Sword Art Online: Alicization

Find girl more perfect than Quinella. Protip: you can't.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine if the genders were reversed.

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"System Call: Remove Core Protection"

Attached: quinella2.png (1500x1543, 600K)

anime botched this

If she was so pefect her name wouldn't be Quinella

>male quinella

I can't
System Call: Remove Core Protection

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System Call: Remove Core Protection

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SAO OPs tier listing:
LiSA = ReoNa > Eir Aoi = Tomato

System Call: Generate Reproductive Element

Why is F/GOfags so obsessed with SAOfaggotry? There's not a single fucking day that SAO doesn't get mentioned on /fgog/ or /fgoalter/ and it's so goddamn annoying. Can you please keep your shit contained here please.

Fuck off. Go back to your containment thread.

take your meds kiddo

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Hot Take: Esdeath is just a shittier Quinella

But will her love be only for me and me alone? Call me selfish, but I just want a love only for me.

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Reminder that all Fluctlights born in the human realm cannot flat out lie. They can do half-truths and white lies but never fabricate actual lies because it is part of the set of teachings of the RATH progenitors

Adds more fuel to the fire then. So she really did fuck Eugeo..

Why she is so perfect, lads?

Attached: why_she_is_so_perfect.jpg (1280x845, 125K)

>she really did fuck Eugeo
Duh. why would you think otherwise?

we'll be doing an Yea Forums sings of Forget-me-not (ED2).
If you'd like to submit a part ,send it to: [email protected] or reply to this post with a link to it.

Your submission should be timed with the original and should only be your voice, any overlapping bits or harmony should be in a separate file.We will be doing the TV size.

If you don't want to sing but would still like to contribute, you can record yourself saying something or reply to this post with pictures that sum up these threads to go in the video
The deadline is the 21st of Match and will be posted on the 23rd.


we'll be doing an Yea Forums sings of Forget-me-not (ED2).
If you'd like to submit a part ,send it to: [email protected] or reply to this post with a link to it.

Your submission should be timed with the original and should only be your voice, any overlapping bits or harmony should be in a separate file.We will be doing the TV size.

If you don't want to sing but would still like to contribute, you can record yourself saying something or reply to this post with pictures that sum up these threads to go in the video
The deadline is the 30th of Match and will be posted on the 23rd.


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System Call: Remove Core Protection

Thank you user

The "Remove Core Protection" line in the context of a seduction scene is a stroke of genius

how the deadline is 30th March but the post day is 23rd?

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I did an oopsie

Why is it that only Asuna gets 3 kiss scenes with Kirito and 2 different types of bed events?

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Actual dates are on the one above, the 2nd user posted it again to add the picture

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Guys, why does Kawahara keep writing blocks of comfy feel and then depression and suffering afterwards? It killed me to read through Alicization and I don''t think I can take it for Progressive to take a darker turn like that.

Attached: Kuroyukihime.png (1920x1080, 2.69M)

The author probably killed herself

But it just started to get a LN publication...

I hate it. I hate that Kirito will have to suffer all alone again while Asuna will be none-the-wiser about it. I hate that Kizmel will have to die or disappear later on. I hate that Argo won't be able to patch Kirito and Asuna's relationship during floor 25. I FUCKING HATE THAT ASUNA AND KIRITO WILL HAVE TO EVENTUALLY SPLIT.

Only plausible response

>actually has boobs
>better incarnation
>better body
>better avatar
>more powerful
>more beautiful
She's a knockoff of her sister

Attached: white-cosmos.png (396x753, 274K)

She is a Kawahara villain, you will be forced to hate her like shield hero antagonists eventually

Suffering awaits to every story user. Unital Ring no doubt will also turn darker later on despite its relatively warm and light first volume


Attached: quinella_or_death.webm (640x360, 2.72M)

Impossible, I love Quinella after all and Kawahara writes good female villains see Liquidizer for the third major female antagonist in a Kawahara novel.

>White Cosmos
Why does he write such good female villains?

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I'm a brainlet please explain

My first crush

Good meme


protection = condoms

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>fiery Glop

What does she mean by this?

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She wants his lifetime worth of glopping

I would fluc her light, if you catch my drift.

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Cute feets

I wish I was Eugeo

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>get cunt
>forget about friends
This show keeps dropping MASSIVE redpills

Pretty much.

Why is she so sweaty

Alice > old hag admin

>tfw I never did that but it was never mutual

Those ass holes.

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Speaking of her, she's fucking ridiculous as a Zoner in DBFC

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>hey this bitch is going to set up a system so that people share Points and no one even gets deleted again
>lets lure her out by saying we want to help in her goal had have her crucified in front of her boyfriend and killed hundreds of times
>Neat! Her boyfriend went nuts and basically became a plague of HATE AND RAGE that cannot fucking die
>Lets replicate that! By forcing a parasite into fellow children and harvesting their negative emotions, then feeding all those into some kid purposefully bullied so hard he developed multiple personality disorder and we can stuff him full of cyber ghosts of departed players!

Why is Shirayukihime so BEST? At this point I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out she was actually mentored by Quinella or at least Quinella's mnemonic ghost still hanging around in the Main Visualizer or something. Kawahara even fucking uses the same adjectives to describe them.

Attached: Huwaito Cosumosu.png (1920x1080, 2.92M)

"System Call: Remove Core Protection"

Why are there Oreimo characters in this

If KYH is an artificial fluctlight, could White Cosmos be Quinella?

Dengeki Bunko's most popular series combined in one

I always took it as removing clothing but sure.

>Every time stronk girl appears she gets fucked literally or mentally into submission by a truly strong man
This series has been a guilty pleasure since it started

But that didn't happen with Asuna, she fucking spat on Sugou's face.

Yeah but Sugou isn't a truly strong man. And she still needed Kirito+Klien's help in stalling that massive raid group to help the Sleeping Knights with their goal.

Asuna was fucked into submission by Kirito after that she was strong but docile for the most part.

Never stick dick into crazy

Which one will hurt more?
"Now stand up, Kirito. My best friend. My hero." with Forget Me Not playing in the background
"Shall we go?" with a Niji No Kanata Ni playing in the background
"Who's voice is that?" with a completely different ED that's just as heartbreaking as Niji No Kanata Ni.

What about Nutella?

>They all happen anyway

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>"Now stand up, Kirito. My best friend. My hero." with Forget Me Not playing in the background
You stop now user
>"Shall we go?" with a Niji No Kanata Ni playing in the background
>"Who's voice is that?" with a completely different ED that's just as heartbreaking as Niji No Kanata Ni.

