Buyfag thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

clone secks

>Checked the nips' twitter, looks like Homura briefly came back into stock on the Japanese GSC online store. Nothing about a rerun.

Yeah seems so, got exited over nothing.

Well At least I am not gonna miss pick related. But damn, Japan really hates money sometimes.

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Does anyone have this Dia, or any other laibu from the set? Wondering about the quality

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Your queen is here

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>16,500 JPY
What the fuck?

Also, read the guide:

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These are awful.

Speaking of Rei, just got me this one.

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Last thread died in less than 10 hours. Why are we even strill trying? Buyfagging is dead.

The hobby is hardly dead despite this thread going to complete shit over the last few years, and threads have always occasionally died early.

When are we going to get a Mogudan Rei figure?

Saw an A/B Plamya-sama on ami for 6.5k, so I bought it on impulse. There's still one up for 5k, but it mentions the glue on her thumb is gone, so I didn't wanna get that one.

I've always wanted this or the Alter one, so I'm happy to get her for a good price

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Love me some good pits

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Anyone take pictures of their stuff too?

I can't believe buyfags are fucking dead

Sometimes. It's just a bitch to set everything up and the results aren't usually something I'm terribly proud of. I probably just need to get creative with it, but it's still hard.

I took a few of Futaba when I got her in.

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I'll be honest I didn't post anything in the last couple of threads because I was getting super annoyed by the shit posting over Reddit. God for bid you use it or any one of the hundreds of social media forum type websites, but no it's still 2006 and there are only five websites and Yea Forums the best one. And please don't take this post is an invitation keep arguing about that shit because I'm not going to respond to it.

But anyway back on topic I was waiting for the freeing bunny of Erza Scarlet but since it's the most default body with head swap yet. I think I'm going to go with this one from orca toys. Thoughts or opinions?

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Is this with a cell phone?

yeah, fuck off


Nah, it's with my Sony a7rii + Sigma 70mm/2.8 macro.

I purposely bought the lens to take closer shots of my figures, and I still almost never use it.

Talk about overkill

It was a relatively cheap lens after discounts. I'm hoping Spring has some nice flowers and all that dumb gay shit to justify the purchase outside of the occasional work use I get.

Does anyone know any 3D printer with enough quality to print anime figures?

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Piss off faggot, this mindset is literally the problem.

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Formlabs Form2

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You shouldn't post anything in future threads either.

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Lucky. This shows designs were all sex. Wish the mad scientist blonde got one.

So it's working then. Go back to phlebbit and kys.

Yes. I do it a lot

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Golden Darkness bunny figure comes in the mail with part of her headpiece broken off.
Yui Kotegawa's bunny figure comes with her ears broken off.
Haruna Sairenji bunny figure comes with her leg detached.
Now Mea Kurosaki's bunny figure comes with her hair broken.

Holy fuck. At this point I think I've endured enough. I'm going to cancel all my orders from Amiami. This is just fucking stupid.

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I don't like or use reddit. But the unwarranted sense of superiority in the buyfag threads was off-putting.
Yeah reddit has been stealing our jokes for years---but let's not pretend a faggot buying figs here is any better than a weeb buying figs there.
We are all just here to jack off to plastic anime butts. Drop the politics

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Stick to posting in reddit then? Pretty obvious solution

You can piss off too, cunt.

>implying amiami was at fault

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They are my favorite threads on Yea Forums though. Don't die!

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>but let's not pretend a faggot buying figs here is any better than a weeb buying figs there.
In the past there used to be rules and quality control to try and keep these topics decent. Obviously if you're a newfag you wouldn't know about that, but reddit's lower quality is a tangible thing

buyfags? more like buriedfags ;)

Feels like a slow month.

>faggot buying figs here is any better than a weeb buying figs there
>We are all just here to jack off to plastic anime butts
Completely and unironically kill yourself.

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If you check the survey roughly the same number of people responded as before, so either people are lurking a lot more and/or leaving and being replaced by newfags

If you think it's just about meme theft your a fucking newfag and need to lurk more.
>I don't use reddit
Sure you don't faggot.

Where are you from?
I only have Mikan and NY fucked the box, but she is fine

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Can the list/infographic fag include these too?

I don't know how to take pictures so I try not to take them often

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Utah, USA

Here's my Yami

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Made me laugh

Here's my Yui (Sent her back, never got a replacement)

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You want them to replace something out of stock? Fucking retard.

How is With Fans’ quality, anyway?

why couldn't they make a Saber one?

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Here's my Haruna

Mae is above. Only Mikan and Momo have arrived unbroken.

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She was in stock when she arrived but admittedly Yui is not my favorite and I just took the money and never got a replacement.

Just hide, report, and ignore.

Really cute scale, but not for that price.

All this meta thread bitching is not quality control. Reddit witch hunts are off topic. Chimping out over some reddit fag posting a picture of a figure is middle school shit.
If you come to a buythread to bitch about reddit and post no pictures of hot anime sluts---you are the cancer.

These threads should purge poorfags.

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well worth the wait for this Kos-mos figma i got in the mail

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Well, what about those who buy other merchandise (mugs, keychains, tapestries, books, etc.)? These threads aren’t limited to just scales.

