Does Prisma Illya have good character designs?

does Prisma Illya have good character designs?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Objectively, yes.

Depends on what you mean by "good", good for semen flooding? Then yes.



Yes. Super cute and tastefully lewd.

Nothing tops the original.

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There is no rule that says an imitation cannot defeat the original.

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It has Miyu.

When will the original appear to be saved and lewded too?

Hassan costume was top notch.

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My dick seems to think so.


bassed hassan, ending up in every plot somehow

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Cute armpits.

>we didn't get giant arm Illya because Hiroyama used 100 faced Hassan despite every other card being from the 5th war
It's not fair

I want to molest illya

Stop user

That's forbidden, FORBIDDEN

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Ecchi na no wa ikenai to omoimasu!

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I honestly think that Prisma has great designs over all. They make a lot of the outfits walk a fine balance between sensuality and cuteness. Illya's standard costume is not as childish as something you'd see in CCS, but it is still far from a fetish costume.

I also think they do a good job of matching costumes to character's personalities'. Compare Chloe's and Illya's personalities and how it's reflected in their costume designs.

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>what if we took a serious VN
>then, what if we took some random, unimportant side character...
>and then, what if we made her, and all her irrelevant friends lesbians
>prisma illya

a complete insult to the Fate franchise.

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>serious VN

It was a fucking erotic porn VN, it was always a joke.

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Top cute

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I mean, every time someone kills someone important, its an hassanation.

On a completely unironic level the Prillya designs are very well made. Good color, very fun to look at, not too cluttered with detail, relatively easy to animate in terms of magical girl designs, and cute.

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But Shinji had cursed arm in the movie and in the manga is stated that evey install of Hassan is different (Miyu's Serenity for example) [\spoiler]

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So what the fuck happened with Mordred in Mama Saber's reality?

Don't respond to bait.

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Reminder that Nasu likes and reads Prillya despite having no input on it. He even joked that it's Illya's route.
Meanwhile he had to be convinced by Urobutcher and Takeuchi that Zero was a good idea, though he did eventually come around.

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Illya had the best installs. Caster Prillya made my dick explode.

Never expected we'd ever get an Illya thread this pure.

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Look how popular it still is. It clearly stood out from the sea of crap to a lot of anons.

Where are you finding all these? Was there some kind of Prillya production materials book that I never heard about?

i did enjoy how un-fate it was at start, occasinal fanservice and sweet cgdct episodes helped aswell.
some anons hate 3rei for shirou and usual fateshit all over again and i can understand that, it also got dragged for far too long and even still going,
but i still think oath movie was really good, some scenes and especially that nicely wrapped ending were just heartwarming
Prisma Illya Season 1 - Reference Sketches book

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Is there a DL for these?

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>Fate/Shoujo Ramune

More Angelica when?

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kill yourself fucking nigger

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I'm not a lolicon but I really like this pic

*ding ding*
I have an announcement to make.
I'm going to say the C word!

Nice pullups.

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say it, you won't

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Cute and Funny

you're a coward

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Bitch im gonna do it if you keep at it

you're all talk


>detailing her earrings

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I want to trick Sella into bareback sex in multiple positions by telling her doing so will protect Ilya's chastity!

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Don’t make me I’m serious

Amen to that

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get in line

is cunny a ban or just delet/warning?

Probably the rule of thumb is "Don't be annoying"

Bayonetta looking-ass

I don't think you know what Bayonetta or her ass looks like.

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>Overcoming loliporn addiction
>Canon sensei tobayashi basically broke me and turned me into a deviant who's only after slutty petite girls
>Realize that i've gone too far down into the rabbit whole and go full monkmode and decide to get /fit/
>Save up enough money from my ascetic sexless bland lifestyle to make a pilgramage to japan
>Didn't realize...
>Didn't know till I stepped foot onto the street
>Nearly all japanese women are built like loli's. >Some thiccer then others
>Walk around down town Japan with a full erection while trying not to stare
oh god
oh god
oh god


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>Canon sensei tobayashi basically broke me and turned me into a deviant who's only after slutty petite girls

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Liking loliporn is only bad if you enjoy non vanilla lolis.