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Wow. Sounds like an unrepentant monster to me.

I'm already crying anons, my nose sting and my eyes hurt. My tears won't fucking stop.

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Fucking pansies the lot of you.
The real suffering already started

Is this arc really that bad? I know it's crazy fucking long which is why I never started reading it. I hate not being able to finish arcs in one go

There's a fuck ton of unsavoury shit that happen in this arc. The last episode is just the tiniest tip of the iceberg. Which is why I'm warning everyone to jump ship before it's too late i.e postpone it and watch something else before it happens.

The last episode wasn't even that bad though? MC buddy is mid controlled no bug deal. Just gotta beat the shit out of him for a little bit

Ahah... Well let's just say that the coined gary stu status on Kirito quickly goes away during Aiczation Uniting (the next following 4 episodes)

>"Shall we go?" with a Niji No Kanata Ni playing in the background
This is basically gonna be this but infinitely more painful

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Probably not Quinella herself (because she's fucking dead, yes I Know about the PA voice in Unital Ring but if that's "her" its probably a mnemonic echo just like Eugeo was in the Blue Rose Sword during the fight with Gabe.

SYH is very likely also an artificial fluctlight just like KYH though. So if they really are sisters and the theory of KYH being the Star King and Queen's daughter turns out to be true it means SYH could also have been born in Underworld, been exploring around the Cathedral one day and run into something Quinella owned or something that still held memories from her or something and basically summoned Quinella's "ghost" as a mentor or something

I mean, she's REALLY fucking good at summoning and binding the memory remains of deleted fluctlights anyway. She had to have learned that somewhere

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NO user NOOO

I wonder if Jake is just secretly lurking in these threads.

Because abec does FGO art and her FGO art is her best art.

>FGO art is her best art
Not even. That privilege belongs to YuYuYu.


System Call: Remove Core Protection

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Anything new from the Quinellafag illustrator?

>Is this arc really that bad?

System Call: Remove Protection

Isn't becoming a real human bean Quinella's ultimate goal though? Also, it's not like Reki to throw out red herrings or drop such obvious hints and then subvert them.

>when he doesn't remove his core protection

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System Call: Remove Core Protection

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Top kek

It's better than the Aincrad arc and Mothers Rosario.

The first half would have been amazing if it didnt trim out the good parts. Its biggest mistakes was having too many expository episodes where nothing happens.

The second half is okay if you're a Sinon and Leafa fan. It's absolutely unwatchable if you hate the true mary sue Asuna and are a fan of gore and ultra violence because you're just going to get scenes where half the screen is blacked out. At that point you're better off just watching Goblin Slayer or Shield Hero (edgier SAO with not-Kirito, but he is kirito, but there is also a kirito in it who is nothing like kirito.

When I said "bad" I was reffering to soul crushing sorrow other anons we're implying. I read up to volume 9 and though this arc would have finished almost 4 years ago by this point. This arc is absurdly long and I have no idea how they will do this much unless they have a part 2 that's another 50 episodes

Attached: do it for yuuki.png (1400x1000, 918K)

So uhh

What the hell is Kayaba doing since he transfered his
Consciousness into the internet? Surely he will pop up again since the series will likely end after this arc


>Huh wonder what my old friends are doing
>Hmm they are bastardizing my tech I'mma stop em
>Wait my main man Kiritos on the case
>Cool I can sit this one out
I could see it.

6/10 it's not even all official art.

Yes. It's absolutely gut punching if you care about Kirito, Alice, Eugeo and the many underworld residents.

Cool. I can't believe the mad lad decided to take a dump on literally millions of kids self inserts.

Asuna is the true mary sue self insert.

Where have you been lad for the last 7 years? Kirito gets shit on in regular intervals of his life though perhaps this is the only second major true loss he had.

Badass I can't believe my wife will rescue me again

I'm talking about dumps that arent overcome within the episode or two. His only true failure was Moonlit black Cats Fucking R I P

>With an expression filled with rage directed at me, Administrator took a slow step back. Perhaps noticing how she had retreated a second later, her pale, beautiful features showed an look of indignation like that of a crazed god.


>Her mouth wavered beyond the transparent flames formed from the words uttered without her lips moving.

>“This is my world. I cannot possibly forgive such conduct from an uninvited intruder. Strip and genuflect. Give me your mind and body. —Swear your love to me!!” The highest minister’s roar stirred the air and an aura of bluish-black darkness rose from her feet, swirling about repeatedly. Having returned to a one-handed straight sword from a katana, the sword turned straight towards me while darkness coiled around it.


>Stopping my feet right before entering the range of sword skills, I voiced out my last words. “You merely usurped it. One who does not love this world… and the people living in it has no right to be its ruler!!”

>I took up a stance the moment I ended my words. The Red Rose Sword in my left hand in the front; the black sword in my right hand in the rear. Drew back my right foot. Lowered my waist.

>Administrator, too, slowly swung the silver sword in her left hand up and held it aloft. The words her pearl grey lips repeated endlessly carried an unparalleled sense of intimidation.

>“Love is to dominate. All love me. I love all. I dominate over all!!”

What the fuck is Quinella's problem? Why does she keep trying to rape people?

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>only second
He'll have his relationship deteriorate with Asuna during Progressive as well due to Kizmel's apparent disappearance/death/loss and the first gigantic defeat of the clearers on floor 25. Consequently, this would put also a strain on his relationship with Argo and Agil as well as any pre-existing trust that might have had with Kirito and the few clearers that did trust him.

Because she is Sakura.

Now feel sorry for her. Go on internet message boards and talk about how she is misunderstood and did "Nothing wrong"

Because she’s a whore

Then you're gonna have fun with this then

Quinella didn't do nuffin wrong

it would be a shojo

Just gotta wait another year and a half for them to finish this shit up

Well, Kirito stabbed her with Eugeo, so she kinda got what she wanted in the end.

>“Damn youuuuuuu!!” Having lost both arms, Administrator’s eyes flared up with pain and iridescent flames. But my second sword was already in motion, the dual blades Vorpal Strike, straight towards the Administrator's bloodied perfect skin—

>And penetrated deep into the Administrator.