>post no pictures of hot anime sluts
>being this new/retarded
Off yourself.

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where the fuck do you live? you have some seriously bad postal karma

>haha masturbating to hot anime girl figures am i right fellow weebs

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The faggots complaining about reddit never post pictures---which ironically is more reddit than reddit spacing. Yea Forums is a fucking image board retards.

When are we getting more Senrans that are not Yumi?

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with that bad luck don't even think of ordering anything made of polystone/resin/coldcast

where do i buy this

Nothing is more reddit than thinking anime is high art. Everyone here IS a pathetic weeb. Only some of us actually have jobs to buy weeb shit. NEETS can't torrent figs.

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>the absolute state of this thread

Is just me who thinks that both Vertex && Dragon toy are dying? both had very very few figures announced lately many figures that binned hard, some unnecessary re-releases which sound more like desperate attempts, and some important fuck ups: Dragon Toy making lots of variants that nobody wanted.

Vertex's Neptunia figures were nice but they were massively expensive and in competition with Alter. They kind of put themselves into a corner

>if you don't like reddit you need to shut up!
Yeah, this is trolling outside of Yea Forums at this point. Stop posting any time.

>When are we getting more Senrans that are not Yumi?
We're getting them, altough they're probably not the ones you personally want.

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It seems the best way for figure companies to be successful, other than the obvious like have good quality, is to make both male and female figures, even if it's just a few males on occasion. GSC, MF, Alter, Native, Freeing, etc have either started equal opportunity or have eventually caved in to it. From what I can tell Vertex has just made one male fig, a KawoShin one. It's harder for erotic figure companies like Dragon Toy to get into males, mainly because those companies mostly do OCs (male literalwhos aren't sellable) and because the staff probably have no desire to get into manbutts.

what even is it?

try Toreba

or Ebay

Retarded bong.

Can't speak for Dragon toy. But vertex is doing OK.

They have 2 elf figures coming out. But poor Black Next nep isn't selling that well.

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naive newfag

I love this gauntlet whore.

But there are 4 main academies with 5 girls each---and one of those has ZERO figs. Let's not pretend they are all getting love.

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Yeah I'm not saying that, but I wouldn't blame them for that either. I doubt you could expect to get a lot of sales out of any character that isn't part of the "main cast", and it seems like a good portion of Senran figures get binned these days.

no u

>It's March 5th
>two items from February order delayed
>one item listed as "Mid Feb" still not in stock
>no delay notice
>It's March 5th
Get your shit together, Amico.

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I'm taking a vacation so there's that.

Is there ever going to be a good Yoko fig released again?

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Bullshit every Senran made by a decent manufacturer is above starting price.

The only 2 figs that have binned were the scratch n sniff Yumi figs. Probably because there are too many fucking Yumi figs. Nice try backpedaler.

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>The only 2 figs that have binned were the scratch n sniff Yumi figs. Probably because there are too many fucking Yumi figs

they binned because they were ugly variants

You got Yoko not too long ago don't be greedy, there is a high chance there won't be any new Yoko figure anymore.

Yoko 1/4

unless they make a new yoko with huge tits plus cast-off option idc about any new figure of her

Reminder to hug your plushies.

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Damn, shouldn't have looked out the window this morning. Saw the mailman with a package that really looked like it could be mine but it wasn't :(

The Ikaruga in your own photo was selling for little over 10k a month after it released. The current aftermarket price doesn't help the manufacturer or retailers.

i saw it for as low as 8-9k back then, I don't know why she binned, both sculpt and áintwork are pretty good

If I had one then I would

now that I think about it was one the first modern Vertex figures which didn't sell good, I don't know what were they thinking with that green variant

Do you want one?

She doesn't have enough hair in that figure. It's super off putting. Also I'd rather just have more Black Heart figures than Black Next.

Fucking clown fuck off.

Did Next Purple sell out before the pre-order period ended?

I remember its announcement, the art was great but the final sculpt really failed to live up to the artwork. I'm thinking that probably just destroyed any interest in it

How would you go about buying doujins from FF33? I've searched for most of today and only found one ebay scalper.

Yes I do

Any updates on KOS-MOS? I'm keeping an eye out to pre-order her as soon as possible.

user, you always find these old and cool kits/figures.

how much did you pay for her? i like aizu it's a decent manufacturer and usually has good packaging which is vital for polystone/coldcast figures

Roughly 3.

they usually appear at manda, the good part is that some can be pretty cheap, specially if they have some very minor defect or issue the downside is many larger figures boxes can get very large not to mention their frail nature.

3k yen? sounds about right, I got this beauty for 5k also from aizu

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Never realized I wanted this Ikaruga until now

i think is at least 13k right now

That’s not too bad given how inflated some new stuff is nowadays. Gonna keep an eye out for it. Never really dug the green version though.

I forgot to mention that I could be wrong and it could be much more(probably 15k), the green one used to be dirt cheap and currently goes for 16k, part of the issue might be scarcity, there were never too many of any of them.

Gotcha, I’ll keep my eyes peeled. Thanks for the headsup. Amiami has pleasantly surprised me lately, got to pick up Kurone after missing out.



