too wish they did something else with the story.
It's really easy to tell. Evangelion is getting a new movie. VEG will be getting a new movie. Madoka is a shitty gacha game.
VEG and EVA have enough artistic merit to get actual sequels. Madoka is nothing more than a way to get neetbux from autistic magical girl retards.
Madoka fans pretty much deserve praise though. They’re the enlightened ones. True anime fans if you will. The purest of the pure.
Nice fucking thread you guys, OP must be laughing his ass off right now.
The Eva rebuilds sucks donkey dick though and the Original VEG was boring to begin with.
even phantom world was overall more entertaining
Just by how much people care about defending the VEG series alone kind of shows how much heart the fans have. It’s just more proof that the show is more worthwhile than nostalgia goggles bots and magical girls faggotry.
Almost. Swap eva with veg and then it'll be about right, kid.
>implying we don’t enjoy arguing
We want to be here.
Violet is the best!
The only thing there is to defend is the animation. Everything else about the series was lackluster.
The story about a war orphan trying to find the humanity she was denied since birth by watching others suffer and writing letters for them to alleviate their pain is actually good.
That she is.
I’m sexually attracted to Kyoko Sakura.
The premise was intriguing, the execution was lame.
Bullshit. This show has some great characters and excellent sound design. You just close your ears.
nice headcanon
It sounds nice in short sweet text but watch the show and you’ll see what we all mean.
>becoming perfect makes it a Sue
Holy shit, we have a based retard here. Although that was already pretty apparent. You don't want to go to Yea Forums if you don't want to get buttfucked by the entire board.
Mary Sues are good at everything their supposed to do with very little context as to how or why. This is a large part of what defines a proper Mary Sue.
A large part of it is also in a comparative notion. Does she blow everyone else out of the water in every shape, way, or form? Does she outsmart anything and everyone?
The time it took is definitely a large part of what makes a Mary Sue.
Rey, for example. She's immediately able to do things that her predecessors took a lot of time and effort with barely any effort nor background shown. Even Anakin had a background of being a pod racer to be a good starship pilot.
In relation to Madoka, she couldn't even properly deduce the situation that befell her until episode 11. Every time she tried to do anything she made things worse. Even as a god, the only thing she was able to is lessen the suffering and not stop it.
These are far from the characteristics of a Mary Sue.
Satan and son of satan are with Violet.
Aren't we all? It's so fucking beautiful.
The songs are pretty but they don’t make you feel like you’re in that world. It all kind of just sounds like generic Miyazaki film stuff.
The execution was everything but lame for anyone that does not have ADHD.
Every little step she took, be it a wrong or correct one, the flourishing of her personal ambitions, the steady introjection that led to self-awareness, her inevitable collapse and new naive morality, etc.
It was all really well done.
That’s not my Kyoko.
I've never watched an anime that made me feel like I was there to be honest.
user, most of the people in ITS OWN THREADS were complaining about how boring each episode was. At least in the Franxxx threads there was fun to be had. This doesn’t belong here.
The sound effects were comprehensive. Lots of little details that aren't typically accounted for in tv productions are here.
Hey retard, there is no time restriction in any definition of Mary Sue - zero.
Try watching Madoka.
>inb4 I have
You haven’t.
Sorry, my mistake. I read your post as "Kyoto Sakuga". I need to sign off.
Friendly reminder that Eva is not even 1/10000000 as good as it’s hyped up to be. I’d rank it below FMA and I don’t think Evergarden should be here either. Thanks.
>butthurt franxxies raiding VEG threads
That's not how it works. Go be a sheep someplace else.
Nice argument.
Seems that any character that has developed to his or her prime at the end of their stories is a Mary Sue and a Gary Stu.
sasuga, kyoaniki
Shame to you.
It's fine. Violet is one of the most beautiful anime girls ever made so I know you just wanted an excuse to post more of her.
She’s not even a full girl. You can factually say that.
It didn't feel that way for me, sorry. I just thought the work they did with the characterization and narrative was the bare minimum required. I mean of course she'll get to realize her feelings and emotions eventually when it was literally telegraphed that would happen in the first episode. Of course she'd eventually feel bad for all the people she had killed and try to make amends for that in the most obvious way possible. Growing from 0 to 1 isn't an achievement. Her character was very bland and one dimensional since the beginning and the development she got was very straightforward and limited because of it.
>making fun of cripples
There are screenshots of the VEG discord seething that FranXX was getting all the attention on Yea Forums.
She’s a cripple by choice
It’s not.
she is so beautiful
Seriously though, neither Madoka nor that shitposting magnet can compete against EVA
Is that saber?
Execution is key. The only reason you knew she'd eventually find out about her emotions is because she went out of her way to tell her boss what it was that she wanted to achieve.
And no, her regrets were everything but obvious. In fact the people that read the LN didn't see it coming because she ends up a psychopath in the source material, back when it was airing there were a lot of people expecting a certain client from the novel to show up and get her to reveal her twisted side.
Point is that her views on her past were very much in the open, there was absolutely no guarantee that Hodgins would be right and one could argue it only happened his way because he planted it inside her then empty and gullible mind.
If said prime involves ascending to Godhood and making evil go away, yes.
Post one(1) girl that's more aethetically pleasing than Violet.
Madoka is the single greatest anime tv series on earth and everything below this post doesn’t mean anything. It might as well be gibberish and no take backs or undoing of this post in this thread in any way shape or form. It’s permanent and if somebody tries to argue any more by replying to this post that’s also disregarded and they will develop leukemia. Free free to keep discussion going but this is essentially the end of the argument. Thanks.
>inb4 Shitdoka
imoutofags out
Not really, I remember hoping that the story wouldn't go the soldier's guilt way, because it was indeed too obvious and I feared it would be hamfisted, and imo it was. And it wasn't just Violet just blatantly stating her goals and hopes for the rest of the season, it was also other characters. I honestly don't think that's good execution.