>I felt absurdly rigid and tangible resistance as her blood flowed down and soaked my palms. A sensation so vivid it wiped my mind of the pain from where her rapier pierced me. I was painfully conscious of the sword tip tearing into Administrator’s smooth skin, hilt disappearing between her bountiful breasts, breaking her sternum, and blowing her heart within away—of taking a human’s life, in other words. But there wasn’t a shred of hesitation in this one strike. Wavering here would definitely be unforgivable for the future Cardinal had entrusted to us. Administrator whimpered, coughing up blood and then collapsing against me, her head resting on my shoulder.

>The Red Rose Sword, stabbed through the middle of the highest minister’s chest, let out an intense brilliance that easily surpassed the light effects of sword skills. The blade regenerated from the resources of Eugeo’s blood shone dazzlingly, like a fragment from a star— In the next moment, the resources all burst; that was to say, an enormous explosion occurred. Administrator’s head jerked up, her two eyes opening to their limits and a scream escaped her lips.

>Slender lines of light poured out from all over the world’s most beautiful bare body, spreading out in a radial pattern. And an explosion of pure energy swallowed all as it swelled out.

>Blown away like discarded cotton, I crashed into the south glass window. I felt blood gushing out from the wound on my right shoulder the moment I bounced off and slammed onto the floor.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Online - Alicization - 19 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.14_[2019.02.23_15.39.53]. (1920x1080, 183K)

You're a quick learner, user. You'll go pretty far. Not half way like other people.

God damnit, im not watching this shit

Stop tempting me

You can if you skip a fair chunk of episodes, but that would offend everyone in this thread who don't want to admit that the adaption sucks ass.

Attached: Wakeup.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

So, skip season 1 and 2?

LNfag here, the adaptation sucks ass and , user, just watch episode 4, 10 (if you are sensible skip this too), 15, and 19, then you will be done with this arc

>Skip season 1
>Miss Kiritos friends die
>Miss collective suicide packs
>Miss that Christmas episode
Truest suffering was so early

what is the meme with anime ruining christmas, honestly?

Attached: takahiro you fuck.jpg (310x360, 21K)

Gotta put in a cliffhanger so they come back after break. That or production studios want everyone as miserable as them at Christmas. Kirito crying at the message is still one if the most soul crushing thing I have ever seen for a TV show

Syscall: rm -rf /usr/quinella
Syscall: mount -ar
Syscall: logout

ywn wake up and see that cutie and wholesome woman next to you

She's a great villain. She's not right, but I really like that she isn't blatantly evil either. There's somewhat of a moral, dark grey area to her motives.

>Lonely, naive, and pampered child takes out her shortcomings on an animal on a whim.
>Discovers that killing/combat makes you "stronger."
>Finally gets attention and recognition that she craved as a child after performing high-level sacred arts on fellow townspeople.
>Wants to preserve this status, so she uses her newfound strength to become famous and establish a global government.
>Time passes, Quinella grows old and finally succeeds in her quest to preserve her life/status.
>Restores her beauty, becomes immortal, and accidentally burns part of the Cardinal system onto her soul, which further solidifies her desire to maintain what is considered "normal," as per Cardinal's programming.
>Finally establishes the ultimate form of the Axiom Church with the sole job of keep society frozen in its current state of affairs, peace and all.

Looking at things from Quinella's perspective, most of her decisions are pretty logical choices to make. I can't really blame her for her actions, given her circumstances throughout life. The empire she created and its methods of operation are definitely fucked up/"bad", but I don't think she's cut-and-dry evil for arriving at those conclusions. There's a level of sympathy that I can have for her, which is why I think she's a solid character and the best villain of the mainline canon.

>She's a great villian
She's not even the best villian of the arc. I can think how some people think she's "ok" at best.

Personally, for me, once you get over her body, she's a cunt. A total cunt. A bigger cunt than Malty from Tate no Yuusha. Quinella was an atrocious, vain, sociopath of a human being through and through. She was already a monster, and that was before she became Administrator and choked out what little morality she had left in her. I want her to choke. Seriously, I hate her, which means she's doing a good job as a villain. I think she's the first antagonist in SAO that made me actually hate her as a person than seeing her as just an obstacle for Kirito to overcome. She's probably the best villain Kawahara has ever created in fact. Not every villain needs to have some sort of sympathetic motive or complexity/development to them. In fact, Quinella follows the arc of what's called a negative flat arc, as in, she's a flat character who negatively changes and manipulates the world around them. The fun from Quinella isn't from her as a complex or conflicted character, but from her interactions with the round characters around her and influence on the setting.

>Quinella was an atrocious, vain, sociopath of an AI through and through.
Fix'd that for ya.

I don't want to feel these feels anymore :(

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How it's possible to hate her?
Just look at her.

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Attached: ZTlMk7J.jpg (680x583, 58K)

LLEN > this crap.

What is sex with Quinella like?

>And penetrated deep into the Administrator.
>I felt absurdly rigid and tangible resistance as her blood flowed down and soaked me. A sensation so vivid it wiped my mind of the pain from where her rapier pierced me.
>Administrator whimpered, and then collapsing against me, her head resting on my shoulder.
>In the next moment, the resources all burst; that was to say, an enormous explosion occurred. Administrator’s head jerked up, her two eyes opening to their limits and a scream escaped her lips.
>Slender lines of light poured out from all over the world’s most beautiful bare body, spreading out in a radial pattern. And an explosion of pure energy swallowed all as it swelled out.
>Blown away like discarded cotton, I crashed into the south glass window. I felt blood gushing out from the wound on my right shoulder the moment I bounced off and slammed onto the floor.

Kinda like that

Very gentle while Quinella is blushing and whispering you that everything will be okay.

Attached: 1551766584714.jpg (1280x720, 436K)

>Just look at her
I have. She's ok I guess.

Not gonna disagree. IRL and her avatar are QTs

Why would you willingly accept her deceit and lies knowing full well it’s not real and that you’re just being used and manipulated?
That promise to live only you? Happens to every dime a dozen synthesis victim.

Fuck that. Painful reality and truth > comfortable lie.

Daily remainder that Fluctlights cannot lie

White lies are still lies and half truths are still deceptions and manipulations user, just because she knows the loopholes around full on making stuff up doesn’t mean you’re not being used.

Well, what if I'm an Incel, what do I have to lose?

Why would you want something fake that isn’t real, that you know is a total lie?

B-but it's real for few minutes...
It's hard to resist, just imagine the feel of pic related.

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If that’s your thing then all right. But I couldn’t do it myself, not when I know I’d just be another number, literally

ywn hear her saying these words.