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Preorders open at the end of March. Whether or not it will be on taobao again, we will have to see it.
They want at least 30 orders to proceed but I'm pretty sure they will have more than that since the Cumbie got like 150+ orders.

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do you really need only 30 orders to break even in scale production ? that seems like nothing

3k seemed to good to be true especially with more popular franchises.

why? e2046 does the same, they use silicone molds to make recasts

This isnt a chink-buyfag thread.

6K is really good too tbqh

A few months ago I bid for her at YJA and lost after price went over 15K.

never said it wasn't, there are some by 3k but usually from obscure and/or forgotten franchises

Anyone ever touch up some glossy parts with Future Floor? I want to do some light modding, maybe some high grade wet sanding to smooth some defects

this should answer your question

Since I was curious myself, she's an Original Character by Native,

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good companion for ice cream asmodeus

I like the colors more on this one than the Alter one, that's why I went with Max Factory.

>The Cumbie
Took me the longest to remember what that was. Did the finish product come out okay if it's been released?

I don't know but It would be a shame if not.

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would order in a heartbeat if shipping wasn't 5k

It has not release yet

There's also this Alice Exhibition figure by Native and a catgirl in a cup by Alphamax coming up for other girls in tableware figures. I think they all look kind of nice.

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I love twister now

These girls too.

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Bootleg vocaloids by bootleg tier company FOTS.

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Why aren't you hugging your waifu's daki right now?

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Damn, I wished I could've gotten a PO, as far as I saw they made like 300 of those and the last post had said they were almost sold out before their pages were deleted.

just bought this pork tapestry
do any of you guys frame yours?

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I bought some stuff.

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I only like the delicious brownie manga, your doujin tastes are very meh.

She is so fucking hot, but I am bored shitless every time I try to watch the show.

I want that Xeno art book. Is there lots of Nia content?

I wish she had the little panda dude too

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I've only flipped through it once but there were a few pages of Nia. It's a very good art book overall.

I was going to say that she still might, but then I remembered it just went on sale.
You might as well get that little acrylic plate.

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i am right now

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Better Domino than the one in DP2

>tried posting the 17 MB version

The actress did a good job, but it's a shame that they threw out Domino's iconic look for the sake of diversity.

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How’s your doujin collection going?

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Brown manga is good but your tastes in doujins are okei-
I take it back, you are a fine person in my book.

Not too big, mostly things I like like doujins from D.L. and Korbo doujins.

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recevied my RAH Madoka today, she's a big motherfucker

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For u

Where are your sleeves?

Why would you frame such a lewd poster?
Dont you have female friends come over to your place?


What's in the box Yea Forums?

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I see people mentioning being blacklisted for having to cancel an order. What does that mean and what does it entail? I may have to cancel next months orders since my hard drive died, my shower stopped working, and my car's starter stopped working all in one day today.

Guide, but it depends on how often you buy and cancel, namely from AmiAmi.

A badass Hibiki was inside. Now to find a spot for her

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Thanks, I'm gonna make it bros.

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>Daidouji figure never

It hurts

>he doesn't have an emergency fund

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if you explain the situation to them they will let you get off with just a slap on the wrist

don't cancel your order. find some blood plasma harvesting centers and sell your body instead. that's how I afford my figures despite being a mega poorfag

Are you new here? They give literally 0 shits about your reason, the best email has always been
>Hello, please cancel XXX item from XXX order. Thank you.

Explaining the situation is the diference between being banned on your second time or still being unbanned after doing it 6 times in a row

stupid strap on


We can take the strap-on off right?

how good is minamoto

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Wedding pork soon
I hope you fags preordered yours!

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I thought it was a new photo, fuck you.

Since there are two different arms, one on the strap on and one on her leg (like the posted image), I would imagine so.
Since mods here seem to be afraid of most things phallic, just look at mfc.


Fuck off, fat loving retard.

show us your mandarake order or it's all BS.

It isn't that at all, retard.

Sorry if this is a stupid question but I figured /buyfag/ would be the best place to ask this. I'm looking to buy food (specifically chips) from Rakuten and their estimate is $30 USD to ship to California for 5 bags. Each bag is approximately 270g and 29cm*20cm*4cm. Does this sound right or is Rakuten adding extra to their estimate?


die newfag
Just kidding. I don't know.

how much was this user? she's really pretty

I'm sorry for bothering you guys it's just that you are all experts on Japan -> USA shipping

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it should probably fit in sal small packet register


read the fucking thread idiot

actual retard

fucking x86

sorry im retarded

Stop bullying me!

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I mean Registered i.e with tracking code, (sorry I've been writing lots of code in assembler language lately.)

where's your mandarake order? or you only come here to shitpost and lie.

>I've been writing lots of code in assembler language lately
things that never happened

where is your mandarake order ? or you only come here to lie and shitpost

I want Chileans to get out

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I'm studying for a final.

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where is your lie and shitpost? or you only come here to mandarake

I remember taking this class. Fuck this class so much

Well at least you didn't have to program for pic related.

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Nice, too bad her show is garbage.

Man, I'd totally buy if she were cheaper.