>tfw can only get off to futa loli
kill me

>only bad if you enjoy non vanilla lolis.
You're an idiot. Go get v&'d.

scat lolis are where it's at

and I thought I was bad

Illya is cute!

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Illyacampâ–³ when?

You don't need to be a lolicon to like succubi.

Illya is so precious. I love her so much.

How do I convince Illya to sleep with me?

put on a maid costume

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Jesus fuck when are they going to release the Kuro/Miyu/Illya alarm app?

eternal teenage angst presumably

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Why are these cups so cute and funny?

This always bothered me with vanilla Saber. You'd think she'd wear a helmet to hide that she's a woman, but she never does.

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Why didn't you just go to a soapland?

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if that help you release your impulses...

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sabers autistic

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I want to pain with illya

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I've yet to watch/read/play any Type Moon media after browsing Yea Forums for 8 years...
that being said I love me some sexy Illya

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Is this the most modestly dresses Illya we've seen?

You haven't watched Prisma? What are you waiting for, it's not going to be remastered or anything.

I love Miyu

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Reminder that there are multiple Priya audio dramas that haven't been translated yet.

I fapped to the lewds and figured it was enough

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You've missed out man.

You missed out of some of the most complex compositing in any magical girl series. I highly recommend looking up the article on prillya, the number of steps involved in making Illya look cute is astounding

Looks like we'll get more info on the OVA during AnimeJapan. Interestingly enough, aside from Illya's VA, Tatsuko's VA is going to be there as well

After hearing her enlightened words in that one special, I was a bit dissappointed that she went back to normal. It would have been a nice twist to suddenly have her transform like that. Less funny, but interesting.

Call me insane but I missed that little gremlin.

you tellin me the prisma ilya anime is worth watching for something other than kissy kissy loli tiem?

Yes. YMMV, but it's still better than most of the sloppy generic junk released lately.

Absolutely, it's a solid magical girl show. Think of it is a mix of Cardcaptor Sakura and nanoha in a fate setting. Season 1 especially has a lot of similarities with Nanoha season 1.

Also despite what these threads make it seem, the show is much more cute fanservice than lewd.

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fine I'll watch it
it's my entry into the whole franchise so it better be good shit though I do love mahou shoujo

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I find it extremely entertaining but mostly because of how much effort is put in

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Is your lolifu willing to burn herself from inside out to protect what's important to her?

Please help, I've lost track of where the memes end and the retards begin

Not really. Illya's design is good but the others aren't unique enough from the original FSN designs.

Good characters but the costumes are not that great. Unless you really like FSN costumes which are objectively great, its just that Prisma Illya doesn't have enough unique designs.

What if we took an erotic porn VN
then, what if we took some bait
and then, what if it was always a joke?

Prisma Illya threads
A Complete Insult to The Fate Franchiseâ„¢

Does Google translate the article reasonably well? I'm really curious, but I'm not nearly weeb enough to functionally navigate an actually Japanese website.

Nasu is a prolific eroge author
Fate is an porn vn

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God damn these threads make me horny.
It's not a perfect translation but it gets the point across enough. Make sure to read the other pages since this is a 4 page article and the last ones are the best.

Back when Yea Forums had an actual board culture.

The same could be said of any board, really. The glory days are long over, all we can do is sit back and wait for it all to keep tumbling down even harder.

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Except for the eroge parts, which weren't written by Nasu.

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No, it looks like a knock-off store brand magical girl show.

That wasn't Cursed Arm, his Zabaniya was Dead Heartbeat Melody, not Delusional Heartbeat. And he possessed a decoy body, not something Cursed Arm is capable of.

>this thread

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Imagine a threesome with Kuro and Illya

>imagine getting milked to death for over 12 hours straight by Illya and Kuro

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What's your favorite Illya install and why is it assassin?

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Prisma Illya and FGO fags make Zero fags seem like a godsend

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comfy hoodie

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Prillya is just too precious

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god i wish that were me

I love this transformation's outfit so much. Why did they make it so hard for her to use it?

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Hiding illyas hair is a no no

hoodie worst costume

Illya's Lancer outfit is the sexiest anyway. People who don't think Illya looks ridiculously sexy with a ponytail and a sexy partial bodysuit must be blind.