>potato nigger
>more aesthetically pleasing than a purebred aryan
I can’t read your text? I think I’m glitching out.
7/10, 5/10 and 2/10 respectively.
Evangelion is more of a 7
>weak-seeming character does anything
TVTropes is a blight upon the land
It was a good run boys. In the end they’re all good anime with the exception of Eva of course but that’s obvious. Have a good night friends.... and Eva fans.
but EVA and VEG are the only ones worth watching from OP's list.
Abused and abusive children later coming to regret their past actions is nothing new or absurd, there's also nothing hamfisted about her realizing the shit she had done after witnessing what losing a loved one does to her clients.
It makes perfect sense to have her regrets blow up after realizing she killed a few hundred sons that now make their families miserable.
Sorry but we'll have to disagree.
You got Evangelion and Evergarden's scores mixed up.
I can’t read your post for some reason? It’s blurry.
6/10 , 6/10, 3/10
t. Didn’t understand Rebellion
That makes this entire list irrelevant from the start.
Pretty reasonable. I would make Evergarden 9.5 though.
I understand it was a terrible attempt at fixing a broken mess.
Fuck no, it's not as good as EoE.
No. I don't even understand why VEG is so much meme'd recently, maybe it's popular among normalfags because of Netflix?
That said, the show was garbage, as is every other Kyoani show they made since they started to adapt their fanfic tier self published LNs. Every single aspect of it is done better in another Kyoani show: Hyouka has better animation, Clannad After Story has better emotional impact and pretty much every fucking show before their self pub LNs has an order of magnitude better characters, especially something like Haruhi.
The worst aspect of VEG is that it tries so hard to be serious despite being ridiculously contrived. The whole thing is second hand embarrassment galore.
Did somebody just say aryan?
This calls for a celebration.
Confirmed for not having watched VE.
Decent taste if I've ever seen it.
>Hyouka has better animation
go kill yourself
Buddy I'm not sure you want to bring up fan dedication when Madoka is in the running here
t. Pissed Eva fanboy
Why does VEG attract nazi, and white supermacists?
t. Pissed Madoka fanboy
Honestly, I think Violet fits the Mary Sue bill better.
>Is the best in her class at things like grammar and vocabulary, despite only reading children's books with Gilbert
>She eventually passes the course by literally copying word for word Luculia's 4 word sentence.
>She has inhuman strength and can overpower grown men twice her size, she can also block bullets for some reason.
>She's the only one with snowflake robotic arms that don't make a lick of technological sense in the context of their world
>Everyone who meets her eventually gets their life changed, you have crippling depression over a past tragedy? No problem just spend 5 minutes with Violet and you'll get better.
>Most men find her so attractive they become speechless the first time they meet her.
>After just a few months of being a doll, she gets to work for fucking royalty from another country, apparently royalty doesn't have their own in-house dolls, despite them constantly telling us that dolls are essential in their universe, she's also in such high demand no other doll from said country could fit the bill.
>She floats like Mary Poppins.
>has an order of magnitude better characters
Fuck off. Rikka is better than most of the shit from Haruhi and Clannad.
I'm truly baffled how you could read that from my talking about how notoriously rabid Madoka fans are
They’re the kindest people on Yea Forums to be honest.
Evan Call is pretty good.
user, scroll up.
This thread is nothing but insufferable faggots being rabid to each other.
>>After just a few months of being a doll, she gets to work for fucking royalty from another country
Ya blew your bait.
At least she had a personality unlike Rei and Asuka.
How is that bait? Hodgins says it's just been a few months.
rei is a zombie
Hopefully all the publicity he got from VEG would get him more jobs.
She's literally a fucking spy and her previous Opera job landed her name some fame you dumb cunt. She also completely butchered her Royalty job, the princess had to write her own shit in the end.
Find me better animation in VEG, I'm waiting.
You're replying to the wrong post aren't you?
seeThis is more impressive. And Violet Evergarden's limited animation style is better, now fuck off with that trash
>A spy
Was she? She must've missed the debriefing, then, because she wasn't really doing any spy work
>Opera job
Are you conflicting novel with anime? What opera job?
This annoying bitch when crying and the entire Ann running away scene.
God bless Kigami.
The only thing Hyouka does better is crowd animation.(ep1)
rei is gei
Yes she was. There's a reason the episode starts with the military contacting Hodgins and reminding him that his fortune only existed thanks to their help.
The Opera job from the OVA, it happens between episodes 4 (village bitch) and 5 (princess).
>village bitch
Pretty rude.
what the?
nice dubs
You mean the blatant infodump that served to setup the stakes? Do you really think Violet was even informed of that? She didn't even know who was on the other side of the border writing for the prince until the first letter came in and she picked up on the writing style. You'd think if this was really Russian meddling they'd let Violet know who she is supposed to be working with in the first place. I honestly doubt they sent Violet there to secure a marriage for political reasons. She's way too autistic to even know the severity of it.
And I didn't watch the OVA so I wouldn't know, but that came later.
Iris is hot.
Marriage was gonna happen no matter what.
You can call the setup an infodump if you want to, without it the entire thing would've felt extremely confusing.
>Hodgins the guilty idiot
>telling Violet what she's actually doing
Nah, he couldn't even tell her the major was dead.
And who else was the military going to send? Hodgins was their contact and Violet was a well known murder tool of theirs.
It seems numba 1's taking over.
Iris uprising.
If you start spamming your waifu, maybe.
If you had rated Rebellion above Madoka I would have respected your opinion
Iris is the sexiest doll.
I believe in twintails and megane therefore Madoka.
Congratz OP your stupid thread was a huge success, now go fuck yourself.