Im not the guy who bought the poster.
Now stop bullying me!

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oh yeah? prove it.

The original didn't pop as much, so I reedited the exposure and reposted it.
Ban and Tanya figures are what I edited and uploaded first and I have a better idea of what looks better now.

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I still think it adds nothing, that aside according to MFC it's no longer labeled under Skytube Premium(STP) so it will be a regular release.

Food shipping is different, and I've personally never ordered that here so it's probably gonna be expensive since they're perishable goods

>NEETS can't torrent figs
Unless they are extremely rich NEETS.

Jokes on you, I spend government money on anime titties.

Threads haven't been the same since that chick doxxed, stalked, and sexually assaulted that one tripfag


Some chick stalked, doxxed, and sexually assaulted a buyfag tripfag a couple years ago

Excellent choice, user. I hope you buy Chris too

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Does that translate into two different statements for your native language?

The guy routinely sent hundreds of dollars worth of stuff out to strangers on the internet through the mail. It was only a matter of time before someone tracked him down.

Not excusing it, though. That shit was more than fucked up, and from what I heard he showed some amazing restraint towards someone clearly unhinged.

What did the cunt do

sent him a box full of pochacos and used tampons

Didn't ask

That's all?

Nobody cares about that shit, stop trying to make it a huge deal for newfags


She got a bunch of figures/nendos from him through secret santa. Got his address and she lived a few hours away so she went to see where she lived and waited to meet him when he was seeing one of the Kizu movies in Austin. From what someone told me, she very crazily went up to talk to him, tried to kiss him and groped him repeatedly.

Didn't call the cops on her either. Talked to her for a while until she cried and went home. Not sure what the followup was in regards to restraining orders, etc, but he doesn't trip or do secret santa anymore obviously.

Is there a way to find tracking code in your profile on AmiAmi or they only give it in the email?

I've been thinking if i should go swimming once it's warm again

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They mail it to you after they ship it.

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where are the mods/janitors when you need them?

what about fucking it?

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Just report/hide/ignore instead of bitching, you bootlicking faggot.

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Can you still buy this? I don't to settle for a nendo or figma

Try the usual sites, check NY too.

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>From what someone told me, she very crazily went up to talk to him, tried to kiss him and groped him repeatedly.
Was she fat/ugly?

N-Y still has her on "sale" for 19.5K. It's for the LED version, too. Not sure if i'll bin since it's Amakuni, but who knows. They should've instantly sold out like Panther did, but there being two versions probably helped keep it in stock

She posts here, what do you think?

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thanks for reminding me the shit figure idiot.

Well, he’s not wrong.

It has been for lots of buyfags, dumb fuck.

What is this twitter meme shit?

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That is some amazing detail.

now i will remind you the shit english ESL fuck

looks expensive

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Was there an update? I'm almost tempted to get chocolat.

No doubt this picture has been done before innumerable times, but she really is the prettiest Witch.

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I don't remember who they were by, but they're not the Native or Skytube versions.

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I prefer the outfits on these ones anyways. They look cute and sexy.

This one probably won't be.

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>package ships from Japan on the 22nd
>arives in New Jersey on the 25th
>no movement of any kind reported since
Should I be worried?

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I feel spoiled by editing in RAW.

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>there must be more to life than this
>satan trips

these actually look fantastic, the right combo of lewd and cute
this could be figure of the year if the colors look as good for the retail version

>something for everyone

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What am I supposed to do about this? The tracking code still goes through on the USPS site and says "in transit" but has no details as to what facility it's shipped from. I'm in Maryland, I could drive over to NJ myself in a day. Where the hell could it be?

Last for now.

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Tempted but I got too many preorders as is for the year so unless I get lucky I might skip these.

Animate sent me a tankobon in a nendo sized box. Don't they fucking have big envelops?

Depending on shipping location and size/weight the envelops might not be available.

The joints on that rabbit are this close to actually working okay.

I contacted them to get my shit shipped, and they still fucked it up and have the items not instock listed as February release.



Went and picked these up from postage. I probably should've taken a detour and pick up a good light source from a store too.

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>Yui is not my favorite

Attached: 87435583719.jpg (400x462, 25K)

Prototypes when?

Attached: 801587.jpg (600x501, 66K)

About 3.

Mouth looks a little weird.

Attached: GGG_190306_14.jpg (533x800, 262K)

And buttocks.

Attached: GGG_190306_05.jpg (533x800, 228K)

Attached: sorry that you're gay.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

Fucking this.


NY is having free shipping on all in stock items for a limited time right now.

>time right

My bad. I only just got the email.

Any figures with big boxes I should be aware of?

Well ill see what I can find now

If buyfag threads have taught me anything it is...

>Union Creative

It needs to be painted already

What is an "application ticket" sold with some BDs that have bonuses?

Is her coat really going to be that glossy

Why are nips so shit at designing websites, have they never heard of infinite scrolling? Is there any tool, extension or app that makes browsing NY more bearable like that one amiami app?

funny that the deal is not live yet there's a waiting queue on their website

Should i buy this?

Attached: oshino shinobu.jpg (800x800, 85K)

What are you buying user?