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LLENN>everything else in SAO

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Slightly cheating because gameverse girls are better than main canon girls by default

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alice is cuter

What a cutie.
Well, I wouldn't mind to have Alice gf at all.

Cutie is an understatement

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I want Alice to step on me!

I love Tia so much. She better not be absent in the Alicization game.

Attached: do it on the bed.jpg (1024x576, 152K)


Someone didn't read the copypasta

>“Love is to dominate. All love me. I love all. I dominate over all!!”
Does this count as yandere?

Attached: yandere Quinella.jpg (1464x2048, 564K)


Quinella is so cute in this picture.

I want Quinella to brainwash me.

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>She gives me what I want
What does he mean by this?

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Quinella is far better

I'm annoyed that they skipped out on the fact Eugeo's family were pretty much a dick to him

Based and quinellapilled.


Attached: Sword%20Art%20Online%20Alicization%20-%2019%20-%20Large%2001.jpg (1920x1080, 142K)

Quinella is cute! CUTE!

Anything LLENN or Karen can do Quinella can do better.

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Why aren't nips drawing quinella? I thought SAO was popular
The pixiv is so empty


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They have incurable case of shit taste, perhaps.

Except survive if power is turned off. Damn AI's thinking they're so superior, when one solar flare kills them.

Was a weird thing to skip over

>tfw no Quinella gf

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Does Quinella using breast pads like Eris from KonoSuba? asking for a friend.

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Yes, yes, release the flood gates.

PV pics are out
Kirito is about to take an L for this one lads

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>Cold blue eyes

Attached: IMG_20190306_091550.jpg (900x506, 38K)

This is part of the spectrum of being a Quinellafag, you're either a lumberjack or a fat ugly bastard. There's no in betwee

Attached: IMG_20190306_091624.jpg (900x506, 55K)

Eyepatch Alice is best

Attached: IMG_20190306_091627.jpg (900x506, 55K)

Do we have Quinella in the next episode?

Objective answer.

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Another cute AI.

The face of cuck.
I wonder if he drinks s o y l e n t.

Attached: 1551767611201.png (1598x898, 1.58M)

That's a robot

Watch it to find out :^)

>lumberjack or a fat ugly bastard
You can also be both those things aren't mutual exclusive

>being a lumberjack and not being muscular
Fake and gay

*block your path*

Attached: Dengeki_Bunko_MAGAZINE_vol.62_Alicization_pin-up.png (1500x1058, 2.4M)

*blocks YOUR path*

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*Blocks your path*

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Wow, just wow...
I wish that was me.

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Asuna or Kirito?

>Not wanting to lick that body
Don't be gay user.


I want to lick Quinella's body.
And then cuddle with her.

Oh God oh fuck I wish I was Eugeo so bad wtf wtf

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I love all these Quinella threads lately.
What a good time to be alive.

Quinella unironically was the best thing that happened to both Alicization and this thread

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In the left three images, isn't she looks a bit fat?

It was me, i'm sorry


She's just in her pregnancy stage

Oh, I see.
That's my wife after I impregnated her.


If Unital Ring should be like this...

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Eugeo with purple hair or Quinella with blond hair.

>It was Eugeo first user.
B-b-but my wife is p-p-p-pure!!

Better do it before episode 19 then user.

> is it really that bad?

Yes. I hope you're ready for 30 Episodes of pain and suffering. Alicization is about to get really fucking dark.

Is it even worth watching after Quinella's death?

The real story of this arc pretty much start after that, you can consider the first 24 episode as a filler if you will

Nigga no. Both halves of the Alicization arc are just as important as each other. What retards are propagating this nonsense?

The real story started on Volume 9.

Data Just cant compete

Attached: best grill.gif (268x150, 562K)

Hell yeah. The 2nd half has Wheelchair-kun in it. Can't compete with that.

ᴾˡᶻ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵏᶦˡˡ ᵐᵉ

Attached: IMG_20190306_123308.jpg (1151x1929, 156K)


Yes lad/lass

Attached: Yukianesa.jpg (906x1200, 381K)

How does it feel, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1551690731573.png (501x548, 336K)

You tell me chucklefuck


I see, thanks

>Jinkai( Human Realm ) - Human Empire
>Genrou ( Elder ) - Senator
>Seido Kishi - Integrity Knight
(Knight of the Divine Way
A western version of Samurai)

What's up with this Subs, the only missing in it to become We Wuz Romanz n shiet is Deus Vult, Nom Nobis Dominae and Ave Quinella

Attached: alice-synthesis-thirty-sword-art-online-hollow-realization-50.jpg (210x240, 19K)

Have you praised your goddess today, Yea Forums?


Attached: 1551677846365.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

>Ave Quinella

we have had that for ages though, see:
To be fair that isn't mentioned in the anime, but the Sword School sequence in the LN mentions that they all have to chant "Ave Admina" as their pre-meal prayer

Quinella please, I've already nutted three times, let me go!

Attached: 1550949177413.png (512x495, 350K)

AVE Cardina

Attached: IMG_20190306_150841.jpg (1302x2047, 217K)


So they actually had sex or he fainted and stuff?

It's a flat Fem!Kirito

Attached: IMG_20190306_155022.jpg (983x2366, 240K)

>Stella Regem

>Not big oppai fem Kirito
It's shit

I'd tap that ass even if it was guy Kirito.

Attached: stop-it-boner.-no-meme.jpg (600x561, 28K)

Jesus how fucking tall is she?

At least 183+cm

>Taller than Karen

Do we even have a official SAO height chart or list?

I think we never knew how tall is Sugu or Asuna (outside the WN)

We simply don't know

>me at the bottom.

Attached: quinella.jpg (1280x1207, 170K)

Is there a term for girls like Quinella, who project an aura of pureness and holy sanctity but are actually very lewd?

It'd be kind of hard to stay cool with that kind of provocation. If only her boobs were half as good as her ass...

anal angel

Attached: 1548744843571.jpg (851x1024, 174K)

Did you just



One this tech gets miniaturized to the point it become Google Glass level "just a pair of glasses" while still retaining all its utility is when it will take off outside of use by major design shops and corporations. Personally I'm waiting for when they manage to get it down to contact lens size in a few decades


>doesn't want to give up her virginity
>offers you her ass instead

Just like any good God-fearing Christian woman should.

Attached: 1530126433621.jpg (274x200, 11K)

Hah. The view angle is so narrow.

