How would Yea Forums climb these stairs up to defeat Dio?
How would Yea Forums climb these stairs up to defeat Dio?
did he try asking politely?
why the fuck is Dio such a troll
So Za Warudo stopped time, lifted Polnareff and then placed him some steps back? Really?
I would just use a rocket launcher, BOOM killed.
Call him nigger
Atomic Bomb, that's always the solution.
but he can stop time and move ur rocket back to you
I laughed my ass off to this scene
so fucking ridiculous use of a stand
no, you need to blow up the wall without him noticing, exposing him to sunlight
Now that you say that it makes sense. Pretty amazing that he managed do that like 3 times in under 10 seconds
>but he can stop time
Will he be able to act fast enough to stop an RPG?
Dio is a vampire with superpowers, he probably would react fast enough
This image isn't ok
Kira was based off young Bowie. kys
But RPG's are very fast, faster than bullets
Shut the fuck up, autist.
walk backwards so DIO gets tricked into carrying me up
No. It's the same speed as bullets, but a gun is small eneough that you can push the gun forward while firing it, increasing the speed of the bullets.
QED bullets are faster than rockets.
no they're not, an RPG-7 achieves 980 fps or so in flight, which is slower than almost all bullets
as a comparison, the 9mm I carry everyday is advertised as 1220 fps, and that oh-so-popular rifle round from the 50s, 5.56 NATO, is 3,250 fps
Nah you are wrong, since the rocket's blast would push the rocket even further, its basic newtonian physics man
You have clearly never held a speed contest with your buddis to see if its actually faster, every time I have tried it I awlays hit first
yeah, that's because of lock time
when you pull the trigger it takes a little bit of time for the hammer to fall, which lets the rocket get ahead (rockets use electric ignition, which is faster)
go back to Yea Forums fps shitter
What's next, platformers?
piss my pants, maybe shit and cum so dio won’t be able to pick me up and move me back down the stairs
>implying that cum would stop DIO
Join DIO instead, and tell him to lay off on the flesh bud thing because there is no honor in enforced loyalty
fps means "feet per second" and is the standard measure of how fast bullets be
typical ways of measuring it include:
shooting a double layered setup of spinning paper and measuring the distance between the holes, with known spin speeds and distance between the paper
shooting a big clay block of known mass on the end of a pendulum and measuring how far it swings, then calculating the energy required to do that
measuring the amount of time between the shot and the bullet impacting a metal target like a gong (this is unreliable because the speed of sound is different in different types of air)
a contraption invented by Reverend Bashforth involving a series of screens and threads, that when shot, would sever a thread and interrupt an electric current momentarily as a lever arm, unimpeded by the now broken thread, would swing. this interruption was then recorded on a piece of paper much like a seismograph
>carrying 9mm
fucking americans, just use the metters per second
I lied, I carry .357 magnum
It was more impactful to bring up a weak pistol round to illustrate my point
funnily, 980 fps is faster than .45 ACP
You know that's not what he was doing right you animal
yes it was
then what was he doing?
If that's what you want to think to have an excuse to piss and then shit your pants, you go ahead and think that fella.
no, that guy's a weirdo and Dio would just absorb the cum with his vampire powers
Make me you faggot
Pushing Polnareff back using The World at the same time as he activated the time stop.
Im going to make you my faggot
The thought of Dio stopping time, running Down, picking up Polnareff, carrying him Down the stair, scurrying back up the stair and assuming the exact same pose makes me smile.
i just go behind him lol
>Using commie units
How about no?
Excuse me, where the fuck is my thigh service? Why isn't anyone asking me where I'm going? Why aren't you calling me a geekboy? Do you think blocking stairways is a motherfucking game?
only good answer ITT
nice samefag
yeah, DIO's reaction speed is significantly FTL
that is not how any of that works
Well that shut him up.
use the escalator DUH!