Attached: firefox_2019-03-06_07-20-06.png (615x1030, 240K)

A bootleg prize figure. Why would bootleggers even bother

Attached: drove here to laugh at you.gif (371x209, 3.56M)

It's a bit hard to decide at the moment since I keep getting put in a waiting queue to browse the site.

Because there are dumb foreigners buying them for 30-40 dollars.

I want to buy a figure of Ruri but I'm just not sure yet. I would probably end up going for it in the last hour

should i preoder?

Attached: FIGURE-045111_06.jpg (533x800, 100K)

Do you have room for her

yeah it's real difficult to choose when everything I searched for is almost if not just 2x the price from everywhere else and there's 900 pages to go look at full of prize figures, random kimonos, fucking vidya and all manner of garbage to wade through to find anything decent

Attached: 1541963093970.jpg (1280x720, 396K)

You can just search by name. You couldn't possibly be looking to buy just for the sake of buying something, right?

I dont have special cases for figurines, n-no.

Just search for a series you like and order by "In stock first". NY always takes advantage of products prices, if a figure is rare or sells high they will certainly sell at least at 2.5 times of market price.

Well if you have somewhere nice to put it then go for it I just hope you regurlarly dust off

This cutie just arrived.

Attached: lyra fig.png (702x946, 1.3M)

holy shit

Attached: revy.png (697x476, 197K)

yeah but free shipping

it's a scalper site, what else do you expect retard?

nah nothing yet, but trust me once she is up you will see some twitter activity, especially if you are following CHOCO and Tanaka or XB2.

wating for a day you find and post this

Attached: 絶版!TF_有明_正規品『1 6_御剣冥夜』水着天国_ ヤフオク .png (716x1073, 1.27M)

It's probably the last figure she will get, ever.
So if you like her, and you want a figure of her, it's your last chance.

I just want houseki no kuni scales and the drafts for figures I want to not be drafts anymore.

It literally has never been like that, kill yourself.


Attached: free shipping.png (713x481, 293K)

what a steal

What the fuck?

Attached: grorious nippon web design.png (550x593, 61K)

Speaking of houseki I just got this book recently i dont think there will be more Houseki scales unless they make a s2 so im considering the bort GK but i doubt it will look as good once im done

Attached: 20190226_090343.jpg (4128x3096, 3.01M)

Prove it, then.

I can't believe this STILL gets figures.

Can you post some pics of the book? How is it?

The burden is on you.

not him but what about leukemianon? didn't he cancel multiple times with that excuse?

Its pretty good, there is around 120 pages, only thing i didnt like is that some concept take 2 pages and end up getting cut in the middle, there is also an interview i cant read about how they workedon the anime
This one is not my pic btw

Attached: dyt4p9fumaeqmxh-e1521205352924.jpg (598x414, 246K)

You're an imbecile if you think that made any difference.
Don't you remember the guy who posted pages of order cancellation emails? You really think he had a sob story for each one?

>you find and post this
Finding is the easy part, got her last August.

Now getting around to painting her, that's a different story.

Attached: meiya_sw.jpg (1200x761, 442K)

yes actually he did have a reason for each one
so go fuck yourself asshole

A bit late but here's my Gwendolyne.
It's the first time I used an hybrid, or a real camera actually. There's certainly a lot of things to say about it but I still like this one.

Attached: Gwendoaqua2.jpg (3448x4592, 1.2M)

Interesting thanks. I was looking to buy some nice artbooks. HnK is not my favorite show but its style is quite interesting.

Here is unedited, just cropped and resized.
I didn't get any with the real camera.

Attached: 20190210_155234-c.jpg (1595x1500, 951K)

Not the guys you're arguing with but there's no way the difference between getting banned or not is the "excuse" you pull out your ass. The real thing they're looking at has to be the amount you spent in their shop until this day and for how long have you been using them.

I think that makes the most sense, but I don't think they are very consistent either way. It's probably just how the CS guy is feeling that day?

Got any proof of that? As far as I know it was just a Gmail screenshot.
It just sounds like you're really mad because you got called out for making a retarded argument.

Attached: 4526225463.jpg (690x720, 72K)

>It's probably just how the CS guy is feeling that day?
It's a nip company, this is incredibly unlikely.

Okay, what are some good deals to keep in mind for NY's free shipping? I found Akko's scale for a pretty decent prince 11380 yen if anyone's interested

Attached: 1528684623362.jpg (360x278, 34K)

It's a lot harder to get banned from Amiami these days. It used to be a regular occurrence of people crying because they got banned, hardly happens any more even though we have more retards than ever.

>tfw I don't even want anything from the sale because I have everything I want and no place for extras
Feels good.

still not sure on hair colour

Attached: 20181202_205030.jpg (4608x3456, 3.48M)

Does anyone know where I can find aftermarket doujins besides YJA, Mandarake, Mercari and Surugaya?

But why?

I've made a few cancellations before and never given a reason.
I recently asked them to change an order to the version with an amiami bonus, which is something that they've actually offered before on a different figure, they replied they would not and that I should be more careful when ordering (even though it wasn't available when I made the original order).
So I asked them to cancel and instead of saying, "ok, don't do it again," they said something along the lines of "that's against the rules, we might close your account, are you sure?"
Since they're being extra weird, I'll just give the spare figure to a friend.