ꜰ ᴀ ᴛ

Attached: 73544598_p0.jpg (2000x2666, 1.49M)


Attached: 73541450_p0.png (1500x1900, 1.97M)

Doubt it will ever be a contact lens size since it would dry you eye out (especially if it gets hot) and companies wouldn't risk people loosing eyes because they're too stupid to not wear them for extended periods of time. I'd be happy to be wrong though

You don't need to be genius to realize all you need to do is get a fleshbag and drain an adult of their soul.

>that back arch
This is how I know that's not a man

I really can't blame Eugeo. Your best friend is in the process of cucking you and this hot piece of ass is offering you her bosom. I'd do the same thing

Attached: 1540237689362.jpg (285x283, 14K)

Except that's not how it works, even in AW timeline.

Damn that wide hips. They really grew up every human character in the games.

Yep it's completely like that. All you need is one of the RATH employees to log in, drain them of their soul and then upload your soul onto their blank fluctlight

Fuck you, no. You can't just drain an adult and then dump in an AI. The body will reject it and die.

Based and quinellapilled.

>Watch episode 19 of Alicization.
>Listen to all Sakamoto Maaya albums in loop since then.
>Hearing Quinella's voice 24/7

Attached: feelsgoodman.jpg (430x397, 26K)

The perks of liking a talentless hack with no range that can only do 1 voice I guess.

Are you the eroibabafag?

>he doesn''t like Sakamoto Maaya
Homo detected

Does the system handle sword skills like in SAO is it actually Kirito's swordsmanship in Alicization?

Everyone can use sword skills, not only Kirito. You know, they have the whole swordsmanship academy and everything?

>I picked up a fruit that had the shape of a kiwi and color of a strawberry and took a bite. It had the texture of a banana, with a pineapple flavor.
God damn, it's always the most random things that make you laugh out loud.
Fuck Unital Ring, just give me 100 volumes of Progressive!

>texture of a banana, with a pineapple flavor.

The old system from Aincrad is technically in there, that's how everyone can use Sword Skills, they just call them "Secret Techniques" or whatever.

Though Kirito can (and in the upcoming fight) does use Incarnation to force moves that aren't part of the system ported over as part of The Seed in. These are mostly his Dual Wield stuff and even originals like using his favorite skill Vorpal Strike, which is a 1H Sword skill, as a dual blade move. Later Asuna uses Incarnation to pull off Mother's Rosario on PoH despite that skill being TOTALLY not part of the old SAO set of Sword Skills because Yuuki hadn't invented it back then and even later than that Every high level Burst Linker uses Incarnation to come up with their own moves completely apart from what the special moves the system gave their avatar. I.e. why Graphite Edge and Black Lotus can both use Vorpal Strike and Starburst Stream

Attached: 1539481670810.jpg (1500x1500, 168K)

Nice Quinella.

Argo, Kizmel, Rain, Philia, Seven, Leafa, Sinon, Alice, Premiere, and Tia are BEST GIRLS

YES, AI, who?, AI, who?, You forgot Sugu, yes, AI, AI, who?.
Learn what the word "girl" means.

If I could theoretically fuck them in VR, they're girls.

It's just machine assisted masturbation if you do it with AI's.

Attached: mistake.jpg (580x652, 57K)

There's nothing that projects an aura of pureness about quinella. She was getting run in trains by her boytoy knights

What even happened to Google Glass? They were all the rage a few years ago but at some point I just stopped hearing about them.

Too expensive, didn't do enough.

They were shit and expensive.

Forgot Strea, dood.

They're girls. An AI is still better than a real girl anyway.


Attached: PicsArt_03-06-07.26.21.jpg (1080x1214, 144K)


Post more Quinellas.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Online - Alicization - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.12_[2019.03.02_15.34.57].j (1280x720, 114K)

Asuna was a mistake

Oh no no no no
SAO IF gameverse -Eugeo dissapears from Aincrad


Attached: Screenshot.png (643x367, 421K)

System Call: Remove Core Protection

cries in LN

Attached: screenshot -01.png (644x362, 360K)

probably cunny posting on Yea Forums

I-I was just about to boot IF up and play it... ;_;

Attached: quinella_or_death2.jpg (1000x696, 203K)

I am sorry, user I had to share my sadness and depression with everyone in here, those scenes broke me up



Attached: D09ngKuUYAANHJq.jpg (884x1439, 391K)

Quinella in casual clothes.

Attached: BoCk45hIUAA_j41.jpg:orig.jpg (768x1024, 170K)

She’s a big girl.

Damn, I was synthesized by Quinella.
My Name is user Synthesis Thirty-three.

Attached: anon.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

hahahaha you guys always make my day, I love this place

btw does someone expect a good animation for this week's episode?

but which color of armor would you choose or blue rose theme fits you, user?

She's tall, but not THAT tall. She's actually wearing gigantic heels and so she can look down on everyone else and look more imposing. Gameverse Quinella is kind of a dangerous weirdo, to be honest.

Attached: D0_rEbJUYAAQHMl.jpg (1559x720, 194K)

They don't actually mention that she's Quinella (they call her "that witch"), but she does show up at the end of the Alicization event on the top floor, so you can draw your own conclusions.

Attached: D0_rEbNUcAAgmpz.jpg:orig.jpg (1559x720, 165K)

Nice digits
user Synthesis 33, the knight of the green clover

Attached: 15519028067.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

Nice digits, checked.

Attached: efd47303417d4fb39c1fb731b0b45174.jpg (600x837, 65K)

Nah, that's definitely IF Quinella.

Attached: IF Quinella.jpg (710x720, 99K)

My wife in 3d, she's so beautiful.
Scale figure, when?

>those heels

Attached: tenor.gif (220x213, 344K)

Perhaps she has Napoleon complex?

>that witch
They actually call her the White Witch of the Underworld, but it's pretty heavily hinted that she's just Quinella under a different name.

She's already the tallest girl in the cast without that ridiculous footwear though.

Attached: dc19c08e522d186e77c4e497e65c8b54.jpg (1154x659, 107K)

Just how many stands is Kirito gonna have?

Attached: download.jpg (1280x1440, 389K)

More IF shit.

Attached: D0_gqUcXcAEhekh.jpg (1920x1080, 187K)

Attached: D0_gqUdW0AAL7yY.jpg (1920x1080, 115K)

Attached: Perfect.jpg (640x897, 152K)

Attached: D0_gqUfXgAAQO84.jpg (1920x1080, 156K)

Attached: putty.jpg (741x490, 36K)

The purple lipstick is a really nice touch. Not sure what to think about the hair arms.