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>Lancer is the sexiest
>not Caster
its alright, you'll get there eventually

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rider Illya is very cute too

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>no exposed tummy and thighs
No. You do not know what is most important.

i need more of this
for science.

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And that's all I have of Lancer Illya, sadly.

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wait when does she uses those cards?
lily? and lancer

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>Where do you think you're going, Onii-chan?

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Cute Miyu


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Miyu and her wonderful wife

3rei, those specific shots are from a scene on the roof of the school.

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I swear shit started going downhill as soon as moot got a gf

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Yes, they were scientifically designed to drain men of their semen.

cliche/"tribute" mahou shoujo through and through with only a few instances of fanservice IE Illya EP1 bath and transformation plus some hard still frames of Miyu's camel toe

Lewdest season, pretty much the biggest source of wembs

CGDCT with illya's friends, barely any fanservice

Serious plot, more combat but nowhere near the animation quality of S1 and S2, some mild fanservice

It's the only good thing of the series.

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My googlefu is lacking, request assist

How do you not know about Atahuta?

I browse during work because I am a workaholic who spends 84 hours a week at work.
Saving to go to Japan

I love that dress.

Dude the most expensive expense in Japan is the flight to and from. Hotels, traveling, food is cheap. Capsules are fucking $25/night and hostels are even cheaper.

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I'm always impressed over and over again by how much background work goes into an anime.

That's a long leg.

Can't be soon enough

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What happened to 2?

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I'm not the smartest user on the board

HA was so fun...

Cute and fun

On a scale of 1-10 how good of a wife would Illya make

9 because it's the number of months in a pregnancy and the number of kids we'll have and the number of times we'd have sex per day and the number of gallons of cum that she'll be filled with and the number of vibrators I'll tape to her and the number of kid's she'll look like she's pregnant with after I fill her up with her daily cum

Probably pretty bad but she’s a good person at heart. She might turn out like Iri

Miyu has a fat butt!

I hope you like lesbian NTR.

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It's actually really well animated for some reason. Probably the only well animated show Silverlink has ever produced. Looks like shit anyway since they can't into aesthetics at all, but it's still well animated.

I always liked this image in particular because illya looks like she's in the early months of pregnancy and is wearing a cute maternity dress.

I also like how the ice cream Kuro is licking looks like a dick.

>non JDM "china dress" version

absolutely haram

>I've yet to watch/read/play any Type Moon media after browsing Yea Forums for 8 years...

been here for 12 yrs and I finally watched Prillya exactly a year ago.

Watch it now on Bluray.
You will not regret it.

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>cliche/"tribute" mahou shoujo through and through with only a few instances of fanservice IE Illya EP1 bath and transformation plus some hard still frames of Miyu's camel toe

That's not cameltoe... blame the design pattern of the combat uniform

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>that color

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What's the story here?

>Probably the only well animated show Silverlink has ever produced. Looks like shit anyway
>since they can't into aesthetics at all, but it's still well animated.

What is Yuri Kuma Arashi

A show with next to no noteworthy animation. There's maybe like 2 well animated cuts throughout the entire thing.

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cute butt!

guys how do I stop being a pedo

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works for 3dpd too

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Realize these are drawings and not real people. Then spend all night jerking off to the cups.

Attached: 1539465821005.jpg (1080x1913, 476K)

lose weight/gain weight
remember that tits and ass are more fun than a tiny slimy hole
go on with your life

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Fuck the police!

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Miyu needs her hair like this more

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wow rude

Is this really the ass of a 6 year old girl?

Too old and too many dimensions.

It's not NTR if you make your wife's lover your woman, too.

>lust over 3DPD


take a bullet

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kuri is best

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you mean fat old men ntr

>Sensei tobayashi
Sorry but who?

>how do you go back after seeing perfection
You don't.

What are doing normalfags in prisma illya threads?

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Imagine the smell inside of there.

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start buying into the propaganda jealous old hags feed the media
push to become the adopted father of her half-dozen kids
make an aspie baby with what remains of her dried up womb
and finally kill yourself after you've come to regret everything

What versions of Illya's magical girl outfit are there?

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It's like she's begging for a tummy rub.