I haven't received many orders lately, but have several figures on order for the rest of the year.
So maybe their cancellation forgiveness is based on time frames or maybe they have a new manager in the orders department.
There have been a couple recent bannings.
>pic not mine

Attached: cancelations.png (1920x1080, 1.21M)

Attached: DSC05673-am.jpg (1500x2250, 1.36M)

They are weird about their preorder bonuses for some reason, possibly due to scalpers? I day one preordered a figure and they later added a store bonus version. The figure ended up not selling well and binning, and they sent the bonus along with mine despite not paying for that version.

Same happened to me a few months ago. I decided to proceed with the cancellation anyway and didn't get banned. It's probably meant as a final warning or just a scare tactic. Would be interesting to see what happens if I cancel another one now.

Go ahead and then come back and tell us that you got banned

>free shipping!
>but our site can only handle one person at a time, get in line lol

Preordered just because I enjoyed the scans.

Attached: 31072.jpg (600x861, 181K)

Attached: DSC05382-amc.jpg (1725x2200, 1.13M)

>cleaned up

Attached: DSC05791-a2.jpg (2250x1500, 1.29M)

She cute.

Attached: Siona1539184552.jpg (800x640, 105K)

Attached: DSC05714-am.jpg (1500x2250, 1.39M)

A set of Love Live Sunshine prize figures

I love Yumi!

Saber Alter poster here. What are the best Saber figures I should buy?

>something no one will like

Attached: DSC05475-amc.jpg (1750x1465, 1.98M)

Is there a particular reason why she is so popular in Japan?

From what I played her personality is calm and curious ice queen...what do the Japs love about her so much?

Attached: marseille1544325133.jpg (1920x1280, 280K)

Aren't they on the guides no fly list because of the history of selling bootlegs?

Attached: 20190210_130548-m.jpg (1500x2000, 1.83M)

Jesus fucking Christ, that's horrifying!

I don't like that weld.

Sorry user but my wife Lynette is the prettiest

Attached: lynette.jpg (1080x1350, 246K)

>monkey's paw

Attached: DSC05691-ac2.jpg (2000x2412, 2.25M)

she might have the best butt, but she's not prettier than Heide

Attached: DSC06962.jpg (1800x1200, 421K)

Is that a bootleg on the right?

My harem just came in the mail

Attached: D8DC8A8E-4A83-47A6-83DE-DAE8184706B4.jpg (4032x2065, 1.84M)

Thinking about buying this new Hinata figure. Looks pretty nice.

Attached: 1943874380354.png (882x824, 370K)

I was too distracted by the weld to notice it before, but that tentacle squishing up against her labia is pretty lewd.

Had to get far over for the angle on the weld.

Attached: 20190210_161442-cam.jpg (1548x1841, 1.37M)

Has anyone needed to pay Suruga-ya via bank transfer? Turns out they don't take international cards anymore and PayPal isn't an option since there are R18 items in the order.

I've had two similar occasions. In the first one I impulse preordered a fig of an ongoing show that ended up being a trainwreck and shit so I didn't want it anymore and asked to cancel, they replied with the usual "don't do it again". And the second time I had two figures and a keychain this month but both figs got delayed and I didn't want to pay for shipping more than the damn keychain was worth. This time I just ignored the payment notification and they didn't do anything.

I’d recommend using a proxy unless your bank offers really good rates on international bank transfers

People kept saying they wouldn't take my visa any more but they do. Lucky me I guess.

completely forgot that thing existed

It's a smallish credit union (I don't even see the option for international transfer on their site) plus the transfer fee might be around how much ZM or another proxy would charge me.

Paying the 300 yen / item fee for ZM on a bunch of cheap doujins is going to suck but it makes it easier.

What good figures up to 2500 from nippo yasan do you recommend to buy?

They had a couple incidents, mostly because they had a shit supplier (probably through amazon), I've personally never had an issue with them and I've been using them since 2013. Granted, I mostly stick to pre-orders with them so I can't comment on in-stock. And they do have some scalper prices.

It can't be helped I guess.

I think you meant Shirley.

Nice catch user.

What the fuck? Well, at least I see why they'd make free shipping. That's ridiculous.

Attached: IMG_7738.jpg (993x589, 94K)

She is perfect. My favorite figure.

Attached: Hina.jpg (1740x2320, 464K)

Let's agree all witches are cute

Attached: IMG_20181222_003409.jpg (1080x608, 70K)

So far no gore from any of my TLR freeing bunnies. I bought the whole set so far.

All except Perrine.

I think it's just her bitch personality, otherwise she's fine.

How much is the delivery of the standing bunny suit?

Attached: 1551893379279.jpg (550x800, 223K)

What proxy is best for a large quantity of low-cost items (doujins)? The guide isn't overly specific on fees.

Jesus, are they expecting someone to fall for their tricks?

I didn't know this was a thing.

Attached: 55thPrizeFair-Figure-Event-2019-55.jpg (1472x2208, 384K)

Agreed. Perrine a shit

Attached: IMG_20181222_003306.jpg (1024x577, 51K)

I like this little one.

