When did you grow out of being a silly plotfag?

When did you grow out of being a silly plotfag?

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2017 when Tsuki ga Kirei managed to make me cry on a weekly basis.

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>Eva 3.0

Am I a plotfag because holy fuck how I hated Tsuki ga Kirei.

I never became one

What are you doing with mixing good and awfull animes user?

When will you grow out of spamming these shitty charts?

When I first watched Ghost in the Shell (1995).
Not that the plot is bad, but the other aspects are just much more impressive.
A good plot is nice, but not always necessary.


Evangelion is the biggest plotfag show in the world.

NGE barely even manages to have a coherent, let alone well structured story. It's a character study and the narrative is of tertiary importance at best. At least that's what I hope, otherwise Anno really is fucking terrible at writing.

>t. brainlet
Plotwise there is not much difference between NGE and code geass. You need to look past the religious symbolisms in EVA and see it for what it is.

>NGE barely even manages to have a coherent, let alone well structured story.
I don't know if this is bait or not.

I don't think you even understand what a well narrated and structured plot is. In fact, it's pretty clear that you don't, given how you think Code Geass is an example for one.

And you need to actually look past the first two words and see a post you're replying to for what it's actually saying.

Texhnolyze has a plot though. Its atmosphere is admittedly the main reason to watch the show, but the plot is not nonexistent.

If you look closely you'll see that that's 3.0 and not NGE.

Though admittedly, the plot isn't NGE's main focus either.

No, it was just shit.
I like 10/11 of the anime I've seen on that list with that being the only bad one.

>Unga bunga pretty pictures and sounds are nice

Not being plot intense doesn't make something good. I like a lot of the stuff on this chart but thought some of it was garbage. Notably Texhnolyze. That's actually the only show on this chart that I've seen that I've actively disliked. Wasn't too much of a fan of Utena either but still thought it did some things well. Texhnolyze failed in nearly every aspect in my eyes.

Like I said, haven't seen all of them, so I'm sure some of those others are shit too. Like Franxx.

Fuck you, anime that only have visuals as its redeeming feature are worthless and belong in the trash.

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It depends. If you disliked it because "nothing happens" in it, then yes, you are a plotfag unworthy of quality art.

Yeah? Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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>tatami galaxy

>Thinking Gurren fucking Lagann of all things has no substance or greater story under the action.

Let me guess, you unironically like LOGH and deem it a masterpiece?

>thinks that if a show doesn’t focus on the plot then it has a purely visual appeal
Plotfags strikes again.

Go read a book, idiot
Presentation is depth

I will never understand plotfags, anime is visual media by definition, why the fuck would you put so little effort understanding the visuals while praising explicit and mostly linear plotlines
Even manga is visual media, only LNfags are justified -just to an extent-

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What are the visuals and characters used for? To tell a story.

The terrible production qualities dragged it down overall but it was still decent, and the last few minutes are great.

Just to an extent indeed. Books are still about presentation and writing style, they aren't pure "story" that's beamed into the reader's brain somehow. It always frustrates me how separate people seem to see books from everything else, as if they are just plots and nothing but.

I'm not a plotfag but I still don't agree with people that obsess over animation (and to a certain extent art), especially in TV anime where every single series that comes out is criticized for its poor art and animation despite that being nearly always a hallmark of TV anime. If you only care about art and animation you should be watching high budget shorts that push what is possible in the medium to its limit, not low budget TV anime.

Doukyusei and tsuki ga kirei are so good. I need more realistic romance desu
fucking based, without the cgishit i would give it a 9.
I wouldn't say worthless but fair point

>One Punch Man
>Your Name
Fuck off, plotfag

this user gets it

In all seriousness though, there's nothing wrong with wanting a good plot, but if that's all you're gonna obsess over, and you call something bad because it lacks a conventional plot, you can fuck right off

But most of these have a good plot as well as great visuals.


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What the fuck makes people respond to the same shitpost thread again and again and again?
What makes mods not do their jobs? Do they really hate Yea Forums so much?

>implying they get paid

Franxx is unironically better than shit like bakemonogatari, dead lives, flcl or haibane

I was never one of those cancerous retards, thankfully.


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Nah, I just hated all of the main cast. I mean I know they're dumb middle schoolers, but I still couldn't empathize until the end.

Kyousougiga had a pretty good story.

I remember when bait images used to be at least a little bit subtle. Apart from FLCL and Redline nothing else is even close to being all style no substance

Both of you are guilty of eating trash.

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All wrong.

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when I became a seiyuufag instead

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Still am

when characterfags go away; that said Utena and Lain were poorly made