Attached: SAOIF Admin.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

her hair is alive just like in LNs

I want her to administrate me, if you catch my drift.

Selka's promise fucking triggered a death flag for Eugeo and Alice didn't it?

>Eye tracking character
>Always giving you the cock lust stare


Attached: Alicization Uniting.jpg (2869x2962, 2.84M)

Attached: Selka's Promise.png (1920x1080, 1.26M)

They do come back tho

As a) a different person b) a double-braindead amputee and c) half a sword

Attached: 1528603159911.png (1140x1040, 854K)

Nigga she triggered a death flag for all three of the Rulid Village trio childhood friends. They're all dead

Are we supposed to pick, shouldn't this just be of the above

Philia is the cutest.

Attached: Philia.jpg (1920x1080, 349K)

Who the hell is Liquidizer? Is it something from Unital Ring?

She's a villainess from Isolator

So is Star King going to be Kirito's final villain?

Attached: Dt1iSOAWwAEETKf.jpg:orig.jpg (1120x1600, 136K)

Kirito is star king

>Anime Kirito
Depressed, Distant, Cold and Emotionally Detached
>LN Kirito
Snarky, Cheeky, Awkward Doofus, Cocky, Smartass
>Gameverse Kirito
Confident, Chad, Flirt, Socially Active, The Great Seducer
>Abridged Kirito
Beta, All Snark no Bite, Awkward, Edgy, Cocky, /r9k/ poster.

>The Great Seducer

I imagine so. He's the protector of the underworld, I can see him going villian to protect it

Yes and No

Its the "Zuberg vs. Synthesis 30" or "Administrator vs. Cardinal" thing. They have widely divergent memories to the point that they can be classified as "different" people with the same origin. Star King in the Unital Ring prologue explicitly corrects himself from saying "Lets see what I do" to "Lets see what *he* does" when talking about meatbag!Kirito

Is that Alice in the middle?

Probably, I was hoping it was Future(Punished) Yui

I want to have sex with her.

>it's vabel

I assume so

Because that's how you get people invested in a story.
When you go pure grimderp people check out, mentally or physically. You either detach yourself from the characters, or drop the story entirely. If you never have any downtime and positive moments, you don't get attached to the characters as much in the first place; you avoid it to protect yourself.
At the same time, if nothing bad ever happens, you end up with something fluffy and forgettable. Look at Slime Isekai; other than WWII-chan dying, literally nothing even close to bad has happened. Without challenges and slips and falls, the connection to the characters won't deepen.

Just look at a list series that have had long-lasting popularity. NGE, Madoka, Berserk, FMA:B, and so on. The shows that are remembered the most are ones where there are good things, then bad things, happening to our characters. Pure edge gets dropped or watched for the popcorn; pure fluff gets forgotten as soon as it ends.

>"Kill yourself"
>"Used goods"
>"Literally me"
>"God I wish that were me"
>"X situation" "How does you're waifu react?"
>"Not anime"
>"Is X autistic?
>"She isn't real"
>"Normie" ">Normie"
>"Soft seinen"
>"Native isekai"
>"Advertising friendly"
>"It's shit"
>"Shit taste"
>"Why is this season so shit?"
>"Anime is shit"
>"Yea Forums told me it was X." "It's actually Y"
>"How X is too X?"
>"What's the appeal of X?"
>"Post X without actually posting them"
>"Just finished X. What did I think of it?"
>"Just marathoned the first episode of X"
>"Meanwhile in X period"
>Feet.jpg; *Cutefeet.jpg* *Shitfetish.jpg* *Fuckablefootpussy.jpg*
>Sxarp.jpg; "By me" "Por me" "It was me" "??/?" "It wasn't me" "It was him!"
>SubbedScreencap.jpg; "."
>Shiburin.jpg/Shinka.jpg; "Could you beat her in a fight?"
>Abe.jpg; "Procreate"
>Moot.jpg; "Who?"
>Animal.jpg; *Romaji*
>*Site goes down* Mikan.jpg; "I love you Yea Forums!"
>"How does Yea Forums do it?
>"Who are you quoting"
>"character says X; subs say Y"
>"Forced X"
>"The absolute state of X"
>"What does Yea Forums think of X?"
>"What's the X of anime?"
>"What went wrong?"
>"What went so right?"
>"I love X!"
Explain this. What did he mean by this? Who was in the wrong here? X did nothing wrong. What the fuck was his problem? Why is she so perfect? Perfect X doesn't exi- . Protip: you can't. Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much? Will you watch her anime? Find a flaw. Now that the dust has settled. How did we go from this...to THIS? Let's settle this for once. Season X when? X is saving anime. How do we fix X? A thread died for this

>Making predictions for things we already know the answer for.

Gameverse kirito is best kirito

Yeah both Kirito and Alice take an L against Synthesis 32

Why is Eugeo so fucking weak?

Attached: Broken Argo.png (683x1200, 553K)

Is that fanart? I don't remember what voume it's in

Volume 19

Shut up Argo. We just got Bercoulli and Fanatio

Thanks for re-using my post, glad you liked it.

Too bad he only gets to put one baby in her.

Oh, so that makes you both faggots.

>thinking Quinella is straight evil
>adminbitch >:(
Go back to pleddit

You both have some strong points. I disagree about the level of 'grey' in her motives; I think she's a sociopath, and she's in it for her own power as much or more than to protect the status quo. Interestingly enough, part of her downfall is her own hubris; writing Cardinal onto her fluctlight is what created loli!Cardinal, and the action wasn't necessary. It was just her inability to accept an authority higher than her own. Most of her actions are completely amoral. The sword golem is beyond the pale; simply mass producing Integrity Knights in order to take on the dark territory would have been enough, and theoretically reversible.

She's still a good villain, because she has motives, and at least *she* thinks she's in the right (and/or simply can't empathize with any viewpoint other than her own, see sociopathy). She's basically a better done Sugou; she has the same 'wannabe tyrant' motivation, but has obtained actual power and isn't cartoonishly evil, like Sugou or Laughing Coffin/Satelizer.

Making her an absolute cunt but still a believable villain is pretty good writing.

She's actually way more hateable than Sugou or PoH just because she's more realistic. It's hard to dislike a caricature, and you kinda just end up laughing at them instead. Quinella doesn't even have the excuse of being batshit insane or impulsive like most of the other villains either. Everything she does is coldly calculated for her gain or sadistic pleasure.