Attached: DSC05912-am.jpg (1500x2250, 1017K)

user buy me

Attached: 009.jpg (558x834, 103K)

is that a bootleg?

no, just a gk

Which Gwendolyn figure is the best?

Attached: Agon1498013386.jpg (612x800, 106K)


dont do it.

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Attached: DSC05550-am.jpg (1500x2250, 1.38M)

Now THAT'S what I call shit taste.

I'm gonna do it I'm gonna buy Mizuki!

Attached: Bloempje1494684556.jpg (4000x2667, 900K)

>900 pages
just search for a series you like. idk why anyone would impulse buy when shit is expensive and space is limited.

I hope putting her dress on isn't as much of a bitch as with Chocola.

I just like the way she looks in pictures.


Attached: DSC04680m.jpg (1500x1000, 175K)

Nice and squishy, I wonder when they will start to make figures with soft butts that squish like that when you sit them.

I want that flabby butt something fierce

Attached: m010~01.jpg (211x401, 26K)

What is you problem? This figure looks very good. Post your favorite figure.

which free shipping is NY using tho?

Attached: file.png (962x518, 151K)

I don't buy scale figures anymore. Moved to Dollfies years ago, and hardly post here anymore.

Jesus fucking, user.

Attached: nani.jpg (526x856, 99K)

Not available yet.

Attached: anonpls.png (540x152, 14K)

Its still not time

Why are some looks just pure classic beauty in any era?

Good art.

This looks kind of derpy but I still want her because she is my king

Do av idols figures exist?

Got some stuff I'm selling to fund this purchase. Probably ordering off cdjapan since there doesn't seem to be any reason not to and they're like $30 cheaper than anywhere else I can find.

Attached: 50288957_2233689626682703_4904843838759108608_n.png (1000x790, 766K)

Anything registered really, depends on how much you want to wait for the shipping.

feels too cheap. whats the catch here? even has free shipping

Attached: file.png (1246x830, 221K)

Post pictures of the left one

>Direct from factory
What do you think

Fucking hell man, even with free shipping it's hard to find anything worth it, they jack up the prices so much it barely makes a difference

I almost thought I found a good deal, but then I noticed they probably just mixed up the prices on the different Matthew versions. I don't think I'm going to risk having to deal with N-Y's customer service on that one.
The only thing that seems worth it is the occasional art book that isn't overpriced.

Attached: hmmm.jpg (478x283, 60K)

This is super cheap

Attached: file.png (703x437, 71K)

>almost 7k more for the limited

How badly will I be made fun of here if I were to buy 9 Aqours prize figures?

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.71M)

That's about 18k so it's no cheaper than what it cost around release. Free shipping is good though since the box weighs a ton and doesn't fit in small packet.

Depends on what time of the day you post

I was thinking of ordering from NY because they have the free shipping. 1600yen per figure is the cheapest I've ever seen and some people here say that the Aqours prize figures are great as far as prize figure quality goes

>some people here say that the Aqours prize figures are great as far as prize figure quality goes
This is the sort of person you're taking advice from

Attached: 1549131209643.jpg (4128x2322, 897K)

>occasional art book that isn't overpriced
The one I had in mind was the Tsunako art book. It's a little marked up but it's still the cheapest new copy I could find after a quick googling, taking shipping into account.

I mean, such a person might actually have some insight on what prize figures are better than others, on account of having the huge collection of prize figures and all. An expertise, if you will.

Attached: 91D1PAX6yLL.jpg (1809x2560, 739K)

Will 9 figures fit inside a single detolf layer?

If you want it to be a fucking mess sure

Attached: 1510653798511.jpg (600x1066, 808K)

I for one am impressed with such dedication to a waifu.

Prize figures are small though
This doesn't look TOO bad right?

Attached: yoshiko.jpg (3161x3161, 654K)

Wish it were more skimpy or a different color. I love the character lots so I'm going to get her anyway, especially since i skipped temari

Rozen maiden is the best

I have her too

I finally got around to rearranging my collection. I might post more of it with a proper camera in the next few days.

Attached: 0E597E7E-9102-43B7-B43B-C23B19A2D97E.jpg (3264x2448, 2.27M)

Ah, yes, the "I don't have enough of a particular type of figure, so I'm just going to put things on a shelf" theme. I feel your pain.

>decent Miyabi figure never
i cry everytime

Attached: 10542193a14.jpg (900x1200, 105K)

When you really look at it there's probably less than $300 of figs in there. They actually spent more on detolfs.

How do I make my lighting not look like shit for little to no effort when taking pictures?

She looks cute to me. I know nothing of Love Live though so I'd never be tempted into getting 9 of them.

Most people never graduate from Detolfs

I know Martha is a prize fig, but picked these up at a con over the weekend. I figure Kodama counts for this thread since it's from the weeb Magic set. Only paid $30 for it too so I'm happy.

and yes I'm new to figure collecting, no buli pls

Attached: 20190306_150057.jpg (4160x3120, 3.36M)

Open your curtains

This looks decent for $16 right?