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The imitation is, in its attempt of being like the original, more real than the real thing

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I had a wonderful dream with Illya last night. To bad I had to wake up.

Don't they like Shirou?

Why does Sella know such things?

Attached: liz_phone.jpg (1920x1200, 358K)

Where is bahsakah


I love scenes like this.

You love scenes with sexy naked girls? Strange taste there, bro.

>your daughter will never wake you up cosplaying as her favorite character to watch her favorite Saturday morning mahou shoujo cartoons

Attached: vine meat.jpg (1400x1400, 120K)

Its a fetish of mine

I wouldn't encourage my daughter to watch this kind of stuff desu senpai

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The adult tones would go completely over a child's head. All they'd see is a girl using magic powers to save her friend. At least in season one, season two is more explicit.

Not this show Is have her watch like PreCure or Sailor Moon or Sakura actually

CCS would probably be more effective at turning your daughter into a lolicon than Prisma.

>cosplaying as her favorite character to watch her favorite Saturday morning mahou shoujo cartoons

Attached: Get over here and fuck me, anon!.jpg (767x870, 121K)

I mean, she's got knights like Bedivere around.

That show is the reason I'm here

A King doesn't hide her face. That aside, wearing a helmet all the time would be bad because it would make it easy to impersonate her.

Attached: Seiba_volleyball.jpg (1920x1080, 861K)

Why does Illya and friends make my dick explode?

Yer a paedo user

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Yes it does.

Attached: Lizprisma.png (203x606, 101K)

It has best Shirou.

Attached: tAbhqga.png (699x541, 304K)

Burned her soul into oblivion by overusing her grail gift. Died happy for being of use to her dad.

Mordred will do anything for daddy

Attached: Seiba_Parental_bonding.png (1196x608, 351K)

Fuya's doujin by this author made my dick chaffe.

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Where the fuck is it

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It's only recently been announced fudging hold your horses there buster Jingus frickin crikes.

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>those abs
Kuro is jacked

She's used to getting her tummy pounded every night, so of course she has good abs.

Rider Illya is my favorite. The only time she used it was when she jobbed hard to Bazett, but still

As is tradition for the Rider class.

Attached: rider_eyeing.jpg (1211x1275, 172K)

Archer Miyu was fun. If only she was the antagonist instead of this boring ass arc that's taking way too long to end. New chapter when?

I mean, Astolfo had one moment where he was useful as a taxi service for Sieg. At least that is a victory for Riders, right?

Miyu sure likes showing off her tummy

>Unhindered mobility
>Cools off the body in heated battles
>Distracts the enemy with obvious weak point, causing them to be easier to predict and defend against
Miyu is efficient.

>Thinkly-veiled lolishit thread

Attached: 1535331578065.png (240x240, 49K)

And Medusa killed Dark Saber. And Iskander made Saber cry. But jobbing is still the Rider's duty. At least they've got looks going for them. Riders are without fail the sexiest servants.

Attached: rider_modern_clothes.jpg (1355x2028, 339K)

>sexiest servants
Not all of them; Astolfo exists. Though, Illya wearing Astolfo's costume would be great.

Medusa wasn't even a match for Saber Alter

She only needed a bit of help, and that's because Seibah had unlimited mana from Sakura.
That faggot is only good for rape.

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It's got some good old hags.

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That Miyubutt

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Smells like grade school sweat, cute and funny's

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RIP image limit. Good thread, Prillya friends!


Another great thread, arigato anons

You know a series is gold when a majority of the images you see are official art.

made by love and passion

Made by lolicons.

I don't see the difference

Are these new ones that came out recently?

There isn't.

I feel no guilty of this then.

Just eating or even thinking of Neopolitan ice cream turns me on now.

You shouldn't. You should fap as much as you can to these girls.

Which one do you bite into first?
Miyu for me, I go face deep because wouldn't expect it

strawberry, always. it's the best and my favorite part is where the strawberry and vanilla are straddling each other and then i finish with a classic chocolate taste in my mouth.

adding waffles makes it even hotter

Attached: fac98529b5478f828e2a3df2a9a7ea23.jpg (573x573, 57K)

That looks both lewd and delicious.