>There's nothing that projects an aura of pureness about quinella. She was getting run in trains by her boytoy knights
seriously? that's pretty hot.

Pretty much.
I disagree slightly with the 'sadistic pleasure' bit. She takes 'sadistic pleasure' in some of her actions, but I don't think she does anything solely out of sadism; everything, everything, serves the master plan first and foremost.

But yeah, that's exactly what I was trying to say; she's a more believable and realistic villain because she has actual motivations besides cartoonish villainy (like Sugou, LC, and Satelizer), and that makes the evils she commits hit that much harder. She's more hateable because she's believable (and that's a good thing in a villain).

Nah, she promises that she'll fuck you after you do something, then mindwipes you so you forget the promise.
We see her promise the Chief Elder her body, and the Kirito notes that the look on her face scream "yeah, that's not happening". She doubtless would have done the same thing to Eugeo after he took care of Kirito and Alice (I doubt she actually fucked him first).

She's actually probably about equally as evil as Gabriel, actually. She was torturing small animals from the time she was 9 or 10. Her father wasn't a big part of her life either, which makes me think she bumped him off when he was no longer useful to her and she wanted more freedom/his power.

Quinella is pretty much asexual and incapable of empathy/liking others, so that makes sense.

I think she found she's still incapable of murder. I'm almost certain Cardinal still is. That's part of the point of the sword golems, Integrity Knights, and deep freeze; she can't off people, so she needs ways to take out threats, and turning them into her own tools is more of a bonus.
She wasn't torturing small animals, she was /level grinding/, power farming the forests; she didn't take time to torment them, she was oneshotting them.
Not to invoke 'lol Nazi's' too hard, but her actions do have a fair resemblance to various fascist and communist dictators; she centralizes power around herself because she can't think of anyone else being not like her, so she assumes everyone else is just as out to get her as she would be in their situation. She doesn't give a shit about her subjects except for using them to protect her own power, and she's willing to do horrible things to them, and be absolute hell on even potential dissidents, in order to keep a firm grasp on the reins.

Dude, it was specifically noted in the LN that Quinella realized that the animals would just resurrect the next day if she wiped an area, almost as if they had never died to begin with (because the animals were programs, not actual fluctlights). She realized that they were more like robots, and killed them for power. It's bad, but way less evil than Gabriel torturing animals who definitely were living and wouldn't come back for no real physical gain.

Attached: loli laugh.jpg (1920x1080, 127K)

I agree. It makes little sense for her to keep to her promise when she gets access and can manipulate them. I feel like her arrogance as a demigod of sort wouldn't even allow it

And I blew it
Fucking hell, they even have voiced lines.
I'm not this assblasted since the progressive banner

What do you think about her coming back to cheer Kirito on when he was fighting Vector, or hinted at possibly escaping the Underworld and still being alive in Unital Ring?

Attached: 101550.jpg (2048x1463, 661K)

Here you go LNbros let's see what could had happened if they did it on time ;_;


Attached: D1BBcdmUwAATj3K.jpg (462x1200, 150K)

part 2/4

Attached: D1BBddeU4AA7KF-.jpg (370x1200, 105K)

part 3/4

Attached: D1BBeScUYAARG3b.jpg (458x1200, 120K)

last part 4/4

Attached: D1BBe9fU8AEDHE_.jpg (464x1200, 119K)

>or hinted at possibly escaping the Underworld and still being alive in Unital Ring?

>This meme has penetrated this deep
Oh, goddamn it. I was the person who quoted that synopsis of Unital Ring about the system announcer's voice sounding similar to Alice and Kirito in response to a Quinellafag making a sadpost about her being dead a few weeks ago. I was having a fucking laff.

Quinella is DEAD


STL technology being what it is and her having lived as long as she did there almost certainly enough "mnemonic imprints" of her left in Underworld or the Main Visualizer to create a cyber ghost or whatever. And maybe that is what the system voice was. But that's not Quinella anymore than that was Eugeo helping Kirito against Gabe or Yuuki helping Asuna against PoH. Call them "leftover memories" or "lingering wills" but both SAO and AW make it clear that those memory simulacrums are not the actual Fluctuating Light of the person in question. That's gone forever.

She's dead user. Let it go

Attached: 1518961623019.jpg (210x240, 10K)

>Argo showing up plenty in Unital Ring

Quinella is dead and thank god for it. Anyone who's read the LN would know that Quinella was the biggest monster in SAO, and her death was very well deserved/cathartic. To bring her back would be a huge mistake, especially when her death was made so over the top to really rub in that she was out of the game.

Attached: D0-IojdVsAAs2y4.jpg (848x1199, 290K)

Attached: D088_L1UwAAorTp.jpg (600x600, 139K)

Just thinking about her being around in any form is enough to make my blood boil. I'd rather have Sugou or Gabriel back in the story over her.

Attached: D093vjYUYAUEK14.jpg (1000x1000, 240K)

Eugeo and Kirito reconciling with each other that was all I needed...why Kawahara

Because Quinella is a monster cunt who never should have been born.

She is fucking gorgeous and I'm not even watching SAO

Yeah. You have to be a megashit for such a hot body to be negated by abhorrent personality.

What would grabbing her ass feel like? Do you think she is fit

Attached: 1550965003576.jpg (851x1078, 209K)

>monster cunt
She literally did nothing wrong, if you disagree then you're just insecure landwhale

Translation pls.

>Best friend is cucking you
It's pretty obvious she was showing half lies. Kirito has always seen them like siblings

You should have never been born

>19 episodes
>Episode 20 was like 4 days ago
What are you doing

Thanks for the spoiler buddy. Why must they always kill anyone who comes even close to Kirito? How long till he he deux ex machinas his way out

Around 200 hundred years

My wife is so cute in that picture.

>there are people who unironically waidu this selfish sociopathic monster

>not wanting to waifu Quinella
I'm sorry for you senpai

I fap to her like the hot piece if meat she is, but thst isn't the same as waifuing her. I'll be cheering her death on in 3 or so episodes.

She just need to be redeemed.

You're assuming she can be redeemed. She was a pretty evil child if I remember. Besides that, she's very much dead

>She was a pretty evil child

For the LN readers, did Quinella really do anything that evil before she became Admin?

Thank you anons. I love all of you too and so long as you continue to love me, my dominion shall be eternal.

Attached: 73553719_p0.jpg (3000x2080, 640K)

God bless Quinella.

She milked every cock in the village and didn't even say thanks for the meal

She is pure! PURE!