Attached: file.png (840x557, 821K)

The free shipping should show up at checkout for NY right? Because no matter what shipping option I pick it's still charging full shipping

hasn't started yet

not active for 4 more hours.

Learn how time zones work then get back to us.

Ah, guess I should read

Eh, I’ve never really felt the need to theme my shelves in any particular way. I just arrange them based on viewing angles and personal preference.

click on your time at the bottom right corner of your desktop, click on the bottom where it says to change settings, now click on the second tab that says additional clocks, click the little check mark that says show this clock, navigate the drop down menu and select "(UTC+9:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo" change the name to nippon time or whatever, done, now whenever you hover the clock or click it you'll have another little one saying the time in the land of the rising sun

I have her. Can confirm Sunshine's best figures are the EXQ series. There's maybe one or two good scales.

Did anyone buy wedding sonico from amiami? about how much was EMS shipping?

i think im gonna copy you user. spent most of my money on a daki + pillow already

This dude has too much money and still keeps his shit in detolfs. Even in his new place he just got more detolfs to put his shit in

Attached: 29832619961_54f20dfa8d_h.jpg (1600x1066, 256K)

He's an example of all money no style. Those detolfs don't even have any fucking lighting for crying out loud and those frames still have their placeholder insert

I can just feel the jealousy.

kek, those dolls alone are probably worth more than both their collections combined

Well, they still have vania black, so I guess I'll get her there with free shipping instead of off hobbysearch

I mean I am jealous I ain't mad at him but I just figured if you had tons of cash you'd buy something higher quality I guess

Attached: IMG_20181021_084857.jpg (1536x2048, 516K)

Attached: IMG_20181021_084845.jpg (2048x1536, 547K)

They’re still prototypes, so they may or may not get fixed.

It hurts

Attached: file.png (600x600, 255K)

busy detolfs only look good if its one character ie. your waifu/husbando.


Attached: 1477559916418.png (240x300, 76K)

If he's like me getting a custom display means letting people into your house to install them, and I don't want people in my house.

I hired a handyman to come help me get my cabinets assembled. You have to grow up else what the fuck you gonna do when your boiler implodes or whatever

Buy a new house

Attached: IMG_20190306_153703.jpg (1920x1299, 473K)

I know it's pointless but I just want to express my rage anyways, a couple weeks ago some faggot user here posted about "muh sekret" shop and in a matter of hours people sniped the last bastion of a reasonable price I could find it in, I was eyeing it for a while and that shit happens... so I guess the lesson here is don't think about anything, if you see it just fucking buy it already

Attached: 1541873136931.webm (960x540, 235K)

At least 50% of buyfags haven't even moved out though so they haven't even taken the first step


Why are dolls so cute? I think Rozen Maiden ruined my brain forever.

so how much do these 1/1 figures cost anyways? I see them posted sometimes but never in the time frame required to buy them, not like I could afford it anyways

nice room user but you have terrible taste in Yea Forumsidya

Those dolls look creepy as fuck man

Dolls are really cute
I wish that was my set up it's this guys stuff user

Attached: IMG_20190306_153455.jpg (2048x1536, 468K)

They're like $1k+

1. See 2. Read the last 8 words of what you quoted.

Huh, that doesn't sound that terrible, although I'd still rather have something from figurama or similar at that price point

Not sure it even covers shipping

You wouldn't be able to deal with the shipping cost of the the fucking wooden coffin they send you

Is it me or does this Chika look kind of derpy

Attached: chika.jpg (2048x1366, 322K)

>inb4 user gets arrested for human trafficking

>the lesson here is don't think about anything, if you see it just fucking buy it already
Should've read the guide.

N-Y literally only ever sends me promo emails either when I have just placed an order and it's still processing, or when I just placed an order or it just shipped out, and they're only ever for

Except for the mouth cancer.

>he hasn't been here for the birthday doujin saga

Attached: IMG_6071.jpg (225x225, 8K)

>so how much do these 1/1 figures cost anyways?
Usually several thousand bucks. It depends, though. I'm sure I've seen one for as much as like $9000.


Attached: Save.jpg (596x1000, 106K)

yay or nay? what do you say?

Attached: free shipperino.png (722x400, 194K)

I dont like any figure that's suspended

you played the male in AC: Odyssey, obviously you'r a fool.


You should know if you want it or not.

This was like $70 on fucking Amazon of all places recently

Boys can only play as boys

deside that on your own, if you really want it and it's cheap go for it, otherwise it's going to become a regret buy.

>pre owned (A/B) is somehow more expensive than new

Attached: 1542942436140.png (209x173, 25K)

Ahh! I agree, not a fan of the airbrushing on the lips. Should've either made it more of a pink hue or not done it at all. The rest of the airbrush shading on his body look nice.

First run vs second run in my experience.

because new isnt released yet ?


>Dat Satou Kuuki
Nice taste. I guess you also bought the previous Yuuki Shin featuring Homura? Hoping he does a third one, it can't end on such a cliffhanger

Attached: 1535576515462.jpg (717x542, 267K)

Ahhh give me cool altera!

Looks horrendous

For NY if I add a 250yen item to a 14900yen order will I get the third discount point or no?

Wrong place, try /tg/.