What does her hair smells like?

Attached: 1551768875460.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

What is this from??


Is it CMNF? (Clothed Male Naked Female)
Asking for a friend.

SAO Integral Factor, a mobage.

System Call:









Attached: bern.gif (252x252, 40K)

Attached: eugeo re.png (296x361, 123K)


>"Shall we go?" with a Niji No Kanata Ni playing in the background
This one

Attached: konata-weeping-sweet-tears-of-anguish.jpg (750x750, 196K)

System call: fortify core protection

System Call: Remove Core Protection

System Call: Remove Clothes Until The End Of Alicization First Half

Attached: 144Grsb.png (2048x1463, 3.61M)

Very beautiful picture of my wife, senpai.


Attached: Vol_14_-_312.png (1000x1429, 670K)

Wait what?

Kirito dies 3 times in this arc user

This is the best looking outfit that Kirito has right now

Attached: 50e50445237d5b7bd000414cae56bbca.jpg (724x1024, 118K)

Kirito seduce Quinella, when?

Never soon in the gameverse

>tfw Quinella will stay naked for the next 4 episode, until this season is over
feels good

Based trips


Attached: IC8P7Vq.jpg (378x467, 124K)


Attached: 1393959026416.jpg (500x433, 25K)

Begone, thots

Attached: Screenshot_20190306-223851.png (2960x1440, 2.51M)

>Eugeo could've been the Star King and been cool Arthur

>implying you would resist

nice, gonna be my first one

I wouldn't want Sakurai as Eugeo

>He doesn't like Sakurai

He wouldn't be a good fit for Eugeo

What did she saw, Yea Forums?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Online - Alicization - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.24_[2019.03.07_18.23.28].j (1280x720, 109K)

Kirito's real body

Attached: istockphoto-512548637-612x612.jpg (612x424, 14K)

>Dragons that travel in interstellar speeds
>Kirito is faster than them
What the fuck?


Attached: 972B6AC2-82B2-435E-9DF7-C7316230EFAE.jpg (680x927, 78K)

Talking about the end of Alicization
Guts gets transmuted into a tree for hundreds of years or shatters in a million

Pieces as shards of ice*

You see how many people feel sorry for the robot dog developed by Boston dynamic when it's kicked to test its balancing capability? People feel sorry for a literal robot. And do you think that she's less worse of a person if the animals come back after she abused them? Nah, that just makes her much more of an exploitative bitch.


Attached: Hollow Realization.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

>gets rightfully trashed for being worst girl despite being attractive

>everyone is waifuing her despite being the most evil character in SAO

I wonder why Quinella gets a pass. Her crimes/actions are actually worse than Malty.

>The most evil
I don't know about that but she's is certainly up there.

Because Quinella is perfect, you can't deny that.

Attached: quinella017.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

The best thing about Quinella, in my opinion, is that she older than myself and that's rare for Anime girls. I like mature women.

One's big moment is a false rape accusation, the other's is an incredibly hot and lovingly-drawn seduction scene.

Attached: 1551541290793.png (800x800, 418K)

Biologically, she's only 17.

System Call: Initiate Punishment

Attached: Punishment.jpg (1250x1199, 199K)

But actually, she is 363.

Have we heard anything about if Manabu Ono is possibly working on a new series besides Alicization's new season for this autumn? I'm asking this because it isn't unusual for him to work on a brand new series every four autumn since 2007, last autumn he did both Alicization and Horizon's OVA.

Because sluts are INCAPABLE OF DOING ANYTHING WRONG. Get it through your thick skull and get with the program.


Attached: Dxh5Tq6UwAE3Tw4.jpg (433x650, 53K)

Reading these threads is hard when I'm doing nofap, but I just love Quinella.

S-system Call: R-remove Core P-p-protection

Attached: Untitled-6.jpg (500x375, 41K)

Anyone have that Shota!Eugeo x Loli!Quinella?


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She got some thighs and hips, I'll give her that. Pretty good for an A.I avatar

System Call: Remove Core Protection

Beep Bloop

System Call: Remove Core Protection

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>check out the full art
>it's futa
fuck this gay earth



isn't that just evil asuna?

Pretty much

>and whispering you that everything will be okay.
thanks now I'm crying

Everything will be ok though. Just give our based couple some time

now stoke my hair and hum a lullaby to me and tell me that you won't ever hurt me

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I thought she's supposed to appear to be 19 years old

I can't believe they put Kirito into a bathrobe. A knee-length fitted coat with a closed front makes no sense for combat.

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Broke: Saying SAO is trash to fit in with the community to assert your great taste in anime
Woke: Saying SAO is your favourite anime to make all the sweaty nerds at cons avoid you like the plague

I'm consider going to a con with the shibari rope while in SAO cosplay and see if people would tie me up like for that Tiese/Ronye scene. Will there be any takers??

Fucking do it. It'd be hilarious

Asuna herself is evil enough. She killed a series before it had the chance to be great.

Wow I might actually try that

Do it

They won't show her like this. She will have her dress on I'm sure of it.

Aincrad was what got me into SAO, the ALO arc was what made me quit. Alicization was what made me return.

Alternatively they'll have her naked but at angles that don't give it the R.

I want Quinella in IK armor, but that's not happening.

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>Quinella in IK armor
I see you are a man of culture as well.

No, actually, she getting naked because Eugeo trying to stab her in the chest and failing bc she has protection against metal objects is part of the plot and an upcoming scene

and Unital Ring might make us leave again?

you're fucking kidding me i thought that the pontifex was the final boss since i havent even bothered to read the light novel.
I mean what else can they cover afterwards? A dark territory invasion?

user... strap yourself in

what the fuck do you mean how are there other villans

>A dark territory invasion?
i'm not sure if you're pretending at this point

Well there is a reason why the anime is going to be 50 episodes long.

i mena i guess i know now but i htought thatlibrary sage would delete the world before that happened. Plus i dont really understand how bad it can get.
I thought maybe they'd have to deal with the badies in the real world

I can't tell if samefag or 2 legitimate retards

>He thinks they will actually finish this rather than have a part 2
I would be extremely surprised if they didn't milk one more 26-52 episode series out of this monster of an arc

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Nigga they already said we'll be having a mid season break which will end at the end of Volume 14

We will see but I kinda doubt they will finish SAO in the 30 episodes left.

which of them is Eugeo's mistress? bc neither Cardinal nor Quinella are wearing maid clothes



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>Bump limit
Isn't the bump limit 750?